Royal Canadian Legion Cobourg Branch # 133 Missile December 2014 Location: 136 Orr Street Cobourg, Ont. K9A 2S1 Office: 905-372-2231 Clubroom: 905-372-1996 Fax: 905-372-3987 Email: Missile December 2014 Club Room Sunday 1:00 PM-6:00 PM Monday-Thursday 11:00 AM-10:00 PM Friday: 11:00 AM-Midnight (12:00 AM) Saturday: 11:00 AM-11:00 PM 2 CONTENTS Cobourg Branch # 133 Officers, Executive & Committee Legion Branch #133 Ladies Auxiliary Officers, Executives & Committee 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing Executive & Directors ………...…….…………….. Over 55 Club ………...…………………………………….. Reports President’s Report ………………………………………... 1st Vice President Report……………………………… 2nd Vice President Report…………………………….. 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing AFAC Report…….…… Cobourg Legion Pipe & Drums Report…………… Ladies Auxiliary Presidents Report………………… Membership Report.……………………………………. Over 55 Club Report…………………………………….. Poppy Report………………………………………………. Sick and Visiting Report……………………………….. Sgt.-At-Arms……………………………………………….. Sports…………………………………………………………. Veterans Service Officer ……………………...………. Views Letter to Editor/Missile Editor………………………. Announcements Remberance Day/Specials/Events /Entertainment/Notices ........................... Ways & Means ... …………………………………………. Calendars Club Room & Upstairs Event………………………. Advertising…………………………………………….. Missile December 2014 Page 3 Page 4 Page 24 Page 23 Page 8 Page 9 N/A N/A Page 15 Page 12 Page 9 Page 21 Page 10 Page 14 N/A N/A Page 12 Page 25 Page 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16 17, 18, 19, 20, 24 Page 19 Page 20 Page 13, 16, 19 & 23 3 Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Branch Officers President Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Past President Jaye Bevan 905-372-5202 1st Vice-President Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 2nd Vice-President Iris Milne 905-377-1527 Secretary Aldene Cooper 905-885-8202 Treasurer Annette Ashfield 905-373-0879 Sgt.-At-Arms Bob Robinson 905-372-3896 Membership Chair Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 Poppy Chair Iris Milne 905-377-1527 Canteen # 1 & 2 Chair Shelly Thompson 905-372-6554 Veterans Service Officer John Aitken 905-377-1527 TOD Resolutions & Regulations Donald Ramsay 905-885-4442 Band Liaison Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Nevada Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 Honour & Awards Lorie Beal 705-939-1805 Youth Education Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Entertainment Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Legion Property Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 Ways & Means Robert Robinson 905-372-3896 Sport Officers Lauri Gourd 905-269-7260 Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Track & Field Gordon Hunter 905-372-1270 Charitable Foundation & Bursary Annette Ashfield 905-373-0879 Sick & Visiting Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Funerals & Flowers Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Pipe Band Liason Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 Missile Editor Normalee Teskey 905-342-3372 Web Master Gerry Freyman 905-349-3588 Branch Executive P.R.O. Committees Missile December 2014 4 Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Ladies Auxiliary Officers & Executive 2014 Officers President Valerie Davies 905-373-1076 Past President Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 1st Vice-President Linda Bevan 905-372-7197 2nd Vice-President Judy Elliot 905-372-9666 Recording Secretary Lori Beal 705-939-1805 Correspondence Secretary Meghan Duncan 905-376-1457 Treasurer Jennifer Brooks 905-373-1602 Sgt.-At-Arms Aldene Cooper 905-885-8202 Sports Officer Audrey Strang 905-372-2615 Social Convenor Susan Poelstra 905-342-2087 Carol Davies 905-372-6005 Janice Chesterton 613-966-6037 Carol MacAusland 905-373-1184 Judy Elliot 905-372-9666 Susan Herbert 905-885-7761 Linda Bevan 905-372-7197 Birthdays & Anniversaries Joyce Etcher 905-372-6306 Sick & Visiting Joyce Etcher 905-372-6306 Entertainment Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 Funeral Receptions Jean Barton 905-372-4052 Funerals Cash Richardson 905-372-5624 Golden Plough Sharon Martorino 905-372-5569 Set-ups Susan Herbert 905-885-7761 Executive Committees Cook Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Hall Rentals and Catering Rent the hall for Receptions, Weddings & Private functions. The hall is air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Hall Rental Contact: Shelly Thompson 905-372-6554 or email: Catering Contact: Susan Poelstra 905-342-2087 Moonshot Euchre Second (2nd) and Fourth (4th) Thursday of Each Month Missile December 2014 5 2014 Poppy Campaign & Remberance Displays Tyler Ashfield, son of member and 1st VP Don and treasurer Annette Ashfield the Dave Galbraith at ckoff ki n ig pa Poppy Cam Ink” The e shop “Wild Displays in th le was a , Ernest Topp owner’s father George, was a grandfather, d an t ve 2 W W WW1 vet. Display at “Twice as Nice” window Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent Marlin travel’s window and one of the picture/ articles displayed is about member Jim Keeler. Missile December 2014 6 Remberance Day Parade-Alderville-November 10 Missile December 2014 7 Remberance Day Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Parade & Service Missile December 2014 8 PRESIDENT'S REPORT Busy time since my last report. On October 31st I had the opportunity of presenting the first poppy of this years campaign to Mayor Gil Brocanier with our Veteran's Service Officer John Aitken. November is always a busy month with the Poppy Campaign but if that was not enough to have on the calendar I added moving apartments, Remembrance Competition for the Schools and buying a new car. I would like to thank Iris Milne for a well run Poppy Campaign, and special thanks to all the helped in all aspects, there are many different and behind the scenes things that need to get this organized, a job well done. Thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary that kept the food rolling out of the kitchen to satisfy the helpers. The Arms and the Colour Party attended many Remembrance services in the area and I would like to thank them for their attendance, the Br. 133 Pipes and Drums for being there for us at Alderville and Remembrance Day. I always feel very proud to march with our Colour Party and Band. The Ladies Auxiliary served a great lunch in the clubroom on November 14 and will be doing it again on November 28th and December 12th. Our Ladies Night group have been very generous in the donations for the Salvation Army Cupboard in the way of personal hygiene items for men and women and they are being delivered at the end of November. Next Ladies Night is our Christmas Party on December 16th tickets are at the bar. The winner of the "Remembrance Draw" was Bill Breakey, congratulations. Please support our "Christmas Box Draw", which is now set up on the bar, thanks to Penny Carriere for her help in decorating the box. A Silent Auction will be set up in the clubroom on December 12, come in for lunch, bid on the auction, and the meat draw will be turkeys and ham, looks like another busy day for me. NEW FUNDRAISER: Recycled Cooking Oil, maybe you have noticed the bin in the back lot. Don't throw out your cooking oil in the garbage or flush it down the sink with hot water, put it in a container and bring it to the branch. Bill Young is looking after this and he will put it in the bin. When the company comes to pick up they PAY US, no charge for the bin or service. Think of this as another way to donate to the branch. Take Care of yourself and your family, MERRY CHRISTMAS . Respectfully Submitted Josephine Missile December 2014 9 THE MISSILE DECEMBER 2014 MEMBERSHIP REPORT The end of November is the closing of the Early Bird programme. I would like to thank all of my volunteers who have faithfully attended all of the days that they have put in over the past three months. Without you I would be unable to do my work as the Membership Chairman. I would also like to thank all of the members who have paid their dues this past three months. I have been slightly up on numbers for the past two months and I hope that this will continue for November which I have yet to tally. The winner of the October Early Bird draw was Ordinary Member Ernest C. BROWN. He has been notified and very happy to hear the news. The Early Bird draw for the month of November will take place at the Executive meeting in December, and the winner duly notified. There is no General Meeting in December due to its close proximity to Christmas. Dues will still be $55.00 up to the end of January 31st, 2015. After this date you will not be considered to be a paid up member and not permitted to use the bar facilities. Bar staff will be asking all members to produce their Membership Card to purchase any liquor. After this date dues will be $60.00. I am pleased to report that over the past 11 months we have recruited 62 new members to the Branch. This will be the total for the year as no new members will be joining in December. Once again thank you to all of my volunteers for the Early Bird programme. 1st VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT The work ay 173 Hibernia has now been completed and hopefully in the next few days the work at 144 Orr Street will be finished. I did attend the Y.M.C.A’s Peace week breakfast at the Best Western where we were recognised. Don Ashfield 1st Vice President/Membership Chairman "As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy Missile December 2014 Almost half of Canadian women don't aspire to climb the corporate ladder. A study conducted by employment firm Grandstand Canada finds that 48% of the female population isn't interested in a management role. The study found most are concerned about how a company would handle home and family obligations if given a senior position. And if they do move into a management role, many women still feel they aren't compensated equally. Only 15% of women believed they are paid the same as a man. 10 POPPY CAMPAIGN UPDATE Dear Comrades, I am grateful for all the assistance received during this campaign. The campaign is a success because of your generosity. If I tried to name you all, I know that I would leave someone out and I don’t want to do that. So please know that you are greatly appreciated and because of you, Branch 133’s Poppy Campaign was a success. I think this year’s campaign allowed Canadians the opportunity to reflect on the immense sacrifices our military men and women make. We showed our appreciation and support by donating generously both monetarily and by our increased involvement this year. Poppy Campaign to date, November 25, 2014 Income New Campaign 2014 Beginning Balance $12,984.75 Poppy box donations 16,036.05 Tagging 11,101.00 Wreaths 4,049.22 Donations 4,491.23 New Campaign Income $35,677.50 Total Income Increase over 2013 4,835.01 2,348.50 $48,662.25 Expenses Special use Approved Local Poppies and Wreaths Supplies Youth Education Total Expenses Net Income $45,096.11 $ 812.76 810.87 1,105.50 37.01 800.00 $ 3,566.14 Thank you, have a blessed Christmas and all the best in 2015, Iris Milne 2nd Vice President & Poppy Chair Missile December 2014 Increase over 2012 5,604.05 669.00 11 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Turkey & Ham Rolls will be held December 5 & 6 December 12 & 13 Wanted Paperback Books The Legion Library is running short of paperback books. Donations of paperbacks in good condition are gladly accepted. Please leave donations on the bookshelf located near the Main Bar. Veteran’s Service Officer For information or assistance with the Department of Veterans Affairs in regard to entitlement to any disability Pension, Pension applications, Re-assessment, VIP Services, Survivor Benefits please contact me. John Aitken-Branch 133 Service Officer Notice submitted by Don Ashfield. Missile December 2014 905-377-1527 or email @ 12 Ladies Auxiliary Report Dear Comrades December Our last lunch for this year will be December 12’2014, between 11-30 & 1-30 pm. Thanks again to Betty Poelstra & Kitty Lipa for doing the set ups, and Judy Elliot for doing the Sick & Visiting, plus Birthday & Anniversaries. Our sincere condolences go out to those who may have lost a loved one. December convener will be your Officers & Executives. Have a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year. Do not forget Levee day January 1st/15. From your Officers & executives Val Davies L.A President MEMBERSHIP! Ladies, Final reminder to get your dues in BEFORE December 31, 2014, there will be a late fee beginning in January. Meghan Duncan Corresponding Secretary HONORS AND AWARDS It is getting close to our Birthday Dinner where we also recognize individuals who go above and beyond their duties to help out our Auxiliary. The Honors and Awards Committee are looking for your help, if you know of a member who should be shown recognition for all the hard work and time they bring to the Auxiliary please write a little “blurb” about what they do, who they are. Please drop it off in the LA mail box, which is located down in the Clubroom. Thank you for all your help, Meghan Duncan Corresponding Secretary Missile December 2014 13 Goodwill Actions Christine Davidson and Nancy Cranfield presented David Alexander, Director of Cobourg Salvation Army, with ladies & men’s hygiene articles. Generous donations from the Cobourg Branch # 133, November 18, Ladies Night event. I think many of you will enjoy this touching song.. Three soldiers wrote it during their 'free time' over 'there'. The singer needs a Recording Contract when he comes Home! This is a small way we can show our troops we support their efforts, their sacrifice and that of their families. Send this around the country to as many people as you can. Hit control and click on below... Submitted by Sharon Martorino The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Keller Missile December 2014 Laugh Corner A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlor in Bonita Springs , and pulled himself slowly, painfully, up onto a stool. After catching his breath he ordered a banana split. The waitress asked kindly, 'Crushed nuts?' 'No,' he replied, 'hemorrhoids 14 Sick and Visiting December Report Gord Dingwell, I’m sorry to say is still in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto after a horrendous accident. He’s been through several operations and is progressing slowly. Jack Wilcox, was a patient at N.H.H. and Peterborough General but is now home and hopefully on the mend. Lois Simpson, was also a patient at N.H.H. and is now home and hopefully recouping. Last Post Associate member, Mary Varo, passed away on November 11’ 2014. Ordinary member, Edson Wegg, passed away on November 17’ 2014. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and all those that are shut-in at home or have lost a love one. During this season, I wish health, peace and happiness to all. Merry Christmas Yours in Comradeship Judy Email: Home:905-372-9666 or Cell: 905-269-6057 Did You Know You should have lunch with a co-worker today because 65% of us eat lunch alone at our desk - and social isolation is a major source of STRESS. Missile December 2014 15 Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums December Report At this writing, we are halfway through the ten parade opportunities with which this season has gifted us. We began, as mentioned last month, with a Remembrance Day ceremony at the Alderville cenotaph on November 9th, where native drumming and highland piping served to highlight the solemnity of the occasion. November 11th saw one of the largest attendances at the Victoria Park monument to military service veterans, under uncharacteristically beautiful weather, following which the band went to four area schools with pipe and drum music and the message of remembrance. It remains our duty to contribute to the connection with of our armed forces' efforts, over hundreds of years, and the freedoms that we all enjoy today. It was most gratifying to witness the receptivity of the young people to that concept, a reflection in large part, of the efforts of the teaching staff of these schools. We always look forward to sharing the day with young people of this area, as well as with Legion members. The Bowmanville Santa Claus parade, November 15, was the first of the Christmas season, and was challenging for its chilliness and for its length. It was followed by the November 16 afternoon parade in Cobourg, always well-received by the throngs lining King Street. We concluded the weekend with an evening Santa Claus parade in Newcastle, wet from nicely atmospheric snow, but thankfully not as chilly. The Orono Santa Claus parade on Saturday morning, November 22, was a first for the CLP&D, and much enjoyed, followed by the now traditional appearance in the Colborne evening parade on the same date. Even more traditional, and as eagerly anticipated, was the very lively post-parade potation and playing in Colborne's principal public house. Our thanks to the publican and the people of the village! Next weekend we launch ourselves at the Frankford Santa Claus parade on Saturday, November 30, and at Trenton the next day, both afternoon parades. We conclude our Christmas parade appearances on December 7 (yes, you read that correctly, December 7!) in Courtice, following which the entire band will retire to a week-long sauna treatment for palsied fingers and chilblained feet. Despite the discomforts occasioned by the weather, and the inevitable effects of the pipes and drums, we enjoy these opportunities to participate in community activities, from Remembrance Day to the celebration of Santa Claus's many arrivals. For those of you contemplating your new, blank, 2015 calendar, we have a first suggestion for timetabling in the new year. The Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums and the Cobourg Highland Games Society are co-hosting the 2015 Robbie Burns Dinner and Ceilidh at the Cobourg Legion on January 31. This is a shared venture, in which it is hoped a new and reenergized celebration of the immortal Highland Bard will alleviate some of those mid-winter wonkiness. A new and reimaged evening will include the traditional dinner and all of its parts, as well as a toe-tapping, family-friendly, participation-promoting evening of song, dance, audience involvement, pipe band performance and silent auction action. Tickets are $40 per person and are available the Cobourg Highland Games Society, Nessies, the British Pantry, Summerhill B&B, Port Hope, or any band member. They would make a great Christmas gift for someone in your family! Ian McFarlane Did You Know? A new study released by a Toronto ad agency suggests Canadians actually enjoy their commute and find it relaxing.....three quarters say they're in a better mood after their commute. The online survey questioned 1500 people in various regions of the country. It also ranked Vancouver as the worst for gridlock followed by Toronto. Missile December 2014 16 Entertainment News!! ENTERTAINMENT NEWS!! From all reports you enjoyed the trip to Ottawa in October. I trust all those attending the Auxiliary Christmas Dinner Meeting will also enjoy the entertainment being provided. Next trip will be – hopefully- April 18-19, 2015 so mark your calendars and watch the bulletin for information. Yolande McKinnon, Ladies Auxiliary Entertainment 905-373-4336 The updated Branch lineup for entertainment this year is as follows. Mark your calendars – tell your friends, bring a group with you to enjoy the festivities!!! November 30 – clubroom – Cale Crowe 1-5 p.m. December 13 – clubroom – Sounds of Tyme band 7 – 11 p.m. New Year’s Eve – clubroom – Bill Young DJ – 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. New Year’s Levee – clubroom – Bill Young DJ – 1 – 5 p.m. New Year’s Levee – upstairs – Shaun Savoy - ‘The Spirits Band’ 2 – 6 p.m. January 18 – clubroom - Percy Kinney – 1-5 p.m. before the roast beef dinner January 31 – clubroom – Brian McNamara – Detour band – 8 – 12 p.m. February 14 - upstairs – Cowboys Don’t Cry – 8 – 12 p.m. February 28 – upstairs – Fish & Chip Dinner and Dance – 5.30 p.m.- 11 p.m. March 15 – clubroom – St. Patrick’s Day Party with Bob & Lee – 1-5 p.m. before the roast beef dinner April 19 – clubroom – Karaoke – Rita & John Harpell – 1-5 p.m. before the roast beef dinner. May 9 – clubroom – TBA This is for you – the members – please participate!!! Yolande McKinnon - Entertainment Laugh Corner “The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.” ― George Carlin Missile December 2014 17 Missile December 2014 18 Missile December 2014 19 For Sale 10% Legion blue’s or greys Ways & Means Used Dart Boards for Sale $5.00 Contact: Bill Young @ 905-372-2231 Proceeds to the General Fund Meat Draws every Friday at 5:00 PM & Saturdays at 3:00 PM “My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” ― Bob Hope Home Depot Canada Inc. Store 7251 1050 DePalma Drive Cobourg, On HOME DEPOT Enhance your property and home with beautiful landscaping. Get a captivating driveway or walkway. Create a gorgeous tapestry of plants, shrubs, trees and flowers. THE HOME DEPOT NO Charge Dial………………………………………………..1-888-346-6333 Missile December 2014 INSTALLATION SERVICES 20 December 2014 Legend Club Room=CR & Upstairs=UP) Sun Mon 1 7 Tue 2 Wed Thu 5 6 L.A. Christmas Dinner & Meeting (UP) Senior Bridge Club Dinner (UP) Catholic Women Dinner (UP) Access Community Dinner (UP) Over 55 Christmas Luncheon (UP) Meat Draw 8 9 10 11 12 13 Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) LA Darts CUPE 25 Christmas Social (UP) Golden Ager Luncheon (UP) Anniversary Party (UP) Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) L.A. Legion Lunch 11:301:30 PM (CR) Sounds of Tyme band Meat Draw (CR) 7 – 11 p.m. (CR) Br. Exec. Meeting 5 PM Meat Draw Christmas Dinner (UP) 3 PM (CR) 15 16 17 18 19 20 Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Ladies Night Xmas Party Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Br. Meeting Meat Draw Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) 5 PM (CR) Meat Draw 3 PM (CR) Sunday Jam (1-5 PM) 7:00 PM Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) 21 Sat 4 Moonshot Euchre @ 7:00 PM (UP) 14 Fri 3 22 Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) 3 PM (CR) 23 24 25 26 27 Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Closed Meat Draw Meat Draw 5 PM (CR) 3 PM (CR) Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) 28 29 30 31 Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) New Years Eve Party– Gary Warner (UP) L.A. Exec. Meeting Bill Young DJ – 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. (CR) 1 New Years Levee Shaun Savoy - ‘The Spirits Band’ 2 – 6 p.m. (UP) Bill Young DJ – 1 – 5 p.m. (CR) Holiday Hours Christmas Day—Closed, New Years Day-Members Only Clubroom (Opens at 10:00 AM), New Years Levee-Public (Upstairs) (1:00 PM –6:00 PM) Missile December 2014 21 55 Club Executive/Committees 2014-2015 THE OVER 55 CLUB OFFICERS Chairperson Marlene Towns 905-372-3643 Past Chair Jeannette Dempster 905-376-3446 1st Vice Joyce Etcher 905–372-6306 2nd Vice Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Secretary Jeannette Dempster 905-376 -3446 Treasurer Joan MacDonald 905-372-8884 Bingo Randy Skinner 905 –372-9836 Sick & Visiting Sharon Lyon 905-349-1060 Darts Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Events Coordinator & Trips Eileen Rollings 1- 613-475- 9737 Games Art Brace 905-377- 0428 P.R.O. Danny Parsons 905-372- 5639 Legion Liaison John Aitken 905-377-1527 COMMITTEE MEMBERS VOLUNTEER HELPERS Bingo Art Brace 905-377-0428 Draws Bernice Basinger 905-372-9501 Rosemary Quigley 905-372-9875 Danny Parsons 905-372-5639 Randy Skinner 905-372-9836 Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Special Events Lunch Coordinator Missile December 2014 22 Cobourg Legion Br. 133 Over 55 Club Greetings!! A reminder to everyone. The Christmas Party is just around the corner. It’s on Friday, the 5th of December 2014 at 12:00 noon. Please remember to phone Jenny Allison one week before (by Nov. 28th) at 905-373-0926 and let her know if you will be attending the luncheon (Roast turkey and all the trimmings). Santa will pay a visit and there will be entertainment. We will also be collecting items for the Fare Share Food Bank. Our new Membership Chair is Sandra Williams Thank you Sandra for taking on this job for the Club. Please don’t forget that your dues for 2015 are due no later than Jan. 31st 2015 in order to remain a member in good standing. Congratulations were expressed to Dorothy and Cliff Turk on the occasion of their 65th Wedding Anniversary. What a milestone!! A moment of silence was held in memory of long time member Mary Varo, who passed away on November 11th. Thank you, Marlene Towns Chairperson “Mankind is a great, an immense family … This is proved by what we feel in our hearts at Christmas.” – Pope John Paul XXIII Missile December 2014 23 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing Wing Executive/Directors 2013/2014 Executive President Frank Lindsay 905-377-0047 Secretary Valerie Taylor 905-372-3946 Treasurer Ronald Rose 905-885-2845 Sick & Visiting Donald Duthie 905-885-4247 Membership Gordon Sherwin 905-372-2495 Cadet Liaison Claude Courcelles 905-372-1790 Historian Donald Macklin 905-372-3231 Public Relations Valerie Taylor 905-372-3946 Phone Committee Donald Macklin 905-372-3231 Penny Carriere 905-342-2497 The Wing meets for lunch on the second Wednesday of the month. Contact the President to find out where the meeting will take place. Did You Know Legion Medal Cleaning Earl Hewison 195 Riverdale Parkway Frankford, Ont. 1-613-398-6793 Missile December 2014 At the gym, use the rowing machine. It burns as many calories as jogging on a treadmill and it targets our core & legs for a full-body workout. 24 Christmas is for Love - Classic Tale Author Unknown Christmas is for love. It is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for reuniting with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly covered packages. But, mostly Christmas is for love. I had not believed this until a small elfin like pupil with wide innocent eyes and soft rosy cheeks gave me a wondrous gift one Christmas. Matthew was a 10 year old orphan who lived with his aunt, a bitter, middle aged woman greatly annoyed with the burden of caring for her dead sister's son. She never failed to remind young Matthew, if it hadn't been for her generosity, he would be a vagrant, homeless waif. Still, with all the scolding and chilliness at home, he was a sweet and gentle child. I had not noticed Matthew particularly until he began staying after class each day [at the risk of arousing his aunt's anger so I learned later] to help me straighten up the room. We did this quietly and comfortably, not speaking much, but enjoying the solitude of that hour of the day. When we did talk, Matthew spoke mostly of his mother. Though he was quite young when she died, he remembered a kind, gentle, loving woman who always spent time with him. As Christmas drew near however, Matthew failed to stay after school each day. I looked forward to his coming, and when the days passed and he continued to scamper hurriedly from the room after class, I stopped him one afternoon and asked him why he no longer helped me in the room. I told him how I had missed him, and his large brown eyes lit up eagerly as he replied, 'Did you really miss me?' I explained how he had been my best helper, 'I was making you a surprise,' he whispered confidentially. 'It's for Christmas.' With that, he became embarrassed and dashed from the room. He didn't stay after school any more after that. Finally came the last school day before Christmas. Matthew crept slowly into the room late that afternoon with his hands concealing something behind his back. 'I have your present,' he said timidly when I looked up. 'I hope you like it.' He held out his hands, and there lying in his small palms was a tiny wooden box. 'It's beautiful, Matthew. Is there something in it?' I asked opening the top to look inside. 'Oh you can't see what's in it,' he replied, 'and you can't touch it, or taste it or feel it, but mother always said it makes you feel good all the time, warm on cold nights and safe when you're all alone.' I gazed into the empty box. 'What is it, Matthew' I asked gently, 'that will make me feel so good?' 'It's love,' he whispered softly, 'and mother always said it's best when you give it away.' He turned and quietly left the room. So now I keep a small box crudely made of scraps of wood on the piano in my living room and only smile when inquiring friends raise quizzical eyebrows when I explain to them there is love in it. Yes, Christmas is for gaiety, mirth, song, and for good and wondrous gifts. But mostly, Christmas is for love. Source: Submitted by Normalee Teskey-Missile Editor Missile December 2014 25 Letter to Missile Editor Dear Mr. & Mrs. David O’Flynn, Thank you for patiently waiting for the request to receive your Missile newsletter by email. The results of the two month survey and presentation to the Branch Executives has been completed. The roll-out of sending the Missile newsletter by email will commence effective with the December 2014 publication. Thank you for the positive feedback on the new format of the Missile. Enjoy the holiday season and may you be blessed with health, joy and love. Normalee Teskey-Missile Editor Hi Everyone, As previously promised, below are the survey results published in the “September & October Missiles (methods to obtain newsletter by printed copies, email or website). Total printed copies=358 Total responses=14 or 3.9% ( 8 requesting printed copies, 5 requesting by attachment by email, 1 for notice of availability on website). These results were presented to the Branch Executive on November 20, as well, additional feedback indicated that Legion members are finding the Missile printed copies are depleted when they come into the premises. Effective December’2014, the following motions will take place; a) continuation of printing “Missile” b). launch email distribution as requested c). place extra copies into clear folders and placed throughout Legion premises in place of printed copies depleted (these must folders are recyclable & must not be removed). In the event more members wish to be added to the email distribution list or receive notification the publication is on the website, please forward an email to the Missile editor January, February & March, I will not be local and will be creating the Missile publication from afar. An assistant will check the Bulletin box to scan documents, pictures and print publication copies during my absence. To simplify the task for the assistant, it would be appreciated if all submissions for the Missile were sent by email with attachments. My email address is To all those who provide reports, for the January issue, please submit by end of day December 21, due to the holiday season and my tentative departure time. Best Wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a New Year filled with peace, good health, joy & love. Normalee Teskey-Missile Editor Missile December 2014
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