Wildcat Clips - Lake Country School District

Lake Country School District
1800 Vettelson Road
Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: (262) 367-3606 FAX: (262) 367-3205
November 19, 2014
Two members of the Lake Country School Board have a term that expires in April, 2015. Andrea Shrednick,
current President of the School Board and Dave Brabson, current Vice President of the School Board.
Anyone interested in running for a seat on the Board will be able to pick up the appropriate papers through the
Lake Country School office beginning December 1, with a deadline for filing candidacy paperwork of Tuesday,
January 6, 2015 at 4 p.m. The date of the spring election is Tuesday, April 7, 2015. Any questions should be
directed to Nancy Kuehl at 262-367-3606, ext. 108 or email kuehln@mylakecountryschool.org.
An individual is legally qualified to become a member of the Board if s/he is:
 A citizen of the United States
 18 years of age or older
 A legal resident of the district
The Board of Education is always interested in hearing your views. Meeting dates and times are posted in the
case outside the main school entrance and are also available on the Lake Country School web page:
www.mylakecountryschool.org under the “District” tab.
Wear your blue Wildcat shirt Thursday, Dec. 4th!
Check the calendar for all winter concert dates. Look for this symbol CARING AND SHARING
"Tis The Holiday Season”- being with family, caring about others and sharing with those in need. If
you would like to help out someone in our Lake Country community this holiday season with their
wish lists, please take a wish tag from the Giving Tree starting Monday, November 24th. Gifts
should be new and wrapped with the gift receipt and wish tag taped on the outside of the gift. All
gifts are due to Mrs. Thurin by Wednesday, December 10th. Monetary donations are also accepted
and can be given to the office or Mrs. Thurin with the label "Caring and Sharing."
Please note that any Lost and Found items not claimed by December 10th will be bagged up and taken to charity.
Please make sure your child/ren have the appropriate outerwear for the weather. We try to get the kids out
everyday if at all possible. So if it is minus 5 below windchill or higher, expect that they will go out for recess.
Visit the Lake Country School District web page – www.mylakecountryschool.org
Lake Country Wildcats
Lake Country School District
1800 Vettelson Road
Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: (262) 367-3606 FAX: (262) 367-3205
Not sure if you are all were aware, but we have a collection box in the front entrance for used eyeglasses and
hearing aids. The Lions Club came to pick up and we had a total of 65 glasses and 2 hearing aids! By donating
your used eye glasses and hearing aids, someone is seeing and hearing the world differently! The Lions Club
thanks you for helping them help others.
The eighth grade will be dissecting deer hearts in science class and we need your help. We are asking for
heart donations throughout the season. Hearts that are whole and not damaged will be accepted. Please
put a gallon size zipper style bag in your pocket when hunting this fall. Place the heart in the bag and freeze
it until you or your child can bring it in to school. If possible, please label the bag buck or doe. Donations
may be dropped off in the office or Mrs. Koszarek’s room. Many thanks!
At our November 13th Pack meeting we had the pleasure of having several veterans come and talk with the boys
about their service. They answered questions and put faces to those we honored this past Veteran’s Day and
every day. The boys also made cards to say thank you to send to our troops serving overseas.
The next Pack Meeting will be at Whale Tale Archery in Dousman on December 6th from 3:30-5:30. Pinewood
Derby car kits will be distributed at this meeting too! Hope all our Cub Scouts can join us!
This holiday season, Cub Scout Pack 169 and Lake Country School will work with Hartland Area Food Pantry to
provide nutritious meals to those in need.
Please bring non-perishable food items to school December 5th-12th, 2014.
Help our Lake Country School Cub Scout Pack 169 feed those in need from our local area by contributing to the
food drive this holiday season. Working with Hartland Area Food Pantry, which serves hundreds of individuals and
families in our local Arrowhead School District, let’s help provide nutritious meals for those in need. Our goal is to
donate 2,014 food items on December 13.
In the spirit of fostering healthy competition (and bragging rights), we will have a contest to see which classroom
can bring in the most food items per student. Cub Scout Pack 169 will provide a pizza lunch for the winning
Look for our posters throughout Lake Country School in a couple weeks. Your generosity is much appreciated and
will make an important difference in the lives of those around us.
For more information on the Scouts, please visit our website.
Wildcat Clips deadline: Friday, December 5th, 2014.
Please provide your Clips submission request to Lisa Acton. E-mail Lisa at
actonl@mylakecountryschool.org in a Word document. We reserve the right to edit and/or limit
items submitted to fit our Clips format. All Clips submissions are subject to approval by Mark
Visit the Lake Country School District web page – www.mylakecountryschool.org
Lake Country Wildcats
Lake Country School District
1800 Vettelson Road
Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: (262) 367-3606 FAX: (262) 367-3205
Community groups shall indemnify and forever save harmless the Lake Country School District Board Of Education and its officers,
agents and employees from any and all claims whatsoever kind, nature or description arising out of the use of any school facilities and
communications. Lake Country School does not endorse these organizations.
Check The Community Section On Our Website For Information On The Following:
Younglife Wyldlife All Night Lock In!!! This Saturday, Nov. 22nd at Lasertag Adventure
HAWS Kids ‘n Critters Winter Day Camp
2014 Arrowhead Girls Fall Ball Youth Basketball Skills Sessions
2014 Arrowhead Boys Fall Ball Youth Basketball Skills Sessions
Arrowhead Wrestling
Mullett Ice Center Fall 2014 Hockey & Skate Lessons
YMCA at Pabst Farms – November and December
Delafield Public Library Programs (updated monthly)
Westbrook Church Upward Basketball and Cheer League
4H Club
Lake Country Field Hockey for Girls
Lake Country Children’s Theater
American Red Cross Babysitting Course Nov. 15th and 22nd
Children Grieve Too – Pro Health Care, November 20th
To access: put cursor over Community Events on the gray menu bar of our website. Click on the dropdown below labeled Community Events Page. This will bring up the links for all listed above.
Visit the Lake Country School District web page – www.mylakecountryschool.org
Lake Country Wildcats
Your Lake Country School PTO Page
November 19, 2014
Looking for a gift idea for a special LCS staff member?
The PTO has a “Faculty Favorites” binder in the school office
just for you! All teachers and school staff members were given
the opportunity to complete a form and include it in this binder.
Stop in the office and take a look!
to learn more about PTO events, volunteer
opportunities, fundraisers, meeting minutes,
reports, and more! You can also access
PTO website through the LCS website.
Save Those Grocery Store Receipts
Did you know that LCS earns 1% of the total on each
Sentry and Piggly Wiggly receipt submitted? How easy is
that? The September total was $192.15. The October
total dropped to $50.42. There is LOTS of room for
improvement! And what is easier than simply saving your
receipt when you shop at Sentry or Piggly Wiggly? Keep
collecting and turning in to LCS! Every receipt helps!
Attention Target Shoppers…Link Up!
Charge of Education
w w w .target.com/tcoe
Help grow Target’s monthly donation to Lake Country!
Share the word with family, friends, & neighbors!
They can link their cards online too!
2014-2015 PTO Board Members
Vice President:
VP Appropriations:
VP Fundraising:
VP Special Events:
Danielle Henry
Cyndi Tomich
Jenny Berglin
Gina Woida
Heather Ragen
Gretchen Marek
Upcoming PTO Events:
Dec. 3
Fun Run Planning Meeting ~ 2-3pm
in the school library. All welcome!
Dec. 4 Culver’s Spirit Night ~ 4:30-8:30pm
Dec. 24 Winter Break begins ~ PTO wishes
your family a wonderful break!
Jan. 8
Culver’s Spirit Night ~ 4:30-8:30pm
Jan. 21 Fun Run Pep Rally
Jan. 24 Fun Run Online Auction opens
Feb. 4
Fun Run in the upper gym and the
Fun Run Online Auction closes
Feb. 12 PTO General Meeting ~ 6:30pm in
LCS Conference Room
The next Fun Run planning meeting is
Wed., Dec 3rd from 2:00-3:00pm in the
school library. Anyone interested in
helping is welcome! Questions? Contact
Heather at ragen@wi.rr.com.
Another successful
“Donuts with Dads”
event is in the books.
What a fun morning!
In October, we submitted $368.80 worth of Box Tops bringing our school year total to $923.
That means we’re 18.5% to our goal of $5,000 this school year! That’s a great start, but we
have a couple of classes that have yet to turn in any Box Tops! Tis the season for lots of
cooking—please look for Box Tops on ingredients you buy to prepare your holiday meals.
With your help, we are hoping for BIG Box Top results in November and December. Thanks!
Like us on Facebook!
Hartland Lakeside School District
2014 - 2015
Student Projects:
Hartland Lakeside School District is hosting its second STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
Convention on Saturday - February 07, 2015 between 3.00 pm and 6.00 pm. Students can participate by
presenting a project that ties in to any of the STEM areas. These are only demonstrations of projects. There is no
 Students from ALL school districts from Grades 3 through 8 can participate.
 Student projects will be presented on February 07, 2015 from 3.00 pm -­­ 6.00 pm at NSMS (North Shore Middle
 A team can comprise of at least one student and at most 4 students.
 The focus areas are Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM).
 Projects that have been developed by an adult(s) or students not in the group will not be accepted.
 No adult can work on the projects presented. Adults can assist with tasks such as cutting, gluing etc.
 No Power Point Presentations or White Board presentations are permitted.
 Projects will follow the CER Scientific Method
-­ Claim
- Evidence
- Reasoning
 All projects must be approved by the school to check for safety issues.
 Students must submit a project approval form by November 21, 2014.
 Approvals to be done on or before November 21, 2014.
 All queries to be directed to nirupama.shirali@gmail.com
 Forms should be returned to your school office with a check payable to Hartland Lakeside School District. The
check amount is $5 for all Hartland Lakeside School District students and $25 for students from outside the
Hartland Lakeside School District
2014 - 2015
Student Name(s):
STEM Project Title:
STEM Project Description:
Materials Used:
I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the materials and the rules for the STEM
Student’s Signature(s):
I acknowledge that I have received and reviewed the materials and the rules for the STEM
Convention. I am aware that my child is required to complete the Project.
Parent’s Signature(s):
Project Approval & Submission By
November 21, 2014
Lake Country Ski and Snowboard Club Our next event will at Little Switzerland in Slinger, WI. We are offering a 4‐Time Friday Night Program for kids 7 and up. Parents, friends and family are allowed to participate at the same rate. This package is significantly discounted off the regular rate. A child’s lift ticket and snowboard rental for all 4 nights would normally cost $292 (children age 13+ and adults $332). Rates 4 Lift tickets $65 4 Lift Tickets $85 4 Beginner Lessons* 4 Lift Tickets $95 4 Ski Rentals 4 Lift Tickets $120 4 Snowboard Rentals 4 Lift Tickets $120 4 Ski Rentals 4 Beginner Lessons* $140 4 Lift Tickets 4 Snowboard Rentals 4 Beginner Lessons* *beginner lessons are only for children age 7‐17 Includes a Discount Loyalty Card for additional days of Skiing and Riding Friday Dates th
December 5 , December 19 , January 23rd & February 13th (make‐up date February 27th) Please contact Angela Hobbs for signup information 262‐337‐1223 or e‐mail at ski@angelahobbs.com Our group is not affiliated with LCS DEADLINE – NOVEMBER 21 Lake Country School District
1800 Vettelson Road, Hartland, WI 53029
Phone: (262) 367-3606
Fax: (262) 367-3205
Web Page: www.mylakecountryschool.org
December 2014
Calendar of Events
Candidacy Papers Available in
the Office for School Board
2-3 p.m.
NuKids Program – Gr 3
Outdoor Classroom
3:15-4:45 p.m.
Good News Club
Health Classroom
2-3 p.m.
ACE – K5
Low Instrument Trio
Ingersoll’s Classroom
6:30 p.m.
Nagawicka Shores Annual
Mtg - LMC
11-2 p.m.
K5 1 Stage Field Trip
2-3 p.m.
PTO Fun Run Planning
Mtg - LMC
6:30 p.m. Parent Mtg @
AHS for Class Choices for
Incoming Freshman
6:30-8 p.m.
Wyldlife Mtg - Lower Gym
PBIS Day – Wear Your
Blue T-shirts
3:30-5 p.m.
Gr 7/8 Forensics - LMC
4:30-8:30 p.m.
PTO Sponsored Culver’s
Spirit Night
7 a.m.
C & I Mtg
Conference Room
Cub Scout Pack 169 Food
Drive for Hartland Area
Food Pantry Begins Today
12 noon
Deadline for Wildcat Clips
6:30 p.m. Parent Mtg @ AHS
for Class Choices for Incoming
Gr 7 Girls’ Basketball
AMSAC Tournament
Upper Gym/Cafetorium
3:15-4:15 p.m.
Daisy Troop #6333 Mtg
Staff Lounge
7:55-4 p.m. Gr 8 LTW to
MSOE/Kern Center
6 p.m.
Grade K5-2 Winter Concert
3:10-4:45 p.m.
Brownie Troop #6226 Mtg
Upper Art Room
Gr 7 Girls’ Basketball AMSAC
Upper Gym/Cafetorium
11-2 p.m.
3 Grade - 1 Stage Field
Trip “Rudolph”
Giving Tree Gift Due to Mrs.
Thurin Today
Last Chance to Claim Lost &
Found Items
10:30-11:30 a.m.
ACE – Grade 3
MSO Architects Trio
Lower Gym
3:15-4:45 p.m.
Good News Club
Health Classroom
3:15-4:30 p.m.
Student Council Mtg
Guidance Classroom
3:30-5 p.m.
Gr 7/8 Forensics - LMC
6:30 p.m.
PTO General Mtg
Conference Rm
6:30 p.m.
Grade 3 & 4 Winter
3:15-5 p.m.
Girl Scout Troop #2614 Mtg –
Health Classroom
Gr 7 Girls’ Basketball
AMSAC Tournament
Upper Gym/Cafetorium
Cub Scout Pack 169 Food
Drive for Hartland Area
Food Pantry Ends Today
11-2 p.m.
1 Grade - 1 Stage Field
Trip “Rudolph”
SATURDAY, 12/13/14
Gr 7 Girls’ Basketball
AMSAC Tournament
Upper Gym/Cafetorium
Wildcat Clips emailed home;
also available on website at:
12:45-1:45 p.m.
ACE – Grade 1
MSO Storytellers
Lower Gym
8:30-2:30 p.m.
Grade 7 Field Trip to
Sunburst Ski Hill
3:15-4:45 p.m.
Good News Club
Health Classroom
6 p.m. Board Mtg
Conference Room
6:30-8 p.m.
Wyldlife Mtg - Lower Gym
6:30 p.m.
Grade 5 & 6 Winter
3:30 p.m. Staff Mtg – LMC
10:30-11:30 a.m.
ACE – Grade 5
Lower Gym
3:15-5 p.m.
Brownie Troop #6019 Mtg
Guidance Room
3:30-5 p.m.
Gr 7/8 Forensics - LMC
8:30 a.m.
K4 Mini Concert
Band Room
6:30 p.m.
Grade 7 & 8 Winter
12 noon
Deadline for Wildcat Clips
7-9 p.m.
Clever Clover 4H Club Mtg
Conference Rm
7-9 p.m. Gr 7/8 Dance
@ Merton
$5.00 and Student ID
3:15-4:45 p.m.
Good News Club
Health Classroom
Wildcat Clips emailed
home; also available on
website at:
*This information is accurate as of our Wildcat Clips deadline. Information may change for various reasons. If you would like to confirm information,
please contact the coordinator of the event.