current issue - Church of St. Peter

The Parish of St. Peter
Quincy, IL
~Mass Intentions~
December 22-28, 2014
22. Monday 8:00 am
Charles & Mildred Veihl
23. Tuesday 8:00 am
Dorothy Rupp
24.Wed.-NO 8:00am
24. Wednesday 4:00 pm
John & Tootie Hoffman
24. Wednesday 6:00 pm
Raymond Kreinberg
24. Wednesday 8:00 pm
Jim Coates & Daniel
25. Thursday 12:00 am
Timpe & Lappe families
25. Thursday 8:00 am
Dan McLaughlin
25. Thursday 10:00 am
Paul Dietrich
26.Friday-NO 8:00am
27. Saturday 8:00 am
Jim Gibson
27. Saturday 5:00 pm
Mae Jackson
28. Sunday 8:00 am
Julius Vandenboom
28. Sunday 9:30 am
Our Parish Family
28. Sunday 11:00 am
Lisa Real
— Mass Schedule —
8:00 a.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m.,
9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m.
Sacrament of
Saturday 7:30-7:50 a.m.
or 3:30-4:30 p.m., by appt.
Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 21, 2014
Dear Parishioners,
This bulletin column fulfills a twofold purpose—first, it highlights our
Fourth and final Sunday in our season of Advent; second, it also includes our
Christmas greetings and wishes since this is the final weekend before the Solemnity of Christmas.
Now if we were to combine this twofold purpose what we will find is the
basic theme that God does the unexpected for His people. This is so evident in the
choice of David as the leader of the people. He takes a shepherd boy and makes
him king. Not only did God do this unexpected, but He also promised that through
the dynasty of David, there would come “Emmanuel,” God is with us. Then we
find this promise fulfilled in our Gospel for our Mass this weekend. In that gospel,
God once again does the unexpected. He chooses a young woman to be the Mother of this “Emmanuel.” The angel appears and proclaims, “Hail Mary, full of
grace, the Lord is with you.” Then the angel states, “behold you will conceive in
your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and
will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of
David His father, and He will rule over the house of Jacob forever.” What was
promised to David is now fulfilled in Mary, for through her, the Savior of the
world would become incarnate. As I said, God does the unexpected in the lives of
His people. For what they had longed for so great a time is now fulfilled in the
lives of two very simple, humble people. That’s the message of this Fourth Sunday of Advent—and it is the message of Christmas. To the extent that we humble
ourselves, allow God to do the unexpected in our lives, to that extent will we see
His incarnate love active in all of our lives. And Christmas will be a continual lifegiving experience for all of us.
Our Mass schedule for this Christmas is as follows:
December 24th, Christmas eve: 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 Midnight.
December 25th, Christmas day: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
*I ask that you cut this schedule out and post it in a place that will be seen and
save yourselves and us that extra phone call on the days before Christmas. I also
ask you to take note that our Christmas Midnight Mass is at Midnight.
**Our parish offices will be closed from Christmas eve at noon through December
26th. We will reopen on Monday, December 29th.
On behalf of the parish staff, our school administration, as well as Fr. Tom
and myself, I want to wish each and every one of you a very Blessed and Merry
Christmas. What a joy it is to serve as your pastor and priests of this parish.
Next Meeting
Saints Alive!
Merry Christmas from
Let Me See Your Halo
January dates To Be Announced Later.
All 7th, 8th, & 9th graders
& their friends welcome!
January date to be announced later
4th, 5th, & 6th grade students! Come have fun
with your friends while learning about the Saints &
your Catholic Faith. Fr. Raja, Sr. Alicia, & others
will lead these inspirational evenings, spiritual, social, & service
activities. Wear your Saints Alive Shirt or pick one up that night!
St. Peter Christmas Decorations: We Remember...
Russell Miller and Mark Bocke
By: Lucille Miller-Haschemeyer
Joyce Dailing
By: Dan Dailing
Wayne & Dorothy Schlipman and
Catherine Johnson
By: Bob & Jil Johnson
Raymond & Esther Ellerbrock and
Henry & Alvena Dempsey
By: Harold & Pat Ellerbrock
Adolfs & Giesing Families
By: Don & Fran Adolfs
John & Catherine Stauder
By: Judy Lawless
Richard Waterkotte
By: Anna Lee Waterkotte
Ludwig & Mudd Family
By: Mary Ludwig
Edward F. Evans
By: Ella Jean Evans
Daniel T. Bohan, Jim Coates, and
Vicki Anderson
By: Nancy & Thomas Bohan
Charles Hockgraver
By: Rose Hockgraver
Virg, Peg, & Gregg McLaughlin
By: Don Schuering Family
Blake Genenbacher
By: Matt & Barb Holtmeyer
Paul & Ruth Peter, Ryan Peter and
Virgil Obert
By: Mr. & Mrs. Ray Peter
Esther Brewer, Edward Brewer, Mary
Brewer, Marie Forrest and Sally
By: Sheila Brewer
Earl E. Shade
By: Lorna M. Shade
Frank & Virginia Hughes, Al & Peachy
Frese and Adam Sammartino
By: Jan & Rod Frese
Jack Cress, Cress & Schullian Families
By: Bonnie Cress
Paul Danker
By: Marie Danker
Melvin & Lucille Rakers, Don Sturhahn,
Gene & Mary Alice Meyer and
Julie Barry
By: Bob & Carol Rakers
Russell & Nadine Hull and
Jodie & Lena Thrasher
By: Steve & Sue Hull
William H. Merkel and Harold H.
By: Marsha Merkel
Albert Benz
By: Geri Black
Paul Cudney Family and Nick Hoffman
By: Ron & Dorothy Cudney
Robert Miller
By: Helen Miller & Family
Walt & Delores Becks and
Dick & Dee O’Donnell
By: Rod & Cathy Becks
Francis Haugh
By: Patrick & Linda Haugh
E.J. & Catherine Miller and
Henry & Christine Venvertloh
By: Dan & Ginny Miller
Floyd Doellman
By: Maria & Steve Eckert
Rita Terford and Steve Scherr
By: John Terford
Tushaus and Frankenhoff Families
By: Marydine & Roger Frankenhoff
John T. Drew and Paul Lammers
By: Steven & Kelly Lammers
Clara & Andrew Barry and
William Barry
By: Iona Barry
McNeil & Straub Families
By: Mary McNeil
Stegeman & Schmitz Families
By: David & Pat Stegeman
Charles R. Peters and Robert C.
By: Ron & Rita Genenbacher & Family
Gene & Johnina Smith
By: Mike & Toni Black
Mrs. Sheri George
By: Matt & Kristin George Family
Herman & Rita Hubert and
Riley Jeremiah Liesen
By: Cheryl Liesen & Family
Albert & Margaret Frier and Robert &
Mildred Simms
By: Tom & Marilena Frier
Robert Cavitt and Don, Edna, John & Jim
By: Deb & Amy Seibert
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hickey and Dennis
By: Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hickey
Virgil & Alice Funke and
Henry & Rosalia Bentrop
By: Norm & Sandy Funke
Our Loved Ones
By: John & Helen Heitland
The Kroeger, Schmid, Schlottman, and
McLaughlin Families
By: George & Karen Kroeger
Larry Schlepphorst
By: Margaret Schlepphorst
James R. & Mary P. O’Hearn
By: Deborah O’Hearn Druffel &
Paul A. Lammers
By: Mary A. Lammers
Rita Hull
By: Steve & Kathy Boll
Jerry Brown & Austin Hermann
By: The Brown Family
Dr. Paul Nuessen
By: His Family
Jacqueline L. Taylor, John & Mary Jane
Taylor and Rock & Catherine Gauthier
By: Richard & Celeste Taylor Family
Merle & Rosemary Kroner
By: Sue & Lenny Tournear
Albert & Kathleen Siepker and
Ted & Alice Kemner
By: Kaye & Norman Kemner
William Doyle, Sr. and Mr. & Mrs.
James McGinley
By: Pat Doyle & Family
Joan Hellhake
By: Merle Hellhake
Harold & Virginia Reiter, Al & Peachy
Frese, and Adam Sammartino
By: Mike & Julie Reiter
Jarett Hunter
By: Virginia Hunter
Manning, Emily & Richard Thompson,
and Bob Anderson
By: Kent & Ann Anderson & Family
Tom Darnell
By: Pat Darnell
Donald Topf
By: Donna McCulloch & Liz Topf
Erin & Leslie Deters
By: Dianne & James Deters
Margie & John Purdy
By: Loy & Cindy Archer,
Robyn, Mark, Gavin & Gabby Iseminger and Kristi,
Trevor & Reece Beck
Belker & Schuering Families
By: Ed & Carolyn Schuering
John McCourt
By: Judy McCourt
Ed & Catherine Schwartz and
Floyd & Bebe Sinnock
By: Steve & Margie Sinnock
Jan Faler
By: Lawson Faler
Robert Martin, Carol Martin, and
Melanie Martin
By: Michael Martin
Derek Venvertloh
By: Morgan, Abraham, Gus, Dale &
Marty Venvertloh
Tom & Edna Carter and Russell & Edna
By: Gerry & Gary Carter
Alexis Pillsbury
By: Gerald & Rita Stark
Frank Johnson
By: Kevin, Jennifer, Nathan, & David
Katherine Hellhake Kraus
By: Hellhake Family
Allison Ann Koetters
By: Steve & Leslie Koetters
& Family
Faith in Action Today
St. Peter Parish is a Catholic Family of Faith
Bringing the Light of Christ to All by Serving Others
Crocheters Who Care
Thank you to the members of our St.
Veronica’s Guild for using their time &
talent to make our prayer shawls for the
ailing members of our parish and Christening blankets for infants baptized in our
parish and adults coming into our Church through the RCIA process.
These items are knitted, crocheted, or sewn, and they all are expressions of healing, outreach and love. As guild
members work, they pray for the person who will be the recipient. Completed items are blessed before distribution.
Devoted to Decorating
Thank you to the members of our
Church Decorating Committee for using
their time & talent to make our worship
space beautiful! Ann Anderson, Tamy
Cassady, Mary Jo DeVries, Marcia
Evans, Diane Frese, Mollie Hoffman, Jil
& Bob Johnson, Pat Ludwig, Susan &
Thomas Moore, Gary Myer, Steve
Sinnock, Mary Talken, Carolyn Tipton, and
Morgan Venvertloh.
St. Peter Christmas Decorations: We Remember...
Robert & Sara Bennett
By: Pauline Bennet and George & Sara
Bradfield & Family
George Bradfield Sr.
By: George & Sara Bradfield & Family
Richard Bocke and Charlie Peters
By: Janet & Marty Peters
Mark Bocke, Rich Bocke, and John Maas
By: John & Ginger Bocke and Johnny,
Kyle, Nick, Rachel & Josh
Paul & Hazel Goodapple and
Margorie & Al Kathmann
By: Mike & Mary Schuttler
Michael & Inez Connell
By: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schuckman
Albert & Alta Mettemeyer
By: Rich & Linda Mettemeyer
Bill Fischer
By: The Family
Irene Budde
By: Mike & DeAnne Budde, Larry &
Ann Budde and Judy Burrows
James & Rebecca Mabry and Paul & Hazel Goodapple
By: Emily & Terry Goodapple
Garland & Fern Runyon and William &
Genevieve Irvine
By: Jerry & Barbara Runyon
Yvonne & Cathy Lohman, Alma Olker,
Vivian Wottman, and Helen Amburn
By: Linda & Terry Amburn & Family
Virgil & Delores Bange, Chuck &
Marcellus Aschemann, Rick & Jack
Schrage, George & Cora Belle Schrage,
Fred, Betty & Debbie Price
By: Connie & George Schrage III
Gene Curtis
By: Joan Curtis & Family
Richard Heckenkamp
By: Mary Barry
Gregg Martin
By: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davis
Walt & Delores Becks
By: Mr. & Mrs. Brian Becks
Don & Henrietta Buening
By: Karl, Mary Ann, Carson & Spencer
Janice Cunningham
By: John Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Frericks, Elmer
Althoff and Kalina Maple
By: Kenneth & Theresa Althoff
Catherine Slater and Jack Slater
By: Natalie, Bill, LB & Paul
Lisa Ann Real
By: Jim & Pat Real
St. Peter Christmas Decorations: We Remember...
Parish in Action
Marian F. Kesler
By: Mary, Tanna & Dan
Daniel & Helen Barry
By: Mary, Tanna & Dan
Abbigail Sheffield and
Mr. & Mrs. Don Ludwig
By: Terry & Pat Ludwig
James & Helen Moran and Beverly &
William Reynolds
By: Moran-Cortes Family
Fitzgerald-Radel-Ray Families
By: Chuck & Gerry Radel
Joe & Dorothy Sanders Family and Ed &
Laura Peters Family
By: Jerry & Joyce Sanders
Timothy Michael Meyer, William &
Gertrude Frier Family and A.C. & Lucille
Meyer Family
By: George & Mary Nell Meyer
John Bertoglio
By: Elnora Bertoglio
Joe & Anita Lavery and
Kenneth & Dorothy Schlipman
By: Mike & Karen Lavery
John Bertoglio and Michael James Maas
By: Joan Bertoglio and
Mike & Janet Healy
Michael Pasley
By: His Family
Carl & Catherine Liesen and Richard &
Florence Hilgenbrink
By: John & Judy Liesen
Larry Zehle, Albert & Alta Mettermeyer,
and Lawrence & Sylvia Zehnle
By: Rita Zehnle
Deceased Family & Friends of LeoniRittof Families
By: Rittof Family
Norma & Herbert Rakers, Helen,
Dorothy & Tim Rakers, and Rosemary &
Milo Pillars
By: Kathy & Sonny Laird
Jerry Kemner
By: Mary Kemner
Chuck Aschemann
By: Angie & Joe Hancox
Kyle David Russell
By: Steve, Lynette, & Craig Russell
Marcella Deters
By: Marce Deters & Family
J. A. Fredericks
By: Lila Fredericks
Helen & Richard Liesen and
Gertrude & Vellmer Harvey
By: David & Camille Harvey
Thomas Edward Strieker
By: The Strieker Family
William & Dorothy Rupp
By: Tom & Jane Deters and Dale &
Marty Venvertloh
2014 Confirmation Class
2014 8th Grade Graduating Class
Leta Mae Frese, William Dance, Joe &
Elizabeth Frese & Family, Homer &
Maude Roush Family, Joseph & Viola
Bergman Family, and Alois & Isabel
Musholt Family
By: Tom & Diane Frese
Don & Carol Drieselman and Bob &
Marjie Terwelp
By: Thom, Cindy, & Donna Drieselman
Joseph & Angela Ley and
Walter & Leona Franklin
By: John & Betty Ley
Ralph & Lucille Schutte, Pat Schutte,
Bill Cramsey and Dick Schrand
By: Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ippensen
Leo & Emilie Zwick, Charles & Rose
Hopkins and Our Grandparents
By: Dick & Rita Hopkins
Herb & Florence Terwelp and
Larry & Anita Wavering
By: The Family
Carl & Rosina Timpe and Fred & Lucille
By: Judie & Gene Timpe
Ted & Bruce Sander
By: William & Adeline Sander
Carl Vogel & Marian Garmer
By: Carol & Joyce Vogel,
Scott Simons Family,
Mark Huebotter Family, and
Carl & Amanda Vogel
Wayne Bergman & Helen Henry
By: Chuck & Betty Henry
Dale Tangy, Steve & Opal Tangy, Delmer
& Laurine Frese, and Michael Frese
By: Rosemary Tangy & Family
Larry Meyer, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Meyer,
and Mr. & Mrs. Ray Peters
By: Sharon Meyer
Donald & Arlene Reis
By: Bill & Barb Wooten
Richard Mast, Floyd & Callie Dickerson
By: Jerry & Lynn Mast
Roy, Virginia and Sr. Kathryn Hoener
By: Barb Strieker & Family
Bernard Hessing, Bill Abel and Alice &
Shorty Abel
By: Jane Hessing
Paul Barry and Fran Ary
By: Joe & Diane Ary & Family
George & Grace Soltys and
Wilma Hummel
By: Bob, Ann, Greg & Emily Soltys
Helen Smith, Benedict Ruebbelke, and
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Mock
By: Mr. & Mrs. Billy Smith & Family
Wayne & Dorothy Messick
By: Reis Family
Fabian & Virginia Deters
By: Jane & Tom Deters, Barb & Jack
Deters, Dianne & Jim Deters, Judy
Arlene Lamphere
By: David Lamphere
Viola & Raymond Deters
By: Barb & Lou Anderson & Family,
Carolyn & Dan Tipton & Family,
Mary Deters, Patricia Deters,
Robert & Pam Deters & Family
Jonda Steinkamp
By: Jack & Mary Souders
Robert Siebers
By: Charlotte Siebers
William Waterman
By: Ann & Ava Barner
Bill & Abbie Holzgrafe and Virginia &
Alan Weinberg
By: Jerry Holzgrafe Family
Bob Sloan and Gary, Joan & Sandy
By: Pat Sloan
Charles Collins, Florence & John Scarry,
Brad Goehl, and PFC Kenneth McKenna
By: Margie Collins
Florence & Herman Kemner and
Laura & John Vancil
By: Don & Mary Vancil
Winking & Terwelp Families
By: Marvin & Jeanette Winking
Buckley & Ashbaker Families
By: Howard & Jo Buckley
Martha A. Heinze
By: Their Family
James H. Gibson
By: Their Family
Chuck & Pat Schralla, Emil & Opal
Schralla, Bill & Berna Blersch, and
Bob & Marianne Kroner
By: Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kroner
Bob Zehnle
By: Sharon Zehnle
Molly Shields Kite
By: Linda Shields
Francis & Virginia Griffin
and Family Members
By: Ken & Barb Wolf
Francis & Virginia Griffin and Family
By: Ken & Barb Wolf
Dick Olps and Charles & Ione Seeley
By: Dwight & Barb Seeley
Dick & Dee Elmore
By: Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Elmore
Deceased Family Members
By: Ron & Linda Lucke
Paul Koetters
By: Katie Schreacke
Albert & Catherine Juette
By: Darlene Doyle
Rita & Herman Huber and
Irma & Harold Vollbracht
By: Ron & Rose Ann Huber
Mrs. Dorothy Haslem
By: James Haslem
Mark Your Calendars!
Wed., December 24: No 8:00 a.m. Mass
Parish Office closes at Noon. We will reopen on
Christmas Eve Masses 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m.,
8:00 p.m., and midnight
Thurs. December 25: No Novenas
Christmas Day Masses
8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
—Mass Servers—
8:00 a.m. Clayton & Philip Dyer
Christmas Eve Masses, December 24:
4:00 p.m. Emanuel, JJ & Magdalen Hun
6:00 p.m. Children’s Mass—assigned
8:00 p.m. Clayton, Philip & Joshua Dyer
St. Peter School kicked off
Catholic Schools Week 2014 with a
Pancake & Sausage breakfast
in the gym!
Students enjoyed PJ/movie day,
mismatch day, living rosary, parent
visits, bingo, and much more.
Midnight Drew Schlipman, Georgia Wilson
8:00 a.m. Drew Tushaus, Wyatt Smith
10:00 a.m. Peyton Stegeman, Audrey Toth
Saturday Mass, December 27:
5:00 p.m. Madeline VanDyke, Emily Hagedorn
Sunday Masses, December 28:
Sat. December 27: Rosary 7:30 a.m.; Church
Men’s Cursillo 8:30 a.m.; Fr. Bauer Prayer Room
8:00 a.m. Blake & Shelby Ulrich
9:30 a.m. Bella Ryan, Katelyn Nelson
11:00 a.m. Jaelyn Ehrhardt, Ava Monteyne
Sun. December 28:
No Sunday School or Liturgy of the Word
I also want to state how proud I was of the response by this parish to the giving wreath project. I
was so amazed to see how many of you took this invitation so seriously, did your shopping, and then
wrapped the presents and returned them to the Church.
I am sure the recipients appreciated your thoughtfulness, care, and generosity. Thanks for bringing the
message of Christmas alive to so many people who are
in need. What great stewards you are—knowing God’s
blessings and then sharing them with others.
I also want to thank you for your thoughtfulness
and generosity to Fr. Tom and myself. We do appreciate your Christmas greetings, kind words, generous
gifts. As I said, we are truly blessed and as we celebrate Christmas with the Word of God becoming Flesh,
we see so often that Word made flesh in the hearts and
lives of each of you. Thanks for being the gifts to us.
I also want to thank all those who helped decorate the Church, inside and outside, for the Solemnity
of Christmas. Again stewardship is at work in the sharing of your time and talents.
The fight between good and evil, an epic battle between
Darth Vader and Luke. Suddenly in the middle of the
fight, Darth Vader pulls Luke to him, and whispers, “I
know what you’re getting for Christmas!”
Luke exclaims, “But, how?”
“It’s true, Luke, I know what you’re getting for
Luke tries to ignore this but tears himself free,
screaming, “How could you know this?”
Vader replied, “I felt your presents.” (chuckle)
Celebrating Catholic Schools
Christmas Day Masses, December 25:
Friday December 26: No 8:00 a.m. Mass
Fr. Leo’s column continued
Parish in Action
Weekday Masses, Dec. 22-23, 26-27:
—Daily Mass Ministry Schedule—
December 22-23, 26-27:
Lector: Mary Brahler
EMHC: John Ley, Deacon Bob Lundberg, Martha Rapp
Dec. 14
Total to Date
Loose Collections
Weekly Envelopes
Annual School Fund
Holy Days
Total Budget Goal
Totus Tuus—The Cure for the Common Summer!
When St. Peter Parish decided to sponsor Totus Tuus — a dynamic, Catholic alternative to non-denominational
Vacation Bible School — six years ago, the leaders hoped the program would be well-received. Again this year the
daytime program was filled. Totus Tuus is a fun way to reinforce our faith!
Diocesan Collections
Retired Religious; $2,721
Dependent Children: $25
Catholic Cemeteries: $ 25
CYO: $ 50
Amt. Assessed
2014 $105,019
$ 44,649.33
Amt Due: $ 60,295.67
Balance as of 12/11/14
Pat & Dorothy Malone and Owen & Ann Mays
By: Bill & Sharon Mays & Family
Sister Gina Geraci, Cass Geraci, and Ben & Mary Jane Stewart
By: Dr. Terry Sherer
George & Selma Terford and Frank & Helen Wensing
By: Joe Terford
Lester & Mary Mitten and Edward Benz
By: Terry & Sharon Mitten
Clarence & Elaine Meyer, Jayne Locke and Vicky Stupavsky
By: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kay
Richard, Marie & Skip Willer and Marge & Rome Schutte
By: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schutte
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence May and Mr. & Mrs. Charles
By: Mr. & Mrs. David May
Vernell Justice and Teodorico & Tereze Lagleva
By: Marima Justice
In Honor of:
Maureen Schuering and Paul Rittof
By: Dr. Terry Sherer
Ann Pogge
By: Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Pogge
Parish in Action
Building Community
St. Peter’s Parish Picnic on August 23rd offered
prayer, fun and fellowship in a way that not only
brought people together as the school year resumed, but also raised $44,731.83. Thanks to
everyone who supported this wonderful and forth
annual event!
Protecting God’s Children
As part of its initiative to try to ensure the safety of every child at
our parish (and certainly beyond), the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois has mandated that any adult participating in any parish or
school service or ministry, even only on an infrequent basis, complete Protecting God’s Children. The program provides information
that will help every participant learn how to keep children safe from
one of the most hideous assaults in our time, child sexual abuse.
Seven members of our parish stepped forward to facilitate these
classes (from left to right) Judy Nelson, Mary Ann Klein, Donna
O’Neal, Al Mitten, Meg Fitch, Donna Pratt, and Carol Mitten.
Rest in Peace
May the souls of
Donald Chapel
Sandra Peters
sing praises with the Angels in Heaven forever.
A Matter of Social Concern
One of the most beloved traditions of St. Peter
Parish is the Social Concerns Committee's annual cookie sale each December. Thanks to your generosity, the
cookie sale was a success!
The Social Concerns Committee provides direct
assistance (gas money, food vouchers, etc.) for needy
persons in our area and arranges for speakers on a
wide variety of social issues. The group funds it's work
through Fifth Sunday collections and the December
cookies sale. The group also sponsors monthly collections to benefit Ladies of Charity.
Social Concerns Thank You to Parish!
The Social Concerns Committee would like to express a very big
Thank You to all who baked cookies and helped at the cookie sale last
weekend. The cookies were all sold and enjoyed by the many buyers.
A special thanks to Mary Brahler and her family and crew who
baked the cinnamon rolls. This money helps the many projects of the
committee in the name of St. Peter Parish.
The Giving Wreath also showed the generosity and stewardship of
our parish. An overwhelming number of gifts were distributed to needy
families by various social agencies in town. Thank you to Christy and
Giving Wreath 2014
St. Peter Parishioners donated over Mike Holm for once again contacting the agencies, making the tags,
900 gifts to make Christmas merry for and sorting the gifts so that they get to the right places on time. This is
truly the Spirit of Christmas!
area families.
Quincy Notre Dame Pom Camp
Come perform with the QND Pommers at Halftime of a QND
basketball game. Who: Girls in Pre-School—8th grade (ages 3
and up) When: Saturday, Jan. 3rd from 4:30pm—Halftime
(check in starts at 4:00pm) Varsity game starts at 6:30pm.
Parents pick girls up after the halftime in the QND multipurpose room. Where: QND multipurpose room at 11th and Jackson! Check in in front lobby. Cost: $30—includes t-shirt, pizza
& snack, and admission into the game.
End of the Year Contributions
As the year is coming to a close, we remind you to have any
donations that you wish to have applied to the 2014 fiscal
year into the parish office by Noon on December 30, 2014.
Your gifts and support are greatly appreciated!
Stewardship Corner
Some of the obstacles that keep us from “making a straight
path” for the Lord are the same obstacles that keep us from
embracing stewardship as a way of life. John the Baptist calls
us to reform our lives and let go of the selfishness and greed
that keep us from following God’s will.
WCU Help Wanted
Part-time Telemarketer for Western Catholic Union. NO
sales. Pre-screen candidates for appointments only. No more
than 20 hours per week. Hourly wage plus bonuses. Call Bob,
Area Events
Sun. January 5: QND’s Annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast; QND cafeteria. 8:00am until 1:00pm. Cost is $7 for
adults and $4 for children (children under 5 eat free). All proceeds benefit the Catholic Heart Workcamp trip this summer.
December 1, 2014
Dear Friends in Christ,
For 135 years, the Catholic Children’s Home has provided
care for thousands of children in need in the name of Jesus
Christ. For most of these children, the holidays are a painful reminder that they come from families that have broken
apart or families that are incapable of providing the love,
support and care all children need to thrive.
The children of CCH come to us today from broken
homes, often times with broken bodies and always with a
broken spirit. Their lives are in perpetual turmoil from the
constant abuse and chronic neglect that is their daily reality. Many of them have no parents and most others have
only one parent who is incapable of caring for them. The
mission of the Catholic Children’s Home is to ensure that
no child is ever forgotten or made to feel unworthy of love.
In the spirit of Christ’s special affection for all children, I
ask that you support the work of the Catholic Children’s
Home and contribute generously to the special collection
held at Christmas.
May God touch your hearts with his grace and mercy this
Advent and the Christmas season.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Thomas John Paprocki
Bishop of Springfield in Illinois
Please keep the following in your prayers:
~Kristopher Schreacke
~Sierra Miller
~Michael Dolan
~Karen Wiewel
~Billy Smith
~Barb Sohn
~Isabelle Meyer
~Gerald Mast Sr.
~Shirley O’Hara
~Jamie Doane
~Theresa Althoff
~Arlene Lansing
~Dr. Robert Murphy
~Donald Vancil
~Paul Gerding
~Irene Gooding
~Russ Terstriep
~Mary Dietrich
~Robert Giuliani
~Lana & Richard Krigbaum ~Ariel Prost
~Kevin Hubble
~Roy Steffen
~Jim Clark
~Deacon Wayne Zimmerman
~Bill Irvin
~Teresa Stark-Pillsbury
~Wanda Perry
~Rob Hyer
~Brycen Scott
To have a name added to this list, please call the Parish
Office 222-3155 or email