Royal Canadian Legion Cobourg Branch # 133 Missile April 2015 Location: 136 Orr Street Cobourg, Ont. K9A 2S1 Office: 905-372-2231 Clubroom: 905-372-1996 Fax: 905-372-3987 Email: Missile April 2015 Club Room Sunday 1:00 PM-6:00 PM Monday-Thursday 11:00 AM-10:00 PM Friday: 11:00 AM-Midnight (12:00 AM) Saturday: 11:00 AM-11:00 PM 2 CONTENTS Cobourg Branch # 133 Officers, Executive & Committee Legion Branch #133 Ladies Auxiliary Officers, Executives & Committee 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing Executive & Directors ………...…….…………….. Over 55 Club ………...…………………………………….. Reports President’s Report ………………………………………... 1st Vice President Report……………………………… 2nd Vice President Report…………………………….. 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing AFAC Report…….…… Cobourg Legion Pipe & Drums Report…………… Ladies Auxiliary Presidents Report………………… Membership Report.……………………………………. Over 55 Club Report…………………………………….. Poppy Report………………………………………………. Sick and Visiting Report……………………………….. Sgt.-At-Arms……………………………………………….. Sports…………………………………………………………. Veterans Service Report Officer ……………………. Views Missile Editor………………………. Announcements Events /Entertainment/Notices Ways & Means ... …………………………………………. Calendars Club Room & Upstairs Event………………………. Advertising…………………………………………….. Missile April 2015 Page 3 Page 4 Page 16 Page 15 Page 5 Page 6 N/A N/A Page 13 Page 7 & 8 Page 6 Page 16 N/A Page 7 N/A N/A Page 7 Page 10 Page 9, 10, 11 & 12 Page 12 Page 14 Page 7, 9, 10, 11 & 12 3 Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Branch Officers President Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Past President Jaye Bevan 905-372-5202 1st Vice-President Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 2nd Vice-President Iris Milne 905-377-1527 Secretary Aldene Cooper 905-885-8202 Treasurer Annette Ashfield 905-373-0879 Sgt.-At-Arms Bob Robinson 905-372-3896 Padre Art King 905-372-6408 Membership Chair Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 Poppy Chair Iris Milne 905-377-1527 Canteen # 1 & 2 Chair Shelly Thompson 905-372-6554 Veterans Service Officer John Aitken 905-377-1527 TOD Resolutions & Regulations Donald Ramsay 905-885-4442 Band Liaison Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Nevada Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 Honour & Awards Lorie Beal 705-939-1805 Youth Education Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Entertainment Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Legion Property Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 Ways & Means Robert Robinson 905-372-3896 Sport Officers Lauri Gourd 905-269-7260 Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 Track & Field Gordon Hunter 905-372-1270 Charitable Foundation & Bursary Annette Ashfield 905-373-0879 Sick & Visiting Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Funerals & Flowers Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Pipe Band Liason Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 Missile Editor Normalee Teskey 905-342-3372 Web Master Gerry Freyman 905-349-3588 Branch Executive P.R.O. Committees Missile April 2015 4 Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Ladies Auxiliary Officers & Executive 2014 Officers President Valerie Davies 905-373-1076 Past President Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 1st Vice-President Linda Bevan 905-372-7197 2nd Vice-President Judy Elliot 905-372-9666 Recording Secretary Lori Beal 705-939-1805 Correspondence Secretary Meghan Duncan 905-376-1457 Treasurer Jennifer Brooks 905-373-1602 Sgt.-At-Arms Aldene Cooper 905-885-8202 Sports Officer Audrey Strang 905-372-2615 Social Convenor Susan Poelstra 905-342-2087 Carol Davies 905-372-6005 Janice Chesterton 613-966-6037 Carol MacAusland 905-373-1184 Judy Elliot 905-372-9666 Susan Herbert 905-885-7761 Linda Bevan 905-372-7197 Birthdays & Anniversaries Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Sick & Visiting Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Entertainment Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 Funeral Receptions Jean Barton 905-372-4052 Funerals Cash Richardson 905-372-5624 Golden Plough Sharon Martorino 905-372-5569 Set-ups Kitty Lipa 905-377-1910 Betty Poelstra 905-372-9746 Executive Committees Cook Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Hall Rentals and Catering Rent the hall for Receptions, Weddings & Private functions. The hall is air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Hall Rental Contact: Shelly Thompson 905-372-6554 or email: Moonshot Euchre Second (2nd) and Fourth (4th) Thursday of Each Month Missile April 2015 5 PRESIDENT'S REPORT April 2015 Spring has finally arrived, the snow is almost gone in some areas, time to get out there and do some walking. I was fortunate enough to be able to take a break for 10 days and head to Myrtle Beach although the weather was only high 50"s low 60's it was great to get away from the minus 30's. March has been a busy month around the branch, many functions in the auditorium and clubroom. Our last Ladies Night for the season will be on Tuesday April 21st starting at 7 pm tickets will be at the bar for $6.00 per person. I would like to thank the Ladies for all their support in putting on this night each month and special thanks to Christine Davidson and Jeananne Booth for looking after everything on March 24th as I had to be away. Many thanks to Terry Bender for taking care of the Juke Box Tunes for us. Thanks to all that came out to our Murder Mystery Dinner on March 14th, another great night with Wine Tasting from the Diamond Winery in Niagara and a Silent Auction, thanks to those that donated and those that supported. I attended the Ladies Auxiliary Birthday party on March 21st and the Ladies were very generous in making a donation of $8,000. We have earmarked this money to go towards the kitchen in our new building. Also on that day, we had 48 members and guests from Branch 112 Whitby visit us. They had been on a tour of 5 branches and thought that F-2 branches treated them very well. Some of our officers are heading to Whitby for the District Convention on April 25-26th, so we will connect again. We attended the Zone Convention in Port Hope March 22nd where we elected our new Zone Commander Gary Newman and Deputy Zone Commander Gary Lloyd. Good luck to them both. Nominations for our new branch officers will take place at the General meeting on April 16th the nominations will again be opened up at the May 21st General Meeting and election will follow. Please ask a person before you nominate them, think about taking on a position yourself. Don't criticize if you don't get involved. In May, I will have completed three terms as your President and I have enjoyed it most of the time, I have connected with many great members and shared stories and got an insight to how things use to be, how our times have changed, no smoking inside our outside the door, members don't just drop in with the guitars and start jamming, people are getting older and don't want to be out past nine o'clock at night on the weekend, the day for many members who used to party at the branch until one in the morning are gone for many . This is why many Legions are having difficulty in keeping their doors open. It was mentioned at our Zone Convention that branches should be looking to Volunteer staff as a way to cut back on expenses. At this time I don't think that is something that this branch should be considering with the hours of business that we are open, but that could all change come election time. I will not be putting my name forward for President this coming year, time for a change in the reigns. Thank you to all that supported me in my last 3 years, your support and encouragement was much appreciated. Take Care of Yourself and Your Family, Respectfully, Josephine Missile April 2015 6 THE MISSILE APRIL 2015 MEMBERSHIP Approximately 90% of the dues have now been paid by our members. I have telephoned all of the outstanding members just as a reminder, and slowly the late payers are responding. In my telephone campaign I have found that a few of our members have no telephone service in place. If you are one of those members would you please update your membership in order that we can keep in touch with you as the need arises. If anyone has changed their telephone number or address please inform the membership office so that we can keep our records in order. 1st VICE PRESIDENTS I hope you all had a very Happy Easter and that you are now back to the grindstone. I attended the Zone Convention in Port Hope on Sunday 22nd March which was a great turn out. The District Convention is in April in Whitby and the Ontario Command Conference in Niagara Falls in May. Just a reminder but your new Executive will be voted for in May with nominations taking place in both April and May at your General Meetings. These are the events that you should really attend to hear what is happening at your branch and who you feel should be elected. If you do not attend to vote then do not complain if the Legion is not being run to your satisfaction. If you have any interest in how your Branch should be run then attend the elections and vote for who you feel is the best qualified persons to run the Branch. Don Ashfield 1st Vice President/Membership Chairman. Missile April 2015 7 Veterans Service Officer’s Report As of 1st of June , 2015, I will no longer be the Veterans Service Officer for Branch 133. After over 6 years of serving veterans, their wives, widows and families, I have decided to pass on the torch to some one new. This person does not need to be a veteran but because that person will be signing cheques and in some cases, accessing confidential financial information on clients, this person will have a mandatory Police Check (mandated by Ontario Command) paid for by the Branch. They must also be able to speak in a knowledgeable manner with people from the VA and Ontario Command. I have given 6 months notice so that if some one wishes to volunteer, there will be lots of time to train and mentor the new Service Officer. This position is an appointed position and NOT ELECTED. Please contact me or the Branch if you wish to volunteer. I would like to say that it HAS BEEN AN HONOUR to serve the veterans, wives, and widows from inside and outside this area. I think it is time to look at other interests within the Legion. Respectfully, John Aitken Br.133 Veterans Service Officer Zone F2 Veterans Service Officer Veteran’s Service Officer Book Donation Notice The Legion Library is sufficiently stocked now and no longer accepting donations effective immediately. A huge thank you to all for the donations. Notice from Don Ashfield For information or assistance with the Department of Veterans Affairs in regard to entitlement to any disability Pension, Pension applications, Re-assessment, VIP Services, Survivor Benefits March 24’ 2015 please contact me. John Aitken-Branch 133 Service Officer 905-377-1527 or email @ Missile April 2015 8 Ladies Auxiliary April Report Dear Comrades; Our next general meeting is April 6/15 at 7:30. It is also election night, please come out and vote. Our next executive meeting is April 27/15 at 7:30. Our condolences go out to comrade, Flo Pearse’s family, on her passing, and to everyone who has lost a loved one. Our Birthday Dinner was wonderful and the entertainment, 2 Guys Karaoke was great. Everyone had a wonderful time. The Branch did a great job in serving us. Thank You. At our dinner, Br. President Josephine Upton attended, we gave the branch $8,000.00. Please come out and support our Roast Beef Dinner, tickets are $12.00, phone Meghan Duncan @ 905-376-1457 by Wednesday before the next one, which is April 19/15. Also, come out and support our Friday lunches which are $6.00, the next one is April 10/15 and April 24/15. Convener for April is Linda Bevan- her helpers are: Lori Beal, Susan Brown, Evellence Cochrane, Terry Lee Dodd, Mary Jane Hall, Josie Konstantini, Stephanie McAskill, Barb Mathews, Doreen O,Keefe, Sue Poelstra, Janet Richardson, Judy Sherwin, Alana Thickson, Marion White, and Jennifer Young. Val Davies L.A. President. Sick and Visiting April John Harper is still a patient at NHH Mary Calahan is home and getting stronger after her surgery. Reg Smith is ill at home waiting to go in for an operation. Last Post Ron Hochu ordinary member passed away Feb. 12th 2015. A Celebration of Life will be held sometime in May. Long time ordinary member Brian Babcock passed away in London Ontario on March 7th 2015. To all those who've lost a loved one, are sick at home or just feeling down our thoughts and prayers are with you. Yours in Comradeship Judy Home: 905-372-9666 or Cell:905-269-6057 Missile April 2015 9 Missile April 2015 10 Missile Editor Hello Everyone, I’m back in Cobourg and express my thanks to those whom submitted reports & articles by email. This was especially appreciated by the Branch Office Manager, Debbie, who scanned and email those articles. This method works however causes your submission to appear dingy in the print or web view. I wish to express a huge thank you, Debbie Nalysnyk, who accepted the task of scanning paper submissions, printing and dispersing the “Missile” during my absence. I continue and appreciate all articles & pictures to be send by email thus providing a quality output of the “Missile” bulletin by the 25th of each month to ensure your information appears in the upcoming publication, otherwise it will appear in the following month. A volunteer from The Help Centre has offered to run a number of free income tax preparation clinics at the branch depending on demand. Through this Canada Revenue Agency sponsored program free tax preparation is available to low income individuals and families. The criteria for participation in the program are available from The Help Centre and details will be posted at the branch shortly as soon as dates are firmed up. The Help Centre provides this service free of charge to participants. You can contact Enjoy Easter with family and friends and the season of new growth among all things. Normalee Teskey-Editor Legion Metal Cleaning Earl Hewison 195 Riverdale Parkway Padre Art King 905-372-6408 President’s Party Just a friendly reminder that the Presidents Party is on Saturday April 11th. Volunteer letters have been given out, if there is someone you may have forgotten that helps out, would you please let me know ASAP. Please be there at 6:30pm sharp if able to greet our volunteers. The hall will open at 8:00 pm for all other members. Ladies this is about the only time we don't have to wear blues and greys, so pick out the party dress and the heels, looking forward to a good time. PADRE: HOPE YOU AND PAM WILL BE BACK IN TOWN BY THEN Josephine Missile April 2015 Frankford, Ontario 613-398-6793 11 Entertainment News!! ENTERTAINMENT NEWS!! One more time… Ladies, your response has again been excellent for the trip to Gananoque on April 18 and 19. Remember we are leaving the Legion parking lot in Cobourg at 8 a.m. (Port Hope travelers will be picked up at the Metro lot at 7.45!!) returning Sunday approx. 6 p.m. Your final payments will be due by the April General Meeting. Good news is to bring your bathing suits, yes, there is a pool at the hotel! Yolande McKinnon, Ladies Auxiliary Entertainment 905-373-4336 The updated Branch lineup for entertainment this year is as follows. Mark your calendars – tell your friends, bring a group with you to enjoy the festivities!!! April 19 – Clubroom – Karaoke – Rita & John Harpell – 1-5 p.m. before the roast beef dinner. May 9 – Clubroom – Nelson Denis DJ 8 – 12 p.m. You have been missing some great entertainment This is for you – the members – please participate!!! Yolande McKinnon - Entertainment SPRING Ah, how wonderful is the advent of the Spring!—the great annual miracle.... which no force can stay, no violence restrain, like love, that wins its way and cannot be withstood by any human power, because itself is divine power. If Spring came but once in a century, instead of once a year, or burst forth with the sound of an earthquake, and not in silence, what wonder and expectation would there be in all hearts to behold the miraculous change!... We are like children who are astonished and delighted only by the second-hand of the clock, not by the hour-hand. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Kavanagh, 1849 Missile April 2015 12 Easter Hours 10% Cobourg Legion Br # 133 Legion blue’s or greys Good Friday-April 3-Closed Easter Sunday-April 5-Closed Notice submitted by Josephine Upton-March 27 Ways & Means Meat Draws every Friday at 5:00 PM & Saturdays at 3:00 PM Did You Know? The flag that the Apollo 11 astronauts planted on the moon came from Sears. A NASA employee bought it off the shelf for $5.50 right before the mission. Home Depot Canada Inc. Store 7251 1050 DePalma Drive Cobourg, On HOME DEPOT Enhance your property and home with beautiful landscaping. Get a captivating driveway or walkway. Create a gorgeous tapestry of plants, shrubs, trees and flowers. THE HOME DEPOT NO Charge Dial………………………………………………..1-888-346-6333 Missile April 2015 INSTALLATION SERVICES 13 Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums April Report The history of pipe music is long and reflective, a continuum of tunes that mirror not only the passage of significant events in both country and countrymen but the changing state of the nation's psyche as well. The names of the tunes run the gamut of emotion in referencing battles both great and small, the sweeping currents of time and place, and the quiet moments of merriment and melancholy. Who hasn't heard a pipe tune that didn't bring a smile or a tear or a heart full of pride? The composers of these tunes, many long departed, are, sadly, often not as well remembered as their tunes, unless they are of singular significance. However, the members of the CLP&D are fortunate, and honoured, to have just such a singular composer in their midst. Long time band member and drummer Dick Byrne has written a pipe tune that will, by turns, make the listener smile, tap their foot and also feel a touch of nostalgia. Entitled "O'Byrne's Farewell to Kilkea Castle", it reflects on the last sight Dick had of Kilkea Castle as he left Ireland for Canada when he was 17 years old. A 12th century Norman castle in County Kildare, Ireland, its conversion to hotel was Dick's last job in Ireland before emigrating with his skills to Canada. Possessed of a unique talent to whistle any pipe tune, Dick carried this melody in his head until, with the help of fellow band member Joanne Drury, he could convert it to notes on a page. Shared with only the CLP&D, we are now working to make it one of our premier tunes, and will debut it to the world in due course. Thanks Dick, for this significant gift to your band. It was also through the good offices of Dick's involvement that the band recently realized a high point in their playing and parading. We joined many other bands and marchers in the 2015 Toronto St. Patrick's Day Parade, leading a large contingent of LiUNA members (Labourers' International Union of North America) along significant sections of St. George St., Bloor St., Yonge St., Queen St., and University Ave.. All 4 km.,13,000 steps of it! It was a day that started out cold enough to be one of our Christmas parades but ended in sunshine, and the satisfaction of knowing that we had performed well in front of the largest, and noisiest, crowd with which we have ever shared the name of the Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums and our music. Any other parade we do will seem shorter, not a bad perspective to have acquired. By now you will no doubt have read in the local papers about a recent CLP&D delegation to a town of Cobourg Council meeting. The state of many of our uniforms parts, and the recent increase in playing members, has resulted in a critical need to replace and acquire many of the various bits that comprise a $5000 per member investment. Some of the bits are original to the time when the Cobourg Legion very generously purchased the initial kitting-out for the band 50 years ago. Care and concern can only carry the Quarter Master so far, and we are in need of sustained funds, in addition to those raised by our on-going fund-raising efforts. Consequently, our representatives, Mary Ito, Pipe Major, and President Brent Sanderson, made a thorough and compelling presentation to the Council, asking for a yearly sum of $10,000 over three years, later increased to four years (the term of the current council), at the suggestion of our Deputy-Mayor. The budget deliberations for the town are about to begin so the timing was right, as was our power-point presentation to a full council and a Cogeco TV audience. There will be at least two opportunities to hear the band play in April. We will provide music for the Legion President's Party, to be held at the Legion on April 11 and on Saturday, April 25, the band is having another of its very popular Ceilidhs. This one will be a little different, in that there won't be a tables of silent auction items, just lots of opportunity to sing along, dance and share your talents via the openmic. There will be a couple of larger raffle ticket items, which we hope will help out our uniform fund, and of course the pipes and drums will perform for the gathering. Ian McFarlane Missile April 2015 14 April 2015 Legend Club Room=CR & Upstairs=UP) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) Good Friday Meat Draw Closed 3 PM (CR) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Easter Sunday L.A. Gen. Meeting (UP) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Br. Ex. Meeting L.A. Lunch 11:301:00PM (CR) Branch President’s Party Meat Draw (UP) Moonshot Euchre @ 7:00 PM (UP) 5 PM (CR) Meat Draw Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) 3 PM (CR) Closed 12 Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) 13 14 15 16 17 18 Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Ladies Night Over 55 Luncheon Br. General Meeting Meat Draw L.A Bus Trip Matt Bloom-Speaker 5 PM (CR) Ballroom Dance (New U Tour) 7:30 PM Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) Meat Draw Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) 3 PM (CR) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Karaoke – Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) L.A. Lunch 11:301:00PM (CR) Ceilidhs Moonshot Euchre @ 7:00 PM (UP) Meat Draw Rita & John Harpell –(1-5 pm) (CR) L.A, Roast Beef Dinner @5:30 PM Ladies Night (CR) 5 PM (CR) (Mary Ito) Meat Draw 3 PM (CR) Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) (UP) Blue’s Concert (UP) 26 27 UFCW Local 175 Meeting LA Exec. Mtg. Missile April 2015 28 29 30 1 2 15 55 Club Executive/Committees 2014-2015 THE OVER 55 CLUB OFFICERS Chairperson Marlene Towns 905-372-3643 Past Chair Jeannette Dempster 905-376-3446 1st Vice Joyce Etcher 905–372-6306 2nd Vice Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Secretary Jeannette Dempster 905-376 -3446 Treasurer Joan MacDonald 905-372-8884 Bingo Randy Skinner 905 –372-9836 Sick & Visiting Sharon Lyon 905-349-1060 Darts Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Events Coordinator & Trips Eileen Rollings 1- 613-475- 9737 Games Art Brace 905-377- 0428 P.R.O. Danny Parsons 905-372- 5639 Legion Liaison John Aitken 905-377-1527 COMMITTEE MEMBERS VOLUNTEER HELPERS Bingo Art Brace 905-377-0428 Draws Bernice Basinger 905-372-9501 Rosemary Quigley 905-372-9875 Danny Parsons 905-372-5639 Randy Skinner 905-372-9836 Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Special Events Lunch Coordinator Missile April 2015 16 Over 55 Club Report Greetings All! Hope this finds everyone well. To those who are not well our best wishes from everyone at the Club. Hopefully Spring is on its way and there will soon be an end to this terrible weather. I would like to remind everyone that the April meeting on the 15th will be our election of officers. Please consider standing for a position; it would be nice to see some new faces. If you think you would like to serve in any capacity please ask someone to nominate you. For the members, if you are thinking of nominating someone for a position please make sure they want their name put forward; it wastes a lot of time if they don’t want to stand. Barb Reading will be officiating and John Aitken, Legion Liaison Officer will be observing at the election. Eileen Rollings has been working hard to bring you a Spring Fashion Show on April 23rd. Please support the Club by purchasing a ticket ($5.00) available at the Bar, Jeannette Dempster, Eileen Rollings and Jenny Allison. Hope to see a good turnout at the next luncheon and elections. We need your input. Thank you, Marlene Towns Chairperson Over 55 Club 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing Wing Executive/Directors 2013/2014 Executive President Frank Lindsay 905-377-0047 Treasurer Ronald Rose Sick & Visiting Donald Duthie 905-885-4247 Historian Donald Macklin 905-372-3231 Public Relations Valerie Taylor 905-372-3946 Phone Committee Bette Ireland 905-377-9523 905-885-2845 Penny Carriere 905-342-2497 The Wing meets for lunch on the second Wednesday of the month. Contact the President to find out where the meeting is. Missile April 2015
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