We pray for all our family members and friends who are sick; and for those whose death anniversaries occur this week. Kathleen Junge 25/04, Christina Robinson 26/72, Gordon (Tug) Wilson 27/90, Joseph Curren 27/66, Svanko Piskulich 29/96, Kevin McCormick 31/09, Marian Vitasovich 2/85. Last Sunday’s Collection was $782.90 Thank you for your generosity Prolife Facts: Kathy Pollitt is an American feminist writer and columnist who recently published a book: "Pro: Reclaiming Abortion Rights". She suggests that the stigmatism of abortion leads to its criminalisation. Pro-life Christians would argue that it is the realisation that abortion ends a human life, and society's recognition of its responsibility to protect the vulnerable, that justifies the criminalisation of abortion. For pro-life information, visit www.voiceforlife.org.nz or phone (09)4430995. TOGETHER AS ONE ST. JOSEPH'S, HELENSVILLE 1 Puriri Street, Helensville 0800 Website: helensvillecatholic.org.nz Email: office@helensvillecatholic.org.nz Ph: 09 420 8110 Parish Priest: Rev. Fr. Alfonso Dujali MSP. Deacon: Hans Flapper Ph: 09 411 5085 MASS OF REMEMBRANCE WITH BISHOP PATRICK DUNN – FRI 1ST NOV 7:00pm, St Mary’s 117 Onewa Rd, Northcote. For all mothers, fathers and family members who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, still-birth or abortion. Also remembered at this Mass will be the frozen embryos from IVF programs, due to be discarded from Nov 22nd this year. For more information on the frozen embryos, visit FLI’s website www.fli.org.nz/prolifeevents or call Mark on 629 4361. “Abby Johnson” a former Planned Parenthood clinic director turned pro-life advocate will be sharing her powerful conversion story from being immersed in the abortion industry to being an influential life advocate. Be inspired and also get an inside view of what really drives the anti-life agenda. Fr Jeremy Palman and Mrs Michelle Kaufman will also be speaking at the mini-conference on Dec 6th 2014 2pm – 5pm at the Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna. FREE entry although collection taken. Refreshments served. For more info see www.fli.org.nz or phone 08003675433 Headlines of the latest issue of NZ Catholic (19Oct - 1Nov) issue: NZ archbishop finds hope and excitement at synod. Christchurch diocese wants beautiful churches to rise. When Francis goes, what then? New dictionary brings Maori and English together. Kumeu Districts CHURCH TRAIL Sun 23 Nov 2014 1 – 4 pm CELEBRATING 200 YEARS of FAITH HOPE & LOVE You, your family and friends are invited to join the celebration of the Bicentenary of the Gospel Message in NZ; the message that has helped shape culture, laws, democracies, values, communities and people’s lives for 2000 years We invite you to join the Church Trail 23rd Nov 2014 when your 7 local churches will be producing a variety of displays and activities that have or continue to have an impact on our local community. This will culminate in a combined service at the Abundant Life Church at 4.30pm followed by a light meal and some fun for the children. These will include: Historical displays; books: music and art: a quilting display: various children’s activities: sausage sizzles: trail quiz and more. To help celebrate the future, that belongs to our children, we are holding a CHILDREN’S ART COMPETITION The competition will be open to children up to the age of 16 with judges provided by our Kumeu Art Centre Prizes of $50, $30 and $20 will be awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places respectively, within the four age groups. ST. PATRICK'S, HUAPAI 26th OCTOBER 2014 30th WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME Readings: Exodus 22:20-26; Psalm 18; 1Thess. 1:5-10; Matt 22:34-40 Response: I love you, Lord, my strength. Saints and Readings for the Week 27th Oct 31st Oct Mon Reading Ephesians 4:32-5:8 Tue Sts Simon & Jude, Apostles Ephesians 2:19-22 Wed Thu Fri Ephesians 6:1-9 Ephesians 3:14-21 Phillippians 1:1-11 Psalm 1 19 145 144 Gospel Luke 13:10-17 Luke 6:12-16 Luke 12:39-48 Luke 13:22-30 111 Luke 14:1-6 Holy Mass, Reconciliation & Adoration Helensville Vigil Mass Sunday Mass Weekday Adoration 2&4 6:00 pm 1, 3 & 5 9:00 am Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00 am 9:30 - 10:30 am Monday Huapai 1, 3 & 5 2&4 Tue & Fri Friday 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am 10: 30 - 11:00 am Reconciliation before week-end Masses and at any time by arrangement with the priest Coming Sunday – ALL SOULS 30th Sunday Year A, God’s Greatest Commandment In the Book of Deuteronomy, as the Israelites neared the Promised Land, Moses gathered them together for a long discourse, reminding them of how the Lord had delivered them, cared for them, and given them the commandments on Mount Sinai. Moses summarizes the commandments by giving them, what is now known as the great Commandment, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind? Deuteronomy 6:5. It was this summary that had become so important and treasured by the Israelites that Jesus gave as part of his answer to the Pharisees. How could the Pharisees argue with this teaching of Moses with which they were all too familiar and probably recited several times a day. This alone would have silenced the Pharisees, but Jesus did not end with the Great Commandment from Moses, he adds to it a passage from the Book of Leviticus, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Leviticus 19:18. Jesus presents these two passages as the Greatest Commandments that put all other commandments in perspective of acting out of love, not merely obligation. This response of Jesus was not meant only for the Pharisees, but is given to all his followers. To love God with all our heart, soul and mind is a call to give the Lord all of our love. It is not enough to love him half-heartedly or to hold back our love. Loving other people or things more than Him is unacceptable. During this time when our culture is so preoccupied with self-satisfaction and materialism, it is easy to want to hold back because it might make us feel good. But we have the challenge to let go of anything we are holding onto and to love the Lord with all, our heart, soul and mind. The second commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. From that healthy love of ourselves, not selfish or self-absorbed, comes the command to love our neighbors. A healthy love is one that has us look upon ourselves as temples of the Holy Spirit and care for ourselves as living tabernacles. When we look at our neighbors, both literal and figurative, do we see them as temples of the Holy Spirit? With Jesus love is unconditional and his call for us to love our neighbor as ourselves can be difficult. This teaching is more than a nice phrase for banners, posters or religious greeting cards, it is a teaching we are called to put into practice. (Father Killian Loch, O.S.B.) Fit For Mission An authentic faith which is never comfortable or completely personal – always involves a deep desire to change the world to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we found it. #183 What did you do this week to make the earth a better place? What value did you transmit to those you met? Readings: Isaiah 25:6-9; Psalm 27; Romans 5:5-11; Matt 11:25-30 Helensville Leader Word Communion Altar Servers Julie Simon & Maggie Jo & Rob Fons Huapai Diane Delia & Gabriella Jan & Yvonne James & Brianna st 1 November All Saints Day Solemnity – A COUNTLESS MULTITUDE. On this feast of All Saints we remember the countless multitude of men, women and children, including many we have known, who are now in heaven. We continue to be inspired by the qualities they revealed in their lives: humility, a concern for justice, gentleness, purity of heart, mercy and courage. We take comfort in knowing that from their home in heaven they intercede for us all. Garden Seat at St. Joseph Church, Helensville. Is there a handyman who would be able to repair the Garden Seat? The parish will supply the materials. Contact Father Alfonso. Thanks! th Dio Youth Mass at St Pats - 26 October 700pm. Any youth interested in going can contact Frank and Monica Calis 411 7136. Annual Healing Mass & Seniors Luncheon Wed 19th Nov St. Joseph's Church, Helensville. Experience the Healing Power of GOD in the Mass and through the anointing with the Oil for the Sick. Mass is at 11am followed by a 3-course lunch at 1pm. Entertainment follows. Any donation of food, wine, etc will be gratefully received. Please confirm numbers to John or Terri Ph 420 8428. Dove Catholic Fellowship for Women: Jesus is the Way to Heaven with Sr. Maureen Richardson at St Michael and all Angels Anglican Church - 425 Great North Rd, Henderson on Tues 4th Nov at 7:30pm. Prayer Ministry and Fellowship to follow meeting. For more information please call: Jane 832 7240. The Catholic Discipleship College is now taking applications for students for 2015. We offer a nine month, live-in course in Auckland starting in February which includes prayer, Catholic faith teachings and development of outreach skills. Visit www.cdc.ac.nz or contact Anne Marie at info@cdc.ac.nz or (09) 480 0548. The Catholic Discipleship College invites you to a series of evening retreats with Fr Dominique Faure. Mon 10 Nov – the Mystery of the Fatherhood, Wed 12 Nov – Adoration & Contemplation, Thur 13 Nov – The Human Body in the Wisdom of God, Fri 14 Nov – The Mystery of Suffering. 6.30pm – Adoration, 7.30pm – Shared dinner (bring a dish to share), 8pm – Talk. CDC is at 103 College Road, Northcote. Phone Anne Marie 09 480 0548, or email: info@cdc.ac.nz to book. Check out our website: cdc.ac.nz for more details. Dates for your Diary Sun Tues Tues Thurs 26 Oct 28 Oct 4 Nov 18 Nov Parish Pastoral Meeting Finance Committee Meeting Liturgy Committee Meeting St Vincent de Paul Meeting After Mass, Huapai 7.30pm Helensville 7.30pm Helensville 7.00pm Huapai
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