CATHEDRAL MATTERS CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY NEWS From the Friends of Coventry Cathedral Caring for the Cathedral Sign up today to reserve a seat for the first Friends ‘Friendly Monday’ of the New Year, when our Cathedral Architect, Michael Clews will be sharing his experiences of looking after the old and new buildings, for the last 16 years. This is a rare opportunity to hear Michael Clews talk about ‘The challenges of caring for our ancient and iconic buildings’. His illustrated presentation will offer a unique insight into the glories and great responsibilities of maintaining Britain’s favourite modern building. Michael Clews will be speaking in the Under Croft Lecture Room, on Monday 9th February at 11am. Tea and Coffee from 10.30am. Pick up the February Bulletin Hard copies of the latest e bulletin are available today, to pick up from the Community Table, for those without Internet access. Andrew Paine, Chairman of the Friends Dean’s CCN visit to New Zealand I will be travelling in New Zealand for three weeks from February 23rd, taking a Cross of Nails to the new cathedral of Taranaki, preaching in Christchurch, and also visiting CCN partners or contacts in Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin/Otago, and Napier. I know we have had several NZ links, and if community members have stories or history to share before I go, please drop me a line. Dean John WHAT’S ON IN JANUARY — APRIL 2015 Monday 2nd February at 2.30pm Volunteers Monday in the Lecture Hall. Monday 2nd February at 5.45pm Remember our Child service in the Chapel of Unity. Sunday 1st March - Foodbank Sunday Monday 2nd March at 2.30pm Volunteers Monday. Monday 2nd March at 5.45pm Remember Our Child service in the Chapel of Unity. Friday 5th March - Women’s World Day of Prayer. Sunday 8th March 12.15pm-2.15pm - quiz with Bring and Share Lunch Thursday 12th March at 12.10pm Prayer Service for the Christian Service Centre. Thursday 2nd April at 10.30am Chrism Eucharist Thursday 2nd April - 7.30pm The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday Friday 3rd April - 2pm Stations of the Cross. Friday 3rd April - 6pm Bach St John Passion. Sunday 5th April - Easter Day and Foodbank Sunday. Please send items for inclusion in the next edition of Cathedral Matters by end of TUESDAY 3rd February 2015. Tel: 02476 521200 or email: Website address: 1st February 2015 Presentation of Christ in the Temple THIS WEEK 8.00am 10.30am 4.00pm 6.30pm Sunday 1st February Holy Communion The Cathedral Eucharist Choral Evensong Later: Breathing Space 8.00am 10.30am 4.00pm 6.30pm Sunday 8th February Holy Communion The Cathedral Eucharist Choral Evensong Later: Cathedral Praise A MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN Welcome to the Cathedral on this traditional feast of Candlemas – the formal end of our Christmas Celebrations! It was on this day in my first year here that Bishop Christopher welcomed all faith leaders in Coventry to the Cathedral for a beautiful small evening reception, when we shared the word of the Nunc Dimittis and lit candles as a sign of shared prayer. Some of you will have heard me mention in last week’s sermon that I am helping lead a shared witness to peace with some other Faith Leaders in London on Thursday 19th February. The details are: 11am - Pilgrims to gather at Regent’s Park Mosque. 12.15pm - arrive at the Central Synagogue in Great Portland Street 1.30pm - arrive at Westminster Abbey 2.15pm - arrive at the Houses of Parliament 3.15pm - arrive at St Thomas’ Hospital For more information see the leaflet insert into this edition of Cathedral Matters. Please pray, and come if you can – this sort of shared witness is so very important at this time in our troubled world. Every blessing John CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY NOTICES CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY NOTICES The Diocesan Readers assisting at the Eucharist today are Helen Allred from St Mary’s, Nuneaton and Wendy O’Brien from St Mary and All Saints, Fillongley. Stations of the Holocaust – Invitation to the opening Monday 16th February at 6pm at Coventry Cathedral You are warmly invited to attend the opening of a new exhibition at the Cathedral titled ‘Stations of the Holocaust’. Jean Lamb, the artist and priest, has created 14 Stations of the Cross which illustrate the last few hours of Jesus’ life alongside the plight of the Jewish community in the Second World War. Please RSVP to or call our offices on 024 7652 1200. Dean John “LATER” – Whatever happened to “Cathedral Praise”? The Sunday evening service is something special…Though it may not necessarily be the big buzzing seeker service that was originally envisaged, it consistently provides a place of encounter, where the presence of God is very tangible, spilling over into a model of Christian care and community that many congregations struggle to offer. People speak of the value they place on the teaching offered, and the importance of the centrality of Christ in the service – but on the whole the current pattern seems to be at odds with, rather than exploiting, the potential of an amazing building, which is itself designed to draw people into an experience of the holiness of God. This “relaunch” of the service is an attempt to balance this, with the new title “LATER” giving us the flexibility to vary the form of service to encompass diverse styles and spirituality, including on some occasions more contemplative worship which might make positive use of the Cathedral as sacred space. in your diaries - all men and women are welcome - details nearer the time. Mavis Weitzel Sunday 8th March 12.15pm-2.15pm A fun quiz with Bring and Share Lunch in the Lecture Hall. The first of a new series of social events for members of the Cathedral Community, their family and friends. Sign up on the Community Table from 15th February. Details from Ann Finlayson (7667 8083) or Tim and Gill Brooke (7667 9126). Mothers Union The Mothers Union will meet on Thursday 5th February at 10.30am in the Lecture Hall, anyone who is interested in joining us would be most welcome. Evelyn Warwick Would you like to be a delegate at our Sunday Eucharist? Perhaps read the Lesson or the Prayers. Or, if you feel this is not for you, carry up the Bread and Wine. Have a word with Gill Shorthose or another of the Churchwardens. Thanks, Gill Shorthose. Coventry Foodbank Last week I took 499 packets and tins of food to the Foodbank warehouse. These included items bought with your cash donations of The existing “Cathedral Praise” format will £154 from the Big Christmas Card and £125 be retained for at least two Sundays each in January. This means that the total number month, and this style may also encompass the of items sent to the Foodbank since it started monthly Eucharist…but once a month we in April 2012 stands at 8,207. Thank you for will opt for a different approach, “Breathing your continuing support over the past 34 Space”. Canon Kathryn months. The next Foodbank Sundays are today, 1st March and 5th April. Richard The Women’s World Day of Prayer Chamberlaine-Brothers The City Centre Churches have arranged a service at the Methodist Central Hall on Cake Today! Friday 6th March at 11am uniting people all There will be a cake sale after morning round the globe in a service written by the service. Thank you. women of the Bahamas. Please put the date Clayre Coopey The Millennium Chapel: Would you like to add a name to the glass panels? The Millennium Screen Appeal has been re-opened to enable additional names to be included on the glass panels. As we plan the celebrations of our 75th anniversary of peacebuilding, we continue to focus upon healing the wounds of history, learning to live with difference and celebrate diversity and building a culture of peace. This is the DNA running through the life blood of the Cathedral, but behind the scenes the cost of caring for both the ruins and the new Cathedral, continuing to deliver our ministry and work in peace and reconciliation is substantial so the generosity of our donors remains critical. To find out more about the appeal and how you can support it please contact Christine Doyle on 024 7652 1200, email or pick up a leaflet from the Community Table. Canon Stephen February's walk. Details are on the Community Table; please let me know if you are coming to walk, for lunch, or for both. Dave Goodall,, 024 7646 1946 Radio Plus Licence Renewal Fundraising Campaign: £30,000 target Please consider becoming a “Friend of Radio Plus” as part of their campaign to raise £30,000 towards their licence renewal from February 2015. Radio Plus now reaches 12.5% of 16-35 year olds across Coventry each month, that’s around 13,000 people each month who are hearing good news in their homes or cars. The city-wide ministry has already made progress towards its target but would like to invite you to make a minimum donation of £5 per month. For more information or to donate go to or ring the Radio Plus office on 02477712401. Tim Coleman The Prayer of Stillness in South Warwickshire Many people today feel the call to deepen their understanding and experience of prayer but are uncertain how to go about it. The Prayer of Stillness (or contemplative prayer) is a practical way to begin. You are invited to reserve a place now for a quiet day arranged by The Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer at the House of Bread at The Mill (near Shipston-on-Stour) on Monday 2nd March 9.30am to 3.15pm For further details or booking please contact The Reverend M Tunnicliffe. Phone: 0121 Cathedral Walkers 745 6522 Email: Wednesday 11th February My apologies to the Lacey family for the clash Space is limited, so early booking is advisable. with Penny's funeral, but it proved impossible Canon Kathryn to change the date previously agreed for
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