th 10 Australian Influenza Symposium | 2014 Program Day 1 0845 0900 0930 1000 1030 1100 1130 1155 1220 1245 1315 1400 1415 1430 1445 1500 1520 Welcome: Sharon Lewin, Director, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity Plenary Session 1 Cécile Viboud, Fogarty International Center, NIH, Bethesda, USA Paul Thomas, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, USA Stacey Schultz-Cherry, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, USA Ben Cowling, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China Morning tea Plenary Session 2 Vijaykrishna Dhanasekaran, Duke-NUS, Graduate Medical School, Singapore Benjamin Tang, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Gabriel Milinovich, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD Allen Cheng, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC Lunch Plenary Session 3 Anne Kelso, WHO CC for Influenza, Melbourne, VIC Stephen Turner, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Katherine Kedzierska, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Dave Jackson, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Lyn Gilbert, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Chair: Anne Kelso, WHO CC for Influenza, Melbourne, VIC Global disease burden and seasonality of influenza Coordinated metabolic reprogramming in response to productive influenza infection An epithelial integrin regulates the amplitude of protective lung interferon responses through a TGF-β-dependent mechanism Update on influenza A(H7N9) Chair: Victor Carey, Novartis Vaccines, Sydney, NSW Integrating the evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics of human influenza B virus Diagnostic for progression of severe influenza Digital surveillance systems for infectious diseases Hospitalized influenza in Australia Chair: Lorena Brown, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC NHMRC Program on limiting the impact of influenza Helping themselves: Utilising CD4+ T cell responses to boost cellular immunity to influenza A virus infection Rapid recovery from severe H7N9 disease is driven by CD8+ T cells Pending Chair: Robert Booy, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Opening Presentation: Influenza immunisation of Health Care Workers in Australia For discussion: Should influenza vaccination be mandatory for Australian Health Care Workers? Panel: Cécile Viboud, Fogarty International Center, NIH, Bethesda, USA Lyn Gilbert, The University of Sydney, NSW Ann Bull, VICNISS Coordinating Centre, Melbourne, VIC Susan Harper, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC Allen Cheng, The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, VIC Paul Van Buynder, Gold Coast Public Health, Gold Coast, QLD 1600 Afternoon tea Workshop 1: Clinical and Research 1630 1645 1700 1715 1730 1745 1800 1815 1830 Oanh Nguyen, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Zoe Patterson Ross, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Weisan Chen, La Trobe University, Bundoora, VIC Fernanda Ana-Sosa-Batiz, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Siying Ye, Deakin University, VIC Nani Wibowo, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD Jeffrey Butler, CSIRO, Geelong, VIC Chairs: Julie McAuley, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC and Steve Rockman, bioCSL, Melbourne, VIC Tracking plasmablast and follicular T cell subsets during influenza infection in hospitalized FluCAN patients Inter-seasonal influenza virus is characterized by unexpected onwards transmission events including persistence Influenza A virus matrix 1 and nucleoprotein are major targets of immunodominant CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses Cross-reactive influenza-specific antibody-dependent phagocytosis induced by influenza infection The role of reactive oxygen species in cytokine dysregulation following avian influenza H5N1 and H7N9 infection Protective efficacy of a rapid-response influenza nanovaccine Pathobiology and immunological responses in chickens infected with influenza A/Duck/Laos/XBY004/2014 (H5N6), a new reassortant highly pathogenic avian influenza type Mark Zanin, St Jude Children's Research Pandemic swine H1N1 influenza viruses with almost undetectable Hospital, Memphis, USA neuraminidase activity do not transmit via aerosols in ferrets and are inhibited by mucus Day 1 concludes – Drinks and nibbles at the Peter Doherty Institute Page | 2 th 10 Australian Influenza Symposium | 2014 Program Day 2 Workshop 2: Epidemiology 0830 0845 0900 0915 0930 0945 1000 1030 1055 1120 1145 1210 1245 1330 1355 1420 1445 1515 1530 Holly Seale, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW Robin Gilmour, New South Wales Ministry of Health, Sydney, NSW Kylie Carville, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Melbourne, VIC Chairs: Sheena Sullivan, WHO CC for Influenza, Melbourne, VIC and Kristine Macartney, NCIRS, Sydney, NSW Making influenza vaccination mandatory for Australia healthcare workers Are we any better with handling influenza outbreaks in RCFs Seasonal influenza vaccination effectiveness estimates: Optimising covariates and restriction criteria for regression models in the case test negative design Examining the policies and practices around the use of masks/respirators for influenza and other respiratory infections Factors associated with influenza vaccination in a cohort of older Australian adults Using mathematical models to examine the role of innate and adaptive immune responses in controlling infection Abrar Chughtai, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW Amalie Dyda, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW Ada Yan, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC Morning tea Plenary Session 4 Chair: Edward Holmes, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW Martha Nelson, Fogarty International The evolution of pandemic influenza virus threats in swine Center, NIH, Bethesda, USA Gavin Smith, Duke-NUS, Graduate Medical Pandemic risk assessment of H2N2 viruses School, Singapore Frank Wong, CSIRO, Geelong, VIC OIE/FAO regional update on zoonotic influenza in animals Marcel Klaassen, Deakin University, Ecology of influenza in birds Geelong, VIC Paul Horwood, Institut Pasteur du Influenza A/H5N1 in Cambodia Cambodge, Phnom Penn, Cambodia Lunch Plenary Session 5 Chair: David Smith, PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA, Perth, WA Stacey Schultz-Cherry, St Jude Children's “Watching” influenza transmit in ferrets in real-time Research Hospital, Memphis, USA Paul Thomas, St Jude Children's Research Immune profiles and clinical outcomes in a human cohort after influenza Hospital, Memphis, USA infection Cécile Viboud, Fogarty International Center, Human mobility and the spatial transmission of influenza NIH, Bethesda, USA Ben Cowling, The University of Hong Kong, Influenza transmission in Households Hong Kong SAR, China Closing comments: Ian Barr, WHO CC for Influenza, Melbourne, VIC Symposium concludes Page | 3
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