The Country Church Herald (St. Mark's Monthly Newsletter)

The Country Church Herald
…Proclaiming the Word of God
The Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s and St. James United Church of Christ
St. Mark’s UCC
W1307 Orchard Road
Cleveland, WI 53015
St. James UCC
13312 Pioneer Road
Newton, WI 53063
Rev. William Kesting, Pastor
920-693-8361 (office)
920-207-7209 (cell)
November 2014 Issue
This month brings several important events. In order they are:
Sunday, the 2nd, Special Joint Meeting of the Congregations at St. James after late
worship. Agenda: Pastor’s Salary and Benefits for 2015.
Sunday, the 9th, 10am Mission Fest at St. Mark’s. The presentation is by Dr. Jeff Elzinga,
Professor of Writing, Lakeland College. He and some students will share about the
Masters In Education program at the College for students from Malawi. A ham/meatball
dinner will follow the worship. Please note the worker list included in this newsletter.
Everyone welcome.
Sunday, the 23rd, is Memorial Sunday. On this day we remember those who have gone
before us in the Christian faith.
Wednesday, the 26th, is Thanksgiving Eve worship, 7pm, at St. Mark’s. The Joint
Consistories have decided that the loose offering of the evening will be split between
Peter’s Pantry-Manitowoc and the Salvation Army-Sheboygan.
Sunday, the 30th, is the first Sunday of Advent. As usual, I share scripture readings to
help our preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Nov. 30
Mark 13:33-37
Be watchful in waiting
This list of readings will continue next month. The light of the world, Jesus Christ, is
coming to us. Let us rejoice and be thankful.
Pastor Kesting
Monthly Highlights From Our Church Groups
St. Mark’s Consistory
October 14, 2014
Present at the meeting were, Pastor Kesting, Dave Grunwald, Gary Kaestner, Kevin Kellner, Cindy
Hundt, Sandy Perronne, Amy Summers, Patty Taylor. The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm.
Pastor led us in prayer. The Secretary’s report was reviewed. A motion was made by Kevin Kellner to
approve the secretary’s report. Cindy Hundt seconded. Motion carried. The Financial Secretary’s
report was reviewed by Patty Taylor for September. Reviewed the options for removal of the Goeke
Youth Fund. Sandy Perronne made a motion to remove the full amount from the Goeke Youth Fund
to be used as instructed for Youth related expenses. Cindy Hundt seconded. Motion carried. Cindy
Hundt made a motion to approve the Financial Secretary’s report. Sandy Perronne seconded it.
Motion carried.
Building and Grounds
Elevator inspection completed after the meeting. Tuckpointing was completed. Thank you Jason for
coordinating this. The bell tower roof access door needs to be checked for possible updates.
Discussed annual cleaning for the church. Scheduled Gingham Girls cleaning on October 29th. Kevin
will oversee this project. Reviewed seasonal concerns and snow removal. Looking into snow removal
Old Business
Evangelism Committee. Working on transfer of the Will Scharl family. Nothing new in the suggestion
box. Bible presentation and Teacher Installation went well. Reviewed Communion and Mission
speaker. The CROP walk went well. Confirmation orientation and retreat went well.
Worship Committee report. Hat making on November 1, at 9:00 am. A sign up sheet is posted.
Concerns have been raised regarding shaking hands during flu season. Hand sanitizer will be
provided in the pews for those that wish to use it. Next Worship Committee is October 26th.
The Prayer basket continues. Joint Consistory meeting will be Monday October 20th at 6:30 pm at St.
The Lakeland singers will sing at Worship on October 26th at 10:30 am.
Kevin Kellner made a motion to increase the OCWM goal this year form $5400-$5450. Sandy
Perronne seconded. Motion carried.
Discussed Mission Fest duties and assignments. See newsletter for assigned duties.
Directory sheets are coming in. Christmas sheets are coming in. St. James Mission Fest October 19.
Consistory Nominations. Anyone interested in fulfilling a Consistory position beginning in 2015
please see a current Consistory member.
New Business
Reviewed hospitalized and recuperating. Home Communions were restarted. Need 2 delegates for 1st
UCC Wisconsin Rapids Election of Conference Minister. November 23rd is Memorial Sunday.
November 26th Thanksgiving Eve Worship at St. Mark’s at 7 pm. November 30th is the first Sunday in
Advent. October 26th from 6-7pm is the Halloween Party at St. Mark’s. Otto Thiel has moved out of
the area and has requested to be released from membership. Sandy Perronne made a motion to
release them from membership. Gary Kaestner seconded it. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kevin Kellner to investigate a hand rail on either side of the steps going up to
the altar. Cindy Hundt seconded it. Motion carried.
Next Meeting will be November 11th at 6:30 pm.
Cindy Hundt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Gary Kaestner seconded it. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by Amy K Summers, Secretary
St. Mark’s Sunday School News
Hello Sunday School Families,
Our class time is spent learning about the book of Genesis and the goodness of God's creation.
Our next date for singing in church is Nov. 9th, which is also Mission Fest. There will not be Sunday school
due to the fact that the basement will be set up for dinner.
On November 23rd, we will be finishing the hats that were made in October, along with introducing the
Christmas play for the program.
We have contributed $45 to the Dominican Republic to have a shoebox of needed gifts prepared for a child for
Please remember to check when your child lights candles in church. Thank you.
Schedule for St. Mark's Christmas program:
Sunday, November 23, 9:15-10:15 Program will be introduced to children.
Sunday, November 30, 9:00-10:15 Practice (note earlier start time)
Sunday, December 7, 10:00-11:30 Practice (note later end time)
Sunday, December 14, 9:00-10:30 Practice (note earlier start and later ending times)
Sunday, December 21, 9:00 Program. Children need to be ready by 8:45.
If your child will not be participating in the Christmas program, please notify Lori Roelse (946-3540) or
Sandy Perronne (901-8320) by Nov. 14.
Julie Herrmann, Sunday School Newsletter Coordinator
St. James Sunday School News
Rehearsals for our Christmas Program will be starting this month. A complete schedule will be sent
to every home. This schedule is best described as starting on the 16th, and each week following;
Program Practice, Worship and Sunday School will be from 9-11:30am each Sunday.
Parents: please make sure that your child/children are present. The Program is scheduled for
Sunday, December 21st at 10:30am. The loose offering of the day will go to the Outreach Program of
our Sunday School.
Schedule for St. James Christmas Program:
Sunday, November 17, 9:00
Program Practice
10:30-11:30 Sunday School Class
Sunday, November 23 9:00
Sunday School Class
10:00-11:30 Program Practice
Sunday, November 30 9:00
Program Practice
10:30-11:30 Sunday School Class
Sunday, December 7
Program Practice
10:30-11:30 Sunday School Class
Sunday, December 14 9:00
Sunday School Class
10:00-11:30 Program Practice
Sunday, December 21 9:00
Program Practice
Christmas Program
Submitted by Pastor, the Board of Christian Education
St. James Consistory
The October 13, 2014 meeting was called to order by Dave Mueller at 6:00 p.m. Members present
were Pastor Kesting, Bill Heckmann, Dave Mueller, Kris Zolltheis, Kim Grotegut, Wendy Henschel,
and Barb Reimer. Pastor led us in prayer. The Secretary’s Report was reviewed and approved with a
motion by Wendy and seconded by Kim. Motion carried. The Treasurer’s Report was also reviewed
and approved with a motion by Kim and seconded by Barb.
Buildings and Grounds:
Cemetery report: The blacktop of the cemetery driveway has been completed. The committal of
Eugene Bohne will take place on November 1st at 11:30. We have received a bid for sealing the
parking lot by Rightway for $3500. Painting of the outside windows will be done next spring. Bill is
working on the completion of the maintenance schedule. Wasps by the kitchen door have been
removed. There were no violations found by the Fire Department in their recent inspection report.
Old Business:
The Board of Education will meet on November 6th. All grades now have teachers. Sandy Beiersdorf
is a candidate for the Board of Education. The Christmas program is set for December 21st at 10:30.
There was a suggestion regarding obtaining cell phone numbers of members. A notebook will be
placed in the Narthex where members can help update the contact list. Bible presentations, teacher
installation, communion, the Mission speaker, and Blankets Plus were evaluated. Twenty of the
seventy participants for the Crop Walk were from St. James. Confirmation orientation and their
retreat went well. The worship committee will meet December 7th. Sessions with area clergy are in
process. The anniversary committee will meet January 6th. The next meeting of the Vision of Hope
is October 21st. They will be discussing the Capital Fund which is a drive for outdoor ministry sites
and the Dr. Ulrich Memorial. The Stewardship committee’s next meeting will be January 8th.
Members who have not responded to the letter sent out to those who have not been involved in the
church for three years will be placed on an inactive list. Dave Johnson will present the financial
needs of the church at the December 7th service. Dave Johnson and Colleen Lauersdorf have
completed their terms on the committee. A motion made by Kris and seconded by Barb to
recommend increasing the OCWM goal by $50 dollars was approved. The joint consistory meeting
will take place at St. James on October 20th at 6:30. Pastor’s salary and the 2015 calendar will be
discussed. The consistory addressed any concerns regarding Mission Fest which is scheduled for
October 19th. Lakeland Singers will be performing at the 9:00 service on October 26th. October 16th
will be the United Churchmen and Women’s Banquet at Lakeland. Scott Henschel is attending. On
October 14th, conversations regarding church growth will take place at Ebenezer in Sheboygan. Barb
Reimer will attend.
New Business:
Please pray for our members who are hospitalized, in treatment, or recuperating. Home
communions have restarted. The Luebke wedding will take place on November 1st at 2:00. St.
Mark’s Mission Fest is November 9th. The Malawi teacher education project will be presented.
November 23rd is Memorial Sunday. Thanksgiving service will be November 26th at 7:00 at St.
Mark’s. November 30th is the First Sunday in Advent. Dave Mueller and Kim Grotegut’s terms on
the consistory end February, 2015. New members are needed. The Safe Sanctuary committee will
need three people to replace Sandy Beiersdorf, Tom Kleinhans, and Randy Krause whose terms have
ended. The Election of the conference minister will take place on Saturday November 1st at 11:00 at
First UCC in Wisconsin Rapids. Two delegates are needed. Pastor will attend boundary training at
Redeemer in Sussex on October 21st.
The next consistory meeting will take place on November 10th at 6:00. A motion to adjourn was made
by Dave and seconded by Kim. Motion carried.
Kris Zolltheis, Secretary
Youth News
As of this writing, the Halloween party is yet to come. More later.
Remember: Please share with Pastor when your school concerts are scheduled. We will attempt to
find a non-conflicting date to go Christmas caroling.
News to Know
Confidentiality Laws
There have been some changes to the
confidentiality laws. These changes make it
difficult for pastors to obtain information about
anyone in the Hospital. If you or a loved one will
be in the hospital and wish Pastor to know about
it, please call him at 693-8361. Otherwise he may
not be able to find out.
St. Mark’s Prayer Basket
Please continue to place your requests in this
basket at the back of church or give them to
Pastor. He will honor your requests.
There were about 70 people participating in this
fundraiser. We thank all who walked, donated
or in any way helped in this event. The results
will be available soon.
Receive Your Church Newsletter Online
If you are interested in receiving your monthly
newsletter strictly via the internet instead of the
hard copy, please send an e-mail stating such to
Mike Summers,
Each month an e-mail will be sent to notify you
when the updated Country Church Herald is
available online.
Vision of Hope – St. James
There are new Application for Funding on the
small table at the back of church.
Thank You
The Kesting family shares its appreciation to the
St. James congregation for the gift card for Clergy
Appreciation month.
Needed at St. James
Ice cream pails with lids for Chili Dinner etc.
Please place them in the narthex. Thank you.
College and Tech School Students
We like to send newsletters to our students, so
please call Pastor as soon as you know your
school address. Thank you.
Bible Study
We will meet in November. The chapters to read
from the book of Proverbs will be announced
before the session. Everyone is welcome.
St. Marks UCC Hat Drive
On Saturday, November 1 from 9:00 till noon, a
hat making morning will occur. Sandy Perronne
will be teaching participants how to make a
simple crocheted hat that will then be donated a
local cancer clinic. Young, not so young, men,
women, members, friends and neighbors are all
invited. Please bring a size I (5.5) crochet hook
St. James Member Directory
and one skein of Caron “Simply Soft” yarn
St. James is making a member directory to help
(available at Joann Fabrics). If you can’t come or
for contacting members for church activities.
There will be a form in the back of church where choose to help in a different way, consider
donation of the items above or a Scrip Card from
you can put your name, address and phone
number or if you like you can contact a consistory Joann Fabrics. Snacks would also be appreciated.
A sign up will be located in the church entrymember with this information.
way. Any questions, contact Sandy Perronne
Phone: 901-8320.
Favorite Hymns
If you have a favorite hymn, please request it by
A Reminder
placing its number in the offering plate. Pastor
The date of St. Mark’s Mission Fest has been
seeks to meet your requests on a regular basis.
shifted to Sunday, November 9th.
St. Mark’s Member Directory
St. Mark's UCC is developing a member directory
to assist with contacting members for
ushering, Sunday School and other church
activities. Since times have changed we are no
longer able to rely on the phone book. This
newsletter contains a form to allow you to provide
updated contact information. This information
would then be added to the member list that
is distributed with the annual report. Each
member MUST sign the authorization statement
in order for it to be published. If no signature
is provided, your information will be kept
confidential. Forms need to be returned
by November 30, 2014 if you wish to be included
in this year's member directory. Returning the
form after that time is also appreciated and will
allow the information to be included in the
directory handed out at the 2016 Annual Meeting.
Nonperishable Food Collection – St. James
This month we will be collecting nonperishable
food items. There will be a box in the lobby for
these items. This will end the 23rd of this month.
Morgan Henschel is in charge.
United Churchmen & Women Banquet
This annual event was on October 16th at
Lakeland College. This was the 77th Annual
event. The results of the banquet was that Emma
Landowski, a sophomore student at Lakeland
College and former intern student at Immanuel
United Church of Christ, received the preseminary award.
The seminary award was given to Daniel
Krueger, a student at Chicago Theological
Seminary who is also a licensed Lay Pastor at St.
Peter’s United Church of Christ, Kiel. Also, Scott
Henschel of St. James was elected the Vice
President of the group. The next banquet is
scheduled for October 15, 2015. Please plan to
Mission House Lecture – Lakeland College
This event is scheduled for Tuesday, the 4th, at
11am at the Bradley Auditorium. The speaker is
Sr. Simone Campbell. Her topic is “The Burning
Bush – Faith and Advocacy for the 100%”.
Everyone welcome. These lectures are thought
provoking experiences.
If you would like to contribute a plant for this effort, please complete the form below and put it in
the offering plate or call the Church office (693-8361) by November 30, 2014.
Plants will be ordered from: Millhome Nursery and Greenhouses - Cost: $9.25
Please make checks payable to your church.
You may take your plant home after the services:
St. James - Dec. 24th
St. Mark’s - Dec. 25th
Cut Here
My poinsettia is ________________________________________
(in honor – in memory – for the joy, etc.)
of ____________________________________________________
(printed name of honoree , as it should appear in bulletin)
Given by: _____________________________________________
(your name, as it should appear in bulletin)
Please Choose Color:
RED flower _____
WHITE flower _____
(Includes gold foil and white bow)
Date: ____________
Check: ____ Cash: ____
Amount: __________
St. Mark’s
St. James
November Ushers
November & Thanksgiving Ushers
Kevin Kellner, chair
Carol Weiand
Steve Schnelle
Kay & Fred Bitter
Jack Schnelle
Galen & Deb LaDuke, chairs
Dale Krause
Susan Kracht
Brian & Wendy Henschel
Keith & Michelle Mauk
James Becker
Jeremy Becker
Candle Lighters
2 – Ryan Binversie, Bradley Grunwald
9 – Emma Perronne, Alivia Hundt
16 – Nathan Roelse, Dawson Strysick
23 – Emily Binversie, Lindsay Summers
30 – Marlee Strysick, Courtney Binversie
ber Ushers
Bill & Lori Roelse, chairs
Jim & Patty Taylor
Dave Grunwald
Thad Athorp
December Ushers
Jon & Diane Luckow & Kara, chairs
Scott Zolltheis
Kris Zolltheis
Mary Ann Vogel
Cindy & Joe Klapperich
Tom & Nicole Spindler
Richard & Sarah Lutze
November Celebrations
St. Mark’s Birthdays
Tyler Athorp
Benjamin Summers
Brynn Schueler
Nathan Roelse
Michelle Scharl
Jacob Trowbridge
Brian Karstaedt
Lori Roelse
Richard Vandoske
Sierra Bramstedt
Angel DeBlaey
Pat Flook
Isabella Dexter
Alexander Perronne
Marlene Kammann
Logan Strysick
St. Mark’s Anniversaries
Robert & Beverly Gumm, Jr.
James & Bonnie Schuette
Conrad & Kathleen Johanning (54)
Glenn & Karen Spindler (56)
If there is a correction for the birthday or
anniversary list, please contact the church
office, 693-8361. Thank you.
St. James Birthdays
Kim Grotegut
Rick Wippermann
Hank Reimer
Susan Kracht
Amanda Henschel
Richard Lutze
Caroline Heckmann
Colleen Lauersdorf
Cheyenne Spindler
Allison Luckow
Jonathan Meyer
Wendy Meyer
Keri LaDuke
Vernon Henschel
Loretta Kracht
Amy Christianson
Barb Reimer
Donna Wippermann
St. James Anniversaries
Warren & Sheila LaDuke
Andrew & Heather Reif
Dave & Jackie Mueller
John & Whitney Morales
Keith & Michelle Mauk
Ronald & Jessie Hansmann (58)
Henry & Bonnie Langenhahn
Dave & Sue Johnson
U.S. Postage
Permit #2
St. James/St. Mark’s
United Church of Christ
W1307 Orchard Road
Cleveland, WI 53015
We Invite You To Join Us…
If you have been joining us for worship and fellowship and would like more information about
joining either St. James or St. Mark’s, please contact Pastor Kesting (693-8361).
September 28, 2014
St. Mark’s - 55
St. James - 60
October 5, 2014
St. Mark’s - 82
St. James - 78
October 26, 2014
St. Mark’s - 85
St. James - 78
Lakeland Singers
Our sympathy to Dorothy Mueller and family on
the death of her brother Eugene Bohne on October
9th in Arizona. He is also a cousin of Kathryn
October 12, 2014
St. Mark’s - 90
St. James - 74
October 19, 2014
Mission Fest
St. James - 115
Our sympathy to the family of Mabel Lenz who
died on October 20th. Her funeral was the 25th at St.
James. Burial was at St. James Cemetery.
Our sympathy to Dale and Ken Dirks and their
families on the death of their aunt Evelyn Dirks on
October 20th.
Our sympathy to Janet Schueler and family on the
death of her brother-in-law Niles Schueler on
October 16th.