THE GRAMMAR WORD 20 November 2014 - Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community - From The Headmaster/CEO VOICES IN THE HALLS In 2013 Head of English Mr John Acutt wrote the lyrics of a song to celebrate our sesquicentenary. ‘Voices in the Halls’ tells the stories of young men whom have graced the hallways and classrooms of Ipswich Grammar School. Those historic voices would have been very proud of our young men and the manner in which they presented and spoke at recent important end of year functions. School Captain Jacob Teevan certainly led the way and spoke passionately about his time at Ipswich Grammar School and his love of the school. We are immensely proud of Jacob and the 2014 cohort for their contributions to the school and for the grace and dignity with which they conducted themselves in their final week. I was thrilled to report at Speech Night that the 2014 Queensland Core Skills’ test results are very positive. I look forward to providing further information on other important results as they become available. Jacob’s public speaking always focussed on the collective ‘we’ and ‘our’ rather than ‘I’ or ‘me’. That tradition will be continued by the class of 2015 in their leadership role. Next year’s School Captain Oliver Pye set the standard with this delightful story at Speech Night, adapted from ‘Tobruk’ by Peter Fitzsimmons: ‘The Australians were digging trenches in preparation for an attack and everyone was chipping in. A British captain was sent to the front to report the progress of the Australians. Upon arriving to the front, he found the men shirtless and sweating in the desert as they dug. So focused were they at digging that none of the men saluted the captain. When the captain could bear it no longer he went up to one of the Aussie diggers and cleared his throat. Still no response. Finally he spoke. “I know you Australians are an undisciplined lot but surely you know to stop and salute a superior officer.” The Aussie then looked the impeccably dressed captain up and down before turning his back to him and putting his dusty shirt on. Upon turning around the rank on his shirt showed that he was a Major. It had never being known that major would be doing something as lowly as digging in the front line. The Major said: “Surely you know to salute in the presence of a superior officer”. Like the Major in Tobruk, even though we may wear a badge, we will lead by example. We will be competing alongside you; we will be in the classrooms and we will be on the sidelines supporting the young men of IGS throughout their schooling endeavours.’ END OF YEAR CELEBRATIONS I congratulate our young men on their efforts throughout the year. I wish our community well for the holiday period and look forward to seeing our young men in the New Year. I wish Enrolments Officer Kathryn Searle well as she moves to a new school much closer to home Kathryn added professionalism and enthusiasm to our marketing and enrolments department. I would also like to thank the following teaching staff for their contributions to Ipswich Grammar School as their contractual periods come to an end: • Gary Neaves, Ashley Beruldsen, Steven Hill, Greg Thompson, Alyson Starky, Geoff Faulkner, Lissa Sullivan-Ward and Leearne Hardgrove. Yours sincerely Mr Robert Henderson Headmaster/CEO - Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community - Announcements EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST – IPSWICH GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Ipswich Grammar School Board of Trustees seeks expressions of interest from members of our school community. With a rich history spanning 151 years, the school is keen to establish a list of possible Board members for consideration when vacancies occur. Due to our Grammar School status all Board appointments are required to be endorsed by the State Minister for Education. The Board of Trustees governs the management of IGS and primarily establishes, monitors and reviews the strategic direction of the school. Those interested in considering a position on the Board are requested to complete and submit their expressions of interest to Board Chair Mr Jon Kent. Ideally, those interested in a position on the Board would have the following skills and experience: • Current or previous association with Ipswich Grammar School. • Current or recent Management or Director experience. • Understanding of the obligations and responsibilities of a Director. • Strategic planning and management experience. • Prospective Board members would be invited to meet with Mr Kent and Headmaster/CEO Robert Henderson to discuss the expression of interest. We look forward to meeting with interested members of the Ipswich Grammar School community in due course. Mr Jon Kent Board Chair - Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community - At Ipswich Grammar School we believe learning extends beyond the walls of the classroom, so as we move closer to BYOt in 2015 (for Years 7 to 11) to allow students to make the most of their educational experience at anytime, anywhere and on any device, we wanted to provide a summary of our experience in talking to students, parents staff and our suppliers since the transition was announced on 8th August 2014. A guide for choosing your (or your son's) next educational technology 'learning' device Modified with approval from (Original source 25/11/2014) While some tablets don't pack the power of a fully-fledged laptop or Ultrabook, they are capable of an impressive range of jobs in a super-portable package which may be just the right solution for your son's (or your) learning needs. Here is a quick guide to choosing the right technology. 1. Operating System, CPU and Battery Life The way you use your technology will depend in part on which operating system you choose. It makes sense to think about compatibility with other computers in your home and school. Windows-based tablets will allow you to install any application available to that operating system, making them ideal for syncing with other Windows PCs. iPads on the other hand will generally provide better compatibility with Macs. Microsoft Office 365 for Education (being provided by Ipswich Grammar School) is available for Mac, Windows, IOS and Android which means you can run popular applications such as Word and Excel on almost any new device. Be sure to consider how much power you will need to perform multiple tasks. Some tablets now come with the Intel® Core™ processor range which gives you similar processing power to an Ultrabook or Laptop, whereas other tablets come with significantly slower processors (e.g. Intel® Atom™ or Apple A7 chip) that might slow you down. The battery life of technology is an important consideration, with the aim being to choice a device for educational use for the duration of the school day. 2. Connectivity One of the best features of tablets style technology is their portability so think about what type of connectivity is optimal for you and how you learn. Wi-fi will allow you to connect wherever there is a signal available, be it at school or at home. If you intend to regularly connect your technology to a separate screen or projector then make sure you have an appropriate port for sending display signals. Converting mini-HDMI to VGA requires an adapter that for some tablets can be expensive, so make sure you factor the cost of the external adaptors into your total technology budget. Consider USB port availability (and cost of the external adaptor). Education grade technology typically come with one or more USB ports and if you think you won’t ever need a USB port, then think again. 3. Screen size and keyboard If you are someone who types a lot then you may find smaller screens hold you back. 10”+ is typical for a business/education grade technology. Also consider a technology that can snap into a detachable keyboard, or a tablet with a USB port or Bluetooth that can connect to any type of keyboard on the market today. - Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community - 4. Taking notes Tablets make great meeting companions, whether you are taking notes by hand, pressing the record button or you prefer to handwrite. For writing things down, consider that some devices support varying stylus (or finger) capabilities so that learners can distinguish between varying levels of accuracy, pressure or functionality. Microsoft Office 365 for Education (being provided by Ipswich Grammar School) includes OneNote for Mac, Windows, IOS and Android. 5. Storage Storage is a big factor for an education technology so be sure not to underestimate your storage requirements. Some tablets lack removable storage meaning there is an upper limit to how much you can store on the device itself. While files such as documents and spreadsheets don't tend to take up much space, music and video files are much hungrier. If you'll be storing large files then you may want to purchase a tablet with a lot of capacity (128GB+) or one with a Micro SDHC card slot. More information about BYOT and School provided infrastructure and software, start at the school website and then move onto the Information Services portal. Regards Mr Peter Yeates Information Services Manager & eLearning Coordinator - Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community - 2015 CSTP Scholarship Exam - Locked Bag 6000, North Ipswich QLD 4305 - - (07) 3813 9600 - CRICOS # 00499A The annual Co-operative Scholarship Testing Program (CSTP) examination will be held at Ipswich Grammar School on Saturday, 28 February 2015. Please note, this will be the only scholarship testing held in 2015. If you live a long distance from the school some country centres are available for students who wish to sit the exam. Scholarships will be awarded to students who obtain outstanding results in the exam. Scholarships cover varying amounts depending on results. Bursaries may also be awarded to the families of students who show they have reached required standard and whose parents would like them to attend Ipswich Grammar School but can demonstrate limited financial means. Students going into Year 7 in 2016 will sit for Level 1, and students going into Year 11 in 2016 will sit for Level 3. Applications for the Co-operative Scholarship Testing Program are to be lodged online through the Ipswich Grammar School website at: i Enrolments i Scholarships i Links: Co-operative Scholarship Testing Program Important dates, details and costs are as follows: Online registration facility closes: Registration fee: Overseas registration fee: Candidate results available to parents: * All costs include GST Monday, 9 February 2015 at midnight AEST $120* $270* Monday, 13 April 2015 For more information please contact: Enrolments & Marketing Office Ipswich Grammar School P: 07 3813 9604 E: - Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community - Registration Form I wish to attend the following Junior Coaching clinic 15th December -17th December 2014 Venue: Akuna Oval ( Rego & Money Paid by 10th December 2014) 12th January -14th January 2015 Venue: Limestone Park Ipswich (Rego & Money Paid by 8th January 2015) First Name: ___________________________ Surname: _____________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ M / F _____ Address: __________________________ Suburb: _____________Post code: ____ Phone: __________________ Email: ____________________________ Have you been playing cricket? Haven’t played before 1-2 years Greater than 2 years ABN- 67 872 706 131 Junior Cricket Coaching Clinics What to Bring • Collared shirt, cricket pants/shorts Cricket equipment (preferable but not essential) • • Sunscreen and hat Drink bottle Are you registered with a club? No Yes, Club Name : ____________ Medical History Do you suffer from any medical condition/s or have any dietary requirements staff should be aware of? No Yes, Please attach details Safety December & January The game of cricket is potentially dangerous and although injuries can occur, these are not common events. First Aid will be present at all times to provide medical attention if required. School Holidays For more information Contact Peter Blanchfield Contact in case of emergency: Open to all boys and girls Aged 6 - 15 years 0478 787 104 Name: ___________________ Phone : __________________ Times Both Clinics Times are: 9:00am-2:00pm all days. Program The clinic will be run by Peter Blanchfield, a Cricket Australia accredited Level 3 coach. Peter has 28 years of coaching experience. He worked for QLD cricket for 13 years as a regional cricket manager. (Mackay and Metro areas) Peter has coaching experience from working with in2CRICKET (5-8 years) to QLD sides both male and female. The program will be run in a similar fashion to the QLD Junior Bulls and Junior Heat clinics. Your child will be in a group of up to 12 according to age, experience and skill level to suit his/her needs. Over the 3 days your child will develop both skills of cricket and life from the coaches. Skills will be conducted the same way QLD cricket develop cricketers and will involve games for both skill as well as enjoyment. The Coaches The clinics will be run by Cricket Australia accredited coaches who hold a level 1.2 or 3 coaching accreditation certificate. Some of the coaches have represented Queensland and Australian youth sides in the past and are currently playing First Grade cricket in Brisbane. This is a guarantee of the best possible coaching available. As required by the law, all coaches and support staff have suitability cards. Location Clinic1 (December) Akuna Oval (Kenmore Cricket Grounds) Clinic 2 (January) Limestone Park Ipswich (Centrals Cricket Grounds) What you receive • • • • . Price Parent Consent Five (5) hours of quality coaching per day. Gift bag full of goodies. Morning tea and lunches each day. Bucket Hat I hereby authorize Blanchfield Cricket and its employees to act on my behalf should my child need medical attention. I acknowledge, agree and confirm the following: a) $160 per person including GST (Discounts applicable for additional family members) Payment Details b) Payment can be made via: *Cheque * Bank Deposit All payments must be accompanied by a completed registration form, which is included on this flyer. An Email will be forwarded to you upon your payment as confirmation of your booking in this clinic. All money must be received prior to the nominated payment dates. Should the clinic fill prior your money will be refunded in full. Please indicate your method of payment (tick one box) Cheque - Make payable to Peter Blanchfield Bank Deposit- deposited to BSB: 484-799 Account Number: 030499889 PB &MB Blanchfield Suncorp (Please make sure to include child’s name with payment) c) That there are inherent risks associated with this program that may result in my child being injured including in a serious manner. I fully accept and agree to bear these risks. To the full extent permitted by the law I agree both on behalf of my child and my own rights to indemnify, release and discharge Blanchfield Cricket and its employees from any and all liability for any injury, loss or damage to my child however cause arising out of my child’s participation in the program including without limitation as a result of negligence by Blanchfield Cricket. That photos taken of my child at the clinic/s may be used by Blanchfield Cricket for marketing and publicity purposes. Signed: ________________________________ Name: __________________________________ Date: ______________ (Please note applications cannot be accepted without parental consent) Once completed please forward this registration form with payment to: Email: Mail: To Blanchfield Cricket 9 Rhiannon Drive Flinders View 4305 Ipswich Grammar School EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR MEMBERSHIP OF THE IPSWICH GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Section 1: Your details Title: □ Dr □ Mr □Mrs □Miss □Ms □Other - please specify: First Name: Family Name: Street address: Suburb/Town: State: Postcode: Postal address: Telephone: (Home) Telephone: (Business) Telephone: (Mobile) Fax: Email address: Occupation: Current Employer: Position held: Page 1 of 4 Section 2: Your areas of expertise 1. Are you associated now, or have you been associated in the past, with any Independent Schools? If so, please specify. 2. Have you any previous experience with Boards or Committees? If so, please specify. 3. Describe your interests, experience and expertise? 4. Any other relevant information (including any real or perceived conflict of interest)? Page 2 of 4 Section 3: Referees (please nominate at least 2 referees) Name of referee: Address: Relationship to nominee: Telephone: Name of referee: Address: Relationship to nominee: Telephone: Name of referee: Address: Relationship to nominee: Telephone: Name of referee: Address: Relationship to nominee: Telephone: Page 3 of 4 Section 4: Certification I, the undersigned, certify that: I agree to the personal details on this form being recorded and used by Ipswich Grammar School to assist in the nomination process for IGS Board membership; I confirm that the details provided are correct to the best of my knowledge; I have the approval of my nominated referees to offer their names and I have no objection to them being contacted; I confirm that to the best of my knowledge there is no impediment to my nomination for membership of a School Board; PLEASE SIGN HERE: Signature: Name in Full: Date: PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: Board Chair Mr Jon Kent Locked Bag 6000 North Ipswich Qld 4305 (Please bring papers to the interview) Thank you for your interest in membership of the Ipswich Grammar School Board of Trustees Page 4 of 4
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