Assumption Chapel St. Mary’s Academy & College 200 E. Mission Street, St. Marys, Kansas 66536 Phone: 785-437-2471 FAX: 785-437-6798 For Last Rites only: 785-844-9112 St. Mary’s Academy & College Website: St. Mary’s College Radio Station KSMK-LP 98.3 FM THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 14, 2014 W EEKLY A NNOUNCEMENTS The League of the Sacred Heart will not meet this month. Please remember that Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of this week are EMBER DAYS, traditionally days of fast and abstinence. Christmas Appeal: A limited quantity of this year’s appeal is available in the vestibule. Parishioners are invited to mail the appeal to folks not on our mailing list who might appreciate receiving it. Postage of $.70 must be applied to each envelope. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Wednesday, Dec. 24, Vigil of the Nativity 5:15pm - I Vespers 7:30pm - Compline 10:00pm -11:50pm Confessions Thursday, Dec. 25, T he Feast of the Nativity Midnight - Candlelight Mass in the Auditorium 7:30am - Low Mass 9:00am - Sung Mass 11:00am - Low Mass 12:30pm - Low Mass 5:00pm - II Vespers and Benediction NB: There will be NO 6:00am Mass on Christmas Day. CONFESSION SCHEDULE: 7:00-:9:00pm Tuesday, December 16: Frs. Angele, Leith & McBride Wednesday, December17: Frs. Bourbeau, Désautard, Haynos & Delmanowski Thursday, December 18: NO CONFESSIONS Friday, December 19: Frs. Novak, Arabadjis, McFarland & Wiseman Saturday, December 20: 8:00am-10:00am Frs. Frs. Beck, Angele & Delmanowski 10:00am-12:00pm Frs. Bourbeau, McFarland & Wiseman 7:00pm-9:00pm Frs. de la Tour, Novak & Désautard ******************** The SSPX Foreign Missions Collection, taken up last week, amounted to $7,703. Thank you for your generosity! THE MCCABE LECTURE SERIES Wednesday, December 17, 2014 “ ‘Various nations will be annihilated’: Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” Dr. Matthew Childs 7:00pm, in the McCabe Theater Immaculata Bookstore Business Hours Tuesday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am-3:00pm Open Sundays from 8:30am to 12:30pm. Closed Mondays & Holy Days Christmas Baskets will be given to some needy families in the parish. Donations to purchase food are needed. Immaculata Bookstore’s Checks should be made out to SSPX and given to Mrs. Megan Skees or left at the League’s box at the switchboard. Annual Christmas Sale 25% Off Storewide Now until Tuesday, December 23rd! Does not include Clearance Sale or Academy Uniform items. CLEARANCE SALE There are many, many books and other items on CLEARANCE right NOW! Prices are slashed 70-75%! These items will be on clearance until they are GONE! Take advantage of some great bargains and SAVE $$! ACIES Our next meeting will take place on Saturday, December 20, at 7:00pm, in St. Joseph’s Study Hall. The subject will be Formation and Catholic Action, featuring guest speakers. All members and potential members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Tuesday Evening Non-Academy Classes are canceled for the Christmas season. Classes will resume on Tuesday, January 13. RELICS FOR ADVENT THROUGH THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Frances X. Cabrini, St. Dymphna, St. Katyri Tekawitha, St. Faustina Kowalska St. Francis Xavier, St. Ambrose, St. John Berchmans, St. Philip Neri ************************ OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE IMAGE Dec. 14-21 Maria Besas 28-Jan. 4 Brigitte Parks PILGRIM VIRGIN Dec. 14-21 Barry Parks HOLY FAMILY Dec. 21-28 Teddy Eubanks To schedule a date, please leave a note at the switchboard with the dates you are requesting or call ext. 405. ST. STEPHEN’S GUILD EUCHARISTIC CRUSADE CORNER December Intention: In reparation for sins that cry out to heaven. Torchbearer practices: Mondays, 6:30pm-7:00pm, in the class above the sacristy. Latin/low Mass practices: Mondays, 7:00pm-8:00pm, in the class above the sacristy. 2015 COLLECTION ENVELOPES are available at the switchboard during normal business hours. BANNS OF MARRIAGE The second banns of marriage are announced for James Richard Ross, of St. Marys, KS, formerly of Kansas City, MO, and Caitlin Celeste Potter, of St. Marys, KS, formerly of Roswell, GA, who plan to be united in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony on January 3, 2015, in St. Michael’s Church, Roswell, GA. The second banns of marriage are announced for Matthew Gabriel O’Neill, of St. Marys, KS, and Ruth Therese Dalhoff of St. Marys, KS, formerly of St. Cloud, MN, who plan to be united in the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony on January 10, 2015, in St. Robert Bellarmine Church, St. Cloud, MN. Any persons knowing of any impediment to either of these marriages are obliged, under conscience, to notify Fr. Angele as soon as possible. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY Hire a Holiday Helper! The Senior Girls are willing to help Moms before (and after!) Christmas. To reserve your helper, please phone Caroline Awerkamp at (816) 807-7122. $8/hr., for a minimum of 3 hours. All monies will go toward their Senior Trip. Thank you! ST. MARY’S ADVENT CONCERTS 6-8 Grade Concert Tuesday, December 16, 7:00pm K-5Grade Concert Wednesday, December 17, 11:00am Both of the concerts are in the auditorium. ALL ARE WELCOME! THE LIGHT PRINCESS, SPORTS a fairy tale by George McDonald, will be performed by the BASKETBALL St. Mary's Academy Girls' Drama Club Monday, December 15 JH at 5:00pm Home vs. St. Xavier TODAY, December 14th & next Sunday, December 21st, at 2:30pm, in the McCabe Theater. Tuesday. December 16 V at 7:00pm Away vs. Flint Hills Job Corps Tickets may be reserved at Limited seating. Thursday, December 18 JH (A/B) at 3:00pm, JV at 5:00pm V at 6:00pm Away vs. Veritas Christian School Suggested donation: $20.00 family, $5.00 individual. Calendar for the Week Monday, December 15, Ferial 5:45am (MA) Ti. Bryan (OLS) Th. Bryan 7:15am (MA) Do. McDonald/Se. McDonald (SFX) Mi. Besas (CC) St. Goulart (CC) Gr. Mawhinney (CC) Gr. Goldade (CC) Ph. Haynos (OL) Al. Peters (SJ) Jo. VanWamel (OLS) Br. Francis (SPX) An. Peters/To. Espinoza 10:20am (MA) Da. Tompkins/St. Steele 11:15am (MA) Pe. Cain/Be. Cain Tuesday, December 16, St. Eusebius 5:45am (MA) Jo. Peterson (OLS) Jo. Cancelada 7:15am (MA) Ke. Kremer/Ra. Blackwell (CVT) Co. Bohuslav (SFX) Ch. Borst (CC) Co. Boyle (CC) Ad. Nguyen (CC) Ro. Nguyen (OL) Br. Radonich (SJ) An. Riccomini (OLS) Vi. Ramos (SPX) I. Taylor/Ca. Bruns 11:15am (MA) Ma. Loew/He. Hohman Wednesday, December 17, Ember Wednesday 5:45am (MA) Lo. Kaiser (OLS) Au. Childs 7:15am (MA) Ro. Campbell/Za. Christensen (SFX) Br. Weiner (CC) An. Drew (CC) Be. Drew (CC) Wi. Erlendson (OL) Ja. Franzen (SJ) Pe. Hatty (OLS) Ph. Hatty (SPX) Mi. Moats/Ma. Bunel 9:00am (MAN) Bl. Persian 11:15am (MA) No. Trosten/Pa. Loew Thursday, December 18, Ferial 5:45am (MA) Da. Armesto (OLS) Ma. Isermann 7:15am (MA) Ch. LoPresti/Se. McDonnell (LOY) Jo. Franzen (SFX) Joh. Goldade (CC) Jos. Goldade (CC) Da. Eubanks (CC) T.J. Eubanks (OL) Co. Goldade (SJ) Ed. Goldade (OLS) Mi. Greene (SPX) Mi. Young/Xa. Summers 11:15am (MA) Al. Cain/Pa. Loew 5:20pm (R&B) MC: To. Treacy TH: Da. Goldade AC: Ra. Blackwell/Ch. LoPresti Friday, December 19, Ember Friday 5:45am (MA) Da. Goldade (OLS) Ch. Murtha 7:15am (MA) Sa. Lapushinsky/Th. McCall (SFX) Be. Haynos (CC) Lu. Meduvsky (CC) Jo. Isermann (CC) Jo. McCarthy (CC) Be. Maradona (OL) La. Horak (SJ) Le. Horak (OLS) St. Horak (SPX) An. Dorobek/Ge. McCarthy 11:15am (MA) Ga. Konkle/Jo. Nohava Saturday, December 20, Ember Saturday 7:15am (MA) Ja. Brackenbury/Ni. Madrid (SFX) Pe. Goldade (CC) Ni. Rutledge (CC) Ja. Goldade (CC) Ga. de los Reyes (OL) Mi. Martinez (SJ) Am. Kramer (OLS) Mi. McCarthy (SPX) Cy. Kramer/Do. Johnson 9:00am (MA) At. Toler/Fr. McAtarian Sunday, December 21, Fourth Sunday of Advent 6:00am (MA) Ju. Martinez/Mi. Peek 7:30am (MA) An. King/Do. Brown (SFX) Ma. Brown (CC) A. Thibeault (CC) Jo. Thibeault 9:00am (MA) *SUNG MASS MC: Lu. Zaharia TH: Le. Strong AC: Ig. Peters/Jo. Awerkamp TB: Ju. Cervantes/Mi. Koskinen/J. Cortez/Se. Armesto (SFX) To. Awerkamp/Bl. Schmitt (CC) A Strong/Pa Strong 11:00am (MA) Da. O’Neill/An. Harpe 12:30pm (MA) Do. DeLallo/Ti. Young Weekly Schedule Attention: Changes to this schedule will be an nounced in the bulletin. Sunday Masses: 6:00am, 7:30am, 9:00am (High Mass), 11:00am and 12:30pm. Sunday Vespers & Benediction: 5:00pm First Class Feast Day Vespers: 1st Vesp er s t h e previous day, 2nd Vespers on the Feast Day. Weekday Masses: 5:45am, 7:15am and 11:15am. Saturday Masses: 7:15am and 9:00am Rosary: 5:30pm Monday through Saturday (Thursday 5:20pm, includes Benediction) Confessions: 7: 00p m - 9:00pm (Tues, Thurs, Fri) 8:00am-11:00am First Saturday Catholic Doctrine Class: Tuesdays,7:00pm, College Hall Other Devotions: Monday: 7:30pm St. Monica’s Rosary for the youth of the parish Tuesday: Immediately after Rosary or Vespers Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions Mon-Fri: 3:00pm 15 decade Rosary for Holy Father Saturday: After 9:00 Mass Our Lady of Sorrows Devotions 2:00pm 15 decade Rosary in reparation for blasphemies against Our Lady Sunday: 2:00pm Holy Hour 1st Sunday: After each Mass: Expectant Mothers ’ Blessing, Our Lady of Sorrows Altar. Mothers of Lu prayer for vocations at the Communion rail. New Parishioners: P lea se p ick u p a cen su s ca r d from the Switchboard in the Administration Building or in the chapel vestibule, fill it out and return it to the Switchboard. Thank you. Parishioners w h o m ove, ch a n ge t elep h on e numbers, or get married, please fill out a census card with the new information as soon as possible, and return it to the switchboard. Bulletin Announce ments: M u st b e su b m it t ed t o the switchboard the latest, by noon Wednesday before the bulletin in which you wish the announcement to be published. Last Rites Phone Number: P lea se m a k e a n ot e of the following emergency telephone number, 1 (785) 844-9112. It is ONLY to be used for Last Rites and ONLY outside of usual business hours: 5:00pm-9:00am, weekends and school holidays. Use of Facilities for Parish, School or Private Events: All parties must fill out an application (available at and switchboard), before events will be considered for permission. Priority goes to school or parish organized events. Rental fees may apply for private events. Questions? Please contact the Operations Department (Jason Harpe) at ext. 106. (Continuation of the Calendar for the Week) 5:00pm (V+B) MC: Lu. Zaharia TH: Le. Strong AC: Ig. Peters/Jo. Awerkamp
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