John Ogilvie — Scotland’s Martyr - continued from last week Having embraced the Catholic faith in 1598, John Ogilvie wanted to become a priest. His application to become a Jesuit was deferred because of plague, but he persisted and in 1599 was admitted to the Jesuit order. In 1609, though not yet ordained, he was appointed, along with another young Scot, Father Green, to the charge of encouraging devotion to Our Lady as a means of fortifying a faith that was under siege. He achieved success and a Jesuit historian would later recount one Lenten exercise which saw Ogilvie lead young pupils, after 5am Mass and Communion, in making a Way of the Cross through the streets of the unfriendly city of Graz in the Austrian Tyrol , carrying crosses and dressed in sacking, returning to the chapel to set their crosses before the altar and lie prostrate in prayer for an hour. Welcome to St Andrew’s Cathedral, St. Bride’s, Monifieth St Anne’s, Carnoustie & St Thomas’, Arbroath LENT 2015 In 1610 he was sent back to Paris and ordained a priest at the age of 31. He was appointed confessor to the students at Rouen, where he met priests exiled from Scotland for saying Mass or ministering to people, and realising the heavy burden of Catholics in his native land, he longed to return there. He applied to his Jesuit superiors for permission to go home. Twice he was refused, but his persistence eventually paid off. There was then no other Jesuit priest in Scotland – almost no priests at all – so this represented an extraordinary vote of confidence in this inexperienced priest. It was a dangerous mission. John Ogilvie set off in 1613 for Scotland travelling under the assumed name of John Watson. The Government had spies scattered over the Continent whose business it was to pick up, in Rome, Valladolid and other places, information about priests and Seminarians destined for home missions. The information was forwarded to those who would search ships hailing from foreign ports, and suspects were apprehended on landing in Scotland or England. As Watson, and in the guise of a soldier returning from European wars looking to turn to horse dealing, on landing he headed for his native North-east, where the Catholic faith was still flickering under the protection of the powerful Gordon, Earl of Huntly. His superiors may have felt he would be safest here. He was close to home, but there is no record of him having any contact with his family. Father John is thought to have spent Christmas at Strathbogie, and may even have visited Grant of Ballindalloch, who was fined around this time for harbouring a priest. Most noblemen wanted little to do with the visitor. Going against the King would cost them their position and land holdings; they pretended to be faithful to the new religion so as to retain their wealth. John headed for Edinburgh after Christmas, and not long after set out for London on something of a mystery mission. One version is that he went to see King James himself. He tells nothing about the purpose of his journey, but it so impressed the king that he gave Father Ogilvie a safe conduct to France in order to further the scheme. The King’s constant preoccupation was earning the loyalty of his Catholic subjects. And he would dearly have wished to have the Pope accept him as a Protestant King. Perhaps he saw John Ogilvie as a vehicle for achieving this. But the priest’s inability to deliver an assurance of loyalty had the effect later of making the King more unrelenting towards him. From France, Father Ogilvie returned to Scotland in June, 1614, to continue his covert missionary work, mainly around Edinburgh, Glasgow and Renfrewshire. He is said even to have penetrated Edinburgh Castle to comfort prisoners. But the net was closing in on Father John. He travelled to Glasgow to reconcile five men to the Church, but one was a spy, Adam Boyd, who had contacted the Protestant Archbishop of Glasgow, John Spottiswoode, an appointee of the King, and a trap was set. On October 14, 1614, Father John was arrested, imprisoned in the Archbishop’s palace, and appeared before the burgh court of Glasgow. John Ogilvie’s nightmare was about to begin. St Andrew's Cathedral St. Thomas’, Arbroath St. Bride’s, Monifieth Fourth Sunday of Lent 15 March 2015 Next Sunday: Fifth Sunday of Lent St. Anne’s, Year of Mark (B) Priests: Father Kevin J Golden 01382 225228 email: Postal address: St. Andrew's Cathedral, 150 Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4EA Father Ian Wilson OSA 01241 873013 email: Postal address: The Presbytery, 56, Dishlandtown Street, Arbroath, DD11 1QU Father Peter Thomas OFM Cap. 01382 524631 email: Father Joseph OFM Cap. 01382 524631 Postal address for Peter and Joseph: 61, Grangehill Drive Monifieth Website: Diocese of Dunkeld Charity Number SC001810 Sunday Mass Times Vigil Mass on Saturday at 5pm in St. Bride’s, Monifieth Sunday at 10am in St Anne’s, Carnoustie 10.45am in St Thomas, Arbroath, 11am in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee 11.30am in St Bride’s, Monifieth 6pm in St. Andrew’s Cathedral Sacrament of Reconciliation this week: Monday 6.15pm until 6.45pm in St Thomas’; On request in St. Anne’s; Friday 12-12.30pm and Saturday 10.30-11.30am in St Andrew's Cathedral; and Saturday 4pm - 4.30pm in St. Bride’s. The Great Feast of Easter is approaching! Please do plan ahead so you can keep the entire feast with us, beginning on Holy Thursday with the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper and continuing through to the great Vigil of Easter and beyond. The Easter Triduum begins on Thursday 2 April. Stations of the Cross & Benediction this Sunday afternoon at 4pm St. Anne’s, Thomas Street, Carnoustie. All are welcome. Monday 16 March 9.30am in St Anne’s 10.15am in St Bride’s 1pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral 7pm in St Thomas’ 7pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral (in Lady chapel, downstairs) Tuesday 17 March 9.30am in St Anne’s 10.15am in St Bride’s 1pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral Wednesday 18 March 9.30am in St Anne’s 10am in St Thomas’ No 1pm Mass in St Andrew’s Cathedral - please note 6pm in St Mary’s Home 7pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral Thursday 19 March 9am in St Andrew’s Cathedral 10am in St Thomas’ Friday 20 March 9.30am in St Anne’s 10.15am in St Bride’s 1pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral Saturday 21 March 9.30am in St Bride’s We offer a very warm and special welcome to Bishop Nigel Peyton, Bishop of the Diocese of Brechin, to St. Andrew's Cathedral for the 11am Solemn Mass this Sunday. Our own Bishop Stephen will preside at the Eucharist. The Crucifixion by John Stainer will be performed by the Cecilian Choir in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Monday 30 March at 7.30pm (The Monday of Holy Week) Please pray for those who are sick: Tony Jose, Alex Stuart, Michael McBride, Helen Post, Pauline Murphie, Debbie McArthur, John Smith, Marlene Henderson, Gerry Hanlon, Catherine McNally, Father Luke Fong, Margaret Brown, Frank Osborne, Baby Alistair Mearns, Freddie Gray, Mark McCue, Andy Coogan, Ritchie Harper, Isobel Brown, Father Jim Foley, Betty Philbin, Canon Hugh Sreenan, Susan Connolly, James McNair, Helen Blyth, Irene Burton, Riley Johnston, Jessie Smith, Marion Jones, James Roberts, Elma Murray, James Roberts Junior, Owen Hickney, Adam Rennie, Irene Lamb, Margaret Cameron, Margaret Spink, Tom Tait, Bazyl Bubalo, John McCallum, Ina Stuart, Teresa Ritchie, Kim Scott; : those who have died recently: Arnold (Scott) Brady :those whose anniversaries fall at this time: Sarah Dillon, Peter Cabrelli, Rose Finnigan, Mary Trainer, John Ferrie, Flora Eyres, William Marnie, Marie Lee, Liam Cashman, John Murphy, Sally Rikh, Margaret Gibson, Agnes Beaton, James Fagan, Jack Field, Joan Field, William McKenzie, Ann McInally, Mary Jane Roberts, Leonora Melvin, Ian Culross, John McGinley, James Golden, Mary McCann, Christopher Pullen, Terry Taylor, John McCluskey, Veronica Ann van der Kuyl, Joseph Robb. 10am in St Thomas’ 9.30am in St Anne’s 10.15am in St Bride’s 10am in the Cathedral 10am in St Thomas’ 10am in St Thomas’ There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Anne’s this Friday 20 March from 9am until 12noon. 2 big events this week at the Cathedral The Diocesan Mass to mark the 400th anniversary of the martyrdom of St John Ogilvie takes place in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Wednesday 18 March at 7pm. If you have been reading the newsletter pieces about John Ogilvie, you will surely agree what an outstanding priest and brave defender of the faith he was. He surely deserves a packed Cathedral this coming Wednesday evening. Please make every effort to attend this Mass. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Then, on Saturday 21 March we have our Nightfever of Adoration & outreach Vigil Mass of Sunday at 5.30pm in the Cathedral ———————————- Eucharistic Adoration from 7pm until 11pm Confessions from 7pm until 10.30pm. Thank you for your generosity last Sunday of £586 in Carnoustie, £509 in Arbroath, £889 in Monifieth and £1192 in the Cathedral. The annual collection for SCIAF & Papal/ Episcopal charities will be taken this Sunday. The 40 Hours adoration at St Thomas’, Arbroath Sunday 22 March — Tuesday 24 March Solemn Exposition begins after 11am Mass next Sunday 22 March Holy Hour from 4pm until 5pm. Adoration continues until 8pm when there will be Night Prayer. Monday 23 March Adoration begins at 8am with Office of Readings & Morning Prayer. Stations of the Cross at 10.30am and Mass will follow the Stations. 7pm - a Liturgy of Healing and anointing with blessed oil. Adoration ends after this. Tuesday 24 March Adoration begins at 8am with Office of Readings & Morning Prayer. Adoration continues until the Holy Hour at 7pm. Mass at 10am. After the Holy Hour there will be refreshments for everyone in the Church Hall The Church will be decorated in the traditional way for the Forty Hours’ adoration. If you would like to have a candle burn for your family during the time of adoration, or contribute toward the cost of flowers, please place your donation in an envelope marked “40 Hours’ Adoration” and put it through the presbytery door or leave in the sacristy. Please, do sign up to watch an hour with the Lord during the Forty Hours. St Thomas’ SCIAF Lenten Hunger Lunch The Holy Week Schedule for the Cathedral was distributed last Sunday. If you didn't get one then, please take one away with you today. The schedule for Arbroath is delivered with the newsletters this week and for Carnoustie and Monifieth will be distributed this Sunday. No Journey of faith session this Wednesday due to the Mass for St John Ogilvie in the Cathedral. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————— Cathedral Ministry Rotas for Holy Week are now available for collection from the sacristy. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————- A selection of Easter Cards are available for sale at the Cathedral. Why not come down to the hall after Mass for coffee or tea and browse them? ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- More Passkeepers are needed at the cathedral for both the Sunday morning Mass and evening Mass. The duties are not onerous: Greeting the people as they come into church, helping with collection, and guiding the Communion procession. Speak to Caroline or Kenny if you can help. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Lindisfarne Pilgrimage: Just a reminder that the final payment is now due. Thanks. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————-- Stations of the Cross on Tuesday at 12.15pm in the Cathedral, on Friday at 6pm in St Bride’s, before weekday Mass in St. Thomas’; and this Sunday 15 March in St Anne’s. Join us in St Thomas' hall after Mass this Sunday for the annual Hunger Lunch in support of SCIAF. Soup to take away also available. Do you work with in any capacity with children or vulnerable adults in our parishes? If so, then you must complete the PVG process. If you have already been through this process, please email your PVG number as soon as possible. If you have begun the process but are awaiting your number, please email me to let me know. If you are working with children or venerable adults in the parishes and have not yet begin the PVG process please email let to let me know! There is a PVG meeting for those yet to begin the process in St. Margaret's Church Hall, Market Street, Montrose, on Thursday 19 March at 7pm. You would be welcome to attend. Weekday Mass in St. Bride’s The majority of those who responded to my query about the best time for weekday Mass expressed their wish that it to return to 10.30am; however, a number of people have said they preferred 9.45am. The 4 priests at their meeting on Monday past decided on a compromise, namely 10.15am, so that one priest can say the Masses in both St. Anne's and St. Bride's when necessary. We hope this is acceptable.
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