Dear Community Groups, Welcome back to our eNewsletter! You will see that we have now combined Blaby district Oadby & Wigston. This will continue for the present and the link will be sent out fortnightly. As always, if you have an event, service or other listing you’d like to include in an upcoming issue of the eNewsletter, please email to: Community Action Partnership Services 0116 2784230 @Capleics CAP Bassett Street Community Hub is located in the heart of South Wigston and shares a site with Leicestershire Social Services, Registrars, South Wigston Library and Citizens Advice Bureau. The new Community Hub is currently under development, and will provide a number of services and support groups in one unique building, as well as being ideal for meetings, conferences and events. Currently the building is shared by 14 regular partners, and brings together the expertise of Leicestershire County Council and Community Action Partnership is providing community services. For more information visit Community Action Partnership administers a Grants Programme on behalf of Blaby District Council. If you are a not-for-profit community group wishing to expand or develop your services in the district, you may be able to apply for a Blaby District Council Community Grant. Revenue Grants - up to £500, Capital Grants - up to £5,000 and Staying Healthy - up to £1000. For more information visit or contact Jenny Bown 07720 678272 1 Community Transport provides transport for people living in Blaby District, Oadby & Wigston who have difficulty using or have no access to public transport. For further information about the scheme or register to use Community Transport, please contact us on 0116 288 0508 between 9am and 1pm and speak to Emma, Ruth or Mick. Older Person’s Befriending provides regular one to one support and friendship to older people who are physically frail or socially isolated. We also provide activity groups including: Craft Group, Singing for fun, Scrabble & Games, Bingo and monthly afternoon teas. If you require any further information or are interested in becoming a Volunteer Befriender please contact Gemma Webster 0116 2781734 or email: Youth Action Service. We believe in offering young people aged 11-19 quality youth services that promote ACTION, VOLUNTEERING, INNOVATION and FUN. For more information email or visit News & Information A Night at the Races Sapcote Club Saturday, 15 November 7.30pm 1st Race 8pm TICKETS £7.50 INCLUDING SUPPER Available from: Sapcote Club Tel: 01455 272300; Community Action Partnership Tel: 01455 272 7669; Teresa Lee Tel: 01455 272496; A fund raising event for Community Action Partnership’s Older Persons’ Befriending Service DON’T DISPOSE, DONATE! The build up to Christmas and the New Year is causing acute problems for Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland. Whilst their shops are doing particularly well on sales, they are running into problems with donations of saleable items and are desperately short of stock, particularly furniture and bric-a-brac but also books and clothing. “During and after the festive season, many people will be contemplating how they will make space for their presents or dispose of household furniture in order to accommodate new purchases made in the sales. Our motto is: ‘Don’t Dispose, Donate!’ says Peter Ralphs of the local Age UK. All I can say is that we desperately need help from the public so that we can continue to help needy local older people through the money which is taken through our shops. All of our 23 charity shops around the two counties will gladly accept donations whilst furniture can also be collected from homes by calling 0116 2781208.” Local shops and businesses get behind Dementia Friends campaign Staff from Tanya Harris Hairdressing and Edmonds & Slatter opticians in Blaby attended a free Dementia Friends Information Session to show their commitment 2 to becoming more dementia-friendly. Employees from Waitrose in Blaby and Everyone Active at Enderby Leisure and Golf Centre have also benefited from attending a session to raise their understanding of dementia. This is all part of a drive to make Blaby District a dementia-friendly community. Blaby District Council is working in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society and other members of the local Dementia Action Alliance to make this a reality. The Alzheimer’s Society estimates that 225,000 people in the UK will develop dementia this year; that’s one every three minutes. One in four people with dementia has given up shopping since being diagnosed. Dementia Friends is an Alzheimer’s Society initiative funded by the Department of Health which aims to give one million people a better understanding of dementia by 2015. Blaby District Council will be running free one-hour Dementia Friends Information Sessions to shops and businesses across the district. To find out more or to book your place, contact Zoe Coulson on 0116 2727566 or email For more information about Dementia Friends visit For more information about the Leicestershire Dementia Action alliance visit lliance Inter Faith Week 2014 16–22 November. A flyer about the 2014 Week can be downloaded from the homepage of the website at Over 50 and living in Blaby District? Residents in Blaby District are invited to join the newly named Over 50s Forum. The theme for the forthcoming forum is preventative health, and will have speakers and information about keeping well during the winter months, good mental health in older age, and new dementia services in the district. Free health checks will also be available. Formerly called the Older Persons’ Forum, members voted in the name change at the last meeting in September, with the hope of attracting more residents. The next meeting is taking place on Monday 1 December at 2.00-4.00pm in the Council Chamber at Blaby District Council, Desford Road, Narborough LE19 2EP. For more information contact Zoe Coulson at Blaby District Council on 0116 2727566 or email LEICESTERSHIRE WELFARE PROVISION If you are an organisation that advises people on how to access welfare support, please see and 1. Take part in the consultation running until January 2. Become a partner by contacting Liz McGregor at or just to ask for more information. Tel: 07775 220702 This is a County Council run scheme, and I can come and give more information to anyone who supports this client group. 3 Bassett Street Community Hub Children’s Christmas Pantomime - Red Riding Hood In partnership with Chaplin’s travelling theatre company Friday 12th December 6.30pm Tickets £5 per person available from main reception Suitable for Children aged 4-10 Telephone (0116) 2784230 "St. Crispin's Church Christmas Tree Festival - On Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th December, St Crispin's Church, Edward Avenue, Braunstone Town, will be hosting a Christmas Tree Festival where many local and national groups will be exhibiting a wide variety of decorated trees. On Saturday there will also be a bazaar and on Sunday, after the festival closes, the Town Mayor's Carol Service follows. Refreshments will be on sale on both days. Christmas Tree Festivals, Bazaars and the Town Mayor's Carol Service are all very popular events but put all three together over one weekend and the results should be spectacular. Would your group like to display a tree (there's no charge) and you could decorate with any theme. It's a great way to advertise your group at very little cost (just a bit of effort) and you might attract new members as a result. If you want any other information, please contact Bryan or Betty on 0116 289 6451". Training SKILLS 4 JOBS (Blaby, Oadby & Wigston) A short FREE programme to support you towards work. Run over 2 sessions a week for 5 weeks the course builds confidence, assesses your direction and goals, at the same time as assisting with CV writing, Online Job-searching and Interview approaches. People joining course may also brush up their ICT, English/maths skills if required – for FREE! This course is suitable for people who are unemployed, not current working or those at threat of redundancy. Call for more information: 0116 3050487 or 07762 050916 Looking for a job? Need to brush up your skills? Perhaps Skills 4 Jobs can help…If you live in Leicestershire and are 19+ then there are a range of FREE short courses available throughout the county to assist you into work. Leicestershire Adult Learning Service run courses in Interview Skills, Emergency First Aid, CV writing, Food Hygiene, Job search online, Health and Safety, plus a FREE start in English, Maths and Computing skills. Interested? For information on courses please contact: Steve Troake - Skills 4 Jobs (Blaby, Oadby & Wigston) 0116 3050487 or 07762 050916 Activities & Sports Coffee Morning – Everyone Welcome Bassett Street Community Hub, South Wigston Mondays from 10am – 1pm Toddler Friendly; 0116 2784230 4 COUNSELLING AND THERAPY The Tariki Counselling and Psychotherapy Service in Narborough offers counselling and therapy for a broad range of psychological, spiritual and emotional issues. With a sliding scale of fees, it’s open to anyone and there’s no need for a referral. You can ring or email to have an initial chat and, then if you want to take things forward, you can arrange an initial assessment session. It has both experienced and trainee therapists and counsellors available. If you would like to have a chat or find out more about the therapy services offered, please give us a ring on 0116 286 7476 or email . MEDITATION The Buddhist House in Narborough runs a meditation class on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators, a range of different techniques are taught and each class is self-contained. For more information, email, phone 0116 286 7476 or see and . MINDFULNESS COURSE The Buddhist House in Narborough is running a series of 5 week ‘Introduction to Mindfulness’ courses (£5-£10 donation per class) on Wednesday evenings 7.30pm-8.30pm. The next course will take place 5 November – 3 December. For more information, email phone 0116 286 7476 or see and . YOGA CLASSES The Buddhist House in Narborough hosts two yoga classes run by Christine on Thursday evenings 6.00-7.15: Pregnancy Yoga 7.30-8.45: Yoga Tone For details of costs/to book: phone 0116 2753570 / 07712 673766 or email: . Funding Grants available for community groups in Blaby District If you are a community group or organisation providing services in Blaby district, you may be eligible to apply for a grant from the Council. There are three types of grant available to help develop or improve services for local people - Capital Grants up to £5000, Revenue Grants up to £500, and Staying Healthy Grants up to £1000. Each grant is designed to help with different costs such as building works, equipment purchase, venue or transport costs or one-off special events. We can provide advice on which grant is most suitable for your group or organisation’s needs. The deadline for the next round of grants is Friday 28 November 2014. To receive an application pack or for advice about the eligibility criteria or completing your application, contact Jenny Bown at Community Action Partnership on 0116 2727669 or visit 5 Volunteering Opportunities Helping Local Hedgerow Wildlife Brocks Hill Country Park continues to promote the art of hedgelaying, with their latest conservation volunteering day. On Sunday 9 November the conservation volunteers will be working on hedgerows around the Country Park in Oadby to maintain this long standing countryside tradition. There are over 30 styles of hedgelaying in the UK and even more spread across Europe. In Leicestershire the most common type of hedgelaying is Midland Bullock style. This provides thicker stock proof hedges that kept cattle contained. Hedgerows have great wildlife value providing corridors for small animals and shelter for small birds. If they are looked after and relayed at regular intervals, it will have maximum wildlife benefit. The volunteers are inviting those interested to join this popular conservation task. The Brocks Hill volunteers meet every second Sunday of every month from 10:00 to 15:00. Volunteers need to wear suitable outdoor clothing and bring a packed lunch. Light refreshments are provided. The volunteers meet at the back of the Centre. If you wish to get involved or would like more information. Please contact the countryside ranger team at Brocks Hill Country Park and Centre Telephone: Leicester (0116) 257 2888 Email: Events 8 November - Active Arts’ 37th Craft Market in Countesthorpe College (LE8 5PR) with doors open from 10 until 4. We are fully booked with some 70 stalls, a good proportion of them craftspeople coming for the first time, and there will be refreshments available all day! Admission for the Craft Market is £1.50, accompanied children are free, and many of our regular shoppers consider it the start of their Christmas shopping. 8 November - MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA Variety Show Concert in aid of PROSTaid helping local men fight against cancer. Price £10 including buffet - £8 concessions (over 65) Braunstone Working Men's Club Narborough Road South Leicester LE3 2GE 8 November - Oadby Town v Desborough Town – 3pm – OTFC 8 November - Competitive Festival of Music & Drama commencing at 9 a.m. at Beauchamp College, Oadby. You will hear both Verse Reading and Acting. And musically there is Vocal and Instrumental. Ages from 5 to 95!!!!!!!!!! Do come along and hear what talent there is in the area. Entry - a very modest £3.00. Programme - £2.50 Any queries please contact Ann Pearson on 0116 2716824 or 8 November to 27 November - St Peter’s Parish Church, Wigston Rd, Oadby New Oadby Remembers Exhibition…”Over by Christmas?” examining the impact of the beginning of the war on the community plus personal histories of the first 3 Fallen from Oadby. Opening times: Mon-Sat 9am-5.30pm, Sun 7.30am-7.30pm. 6 8 November - 9.30am-3pm Paddock St Centre, Wigston. Age UK “Remembrance” an exhibition of art, stories, photographs etc. To enter your piece contact Emma on 0116 28852. 9 November ~ Young Families Group at Oadby Trinity Methodist Church ~ "Messy church" activities including simple breakfast ~ every last Sunday in the month ~ 9.00-10.00 am ~ all welcome ~ contact Lesley Green at 9 November - Remembrance Sunday 10am…St Peter’s Parish Church. Remembrance Day All-age service to enable families to include their children in the commemorations 9 November - Remembrance Sunday 10am…St Paul’s Church, Hamble Rd, Oadby. Remembrance Day All-age service to enable families to include their children in the commemorations 9 November ~ Royal British Legion Remembrance Service ~ 2.45pm ~ St Peter’s grid&calendar_category_id=0 11 November - 7-9pm… Leicester Records Office, Wigston Magna. “Remembering the war to end all wars”. Music, reading and activities. . 11 November- Oadby Town v Long Buckby AFC – 7.45pm – OTFC 11 November ~ Crime Readers Group ~ 6-7pm ~ Oadby Library (not July / August) raries/oadbywigston_libraries/oadby_library/oadby_library_crime_group.htm 12 November ~ Community Coffee morning with speaker ~ Oadby Community Centre (old Library) on Sandhurst Street ~ 10.30-11.45am ~ everyone welcome ~ 12 November ~ Oadby WI ~ 7.30-9.30pm ~ Beauchamp College 12 November - Felt Making for Beginners A step by step introduction to making felt. You will take away your homemade bracelet and brooch. Times: 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Cost: £12.50 per person Brocks Hill Country Park and Centre Washbrook Lane Oadby LE2 5JJ telephone: Leicester (0116) 257 2888 web site: 13 November ~ Oadby Brookside WI ~ 7.30pm-9.30pm ~ Brookside Primary School ~ 13 November ~ Oadby Library Book Group ~ 4-5pm ~ now meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month ~ Enjoy reading? Looking for different authors? Then drop into this small friendly group or contact Anne for more details ~ 0116 305 8763 email: 7 14 November - Lorena Dyer will be providing a colourful demonstration of Christmas flower displays to enhance any Christmas home at Braunstone Civic Centre. The event starts at 7.30pm and tickets are £7.00 each. There will be a flower raffle so you could win one of the fantastic displays along with a sales table, tombola and light refreshments! Net proceeds from the event will be donated to Kingsway Flower Club. Tickets for the event are available from Braunstone Civic Centre, telephone 0116 2890045 for further information. 15 November – Christmas Fair ~ St Paul’s ~ 11am-3pm 15 November - Stoney Stanton WI Craft Fair Manorfield School 12 noon to 3.30pm Varied stalls and homemade refreshments Entrance: 50p Children with an adult enter free of charge. Contact: Sandra King 15 November - Competitive Festival of Music & Drama commencing at 9 a.m. at Beauchamp College, Oadby. You will hear both Verse Reading and Acting. And musically there is Vocal and Instrumental. Ages from 5 to 95!!!!!!!!!! Do come along and hear what talent there is in the area. Entry - a very modest £3.00. Programme - £2.50 Any queries please contact Ann Pearson on 0116 2716824 or 16 November - 11-3pm - Morsbags @ Brocks Hill Environment Centre - 113pm - Come along and make a re-usable cloth morsbag to use instead of plastic carrier bags. All materials, equipment and tuition are provided free of charge but donations of fabric - curtains etc. - are always welcome. Sorry adults only. For more info contact Rosie 271 6385 or 20 November - Are you interested in Art? Come along to Blaby Society of Artist’s monthly meeting: Helen Neave - Seascapes – Watercolour. The Blaby Society of Artists monthly meetings are held at: Blaby Civic Centre, 22 - 24 Leicester Road, Blaby. LE8 4GQ. 7.00pm – 9.00pm New members (£25 annual subscription) and guests are welcome (non-members fee per meeting £5) For all enquiries contact: Fran Andrews (secretary) 0116 2841739 or 21 November ~ Good Vibrations ~ Therapies for Carers ~ 10am-12noon ~ Walter Charles Community Centre ~ 21 November - 7-9pm Oadby Library. “The Petal and the Wire” a commemorative play inspired by the true voices of Leicestershire people in the Great War. 12+ Ticket £3 from Oadby Library and 22 November - Leicester Animal Aid Christmas Bazaar from 11.00am-3.00pm Blaby Village Hall, LE8 4GQ. Come along and grab yourself a Christmas bargain at our annual Bazaar. Lots of stalls including toys and gifts. 22 November ~ Christmas Craft Fair @ Brocks Hill Country Park and Centre ~ 10:30am to 3:30pm~ Local crafters, local charities, children’s crafts, Santa’s Grotto ~ Free entry 22 November - Christmas Gifts & Crafts Fair will be held at Braunstone Civic Centre, 11am – 3pm. There will be two rooms of stalls with a wide variety of gifts and crafts to start your Christmas shopping. There will also be a tea room and refreshments served throughout the day. Net proceeds from the event will be donated to the Town Mayor’s chosen charity – Leicester Charity Link. Tickets for 8 the event are available from Braunstone Civic Centre, telephone 0116 2890045 for further information 23 November ~ Messy Church ~ 4-5.30pm ~ Oadby Baptist Church ~ fun and crafts linked to a Bible story for all ages. Free ~ and there’s food too! ssy_Church/Messy_Church.aspx 23 November ~ Peter’s Place @ St Peter’s hall ~ 4-6pm grid&calendar_category_id=0 26 November ~ Community Coffee morning with speaker ~ Oadby Community Centre (old Library) on Sandhurst Street ~ 10.30-11.45am ~ everyone welcome ~ 27 November - Christmas Past A talk organised by the Friends of Brocks Hill group with museum collections and a seasonal treat. Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Cost: £5.00 each (members £4.00) Brocks Hill Country Park and Centre Washbrook Lane Oadby LE2 5JJ telephone: Leicester (0116) 257 2888 web site: 28 November ~ Oadby Farmers Market ~ 9am-2pm on The Parade rticle&id=298&Itemid=103 28 November - Ladies Late Night Christmas Shopping Event - 5.30pm 8.30pm - Costa Coffee, The Parade, Oadby - Niche Magazine in partnership with Claes Retail are hosting an Exclusive Ladies Late Night Christmas Shopping Event. With everything from handmade gifts to a range of beauty treatments available on the night. What better way than to start your Christmas shopping here! Tickets £2.50 including festive goody bag. Buy your ticket in advance and receive a mouth-watering festive treat. Charity raffle on the night with amazing prizes in support of Lutterworth Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research 28 November - A Christmas Quiz and Games Night has been organised by the Braunstone Town Community Minibus committee starting at 7.00pm. The event will include a Quiz, and other games and activities to test your mind and general knowledge. Why not come along for a lot of fun and laughter to cheer up the dark winter night? Tickets for the event are £5.00 which includes a light supper. Net proceeds from the event will be donated to the Braunstone Town Community Minibus Project. Tickets for the event are available from Braunstone Civic Centre, telephone 0116 2890045 for further information. 29 November - Butterfly Illustrations Chris Bates will share his knowledge and approach to detailed butterfly painting. Times: 10:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Cost: £35.00 per person. Brocks Hill Country Park and Centre Washbrook Lane Oadby LE2 5JJ telephone: Leicester (0116) 257 2888 web site: 29 November - Oadby Town v Sleaford Town – 3pm – OTFC 29 November ~ 7.30pm… St Paul’s Church, Hamble Rd, Oadby. Film “War Horse” 12A. Tickets £4 inc drink and nibbles. 9 grid&calendar_category_id=0 29 November – Active Arts will be hosting the Helix Ensemble playing a selection of music mainly from the early twentieth century as we mark the centenary of the outbreak of World War One. This promises to be a really enjoyable concert for us to listen to as well as the musicians to play in, and if you book your tickets in advance through Glebe Gardens on 0116 2771570 or via one of the Active Arts contacts - 0753 1440 365, active.arts2010@gmail or tickets will cost you £8 each, while on the door they will cost £10 — and I should add that accompanied children are free. This concert will be in St Andrews church Countesthorpe, (LE8 5QX) starting at 7.30. 30 November ~ Young Families Group at Oadby Trinity Methodist Church ~ "Messy church" activities including simple breakfast ~ every last Sunday in the month ~ 9.00-10.00 am ~ all welcome ~ contact Lesley Green at 4 December - LFE Film Evenings will be showing “Grace of Monaco”. Category: Biography/drama/romance [2*], (PG) UK 2014. GRACE OF MONACO is focused on the personal story of former Hollywood star Grace Kelly during a dispute between Monaco's Prince Rainier III, and France's Charles De Gaulle over tax laws in the early 1960s. The film is set six years after the fairy-tale wedding and the marriage has stagnated. Cast: Nicole Kidman, Tim Roth, Derek Jacobi, Robert Lindsay, Milo Ventimiglia, Parker Posey. Venue: the Parish Hall, Kings Drive, LFE. Cost: £5. Running time: 1hr. 12min. Doors open at 7.00pm when a complimentary hot drink and biscuits will be provided. The showing starts at 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE. Due to the first Thursday in January being New Year’s Day, there will be NO Film Evening in January. **If for any reason you wish to unsubscribe from one of the eNewsletters, please reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject line. ** Community Action Partnership (Leicestershire) can accept no responsibility for external content and accuracy of events published in our eNewsletter. If you have concerns regarding any external content please contact Community Action Partnership on 0116 2781444. External organisation opinion and events published do not represent the views or opinions of Community Action Partnership. Jenny Bown - Community Support Organiser Community Action Partnership 10
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