December 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 28, 2014 HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 I Col3:12-21 or 3:12-17 or Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 ILk 2:22-40 or 2:22, ST. MARY CHURCH 39-40 1171 Jefferson St. PO Box 179 Carlyle, IL 62231 Fr. George Mauck, Pastor Ellen Knolhoff, ORE Tina Wiegman, Administrative Assistant --.:5~~~,,~ ;~ Phones: Rectory: 594·221 0 ~ ';f: ~ C9wt eatlwiic S~: Parish Center: 594·2225 Relgious Education: 594-2284 E-mail: Fax: 594-4638 Mater Dei High School Telephone: 526-7216 Internet: www.rna terdei. b us All Saints Academy Telephone: 526-4323 Internet: Baptismal classes are offered the second Sunday of each month at llam. Call Thomas & Laura Anderson 304-5278 to register. ~: Saturday: 3-3:45pm Saotamettt of- JKavtiag,e: Please make an appointment at least six months in advance, preferably a year. []JufLetin_ :Dea.dfine: Wednesday, 12Noon !J'WW.,ft ~ fltcdimt: \Ve ask that all new residents register with us by lilling out the form located on the radiators or by stopping by the _Parish Center. \ ··-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·: i This is a two-week bulletin. Please keep an~ ~-~~e-~ ~~- !?~. ~~~?~~~~ ~~~-~i-~~~ ~~~- ~.Y.~~!~:.. _. J ~--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- Schedule ofEvents ... ~v: Sun.. 21.. No KC Breakfast ,,./. :Chr Ed & Dan Frank 21.. No Pre-K Faith Formation II' I:II: Cyril Schwierjohn- Anniv. Mon.. 22.. (6:30pm) Come join the KC's caroling at Iii LC!.Ju Jack Taylor Carlyle Healthcare Center ... meet in the Joaquina Santiago-Anniv. first floor dining room. Our Parish Family 22.. (7:30pm) Mater Dei Fathers & Friends Mtg Dorothy Diffenauer-Anniv. 22.. NoRCIA Alphonse Pollmann Wed.. 24.. No Youth Faith Formation Liv. & Dec. Horstmann Thu.. 25.. A-fERRY CHRISTMAS!! Family 25.. Special collection for the needy. Envelope Vic & Natale Timmermann is in your packet. Leland Lovell Sat.. 27.. (3-3:45pm) Reconciliation No Pre-K Faith Formation Bob, Carol & Dean -'<:""~ ~ Sun.. 28.. Kellermann ..-- ~ 28.. (l-4pm) Christmas Tour of all Carlyle Vigil of Christmas "Churches Liturgy for the Week ••· Sat.. 20.. 4:00pm.. Sun.. 21.. 8:00am.. lO:OOam .. Mon.. Tue .. 22 .. 7:30am.. 7:30am.. Wed .. 24 .. Thu .. 25 .. 23 .. 4:00pm.. Fri .. Sat.. Sun.. 26 .. 27 .. Midnight.. 9:00am.. 7:30am.. !O:OOam 27 .. 4:00pm.. 28 .. 8:00am.. I O:OOam.. 8" Our Children "'! Qi Mon.. 29.. Christmas , ,'! \ Wed.. 31.. Our ~arish Family ~ · ~ Thu.. 1.. Fr. Vtc ~~-=-=Fri.. 2.. Joe Kampwerth Memorial for Roman Sat.. 3.. Diekemper Alice E. Hustedde Joyce Grueter Sat.. 3.. Dan Jansen Sat. & Sun: 3 & Walt & Robert HodappGuatemala Anniv's Our Parish Family -.fl..- Sun.. 4.. NoRCIA No Youth Faith Formation HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (6:50pm) Benediction & Rosary at St. Dominic, Breese (9am) Padre Pio Mass & prayers for cancer patients and their families preceded by the rosary at 8:30am at St. Dominic, Breese. (3-3:45pm) Reconciliation 4: Second collection for our sister parish in No Pre-K Faith Formation ~~..,. .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ MioheleHolmee ~-- IMASSSERVERS... Mary Klu~rnke ~~ ? j Dec. 21st to Dec. 27th . Bryk Fanuly . af; : Sun: Sam Brock & Carlie Timmermann, Jenna Martm Juan Guiab-Annvi. lOam Samantha Mansfield, Emily Von Hatten, Mon .. 29 .. 7:30am.. Dorothy Menkhaus Camden Snow Tue .. 30 .. 7:30am... j',Ann 'Pete' Harper Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Paul Kauling Wed .. 31.. Vigil of the Sat: 4pm Nicholas Christ, Haily & Hayden Leath Motherhood of:l\·~ary Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th-4pm ... Gavin ~Addi~on 4:00pm.. Scott Tn~key Famtly Kampwerth, Ian Simonton, Brayden Henss, Addtson Gerry Wtegman Diekemper Dave Kampwerth Christmas, Dec. 25th-Midnight .... Sophia & Wade Saba, Fem~do & Joaquina Shaun & Alyssa Becker, Corey Nave Santlago 9am .... Tyler & Brayden Voss, Amalie Schaefer, Drew EdThu.. 1.. Feast of the wards Jackson Hoffmann Motherhood of Mary Dec. isth to Jan. 3rd 9:00am.. Eugene Krebs Sun: 8am Molly Diekemper, Blake Holthaus, Bryce Anna Lilly . Moyer Herb N othaus-Anntv. 1Oam youth Ministry Fri .. 2 .. 7:30am.. Bettye Carver Wilken Mon. thru Fri: 7:30am: Roland Kampwerth Sat.. 3 .. 4:00pm.. Sat: 4pm Hayley & Ella Palm, Anne Luebbers Liv. & Dec. Bruemmer Family . Vigil of the Motherhood of Marv, Dec. 31-4pm... Alan & Evelyn Stemmann. Audrey Schlau, Riley Kleber 8:00am .. Sun .. 4 .. Troy Crocker-Anniv. Feast of the Motherhood of Mary, Jan. 1~9am... Sydney Hart, Jerry Berry Josh & Andrew Guthrie Walter & Wilma Laux Jan. 4th to Jan. lOth !O:OOam.. Our Parish Family Sun: 8am Chase, Claire & Carly Kampwerth lOam Alayna Brandmeyer, Mayce Diekemper, · Veterans Tribute New Year's Day Poker Run.~. proceeds benSamantha Mansfield 1 efiting the Veterans Tribute located at Kaskaskia College. Monday~Roland Kampwerth I Participants can sign up at any of the Legion locations~ 1Sat: 4pm Cole & Wil Plassmeyer, Jackson Haag j Albers, Beckemeyer, Breese, Germantown, New Baden~ ~ : If you cannot be there, please find a replacement. Thank ·starting at !lam on New Year's Day 2015. 1 ~you. I ~ ~~~ ~ t\~' :{·If I ~~ r·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·: ! l-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· bi• neY i .. _,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_ .. _ ....... ********************* ** ~~~~ Hello, A • .A. • .&. 1ll t Thank you all for the awesome gift on the occasion of my 20 years here at St. Mary. Thanks for the \Velcome you've given not just me but also my family, in particular Mom and Dad. You helped make their tough move and stay here in Carlyle as best it could be for them. Thank you to all bakers who brought cookies for the Cantata reception, and our youth who served along with the Sodality members. More thanks to all who have prepared and are helping with the Christmas liturgies . Get THOSE BELLS READY! Christmas is coming! The schedule of liturgies for Christmas are: Christmas Eve-4pm; Christmas Dav-Midnight and 9am. JOIN US AND RING IT IN! Peace & good, Fr. George * *********************** r-----------------------------------------------1 1Special Request for Beds... The current economic climate has resulted in requests for assistance from the Society of St. Vincent 1 de Paul and doubling and tripling right now SVDP has a desperate need for BEDS!! Many people are sleeping on the floor or I have three or four children sharing one bed. If you have a bed you no longer need-twin, double, queen or king size-please call 1618-394-0126, Ext 13-Joe Hubbard or Ext 12-Pat Hogrebe to arrange for a pick up or for additional information. 1- Other furniture and appliances in good working condition are always needed. Please call Joe or Pat today if you can be of help. I Thank you for caring! 1 1 1 1 1 I ~------------------------------------------------' .-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·, ~ INFO ... New Year's Eve Dance at Highland KC Hall, Dec. ; Stewardship .. ... . ~ 31, 2014. Music by RX Blues Band $15 per person before 1 ~Dec. 20, $20 per person after Dec. 20. Bar opens 7pm. For i 12-14-14: Envelopes: $7778 Loose: $307,01 Cemetery: $268 · Human Development: $2 Christmas flowers: $335 Guatemala: $300 Christmas Needy: $341 Hispanic Ministry: $17 5 Christina~: $515 · · · Online banking:Wee~y-Envelopes: $130 (4) Our weekly budgeted expense for the current 2014-15 fiscal year is $9421. )Veekly envelopelloose target is $8462. . . . . .. ~ more info, call 654-9049. i ~-New Year's Eve Day Special 2014 Bingo Wed., Dec. 31, i. I i 2014 at Highland KC Hall. All $100 games. Door opens ~ ; 12:30pm; games start 2pm. Sandwiches & desserts will be ; served. --·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·· Is-;. Mary's~elcom;; -;;e-;;, pa-;.ishioners.-:..-- - ; ______________________ ....1 : Ron & Deb Kordick W~E~F~J~V~R~~-----------; I Sat-4pm... Skip & Shirley Etter, Joe & Helen Isaak, Lou I I Jansen, Brenda Schaubert I I Sun-8am... Stanley Bach, Randy Foster, Joe Mioux, Gary I I Mueller, Joe Novsek, Jack Wuebbles I I Sun-lOam... Fabio Compare, Peggy Hilmes, Bernard Hodapp, I I Ken Hoffmann, Roland Kampwerth, Dwayne Mansfield _______________________ : .. ~.~~-- ·--c-~· -r- - - .- · ~-c---- . - .- .- - - ~ Please remember fhose who have asked for our prayers: Rose Novak,J~nnifer Buehler Wallace, Murray Fauke, Sharon Gustafso~, Jace Hughes, Scott Ruehl, Bob Wolterihg,Jeremy Long, Emily R~ese, K.ris '-llli~ Huckshold, Jnh Moul(lon, JoAnn Loepker, Denrns Bach, •••ct - SaX:ciyKir~ey, l_Jondarman, Marla How~rq, Luke Let~ca, r••' Kriste11 Sttles, Richarq. Self, Barb Varel, BillWarren, Vmni,eValencia~ B()bBzyan, Leonilda Diekemper, Richard Salmon, David Schmidt, Rick Perry; Cindy Gomez, Darline ·Jo~on, Belinda Beine, Marge Pax, Ralph Kampwerth, MaryJaneLampen, Rev. Steve Goodin, Lucille Foster, Stephen Menkhaus, Lyrui Robke Crutcher, Bill Horstmann n6J . _Nowak,Luk~ 1 _,1 ·---------------------, I Basketball... I I Sun., Jan. 4, 3rd, 4th & 5th vs Sparta here lpm/2pm/3pm 1 I _--------------------- J !...................................................... _......................................................._.•..•..••••• j Gift Bearers .. . ; Dec. 20th-4pm ..Skip & Shirley Etter !Dec. 21st-8am...Gerry & Debbie Vahlkamp & Family ~Dec. 2lst-10am... Eric & Nancy Nave & Family : Dec. 24th-4pm... Nathan & Sara Henss & Family Dec. 25th-Midnight... Tom & Mary Frerker Dec. 25th-9am...Kevin Haake & Family Dec. 27th-4pm ...Mark & Natale Siever & Family Dec. 28th-8am... Kenny & Sherri Schomaker & Family Dec. 28th-10am ... Youth Ministry ~Dec. 31st-4pm ...Jeff & Pat Taylor ~ Jan. lst-9am ... Jim &Brigid Nalewajka ~Jan. 3rd-4pm... Jay& Dana Szczeblewski & Family j Jan. 4th-8am... Chad & Patti Timmermann & Family 1Jan. 4th-10am... Chris & Carrie Gross & Family ~ If you cannot be there at the specified time, please call l Linda McNurlen 594-4613 in sufficient time. Thank j you. ~ ........................................................................................................................ .: Walking in the Parish Center 8am-3pm with the exception of holidays. f~istmas."'Eve Dec. 24 Dylan Doerr Suzanne Christ Martha Diekemper I Judy Doerr Wednesday, 4:00PM ! I Christmas Eve - Chrislmas, Dec_ 25 ---- Jane Beckmann \ I Stan Gezella Gene Kuhl Pat Kuhl Esther Norrenberns Pat Norrenberns I I Sharon Fauke I Christy Foster Geralyn Hodapp ----- I\ ~-- Lisa Eversgerd August Rose Thursday, 12:00 AM ~------ / t ' I Marlene Hoffmann , Rachele Horton I Mary Ellen Hughes Roland Kampwerth Arnie Wobbe Chnstmas Paulette Evans Janice Hempen Troy Hempen Paula Kampwerth Carol Loepker Linda Peppenhorst John Rubsam Jennifer Wilkerson Joe Wilkerson Art Henken Sylvia Henken Thursday, 9:00AM Christmas December 27- January 1 Eucharistic Minister Lector Barb Crouse Jan Kauling Esther Norrenberns Darlene Linton Brigid Nalewajka James Nalewajka Jean Van Darn John Verstegen Mary Verstegen Saturday, 4:00PM Jane Beckmann John Zieren Jeannie Kleber Ed Kleber Marian Luebbers Deb Meentemeyer Bridget Winter Nancy Zieren Ron Zurliene Youth Ministry Joyce Derters Dennis Hempen John Horstmann Toni Utzenburg Keri Mitchell Joan Voss Barb Wilton BiiiWylder KayWylder Sunday, 8:00 AM Sunday, 10:00 AM New Year's Eve Barb Crouse Marlene Hoffmann Laura Anderson Richard Christ I Wednesday, 4:00 PM December 21 Fourth Sunday of Advent "Do not be afraid, Mary, lor you have found favor with God." Luke 1:30 Suzanne Christ Martha Diekemper Linda Peppenhorst Clare Seiffert Pat Wesselmann New Year's Day Shirley Etter Skip Etter Gene Kuhl Pat Kuhl Esther Norrenberns Pat Norrenberns Thursday, 9:00AM Marian Luebbers Brigrd Nalewajka James Nalewajka January 3 - January 4 Lector Eucharistic Minister Elaine Horstmann Arnie Wobbe John Horstmann Mary Ellen Hughes Paula Kampwerth Barb Rolfingsmeier Charles Rolfingsmeier Jennifer Wilkerson Joe Wilkerson Saturday, 4:00 PM Dylan Doerr August Rose ! Judy Doerr Stan Gezella Janice Hempen Sunday, 8:00 AM Troy Hempen Rachels Horton Michelle Irwin John Rubsam Paulette Evans Marlene Hoffmann Sunday, 10:00 AM Lisa Eversgerd Sharon Fauke Christy Foster Geralyn Hodapp Roland Kampwerth Brenda Knolhoff Bonnie Kueper Linda McNurlen Susan Winkeler Decamb41t 23 F-aast af the Hoiy Family The child and became strong. fil!ed Nlsdom: a!ld the favor of God Nas 1J9on hirn. L:.~ke 2:40
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