Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph SUPPORT THOSE WHO MAKE THIS BULLETIN POSSIBLE (PG. 12) “YES, LORD” HOMILY (PG. 8) PAGE 1 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph “AND OVER ALL THESE PUT ON LOVE, THAT IS, THE BOND OF PERFECTION.” donated food. On Brown Bag Sunday, donated lunches will be taken up during the offertory as our gifts at all the Masses, and then distributed to the hungry during that month. Please be generous. FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY TODAY DECEMBER 28, 2014 Participate in the Rosary Procession from the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament to The National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe headed by His Excellency, Auxiliary Bishop Myron J. Cotta and Father Michael O'Reilly in remembrance of the Holy Innocents and unborn children victims of abortion. NEW YEAR’S DAY MASSES Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 5:30 PM GATHERING AT THE STEPS OF THE CATHEDRAL. 6:00 PM ROSARY/PROCESSION STARTS. 7:00 PM HOLY MASS AT THE SHRINE. Vigil Mass Wednesday, December 31 5:10 PM Vigil Mass * Thursday, January 1 (Holy Day of Obligation) 10:00 a.m. (Bilingual) Bishop Soto (NO 12:10 OR 5:10 P.M. MASS) Don't miss it! Bring your family! Show your support for the sanctity of life! FIESTA DE LA SAGRADA FAMILIA 28 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2014 NEXT SUNDAY JANUARY 4 IS BROWN BAG SUNDAY The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament is expanding its help to our downtown brothers and sisters in need of food and nourishment. Currently, our Saint Vincent de Paul Society administers to our homeless through its Cathedral Square Homeless Program and feeds the hungry with Participe en la Procesión/ Rosario desde la Catedral del Santísimo Sacramento al Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, encabezado por Su Excelencia, el Obispo Auxiliar de Sacramento Myron J. Cotta y el Padre Michael O' Reilly en memoria de los Santos Inocentes y bebés víctimas del aborto. 5:30 PM-VIGILIA EN LOS ESCALONES DE LA CATEDRAL. 6:00 PM-PROCESIÓN/ROSARIO AL SANTUARIO. 7:00 PM-LA SANTA MISA. No Faltes. Trae a tu familia. ¡Muestra tu apoyo por la Vida! ¡Te Esperamos! PAGE 2 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 WEEK AT A GLANCE CATHEDRAL MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS SAT SUN MON TUES WED THU FRI (OCTAVE OF CHRISTMAS) 12/27/2013 5:00 pm Nellie Foronda Tambaga 12/28/2013 THE HOLY FAMILY 9:00 am Nellie Foronda Tambaga 11:00 am Jimmy & Alicia Watsun, Alvin Fenn & Andrea, & Victoria Ferrer 5:00 pm Abdul Mani 12/29/2013 ST. THOMAS BECKET, MARTYR 1 JN 2: 3-11; LK 2: 22-35 12:10 pm: Mary Catherine To Doan 5:10 pm: Alen Novak, S.I. 12/30/2013 1 JN 2: 12-17; JN 2: 36-40 12:10 pm: Mary Magdalene 5:10 pm Sarah Vazquez & Keith Moreno 1/31/2014 ST. SYLVESTER, POPE 1 JN 2: 18-21; JN 1: 1-18 12:10 pm: Joseph Muoi Dang 5:10 pm Vigil of Mary, Mother of God1/1/2015 MARY, MOTHER OF GOD HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION NM 6: 22-27; GAL 4: 4-7; LK 2:16-21 10:00 AM Nellie Foronda Tumbaga BILINGUAL MASS BISHOP SOTO 1/2/2015 ST. BASIL & ST. NAZIANZEN 1 JN 2: 22-28; JN 1: 19-28 12:10 pm: Maria Nguyen, S.I. SUN 12/28/2015 9:00 am RCIA Class for children and teens 9:30 am Breaking of the Word 11:00 am Breaking of the Word for Children 11:15 am NO Religious Education (Spanish) MON 12/29/2014 6:30 pm NO Evening Prayer RCIA Team 7:00 pm NO RCIA Class 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program TUES 12/30/2014 7:00 pm NO Teens Confirmation Class 7:00 pm NO Spanish Choir for 7pm Mass WED 1/31/2014 7:00 pm Communion and Liberation 7:30 pm SVDP Feed the Homeless Program THUR 1/1/2015 New Year’s Day FRI 1/2/2015 SAT 1/3/2015 10:00 am NO Religious Education (English) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “COULD YOU NOT KEEP WATCH WITH ME ONE HOUR?” WED & THUR 12:40PM-4:45PM FRI 12:40PM-3:45PM TO SIGN UP CALL TITI KILA (916) 206-7846 OR (707) 6280340 OR E-MAIL TO CATHEDRALADORATION@GMAIL.COM CATHEDRAL TOURS EVERY SUNDAY AFTER 9:00 AM AND 11 AM MASSES NO 5:00 PM MASS ON FRIDAYS CATHEDRAL GIFT SHOP Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Adoration, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and Benediction with the Relic of St. Faustina after 12:10 Mass CATHEDRAL PRAYER CORNER LISA ANGELO JOHN D. AMARO BRANDON BARROWS BROWN FAMILY GEORGE BURNS CHARLES CORDIMA MARIA GUADALUPE CARDONA DEMELLO FAMILY ROBIN DUNTON HARRY GABO MONICA GABO FRANK GARCIA CRISTINA GONZALEZ MARY GUILLORY-DEGAS JOE DOSCHER SILVIA GARCIA CARLOS S. GOMEZ CRISTINA GONZALEZ LUIS GUTIERREZ SCOTT HESPELER KATI JANSEN TIMOTHY JIMENEZ NORMA KATINDOY JOSEPH CRAWFORD LEON MARCELINO MACARULAY SR. VIRGINIA MANCENIDO NILDA MEDINA MARIA ELENA MONZANI CLORAINE MIURA ELIZABETH PAUL ROSEMARY PLAIN JOHNNY RAMIREZ DOMINIC RENZI JOANNE RENZI MARIA ROKOMASI DALING SANTOS LILY DA SILVA BRIAN SWANN JEOFF SWANN RALPH TAITANO PHILIP WORTH DONNA WORTH MONDAY-ONLY 11:00 AM TO 2:00 PM AND EVERY SUNDAY 9:00 AM--3:00 PM RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process of spiritual and educational formation for adults who seek to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church through conversion of mind and heart. The process is open to all persons who genuinely seek by God's grace to live their lives in the Catholic Christian faith. For details, please call Sister Jenny at (916) 4445364 or email to PAGE 3 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH Family Faith SIR 3:2-6,12-14 • COL 3:12-21 • LK 2: 22-40 I n the publication LectionAid, Rev. C. Edward Bowen tells about a children’s Christmas pageant. We all know how proud parents are of children and how they drag out grandparents and others to see their children perform in the annual Christmas ritual. In one such pageant a little boy had a very important line. At the most dramatic point he was supposed to say, “I am the light of the world.” When he saw all the people watching, the boy became petrified, and when the moment came, he forgot his line. Being close, his mother tried to feed the boy his line by mouthing the words. When the boy caught sight of her, a big smile came over his face, he relaxed and with gusto announced to the congregation, “My mother is the light of the world.” We still struggle to accept what happened and to understand its meaning for us, although there is no doubt among believers that some 2,000 years ago God did something. The event, the birth of Christ, has very real implications for who we are and how we conduct ourselves. Our first reading is from Ben Sira, or Sirach, whose true name was “Jesus son of Eleazar son of Sirach.” Ben Sira was a scribe and teacher who ran an academy for young Jewish men. He wrote his book around 180 B.C., at a time when Palestine was dominated by the successors of Alexander the Great. Surrounding lands, primarily Egypt and Syria, were seeking to impose Greek culture on the peoples they had subjugated, and among them was Israel. All around him Ben Sira watched his students struggle to maintain their sense of identity against formidable pressure to adopt a Greek life-style. His book attempted to help his students stay faithful to their sense of identity, keeping it rooted in their faith in the God of Abraham. Ben Sira reminded his students that honoring father and mother is the cornerstone of biblical ethics. It is the first of the Ten Commandments as they deal with our relationships with others. Colossians also speaks of right relationships in its efforts to strengthen the Colossians’ faith and to correct errors that were changing the community’s understanding of itself. If our understanding of who we are changes, our behavior changes as well. It should be of great interest then that the first verses of our passage today are part of an exhortation made at baptism, a reminder of how those who identify themselves with Jesus behave. This letter reminds the Colossians of who they are as a consequence of baptism and what that implies are for their behavior. Luke’s passage tells us of two parents who take their faith and its requirements very seriously. In obedience to the laws of purification, they travel to Jerusalem to present their son in the Temple to maintain a correct relationship with the God who has shocked them with the gift of His son. In one of the rituals they observed, Joseph gave the child the name we know to be “Jesus,” a name that means “Yahweh has saved.” Jesus introduced us to a new sense of family, one bigger than our blood relations or tribe. On this Feast of the Holy Family, we are first given a sense of our biological family: God in the incarnation honored the human family through Jesus. Second, Jesus will give us a sense of the Church as family: Jesus in His ministry stressed, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it” (Lk 8:21). Finally, the Gospels call us to be mindful of the whole human family: Simeon prophesies that the child will be a light even to the Gentiles. God in Jesus blesses our human families and challenges us to continually stretch the boundaries of our families. Strong identity with each sense of family helps us form a Christian conscience. Today we are pointed to Joseph, Mary and Jesus, a family that took its faith and faith practices seriously. We can ask how well our families are fulfilling the spiritual requirements of faith. Additionally, this Feast also points us to our family of faith, the men, women and children who stand with us to remind us of who we are and what this identity in Jesus means. For the little boy, his mother was the light of his world. Coming together as a real Holy Family of Faith, we become the Body of Christ, thus truly making Jesus the light of the world to the entire human family! The Priest PAGE 4 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28 2014 CAMP PENDOLA GIFT CERTIFICATE A THOUGHTFUL GIFT FOR YOUR CHILD ANY TIME OF YEAR A Gift Certificate makes a great gift for your child or grandchild and lets you take advantage of a more convenient way to make summer camp plans. Gift Certificates can be used for Summer Camp at Camp Pendola or Family Camps, Boys and Girls Canoe or Backpacking Trips, purchases at the Treasure Shack Camp Store and Camp Photo packages. Consider buying a dollar amount that would give your child a fun-filled week at camp! Purchase your gift certificate today at or by calling 916-733-0123. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS HIGH SCHOOL PLACEMENT EXAM FOR INCOMING FRESHMEN – SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 2015 Students interested in attending Christian Brothers High School in the 2015-16 school year are required to take the placement exam on Saturday, January 17. Online applications are due on January 15, 2015. A link is available in the admissions section of the school’s website at Students must check in by 8:45 a.m. and will be finished at approximately 12:30 p.m. Please contact the admissions office for more information at (916) 733-3690. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Sign up now for the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend and receive the gift of a great marriage. Making a weekend will help you put a little Christmas in your marriage every day! Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next two weekend dates are: Feb 1416, 2014 in Sacramento, CA and Mar 7-9, 2014 in Modesto, CA . Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit o ur web site at: http:// or contact J o h n & A n g e l i c a A n g a r i t a at or 866-825-2046. POR FAVOR IMPRIMA CLARAMENTE ACTUALIZACIÓN Y REGISTRO DE LA PARROQUIA DE LA CATEDRAL GRACIAS NOMBRE #1: _____________________ ____________ N OMBRE #2: ________________________ ____________________ (APELLIDO, NOMBRE) A PELLIDO, NOMBRE) DOMICILIO: (DOMICILIO) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO: (_____) _________________ (_____) _______________________ (_____) ________________________ (CIUDAD) (CASA) (E STADO) (C ELULAR) (C ÓDIGO POSTAL) (T RABAJO) EMAIL: CASA ________________________________________ T RABAJO _________________________________________ MÉTODO PREFERIDO DE OFRENDA SEMANAL: ___ SOBRES DE OFRENDA (SERÁN ENVIADOS A SU HOGAR) ___ BILLPAY A TRAVÉS DE SU BANCO (GENERALMENTE REALIZADO EN LÍNEA EN EL SITIO WEB DE SU BANCO) ___ CATEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (DONACIONES EN LÍNEA) (DIOS LOS BENDIGA POR SU APOYO A NUESTRA HERMOSA CATEDRAL.) REGRESE POR FAVOR: 1) DEPOSITE EN LA CANASTA DE LA COLECTA EN MISA; 2) ESCANEAR A PDF FILE Y ENVÍA POR CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: BLESSED@CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG; 3) FAX: 916-443-2749; O 4) CORREO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO,CA 95814. TH PAGE 5 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 PAGE 6 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 .RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY NEWS! We are getting ready for the annual Walk for Life in San Francisco. It will be on January 24, 2015. We will be outside the church with our table after Sunday masses giving you more information. You can reserve your spots with us today! $25 round trip cost. Bus leaves Cathedral at 8:00 am returns at 6:00 pm. ¡ NOTICIAS DEL MINISTERIO DE RESPETO A LA VIDA ! Estamos preparándonos para la caminata anual por la vida en San Francisco. Sera el próximo 24 de Enero del 2015. Estaremos afuera de la iglesia después de las misas dándoles más información. Ya puede empezar a reservar sus lugares con nosotros! $25 costo de ida y vuelta. El autobús sale a las 8:00 am Catedral vuelve a las 6:00 pm. LOOKING FOR A WAY TO APPLY YOUR OFFICE SKILLS AS A VOLUNTEER? We are looking for ideal individuals with strong organizational, interpersonal and verbal communication skills to volunteer as the Receptionist at the Pastoral Center in Sacramento. To apply please send your resume and cover letter to and become a diocesan volunteer and discover how you can help. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY CATHEDRAL PARISH REGISTRATION & UPDATE NAME #1: _____________________ ____________ THANK YOU NAME #2: ________________________ ___________ (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) (LAST NAME, FIRST NAME) ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ (STREET ADDRESS) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) PHONE: (_____) _________________ (_____) ______________________________ (_____) _________________________ (HOME) (CELL) (WORK) EMAIL: HOME ___________________________________________ W ORK ________________________________________ PREFERRED METHOD OF WEEKLY OFFERING: ______ OFFERING ENVELOPES (WILL BE SENT TO YOUR HOME) ______ BILLPAY THROUGH YOUR BANK (USUALLY DONE ON-LINE ON YOUR BANK’S WEB SITE) ______ CATHEDRAL WEB SITE: WWW.CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG (ONLINE DONATIONS) (MAY GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF OUR BEAUTIFUL CATHEDRAL.) PLEASE RETURN BY: 1) PUT INTO BLESSED@CATHEDRALSACRAMENTO.ORG; 3) COLLECTION BASKET AT MASS; 2) SCAN TO PDF FILE AND EMAIL FAX TO: 916-443-2749; OR 4) MAIL TO: 1017 11 STREET, SACRAMENTO, CA 95814. TH PAGE 7 TO: Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 Editors Note: On the Fourth Sunday of Advent, our Rector, Fr. Michael O’Reilly gave a homily that reflected on the “yes” of Mary in answer to the Archangel Gabriel to be the Mother of the Lord in the Gospel reading of the Annunciation from Chapter 1 of Saint Luke. Fr. O’Reilly had mentioned that the litany came to him during an earlier Children’s Mass of the same day. This Litany applies to almost everyone in the assembly, no matter their station in life or whether homeless, poor, infirm, aged, troubled, or sick. Due to numerous requests, we are publishing this for ourselves as a reminder and for those future generations that need to know what saying “yes” to the Lord means. LITANY OF “YES, LORD” You will not be afraid ………………..….. yes, Lord You will bear a child …………………...... yes, Lord You will not be afraid …………………… yes, Lord You will be pierced by a sword …………. yes, Lord You will be laughed at …………………... yes, Lord You will be poor ……………………….... yes, Lord You will inherit my Kingdom ………….... yes, Lord You will be a royal nation ……………….. yes, Lord You will give to the poor ………………... yes, Lord You will sacrifice all …………………….. yes, Lord You will not be afraid ………………….... yes, Lord You will love your husband ……………... yes, Lord You will love your wife ………………..... yes, Lord You will live a single life ...…………….... yes, Lord You will become a priest ………………... yes, Lord You will enter religious life …………...… yes, Lord You will not be afraid ……………...……. yes, Lord You will give away everything ……...…... yes, Lord You will not be afraid ……...……………. yes, Lord You will embrace the poor, the lonely, the sick, and the lost……………... yes, Lord You will fish …………………………….. yes, Lord You will wash feet ………………………. yes, Lord You will proclaim the Good News …...…. yes, Lord You will rejoice ………………………..... yes, Lord You will weep ………………………...…. yes, Lord You will love your children ………..……. yes, Lord You will love your parents ………………. yes, Lord You will not be afraid ………………….... yes, Lord You will give it all away …………...……. yes, Lord You will sell all you have …………...…... yes, Lord You will be ridiculed …………………….. yes, Lord You will not be afraid …...………………. yes, Lord You will have no children ……...………... yes, Lord You will have many children ……………. yes, Lord You will not be afraid ………………….... yes, Lord You will get sick ………………...………. yes, Lord You will get better ………………...…….. yes, Lord You will change and repent ……...……… yes, Lord You will be washed clean ……...………... yes, Lord You will not understand, not cast the first stone, not desire foolish things, not hold grudges, not belittle, not judge, not walk in the dark, not rejoice in other’s failures, not be afraid ……………………... yes, Lord You will rejoice in the truth, forgive seventy times seven times, bind the wounds of the traveler, love your enemies, be called blessed, be cursed, be scorned, be not afraid ……………...……… yes, Lord You will not be afraid ………………...…. yes, Lord I will love you ……………………...……. yes, Lord You will die …………………………..…. yes, Lord I will raise you …………………………... yes, Lord I will be born ……………………...……... yes, Lord I will die …………………………….…… yes, Lord It is finished ……………………………... Amen PAGE 8 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 PAGE 9 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 PAGE 10 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 PAGE 11 Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1017 11th St., Sacramento,, CA 95814 —December 28, 2014 PAGE 12
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