Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time SUPPORT THOSE WHO MAKE THIS BULLETIN POSSIBLE (PG. 15) PAGE 1 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time “THE FEVER LEFT HER, AND SHE WAITED ON THEM.”” CATHEDRAL MEN’S CLUB TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11 AT 7:15 PM Men of the Cathedral parish, you are invited to join the Cathedral Men's Group. If you are Christ-centered and interested in improving yourself check us out. We discuss the topics of today, how we men are affected, and what the Bible teaches us regarding today's issues. We meet every second Tuesday of the month in the Cathedral lower level at 7:15 p.m. Join us this Tuesday, November 11. CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION TODAY LUKE 15 Bishop Jaime Soto will celebrate the Annual Lunar New Year Mass with the Sacramento Chinese Catholic Community on Sunday, February, 8 , 2015 at 3:00pm at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacr a me nt. W e i n vi t e C hi ne se Parishioners, Asians and Friends to join us at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament for our New Year Eucharist. The Ceremonial Tribute to our Ancestors, showing our respect, filial love, and piety to them will be celebrated at the end of Holy Mass. Come Celebrate with us! CATHEDRAL WOMEN’S RETREAT AT CHRIST THE KING RETREAT CENTER Christ the King Retreat Center 6520 Van Maren Lane, Citrus Heights, CA 95621 ADULT CONFIRMATION PREPARATION CLASSES Cathedral Parish Adult Confirmation Classes will begin on Thursday March 5, from 7:00-8:30 pm in the Lower Level for those who, for whatever reason, have never been confirmed. Bishop Jaime Soto extends this invitation each year providing that candidates have prior instruction. The Adult Confirmation Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Soto on May 21, 2015, at the 5:00 pm Mass. Please call Sister Jenny at 444-5364 to join this class. All Cathedral Parish women are invited to join with women from other parishes for a weekend retreat at Christ the King Retreat Center on the weekend of March 13-15, 2015. The beautiful retreat facility and grounds are most conducive for prayer, reflection and inspirational talks. A fee of $195single/ $175double is requested. Financial assistance is available. Please call our Parish Secretary, Maria Elena Gutierrez at: 916444-3071 Ext. 10 for reservations. PAGE 2 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 CATHEDRAL MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS (FIFTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME) 2/7/2015 5:00 pm Anne Trah, S.I. SUN 2/8/2015 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 am Diane Westmark, S.I. 9:00 am For Cathedral Parish Intentions 11:00 am 30th Wedding Anniversary Domenico & Rosa Bellocci 1:00 pm Elena Hinostroza 5:00 pm In thanksgiving Allen Hebert 7:00 pm All Souls in Purgatory MON 2/9/2015 GEN 1: 1-19; MK 6: 53-56 12:10 pm Valerie La Penta Steiger, S.I. 5:10 pm Gloria Carlson, S.I. TUES 2/10/2015 ST. SCHOLASTICA, VIRGIN GEN 1: 20—2:4A; MK 7: 1-13 12:10 pm Genevieve Grutzmacher 5:10 pm Mandy Tennesen, S.I. WED 2/11/2015 OUR LADY OF LOURDES GEN 2: 4B-9, 15-17; MK 7: 14-23 12:10 pm Gerald O’Reilly, S.I. 5:10 pm Ron Pineda THU 2/12/2015 GEN 2: 18-25; MK 7: 24-30 12:10 pm Armand Maggenti 5:10 pm Mary Lou Denham, S.I. FRI 2/13/2015 GEN 3: 1-8; MK 7: 31-37 12:10 pm For the A.C.T.S. Retreat, S.I. SAT WEEK AT A GLANCE SUN 2/8/2015 9:00 am RCIA Class for children and teens 9:30 am Breaking of the Word 11:00 am Breaking of the Word for Children 11:15 am Religious Education (Spanish) MON 2/9/2015 6:30 pm Evening Prayer RCIA Team 7:00 pm RCIA Class 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program TUES 2/10/2015 7:00 pm English Teens Confirmation Class 7:00 pm Cathedral Men’s Group 7:00 pm Spanish Choir for 7pm Mass WED 2/11/2015 7:00 pm Communion and Liberation 7:15 pm Cathedral Rosary Group 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program THUR 2/12/2015 7:00 pm Spanish Prayer Group 7:00 pm Bible Study Class 7:00 pm Prayer & Life Workshops FRI 2/13/2015 SAT 2/14/2015 10:00 am Religious Education (English) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “COULD YOU NOT KEEP WATCH WITH ME ONE HOUR?” WED & THUR 12:40PM-4:45PM FRI 12:40PM-3:45PM TO SIGN UP CALL TITI KILA (916) 206-7846 OR (707) 6280340 OR E-MAIL TO CATHEDRALADORATION@GMAIL.COM NO 5:00 PM MASS ON FRIDAYS CATHEDRAL TOURS Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Adoration, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and Benediction with the Relic of St. Faustina after 12:10 Mass EVERY SUNDAY AFTER 9:00 AM AND 11 AM MASSES CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP MONDAY-ONLY 11:00 AM TO 2:00 PM AND CATHEDRAL PRAYER CORNER LISA ANGELO JOHN D. AMARO BRANDON BARROWS BROWN FAMILY GEORGE BURNS CHARLES CORDIMA MARIA GUADALUPE CARDONA DEMELLO FAMILY ROBIN DUNTON HARRY GABO MONICA GABO FRANK GARCIA CRISTINA GONZALEZ MARY GUILLORY-DEGAS JOE DOSCHER SILVIA GARCIA CARLOS S. GOMEZ CRISTINA GONZALEZ LUIS GUTIERREZ SCOTT HESPELER KATI JANSEN TIMOTHY JIMENEZ NORMA KATINDOY JOSEPH CRAWFORD LEON MARCELINO MACARULAY SR. VIRGINIA MANCENIDO NILDA MEDINA MARIA ELENA MONZANI CLORAINE MIURA ELIZABETH PAUL ROSEMARY PLAIN JOHNNY RAMIREZ DOMINIC RENZI JOANNE RENZI MARIA ROKOMASI DALING SANTOS LILY DA SILVA BRIAN SWANN JEOFF SWANN RALPH TAITANO PHILIP WORTH DONNA WORTH EVERY SUNDAY 9:00 AM--3:00 PM RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of spiritual and educational formation for adults who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church through conversion of mind and heart. The process is open to all persons who genuinely seek by God’s grace to live their lives in the Catholic Christian faith. For details, please call Sister Jenny at (916) 444-5364 or email to PAGE 3 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 TRAS LOS PASOS DE JESUS EN LA TIERRA SANTA DIOCESAN JOB OPENINGS (1) The Diocese of Sacramento has an immediate opening for a full-time Director of Social Ministry. The Director will be the Bishop’s primary representative and liaison with Catholic Charities agencies, advocacy and community organizations and other partner organizations carrying out the mission of the Church. The successful candidate must be a practicing Catholic, at minimum have a bachelor’s degree and have ten years of service (or equivalent) in various advocacy and social service ministries. Egipto, el Monte Sinai, Tierra Santa, y Jordania Salida el 22 de junio al 7 de julio del 2015-02-04 Precio por persona $4,350 fecha límite para registrarse y hacer pago final 22 de abril del 2015 Únase al Padre Michael Anthony Bethancourt y Padre Jacobo Cazares en este maravilloso peregrinaje de 16 días de paz y alegría. Para información llame a Maria Uribe (510) 837-1503 O Anabel Aldama (916)627-8778 IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF JESUS IN THE HOLY LAND (SPANISH SPEAKING ONLY) Egypt, Mount Sinai, Holy Land, and Jordan From June 22 thru July 7. Price per person $4,350. Deadline to register and make final payment is April 22, 2015. Join Father Michael Anthony Bethancourt and Father James Cazares in this wonderful 16-day pilgrimage of peace and joy. For information call Maria Uribe (510) 837-1503 or Anabel Aldama (916) 627-8778 (2) Catholic Charities of Solano seeks a Clinical Director of Counseling to manage the day-to-day operation of our New Pathways Counseling program. This is a key administrative position of Catholic Charities of Solano, and as such requires professional administrative, supervisory, outreach, and clinical management skills. For more information and complete job descriptions, visit the diocesan website and look under employment. To apply, please email cover letter and resume to PAGE 4 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PRAYER AND LIFE WORKSHOPS Would you like to have a PERSONAL, RELATIONSHIP with the Lord? To experience the FATHER’S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE? To learn and to deepen your life of PRAYER with the Word of God? To learn and to practice SEVERAL PRAYER METHODS? To learn and to practice SILENCE, FORGIVENESS…? THE PRAYER AND LIFE WORKSHOPS OFFERS YOU THE TOOLS. The PLW is not a prayer group or a Bible study. COME AND FALL IN LOVE WITH GOD. LET YOURSELF BE LOVED BY GOD. We will begin on Thursday, February 5th at 7:00 p.m., María Goretti Room. There is no registration required; however, we recommend that you sign up. Please contact Martha Garduño at (916) 392-3780 for more information. ________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ __ TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA (TOV) Te gustaría tener una relación personal, íntima con el Señor? Experimentar el AMOR INCONDICIONAL DEL PADRE? Aprender y profundizar tu vida de oración con LA PALABRA DE DIOS? Aprender y practicar diferentes maneras de orar? Aprender y practicar el SILENCIO, el PERDÓN…? Los Talleres de Oración y Vida te ofrecen las herramientas. Los TOV no son un grupo de oración o clase de Biblia. VEN Y ENAMÓRATE DE DIOS. DÉJATE AMAR POR DIOS. Iniciamos el Jueves 5 de Febrero a las 7:00 p.m. en el salón San Juan Bosco. Aunque no hay inscripción, recomendamos te anotes. Por favor comunícate con Virginia al 916-689-8443 o Evelyn al 916-388-9329. POR FAVOR IMPRIMA CLARAMENTE ACTUALIZACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE LA CATEDRAL GRACIAS NOMBRE #1: _____________________ ____________ N OMBRE #2: ________________________ ____________________ (APELLIDO, NOMBRE) A PELLIDO, NOMBRE) DOMICILIO: (DOMICILIO) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO: (_____) _________________ (_____) _______________________ (_____) ________________________ (CIUDAD) (CASA) (E STADO) (C ELULAR) (C ÓDIGO POSTAL) (T RABAJO) EMAIL: CASA ________________________________________ T RABAJO _________________________________________ MÉTODO PREFERIDO DE OFRENDA SEMANAL: ___ SOBRES DE OFRENDA (SERÁN ENVIADOS A SU HOGAR) ___ BILLPAY A TRAVÉS DE SU BANCO (GENERALMENTE REALIZADO EN LÍNEA EN EL SITIO WEB DE SU BANCO) ___ CATEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (DONACIONES EN LÍNEA) (DIOS LOS BENDIGA POR SU APOYO A NUESTRA HERMOSA CATEDRAL.) REGRESE POR FAVOR: 1) DEPOSITE EN LA CANASTA DE LA COLECTA EN MISA; 2) ESCANEAR A PDF FILE Y ENVÍA POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: BLESSED@CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG; 3) FAX: 916-443-2749; O 4) CORREO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO,CA 95814. TH PAGE 5 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 Positions available are: MALE AND FEMALE COUNSELORS HEALTH SERVICES MANAGER (RN, OR UPPER LEVEL NURSING STUDENTS PREFERRED) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PROGRAM DIRECTOR 2015 SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES CAMP PENDOLA 2015 SUMMER SCHEDULE Certification Training Week June 1-6 Staff Training June 7-13 Summer Camp June 14 – August 1 Post Camp August 2-5 All staff will be off after 9 p.m July 1 until noon July 5. For more information or an application, contact Lori Rosene: Camp Pendola, 28000 Rollins Lake Road, Colfax, CA 95713 530 -389-2780, or “PRAYING THE MASS” CAMP PENDOLA CAMP PENDOLA is the Diocese of Sacramento youth ministry summer camp and has served children ages 6 to 17 for many years. The camp is located in the Tahoe National Forest 91 miles north-east of Sacramento near Camptonville, CA. If you want a great experience in the out-of-doors, playing with children, spending nights out under the stars, and growing in your skills we would love to hear from you. It is the goal to have all hiring complete by March 15, 2015, but hiring will continue until all positions are filled. CAMP PENDOLA summer of 2015 will offer a limited number of positions to meet the needs of the campers and the program. All applicants must be high school graduates and 18 years old. POR FAVOR IMPRIMA CLARAMENTE PRESENTED BY FR. BLAISE R. BERG, STD We are happy to invite each of you to attend this very special presentation sponsored by the Lay Canossian Association. In this talk, Fr. Berg will shed light on how to enter more deeply into the prayers, hymns and readings of the Mass. By understanding the various parts of the Mass and the gestures, postures and prayers that are associated with each, we can open ourselves more abundantly to the graces that the celebration of the Mass offers to us. This special event takes place on February 27, 2015, 7:00 p.m., at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Mercy Hall (lower level). Parking is free in the structure located in the alley. Light refreshments included. Share the joy of this occasion bringing a friend! All are welcome!! ACTUALIZACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE LA CATEDRAL GRACIAS NOMBRE #1: _____________________ ____________ N OMBRE #2: ________________________ ____________________ (APELLIDO, NOMBRE) A PELLIDO, NOMBRE) DOMICILIO: (DOMICILIO) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO: (_____) _________________ (_____) _______________________ (_____) ________________________ (CIUDAD) (E STADO) (CASA) (C ELULAR) (C ÓDIGO POSTAL) (T RABAJO) EMAIL: CASA ________________________________________ T RABAJO _________________________________________ MÉTODO PREFERIDO DE OFRENDA SEMANAL: ___ SOBRES DE OFRENDA (SERÁN ENVIADOS A SU HOGAR) ___ BILLPAY A TRAVÉS DE SU BANCO (GENERALMENTE REALIZADO EN LÍNEA EN EL SITIO WEB DE SU BANCO) ___ CATEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (DONACIONES EN LÍNEA) (DIOS LOS BENDIGA POR SU APOYO A NUESTRA HERMOSA CATEDRAL.) REGRESE POR FAVOR: 1) DEPOSITE EN LA CANASTA DE LA COLECTA EN MISA; 2) ESCANEAR A PDF FILE Y ENVÍA POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: BLESSED@CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG; 3) FAX: 916443-2749; O 4) CORREO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO,CA 95814. TH PAGE 6 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ‘Let Us Move On’ JOB 7: 1-4, 6-7 • 1 COR 9: 16-19, 22-23 • MK 1: 29-39 T here is no satisfactory answer as to why bad things happen to good people. We can be as good as we can be yet we will are still plagued by misfortune, illness, and heartache. This galls us. Many times we end up wondering, “Why me? What did I ever do?” Because there is no good answer and because most of the time we do not deserve the bad things that happen to us, we either become angry, give up on life, or curse the Lord and turn our backs on Him. It is not unusual for people to quit attending church when really bad things happen. It pained Jesus that people’s interest in Him was not in His message but rather in His healing power. He had wanted to convince people that the reign of God was at hand by using the power of God to heal. Frustrating and perhaps defeating, all people really wanted was to be healed without the message. Our readings point us to three individuals who were absolutely undeserving of their circumstances. Their stories call to mind some of the difficult moments of our own lives when, despite our best efforts, everything goes against us. Our readings offer us a bit of spiritual wisdom. Many of us have people as part of our lives who use us without a care about who we are and what we stand for. We too can be merely the giver of goods and fulfiller of needs without being appreciated for who and what we are. JOB “He has the patience of Job.” This familiar old saying is odd because Job had no patience. Job did not remain silent and accepting. He fought back. Despite despondency and anger however, he did not give up on God. Rather than talking about the patience of Job we should talk about the faithfulness of Job. Sometimes all we can do is stay faithful. Job found his peace precisely as a result of his faithfulness. Everyone has heard of Job, the man for whom everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Job, through no fault of his own, lost his wife and children, his farm, his wealth and his reputation. He was at times very despondent about his fate and cursed the day he was born believing he would be better off dead Paul remained committed to faith no than living in such misery. At other matter the cost. He believed in Jesus’ times he was angry that he was being message despite its demands, and constantly victimized although he rather than allowing himself to feel never knew why. His friends thought My days are swifter than a weaver’s burdened by it, Paul made his role as he must have brought misfortune upon shuttle; they come to an end without hope. messenger, not his success or reputation, himself by sinning; however, Job was his source of joy. Success and a good and righteous man and wholly undeserving of his reputation are not the source of our joy. Our joy is in the fact that misfortunes. we are called to be with God. We can endure any attack on our person if our focus is on God’s call and not on our reputation. We have all been in Job’s shoes to one degree or another. We too have been undeserving of many of our heartaches. And, we have felt that God has remained silent and uncaring about our fate. We read from Paul who had been joyfully preaching about how to live the life of Jesus. Unfortunately it meant telling people that they must make serious changes in lifestyles and religious practices. Not wanting to change, opponents, instead of debating the issues directly, called into question Paul’s authority and character. Paul was forced to fight to prove his authority and worthiness as an apostle. Like Paul it sometimes has been our fate to have spoken the truth only to be subjected to abuse and name-calling because we dared to tell someone the truth. The abuse can make us afraid to be truthful again. It is Jesus who shows us true spiritual wisdom. He went off to a lonely place and became absorbed in prayer. We too must turn to prayer. What happens when we pray? Prayer helps us remember and helps us focus. In prayer we call to mind who God is and who we are. This can keep us from getting lost in self-pity. Calling to mind who God is helps us remember that God is never the cause of pain and suffering; He is the source of peace and comfort in the midst of suffering. How else could Jesus have hung from a cross? Jesus did what He could and then with joy He told His disciples, “Let us move on.” Indeed, despite the worst that life can sometimes deliver, we too must move on with the endurance and faithfulness of Job, the joy of Paul, and with comfort in the knowledge that though God is sometimes quiet, God the Lord always walks with us. The Priest PAGE 7 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 8 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 9 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 10 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 11 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 12 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 13 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 14 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —February 8, 2015 PAGE 15
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