The Secretary will pick up bulletin announcements each Wednesday. Please leave information on the desk or you may e-mail information to During this time of interim, in case of an emergency, contact our Senior Warden, Marion Kober, at 839-8971, or Father Brodie at 217-299-8597. Host/Hostess & Altar Flowers Lists: The sign-up sheet for 2014 for hosting is available in the Parish Hall. Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th, and Dec. 28th are available dates. Happy Birthday: Bill Vinson 11/17 Today’s Servers: Thank You! Altar Guild: Rebecca Deemer Lector/Euch. Minister: Jeanne Troast Annette Kirby Acolyte: Marion Kober Crucifer: Jillian Brown Usher: Tom Sturgill Hosts: Linda Vinson Flowers: Linda Vinson Currently Serving: Terms ending in 2015: Servers for Sun., Nov. 16th Kim Brown Buzz Nowlin Letty Danforth Linda Vinson Jillian Brown Tom Sturgill Jean von Schilling Rebecca & Philip Deemer ST. LUKE’S VESTRY Becky Deemer, Clerk Marion Kober, Sr. Warden Joe Shaver Jeanne Troast Blase McCarthy, Jr. Warden Linda Vinson, Treasurer Terms ending in 2016: Hella Armstrong Annette Kirby Buzz Nowlin ============================================================ I AM A VISITOR TODAY: Please Print Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Please tear off and place in Alms Basin when passed by the usher. Website: TWENTY-SECOND Sunday after Pentecost NOVEMBER 9, 2014 St. Luke’S epiScopaL church Hot Springs, Virginia St. Luke’s Episcopal Church THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST November 9, 2014 11:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite II HYMNAL NUMBERS PRAYER BOOK PAGE Prelude Processional Hymn: Awake, my soul Salutation 355 S 280 Gloria The Collect for the Day 236* The First Reading: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 * The Psalm: 78:1-7 (read alternately by half verse) 694* The Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 * 436 Sequence: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates (verses 1-3) The Holy Gospel: Matthew 25:1-13 * Sermon The Very Reverend Robert E. Brodie The Nicene Creed 358 The Prayers of the People Form VI 392 Confession and Absolution 360 The Peace 360 Welcome and Announcements Offertory Presentation Hymns The Great Thanksgiving 361 Sanctus The Consecration 362 The Lord’s Prayer 364 Communion of the People 364 Prayer of Thanksgiving 365 The Blessing 366 58 Closing Hymn: Lo! he comes, with clouds descending Postlude Dismissal 11 Inserts providing Scriptural lessons are available from an usher. St. Luke’s Church extends joyful greetings to all worshipping here this day. Whether new to the area or just visiting, please fill in the information form at the end of this bulletin, tear it off, place it in the Alms Basin or give it to one of the ushers, and introduce yourself to the Celebrant following the service. We hope you will return to worship God with us soon. (A brief history of the parish is available in the Narthex.) All who join us this morning may come forward to receive a blessing or, if a baptized Christian who customarily receives Communion in your own denomination, to partake of the Sacrament. This is the Lord’s table, and we welcome all. (Please notify an usher if you would like Holy Communion brought to your pew). Altar Flowers are offered to the Glory of God in honor of our Veterans by Linda Vinson. Dear Saint Luke's Family and Friends, We welcome back the Brodies for our service today. Prior to the Sunday service we have a Bible Study at 10 a.m. Try to attend, have a cup of coffee and treats. Remember to save for United Thank Offering. As Fr. Brodie mentioned last Sunday, he will be here one day of the week other than Sunday, and he would love to visit with you. His phone number is listed on the back page of the weekly bulletin. Please continue to pray for the Search Committee, the Vestry, for each other, and that we will be able to find a priest who will guide us spiritually, and help us to move forward. The Vestry will meet in the little side room of the Parish Hall today, starting at 12:30. Below you will find a memo written by Ellen Collins reminding us of our obligation to assist Boys’ Home. We will have Boys from Boys’ Home visiting us for the church service on November 16th. Plan to join us for a very special Sunday next week! Boys’ home Christmas Sponsorship: November is here and it is time to think about the holiday season and the Boys’ Home. Last year St Luke’s participated in the Christmas Sponsors Program at Boys’ Home by donating $100 for each boy in Greene Cottage. We also fulfilled some of the cottage needs and a few of us attended the Christmas Celebration in the Dining Hall. This year we have agreed to sponsor Whitehead Cottage that currently houses eight boys. Our goal is to raise $800 which will provide Christmas gifts for each of the Whitehead residents. What Does Boys’ Home Do? Boys’ Home provides care and education for young men ages 6-18 who either have no suitable home or who have difficulties that might best be solved away from their immediate home. The Boys’ Home Program offers evaluation, on campus schooling, religious life program and vocational technical training. Boys’ Home is 97% privately funded. The majority of contributions come from individuals, through organizations, churches and foundations. Throughout the history of Boys’ Home, the goals have remained constant: to help boys nurture their minds, bodies, and souls, to develop character, to educate, motivate and guide. This important Episcopal outreach has made a pivotal difference in the lives of thousands of young men. Photographs of the Whitehead residents are available in the Parish Hall with each boy’s age, grade and interests. Please take a minute to read about each boy. Thank you! On the cover: “The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids”, Greek Icon (Joe Shaver)
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