We pray for all our family members and friends who are sick; and for those whose death anniversaries occur this week, Francis Straka 22/70, Ruth Margaret Hogan 22/11, Christina Buckler 23/89,Richard Bryne-King 23/75, Barney McGillin 24/65, Margaret Ford 24/99, Leonie Dobbe 25/73, Marie Hassan 26/77. Last Sunday’s Collection was $855.20. Thank you for your generosity. Polife Facts : Pregnancy Options & Help is a Christian charitable group that supports women during pregnancy. Starting as a way of responding to NZ’s abortion crisis, the group tries to bring the love of Jesus into women and children’s lives. They run a 24 hour helpline (0800UCHOOSE) and offer supported accommodation with a family. For more pro-life information, visit www.voiceforlife.org.nz or phone (09)4430995. TOGETHER AS ONE ST. JOSEPH'S, HELENSVILLE 1 Puriri Street, Helensville 0800 Website: helensvillecatholic.org.nz Email: office@helensvillecatholic.org.nz Ph: 09 420 8110 Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Alfonso Dujali MSP. Deacon: Hans Flapper Ph: 09 411 5085 The Trading Circle is a not for profit Fair Trade project established by the Good Shepherd Sisters in Australia in 1995. The Trading Circle works in Partnership with women in African, Asian and Latin American Countries who live in situations of severe poverty .We will be selling goods ( e.g. Religious Items, Educational Toys, Home wares, Bags and Scarves.) We look forward to meeting with Father Alfonso and Parishioners after the 900am Mass 30th Nov. Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women West Auckland: Final Meeting will be at Mass with Fr Matthew Clerkin at St Michael and all Angels Anglican Church Hall 425 Great North Road, Henderson on Tuesday 2nd December at 7:30pm. For more information please call: Jane 832 7240. Situations Vacant In the Auckland Diocese: Co-ordinator and Assistant Coordinator for Marriage and Family Desk Marriage: Tonny Flapper, Co-ordinator for PreMarriage Education, is retiring after 12 years. We are taking this opportunity to expand the department to reach out to young families and offer them support as well as offering pre-marriage preparation & post marriage support. Both positions are 32 hours a week. This includes frequent weekend and evening work. For job descriptions and an application pack, please apply to: Pat Lythe Parish and Pastoral Services Group, Private Bag 47.904, Ponsonby, Auckland 1144. Email patl@cda.org.nz. Ph 3603004 Applications close 28th November 2014. Diocesan Youth Mass 30th Nov 7 pm. The final Youth Mass for the year will be celebrated by Bishop Pat. The theme is "Are You Awake?" Youth and parents interested can meet at St Pats, Huapai in the car park around 530pm and we will carpool. You can contact Monica 411 7136 23 November 2014 Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; Psalm 22:1-3, 5-6; Corinth 15:20-26, 28; Matt 25:31-46 Response The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Saints and Readings for the Week 24th Nov 28th Nov Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Apoc 15:1-4 Apoc 18:12,2123;19:1-3, 9 Apoc 20:1-4, 11-22:2 St Andre DungLac. A Apoc 14:1-5 Apoc 14:14-19 Reading Psalm 24 96 98 100 Gospel Luke 21:1-4 Luke 21:5-11 Luke 21:12-19 Luke 21:20-28 84 Luke 21:29-31 Holy Mass, Reconciliation & Adoration Columban Calendars $10.00 each and Christmas cards $2.50 on sale now in the front porch of church. Hikoi of Faith, Hope and Love. 200 Year Celebration 1814-2014 The Helensville and South Kaipara Churches invite the wider community to join them in celebrating the church Pioneers and families who brought the gospel to our district. The main event is 7th December 2014 more information to come next week. ST. PATRICK'S, HUAPAI Helensville Vigil Mass Sunday Mass Weekday Adoration 2&4 6:00 pm 1, 3 & 5 9:00 am Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00 am 9:30 - 10:30 am Monday Huapai 1, 3 & 5 2&4 Tue & Fri Friday 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am 10: 30 - 11:00 am Reconciliation before week-end Masses and at any time by arrangement with the priest Coming Sunday – 1st Sunday of Advent ( Year B) Jesus Christ – the King of the Universe, the King of Our Lives! Today is, as we know, the Feast of Christ the King and entry into his Kingdom is the thing that we have been preparing for throughout our whole lives. We are aware too that Christ came into our world on the very first Christmas Day and we realise that in essence it was at that point that he inaugurated the Kingdom of God. So in a very real sense the Kingdom is already among us; however we know that it will not come into its complete fullness until the very end of time and the moment of the Last Judgment. This means that the task of Christians of today is to help build the Kingdom of God and enable it to find a place in the hearts of all of mankind. It is our job to play our role in building up the Kingdom here and now. We recognise that this is a sacred duty, an honourable task, a privileged undertaking and one which we should all be keen to be involved in. And so on this great Feast Day, the last in our Christian Calendar, our hearts are not filled with dread of a Last Judgment but rather they are filled with hope and optimism. This is best summed up in the words spoken as we greet the flame of the Paschal Candle on Holy Saturday Night: Christ yesterday and today, the Beginning and the End, Alpha and Omega. All time belongs to him and all the ages. To Him be glory and power through every age forever. Amen Readings: Isaiah 63:16-17,19; 64:2-7; Psalm 80.2-3.;1Corinthians1: 3-9; Mark 13: 33-37. Helensville Leader Word Communion Altar Servers Huapai Christine Pina Julie & Gavan Michael &Marcus Helen & Dennis John & Ashley Jan & Yvonne On the 23rd of November we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. Towards the end of the Mass we will have a brief exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, honoring and glorifying the name of JESUS-the king of the universe. "During Eucharistic Adoration, we 'watch and wait,' we remain 'silent' in His Presence and open ourselves to His Graces which flow from the Eucharist... By worshipping the Eucharistic Jesus, we become what God wants us to be! Like a magnet, The Lord draws us to Himself and gently transforms us." A Big Thank you to all those involved in organizing the Healing Mass and Senior Luncheon last Wednesday 19th. Your generosity made the event a great success. From Fr Alfonso Kumeu Districts CHURCH TRAIL Sun 23 Nov 2014 1 – 4 pm CELEBRATING 200 YEARS of FAITH HOPE & LOVE You, your family and friends are invited to join the celebration of the Bicentenary of the Gospel Message in NZ; the message that has helped shape culture, laws, democracies, values, communities and people’s lives for 2000 years We invite you to join the Church Trail 23rd Nov 2014 when your 7 local churches will be producing a variety of displays and activities that have or continue to have an impact on our local community. This will culminate in a combined service at the Abundant Life Church at 4.30pm followed by a light meal and some fun for the children. These will include: Historical displays; books: music and art: a quilting display: various children’s activities: sausage sizzles: trail quiz and more. To help celebrate the future, that belongs to our children, we are holding a CHILDREN’S ART COMPETITION The competition will be open to children up to the age of 16 with judges provided by our Kumeu Art Centre Prizes of $50, $30 and $20 will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places respectively, within the four age groups. Advent Resources: For ideas about ‘doing’ Advent in your family explore the diocesan Family Faith website Advent resources http://cdafamilyfaith.weebly.com/advent.html Fit For Mission The best incentive for sharing the Gospel comes from contemplating it with love, lingering over its pages and reading it with the heart. If we approach it in this way, its beauty will amaze and constantly excite us #264 Dates for your Diary Sun Sun Tues Tues 23 Nov 25 Nov 02 Dec YOUTH MASS Parish Finance Committee Helensville Liturgy Committee 900am Huapai 730pm Helensville 7.30pm Helensville
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