Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe SUPPORT THOSE WHO MAKE THIS BULLETIN POSSIBLE (PG. 16) PAGE 1 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” .CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA PARA EL DESARROLLO HUMANO HOY “HAS NONE BUT THIS FOREIGNER RETURNED TO GIVE THANKS TO GOD?” THANKSGIVING DAY MASS 10:00 AM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 27 Put the turkey in the oven and join us for morning Mass to give thanksgiving for all our blessings today and every day. There will be one Mass on Thanksgiving Day November 27, 2014, at 10:00 am (no 12:10 pm or 5:10 pm Mass). Some of the children from the Faith Formation Program will be participating in this celebration. PLEASE BRING FOOD ITEMS YOU WISH TO BE BLESSED FOR YOUR THANKSGIVING DAY MEAL. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Worldwide Marriage Encounter—An amazing weekend away with your spouse. To register, please visit: http://www. to register. Or for more information, contact Terry & Janet at: 916-489-3464, or: applications@ En estos días no es difícil imaginar tener que elegir entre la renta o atención médica, alimentación o el transporte, las facturas de la casa o la ropa para los niños. Muchos estadounidenses se ven obligados a estas elecciones por un reciente despido, congelamiento del salario o reducción del fondo de jubilación. Para 37 millones de estadounidenses que viven por debajo de la línea de la pobreza, las opciones no hacen más que disminuir. La Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano marca una diferencia en las comunidades de bajos ingresos financiando programas que abordan las causas fundamentales de la pobreza. (Ningunos de los fondos de esta colecta van a apoyar a la organización ACORN). Más que nunca la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano necesita su apoyo. Gracias por su generosidad. BOOK OF THE DEAD In the Chapel of the Martyrs (right of altar), we have positioned the Book of the Dead with a candle and modest flowers. Please write the names of loved ones you wish to remember in this book. If you would like to make an offering, you will find offering envelopes by the small sign pointing to the poor box where you may place your offerings. These All Souls envelopes will remain on the Cathedral Altar throughout November as an outward sign of our mutual, concerted, and ongoing remembrance of All the Faithful Departed. CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT TODAY These days it is not hard to imagine having to choose between rent or health care, food or transportation, household bills or clothing for your children. For many Americans, these choices are forced by a recent layoff, pay freeze, or retirement fund decrease. For 37 million Americans who live below the poverty line, the options are only diminishing. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) makes a difference in lowincome communities by funding programs that address the root causes of poverty. (No local or national ACORN organizations are funded by this collection). More than ever, CCHD needs your support. Thank you for your generosity. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY UPDATES! We will be outside after masses having our Advent wreath fundraiser. Please stop by our table to get your wreath and/or candles. ULTIMAS NOTICIAS DEL MINISTERIO DE RESPETO A LA VIDA! Estaremos afuera después de las misas con nuestras coronas de Adviento para recaudar fondos. Por favor pase por nuestra mesa por su corona y/o sus velas. PAGE 2 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 POR FAVOR IMPRIMA CLARAMENTE ACTUALIZACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE LA CATEDRAL GRACIAS NOMBRE #1: _____________________ ____________ N OMBRE #2: ________________________ ____________________ (APELLIDO, NOMBRE) A PELLIDO, NOMBRE) DOMICILIO: (DOMICILIO) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO: (_____) _________________ (_____) _______________________ (_____) ________________________ (CIUDAD) (CASA) (E STADO) (C ELULAR) (C ÓDIGO POSTAL) (T RABAJO) EMAIL: CASA ________________________________________ T RABAJO _________________________________________ MÉTODO PREFERIDO DE OFRENDA SEMANAL: ___ SOBRES DE OFRENDA (SERÁN ENVIADOS A SU HOGAR) ___ BILLPAY A TRAVÉS DE SU BANCO (GENERALMENTE REALIZADO EN LÍNEA EN EL SITIO WEB DE SU BANCO) ___ CATEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (DONACIONES EN LÍNEA) (DIOS LOS BENDIGA POR SU APOYO A NUESTRA HERMOSA CATEDRAL.) REGRESE POR FAVOR: 1) DEPOSITE EN LA CANASTA DE LA COLECTA EN MISA; 2) ESCANEAR A PDF FILE Y ENVÍA POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: BLESSED@CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG; 3) FAX: 916-443-2749; O 4) CORREO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO,CA 95814. TH PAGE 3 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 THANKSGIVING REPORT TO PARISHIONERS NOVEMBER 22-23 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL 2014 “REPORT OF GRATITUDE” Bishop Soto invites all parishioners to view the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal “Report of Gratitude” by visiting “Every time a family has a breakthrough, a child finds safety and hope, a marginalized individual finds the strength to rebuild a life of dignity, a seminarian moves closer to ordination, or a student is able to stay in Catholic School, we think of you, our donors. Thank you for your support this year. Please take a moment to see the difference you’ve made in 2014.” The 2014 Appeal is approaching $3 million from nearly 19,000 Catholics in our diocese. The Appeal Office is still accepting donations for 2014. Please donate online by visiting 25% comes back to our parish for our own outreach to people who need our help. INFORME DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS A LOS FELIGRESES 22 – 23 DE NOV LLAMADO CATÓLICO ANUAL 2014 “INFORME DE AGRADECIMIENTO” El Obispo Soto invita a todos los feligreses a que vean el “Informe de Agradecimiento” acudiendo a “Cada vez que a una familia se le resuelve un problema, que un niño encuentra seguridad y esperanza, que un marginado encuentra fuerzas para rehacer una vida digna, que un seminarista se acerca a su ordenación sacerdotal, o que un estudiante puede seguir educándose en una escuela católica, pensamos en ustedes, nuestros donantes. Gracias por su apoyo este año. Por favor, tomen un momento para ver la diferencia que han hecho en el 2014.” El Llamado 2014 se aproxima a los $3 millones de casi 19,000 católicos en nuestra diócesis. La Oficina del Llamado Católico sigue aceptando donaciones para el 2014. Por favor, ofrezcan su donativo por medio de internet visitando El 25% vuelve a nuestra parroquia para nuestro propio trabajo de extensión hacia los que necesitan nuestra ayuda. CATHEDRAL OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT 1017 11TH ST, SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 TICKETS AT TICKETFLY.COM PAGE 4 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 CATHEDRAL MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS (THIRTY-FOURTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME) SAT 11/22/2014 5:00 pm: SUN 11/23/2014 11:00 am: MON 11/24/2014 Jose Delgado Lisa Robello, S.I. ST. ANDREW DUNG-LAC & COMPANIONS REV 14: 1-3, 4B-5; LK 21: 1-4 12:10 pm: Abdul Mani 5:10 pm: Souls in Purgatory TUES 11/25/2014 ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA REV 14: 14-19; LK 21: 5-11 12:10 pm: In Thanksgiving 5:10 pm: Joseph Lam Than WED 11/26/2014 REV 15: 1-4; LK 21: 12-19 12:10 pm: In Thanksgiving 5:10 pm: In Thanksgiving THU 11/27/2014 THANKSGIVING DAY SIR 50: 22-24; 1 COR 1: 3-9; LK 1: 11-19 10:00 am: Peter Rebello FRI 11/28/2014 REV 20: 1-4, 11—21: 2; LK 21: 29-33 12:10 pm: Joseph Than WEEK AT A GLANCE SUN 11/23/2014 9:00 am RCIA Class for children and teens 9:30 am Breaking of the Word 11:00 am Breaking of the Word for Children 11:15 am Spanish Religious Education MON 11/24/2014 6:30 pm Evening Prayer RCIA Team 7:00 pm RCIA Class 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program TUES 11/25/2014 7:00 pm NO English Confirmation Classes 7:00 pm Spanish Choir practice (7 pm) WED 11/26/2014 7:00 pm Communion and Liberation 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program THUR 11/27/2014 7:00 pm Spanish Prayer Group FRI 11/28/2014 SAT 11/29/2014 10:30 am NO English Religious Education EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “COULD YOU NOT KEEP WATCH WITH ME ONE HOUR?” WED & THUR 12:40 PM-4:45 PM FRI 12:40 PM-3:45 PM NO 5:10 PM MASS ON FRIDAYS TO SIGN UP CALL TITI KILA (916) 206-7846 OR (707) 628-0340 OR E-MAIL TO CATHEDRALADORATION@GMAIL.COM Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Adoration, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and Benediction with the CATHEDRAL TOURS EVERY SUNDAY AFTER 9:00 AM AND 11 AM MASSES CATHEDRAL PRAYER CORNER CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP MONDAY 11:00 AM TO 2:00 PM EVERY SUNDAY 9:00 AM--3:00 PM LET US PRAY FOR THE SICK AND SUFFERING RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS LISA ANGELO JOHN D. AMARO BRANDON BARROWS BROWN FAMILY GEORGE BURNS CHARLES CORDIMA MARIA GUADALUPE CARDONA DEMELLO FAMILY HARRY GABO MONICA GABO FRANK GARCIA MARY GUILLORY-DEGAS JOE DOSCHER SILVIA GARCIA CARLOS S. GOMEZ LUIS GUTIERREZ KATI JANSEN TIMOTHY JIMENEZ NORMA KATINDOY JOSEPH CRAWFORD LEON VIRGINIA MANCENIDO NILDA MEDINA MARIA ELENA MONZANI CLORAINE MIURA ELIZABETH PAUL ROSEMARY PLAIN JOHNNY RAMIREZ DOMINIC RENZI JOANNE RENZI MARIA ROKOMASI DALING SANTOS LILY DA SILVA BRIAN SWANN JEOFF SWANN PHILIP WORTH DONNA WORTH The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of spiritual and educational formation for adults who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church through conversion of mind and heart. The process is open to all persons who genuinely seek by God's grace to live their lives in the Catholic Christian faith. For details, please call Sister Jenny at (916) 444-5364 or email to PAGE 5 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE Serve Ez 34:11-12,15-17. 1 Cor 15:20-26,28 • Mt 25:31-46 T he world is a mess, and it is frightening. Hamas wants to destroy Israel, and Israel voraciously defends itself. Rockets have flown everywhere, and hundreds of innocent people have died. ISIS wants to create an Islamic state in which there will be no room for anyone but Muslims. Christians in Iraq have been killed by the hundreds and forced to flee by the hundreds of thousands in the largest flight of people in history. Pro-Russian separatists seek to divide Ukraine, and hundreds have been killed. The political and social atmosphere in our own country is one of absolutism and anger. The United States Congress could not even pass a resolution to congratulate Pope Francis on his election. exiles, and it remains a message of hope for us. It was the practice in Palestine to mix sheep and goats in the daytime. In the evening the sheep and goats had to be separated because goats are intolerant of cold and had to be kept warm. Sheep on the other hand preferred the open air. Overall, however, sheep got better treatment because they were more commercially valuable. This parable makes Jesus’ point of view clear: At the end of time Jesus will do some separating himself. Notably, there is no mention in the parable of anyone doing evil; rather, the parable speaks of neglect. We are often guilty of neglect, of not being moved by the needs of others or of failing to help even [when] we notice others’ needs. Most distressing is knowledge that there is an extremely noticeable decline in the moral influence of religion in our country. We are clearly in need of a new direction. Today’s solemnity offers us a guide for a better tomorrow. While the solemnity of Christ the King points us toward the Second Coming of Christ in glory, it also offers us a blueprint for how followers of Christ can make a difference in the world right now. Ezekiel’s world was in no less turmoil and pain. Ezekiel was among some 8,000 exiles taken to Babylon after the fall of Jerusalem around 598 B.C. The SHEEP prophet complained bitterly about the moral decline of Judah, believing it precipitated the fall of Jerusalem and the exile. The people had fallen away from the authentic practices of their faith in God. Ezekiel told the people that they had gotten what they deserved for having fallen away from practicing their faith! Ezekiel laid particular blame for the exile at the feet of the kings of Judah. The prophet decried the abysmal moral values of the kings and other leaders of Judah. They were supposed to have been shepherds of God’s people, caring for them, guiding them and being their finest example of living out the Jewish faith. In our passage from Ezekiel today, the prophet tells us that God was so disgusted with the leadership of Judah that He himself would become the shepherd of the people. It was a message of hope for the GOATS On this celebration of Christ the King, as we see the perfect ruler against whom all leaders—in fact all of us—should compare ourselves, we might ponder a more humble title for this day: Christ the Deacon. Those who “are accused” had to ask when they had failed Jesus: “When did we see you … and not minister to your needs?” The word here for minister is the same word for deacon, the word for service. The first meaning of “diakonos” (the noun) is “table waiter,” and waiting on tables was held to be one of the lowest jobs possible. The verb form of the word can be translated many ways, but its primary use is “to serve.” This is the model Jesus gives us, the model that will save us and change the world: Serve! First, notice those in need just as a shepherd notices sheep that are lost or in need. Second, do something about it! Those who are cursed by the Son of Man are those who fail to serve, those who fail to take care of those in need. Just as Jesus has served us, so should we serve. Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.—John Wesley PAGE 6 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 ADVENT RETREAT You are cordially invited to attend an Advent Retreat sponsored by the Lay Canossian Association on December 6, 2014. The theme “The Family Today” will be presented by Fr. Pius Amah. This beautiful day of prayer and community will take place at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall located at 1951 North Avenue - Sacramento, CA. Included will be Confessions, Mass and a pre-Christmas Raffle with proceeded to go to the Canossian Missions in Mexico. Doors open at 8:00 a.m. and concludes at 2:00 p.m. RSVP: lc.advent.retreat@gmail .com or (916) 9254001. Bring a brown-bag lunch and a friend to share the joy! TODAY’S READINGS EZ 34: 11-12, 15-17: I WILL JUDGE BETWEEN ONE SHEEP AND ANOTHER. 1 COR 15: 20-26, 28: CHRIST WILL HAND OVER HIS KINGDOM TO THE FATHER. MT 25: 31-46: THE SON OF MAN WILL SEPARATE THE SHEEP FROM THE GOATS. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY CATHEDRAL PARISH REGISTRATION & UPDATE NAME #1: _____________________ ____________ THANK YOU NAME #2: ________________________ ___________ (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) PHONE: (_____) _________________ (_____) ______________________________ (_____) _________________________ (HOME) (CELL) (WORK) EMAIL: HOME ___________________________________________ W ORK ________________________________________ PREFERRED METHOD OF WEEKLY OFFERING: ______ OFFERING ENVELOPES (WILL BE SENT TO YOUR HOME) ______ BILLPAY THROUGH YOUR BANK (USUALLY DONE ON-LINE ON YOUR BANK’S WEB SITE) ______ CATHEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (ONLINE DONATIONS) (MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CATHEDRAL.) PLEASE RETURN BY: 1) PUT INTO BLESSED@CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG; 3) COLLECTION BASKET AT MASS; 2) SCAN TO PDF FILE AND EMAIL FAX TO: 916-443-2749; OR 4) MAIL TO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814. TH PAGE 7 TO: Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 PAGE 8 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 PAGE 9 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC CHURCH 9539 RACQUET COURT ELK GROVE, CA 95758 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014 CALL 916-684-5722 FOR MORE DETAILS OR VISIT: WWW.GSCCEG.ORG PAGE 10 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 Feast of the Holy Family December 28, 2014 Participate in the Rosary Procession from the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament to The National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe headed by His Excellency, Auxiliary Bishop Myron J. Cotta and Father Michael O'Reilly in remembrance of the Holy Innocents and unborn children victims of abortion. 5:30 PM Gathering at the steps of the Cathedral. 6:00 PM Rosary/Procession starts. 7:00 PM Holy Mass at the Shrine. Don't miss it! Bring your family! Show your support for the sanctity of life! PAGE 11 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia 28 de diciembre de 2014 Participe en la Procesión/ Rosario desde la Catedral del Santísimo Sacramento al Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, encabezado por Su Excelencia, el Obispo Auxiliar de Sacramento Myron J. Cotta y el Padre Michael O' Reilly en memoria de los Santos Inocentes y bebés víctimas del aborto. 5:30 PM-Vigilia en los escalones de la Catedral. 6:00 PM-Procesión/Rosario al Santuario. 7:00 PM-La Santa Misa. No Faltes. Trae a tu familia. ¡Muestra tu apoyo por la Vida! ¡Te Esperamos! PAGE 12 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 PAGE 13 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 PAGE 14 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 PAGE 15 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —November 23, 2014 PAGE 16
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