Bulletin - Catholic Printery

St. Henry Catholic Church
346 N.W. First Street, Gresham, Oregon 97030
503-665-9129 / sthenrygresham.org
Fax: 503-665-8238
November 30, 2014
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses: 8:30am & 11:00am
Monday: 8:00am Communion Service
Tuesday— Saturday Mass: 8:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm
Saturday: Sacrament of Reconciliation:
3:00—4:30 pm
Our Mission
St. Henry Catholic Church
is a community of
Christian believers striving to build
God’s kingdom on earth for all
people. We accept the mission
from Jesus Christ to love God
above all else and to love
our neighbor as ourselves.
Prayer List
Pastor………………………………Fr. Charles Zach
Deacon………………………………....Lou De Sitter
Business Manager………………………Joan Myers
Faith Formation………………….Jeanne Chambers
Liturgy / Sacraments…………………..….Sara Wise
Music…………………………….......Barbara Adams
RCIA / Adult Ed……………………..Connie Ostlund
Care Ministry……………………….…….Mari Spring
Youth Ministry………………………...Dave Crepeau
Admin. Assist…………………….…...Terri Heitzman
Maintenance………………………………....Tim Fast
Administrative Council
Development……………………..….…..Marje Ferek
Vicky Leliefeld
Finance ………………………………...…Rod Moritz
Kathy Thompson
John Foley
Build/Grounds…………………………….Tom Barrie
Shane Tercek
“What you ask in my name, I will do.” John 14:13
Bob Barron, Corey Berger, Diane Berger, Mel Berger,
Pastoral Council
Marion Bridenbeck, Karen Buerkel, Larry Comella, Penny
Comella, Judy DeCourcy, Pauline Olbrich, John Owen, Chair…………………………………….Glenn Zmuda
Bill Owen, Dante Petruzzelli, Marty Petruzzelli, Vivian Vice Chair/Admin Rep…………….....Charlie Marino
Secretary………………………...….Stella Armstrong
Formation……………………………….....Larry Rose
Evangelization………………………..….Paul Palmer
Marcy Marlow
Liturgical……………………………….…..Doug Klein
Organization…………………………….….Art Abbott
Calendar 11/30—12/7
Mass Schedule
Sunday Masses: 8:30am & 11:00am
Monday: 8:00am Communion Service
Tuesday—Saturday Mass 8:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm
Saturday: Sacrament of Reconciliation:
November 30 Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am Masses
First Sunday of Advent
Advent Wreath Making 9:30am (GYM)
Chaplet of Divine Mercy 9:30am & 10:30am (ADCP)
St. Anne Spanish Mass 1:30pm (CH)
Adult Basket Ball 4:00pm (GYM)
Our Mission
St. Henry Catholic Church
is a community of
Christian believers striving to build
God’s kingdom on earth for all people.
We accept the mission from Jesus Christ,
to love God above all else and to love our
neighbor as ourselves.
December 1 Monday Comm. Service 8:00am
December 2 Tuesday Mass 8:00am
Office Closed at 11:00am to 2:00pm
Pointers 8:45am (DIN)
Al-Anon 10:00am (RM 6)
SVDP Pantry 10:00am (SVDPP)
Day Shelter 1:30pm (RM 6)
Choir 6:30pm (CH)
Nar-Anon 7:00pm (RM 7)
Adult Ed 7:00pm (FSR)
December 3 Wednesday Mass 8:00am
Adult Ed 9:00am (FSR)
OA 10:30am (RM 7)
SVDP 6:00pm (LIB)
St. Anne Music Practice 6:30pm (CH)
Youth Ministry 7:00pm (P/C)
December 4 Thursday Mass 8:00am
MOM’s Group 10:00am (RM 8)
Folk Group 7:00pm (CH)
RCIA 7:00pm (FSR)
December 5 Friday Mass 8:00am
Library 10:00am (LIB)
Quilters 12:30pm (FSR)
December 6 Saturday
Mass 8:00am Vigil Mass 5:00pm
Our Lady of Fatima 8:45am (CH)
Pantry Session 10:00am (SVDPP)
Scout Food Drive 11:00am (GYM)
Confession 3:00pm (CH)
December 7 Sunday 8:30am & 11:00am Masses
Second Sunday of Advent
Nursery 8:15am (RM 4)
Elem. Faith Form. & Sacramental Prep 9:45am (P/C)
Knights of Columbus Breakfast 9:30am (GYM)
Library 9:30am—10:50am (LIB)
Chaplet of Divine Mercy 9:30am & 10:30am (ADCP)
Scout Food Drive 12noon (GYM)
Prayer Shawl Ministry 12:15pm (FSR)
St. Anne Spanish Mass 1:30pm (CH)
Adult Basket Ball 4:00pm (GYM)
Mass Intentions 11/30—12/7
+Matt Tuttle
(Jo Tuttle)
+Benjamin Haley
(Nancy Haley)
-St. Vincent de Paul Volunteers with
Health Concerns
(SVDP St. Henry Conference)
M Communion Service
T +Jim Swofford
+John Swofford
(Lois Swofford)
(Lois Swofford)
W +George Lemmon
(Edna Lemmon)
T +Eileen Bell-Garrison
-Ken Bell-Garrison
(Clara Campbell)
(Clara Campbell)
+All Deceased Tuttles
(Jo Tuttle)
-Edward Horner
For the Parish Family
(Bill & Gayle Kalinowski)
(Fr. Charles Zach)
+Ollie Crawford
+Brigham Villa
For the Parish Family
(Pat & Kathy Bigelow)
(Nancy Haley)
(Fr. Charles Zach)
Prayer List
“What you ask in my name I will do.”
John 14:13
Bob Barron, Cory Berger, Diane Berger,
Mel Berger, Larry Comella,
Penny Comella, Virginia Danell, Margaret D’Eath,
Judy DeCourcy, Lyn DeSimone, David Ford,
Chris Headland, Mildred Norfork, Pauline Olbrich,
Bill Owen, John Owen, Dante Petruzzelli,
Marty Petruzzelli, Vivian Wrede
~ Pastor’s Message ~
My Dear People of Henry:
A new year of grace begins today on this First Sunday of Advent. It is all our responsibility to mark it well, in our parishes and our homes. The tone for Advent comes
from Jeremiah the Prophet: “The days are coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfill the
promise I made...” So we prepare and await the return of Christ.
Amid the Advent purple, amid the special hymns/songs for the season, amid the
Giving and Jesse trees that adorn some Catholic churches, we hear the following message: “May our hearts be strengthened so that we may be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his
holy ones.” (St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians)
There are a few liturgical emphases during Advent that draw attention to this time of preparation for the coming
of the Lord. The Gloria is omitted. The Penitential Rite has a call and response that is a seasonal
choice. (“Lord, show us your mercy and love. R: And grant us your salvation.”) The lectionary concentrates on messages from the prophets and John the Baptist. An Advent Preface is used to draw
attention to Christ’s return. An Advent wreath is blessed and positioned for all to see with four candles. (One extra candle is lighted each Sunday of Advent until four are burning just before Christmas Day to show that Light illumines the darkness.) Also, there is a solemn, Advent, final blessing.
Also, Advent is a time for attention to the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially with the solemnities of
the Immaculate Conception (December 8) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12).
Two trees (the Jesse and Giving trees) are found in some churches during Advent, along
with the Advent wreath (Design one for the home!). The trees signify the acts of mercy shown by
the care and compassion of God and how we are to make connection with it to the poor and needy.
May God bless our parish and family preparations!
Faithfully, Fr. Charles
There will be no Pastor’s Talk’s on November 30 or December 7.
Advent Penance Services in Our Vicariate
St. Peter ~ Dec. 2 @ 7pm
St. Aloysius (Estacada) ~ Dec. 10 @ 7pm
St. Henry ~ Dec. 16 @ 7pm
St. John (Welches) ~ Dec. 2 @ 7pm
St. Anne ~ Dec. 10 @ 7pm
St. Rita ~ Dec. 16 @ 7pm
St. Joseph ~ Dec. 6 @ 10am
St. Therese ~ Dec. 10 @ 7pm
St. Michael ~ Dec. 19 @ 7pm
November 30, 2014
Please support those
who support our bulletin.
From the back of our bulletin:
1st Reading: Isaiah 63:16b-17,19b;64:2-7
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Gospel: Mark 13:33-37
John J O’Hara ~ Attorney at Law
Building a Domestic Church
Care Ministry
“A Family Fully Alive”
Bring the miracle of Christ’s birth into your home by
making a special Nativity set. As a family, design a
manger scene set in Bethlehem. Throughout Advent,
have family members place a different figure in the
manger and meditate on the meaning of this humble
place where God became man.
Advent Day of Recollection
Catholic Charities Ministry to the Elderly
Committee is sponsoring an Advent Day of
Prayer and Reflection for all those who minister to the sick and elderly in any capacity,
any interested person or those who would like a day for
themselves. It will take place Friday, December 5, 2014
from 9:30am to 2:30pm at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in
Portland and Fr. Michael Evernden will be the Presider.
Registration forms can be found in the back of church or
call the office at 503-665-9129 Thanks, Mari
Coffee Orders
Church Support – Nov. 2014 Offertory
Month to Date
Year To Date
$ 60,117.00
$ 323,856.91
$ 54,144.00
$ 324,864.00
$ 5,973.00
$ -1,007.09
Just as you rely upon receiving income on a regular basis,
St. Henry relies on your regular contributions. St. Henry
Parish appreciates the efforts of congregation members to
make consistent donations throughout the year—especially
during popular winter and summer travel periods. To assist
you, the church provides a convenient electronic giving
option for setting up regular contributions. Please contact
the church office for details.
Thank you
THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS – Many thanks to the following ladies: Jan St. John, Peggy Aldeguer, Susan
Stanton, JoAnne Philbrook, Sandy Palmer and Dena Hegstad. They came in this last week and stuffed and sealed
1,350 envelopes for our Christmas bulk mailing. What
would we do without their cheerful spirit and willingness to
work. Thank you, Joan Myers.
CDA Quilt Drawing
Tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The drawing will
be held December 7 at the Knights of Columbus breakfast. Proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Mt
Angel Special Seminarian Fund that helps the seminarians in times of financial hardship. See the back of church.
Wednesday Night at the Movies
Fall Season: Presented by Evangelization & Adult Ed.
All are invited on the 2nd Wednesday of December
in the K.C. Hall at 7:00pm
December 10, 2014: “Our Lady of Guadalupe”
And a Special Showing of
“Our Lady of Guadalupe” at 9:15 on December 11
in the Knights of Columbus Hall
You don’t want to miss this!
Pope Francis
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for November:
 Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others.
 Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young
seminarians and religious may have wise and wellformed mentors.
here! Grab a form from the back of the church,
and order today. Coffee orders are due no later
than December 8. Coffee will be available beginning on December 13-14 after mass. Our goal,
simply stated, is to have everybody at St. Henry
drinking the same excellent cup of fair-trade organic coffee on Christmas morning. It’s an awesome way to have our whole community doing
something together! This coffee also makes an
awesome gift. The National Catholic Society of
Foresters will match our profits on coffee sales up
to $500. Double our money, and order a bag right
Widows, Widowers and Singles:
Christmas, a time for celebration and enjoying friends
and family. Decorations are out and we’re bound to see
plenty when we go to Albertina’s Restaurant for lunch
on Wednesday, December 17. The bus ($3) will be in
the east parking lot at 12:15. Call TODAY to reserve a
seat. Reservations are made for the first 14 that RSVP
Ilene at 503-667-2500.
Take a minute out of your busy life to check out the
wonderful selection of Advent and Christmas books in
the library. New children’s Christmas books are also
available, you just might find a title to add to your
Christmas gifts.
We are looking for readers to join our Thursday night
book group. We meet the 4th Thursday of the month
in the library from 7-8:30pm. We would love to have
you join us!
Knights Korner
Interested in becoming a Knight?
Any practicing Catholic male, 18 years of age or older,
is invited to join the Knights of Columbus. Call Randy
Paden 503-708-3859. Please check out the Knights of
Columbus web site at kofc3179.org
SVDP & Scouts Food Drive
Food Sorting for SVDP: On Saturday, Dec. 6 Gresham-area scouts will be “Scouting For Food” door
-to-door and bringing canned goods to the parish gym for distribution through the SVDP Pantry. We
need volunteers to help receive, weigh and box the food the scouts collect. Families and youth are
especially welcome to participate in this rewarding and fun volunteer experience. Call the parish office to sign up for hourly shifts from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday Dec. 6 and on Sunday, Dec 7.
from 12:00 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Catholic Charities El Programa Hispano Offers Free Tax Preparation
Catholic Charities El Programa Hispano offers free tax preparation to low income, Spanish-speaking taxpayers, offering
a trustworthy, culturally-specific alternative to unlicensed tax preparers and to paying to prepare basic tax returns. Last
tax season our volunteers helped nearly 1,000 taxpayers secure $2 million in refunds! Prior tax knowledge is not required, as free training is provided in January. We are seeking bilingual volunteers to help as trained Tax Preparers, Intake Assistants and Interpreters. We also welcome those with prior tax experience, with or without the ability to speak
Spanish. Please contact Karen Keating at (503) 489-6834 or kkeating@catholiccharitiesoregon.org by December 19th
for more information and to schedule an orientation.
Caridades Católicas-El Programa Hispano ofrece la preparación de impuestos de forma gratuita a la comunidad latina de
bajos ingresos, de una manera confiable y culturalmente especifica presentando una alternativa a preparadores sin licencia. Durante la temporada pasada las declaraciones de impuestos preparadas por nuestros voluntarios representaron un
reembolso de $2 millones de dólares a casi 1,000 contribuyentes. Necesitamos voluntarios bilingües que quieran ayudar
como preparadores, intérpretes y recepcionistas. No se necesita tener conocimiento previo sobre impuestos, nosotros
proveemos la capacitación gratuita en enero. Para mayor información llame a la coordinadora Karen Keating al (503)
Christian in the World’s Fall 2014 Lecture Series
Christian in the World’s Fall 2014 Lecture Series, "You Are Peter, . . ." Exploring the Petrine Office," concludes its
lecture series on Saturday, December 13, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. in the Mount Angel Abbey Library. The cost is $15 a session; Students, $5.
Abbot Peter Eberle, O.S.B. is a Professor of Moral Theology at Mount Angel Seminary and a former abbot of Mount
Angel Abbey (1988-1997). Abbot Peter has also served as the Abbot President of the Swiss-American Benedictine Congregation. His presentation will address The Papal Magisterium and Moral Teaching in the post-Vatican II Church.
He will look at questions that have arisen about authoritative but noninfallible papal teaching.
Information: Cecile Beckerman 503-393-5041
Marriage Retreat
The 4 stages of marriage are: (1) Romance, (2) Disillusionment, (3) Misery, and (4) Awakening. Many marriages experience the first 3 Stages. Marriages that end in divorce never make it to the 4th Stage of Awakening. Don’t give up without
learning about the 4th Stage of Awakening. If your marriage suffers from Disillusionment or Misery please contact
Retrouvaille. For confidential information about or to register for the program beginning with a weekend on Jan. 16 18, 2015, please call 1-503-225-9191 or visit www.helpourmarriage.org
Late Nite Catechism
Portland’5 Centers for the Arts presents “Late Nite Catechism” January 29-31 at the Winningstad Theatre. Tickets available at www.portland5.com and the Portland’5 Box Office. Group
discount of 10% for 8 or more.
Touring for over 20 years and lauded by many Catholic media outlets, Late Nite Catechism was
a smash hit the last time “Sister” conducted “class” in Portland. This is a hilarious, joyous, and
interactive celebration of the Catholic Faith that should not be missed!
G.F. Handel’s MESSIAH & JUDAS MACCABEUS Coming to St. Henry
Performance at St. Henry Catholic Church
Wednesday, December 17, 2014, 7:30pm
Other performances:
Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible
REALTOR who puts her clients first DELPLATO CHIROPRACTIC
Glenn Zmuda
John J. O’Hara
Real Estate Broker,GRI
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Pat Swift, Agent
135 NW 1st Street
Gresham, OR 97030-7215
Bus: 503-665-3111
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State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company,
State Farm Indemnity Company - Bloomington, Illinois
Tel.: (503) 667-9491
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Please mail donations to - P.O. Box
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Parkrose: 10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 503-256-2150
Tigard: 14055 S.W. Pacific Hwy. • 503-620-6440
James C. Niedermeyer
Simple Wills $60 each
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parishioners, this bulletin is published weekly at no
cost to the parish. If you are interested in advertising,
please contact the Catholic Printery at
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25500 S.E. Stark Street
Suite 201B