8th February - St. Anne`s, Carnoustie

Magister adest, et vocat
The Diocese of Dunkeld
St Andrew’s Cathedral
St. Bride’s, Monifieth
St Anne’s, Carnoustie
St Thomas’ Arbroath
How good it is for us to be here!
This is the sentiment in my mind and heart especially each time we
gather for the Sunday Eucharist when at the beginning at Mass I look
out at you all and welcome to you the holy gathering. But the
sentiment is not original to me.
How good it is for us to be here is what Saint Peter said to the Lord
when Jesus was transfigured in glory on the mountain. Everyone who
comes to Mass or who comes before the Lord in the Blessed
Sacrament at other times can have the same attitude. How good it is
to be here! Unlike on the mountaintop, when his glory was
glimpsed, in the Blessed Sacrament his glory is concealed from our
eyes so that we may come to him in faith. “He hides his beauty and
his glory because he wants us to love him for himself”, says the
writer Father Vincent Martin Lucia.
The disciples Peter, James and
John saw a vision of Moses and
Elijah with Jesus, which led Peter
to exclaim “How good it is for us
to be here”.
He continues:
“Here he becomes poor in appearance that we may become rich in grace. What happens here is
the transfiguration in reverse. For every moment that you spend before the Lord in the Blessed
Sacrament, Jesus himself transfigures you with his very own glory, making you everlastingly
beautiful. Here as at Mount Tabor, Jesus points us in the direction of heaven, while giving us the
courage and strength to carry our cross on earth. As the apostles were privileged to be witnesses
to his transfiguration, we are especially privileged to be in his Eucharistic presence. There he
was transformed in glory to reveal and prove his identity. Here he is transfigured in humility to
reveal and prove his infinite love for each of us”.
The daily adoration programme in St. Bride's has been a source of great grace for over twenty
years. The periods of adoration in other churches offer the same grace. I know that Bishop
Stephen dreams of having daily adoration in the Cathedral and making it a city centre venue for
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Bishop will be present for a NIGHTFEVER event of
adoration in the Cathedral on Saturday 21 March. Quarant ‘ore, the forty hours adoration, will
take place in St. Thomas’, Arbroath from Sunday 22—Tuesday 24 March.
Most us know from experience that adoration brings us great graces. However we also know that
it costs us something, it costs that most precious gift, our time. Time is that most valuable
commodity. Time is the most difficult thing to give away, for our lives are so full, so busy. But
the red light of the Blessed Sacrament beckons us consistently. How can we ensure that we leave
the legacy of adoration for others who come after us? We do our very best to teach the children
at catechism reverence and love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Often when I call in to St
Bride's during the day nowadays there is only one person watching before the Blessed Sacrament,
and we have always agreed that for safety and security and indeed for companionship there
should be at least two people watching at any given time. I appeal to YOU in this regard.
I remember an altar cloth with embroidered words on it on the altar in the chapel at Blairs
College, which I looked at most mornings for six years in my most formative years. The words
Magister adest, et vocat —
The Master is here and is calling. I still sense that
still, small voice calling, each time I come before the Blessed Sacrament.
Perhaps you sense it too?
Parish Lenten Retreat Day
I would like to invite our parishioners from St. Andrew's Cathedral and from
the parishes in Carnoustie, Monifieth and Arbroath to make a little Lenten
Pilgrimage/Retreat Day at St. Anne’s Church, Carnoustie
on Saturday 15 March — 10am until 3.30pm (not 28 February as in last
week’s newsletter). Fuller details to follow.
8 February 2015
5th Sunday of the Year
Year of Mark (B)
Next Sunday: 6th Sunday of the Year
Priests: Father Kevin J Golden
01382 225228
email: kevinjamesgolden@hotmail.com
Postal address: St. Andrew's Cathedral, 150 Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4EA
Father Ian Wilson OSA
01241 873013
email: ianwilson603@gmail.com
Postal address: The Presbytery, 56, Dishlandtown Street, Arbroath, DD11 1QU
Father Peter Thomas OFM Cap.
01382 524631
email: peterthomascapuk@gmail.com
Postal address: 61, Grangehill Drive Monifieth
Website: www.stannescarnoustie.co.uk
Diocese of Dunkeld Charity Number SC001810
Sunday Mass Times
Vigil Mass on Saturday at 5pm in St. Bride’s, Monifieth
Sunday at 9.15am in St Anne’s, Carnoustie
10.45am in St Thomas, Arbroath,
11am in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Dundee
12.15pm in St Bride’s, Monifieth
6pm in St. Andrew’s Cathedral
Sacrament of Reconciliation this week: Monday 6.15pm until 6.45pm in St Thomas’; Wednesday from 6.40 until 6.55pm in St. Anne’s;
Friday 12-12.30pm and Saturday 10.30-11.30am in St Andrew's Cathedral; Saturday 4pm - 4.30pm in St. Bride’s.
The Liturgy of the Word for Children is celebrated at the Sunday Masses in Arbroath, Carnoustie and Monifieth.
Please encourage your children to take part in this celebration of God’s Word geared to them.
The Sacrament of Baptism: Parents requesting Baptism for their child are invited to take part in Baptismal Preparation. For further details
please contact Father Kevin.
Catholic Education Week - Sunday 8 February to Saturday 15 February
In a letter to mark this week of prayer for the work of the Church in the field of Catholic Education,
Archbishop Tartaglia writes:
We need people to come forward to be teachers in Catholic schools.
We urge you to see the wonderful opportunities which a career in teaching offers—to help others to develop
their talents, to inspire them towards success, to guide them to know and celebrate their faith in Jesus.
We urge school students to give serious consideration to teaching as an option when applying for university.
We ask university students to consider completing a postgraduate qualification in education so that they can
teach in primary or secondary schools.
We urge parents, grandparents and teachers to encourage young people to research teaching as a serious
career option.
A number of our own parishioners have found their vocation in teaching.
A number of our young people are also considering teaching as an option for their future. Please pray for them all.
The vocation of teaching will be highlighted in the Bidding Prayers this Sunday, and in addition I will offer Mass to
mark Catholic Education Week at 10am this Thursday in St. Thomas’ Primary School, Arbroath,
Parents, families and parishioners are welcome to attend.
A Reminder..... that there will be
a meeting of the St. Thomas’
Eucharistic Ministers, Readers &
Cantors in St. Thomas’ Church this
Sunday 8 February
at 10.15am in the Church.
Please do your best to attend.
Anyone who would like to take part in these
ministries please attend too. Thanks.
Mass times in St Anne’s and St Bride’s
There has been overwhelming support for
reverting the Sunday Mass times to
10am in St Anne’s
and 11.30am in St Bride’s.
This change will take place on the
First Sunday of Lent, Sunday 22 February.
The Vigil Mass remains at 5pm.
Eco-Congregation Update
Our tri-parish Eco-Congregation group met last week at St Bride’s. Having already
achieved a Bronze award for our three parishes in caring for God’s Creation around us, the
group have been informed of a major project called ‘for the love of….’. This is being
organised by Eco-Congregation Scotland, SCIAF and Christian groups across the country
and will help in our endeavours to look after what has been given to us.
The World’s leaders will meet in Paris at the end of 2015 to discuss and agree a new
climate change agreement. In a recent publication, the Irish eco-congregation movement
‘Climate change represents a failure in our care of Creation;
its implications for people and for other life on earth are profound.
Care for Creation is at the heart of the Eco-Congregation movement.
“The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it, the world, and all who live in it,” declares the psalmist (Psalm24:1). It
is God’s Creation, not ours to do with as we please.
We are called to be partners with the rest of Creation and co-partners in the ongoing creative and renewing activity
of God. In caring for what God has created, we care for ourselves and care for each other, and especially for the
poor and vulnerable. In God’s providence and wisdom our flourishing is de-pendent on the flourishing of Creation’.
From next Sunday, 15 February, ‘for the love of…’ postcards will be available in all four of our churches. These
postcards can be filled in and then sent to the First Minister as a reminder to her and the Scottish Government of all
the things we love that God has gifted to us and how the world around us is changing as a result of climate change.
For the love of the food on our plates… for the love of our global neighbours, for the love of the Arctic and the
Great Barrier Reef…for the love of country walks and Scotland's beautiful seasons…. For the love of our
wonderful geology and geography….for the love of God’s Creation made worse by extreme weather events…for
the love of countries affected by disappearing rain forests…..
Please do think about how climate change is affecting us all and take a minute or two to fill out a postcard. Our
Catholic voices need to be heard by the Scottish Government on our concerns about climate change and this initiative is one very simple way of making that happen.
This Sunday your priests are also covering SS Leonard and Fergus and St Columba’s parishes
for Father Neil Gallagher; last Sunday we covered St Clement’s in Dundee for Father Rogi.
Monday 9 February
9am in St Anne’s - Liturgy of Word and Communion
9.45am in St Bride’s
10.30am in Lochleven Home 1pm in St Andrew’s
7pm in St Thomas’
7pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral (in Lady chapel, downstairs)
Tuesday 10 February
9am in St Anne’s
10am in St Thomas’
Wednesday 11 February 10am in St Thomas’
6pm in St Mary’s Home
Thursday 12 February
9.45am in St Bride’s
1pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral
1pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral
7pm in St Anne’s
9am in St Anne’s
9.45am in St Bride’s
10am in St Thomas’ Primary School, Seaton Road
Friday 13 February
9am in St Anne’s
9.45am in St Bride’s
1pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral
7pm in St Thomas’ - Anniversary of the Official Opening of St. Thomas’ Church
Saturday 14 February
9.30am in St Bride’s
10am in St. Andrew’s Cathedral
St Andrew’s Cathedral Offertory & Passkeeping
rotas are at the back of the Church. If you would
like to be involved in either of these ministries
please speak to Kenny or Caroline at the back of
the church after Mass or myself. Thanks.
Journey of faith....
continues this Wednesday 4 February
at 7.30pm in St Anne’s Church Hall,
Thomas Street, Carnoustie.
All are welcome.
This week:
The formation of Scripture
(Part Two)
Our Christian faith has Jewish roots!
Come and explore the world of the bible with us.
Bring a bible if you have one.....and a friend!
Parish Council News
A Children’s Liturgy of the Word
in St Andrew’s Cathedral?
I know Canon Milton RIP had begun to explore the possibility of
celebrating Children's Liturgy on Sundays in the Cathedral.
If you would be interested in learning more about this ministry
either as a parent or potential leader please come to a meeting after
the 11am Mass on Sunday 22 February in the Cathedral House.
I have asked Chris Boyle, who at my instigation was instrumental
in setting up the Children's Liturgy in Arbroath to come and share
his experiences with us.
The Rite of Enrolment for the Sacraments at St.
Bride's will take place this Sunday during the
12.15pm Mass.
St. Anne’s Parish Pastoral Council meeting was very
well attended a few weeks back. The minutes are
available for all on the notice board.
Bishop Stephen Robson will come to St. Thomas
Church on Sunday 22 February (First in Lent) to
administer the Sacrament of Confirmation.
One of the agreements at the meeting was that we
compile a church directory with the information of all
who have responsibilities in the parish, the work they
do (v. often unseen and in the background) and also a
list of all the keyholders for the Church and their
contact details.
Can I ask that St Thomas’ Parish Pastoral
Council meet with me on Monday 23 February
after the 7pm Mass. All parishioners welcome.
Please pray for those who are sick: Debbie Macarthur, Jack O’Rourke, Allan Poxon , Jim Ryan, Alex Stuart, Michael McBride,
Helen Post, Pauline Murphie, Debbie McArthur, Jim Ryan, Jean Murdoch, John Smith, Marlene Henderson, Gerry Hanlon,
Catherine McNally, Father Luke Fong, Margaret Brown, Frank Osborne, Baby Alistair Mearns, Freddie Gray, Mark McCue,
Andy Coogan, Ritchie Harper, Isobel Brown, Father Jim Foley, Betty Philbin, Canon Hugh Sreenan, Susan Connolly, James
McNair, Helen Blyth, Irene Burton, Riley Johnston, Jessie Smith, Marion Jones, James Roberts, Elma Murray, James Roberts
Junior, Owen Hickney, Adam Rennie, Irene Lamb, Margaret Cameron, Margaret Spink, Tom Tait, Bazyl Bubalo, John
McCallum, Ina Stuart, Teresa Ritchie, Kim Scott;
:those who have died recently: George Allan, Ann Duncan, Annie Lafferty, Ann Duffy, Alex Quinn, Colm Duffy;
: those whose anniversaries fall at this time: Arnold Brady, Edwin Hardie, Peggy Quinn, Tom Sweeney, Margaret Quinn,
Christina Diamond, Clifford Paine, Martin Chisholm, Elizabeth Mathers, William Pullen, George Cunningham, Colin Lynch, John
Mitchell, Eric Simpson, Andrew McKay, May Eddleston, James Dunn, Betty Smith, Helen Dunn, Adam Forsyth, Jeanie Esplin,
Janet Tait, Frances Sreenan, Cath Boyle, William Ferrie, Betty Murphy, Alex Small, |Terence Thom, Gerry O'Brien, Joseph
Linnen, William Donnachie, John Donnelly, Michael Thomas Niland, Helen Wright, Alexander Ireland, James Pollock.
1pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral
Can I ask therefore that everyone who has keys to the
church give a note of their name, address, phone
numbers to myself or Terry Staddle at their earliest
convenience and let us know exactly which keys
you have.
Many thanks. Kevin
St Bride’s Social Evening
Saturday 14 March—7pm till late.
Food and Entertainment. BYOB.
Tickets: Adults £6 and Children £3
Raffle prizes will be gratefully accepted.
Tickets from members of the Social Committee or
contact Eddie Mahoney 01382532007 or
10am in St. Thomas’
Mass and Social
to mark the anniversary of the opening of St.
Thomas’ Church on 13 February 1848 will take place
this Friday 13 February at 7pm.
All welcome.
Please come and join us.
Refreshments afterwards.
Thank you for your generosity in the collection last Sunday
of £1051 in St Andrew’s Cathedral, £509 in Arbroath, £806
in Monifieth and £406 in Carnoustie.
The Annual Collection for the work of the Church in
Catholic Education will be taken next Sunday 15 February at
all Masses.
A wedding ring has been found in St Bride’s. If you are missing it,
please be in touch with Eddie or myself.
Altar Servers
I would like to appeal to our young people to offer themselves
as altar servers. Children who have made their First Holy
Communion are welcome, but I would also appeal to our
teenagers—boys and girls consider serving at the altar.
Parents please encourage your children and teenagers in this
Alan Grieve writes:
The generous response to the World Vision appeal by
parishioners from all the churches was fantastic and I
would like to express my gratitude to everyone who
supported me. The £550 raised will enable World Vision to
provide 39 coats to refugee children this winter.
Can you knit, sew, crochet or craft?
If not, would you like to learn
or even just join in the chat & company?
If you think you'd enjoy such a group, please come along
to an initial meeting in
St. Anne's Church Hall
on Thursday 12 February at 7pm.
This is very much an idea for community at the moment
with no particular structure or content...all to be decided
as suits. If you cannot attend on Thursday but are interested, please email lizvflynn@hotmail.com or give a note
to one of the priests to be passed on.