Bulletin - St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

2066 2nd Street
Lake Park, MN 56554
Fr. Bob LaPlante, Pastor
Fr. Bob LaPlante
Fr. Bob LaPlante
Cell 218-689-7537
Email: spluck@loretel.net
10AM Sunday
8:30AM Tuesday & Friday
Parish Office
Email: sfxchurch@loretel.net
Fax 218-238-6718
Website: http://www.stfrancisxavier.cc
St. Mary of the Lakes
Sunday @ 8:30 AM
Wednesday and Thursday @ 9 AM
Pastoral/Finance Council
Chair: Toni Grabinger
Brant Bigger, Christine Dornbusch, Leo
Ennen, Amy Jacobson, Gordon Stich,
Robert Wavra
Trustees: Julie Mattson & Dan Pritchard
Jan Thompson
Office Hours:
Monday 7 am—11am
Tuesday 6:30am—11:30am
Thursday 7am—10am
Friday 6am—10:30am
St. Francis Xavier Church is a
welcoming, caring community, alive
in faith and full of hope in Christ.
DECEMBER 21, 2014
WelcomeVisitors and Friends!
Thank you for joining Us!
We welcome Bishop Hoeppner to our parish to celebrate
mass with us and bless our new addition. We thank you
for your presence here at St. Francis Xavier.
Liturgy of the Hours: Week IV of the Psalter
God’s whole plan of salvation is a perpetual annunciation. In
this gospel, there are numerous “annunciations” beyond
Gabriel’s revealing to Mary that she would conceive “the
Son of God.” Gabriel makes known that Mary is holy; that
the child shall be named Jesus; that the kingdom of this
Child would have no end that this Child is “holy, the Son of
God; that Elizabeth has conceived; that “nothing will be
impossible for God’; and that Mary is God’s faithful and
obedient handmaid. Indeed, perpetual annunciation is God’s
pattern of relating to us.
With this being the last Sunday of Advent, this means Christmas will be here before
next Sunday. And as always, I need to try to find a way to let you know how very
much I enjoy you the members of St. Francis Xavier. I know with the new addition
this has been a challenging year for us, but I truly believe we will be a stronger parish family as a result of this, so we'll get through it just fine. Our number of summer
parishioners has grown each year and I often told that this church is a great place to
come to Sunday Masses, and that's because of you again. Christmas is our second
greatest feast of our Church, and I am so fortunate to live this all year round. And
this only leads to my rising with Christ on Easter Sunday with such joy and contentment. At our parish mission this past week, we heard that happiness changes with
each life event and our goal is to find joy, which is complete and everlasting. I am
filled with joy and that truly does never change being your pastor. My prayer for
you this Christmas and throughout the New Year, is that you all experience the everlasting joy and peace of Christ. So again, thank you, for being you and making my
life so very good. Fr. Bob
Our Love and Prayers go out to: Gloria Mueller, Rolland Porter, brother of Loyse Porter,
Emily Gibbons, grand-daughter of Wally & Gloria Mueller, June Tollefson, mother of Gloria
Mueller, Tom Sapa, Krissie Krooeger, cousin of Karen Lucht, Gladys Bommersbach,
Robynn Smith, cousin of Karen Lucht, George Theis, brother of Dorothy Crabtree & Mary
Ann Larson, Karen Brenteson, sister of Wally Mueller, Ann Lehon, cousin of Barb Schauer,
Scott Ward, nephew of Barb Schauer, Kris, daughter of Nora & Dick Wild, Shirley Hruby, Dick Wild,
Paula Johnson, granddaughter of Forrest & Lois Elder, Chris, grandson of Jane and Freeman Wuollet,
Jackie McClung, niece of Barb Schauer, Tim Crabtree, grandson of Dorothy & Lonnie Crabtree, Jeff
Richtsmeier, son-in-law of Mary Ann Larson, Dan Anderson, son-in-law of Ed & Shirley Hruby, the
homebound, those in nursing homes those serving our country and their families.
“Ministers of Communion”
Dec. 21: Don Hochhalter, Leo Ennen, Brant Bigger,
Wally Mueller, Dale Binde
Dec. 24: Nora Wild, Dale Binde, Jan Thompson,
Wally Mueller, Leo Ennen
Dec. 28: Dale Binde, Margie Larson,
Don Hochhalter, Pam Lee, Leo Ennen
Jan. 4: Wally Mueller, Don Hochhalter,
Brant Bigger, Rich Veit, Rondi Ulmer
Sun., Dec. 21, 2014
No RE Classes
9am Choir Practice
Welcome Bishop Hoeppner
10am Mass
Blessing of New Addition
Breakfast after Mass
Decorating in the Church after Breakfast
Sun., Dec. 28, 2014
NO RE Classes @ 8:45am
Choir Practice @ 9am
10am Mass
Tues., Dec. 23, 2014
NO 8:30am Mass
Fri, Jan 2, 2014
NO 8:30am Mass
Dec. 21: Pam Lee & Wally Mueller
Dec. 24: Andrea Hochhalter & Lois Elder
Dec. 28: Brant Bigger & Wally Mueller
Dec. 31: Rondi Ulmer & Marge Beaudine
Jan. 4: Lois Elder & Pam Lee
Wed., Dec. 24, 2014
6pm Christmas Eve Mass
Fri, Dec. 26, 2014
NO 8:30am Mass
“Altar Servers”
Dec. 21: Lane Ulmer & Grace Schauer
Dec. 24: Aliza Hochhalter & Emma Hochhalter
Dec. 28: Elise Grabinger & Hailey Bigger
Dec. 31: Grace Schauer & Lane Ulmer
Jan. 4: Erin Grabinger & Hailey Bigger
Dec. 21: Stephanie Schindler
Dec. 24: Kathy Lindstrom
Dec. 21: Dennis & Pam Lee & Kathy Lindstrom
Dec. 24: Leo & DiAnne Ennen & Norris Thompson
Dec. 28: Don & Andrea Hochhalter & Amy Jacobson
Jan. 4: Dan & Margie Larson & Kathy Lindstrom
Wed., Dec. 31, 2014
4pm New Year’s Mass
(Holy Day)
Sun., Jan. 4, 2014
RE Classes # 8:45am
Choir Practice @ 9am
10am Mass
Ministries for December 24, 2014 — 6PM
Mass for the People
Ushers: Doug & Judy Larson
Lectors: Andrea Hochhalter & Lois Elder
Altar Servers: Aliza Hochhalter & Emma Hochhalter
Cantor: Kathy Lindstrom
Presentation of Gifts: Gary & Sherry Villiard
Communion: Nora Wild, Dale Binde, Jan Thompson, Wally Mueller, Leo Ennen
Counters: Leo & DiAnne Ennen & Norris Thompson
Tues., 23, 2014: 8:30am NO Mass
Fri., Dec. 24, 2014: 8:30am Mass for the People
After last Sunday’s mass, Dec. 14, we are now missing
two of the cranks and assemblies for the windows in the
new addition. We “ask” you not to remove anything
from the rooms, and though very minor, now we have to
replace these. So please be aware of this in the future. Thank you.
“Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – Luke 1:28
10AM for Jason LaFlair by Jim & Mona LaFlair
Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas sea-
Ushers: Doug & Judy Larson
son take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him
for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any
Greeters: Amy Jacobson & Roxann Cossette
anger or resentment you have and really open your
Lectors: Brant Bigger & Wally Mueller
heart to receive the gift of God’s grace.
Altar Servers: Elise Grabinger & Hailey Bigger
Parish Support for December 14, 2014
Building Fund
Retired Religious
Presentation of Gifts: Jerry & Kathy Disse
Communion: Dale Binde, Margie Larson, Don Hochhalter, Pam Lee,
Leo Ennen
Counters: Don & Andrea Hochhalter & Amy Jacobson
$ 1,400.00
$ 2,307.00
“Thanks” from Dick & Nora Wild for the wonderful goodies and beautiful music last week.
It was greatly appreciated and enjoyed.
Roxann Cossette in Memory of Doug Cossette, Gert Ramberg &
Lloyd Ramberg
Steve & Toni Grabinger in Memory of John Grabinger, Florence Grabinger,
Leonard Grabinger, Anton (Tony) Magelky
Jim & Mona LaFlair in Memory of Jason LaFlair
Dennis & Pam Lee in Memory of Robert & Esther Dickerson, Art Lee,
Helen Lee
Kathy & Brad Lindstrom in Memory of Ralph & Louise Kram and
Maynard & Gladys Lindstrom
Gerald & Rose Livdahl in Memory of Wayne Livdahl, Steve Livdahl &
Michael Livdahl
Betty Nilles in Memory of Bill Nilles
Loyse Porter in Memory of Annette Todd, Eugene Porter, Cliff Porter,
Clifford Porter, Marlene Wrolson
Dan Pritchard in Memory of Jesus, Donny Mcgaslin, Calvin, Donald, George,
Percy Pritchard, Margret, Rachel Utgivis, Beatrice Pritchard
Gordon & Mavis Stich in Memory of Clarence & Blanche Stich,
Clayton & Myrtle Minnie
Jan & Norris Thompson in Memory of Lester Backer, Corean Backer,
Norris Mustad, Doris Johnson, Lawrence &
Dorothy Thompson
Jane & Freeman Wuollet in Memory of Victor Dombeck & Florence Dombeck
Brad & Barb Richards
Matt & Mandy Erickson
Tim & Ginger Lenzmeier
Dan & Margie Larson
Decorating the Church: Dec. 21, 2014 after Mass
Christmas: Thursday, December 25, 2014 (Mass Wed @ 6pm)
Mary, Mother of God: January 1, 2015 (Mass, Wed., 4pm)
(Holy Day)
Ash Wednesday: Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Palm Sunday: Sunday, March 29, 2015
Holy Thursday: Thursday, April 2, 2015
Good Friday: Friday, April 3, 2015
Easter: Sunday, April 5, 2015
New Members Welcome: To Be Determined
First Communion: Sunday, May 3, 2015
Confirmation: Sunday, May 25, 2015
This Christmas Judging by the number
of Christmas trees that are put out to the curb on
December 26 (see When Should You Take Down
Your Christmas Tree?), many people believe that
Christmas Day ends the Christmas season. They
couldn't be more wrong: Christmas Day is
the first day of Christmas. The period of feasting
continues until Epiphany, the 12th day after
Christmas, and the Christmas season traditionally continued until the feast of the Presentation of
the Lord (Candlemas)--February 2--a full 40 days
after Christmas! (Since the revision of the liturgical calendar in 1969, however, the liturgical season of Christmas ends with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.)
What most people think of as "the Christmas season," the period between Thanksgiving and
Christmas, roughly corresponds to Advent, the
period of preparation for the Christmas
feast. Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before
Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. It's meant
to be a time of preparation--of prayer, fasting,
almsgiving, and repentance. In the early centuries of the Church, it was observed by a 40-day
fast, just like Lent, which was followed by the 40
days of feasting in the Christmas season.
(Eastern Christians, both Catholic and Orthodox,
still observe 40 days of fasting.)
Hoeppner, the Diocese of Crookston
and St. Mary’s Mission in Red Lake,
thank you very much for your generous donations and prayer intentions
given to the St. Mary’s Mission Appeal over Thanksgiving weekend.
Be assured that the families and children served by St. Mary’s Mission
have greatly benefitted from your
generosity, through Word and Sacra-
For Traveling Catholics call 1-800-627-7846
or www.masstimes.or for Mass times in the
area you are traveling.
Louann McGlynn,
Victim Assistance Coordinator
Diocese of Crookston
218-281-7895 - (safe confidential line) glynn@crookston.org
December 21, 2014
Cantor: Stephanie Schindler
(Choir sings first verse,
parish second verse)
Entrance : #46 See How the Virgin
Lord, prepare me, to be
a Sanctuary
Responsorial: #791 Forever I Will
Pure and holy, tried and
Preparation of Gifts: #74 Come,
Lord Jesus
Communion: #347 Taste and See
Sending Forth: #55 Emmanuel
With thanksgiving, I'll
be a living, Sanctuary
for You
(Also in the front of Breaking Bread Cover)
Christmas Eve
Cantor: Kathy Lindstrom
Entrance: #79 O Come, All Ye
Responsorial: #96 Today Our
Savior is Born
Preparation of Gifts: #111 Child
of The Por / #110 What Child Is
Communion: #89 Night of Silence / Silent Night
Sending Forth: #80 Joy to The
At the conclusion of mass today,
Bishop Hoeppner will use this form,
with our response, so we ask you to
follow this at that time.
Bishop: Blessed be the name of the
ALL: Now and forever.
Bishop: Our help is in the name of
the Lord.
ALL: Who made heaven and earth.
FARGO ND 58103
220 S 8 ST, APT D
FARGO ND 58103
3520 S 7 ST
Did you know there is a Prayer
Chain here at St. Francis Xavier?
If you have someone you want to
have prayers said for or want to help
pray with the prayer chain, please
Lois Elder — 238-5999
Barb Schauer — 532-2674
If you know of someone who
is sick, hospitalized, needs a
visit, please call the office at
238-6639 and leave a message
so someone can send a card,
or visit them if they are hospitalized. Please let us know.
Welcome! Our warmest welcome to
all who worship with us. We appreciate your participation. If you would
like to join our parish community,
please fill out this form and place it
in the collection basket or mail to our
parish office.
Pope Francis celebrated his 78th birth-
day on December 17, 2014.
He was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in
1936 to Italian immigrants who had
made a home in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied to be a chemical technician before switching career paths. Bergoglio officially entered the priesthood
on December 13, 1969, according to The
He became leader of the global Catholic
church on March 13, 2013. Since his
election, his approval rating has been
positive in much of the world. About
60% of people across 43 nations hold a
favorable view of Francis, according to
the Pew Research Center.
Children Names/Birthdates:
Circle One: New Parishioner
Here are some of the most shareable
sayings of Francis from 2014.
Change of Address