1 UPCOMING EVENTS WEEK 17A Tuesday November 25 – OVA & Gr 10 Leavers’ Mass, 11.30 am Grade 10 Dinner, AF, 7.00 pm Thursday November 27 – Thanksgiving Ceremony, DEC, 7.30 pm Grade 6 Canberra Experience: the Australian War Memorial – with the Australian Cricket Team! WEEK 18B FROM THE PRINCIPAL MR DAMIAN MESSER “As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition we aspire to be faithful to our four touchstones”. Thanksgiving and Awards Ceremony The Senior Campuses major event for the year is the annual Thanksgiving and Awards Ceremony. It will take place at the Derwent Entertainment Centre on Thursday November 27 at 7.30pm. A reminder that this is a compulsory event and all Austins Ferry students should be in attendance. I also encourage parents from Grade 7 – 9 to come along and enjoy the evening as the Awards for all grades will be presented as part of the evening. Monday December 1 – Victorian st 1 XI Cricket Tour. Concludes Wednesday December 3. Wednesday December 3 – Grade 5 Band Concert & Art Show Opening Friday December 5 – Southern Grade 6 Graduation Mass, St Mary’s Cathedral Full calendar at College website www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au Our Junior School students are more than welcome to attend but we understand if some are unable to attend as they have their campus Thanksgiving later in the year. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol. 3, Ed.35, November 20, 2014 PAGE 1 Student Leadership As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition we aspire to be faithful to our four touchstones. These touchstones are part of our foundation statement promulgated by Edmund Rice Education Australia. From this guidance the College creates its own direction and under the values of Community, Justice, Respect the College has developed operational plans under the pillars of Partnership, Stewardship, Identity, Learning and Leadership. These come together as part of the holistic approach to education at St Virgil’s. One of the pillars of St Virgil’s is leadership and at the completion of the voting process for student leadership, I am pleased to announce the 2015 College Leadership group. College Captain College Vice Captain Alec Hastie Thomas Maksimovic Doyle Prefect Service Spirit Sport Jared Weisse Nicholas Haydon Nicholas Machin Tomi Hapka Dwyer Prefect Service Spirit Sport Riley Hooker James Graham Peter Venetsanakos Jack Mazengarb Hessian Prefect Service Spirit Sport Thomas Attrill Charles Gerke James Gobbey William Dodge Joyce Prefect Service Spirit Sport Toby Peppin Declan Waddington Liam Cooke George Bickers I congratulate the boys on their achievements and I look forward to working with them in their leadership role next year. Grade 10 Exams The Grade 10s yesterday commenced their final exams for 2014 and it was very pleasing to see the amount of effort that was put into preparation for each of these assessments. Boys are encouraged to continue their diligent efforts and we look forward to them finishing their final two exams next Monday. Canberra Trip This week our Grade 6 class have been on their annual trip to Canberra. They have been the ‘right royal celebrities’, being invited to the inaugural address in Parliament of the Indian Prime Minister, getting photos with the Indian Secret Service and participating in some War Memorial activities with the Australian Cricket Team. For those following them on Twitter (@svctas), there have been surprises every day with their celebrity spotting. The trip has been a great success and it appears that the boys are very much enjoying the warm weather being put on in our Nation’s capital. Board St Virgil’s College Board of Management met earlier this week and as always, the Board heard the normal suite of reports around the management of the College. This month the particular focus was on the ratification of a number of Board Policies. If anyone would like to peruse these, they are available via our College website. I thank those members of our community who have volunteered as part of our sub-committee process and we look forward to welcoming a number of new members onto our committees and Board next year. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 2 Upcoming Events – Term Four November 19 – 24 Tuesday November 25 Tuesday November 25 Wednesday November 26 Thursday November 27 Touchstones of the EREA Charter Grade 10 Exams OVA/Grade 10 Mass Grade 10 Dinner Grade 10 Final Day Thanksgiving & Awards Ceremony Mary Rice Centre Craft Stall Many parents will have noticed the amazing African craft items for sale at the Fair. The goods are manufactured by the parents of the children of the Mary Rice Centre as part of a micro-finance project at the MRC which enables parents to produce some income to support their family. Manufacturing occurs on-site at the MRC further strengthening the sense of community at the school. The College has items such as bags, Massai blankets and jewellery on sale at the Front Office at Austins Ferry. Please call in and pick up a wonderful Christmas present whilst supporting the children of the MRC and their families. Liberating Education We open hearts and minds, through quality teaching and learning experiences, so that through critical reflection and engagement each person is hope-filled and free to build a better world for all. In the spirit of Blessed Edmund. Damian Messer Gospel Spirituality We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community. DEPUTY PRINCIPAL MR TERRY BLIZZARD “All boys will be transported to the Derwent Entertainment Centre for rehearsal be fore being dismissed at 12.30pm”. Please Note Early Finish Next Thursday November 27 will be an early finish for all students as we prepare for the Thanksgiving and Awards Ceremony. All boys will be transported to the Derwent Entertainment Centre (DEC) for rehearsal before being dismissed at 12.30pm. Buses will then depart from the DEC to transfer boys home in a similar fashion to Athletics Day. As we look forward to this truly wonderful occasion I would like to remind everyone that this is a whole school event and that all boys, from Grade 7-10 are expected to attend and be in Formal Uniform. The ceremony commences at 7.00pm and should conclude between 9.00pm – 9.30pm. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Inclusive Community Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good. Justice and Solidarity We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself. Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 3 Late Start Please also note that on the morning after the Thanksgiving, Friday November 28, the College will have a late start, commencing at 10.08am which is the normal start to Recess. The Canteen will be open at 9.30am for those boys who purchase breakfast and for lunch orders. A classroom will be made available for those boys who arrive early. The day will conclude at the normal finishing time. Awards Assembly We look forward to a very special occasion tomorrow (Friday), when we formally acknowledge excellence among many of our students in a range of areas. This assembly is one of the highlights of the year and we look forward to welcoming a number of special guests. As this is a formal occasion, Formal Uniform is compulsory. Immunisations The last of the Grade 7 and 9 Immunisations were conducted on Monday. If your son was absent for these please contact your GP or your local council. COLLEGE CHAPL AIN BR PETER FLINT I came across an article on “Cafeteria Catholics” in US Catholic. I am more than aware that Australia’s religious culture is very different to that of the USA. (“The Australian Soul.” by Graeme Bouma is an excellent read.) The whole article in US Catholic, stood out for me. http://www.uscatholic.org/cafeteriacatholics is well worth reading. This paragraph "Last July, Pope Francis made headlines for joining Vatican workers for lunch in their cafeteria. The cafeteria is a beautiful symbol of what our church community could be like. The Church should not be like an elitist restaurant with high-minded hosts jealously guarding the guest list. Invitations to dine should not depend on who we are or who we know. We should not be asked to leave because our manners, dress, or food preferences do not hold up to some exclusive club rules. We should be a Church more like a cafeteria, offering welcome hospitality to all who are seeking spiritual nourishment, community, and respite from their worries and labours. But, please, let’s not ruin the meal by judging what others have on their trays." A Blessing Bowl At the conclusion of the Staff Mass this morning, Fr Felix blessed and dedicated the Blessing Bowl made by Mr Greg Bannister. Whenever items had to be blessed in the past there was a bit of a hunt around for a glass bowl and a bush branch to use as a sprinkler. Greg used his woodworking skills to make a bowl with handle and matched a brush. There will be lots of Holy Water to go around at the Blessing of the Bags at the start of next year. Br Peter ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 4 Greg Bannister and Fr Felix JUNIOR SCHOOL MR ANDREW PINELLI, HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL “The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.” Confucius Tasmanian Basketball Primary School Championships Last weekend a very enthusiastic SVC Grade 6 Basketball team travelled to Burnie for the Primary School Basketball Championships. Drawing the best teams from all over Tasmania was going have some real talent on display. The boys were enthused thanks to their recent first placing in the Southern Region Championships and were keen to go well in Burnie. The weekend stared well with hard fought victories in their two pool games which placed them on top of their section. After a very tough semi-final the boys unfortunately went down by six points after a very close and tough game. This meant a playoff for third place and the opportunity to have a top three placing after a tough weekend. The boys played some great basketball in this game and were able to secure a win in the playoff and finish the weekend in third place overall. A big thank you to Anthony Stewart for coaching the boys and to Michael Moschogianis for his contribution as Team Manager. A big thank you to the parents for supporting the boys throughout both legs of the Championships. Congratulations boys on a great effort! ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 5 Canberra Trip As you are reading this week’s edition of The Star, Grade 6 are probably on their way home after a fantastic few days in the Nation’s Capital – Canberra. We will publish a couple of highlights here but will share additional recounts next week. The boys have certainly had some great experiences that they should remember for some time into the future. After a very early start on Monday morning, the boys landed into Canberra mid-morning and were immediately whisked away for a tour of the embassies and high commissions. Monday, even though very interesting, will prove to be a bit mundane compared to what was to happen on Tuesday. The boys were given the opportunity to be part of the welcome of the Indian Prime Minister to Parliament House and to also see the pomp and ceremony surrounding such an event in the House of Representatives – along with a very loud gun salute! After this almost once in a life time opportunity the boys ventured up to the war memorial. Once we had participated in our education programme the boys had some time to investigate the memorial more fully. The boys had some opportunities to be photographed with members of the Australian cricket team whilst they also undertook some official duties. Another experience for the boys to remember! Overall the boys have had an unbelievable experience this week, one that they should remember for many years to come. They have been very well mannered and respectful of everyone around them whilst they have travelled from venue to venue with many compliments being passed on to that effect. Thank you to Mrs Chambers, Mr Waugh and Ms Showers for their helping out on the Canberra trip. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 6 Junior School Celebrations of the Arts On Wednesday, December 3, all families are invited to our Arts Evening where the Grade 5 Band will perform followed by a display and auction of art created by all the boys. All families are invited to join with us to celebrate the Grade 5 Band’s achievements for 2014. Please have this date marked on your calendar as further details coming home very soon. Art – Christmas Cards Boys, under the guidance of Ms Stary, have been busily putting the finishing touches to this year’s Christmas Cards. The images that the boys have produced have now been turned into beautiful photos and finished off with the help of some elves (some very generous mums) who placed them onto the fronts of Christmas Cards. This year’s Christmas Cards have been sent home with the boys, along with order forms. If you haven’t received them as yet, please check your son’s bag or contact the Junior School Office. Calendar update Parents and guardians are reminded to subscribe to the College’s online calendar. The great advantage of this is that if there are necessary changes to dates these changes can be made immediately. Please check the calendar at: http://www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au/calendar/ Significant, upcoming events are summarised below: November School’s Triathlon OVA and Grade 10 Mass Grade 10 Thanksgiving and Awards Ceremony Advent Commences November 21 November 25 November 27 November 30 December Junior School Orientation Day Grade 5 Band Performance and Arts Evening Grade 6 Southern Tasmania Schools Mass Invitational Cricket game vs Sydney Grammar Volunteer Appreciation Evening End of Year Assembly Social with SMC (details soon) December 3 December 3 December 4 December 8 December 11 December 12 December 12 Canteen Friday November 21 Wednesday November 26 Thursday November 27 Friday November 28 NO CANTEEN K Bridgland / L Jankowiak J Whitton / F Nuss T Donohue / J Hickey Any changes or concerns please contact Mrs Olga Leon – oleon@stvirgils.tas.edu.au ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 7 SPORT Junior School Sport STCPSSA Athletics Carnival On Friday November 14, the Junior School Athletics team represented St Virgil’s at the STCPSSA Athletics Carnival. The students participated with enthusiasm and there were some fantastic team and individual performances on the day. We congratulate the boys on making the team and representing theirs school so proudly. Their behaviour on the day was outstanding. Team members were: Jensen Cooke, Myles Hall, Kobi Gray, Ayrton Cooke, Jensen Cooke, Charlie Banks, Jack Pritchard, Jewd Careless, David Bangu, Jacob Blackwell, Dylan Graves, Harry Williams, Harry Cornelius, Hamish Menzie, William Mooney, Tom Oliver, Jake Cresswell, Max Giuliani, Matt Noble, Mitchell Hayers, Ryan Borsboom, Lachlan Borsboom, Tyler Penwright, Angus Murfitt, Riley Best, Sam Collins and Will Collins. Mr James Dalton Director of Sport Grade 7&8 Cricket SVC Gold 4/124 defeated SVC Blue 102 Hutchins Magenta 122 defeated SVC Green 13 Grade 9&10 Cricket A strong, all-round team performance to finish the year – well done on a great season boys! SVC 7-157 (Burgess 30 no, Declan Waddington 26, Luke Swinton 25, Austin Keeling 18, Adam Roberts 14 ) defeated The Friends School 7-112 (Jack Anders 3-23, Harry Burgess 1-0) Touch Football Grade 7/8 SVC d Rokeby Raptors 7 – 4 Grade 9/10 DIRECTOR OF LEARNING AND TEACHING SVC d MacKillop White 7 – 3 MISS HEIDI GREGG Grade 7/8 Tennis SVC defeated Hutchins 6 – 0 (36-10) What’s Happening with iPads at the End of the Year? Mr Richard Lawler Director of Information Services Grade 3 - 6 iPads, chargers and covers will be collected from all students at the end of the year. Parents will be invoiced for any damage or missing parts. Between now and the end of the year, we will need to make sure that the iPads are backed up and ready for collection. We will wipe the iPads at the end of the year. All students will receive a new iPad Air at the start of next year. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR S. Plunkett-Smith d N. Kains 6 – 0; O. Bresnehan d J. Pash 6 – 4; A. Graham-Daft d C. Smith 6 – 1; J. Rhodes d G. McShane 6 – 0; S. Plunkett-Smith / O. Haigh d N. Kains / J. Pash 6 – 0; J. Rhodes / S. Roach d C. Smith / C. Banzi 6 – 5. Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 8 Grade 7 As a trial, we are allowing Grade 7 students to take their iPads home at the end of the year for the summer break. We expect students to take good care of the iPads and ensure that they are ready to use on the first day back to school in Grade 8. Grade 8 iPads, chargers and covers will be collected from all students at the end of the year. Parents will be invoiced for any damage or missing parts. Between now and the end of the year, we will need to make sure that the iPads are backed up and ready for collection. We will wipe the iPads at the end of the year. All students will receive a new iPad Air at the start of next year. Grade 9 As a trial, we are allowing Grade 9 students to take their iPads home at the end of the year for the summer break. We expect students to take good care of the iPads and ensure that they are ready to use on the first day back to school in Grade 10. As this is the third year of use with their iPads, it is anticipated that students will be able to take ownership of their iPads at the completion of Grade 10 with no extra charge. Grade 10 It is anticipated that students will be given the opportunity to purchase their iPad at the end of the year. The cost is yet to be determined, as we are still negotiating end-of-lease arrangements with these iPads. There will be further advice given when this is known. Students not wishing to purchase their iPad will need to return the iPad, along with the charger and cover. Parents will be invoiced for any damage or missing parts. A Meeting with Minister Shayne Neumann, Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ms Claire Graham Last Friday the Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister Shayne Neumann, visited St Virgil’s College to meet with the Aboriginal Reconciliation Group and the 2015 student leadership team in the Library. Minister Neumann was here to discuss the ‘Recognise’ campaign which is the people’s movement to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our Constitution and is working towards changing the Constitution by referendum in 2017. The boys asked the Minister some extremely intelligent and insightful questions and were very attentive. He was excellent with them also and the boys requested that he come back and talk to all of our students next year when he visits Tasmania again. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 9 Grade 7 Drama Miss Imogen Gray Grade 7s are currently working through a process Drama unit using the picture book Varmints. This book explores issues such as sustainability, displacement and invasion. As part of this unit students are able to use costumes to assist them with characterisation. Needless to say, if you are walking past the drama room or JPC don’t be surprised to witness students in pretty dresses and high heels. The boys have had a lot of fun with this unit and being able to dress in clothing that they wouldn’t normally wear. Here is what some of the boys had to say: Kerem Turhal: “Most boys seemed to enjoy dressing up in costumes”. James Shepherd: “I have a new appreciation for high heels- I don’t know how women do it!” Alex Welsh: “I enjoyed playing the invasion game ‘Lemonade’ and dressing up in costumes, especially the Russian inspired clothing”. Maurice Noisier: “I chose drama as my major next year because I loved dressing up”. Grade 7 Geography Excursion On Tuesday November 25 boys in Grade 7B and 7C will be participating in a Geography Excursion as part of their studies in the unit: Place & Liveability. Boys will need to wear their full sports uniform and School hat. They will also need to bring a water bottle and food for Morning Tea. We will be returning by the beginning of lunch, so boys may still order from the canteen. The trip is departing at 9.00 am and returning at 12.30 pm. If you or your son, have any questions concerning this excursion, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Tristan Cripps or Ms Maryanne Saxton-Hillier at the Senior School. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 10 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MR JEREMY WILLIAMSON 2014 Gala Concert DVD A high quality DVD of the Gala Concert will be produced and will be available for purchase. THE COST OF THE DVD IS $15.00 If you are interested in purchasing a copy, please complete the section below and return it to either the Senior or Junior School Office by Friday November 21 2014, with payment attached. ________________________________________________________________ GALA CONCERT DVD ORDER FORM Student: Grade/PC Group: __________ I would like to purchase the Gala Concert DVD at $15 per copy Number of copies required. Total cash enclosed, if paying cash. Alternatively, payment can be made by cheque or credit card. Please attach payment with this order. MASTERCARD VISA CARD NO: EXPIRY DATE: NAME ON CARD: ______________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: __________________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE: ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Date ________________________ Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 11 SPORT Grade 9 Cricket Coyle-Clingeleffer Cup St Virgil’s College 4-85 (Jarrod Kaye 55n.o.) Defeated St Patrick’s College 10-84 (Declan Waddington 3-3, Brad Percey 1-8, Austin Keeling 1-9, James Graham 1-5) On Tuesday the annual Coyle-Clingeleffer Cup cricket match was held at St Patrick’s College in Launceston. In its third year, St Virgil’s was yet to taste defeat and the boys were keen to ensure that our record remained. Captain, Declan Waddington, won the toss and elected to bowl first and all the bowlers repaid him with a disciplined display which ensured the St Patrick’s team was never able to score with any ease. Wickets were shared between all bowlers, however, Declan did finish with the impressive figures of 3-3 and a smashed stump from his off-spin! Despite the small total all the batsmen knew scoring runs was going to be difficult, and so it was with some early wickets ensuring some tense moments as we struggled to score. However, a decisive partnership between Jarrod Kaye and Reece Williams of 54 saw us race to the total once we were on top of the bowlers. Jarrod in particular played a fine innings, working very hard early on to see off the new ball and then accelerating when scoring became easier. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 12 Sport Photos Senior Sports photos are now available online for any parents wishing to purchase them. Please log on to the website: www.kkphotos.com.au or orders.kkphotos.com.au Shoot Key: 8HMUF932 Photos will be available online until November 28. All groups are $10 each (8x10 inch photo). Orders placed by November 28 will not incur a postage fee, as all orders will be collated and delivered in one batch. Sailing - The Admiral Signals! Monday’s sailing was cancelled due to a howling gale - winds too strong for the skill level. Last night looked good, until we got to the water’s edge and found a strong sea breeze coming in. There was a certain level of trepidation amongst the brave lads. Although we had seven of the said brave lads present, only two boats were launched and only those with "reefs in the main.” The trickiest part of the evening was actually leaving the pontoon, the second tricky part was returning to the pontoon. The third part was straying upright in the strong sea breeze that gradually died as the evening went on. There were a number of firsts in the evening. The first brave lad to fall out the back of a boat shall remain nameless - I promised Henry that. The first capsize was with Lucas at the helm. I rated a capsize as a larger loss of “Wagonwheel Points” than a fall-out-the-back-of-a-boat. There was an extended debate about this judgement. All fearless lads recovered well after their immersion. Present with us as first timers were: Charlie, Hayden and Daniel, all joining St Virgils next year. They all rated the evening’s experiences as 10/10 and they assured me the threat of not getting a WagonWheel had nothing to do with the rating! I think we are going to have a Regatta before the end of the year to show off some skills. Peter Higgs is putting some thoughts together and expect details very soon. There is some debate as to whether a Fall-out-the-back-of-a-boat event will be included along with a rating for the most spectacular capsize. Henry volunteered to judge the Capsize and Lucas the Fall-out-the-back. We’ll see? In spite of what seems imminent, there were no collisions. Br Peter - Admiral of the Fleet! ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 13 Learn to Sail Anyone interested in trying out sailing is encouraged to attend Br Peter 0439 738327. Sam Byers Congratulations to Sam Byers who is representing Tasmanian at the National Sheep Shearing Championships next week. DIRECTOR OF TRANSITI ON MR CAMERON ALEXANDER Grade 8 Stepping Up Evening This week marks six months since the Grade 8 Stepping Up evening. On the night Bill Jennings, from Time and Space, mentioned that a great way to ensure that the conversation held that evening between the boys and the significant male mentors in their lives was to get the question sheet out later in the year and have a follow up chat. I hope that many boys and the significant ‘older fella’ will take the opportunity this week. COLLEGE COMMUNITY NE WS Austins Ferry Canteen Mrs Carol Hilyer The Summer Menu has commenced in Term 4. Parents are also reminded that lunch orders can be placed and paid for via secure online portal from the College website. Friday November 21 Cindy Gallahar Kylie King Monday November 24 Della Williams Narelle Feckleton Tuesday November 25 Sarah O’Halloran Wednesday November 26 Janita Winthrop Thursday November 27 Thanksgiving Ceremony Friday 28th November Susan Roberts Grade 10 Dinner Lindy Laycock Breakfast & Recess only Tina Jenkins Sally Feldmanis Parents are asked to please complete and return the 2015 Canteen Volunteers Form which is an attachment to this newsletter – www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au Uniform Shop Mrs Cindy Gangell 2014 UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS SENIOR SCHOOL CAMPUS Tuesday and Thursday 8.30 am to 3.30 pm ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR JUNIOR SCHOOL CAMPUS Tuesday 8.30 to 9.30 am Thursday 2.00 to 3.30 pm Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 14 Uniform Shop Closure for 2014 Please note that to facilitate the smooth transition of the Uniform Shop from its current operations to the new Midford Shop in 2015, it will be closing for the year on December 2 2014. Uniform can still be ordered online and emergency stocks of some standard items will be available from the Front Office on both campuses. The new Midford Store will open on Friday January 16 2015. Midford invite suitably experienced applicants from the College community to apply for the following position: Applications including cover letter and resume to Nicki Watkins - Nicki.Watkins@gazal.com.au by Friday November 28 2014. ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 15 Softball Batter Up Program BOYS AND GIRLS th TH START: Wed 26 Nov (registration and activities) to Wed 17 Dec th th RESUME: Wed 11 Feb to Wed 18 Mar TIME: 5:15 Prep/Gr1 and Gr 2/3 6:15 Grades 3/4 and 5/6 VENUE: Softball Park, Prince of Wales Bay COST: $30 Please email or text your child’s Name, School, Grade and your Contact details to the mobile no. or email address below Ev Seabourne 0408 546208 sballdev@yahoo.com.au Newsletter Attachments – Available from website - http://www.stvirgils.tas.edu.au/news-publications/ YMCA E-Active Teen Challenge ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 16 Eyes on the Target! Breakfast at the Grand Chancellor A WEEK IN THE LIFE OF THE COLLEGE Each week boys at St Virgil’s College are involved in a wide range of exciting curricular and co-curricular experiences. These experiences provide a rich source of learning, fun and personal growth – here is just a snapshot of these activities, captured through the lens of Br Peter Flint and Mr Andrew Pinelli. Additional photos can be accessed at: Svcpics.phanfare.com Grade 6 Canberra Trip – making friends with the Australian coach Darren Lehmann and Kane Richardson Grade 6 Canberra Trip – awaiting the arrival of the Indian PM with his security team Touch Football ST VIRGIL’S COLLEGE – THE STAR Felix Kinghorne-Lewis – Parliamentary Education role play Vol.3, Ed.35 November 20, 2014, PAGE 17
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