THE GRAMMAR WORD 8 October 2014

8 October 2014
- Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community -
From The Headmaster/CEO
The 1863 brass plaque has been rubbed mirror bright.
As the seniors brush over it on their way to the quad.
Every student’s shoe adds a little more buff. Warm
To the touch; a yellow sun, it has captured thousands
Of souls in its historical pull
– ‘The Red and The White’
7 October 1863 marked the very first school
day for Ipswich Grammar School, so it is only
appropriate that we start the new term with
an extract from Mr Brett Dionysius’ poem
written specifically for our sesquicentenary. As
we commence our new term we celebrate the
thousands of students, staff and families who
have come before us. Last Friday we conducted
a successful 151 Golf Day; this weekend we
have a 151 Gala Dinner, and more importantly
we return to school to do what we do best –
learn! Best wishes to all Ipswich Grammar
School families for the new term. I especially
welcome Mr Brett Little (English), a long service
leave replacement for Mr John Acutt. Best
wishes also to Mr Brett Dionysious, who will
assume the Head of English responsibilities in
Mr Acutt’s absence.
parents we were also able to set up a meeting
with the PNG Sport Minister, the Honourable
Justice Justin Tkatchenko.
Congratulations to our students for presenting
very well in their summer uniform this week.
Our uniform changeover dates will now
coincide with term dates. Terms 4 and 1 will be
the summer uniform and terms 2 and 3 will be
the winter uniform. If we experience extremes
of weather we will use common sense with
requirements for blazers to be worn.
War cries are common at Ipswich Grammar
School. However, from time to time they do
occur unexpectedly and in obscure places.
Former student and now Supreme Court Judge,
Justice Bernard Sakora, took great delight in
leading Old Boys and current students in war
cries during our recent visit to Port Moresby.
Former Deputy Prime Minister Sir Moi Moi
Avey was in attendance, as were many other
Old Boys. More than 120 people attended a
function we hosted as we attempt to build our
relationship in the region. Capitalising on the
business and government connections of IGS
Younger Old Boys also attended our functions,
including 2002 School Captain Alex Davani.
Alex and his brothers Reggie (1998) and Cecil
(1999) are keen to assist with attracting future
students from PNG to our school. Although
it was a great thrill to meet our Old Boys the
highlight of the trip for me was interacting with
our current students. As always our young
men are the best advertisement for our school.
I was reminded that our trip was the first
Headmaster’s visit since 1998. I am sure it will
become a regular event in the years to come.
Yours sincerely
Mr Robert Henderson
- Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community -
From The Deputy
Holidays are a great time to relax and refresh
as well as allowing me some time to catch up
on some reading. I read a new book by Dr Tim
Hawkes titled ‘Ten conversations you must
have with your son’. What struck me first is
the notion of ‘conversations’ and why they
are so important. The generation gap has long
been used as the source for hindering good
communication, as too our increasingly busy
lives. Also there is very much the tendency for
your son to begin to prioritise where you sit in
order of priority – mates, computer (Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook), rugby coach, and then
comes the potential girlfriend.
Ultimately any form of communication is
critical to have with your son. The depth
of the conversation is not really important,
it is the connections that are made and the
beginnings of words between sons and their
parent/s. So when do we find the time? Like
most households, breakfast time is a mad rush
as everyone competes for different leaving
times. That only leaves dinner time as the best
opportunity, yet competition exists. In order to
cherish this time, turn the TV off, have dinner
together, remember to switch phones off and
also establish the rule of ‘no put-downs’ – no
teasing or put down during dinner.
In order to stimulate discussion each family
member is to share something about their day,
or even discuss something that has hit the news.
Hawkes suggests a way of improving your
sons’ communication skills by the acronym
TOPIC – Them (centre on them, ask questions,
invite opinions), Occasion (use an occasion
as the focus of the conversation), People
(conversation about people can stir opinions),
Interest (something of interest to them), and
Compliement (make a compliment and if all
else fails comment on the weather!)
Conversation is so important and society in
many different ways rewards those who are
good at conversation. Please let me know how
the conversation goes. Have a great term!
Mr Tony Dosen
Deputy Headmaster/Head of Senior School
Middle School
I welcome the entire Middle School community
back for the final term of 2014. I hope everyone
had an enjoyable break. Being only an eight-week
term means that it certainly will be very busy.
Below are some key date claimers to assist with
early preparations:
• Tuesday 14 October: Year 9 Night of Celebration
rehearsals for boys in periods 1 and 2.
• Wednesday 22 October: Year 9 Night of
Celebration, 6.45pm for a 7pm start. Invitations
have been emailed. RSVP as soon as possible.
• Tuesday 28 October: Middle School
Orientation Morning for all Year 7 2015 and
new Year 8 and 9 2015 families. Invitations have
been emailed. RSVP as soon as possible.
The next round of cyber safety tips is for holders
of a driver’s license, which includes many of our
Year 12 students. Some very concerning statistics:
• When driving a vehicle, a typical response
time with no distraction is one second.
• A .08 blood alcohol level increases distracted
response time by 13%.
• A hands free mobile phone increases
distracted time by 21%.
- Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community -
• Texting increases distracted response time by 37%.
• A hand held phone increases distracted
response time by 46%.
“Police refer using mobile phones while driving
as the ‘mobile phone zombie effect’ where
pedestrians and drivers are so preoccupied
with their devices that their attention wanders,
potentially leading to fatal errors on the road.
According to Cognitive neuroscientist Associate
Professor Paul E.Dux, despite having powerful
brains, humans struggle to concentrate on more
than one thing at a time.” – Qweekend, August
Mr John Chalvatzis
Head of Middle School
Monday 22 December, 4pm-7pm at the
University of Queensland St Lucia. Learn about
pathways to your ideal program and gain
advice on QTAC preferences. For more, visit
Sports & Activities
The First V finished their amazing 2014 season
by winning the State Championships at Logan
Metro. They were at their best demolishing
defending champions Saint James 91-62 after
trailing by as many as 17 points in the second
quarter. “We didn’t panic,” Coach Wellings
said. “We kept telling them to weather the
storm.” In the early stages of the contest Saint
James were unstoppable, making a multitude
of threes and playing high octane defense.
However, some defensive adjustments by IGS
saw them swing the momentum.
Information seminars will be held at 200 Roma
Street, Brisbane, on 11, 14, 15 and 18 October.
“After we lost to Churchie in the first week of
the GPS season we made a goal to win our last
seven GPS games and top it off with a state
title, and to the boy’s credit that is exactly what
they did,” Wellings added. “They are a great
bunch of boys and it was been such a pleasure
working with all of them.” After Round 1
of the GPS competition the Spartans won 14
consecutive matches to finish second in GPS
and first in the state. At the states they enjoyed
victories over Chisholm College, Townsville
High, TSS, Saint Columbans, Hillcrest, Ignatius
Park and Saint James.
Mr Tony Dosen
Deputy Headmaster/Head of Senior School
Mr Michael Wellings
First V Coach
Saturday 18 October, 8.30am-10.30am at 25
Boronia Road, Eagle Farm, Brisbane. Experience
some of the most advanced training equipment
and speak to industry experts. For more, visit
- Excellence - Leadership - Integrity - Community -
Ipswich Grammar School
Who: Yrs 7-12 / When: Saturday 18th October / Time: 7.00pm – 10.00pm
Where: - PCYC Griffith Road, Eastern Heights
Entry: $10.00 includes one drink (School ID required) / Dress: Casual (appropriate)
This dance is POLICE SUPERVISED, DRUG & ALCOHOL FREE - no pass–outs.
I G S Support Groups
Semester 1,
2, 2014
Bus Fare
• Does your child attend a school
outside the Brisbane City Council
• Does your family spend more than
$22/week* on fares to and from
school (* $17/week if you hold a
concession card)
• Does your child travel on a
publically available bus not owned
or associated with the school?
Students with
• Does your child have a
verified disability that requires
transport assistance to and from
• Has your school’s learning
support teacher assessed your
child’s travel capability rating as
‘semi-independent’ or more
Visit our website to see if you qualify for financial assistance to
help with the cost of transport and
apply at by 31
May 2013.
31 October,
Late applications cannot be accepted.
Does your child have a verified disability that requires transport assistance
to and from school?
Has your school’s learning support teacher assessed your child’s travel
capability rating as ‘semi-independent’ or more dependent?
Visit our website to see if you qualify for financial assistance to help with the cost
of transport and
31 October,
apply at by 31
May 2014
Late applications cannot be accepted.
PLEASE NOTE: This rebate does not apply to students using the Doyles and Stonestreets charter buses.