Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Rho Zeta Chapter Cary, North Carolina Annual High School Scholarship Application TaMera Harris President Lindsey Thomas Second Vice-President – Scholarship Chair Application Guidelines The scholarship application may be downloaded at: SigmaRhoZetazphib.org A COMPLETE APPLICATION PACKET CONSISTS OF: Three letters of recommendation (in sealed envelopes) to include: 1) High School Teacher or Counselor 2) Community Leader (who has currently or previously observed and/or coordinated community service projects that the applicant participated in) 3) Other (non-relative) An OFFICIAL High School Transcript (in sealed envelope) Narrative: In a concise narrative (essay) of 500 or more words, the writer is to explore the following topic: “My Pursuit of Academic Excellence.” Within the contents of the narrative, content is to chronicle leadership abilities, personal/academic achievements, any obstacles and future educational/professional plans. Content will be evaluated on adequate use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, organization of content and relevant details that comprehensively covers the essay topic. Application materials are to be organized in the following order: Completed application, High school transcript, Essay and Three letters of recommendation (each in sealed envelope with recommender’s signature across the seal). *Applications must be postmarked by November 21, 2014. One recipient will be chosen and notified in writing by January 15, 2015. Return application and supporting documents to: Sigma Rho Zeta Annual High School Scholarship ATTN: Lindsey Thomas, Scholarship Chair P. O. Box 5704 Cary, North Carolina 27512 SRZ Annual High School Scholarship Application Page 2 of 7 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Rho Zeta Chapter Cary, North Carolina Scholarship and Description Sigma Rho Zeta Annual High School Senior Scholarship Eligibility: The Sigma Rho Zeta High School Scholarship is available to any minority graduating high school senior in Wake County with a GPA of at least a 2.5 (unweighted). The graduating senior must be enrolled at chosen college/university for the Fall semester of 2015. Provisions: The Sigma Rho Zeta High School Scholarship is a one-time award payment of $500 which will be awarded for full-time study for the 2015-2016 academic year. Proof of enrollment/university acceptance must be received before disbursement of scholarship funds. Scholarship funds will be remitted to the Financial Aid office of the designated college/university to be applied toward tuition and/or appropriate fees. . SRZ Annual High School Scholarship Application Page 3 of 7 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Rho Zeta Chapter PO Box 5704 Cary, North Carolina 27512 Scholarship Application Applicant Name (Last) (First) (Middle) Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) Name Permanent Address Email Address Telephone Numbers (Home) Place of Birth (Cell) Date of Birth School Presently Attending Classification Anticipated Graduation Date on following scale: 4.0 or Other Scale: ________ Cumulative unweighted G.P.A.: Class Rank __of ___ List of colleges/universities applied/accepted: Current School Activities: SRZ Annual High School Scholarship Application Page 4 of 7 Honors/Awards/Recognitions: Community Activities: If applicable, please complete the following section. Please list community service projects which you have participated in during the past twelve months. If necessary, please attach a separate sheet to continue with this section of application. Name of Organization Brief Description of Activity Are you a Zeta Archonette? Yes No Primary Responsibilities Dates (mm/yy) From: Are you a Sigma Beta? Yes To: No If yes, give name and location of sponsoring chapter______________________________________ Is anyone in your family a member of: Zeta Phi Beta Phi Beta Sigma N/A Required Certification and Release of Information (must be signed by applicant and parent, if applicable) I confirm that I have provided factual and complete information on this scholarship application to the best of my knowledge. False information or failure to disclose relevant information may be grounds for rejection of my application. I have read the Application Guidelines for the SRZ Scholarship and Description and meet all stated conditions of eligibility. I understand that all applications will be held confidential, and that no application material will be returned. I waive the right to access letters of recommendation on my behalf. I understand that one scholarship recipient will be chosen and notified in writing. If selected to receive the SRZ Annual High School Scholarship, I give the SRZ chapter permission to release my name, institution, essay, and photograph for promotional purposes. If necessary, I will be available to appear at SRZ scholarship-related functions. Applicant Signature: Date: _______________ Parent Signature (if applicant is less than 18 years): SRZ Annual High School Scholarship Application Page 5 of 7 ___ Date: _______________ Sigma Rho Zeta Annual High School Scholarship LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION GUIDELINES Applicant’s full name (Type or print): _______________________________________________ Instructions to Evaluator: The person named above is applying for the Sigma Rho Zeta Annual High School Scholarship. The Scholarship Committee requests your candid, written evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications. Since you know the candidate, the review committee is depending upon your thoughtful observations, especially relevant to applicant’s academic/volunteer record and outstanding strengths or characteristics. The applicant will benefit most from a specific and illustrative evaluation rather than a general assessment. Your evaluation should discuss the applicant’s strengths and, as appropriate, provide insight into any areas where growth is needed. It is preferred that the letter be written on the letterhead of your professional affiliation (if applicable). Recommendation letters must be current. Please complete the information below and return this form and your signed letter of recommendation to the applicant in a sealed envelope. Please sign your name across the seal of the envelope. Your evaluation will be confidential, intended for use only by the Sigma Rho Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and the Sigma Rho Zeta Scholarship Committee. Your evaluation will not be released to the applicant. All application materials must be submitted by the applicant for receipt on or before the November 21, 2014 deadline. The Sigma Rho Zeta Scholarship Committee thanks you for your assistance. If you have any questions or concerns related to completion of the recommendation letter, please Email Committee Chairwoman at: srzscholarship@yahoo.com. Evaluator’s Name (Please type or print.): Professional Title or Capacity in which you are familiar with applicant: Affiliation (if applicable): Address: City: State: Phone: ( ) Email: How long have you known the applicant? Zip: SRZ Annual High School Scholarship Application Page 6 of 7 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Sigma Rho Zeta Chapter Cary, North Carolina Scholarship Checklist Name of Applicant : Completed Scholarship Application _______ Official High School Transcript _______ Three letters of recommendation (received in sealed envelopes with application packet): High School Teacher or Counselor Community Leader Other (non-relative) Narrative: 500 words or more “My Pursuit of Academic Excellence” SRZ Annual High School Scholarship Application Page 7 of 7 ______________
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