International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD Available online at: IBWRD Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 ISSN 2345 - 5012 18th Article– P. XIX-XXVII International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development An Assessment of Groundwater Quality: A Case Study of Qahavand Plain, Hamadan Province, Iran Abdollah Taheri Tizro1*, Nasredin Parsafar2, Amin Toranjian3 1 Associate Professor, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran 2 Young Researchers & Elites Club, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran ( 3 Ph.D. Student of Water Resources Engineering, Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University,Hamadan, Iran ( * Corresponding Author ( Article History Revised (1): Jun. 23, 2014 Revised (2):Sep. 23, 2014 Received: May. 15, 2014 Reviewed: Jun. 19, 2014 Accepted: Oct. 10, 2014 Published: Dec. 16, 2014 Abstract Groundwater is a renewable resource and has a remarkable distinction of being highly dependable, safe and widespread. In this study, chemical parameters including Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+, K+, HCO-3, CO3-2, SO4-2, Cl- were analyzed as well as TDS, pH and electrical conductivity to establish quality characteristics of groundwater in Qahavand plain which is located in Hamadan Province. The results showed that the Groundwater in the plain can be dominantly arranged as Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+ and for anions and likewise it can be sorted as SO4-2>Cl->HCO3->CO32 for anions. Average pH for all wells is classified as moderate. Electrical conductivity indicated that the groundwater is relatively to highly saline in the central part. Most samples possess a sodium ratio of less than 60%. The Cl- concentration for irrigation purposes was suitable for five wells, moderate for ten wells and highly restricted for another five wells. Most samples had negative Schoeller index value, indicating the possibility of ion exchange of Ca2+ or Mg2+ in groundwater with Na+ and K+ in aquifer media. Based on Pearson correlation coefficients, all major cations and anions were positively correlated with TDS. These correlation coefficients are remarkable with higher range of 0.95 for Mg2+. The correlation of cations and anions with TDS is significant at 0.01 leve of significance. Keywords: Chemical parameters, Qahavand plain, Irrigation, Groundwater quality 1. Introduction Population growth and improvement of living standards in most countries require more water for agricultural, industrial and municipal consumptions. Groundwater, as one of the most important resources in supplying water needs encounters different challenges such as water table downfall, rainfall decrease and pollutants entrance (Shamaanian et al., 2006). Groundwater is a critical resource for agriculture and industry sectors where surface water is scarce (Delgado et al., 2010). Groundwater is an important resource in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran. The Quality of groundwater can always be superior to that of other resources. It is also easily available and needs no hydraulic structures for its use and it is possible to operate it individually. Natural water contains some solutes which are dissolved during rainfall from the air or during infiltration from the soil. As existence of solutes in water can be considered as nutrition and sometimes is essential for creatures, however, increase of soluble materials in water causes salinity that means poor water quality (Emamgholi Zade, 2006). These solutes which include lime, gypsum and other minerals are produced by soil, rocks degradation and wind erosion (Hajrasouliha, 2003). Measurement of cations and anions is of great importance in determining water quality in agriculture and domestic sectors. Its importance is outlined by many researchers. The main source of Na+ in natural water is wind erosion and break up of different rocks materials. Most industrial and domestic wastewater has considerable amount of Na+. Moreover, disposal of wastewater in natural resources increases the concentration of these elements (Alizade, 2004). Sodium concentration in soil causes soil salinity followed by some restrictions. Since sodic soils have a poor structure and low stability, they are considerably dispersed. Water infiltration decreases greatly and hydraulic conductivity becomes low in such type of soil (Afyuni et al., 1997). Calcium and Magnesium exist in all natural waters and soils abundantly. They increase water infiltration in soil. Sodium, Magnesium and Potassium sulfates are soluble in water but Calcium sulfate has low solubility. Sulfate has no effect on soil, but its presence in soil structure increases total soil XIX International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 salinity. The existence of soluble calcium reduces sulfate solubility (Alizade, 2004). A study was carried out by Shaabani (2009) to classify Arsanjan groundwater for agricultural use, based on EC, TDS and NO3 concentration. Thus, it was found that about 75% of Arsanjan groundwater is not suitable for irrigation Parsafar et al. (2009a) investigated the chemical quality of Kabudar-Ahang water resources in Hamadan. The results showed that groundwater is good and acceptable in terms of Na+ and pH, respectively. Moreover, it situates in C3 and C2 classes in terms of salinity. Therefore, Kabudar-Ahang water resources were acceptable for surface irrigation.Gaus et al. (2003) investigated the concentration of Arsenic All rights reserved for IBWRD in groundwater of 3534 wells in Bangladesh. The results showed a high ranges in Arsenic data. 2. The Study Area Qahavand plain is located in Qarachay basin in western Hamadan (Fig. 1). The average elevation of the region is about 1650 m. The area possess saline and sodic lands and is about 26900 ha. The mean annual precipitation is about 260 mm, the average temperature about 11.79 oC and the annual evaporation about 2020 mm. Based on physiographic properties, the climate of the region is semi-arid . Therefore, it is classified as flood plain and low level lands. Fig. 1. Location of monitoring wells in Qahavand Plain. 3. Materials and Methods In present study, water quality parameters were obtained from 20 wells in Qahavand plain for 5 years (2005-2009). The average, maximum and minimum for each parameter were calculated and compared with the standards fixed by international agencies in the study period for each well. The plain location and XX International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD wells sites in Hamadan are shown in Fig. 1 and their details are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Details of monitored wells and their locations in Qahavand plain. Region Name X Y Region Name X Y Kord-Khor 316412 3825713 Yekle 317400 3861216 Ahmadabad-Ojtappe 316532 3832353 Jonub Jeyhunabad 318763 3863763 Abdolrahim 318700 3832500 Qarb-Jeyhunabad 313371 3869386 Qeshlaq-Olya 323609 3838379 Jade Emamzade 316817 3873084 Qarb-Kuze 316095 3844205 Hamekasi 314007 3878475 Buyakhchi 325200 3858500 Vast Emamzade 317250 3875008 Qlebab- nazar 325367 3859685 Emamzadepirnahan 319530 3876263 Shirinabad 327557 3852379 Ahmadabad 324630 3867681 Dashteh 318376 3854914 Amirabad 325730 3873100 Qarb-dashteh 315806 3852698 Qezel- hesar 328450 3876750 3.1. Chemical the hazards of NaCl and sodium sulfate on plants and soil (Liu et al., 1998). Parameters The chemical parameters studied in this research include Electrical Conductivity (EC), Power of Hydrogen (PH), Cations (Ca, Mg, Na+ and K), Anions (SO4+, Cl-, HCO3-, CO3+), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Hardness (TH). Moeover, Na+ ratio (Na %), irrigation coefficient (Ka), Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), Total Alkalinity (TA) and Total Salinity (TS) are calculated as described below. Finally, Schoeller index (CAI-I) is calculated. Sodium Adsorption Ratio can be obtained by ratio of Na+ to Ca2+ and Mg2+ (Fipps, G. (2003)) and can be represented as Eq. (1): SAR = TS = Cl− + SO24 − Na + > Cl− + SO 24− + − Na < Cl + SO TA = (HCO3− + CO23 − ) − (Ca 2 + + Mg 2+ ) (Mg + Ca ) 2 (1) Sodium ratio is the ratio of Na+ to total cations. Moreover, irrigation coefficient is calculated by Eq. (2) (Liu et al., 1998). (2) (4) Schoeller index is calculated by Eq. 5: CAI − I = 2+ (3) 2− 4 Total Alkalinity shows the hazards of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate on plants and soil and it is calculated by Eq. (4): Na + 2+ TS = Na + Cl− − (Na + + K+ ) Cl− (5) It is notable that in all equations the units of ions are meq/l. 4. Findings and Discussion Chemical parameters of Qahavand groundwater for 20 wells are presented in Table (2). 288 Na + < Cl− 5Cl− 288 Ka = Cl− < Na + < Cl− + SO24 − Na + + 4Cl− 288 Ka = Na + > Cl− + SO24 − + 10Na − 5Cl− − 9SO24 − Total salinity is calculated through Eq. (3). It shows Ka = XXI International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 Parameters Ca K Mg Na Cl SO4 CO32HCO3 Na% TDS TH EC pH Table 2. Chemical parameters of Qahavand groundwater for 20 wells. Unit Minimum Average meq/l 3.7 8.9 meq/l 0.02 0.08 meq/l 2.00 6.37 meq/l 2.39 13.87 meq/l 1.10 9.55 meq/l 0.95 11.86 meq/l 0.00 0.00 meq/l 3.10 7.46 Percent 22.44 45.11 mg/l 549.25 1821.92 mg/l 305.00 765.43 mohs/cm µ 845.00 2728.78 6.20 7.39 - 4.1. Electrical Conductivity American classification method was used for evaluating water EC (Table 3). According to these standards, the average salinity of 16 wells are in C3 and C4 classes which show high salinity. Three wells are located in class C5 (Qeshlaq Olia, Yekle and AhmadAbad) and Qezel-Hesar is classified in class C6 which has a very high salinity. (Parsafar et al., 2009b) showed that Fumenat aquifer is classified in moderate to high salinity level. Damavandi et al. (2005) investigated the variations of surface and groundwater quality of Zanjan. The results of their study showed that surface water has considerable salinity problems and most of these resources are not suitable for All rights reserved for IBWRD Maximum 24.10 0.60 15.40 43.00 39.80 48.60 0.05 24.00 62.54 4270.90 1870.00 6326.50 8.20 agriculture and domestic use, but they are suitable in terms of boron and nitrate. Moreover, 44 % of groundwater is suitable for irrigation and drinking and 48% of it is of moderate quality and only 8% is not suitable. Ahmadian et al. (2010) compared salinity maps of Qahavand region and showed that 61.5% of the region is not saline and a considerable portion of the region has become more saline during the last 11 years. The main reasons for the increase of salinity in this region are unsuitable management of irrigated lands, land use changes and low-yield rain fed lands. Variations of EC in 20 wells are represented in Fig. 3. As it is observed, maximum EC occurred in the year (2009) and the minimum amount of EC occured the first year (2005) of this period. Fig. 3. EC variations in all sampled wells of Qhavand plain for 5 years 4.2. Power of Hydrogen In classifications of water quality in terms of pH, pH=6.5-7 is considered good, pH=7-8 moderate and pH>8 bad. The average pH of the studied wells is moderate , though the maximum value of pH in Ahmadabad, Ojtappeh,Shirinabad, Qarb-Jeyhonabad, Emamzade-pirnahan,Amirabad and Qezel-hesar is more than 8 which is classified as bad. 4.3. Ions Concentration in Groundwate r of Qahavand Plain Variations of ions concentration in the wells under study for Na, Ca, Mg2+ and K+ are 2.39-42,3.7-24.1, 2- 15.4 and 0.02-0.6 meq/l, respectively. According to the results, average concentations of Cations can be sorted as Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+.. Accordingly, the average concentations of Anions can be sorted as SO4+>Cl->HCO3->CO32-. 4.4. Total Hardness (TH) The maximum concentration of total hardness in the wells was observed in Yekle (1870.7 mg/l) and the minimum concentration in Kord-khor (305 mg/l). The average concentration of total hardness for all the wells is 765.43 mg/l.Table 3 shows a general salinity XXII International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 classification of water quality in an area. Moreover, total hardness has no restrictions for irrigating most plants. 4.5. Sodium Ratio For investigating the water quality based on Na+ ratio and Cl, Wilcox classification can be used that is presented in Table (4). According to Wilcox classification most wells have an Na+ ratio lower than 60% (except Emamzade-Pirnahan well). Therefore, groundwater of Qahavand plain is good, accordingly. Emamzade-Pirnahan well is located in good to unacceptable in terms of Na+ ratio. 4.6. Cl- Concentration High concentration of Cl- ion in water is toxic to human health and also to plants. The average concentration of Cl- for 8 wells of Qahavand plain is All rights reserved for IBWRD classified in class 1 and 7 wells are in class 2. Moreover, Qeshlaq Olya, Boyakchi, Kelye, Ahmadabad and Qezel-hesar are located in class 3 that is not suitable for consumption. Concentration of Clis investigated according to the mentioned classification and determined for surface and sprinkler irrigation (Table 4). For surface irrigation, 5 wells (kord-khor, Ahmadabad, Oj-tappeh, Abdolrahim, Qarb-Kozeh and Qarb dashte) are classified as suitable, 10 wells as moderately restricted and 5 wells (Qeshlaq Olya, Boyakchi, Kelye, Ahmadabad and Qezel-hesar) as highly restricted (Table 5). Qahavand plain groundwater is suitable for sprinkler irrigation except for Kord-khor and Qarb-dashte wells. Parsafar et al. (2009b) showed that for Fumanat groundwater well No:10 and well No: 5, as shown in Fig. 1, are classified as moderately restricted for sprinkler and surface irrigation types, respectively. Moreover, it was suitable in terms of Na+ ratio. Table 3. American Salinity classification of water quality. Evaluation Low salinity– Suitable for all the plants Moderate salinity- it is suitable with little leaching requirement High salinity– Suitable for resistant plants with leaching requirement High salinity– Suitable for resistant plants in soils with moderate infiltration leaching requirement High salinity– Suitable for resistant plants in soils with high infiltration leaching requirement Very high salinity– Not suitable Table 4. Wilcox Classification. Perfect-Good (Class 1) Uns uitable-Good (Class 2) Na% Cl (meg/l) Irrigation System Surface Sprinkler <60 <5 Salinity µ mohs/cm <250 250-750 750-2250 1500-2500 2250-4000 C4 2500–3500 >3500 4000-6000 >6000 C5 C6 C1 C2 C3 >75 >10 High >10 negative except for Yekle well. These negative values show capability of transformation of Ca2+ and replacement of Mg2+ with Na+ and K+ in groundwater. Table 6. Schoeller index values for studied wells in Qahavand plain. Schoeller index Resion Name 0.28 Kord-Khor -0.36 Ahmadabad-Ojtappe -0.53 Abdolrahim -1.09 Qeshlaq-Olya -1.35 Qarb-Kuze -0.98 Buyakhchi -1.11 Qlebab- nazar -0.60 Shirinabad -1.25 Dashteh -0.97 Qarb-dashteh The average chemical parameters for groundwater quality of Qahavand plain for 20 wells are shown in table 7. According to these specific results arrived at in the present study are as follows: Class Unacceptable-Unsuitable (Class 3) 60-75 5-10 Table 5. Classification of water in terms of Cl concentration (meg/l). No Constraint Moderate <4 4-10 <3 >3 Schoeller index: Scoeller index values for Qahavand plain are represented in Table 6. All values are Resion Name Yekle Jonub Jeyhunabad Qarb-Jeyhunabad Jade Emamzade Hamekasi Vast Emamzade Emamzade-pirnahan Ahmadabad Amirabad Qezel- hesar mg/l <200 200-500 500-1500 Schoeller index -1.09 -0.20 -0.64 -0.56 -0.74 -0.28 -0.73 -0.58 -0.02 -1.09 4.7. Total Dissolved Solids The maximum concentration of TDS was found in groundwater samples of Qezel-hesar well (4270.9 XXIII International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 mg/l) and the minimum concentration was found in Kord-khor well (549.25 mg/l). The average concentration of TDS for all wells is 1821.92 mg/l. According to EPA, the standard water with TDS>2000 mg/l and EC>3000 Mmohs/cm is not suitable for irrigation. Shaabani (2009) showed that based on the problematic degree of groundwater usage in terms of EC, TDS and NO3 more than 75% of Arsanjan groundwater is not suitable. The fundamental studies about groundwater resources of Hamadan region carried out by Hamadan water organization (2003) showed that the water table had a downfall of 17 m during 12 years (1989-2001). Moreover, it showed the decline of water quality through Wilcox diagram from high salinity and low Na+ to high salinity and moderate Na. Besides, it clarified the negative balance of aquifer storage in 2001. It was about 2662543 m3 which threatens groundwater resources of this region. It is due to the traditional irrigation systems and mismanagement of water consumption. Moreover, the effective role of human beings in expanding pollutants to nature is considerable. 4.8. Irrigation Coefficient The average value of irrigation coefficient was between 1.59 and 34.2. All rights reserved for IBWRD The distribution of average chemical parameters for groundwater quality of Qahavand plain for 20 wells are shown in Table 7. 4.10. Total Salinity The average values of TS are observed between 2.54 and 36.46. 4.11. Correlation Analysis Pearson correlation analysis is an efficient tool for water quality studies. Using correlation matrix, the relationship between all parameters are analyzed individually (Wang and Jiao, 2012). In this research, SPSS 17 software was used to calculate Pearson correlation coefficient between 14 parameters. As it is shown in Table (8), all Cations and Anions have positive correlation with TDS. Maximum correlation coefficient between TDS and Cations was found for Mg2+ (0.95) at 0.01 level of significance. Moreover, maximum correlation coefficient between TDS and Anions was found for Cl- (0.89) at 0.01 level of significance. Li et al. (2012) showed that in groundwater TDS has positive correlation with anions and cations except for CO32-. Moreover, they showed that TDS has a higher correlation coefficient with sulfate (0.95) at 0.01 level of significance. In addition, a high correlation (0.93) was observed between SAR and Na+ at 0.01 level of significance. 4.9. Sodium Adsorption Ratio The average value of SAR was between 1.47 and 9.23. In most wells (12 wells), SAR is in low-moderate range and in 2 wells (Qeshlaq-Olya and Qezel-hesar) SAR is high. According to FAO suggestions, SAR values which fall between 3 and 9 can be dangerous for plants. Total Alkalinity: The average value of TA was between -25.62 and 4.35. If TA value is more than 2.5, the water resource is not suitable for irrigation; A TA value between 1.25 and 2.5 is suitable. In Qahavand region, except for Hamekasi well all wells are suitable. Ahmadian (2004) addressed the role of mismanagement on basin lands in investigating the effective factors on Qahavand lands disturbance. Vegetation decrease, soil salinity increase, increase of unusable rain fed and irrigated lands and lack of water resources cause extreme floods and increase plain erosion. Therefore, the main effective factors in soil salinity increase in Qahavand plain include human activities such as improper management of irrigated lands and neglecting principals of efficient irrigation that will result in increasing the secondary salinity. Deteriorating the quality of soil can influence the quality of groundwater. Table 7. Average chemical parameters for groundwater quality of Qahavand plain for 20 wells. Region name TDS TS TA SAR Ka Region Name TDS TS TA SAR Ka Yekle Jonub Jeyhunabad QarbJeyhunabad Jade Emamzade Hamekasi Vast Emamzade Emamzadepirnahan Ahmadabad 3812.63 26.48 -21.03 6.35 1.59 Kord-Khor 571.1 2.54 -0.32 1.47 34.20 1286.28 9.70 -3.48 4.36 7.54 Ahmadabad-Ojtappe 728.8 4.07 -2.70 2.08 16.53 894.23 6.21 -4.61 3.05 12.76 Abdolrahim 1028.1 5.96 -2.52 2.71 13.78 1050.08 9.71 -1.58 5.22 10.12 Qeshlaq-Olya 3208.4 29.71 -9.01 9.13 2.75 2084.48 12.03 4.35 6.11 3.41 Qarb-Kuze 1111.2 6.69 -1.58 2.85 13.03 2061.90 18.73 -7.69 7.14 5.08 Buyakhchi 2268.5 9.23 -22.19 2.49 4.66 1726.42 16.45 -4.40 7.12 6.07 Qlebab- nazar 1226.2 7.74 -7.29 3.31 11.22 2919.91 26.40 -16.33 8.07 3.11 Shirinabad 1766.0 13.88 -9.83 5.30 5.87 Amirabad 1981.02 16.05 -10.15 5.86 6.45 Dashteh 1837.4 9.50 -10.52 3.01 5.97 Qezel- hesar 4070.98 36.46 -25.62 9.23 2.58 Qarb-dashteh 804.6 4.69 -0.52 2.31 21.00 XXIV International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 Table 8. Correlation matrix of all the parameters of Qahavand TDS pH CO3HCO -3 CLSO42Ca2+ Mg2+ TDS 1 pH -0.17 1 CO30.12 0.015 1 HCO-3 0.33** -0.70** -0.06 1 CL-0.89** 0.25* 0.10 0.34** 1 SO420.76** 0.23* 0.13 0.21* 0.48** 1 Ca2+ 0.84** 0.43** 0.02 0.35** 0.88** 0.51** 1 Mg2+ 0.95** -0.17 0.13 0.26** 0.82** 0.78** 0.83** 1 Na+ 0.93** -0.02 0.16 0.27** 0.77** 0.80** 0.62** 0.84** K+ 0.67** 0.06 0.10 0.01 0.45** 0.79** 0.53** 0.67** Na% 0.37** 0.33** 0.14 0.07 0.21* 0.41* -0.10 0.20* SAR 0.77** 0.14 0.19 0.21* 0.57** 0.72** 0.35** 0.64** TH 0.92** 0.33** 0.04 0.33** 0.89** 0.65** 0.97** 0.95** ** * significant in 1% level, significant in 5% level Fig. 4 Shows the relationship between Na+ and Cl- in groundwater of Qahavand plain. As it is observed in most wells, these values are located above 45° slope (except Buyakchi and Yekle wells). Therefore, it can be concluded that groundwater is less mineralized in this region (Li et al., 2012). Moreover, the results showed that the ratio of Na+ to Cl- is greater than 0.85 (that is the average of sea water). In addition, cation transformation has an effective role in transforming groundwater Na. Moreover, the figure shows that Qahavand groundwater is oversaturated in terms of All rights reserved for IBWRD groundwater. Na+ K+ 1 0.68** 0.62** 0.93** 0.47** 1 0.21* 0.52** 0.62** Na% SAR TH 1 0.85** 0.02 1 0.49** 1 Na. The relationship between SO4 and Cl- in Qahavand groundwater is shown in Fig. 5. As it can be observed in most wells, these values are above 45° slope. Moreover, the figure shows that Qahavand groundwater is oversaturated in terms of SO42. The relationship between HCO3 and Cl- in Qahavand groundwater is shown in Fig. 6. As it can be observed for most wells, the values are below 45° slope. Moreover, the figure shows that Qahavand plain groundwater is under-saturated in terms of HCO3-. Fig. 4. The relationship between Cl- and Na. Fig. 5. The relationship between Cl- and SO4. XXV International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD Fig. 6. The relationship between Cl- and HCO3. Fig. 7 shows the relationship between Ca2+ and CO3 in Qahavand groundwater. As it can be seen, these values are distributed around 45° slope and no significant results can be obtained. Fig. 7. The relationship between HCO3 and Ca. Fig. 8 shows the relationship between sulfate and Ca+ in Qahavand groundwater. As it is manifest, all points are located on 45° slope . Moreover, the distance from this line increases with an increase in sulfate values and points are shifted under the slope. This pattern can be explained based on ions transformation because dissolving Gypsum shows equal values of Ca+ and sulfate ions in groundwater. When Ca+ ion increases sufficiently, it is transformed with absorbed Na+ ions and concentrations of sulfate ions remains at a high level (Li et al., 2012). Fig. 8. Relationship between SO42- and Ca2+. XXVI International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 5. Conclusion In this study, some chemical water quality parameters such as Cations, Anions, EC, pH, Na%, TH and some classic methods such as irrigation coefficient, TDS, SAR, TA and TS were analyzed for Qahavand plain during a period of 5 years. The results showed that ions concentration for Cations can be sorted as Na+>Ca2+>Mg2+>K+ and for anions, ions can be sorted as SO42->Cl->HCO3->CO32-. According to the American water salinity classification, the groundwater of the regions can be classified as saline. The average pH for all wells is moderate. In most wells, Na+ ratio is less than 60% (except for Emamzade-pirnahan well) which is classified between good and excellent. According to Cl- concentration for surface irrigation, 5 wells (kord-khor, Ahmadabad, Oj-tappeh, Abdolrahim, Qarb-Kozeh and Qarb dashte) are classified as suitable, 10 wells are classified as moderate and 5 wells (Qeshlaq Olya, Boyakchi, Kelye, Ahmadabad and Qezel-hesar) are classified as highly restricted. Scoeller index for all wells (except for Yekle) were negative, these negative values showed the posibility of transforming Ca+ and Mg2+ ions with Na+ and K+ ions in groundwater. Moreover, the results showed that all cations and anions have positive correlation with TDS. The maximum correlation coefficient (0.95) was observed between TDS and Mg2+ at 0.01 level of significance. The majority of groundwater samples indicated a long residence time resulting in poor flushing as salinity increases in the area. References Afyuni, M., Mojtaba pour, R. & Noorbakhsh, F. (1997) Saline and sodic soils and their modification. Ardakan Publication, Isfahan University (In Farsi) Ahmadian, M., Pak pour, M. & Ashourlou, D. (2010) Investigation of soil salinity variation by digital processing of LANDSAT information in Qahavand plain (Hamadan Province). Soil Researches Journal (Soil and Water Science), 24(2), 179-191 (In Farsi). All rights reserved for IBWRD Yucata´n, Mexico. Agriculture Water Management, 97(10), 1423-1433. Emamgholi Zade, S. (2006) The study of water quality in Kandag river of Khouzestan province in terms of agricultural consumption. 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(2010) Quality of groundwater for irrigation in tropical karst environment: the case of XXVII International Bulletin of Water Resources & Development (IBWRD), Vol. (II)– No. (04)- S.N. (07)- Autumn 2014 All rights reserved for IBWRD
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