Saturday February 7th, 2015 Mohawk College - Arnie Centre 135 Fennell Ave West Hamilton, ON Workshops-Vendors–Give-aways Continental Healthy Start Breakfast & Hot Buffet Lunch Included! Keynote Speaker: Marc Battle “The Fourth Moment” Explore your own voice and discover the fun and joy in songs! Early Learning & Child Care Conference Be a part of a learning community of early childhood educators, home child care providers, teachers, resource consultants, supervisors & child care cooks. Members: $80.00 Non-members: $90.00 Deadline for Registration is January 23rd, 2015 Marc Battle Keynote Description “The Fourth Moment ” I once read in a book on Eastern philosophy about a moment called the fourth moment. It is a moment not rooted in the past or the future or even the present but in the here and now; where you recognize where you are at this very moment; where you truly experience life and practice living. Such a moment happens during music time with children. The objective of this keynote is to allow you to explore your own voice and discover the fun and joy in songs. As adults, we feel self-conscious about our singing due to the feeling that we are being judged. The only participant who evaluates your singing is the child in your care. The child’s criteria is that they want to participate and observe an adult enjoying a song. To sing with another person is an intimate experience. To leave this out of your interactions with children deprives a vital aspect of your relationship with them. Marc Battle is an Early Childhood Education Instructor at Red River College. After spending at least 20 years working with children and teaching adults, he is constantly amazed at how little he knows about children and play and how rewarding and exciting that is. FREE PARKING PASS BELOW Security and Parking Services ECE Conference This permit is valid at the Fennell Campus West lots only. VALID Saturday, February 7/15 ··· Please place on your dash board for display. Morning Workshops Emergent Curriculum: Everything That Rises Must Converge -When we work with children, we are immersed in their spontaneity, wonder and exuberance. Yet often how we plan their day and curriculum seems to be out of step with this. This workshop will explore how a rich environment, genuine observation, collaboration and beautiful learning stories will converge with the children’s interests and passions, creating unforgettable moments in teaching and living together. We will also work together and help develop some curriculum for the following week. CODE# AM5290 Presented by: Marc Battle, RECE The Leader in Me -The Leader in Me is a whole-school transformational model that provides opportunities for students to develop their full potential. Staff, Students and Parents from St. Ann (Hamilton) Catholic Elementary School will share how they developed their school mission statement: Live, Love, Lead like Christ and have been using it and the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in a ubiquitous fashion integrating them into curriculum and school traditions, systems and culture to develop leaders! CODE# AM5291 Presented by: Peter Kislinsky, Principal St. Ann (Hamilton), HWCDSB & Lisa St. Aubin, Teacher, HWCDSB Our Journey of Transforming Our Places & PracticesThrough research and collaboration with Deb Curtis of Harvest Resources, the educators at Peterborough Centre embarked on deep observations of children and their schema play. Environments were re-evaluated and re-positioned to provide opportunity to add complexity to children’s play and learning. Pedagogical documentation will reflect this ongoing process and reflect the growth and changes to our environments and practice. CODE# AM5292 Presented by: Corrina Krocker, Pedagogical Team Leader, Kawartha Child Care Services & Team Member Reflecting Upon “How Does Learning Happen?” in the Early Years ….. a focus on relationships Ontario has emerged as a leader in the transformation of programs and services for young children – starting with a bold vision for the early years and a powerful image of children, families and educators. Join Karen Calligan from the Ministry of Education’s Early Years Division to examine how current research has informed the development of a new pedagogical framework and other resources to support quality in early years settings across Ontario. CODE# AM5293 Presented by: Karen Calligan,Child Care Advisor, Ministry of Education Physical Literacy 101-Physical literacy is just as important as the ability to read and write. During this workshop, you will take part in an interactive session that will help you to define what exactly physical literacy means and how you can integrate its concepts into Early Years. You will leave with a solid understanding of what physical literacy is and knowledge of how you can incorporate the development of physical literacy skills into your environment. CODE# AM5294 Presented by: Kristen MacDonald, Sport Development Specialist, City of Hamilton & Mark Verbeek, HWDSB K-12 Phys. Ed & Healthy Schools Consultant 2-PART WORKSHOP The following workshop will count as your morning and afternoon choice. Finding Roots in Early Childhood: Forest School and the Lifelong Learner – In this session, you will be introduced to the concept of Forest Schools, a movement well established in the UK and peaking interest around the world. Participants will explore the ethos of Forest Schools through hands-on opportunities to make an intimate and meaningful connection to the natural world. Specifically, participants will experience invitations to use loose, natural materials in open-ended explorations that invite a personal reflection on our ongoing relationship with place. ( images/FSC-Guide_web.pdf) CODE# AM5295 Presented by: Dr. Diane Kashin, RECE and Louise Jupp, M.Ed of Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research There’s More to Old MacDonald Than E-I-E-I-OIn this workshop, you will be going beyond singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm by exploring the ways this song can be used to build emergent literacy skills in young children. Join Nancy in learning new activities and gain practical ideas that ‘grow’ from this traditional song. Participants will make a glove puppet using materials developed through Thread Tales. CODE# AM5296 Presented by: Nancy Rotella, Owner of Thread Tales Positive Behaviour Support Planning -Often we get caught up in a pattern of waiting for inappropriate behaviour to happen and then reacting. When we take a deeper look into the child as an individual as well as the demands we are placing on children, we can begin to take a more proactive approach to managing challenging behaviour. Focusing on positive behaviour and skill building builds adult/ child relationships, reduces challenging behaviours and sets children up for a more positive trajectory in life. CODE# AM5297 Presented by: Jacki Belisario RECE Anti-homophobia & Working with Same-Sex Families -An introductory workshop to understanding sexual orientation, homophobia and heterosexism. Emphasis is on practical strategies for service providers who work with LGBTQ families and their children, or who want to know how to make their organization an inclusive, positive space. CODE# AM5298 Presented by: Nadia Bello,Training &Development Consultant Sugar and Salt and Spice…Oh My! Sugar and salt add flavour to foods but how much is too much for young children? Learn healthy limits for adding these ingredients to your dishes (menu items) and easy ways to decipher how much are in the foods you buy. Get a chance to do a hands-on recipe revision and share ideas on flavouring alternatives to sugar & salt. If you like, bring a recipe to modify on-site! CODE# AM5299 Presented by: Adrienne Bell, RD and Jen Yates, RD. Hamilton Public Health Services Deadline for Registration is January 23rd, 2015 Afternoon Workshops Let’s Look for A Story: Every Child Has a Tale to Tell – When certain materials are available to children, we unlock their literacy potential. A child’s imagination is like a good book; you never know what will happen next. This workshop explores opportunities to make children’s stories visible As an adult in the classroom, we are fortunate to be surthrough documentation. With the “write” props, the stories are rounded by beginners; newcomers to this world who see it endless. in a way we have long forgotten and who revel in the mys- CODE# PM5304 tery of it all. They have very few answers and loads of ques- Presented by: Kim Burns, RECE & Evette Sauriol, RECE tions and hypotheses. How many of us are touched by this? How many of us are ok with ‘not knowing?’ Our profession demands that we know children and know how to develop Re-inventing Practice—A Personal Story by an RECE – programs but what if we took a beginner’s mind; what if we Travel with Tanya Novo, RECE practitioner, as she takes you took the time to see our work with new eyes and used that through her personal journey of triumphs and struggles faced insight to develop programs that truly fit the lives of chilin the transformation of a theme-based, highly structured prodren? What if we became ignorant about children and gram to a fully emergent play-based learning environment. started from scratch, what could day care look like? This CODE# PM5305 workshop will explore the philosophy of shoshin (a beginPresented by: Tanya Novo, RECE & Lisa Bellardini, RECE ner’s mind) and how we can apply it in our work. CODE# PM5300 Presented by: Marc Battle, RECE Working with Families – From Involvement to Engagement…and everything in between! - The relationship beWorking with Gender Independent Children and their tween educators and families is crucial—yet is sometimes Families -An introductory workshop to understanding gen- limited to a brief greeting in the morning and a quick goodbye der identity, transphobia and cissexism. This workshop ofat the end of the day! By sharing experiences—both sucfers strategies on how to create positive space for a wide cesses and challenges--participants in this workshop will range of gender expression and practical strategies to sup- have an opportunity to consider ways in which they might port both gender independent children and their families. establish parents as true partners in the delivery of a highCODE# PM5301 quality early learning program with a focus on Hamilton’s Presented by:Nadia Bello,Training & Development Consultant Parent Charter of Rights! CODE# PM5306 Connection is the Key - How much time in our day are we Presented by: Janis Webster, RECE, E.C.E.R.T. A Beginner’s Mind: Zen in the Day Care- “If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there are few.” Shunryo Suzuki intentionally connecting with children? How often and how much time do we spend correcting and redirecting the children?. It is so easy to go into automatic, fast thinking and reaction. Come and learn strategies to “Think slow” and spend more time connecting and see learning happen”. CODE# PM5302 Presented by: Dr. Jean Clinton, MD FRCP (C) Working with the Anxious Child in your ClassroomAnxiety in children has gone up 45% in the last thirty years. A little bit of anxiety is healthy but when it’s taking control of your classroom, how do you cope? This workshop will help you understand how anxiety manifests in children and how to best support the anxious child in your classroom. CODE# PM5303 Presented by: Michelle McVittie, Child Life Specialist **REMEMBER** - If you have signed up for AM5295 “Finding Roots in Early Childhood: Forest School Beyond the Blanket: The Outdoor Classroom for Infants and Toddlers - Early learning professionals and parents often feel stressed when trying to plan time outdoors for infants and toddlers. In this workshop, we will explore why exposure to nature is so important for brain development, some ideas on how to set up your outdoor classroom for inquiry and investigation and your role as the play and learning partner. CODE# PM5307 Presented by: Monica Carruthers, RECE What’s on the Menu? We welcome chef Andres Rojas to February Flurry! With the winter months quickly coming to an end, Chef Rojas will share some nutritious and delicious lunch and snack ideas to help get a start on spring and summer menu planning. Participants will have an opportunity to cook a dish with chef Rojas as well as participate in his very interactive demonstration. CODE# PM5308 Presented by: Chef Rojas and the Lifelong Learner”, that will be your afternoon choice as well. Deadline for Registration is January 23rd, 2015 Agenda Parking at Mohawk College is included in cost. Please use Lot P13. Please use pass on page 2 of brochure. Must display pass on car dashboard. 8:30 am Registration/Continental Breakfast/ Vendor Shopping 9:30 am –10:15 am Keynote Speaker – Marc Battle “The Fourth Moment” We have reserved a small block of hotel rooms at the Courtyard by Marriott Hamilton 1224 Upper James St. North, Hamilton Hotel accommodations will be offered at an additional cost of $145.00+taxes per night. Please contact the Hotel at 1-800-MARRIOTT and refer to “February Flurry Conference” (Booking deadline January 7th, 2015) 10:15 am to 10:30 am - Break/ Vendor Shopping 10:30 am to 12:00 pm- AM Workshops 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm -Hot Buffet Lunch/ Vendor Shopping Conference Policies Build Your Own Pasta Bar Gluten Free & Vegetarian Options Meatballs/Sausage Salads Rolls/Butter Sweet Trays/Fruit • • 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm- PM Workshops **Please note: registration is located outside of Arnie Centre NOT in I-Wing** • Registration and refund deadline is Friday January 23rd, 2015. ASCY will not issue any refunds after the deadline date. ASCY will not allow sharing a conference space. ASCY may alter or change a workshop due to unforeseen circumstances. RE GIS T R AT IO N FO RM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY NAME: _______________________________________________________________ PHONE: ______________________ EMAIL: _________________________________ A S C Y R E S OU R C E L I B R A R Y : M E M BE R NON-MEMBER WORKSHOP CHOICES: AM: WORKSHOP#-__________________ A L T E R N A TE # - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PM: WORKSHOP#-__________________ A L T E R N A TE # - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PAYMENT TYPE: CASH: CHEQUE: ORGANIZATIONAL#:___________ C H E Q U E P A Y A BL E T O : AS CY M A I L R E G I S T R A T I O N T O: 5 2 6 U P P E R P A R A D I S E R D. , U N I T A HAMILTON, ON L9C 5E3 FAX #: 905-574-8843 OR EM A I L: A SCY@A SCY. CA I H A V E R E A D TH E C O N F E R E N C E P O L I C I E S A BO V E . LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL PROVISIONS OR A N Y T H I N G WE C A N D O B E T T E R T O S E R VE Y O U
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