A CHILD'S THANKSGIVING PRAYER Dear Father up in heaven above, I thank thee for thy care and love, That give me all I need each day To live for Thee and walk Thy way. I thank Thee for the angel strong Who guards me from all harm and wrong. Protected thus I need not fear, Knowing Thy care is always near. I thank Thee for the Bible given To show us Christ, the way to heaven, To show that Thou hast met our need. I thank Thee Thy Book to read. I thank Thee for Thy Son, Who came To die for all my sin and shame, To Open up the way for me To be given and come to Thee. I thank Thee for Thy Spirit's part, To come and live within my heart; To teach me more of Thy great love, And guide me on to heaven above. I thank Thee for the hope so sweet That soon in heaven I shall meet Thee and Thy Son and with Thine own Sing praise forever 'round Thy throne. -Ruth Miller Page 2 OBITUARIES HALLIE FERN JOHNSON 1915-1966 Items of Interest TEXAS Dear ones in Christ: The Lord has been blessing the We sure enjoy reading the Report Hallie Fern WIaiS bo'rn to Mr. and work at Faith Student Genter aJgain each montlh of which we thank the Mrs. H. R. Ohitwood, AdIredn, Mis· this year. Tihe challenge has been Lord for your jjaitihfullwork toward souri, on December 9, 1915. She was s'et before us aJgain to do what Little the paper. COTlJV1erted am.dsa'l1Jotiiiedwhen qUite We ca,n on 1he campus of Wesit August 14 was our last Sunday at Y'OuiligaJIldreceived 1JheBaiptJisrnof Te(XJa:sState UlIllLvers.i.ty. We halVe Buckiliorn. We sure enjoyed our '1:lheHJoiliySpirit when Slhe WiaS ormy started haVlingour vespers on Tues- four years of labor for the Lord nine years old. day evening again. This is a devo- with the fine folks there. Bro. Larry She spenJt severn.l y~aJrs dn the tional W1hJi.c!h is conducted by some WeLsh and famiLy came to pastor gospel Work.as minislters heiLperand of the students of the center along the church of which we thank the altar worker. wJ.,ljhour ddrector Re,v. Rene Heil. Lord. The people all like them very H.aan:ie Fern ClhLtwoodWlasrnIarrlied The Lord h'as blessed in each ser· mucih and they are doing a very to Paul B. Johnson on February 14. Vlice.We have also had some get·to· fine work. Pray for this work. 1948. Paul and HIallie finstt made gethers and fellawslhip w1hioh halVe On Sept. 11, Bro. Olen Bachler their home in Nevada. Missouri, but proven very insIpirational. started a Revival at the new church SOlonmorved ,to KanslaS C~ty, Misin Gausle, Texas, w1hereBro. and Sds. The lTIKlstimpoI1tant point Faith souri. She died in thelr home at Student Center members keep in Bollinger are the pastors. Bpo. Olen 11313 Spring Valley Road on Oct- mind is to put God .fd.rstin aH acti- held 'through Saturday nlig'ht and We ober 2, 1966. Vlitiesand remember our work Is for wenJt up for Sunday. SeIW'iceswere Her s:tLrIVivors include her husband, were reall good and we aaruied tlhe His glory. Paul B. JoiJulson; one brother, HarNew OIf!fILcers were eled •... "d this ,revival on f!tom the 18'th to the 25't1lL. old Ohitwood; two sisters, Rosalie S€'IIlester. All of the Wtllicers will Three were saved, some were sanReglier, and Leota Jacobs; four have a blig responSibility ahead of cti:Jlied,and sever,a! of the folks were nephews and six nieces. them, but they are looking forward praying for the Holy Spirit. Her parents and one sister, Eva to it with anticipation and God's The Edwin WateI1bury's and the Addleman, only recently preceeded Rockdale dhurch helped each night. help. her in death with another sister, R€IIIlemiberus at Faith Student So a wonderful revival was had for Dora Oy:rer of Stockton, Calif, precenter in your prayers ill all our ef- (bhe Glory O!f God aJIlidwe 1JhJaInJk ceeding her in death in June 1964. fopts for the Lord. We have stamed Him for it. She WIaSlaid at rest beside her AlbeI1ta and I will start a l\..."'Vival a MisS!ionary Program wIhidh is preparents in the Crescent Hill Ceme· senting a challenge to a1l of us to at the MddJwayCountry Church Noter.y near Adiralin, Missouri. do a little for our Maker While vember 2nd. Pray for us that we will there is yet time. do our best for the Lord. I hope to MRS. MARY SEBER "F,or I am not ashamed of the be in revivals all this ne~t year. Wdnston J. Barker, eV'ang>eiliist Mrs. Mary Jane Seiber, 88, for- gospel of Ghrist: for ,jltis the power of Gold unto s!aillvlatiaIIJ to everyone rnedy 0If Katy, Texas, died Thurs· PRAYER REQUEST d!aiy morn,ing, August 25th at Austim, thlat believeth." We trust that our Our dJauglhter, Debbie Jean, hla!s lJives and our daily actions will Texas. brondhilaJl. asthma, and bias been reail prove that we are not ll!shamed O!f She Is survived by one sister, Mrs. the gospel of Jesus Christ and as all bad since we've moved out here. Minnie Carnier of Kerr,ville, Texas; R'igh!t aJt tllre moment she is much two brothers, T. H. Robertson of Christians stpive to please Him. Pray better. Would appreoiate 1Jhepeople for us. Hempstead, Texas, and J. D. Roberthelping us to pI1ay for the V'ictJory FAITH STUDENT CENTER son of Waller, Texas. PASTOR: Rev. Marcus L. Adair aJnd to keep it. I know the Lord is Services were held at 3:00 p.m. STUDENT DIRECTOR: Rerv. a1)1eto heal Debbie. She bias missed Friday at McWilUams Funeral Harne Rene ReLl so terribry much school of the fi,nslt in Waller with Rev. Joe B. Dewees 6 weekls. Lee-land GrimmeI' officlating. Interment Was in Waller PECK-GOYNES VOWS Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peck 01 PaHbearers were nephews: T. H. Edna, Texas, announce the marriage Robertson, Jr., Wilbur Rabertson, Gerald Robertson, F. J. Bell, and G. 0If their daug'h'tJer,Beverly, ta Mr. Gepald Goynes of Katy, Texas, on A. Ohudleigh. Septemlber 10, 1966, in the A'PoSitoLic She and her husband, the late J. Fauth Church at K'aty. God, that ye may be aJb!leto K. Seber were long time residents Rev. Marcus Adlair officiated at of Katy. Besides ranching he pas· siJand against tIhe will.es of the the ceremony. Beveply and Jerry tored the Hufisrn1thApostolic Ohurch Eph. 6:11 devil." for 25 years. Rev. Seber died April tare 8.Ithome 8.It1502 Pedh Rd., Houston, Texas. 5, 1962. CANYON, THE APOSTOLIC FAITH REPORT Howard Whiteley . .. Editor Box 115 Galena, Kansas Gail W. Schultz, Associate Editor Box 110, Baxter Springs, Kansas EDITORIAL BOARD Alford Whiteley, Durham, Ark. Doyle Wiles . Logan, Okla., Olen Bachler ..... _.. Katy, Texas Published as the Lord provides; sent to you upon request on the free-will offering basis. APOSTOLIC FAITH REPORT Box 115 Calena, Kansas 66739 Please send all changes of address, giving both old and new address, and Zip Code. Editorial We would like to 'tl!lJanJk each of you thIalthJaJVe IOOpOnded;i:nsuppoatinJg tJhe pa:per and aJ1thorugih1lhJisis'SUJeis 1'aJ1:e, we're hOjp1nlgtlhiat fdmn:oes WIilloontinue to come so 'thiait we w.ilil be aJlJleto brLnig your n€xt iilsSueon s'Ohedule. Detar people, do remember t\1hiSwork in your prayers IalI1d badkiinJg.We do not want to see ii.t ,go down ()~ ]81g as it is one (){f the WOnks of 1Jhe Lord. It is goontg to rtJakealIl 0'£ US'wOr'k1ngfur one callise. One or two peoplie o,aJ1!IlJOIt hoM this up by them.seilv€'S. Maiy the Lord bless thooe of y!Ouwho h!a!Verallded to the needs. We iiinJdsoone scripture in LUlke 11:1 tlhiat 1Jhirliilll our hearts and ailiso ClhtallenJgie us. "And it came to pass, 1IhIatas he was pI'aJYiing!in aJ certain plJaoe, when he ceased, one of the d:iroipl€fS~d unto him, UoIid, teadh us to pray as Joilm also 11aJU,gIht his dlisciple&" I know iliat these men hJaidpraJY€Id before. They saw slQmet!hilnJg dLfIferent in! title ~er of our Lord. They slaw Him ,as He went 1nJ1:o prayer. wIiJthreia'r 'and came oUitwith c()nten1tImenJt;tihey saw Him go in wi't!h a burdened heaillt anid coone out W1ith ftlhebu.ooen lifted; tihey saw Him go Iinto pra~er w'.iltihSOlTO,wam.d come sItJilliL in ylour relJiJgiouslife out witih jo~. LORD, TEACH US to a s~ TO BRAY. Do we know hQiWto, or is there a special praise to Rim, <reaJJ!y get fa!hoWof tih.eLo.rd in pra(Y- as tihe great Father and provider of ;a1lJl thlinJgs. Is tihe spinitu.aJ.and reli· er? I me!lm real supplication. We find: in Romans 8:26 1Jhese gious life spontaneous for you? WOlds, "lJikewilSJe tihe Spitit also Have you ever thought of God, as a God of intervention. He is a God ihellJPeIbhour i.nillirmitie;; for we '~now not What we s!h()wd prey foil' at hand, one that is near and not aIBIsWe 0IUIgih!t; but the Spir1t itse1Jf fur 01'[. He appears as a waIl od:fire mJalketihi:nteooessio!n fur us w1th and a rock upon whic!h to stand. You are safe in His abbey. Ig'rOamJil1Jg5 wfhidh cannot be uttered." r have proyed aildof my life, but do When DCilvidlooked upon the ease I rea:l1y knQIWhow to pl18.y? of the ridh he was envious of them, The mare I sltudy prayer, the mo<re yet he declares thiat he WIasfuoliislh I I'€I<lI1ize 1119rea! mea'llJing. All of and ignorant 'and could not under· stand - until God brought him to us Cian slay a gl1O'Upof wordS. Man~ lare the times ttJhatwe; do just thaJt. the S'anctuar~, then he understood their end. (Psa. 73rd Chp.) It was Thlis i'sn't PI"lltYer. Prayer comes from 1Jhevery deptihs of the h€larrt:. not they (tihe rich) but God who was the strength od: his heart. So It is tlh!aJtthinlg tihalt cannot be utto-<lay it is He that will fiR every l1:eredby juSit main hirnsetlf. necessity and give a peace and joy Ou<r LoI'd wlhen praJy!i11lg, prayed, that makes THANKSGIVING real. "FialtJhieir, let this' cup pass from me, nev,er tilie 1€(S\S' not my wi'l:lbut thdne Do you ever feel that y'ou are in !bedione." We fJind in 1Jh!i's pI'IaIYer,he a straight place? Do other pastures sweated as tlhOUlg!hit were great look greener? Job met such a time drops (){fblood. Th!iS' pra~er came in 'his life. He could not go forward, from tihe depths of hils heart. I be- nor backWarrd. His conclusion Was 11ev;e!iIf we ret~ knJowhow 1iopray, that God was there to lead him >tJhrougih his valley of testing. On the our piI11lIyer<s wilil be a:nISWered. other side he would be a pure gold. 'I: JiOIhin5:114, 15 brings 1Jhi\S'out, "A!nd thliS is th,e oO'l1i1)ide.!JJOO that we Our testings are our examinations, our proving grounds in God. Before lh!aiV€in HiIm, thait if we ask anyour Master we stand or fall. Let us ItJhLngacco'I1d!ing110 His Win, he gi'Ve 'I1hankSlgiving to Him that all h€lartlh uS'; Aind if we knOIWthat he ds well and fuat the light of faith hear us, WhaItsoever we ask, we stiLlhangs in victory over our heads. lmow tJh!at we have petitions that 'When you know that you are we desired of Him." Lord, teach U'S how to pray,. MiaJYwe seek Him anid I1~ght- move forward then in His find1Jhe answer to our neeld!sWlfieth- Name. When you know that your er for our heailii1l)g O;T other 1)1ess,ings decision and actions are of the Lord needed in 11h!isliife. The Lord teilJLs there should be no furtJher worry or distress, because if God is for you us to ask, 1ioseek, am to knock. 1VIaJy He teach us how to a,pproacl1. He makes a way. He is mighty to bring dbWIl! tIhe hJosl!:sof evil. I lJhe 1:ilwoneOlf gI1ace and there find trust Him because I know Him and gI1aoe for OUI'S€lN'esand o,th&s of our peqple Who aJre in need. OamlC€IT, for many years He has been my strenglih and provider. For this I hearltwouble, ood llIlIanJy other gi'Ve THANKSGIVING. di~S'elaee:s are tnJki,ngtheN tom among 'I1he Aposto1ic Faith Bible School OUir peo[ile. Wlhere is our f,aith? is progressing niceLy. I am sure you LORD, TEACH US HOW TO PRAY. are g~ad for tihis. There are so many May He heLp us to be able to touch subjects to teach, thoughts to adhejaven fur OUiI'broitihers and sisters vance and perserve. There are many in Olmst. lives to heLp mold and so much witHowaI1d Whliteley nessing to cover, not only here in S'chool, but progressive advanceAssociate Editor ment must be provdded to the DEAR READERS OF THE students th'at will go fonth .won to APOSTOLIC FAITH REPORT: spread a little further the beautiful How are you in this THANKS(Continued on page twelve) GIVING month? Have you come THE APOSTOLIC FAITH REPORT BIBLE SCHOOL NOTES Lines From The Superintendent's Desk Paul A. C1anton Keith A. Barker "Blessed be the God and ~a ther of our Lord Jesus Christ. Which aooording to hjs abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus ChTist. Gird up the loins of your mind, be solber and hope to the end for the grt:lCe t:h!atis to be bmught unto you at tU1e revelation of Jesus Ohr,ist. That your f>aith and hope might be in God." With these thoughts from three dWferent verses in I Peter, we thinik how much we really do depend upon hope in this Chris'vianwarfare. I am 1JhillkiingOtfthe hopes that have become a reality in this 1966 term of school. God has so marvelously given us those things we h~ for. When in our special services we watched some 18 lives beiIllg Lill.ed with the precious Ho}y SpirIt. I rememJbered that I had ask God for just that kind of an outpourjng m the school. Also, the growth in lives has been wonderful "Now therefore, our God, we to watcih. Indeed our hopes have 4lhank tJhee, and praise tJhy gloriJous been rewarded. I1Iame." I OhTOn. 29:13. Now wjth the closing fast drawCertainly, today, we are thankful ing on, we horpe that au of these w:Il meet with influences that will for all that God has done for us here rather build them up ,in their con- at Bible Sdhool this term. The Lord has been very real to us this year secmtion and selWice to God than and we g,ive him all our praise. being a hindemnce. We hope that From the very beginning o,f Bible they will bear fruit for the years to come. We hope they will become School this year, we have felt His teachers and workers that may add presence and divine ano1ntiIllg in all of our classes. God has certainly to the Kingdom of God. We h'aJdh;oped for a proopelI1iorus shown to us that He is the same "yes1erday, today, and fo~ever." k"'11In in temperal things; God has We have been maae to realize more than f'ilJ.edthose hopes. We oame tOlge,therhoping to be more and more these days of the ever increasing need for true workone in Spirit and puvpose; thank ers aII1dlaborers for ChTjst. 'I1h5sis God for the unity we have had. our constant aim and desdre before Our hope has been well justifiied God: To work for Him. jn a faculby pulling together for the good of all. Our g'oal at Bible scnool is to All in ~ our 'h€'aI1hs are f1iil!letl witlh study to shew ourselves appro;ved praise to our God, that doeth AlJ. unto God, workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rig.htly dividing things well. And we know, Faith is tJhe W'OCd of 1Jru1lh. the assur,cmoeof things hoped for, the provdng of 1Jh.inigs not seen. We wou[d ask you to pooy for us here at Bible School that we may study the Word of God in the light that he has given us and endeavor to be in His divine will at all times. The m1d4erm break has fastly come and gone, and every,oneIs back in the routine of Bible School again. ENer:yone brought back a good report of the blessings they received over t1hebreak. night. Turning the tables was hard on the glirJs',but we'lil hiave to admtit that it was even harder on the boys. Although I do believe the girls have decided to 1m the boys do the asking from now on. TurniIllg our attention to the girl's dOIm, we find that it has been increasing rapid1y lately-in pounds tlhat is. In last montll's report we requested a case of metrical, but so far we have only received 25 boxes of cookies. We can truly say that there is never a dull moment, especially with Judy and her dear companion ... her uke! Yes, we have almost any type of talent anyone could find, and can be heard any time--mostly during study hour, seems as thougih that's the most convenient time to practice! Most importam we can't for,get the blessings of the Lord which have been received, and the wonderful serwices we harve had. A few weeks ago Bro. Onal Nunn held services running from Thursday night through Sunday nighit. Many received the Holy Spil'irt and ~ bless'ings and much strength was galineid. We ameJtruily thanikLul fox the way in WIhrlch the Lord hrasblessed and supplied every need. •• Of co,urse, w~ cannot f<mgettwIDp Bible School is trUlY a wonderful IPlIp.ceto be. The blessi,ngs of tlle I10lidhave been greIaJtllyeXJtenrded to eadh and every'O!I1Ie. Velorn. and Glenn Cummings 0If Da1Jharrt:, Texas are Lnlbroducinrg a new produ'Ctto all interested persons New Product: B8JbyGirl GrowiIllg SWlSOn Nine MolIllths Height of prodJuot 20 and % in. NeJtWe.iJgiht 6 lbs. and 10% OZS. Harvested in one lump sum September 26, 1966 10:38 P. M. Oombine Driver: DO'Otor J 0 h n OunnlLnigham Pl'oduct nJamed: Koni Lyn Cummitngs This is a very sweet product and MUSItbe handled W1ith telIlder loving care! MaJternal grn.ndrparrenbsare Rev. and Mrs. Mar.cus Adair of CaJn(yon, TexlaS.PaI1:ernral gI1andJmotiher is Mm. E1ifie Cummings OtfDalhiart, Texas. THE APOSTOLIC FAITH REPORT LOST POWER We are liVli.ng in a cllllmclh wOl'ld fuaJt is powerless. We find in Actls 1:8, "But ye shal1Jl reoeilve power, aflter thJat 'the ROIly Glhosrt:is come upon you; ... ". Why are we powerless? The New TestJarrnenrt churcJh rh!ad great power! The dliscliples had power, pertJer aind Joihn in 1Jhe 3rd cha:pter ()If ACllISsaw 1Jhe l!ame man h€la1ed. Plaul - and SUas were ab1Je to !>~ the de'aJd raised, the Slick Ih€la.led,"30m the doernons ClaSt ou,t. We ..shiould be alble to ooe this' done tod'i'lJ,y.as they did then. The promises o'f the Lorxl leilt ford'i:is dflsIdiPles are tlhe sarrne, for us "~9{]ja'y.Let eaICih of us eX!amJine oure€ilJy€15and Ere where tlhe trouble lies,'. I Cor. 12 are glid'ts of power! With· ourt th€lIn in our lives and the oihurch we hiave beoome very powerlless; we halVe becOIme en€lmic. We are diwarfs. We h:a.ve been s\tlar~ed on "tihJings',. The tl1ings of lJife h!ave flal!1enin on uS' like a great monster. UOOlk!i:nJg ait verse 5 hLs axe head w,as losrt when he wta1s the bUSliest. He was working very hwd. We find so n1a:nJyof us h!a.ve become so busy witih our g.reat proogr<JJIruS anJd 1adJies' "busy circles" 'tihart we hla.ve left the Dord ooimjplletely OUit. He is IliOrt lo~king fo!!' grelat progI'larrn:ing; he is lo'Oik!i,ngfor people hungry to b~ soul winners' fo!!' RLm. c1hurdhJ. WiitJhoult the church we are l:ike a sIl1Lp Wi1:hJ0111t a Slail, a oar without a motoiI', a man wiltih.out a home, a SltJaltew1irt:Jhlouit a governor. We need tihe Clhurdh eve!'Y time tlhe doo<I'IS open for the spini1Julalsrtrength 'am.d power of whiicih we SItJanrl in heed. How can tlhis power be restored? We find tih.e answer in ve.nse 6, "amd the main of God s'a:id, Wih.ere fell it? and he shewed him the pl:ace. " Here is the answer to our problem. We must go blaOk1Jotlhe place w1here the power WIaSlost aut o,f our Livesr or our churclh. We must s,tra:LgrhJten up the oroolk€ld pat!hs. Are we w1i<Jiling? Do we want the pow €IiI' 1lhiart at one tLme was among our ohurches and peop[e? There is a price 1Jag 'a1ltJa.c'hed.May w,e be wi.llJil1lgto pay the price for power. Thene are sOIme resons my power oos been lost. Let us look ~.Ita few. Finslt we fj,nd negloot. We neglect our service'S to the Laird. PrCliyeT For our texrt: let us turn to II Meetling Serw1ces Me alltendeid. if the Ki~s 6:1,7. We find verne 3, "And weaitJlher is just nigfhlt, we feel jU&t one, ?~d,. Be content, I pra,y thee, THE MINISTER AND A CHILD rilgiht, and companiy dlQ€S!ll.'tcome. an4 iro Wilith thJy serv'ant:s. And he A minister went to preach in a Our own pr,ayer lJijje hlais been cut ans}Y'ered, I will go." Eldslha was VlillJa.:ge where thene was no chureih. Utit as 1t takes all our time to get ~ .inrtJo 'alCcount. He was conHe preached in the slChoolihouse. A our wo~ dio!lleaJt holm.e and at the suiLf(ad1n tllie matter. 'I,~, ' few peoPle carrne wIIm diid nOlt seem office. ]f we ar,e too busy to pray, lfQw o(flten:db we go at slome<th!ing to Clare much about God or His we are 1100bu\SiY. al1o~. The, lJord is rot taken into Word. He pre'ached many times, Then our Bible read!i1Illgbias been aOd~;U11lt.ataJ1:l.We eXipoot the Lord and, sadd he, "I had burt one thing puShed al<lide al101l1igwith prayer to recom::J:le Himself Wlith our plans. to encourage me." time. That tLme oot asLde to let tlhe We find ounseJ1Jves' w.allking alone. "WIha.t was it?" :Uorid speak to us' from His wo<rdls We never silJopto find out the IJord's "Lt was attention of one little wJflli. Thlis' w.ilIl aliwIays get us in and promises is the tiime when our girl, who kept her eyes fixed on trtouble, spiriJtua!l.ily and SIOmeiimes ~ilth is built up as the Word tells, me, and se-.,amed to be trying to us "Fawtih. come,th by h€laring and p/hiY'Slidal1y. understand €Ivery word I said. She hearing by the, Wo.rld of God." We sometirrnes let our own edurowas a great help to me." SeIOond is our i.gnnance of lost tionrall power puslh us tJhrougih. In Wihat- Can a clhi:ld be a great SiarrnS'O'I1 diid not know his Gail. 1:,11 PlaUilsaid, ••.... the go'S- power. help to a rniniSiter? Yes., oh yes'! pOlWerWlas,gone unltil it Wlas too :J.a,te. peili wlhiich wlas· pooaohed Oif me is How? By paying attention to 'tlhe He hlaJd gone to srleep. The cares of not a,f.ter mam.,." Our 01Win wisdbm message from CrtJd's Word. Tihink !is as notlhi11JgWhen iJt comes' to t1he ine blad crowded in on h!im, Judges of that, and When you go to ohurch. 16:20. lis:r1a.eJ.dIiJd nlolt r€iaJllize their thli:nig'solf tlhe Lord. We cannot walk fix your eyes on the rmnisrter and alone. Any pOM'er m our !Lves hlaB power was gone UnJtil 1t was too try to understand all he says, for laite. Luke 19:42. been gLvEm olf ,tIhe Lo.rd. Lt 16 nort he is speaking to YOU, as well as TI1Jird is oVel'Conf,iderJJCe.I don't our own, but is borrowed. to the grown-up people. He is tell· need the Lord! I CIa1lsibanJd a!l.~ne! ing about the Lord Jesus who loves Verne 5, "But as olIle WIa.s'telling Thlis WIaSthe feeil!i:nJgof P€lter and he t1he little ones, and said, "Suffer a beam, the ax hood fel[ inlto the little or~ldren, and forbid them not, wa,ter: and he cried anJd said, aJIas, fellI. After tlhe waJ[s olf Jenoho had faJ.l€'l1J,the peo,ple felit they oouitl to come un1:o me: for of su'ch is mjasrter! for it was borrowed." Ac,go 'ailJone<anidfiglbit the baJttle at Ai. the kingdom of heaven." cording to Zeclhar1i.ah 4:6 we find Here they were ded'etaJted. They h!ad -Alliance Weekly " . . . Not by miJghit nor by power, :Loslt t1he power of Je~iciho. ThelY but by my Slpirdit saith tlhe Lord." were contWen!\: in themse'lNes amd We see fr:orrn .tJhiis aniy power that le1lt God out of their lives. mlaJYcome to us wi<Jilonly come as the Lord sees fit 1Jobestow it upon Lack of sp1iriotual nourishment Mrs. Anna Bishop, Ralls, Texas us. As He Slees thia!t we can be en· .is the :fIour,th. Too busy fur CrtJd, Mrs. Je30nelle Wi:l!1Jiarrns,Galena, Ks. trusted with 1t 1Jouse it for His 1100 bUsy to pray too busy to be Mrs. Ramona Phares, Endd, Oklia. Mr. Leonard Turner, Dooa1tur, Ark. in ltihe hOlUrse of the Lord. How GlolI'Y am.d toot we are willing to m'a:nry 'aJre the people I haiVe talked pay tJlheprice to obtaJin Lt. Mrs. Atral Fe!1gunson, Purdy, Mo. The gii.11tsof th e Slpirit found in ,to wIho felt tih~ dlid mot need the Mrs. J. O. Carll, Webb CLrty, Mo. BIBLE SCHOOL CLOSING EXERCISES DECEMBER7 AND 8 STUDENTS: S!aJunma Baohller, Keiiflh A. BaI1ker, QuialatJa Beaigle, BaNy Beckiw.l.th, Blaze! Ann BUrTIS, DeWley Deninis Huff, Ginger F1lock, Huff, Gwen FTJzze!lJl, Billiy J. HiaJmfus,Mary Betty ]reJiand, Oad J~, Kinser, OheI"y11 Lo'hmann, K1arber, DorOOftlJyKii.nser, Mai'gJe niJce McLeod, Junior McLeod, Rome JlalmesJone$, GordOn Darlene Lt>himIann, Ber- Mar!tlin, Oarole Mi8JttJhews, NeN M011glan, !Mdoh- e!ail.Nine, OonIIlie Oil'Ie<nJbenger, Jiame's Omnge, Ws !Helen HaiN¥s, JaJIl'ioe OJ1alnlge, Caro[yn Quesenlbu:ry, Riley, Cody SdhiariruhIotl'.st, l.Ji.nda S!hook,Sandxa Sh!ook, JraJY Smd1lh, v.ir'g'lnfu Smitih, Donna Stump, Peggy Sut!ton, I.JOIis T~lo.r, ElEanor Whaley, Raynnond Wha· Iley DeI1v1inWiles, P€Ig1gy Yeakel, Judy Wooster. Ch'listmas Cantata Wednesday Presented by the Music Department Rev. Howard Whiteley, Director December 7 7 :30 p. m. Thursday Master of Ceremonies _ December 10:00 a. m. Rev. Joe DeWees 8 _ CONGREGATIONAL SINGING PRAYER Song ,... Song Sermon _.._ Solo _._.. Sextet Rev. Gail Schultz _ ORDINATION Thursday _.,._ Master of Ceremonies _. December 8 1 :45 p. m. _ _._. Rev. Edna Schult70 CONGREGATIONAL SINGING PRAYER Special Singing Speaker _ _ _ Thursday............................ Speaker Presentation _ December _ Former Students __. Rev. Jerome Crowhurst 8 _ 7 :30 p. m. INVOCATION SPECIAL MUSIC _........................... of Certificates DECEMBER 8, 3: 15 Rev. Ceo. Polvado Supt. Paul A. Clanton P. M. The annual business meeting of the Apostolic Faith Ministers and laymen will be held at the close of Bible School, 3: 15 p. m., December 8, 1'66. Rev. Doyle Wiles' term as Board Member expires this year. An election will be held to recaJlBro. Wiles or elect someone to fill this position. Each church and pastor has one vote for the election ofi a trustee for our Bible School Board. Make your plans now to be -represented at this meeting and for the close of Bible School. You will enjoy God's blessings and Christian fellowship. THE APOSTOLlC'FAITH} REPORT ,''(Jrusaders tor Christ 12 INCH' AN'SWER QUiESTION: WHAT IS THE ADViANTA!GiE OF 'l1HEHOLY SPIRIT IN A TEEN A!GiEiR'SLIFE? 'ANSWEiD: The· circumference .of this subject is almost without limit. Of course, ,thlis question probabLy denotes the HolJySpirit in baJptismal form. We are all conscien.ce of the pOOS€lIlCe and worltinig power of 1Jhe Holy Ghost (land the Hoily Ghost and tJheHOi1ySpirit are the one and scume)in the world and in our lLves, for ,it is He that conrvicts us of sin and leads us to tJheLord. JOIhI116:7· 13. You as a young man or woma'll may be :liami]jiJaJr W1ith t1he Hoily Spirit in His Divine present in a se~1ce, or in a rS'W~t i ,~~lili\'J'\YS:~'{),o~ praJyer or an occas,ionalout standing serwke or event. Perhaps the night you led a young peopl.e's meeting or sang a special song, there WCl!S a closeness of the Lord. The Holy Spirit we say was there to bless or unction. However 1fuere.comes a time in a Chr1stian's life that he must go forwarn, or as we say, "get closer to rt!he Lore. 'Dhis ,will bl1ing him to the new blessing or the gift of the Holy Ghost and he will find himseLf speaking in other tongues or other tanguaJges as a' result of having been baptized with the Holy Ghost. No doubt the precious illuminating and sheer closeness' of ' this' new found gid't will k'eep the recipient in firm standing with the Lord. Sometimes it occurs that one ha,ving reooivedthe BiaJptJism of 1JheHo~y Glhoslj;jjeells Ithart: they harve a,c- He abides wLUh in; John 14.15·18. 'Ilhe Jeen,a;ger may be young in o0111lp:Lis!hed a set goal and retire, so years, and in eXiperiences aJUdeven to SlPeak, to enjoy their achieve· in the church work, but the Holy memo This will not do, it just does Spivit wi'th in your life will act as not work that way. Or pevh'aps the a guide, a defender of your fW1:lh, Ba;ptism has been given during an and aJS a warning bell rugiIlSitenUpsurge of SPiilritUiailliJtJy, like in a recroueh!ing enemies olf your S1Piritual vival, Daily Vacation Bible School, life. ]fy<ou wiII fully honor Him, by olr Y,oufu camp. Then aJS the dailliy testilflyLn:g of His presence, and even Hving out of this glonious vdetory in time and season let Him speak comes 011 in every day living througlh you in anQtiher tongue as oOlUiplerl With slOmetna:i1Is and irwita- He did art:the begt1:nJnJing, iJtwill act tions and intis€lrmmts to "joJn the as a guamntee ot! His aJbiding pre· old gang" of the school or worse sence. yet of a baser sort, tha,t you may have known, vlictory can be hurt. I don't wa!'!t to shut you up in a You may meet with unneeesf,;ary CO'lWentnoil' hide"you in a wilderrebUlflf fr,om friends or relatives. ness, be:ca.usleYlQlu, are i:U: the: worlld You may be adrvisedto be a partaker to be a light and a WItness, yet I of sometl;1inKtha:t is displeasing to.,:~,not~~,r:t:y?~ to feel free to be .o Lo"'" nd 'he ." t' b" ·..·..a .... paI1tak~tt. .•.OJl··"ailil,;<worldly amuseth" '!U, a' , re care mus e . . taken beoause the Ho'1JySpirit can ment .and fr:vohty, because a f,lipbe ~grieved. Gradually the jgy and pant 1id'edoes not p,lease the L.ord. fire of thJaJtearly iil1JumltIlJaJtilon mms ~t me tDUsty<outo use a God glVe~ and iet:safe guarding and watchful- wlsdiom bey<ondyour years, because ness is not aJPIPlied~ beautifu,l'exthe Hol'Y Ghos,t is ;Leading. perieIlJoewith the Lorn can come Fun 16 und~rstandable, laughter to niI ... Sometimes the change"of does you good, and to smile and s'ing envinoment, like g,o,ingOn,toh1<gher· and pLay in tim:e and place is a part education and taken ,aw:ayfrom the ot! your life, anq to deny these home churdh and d'rJends to be. thiIligs puts Y9u'iJi a strai,ght jaJOket thrown with an unbelieving world of 'otlhermen's' ideas wli;tih slUrpressed t:hrolws a sihfOiwd of disp'a:ir and' freedom and In some~eases a twisted waning reHgious interest, until and war:ped ..pers,q~t1!-1ity. Yet, as a other desires and amlbitions quench holder of the Holy Ghost, you must the Spirit. ,. 'treat l:lirn as' your constant guest. Let us look at the leading of tlhe The Sp-irit of tJh~proipJhetis subj.ect Holy Ghost in this manner. It is .t~, the pfOiphet, 111 other worns He true that He can be with you and. gwe,&Y0l;l fUll,command and when He shall be in you. With this assur. y~u break over tJb~.line to grieve ance olf HilS'a:biding presence you Him, He can and 'wJll leave, never have somethiIlig Vhat can teach you. (Continued on page twelve) Children's Hour - Kal'hryn Comell THE THANKFUL LEPER RECEIVES HEALING When Jesus and his twelve ills· ciJples ca'me do,wn from the mountain, a great crowd .1iollowedhim. Most o,f 1Jhepeople had come from the eWes and Vli11ages in Gal,ilee,but SOIffiehad even come from Jerusal· em and other places, in Judea. Near by stood one poor man who did not dare press into the cl1owd. How mudh he needed to be healed of lepr,osy! He was not allowed to live llI!l1IonJg his fdends and relatives .1lo'1' f,M!' rth.ey w:ouUid oatdh the di- sease. He was not dowed to get close enough to touch anyone who was not a leper. Wlhat an unhaprpy life! The poor lepe;r thought, "I wonder if this Jesus w'm heal me." Be!fore anyone could sto[>him, he ran to Jesus, knelt at his, feet, and worshipped him. Looking up at J,~sus, the man said, "H you are wi11ing,I know you can heal me." Jesus looked down at the man kneeling at h!is feet. Great pity and love DiNedhis hea,rt. Jesus knew this man was diyinlgby inches. No doctor could cure th:is dreaded leprosy. SiIlliles. Now he lWas well! How 'I1HA:NKIFUL he felt! At f.il1Stit was 11'ardto belielV'E! he had been healed, but when he looked at his s~in, there was no silgn of leprosy. In God's law that Moses gave to the pe,ople the Lard commanded lepers to o:flfer slacrJfices of THANKSGIVING When they were :healed. Jesus reminded the man, "Do not tell anyone about this, but go and show yourself to the priests and omfer the sacrifice that Moses eOlInmianded." The m,an was so ha,ppy and 'I1HAiNKlFULfor wlh!at Jesus had done that he could no,t keep quiet about it. He had to tell his frien'ds. Ris friends told tlheir friends, and so the news spread far and wide. Evel1yonetalked about this great miracle. Many left their homes to folloAA' Jesus. So man,y ,people flock· ed to see and hear him that he could no 10n ger enter the cities. F['Qm then on !he spent much of his time in the country, and the people O<liffie to him 1Jhere. 1 Jesus kinJelW, too, 1Jhe many un:h:appy dayS .tlhliSI pIoOII' man ·hiaJdJ spent aw~ lfTomhis hoime and' lQlVedones. He kr.ew h!owilonelwa leper was. unto God. Jesus was not afl1aidto touch this One or the other of these two six,poor man. Kiind1yhe laid his hand letter words is in each of the followon the leper and said, "I am wminJg. ing verses., You are healed now." What are the words? In how Quickly the man jumped to his many verses do you find elliCh? :feet. The weary look was gone from iPsahn 104:33 his eyes. The man's face was all Luke 18:43 I Ohronicles 16:34 I PeteiI' 1:7 Psalm 30:4 !MaWhew 15:36 Luke 19:37 I 'I1hess'alonians5:18 iPsa:1m140:13 Isaiah 61:11 Revelation 11:17 Mal1k 14:23 Jeremiah 17:14 Philippians 1:11 Luke 2:38 ANSWER L) (S<)wn (sawn aSJt1.Id 8) S}fUE'ltL NOVEMBER Birthday Calendar 3 ~ ~ PAUL HARRIS 4 _ _ _......• JANOE HARRIS 4 _•.... KAREN RAYE MATHIS 5 ...........•............RHONDA PORTER 7 _ GAYLON SCHULTZ 9 ...........•... _ ~VIN CORNELL 10 _ _ JIMMY WARFORD 11 _ GAY LYN SPENCER 12 ROBING SMITH 1'4 VICKIE MORRIS 14 _ __ _ _ CINDY HESS 17 BILLY WAGGONER 17 KIiMBERLYANN MATHIS 18 _.._.__ _ JONNA WELSH 21 ...•....•.. _._.•.._.._ ~ DAVA NEFF 26 ...•...•............DARRELL THOMAS 30 KAYLA WATERBURY 30 _ DAVID WOFFORD God h!as prmnis'ed forgliveness to your repent'ance, but He has not promlised tJomonrow,to your proevas" tJinJation! ,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--------- NEWS MIDWAY COUNTRY CHURCH, LOGAN, OKLAHOMA- ..-....--...... . from the TANEYVILLE, '_.-.-._.-._._._.-._._._. _·_·_·-·_·_·_·-·_----·_·-'-1 CHURCHES MISSOURI- I PINE IDLL, ALA. lit ils good to be a:bIT.e to re:port tlhe God is stilll Jjl€lSiSling and our ser· good things God has been doinlg f~ vic€s halVe been g.ood'. Brio. Allen Our dhurcihattemdlan0e has been Long held a fieJWnLghlts reViVlallre- us. God S€'nt us a wonderful rediown of llaite due to Slickness and freshing recently in a r,evival with peop1e beo1ng gone. We S€em to be cen,tly witlh 6 be1ng saved. One week Bro. Eal'l Mongan as the evangeList. end four of tihe gdrJs from Bible 0IIlthe UlPiWlar1d anum now tOll'which One young couple found the Lord Sdhlnoll aame to vlisit and Janice we aJre th:ank!fUl1.We are, so glad and many others were blessed. We Ortange brouglht 1Jhe miEllSSliJge 0111 to heair o'f the good r~por'ts of our are still realping harvest fI"OIIlthe Biib1e SchO!JJ anJd the wOindierfull SundJa~ morning. The Lord blessed seeds tlhat were sown. We are gJving Jjlessings SIOmeof ou~ young peoplie 1IIla wonderful wIa~.We ~e looking Bible lessons on Wednesday evening foIlWla.rd ,to some mJor,eViisiJ1lons' from from our chwch are relceLving.We 1JheBib~eSchoOil.Uaslt Sundiaiynighft and God is filling hearts tlhat are are looldng furrwlartl to having them 3 were saJVeld,one InalIl 73 Yelainsold. ihJu~I1Y1Jormore of Hiis won!. back a few dlays dur.illlg the break We appreciate the prayer'S o,f you God is still on tbJe 1Jhrone.We wouiLd in 1lhe SlClhooJ. We aJre so thankful of the movement who jodn us in t Jlike to eJOtell1id an i'IlivitliJt1onto aU Ilb~ a" pliaice swdh as BibLe SohQOI1foc burden for 10s1:souls in Pine Hd-ll. m'iJIl!1stens a nd gospel workers to them to attend and l~arn more of As the new famiLies move into our stOlp by a.nd v;i:s'itwi1lhus. Pray :fo~ His precious Word. area wi,th the new paper mill, it On November 2 Bro. Wdooton us amd the Church. pl'aces an even greater challenge beChester Burns, pastor Barker will. begin a revivaJI in our f,me us. We covet your pI"ayeTsfor dhUJrdh.We axe preyillig for a WOIl1- HUDSON, WYOMINGGod's guidance over our lLves. deI1ful time w11lh the Lord. Pray Jdm AmaR, pastor We a,re gll:adto report that God is 'thiait we might grow s:pirtLtuallyas stiilil blessill1g in the, worik here in fiNTON, ALABAMAwell as in number. Our community Hud'SIOn.We alr€ racing a:g,liJi'IliSt oJd We are glad we can rlllPort vdcneeds to be woke up to the fadt tlw,t man wintleI'to g,et our dhurch moved fury in our S'oullis.'Dhe Lord has Jesus is coming S'oon and we must in 8Jil1d readJy for services. We h:ad a been mooting with us iIl1 the regulJar be about our F1ai1lher'sbumess. We g.r,ound br€lakllngser:vice the 28th o[ oorvUcesfor wlhicihwe are t'h:a,nkful. h:ave mmilJies close Who do not at- August and iJt was a great success,. He is such a very pI'eS'ent help in tend cI1u:rdhand' they Should be in We are also being bI1essedslJ?drit- eVterytime oJ' need ann is more thian BeIlV1ae. p~ prlay Witihus for our ualliy as w€i1las tempor,aJfry.We had a match for the devtl in every way. rev'ivaI. two Slaved iIl1 one of our recent serWe aJI"elooking forward to Bro. V1oos, and a1l of the people seem 1:10 amd Sis. !JaMu:nyon corn:ing someMrs. Deryll LamuIJIYOn,repo~ter Doyle WiJ.es, paLSIto~ be growing in the grace and kooiW- time 1lhJis ,wlinter f01' a :revi,V'all. Jiedlgeof @J.eLord. PileaJsepra,y 1Jhat Everyone pnay witll us tJhJa;tthe APOSTOLIC STUDENT CENTER revithe Lord 0'f the Ha~t will con- Lord wlill gi\ll€ us an ol!d'-lflime Goodiwedi1,Okla. tinue to vtistt 1Jh.i:soommunJi,ty w,ith ~aJ,. We appreciate the Report so Hiis COJ1lViJotion of sin, and His bless- very mUlch. Greetings fI'lOlmcolleige. We now Geonge HilIl;teI'g,ardrt:, pastor ings of love. lhiave our building framed and axe Paul Wliilketrsolli, p as1Jo~ dlosiin:git in. Bro. Hiarml Walterbury HARDESTY, OKLAHOMAWe closed a good reviV'al recentlly hclped for one week by buildlLng HUFSMITH,TEXAS our roof trusses. Upon gettlinig tlhe wi:th Rev. Jack Barker. It was a real We. are still enjoying the blessings budlilinig closed in, we can begin u:p.1Mtto our ahurch. Our aJttenidJance of the Lord in our services here. We our seI'iV'icesag,aD.n.God is ceI"tiainJ1y nad the pleasure of havinlg Bro. and is b:ol'ClJiJllg ar,oulI1!d110-115. I plan JjlessLn'g us iIl1 our endeavor here to l'€laMeon 1JhetI'iip to lsireal amd Sds. Roy Wooster wlith U&October aJnidwe are anticipating a fl'Witlful 23rd and we are always happy to ReiV. Gene Cmnel!l will fJilI ill1 as m1iniStlryfo~ SOiUlsin tl1iis CliJpacilty. hiaJveour miiniiSiterstobe WI11lh us 8IIlIY- pas'1lor. time. A. B. Sitansberry Edwm Modriicik, pastor Copy Deadline 20th of Each Month whiclJ.we are gr;ateful. The lJ<Htlwilling, aboUit lihe mlid· dlle of Nov,ember, we pl:an a study God bias prOlIl1lisedto reJWaro of God's plJan of the Ages. Bro. thQlSewoo Labor :Il8JitlhIfuW!y fOil'Him, 'and we see the resrullt'sof His bless- Ben Barilrer, has 10larred the clhiart to US. Mmy of our people are on ing here. We are gJr'abifiedto report sickiness rtiglhtnow. 1Jh>at nlelWpeople hialVeattended sev- vaoation or hia.rve The chuooh is looking forward erta!l0Ifour rooerut ser;vkes and SIOme in Novem'ber to be of them h,llVe feIlt the ooU\llicti'[]Jg for y!OutJhr.aJl1iy aJt the Gray ohu.rcl1.We inV'ite the power of tIhe Hol<y SpJrlt. We are mini!stens to oOlIIleby an<ytime. We pmyliJng tl1Iat these willl be led to desire an i11lteresl:in your prayers find a I'€IaIlexperieruce in salvation. Our lWedne>daiy evenllng 01111- tJhat we may rul!w'aysdo the Will. of the Lord. dren's ohuroh J1Iashad good response l.ieta:LandGrimmer, pastor w1th 28 in attemJd!ancelast Wednes'PAMPA CHAPEL OF THE APOSTOLIC FAITH. TEXAS- dlay. SiLSlte\r Ha:rI'ig is d!omg a won· deiDfuilWOlI'Kwdrt:1h tIhe chiJ1diren,and even the youJlJgest child haS' slhJown an amlazllI1Jg abll:ty to lea.nn ClJIldrememlber wlhaJt bias been 1Jauglh1to tllem in these weekly services. Our BiJbleStudly fur lihe adult group has aJiso proved most inrt:erestirugto aU!l those attend!i.nig. We need much prayer 1Jhiatwe may see a r~ reVliVla1 in our ohurdh one th!at wti!lJl re!ach out to the un· S!,wedw\hiohave been attendiing and a1so to tIl1JOe indiffeoont ChI'istiWls wlhlOneed a deeper eJGP€II'iencein Chaiist. Mrs. Pau:l Simmons, reporter Almas Ranis, pastor GRAY COMMUNITY CHURCH BALKO, OKLAHOMA- Think we are about to get adjust· ed to our new home. Oountry liie is new for Edna Lee and the children. Since we have moved to the oountry, many funny thil1lgshJave happened. L1ls so dliffer€l1itfrOlIIll1vtng in town. So glad to report tIhe Lord is so good to us. The people at Gray are me people to work With. The last aillso to tlhose indifferent Ohrlistians of September the men met and ran a cement sltep 'at the baok of the clhuI'ch. The Iladies were so nice and prepla:red supper and brought to us. ])t was quJte liaJtewIhoenwe got finislhed. Also have been bus'Y dl.€Iarrliing tIlle fUrnJaces out geltJting reiadlyfor the winter months. A w..."€Ik ago last Sunday Bro. & Sis. WhLppil.eand boY'Swere in serV'icewli.thus. Br.o. Whipple brought ou~ mOiI'iIlingmeSSI3Jge. Our a1Jtend'a.ncehias been running around 25 to 30. One new family has been a'trem:d'tI1Jg service> now, for ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO- We (h!alVe been enjo<ydnJg 1fr1emany bressunJg\S of rtJhelJord, for wihich we a!re very itIhIankfut Recently a young couple prayed ltIhrouglh to Sal'Vlation.011hens have reeeiJvoo ded1ini te 1Jl.essingsfrom the tlhr10Ille of God. We were moslt hap· ,py to hiaJVeBmther and Sis. BiiLly Harris and daugfuJter Ihome from BilJIe SchIOol~or a few diays. 'Dhiart: Wieidn€iSidiay :nii,g1hIt !hebl10ugihlta good meSSaigle. The liadJies'giI'lourphave clhanged their '1neeting niJgih.lt 'to Friid)ay.The :interest being slhblWTI is good. We desire your prayers for our Ohurch. We JTCllVe ones rtlhat need lheJall.ings and love 0'Ile5 on our hearts for sa1Valtion. Leorn WmklJer, reporter Rev. Jerome CrowfrlJursl1:, pasillor KATY, TEXAS- Rev. Edwiin l\1'odJriLck: recently ron'ducted ,a revivtaJ. wlhtidhproved to be aJspirtitual uplift 1:0 1Jllechurch. One received tihe Holy Spiu.t. Our alt· lten<funcewas gIOodand eac!h service Was a bleslS~ngto everyone. H,arr0il Wl3Jtert>Ur<y, pastor fOI1W.ardto Bro. and Sis. Floyd LaMu!Wo!l1 bei.ng here for a oovLva:l.We trusll: thiis wi1!1be a time in whidh souls will find God. IWe des~re your prla~ers 1Jhatthe WOI'khere ma;y oootinue to go forth for bhe GilOIVof God. Nell Riagam,pasoo[' LOVINGTON, NEW MEXICO- Alll is weN here !in Sunny New MexJoo at the present. We have been enj oying tlhe blessings of the Lord very muclh. Attendance has been ,good and a real wondevful spirit in the seDV~ces.We are lookJing forward to slpecial servioes during the next few weeks with different visit· ors and are preY'ing they will be a great bleSSling.We enjo~ the report very much and ClJppreciateyour efforts with it too. Thanks so much for a job well done. Eugene WebStJer, p~r, 721 N. Eddy, Lov:iIllglbon,New Mex. 88260 SNYDER,TEXAS- Rev. and Mrs. Flo~d LaMun~on began a revirval here Sept. 25th. It dosed Oct. 9& with 1Jwoweeks of wond~mful blessi'[]Jgfor the church. There were .1iiverecl8Jimed and one sanctified. Some outstanding vJctories were gained. The last Friday night the youth rall'Y met with us. The message was on divine healJing and it was a glorious service. We feel that the entire ahuroh has been streTIJgttihen~and enJoouraged. We axe hlaippy to have Bro. and Sis. Jw 0lIaJ11Jtxm lWing in Snyder now and ~n cihJurehwith UIS.The<y moved !lwre from Kerrv:iMe. Pray !f0lI'UIS. Louise Sutton, pastor SUNRAY. TEXAS- We can see how the Lord is doling a wonderfuil work for us here. AMARILLO. TEXAS'I1hroUJglhvtisitiI1Jgwe h,llVefound a The Lord has bren lJIeooing and great poitemtiJalfur 1:ihechurch. Slince oomingas palSItJorstfrJe Lo-rd hJas we h:aVJemuch to be tJhia..nkfu!1 for. made it pOSSiib1e for uS to paint tihe We are now in our new dhurelh and P1aI1SoIl!3.lge illhroUjg(houtand to put are very ~tefJul to God for &e marvelous wa<yHe has worked duro new ailiUminum screens on the ohu.rcl1and pal"SlOlll.lage. mg O'W'butldling project. We enJjoyieda go,od Daily VacaWe're prayling for a revival the mst of January. We ask your prn<y· tion Bible SchoOilduI'il1lgthe month of Auguslt oonducted by Si5. Glen· ers in OOhia1fof the work amd ex· nis McAlister. 'I1hJispl'oved to be a tend a cordia.! inviltation to all min~ and go.spel workers to come bIlessing to the CIhiiU:dren. DUI'ing the li\S'teI1S 0Rie KinSler, pasrtor mlom'h of NolV'eIDlbler we are 10okil1lg by anytime. your time, and O!f your substan.oe. Make tlhis ThaIruksgLvmgwortlh lIiJv· O!f &tory at. salvation. All We can do is to be a wise master builder in the Lo:rd. One wlilllp.liainJt, aruother water, and another halwest, but .it is the Lord that g.ivesthe increase. For this we give THANKSGIVING. ing. May God help you, granrt you faVOIlS '~HlId bl€S&ngisiClICICordiing to His mercy and i:o've:for you. PfIaYfur us that it may be weill w1tJh. UISanti thJaJtwe may oonJtm'lleto caire fur our sma.lJl. pLacetlt His>V1lneyiard with praJise and THANKSGIVING. Gail Schultz .___ Please make this a Thanksgiving time unto the Lord and work accord.ngly. Is there no burden on your s'oul for the 10st? Is there a burden CARD OF THANKS for new clhu.rches,nolt omy as mJinJis.. We use this means to say "thanks" tel'S but of tne lay members'? A and "God b!le--"s yOu" to aU 1\lhefine CFwundJing supply of ohurches and pc~ptLeof tIlle Aa;>ost'olic Faith.for mirusrers is a S>2riousconditJOnfor your prayers and help during our any Movemem: or church or for times of sorrow tIhJisyeill'. 1lhJait rn.a.trterfor a nation. I underThanks for all the flowers and s t and th a t th e I'e ar e s 0 me 60 ,000 va~~~ pu",...j<m' the USA D"<7~'~dl~" kind condolences when Sis. Regier's "",",'" '"~.IO)' • • • "''''''",au. ~""" :f bel~" th res Its re l' the parents, (Mr. and! Mrs. H. R. Chito 1=, e u ma n same. When a nat.on forgets her wood) d,ied in March; her sister, God trouble lies in her pathway. (E)va Addleman) died in June; and vvnere vows are broken or never her sister, (Hallie Johnson) died in October. taken, were h consecra t·lOllS are w~aK or lagging, with the fire of 1966 has not been easy but your .wail burning low, there is onl~ one Killdness lightened our load. •...• sw'er and that is a ha:cvestunwant· Sincerely, ~l! uut asked for. G.ve d your love, Jacob & Rosalie Regier •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I • 12 Inch Answer (Continued from page eight) the less, so long as you seek His ,gl1!idaalIce Hiis presence will never iLe'avenor flO:rnIaJke you. For a teen ager to ~ ItiheBap1Jism0[ I1ilie HolLyGihiost~ssooh a pr1iV'.iJlege '!lhiaIt propiheltSand Icings mve desired to halve such a gIidlt,so walk worthy o!f the calling given you and aliWaysbe glad that you have the Ho~ Gihost.To you He is friend, guide, oounselQr, and a benefit that no otJher med:iUJm can !furl1Jisih. You who keep in Holy trust the Holy Ghosrt:with in your lives are looked upon with respect and reliabJity. He is to you a river of pleasure and a source of power. Here is an avenue of strength upon which you may rely. The open road tornanhood and womanhood may be traJVeled with great ease and couI18lge wh€'Il the Holy Ghost abides. You may truly, surely say, the treasure that I have is of the Lord, and the satisfaction that I rece~ thereby makes me glad that I am one of them that has been baptized and sealed unto that day 0Ifthe coming of tlheLord . ~•••••• B••••••• B••••••••••••••• K••••••••••••••••••••• Holy Convocation :I KATY, TEXAS FIRST SERVICE BEGINNING NICHT OF DE'CE'MBER 26, and concluding with watch night service December 31 st. Common-Table Accommodations Available COM'M ITTEE: Rev. Harrol Waterbury __. Katy, Texas Rev. Edwin Waterbury Rockdale, Texas ! :I :I• :I• ! :I ! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE APOSTOLIC FAITH REPORT Return Requested Mail to Box 115 GALENA KANSAS Hrs. R. 8. Jones Hardesty, Oklahoma Non Profit Org. U. S. Post:.g. PAID Calena, Kania. Permit No. 37 ~ • i :I ! :I :I• II •! :I ! •
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