the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church July 2014 Simplifying During Summer the 1 - Cooking and Serving at Austin Street Shelter 2 4 4th of July Church Offices Closed no 7:00 a.m. Eucharist 13 Milk and Cookies Reception to Welcome the Murrays 16 Youth Late Night Games Volume 25, No. 11 Volume 26, No. 7 In the Early Church, the Apostles traveled light, they remained focused on their mission partly because they were unfettered. They were held together because of common purpose, their daily devotional life, a bit of risk, and enormous opportunity. Once beyond the immediate drama of the Ascension and the Day of Pentecost, they began to ask, “What’s next?” The challenge of how to remain responsive became important as new converts from many different backgrounds, cultures and tongues became part of the community. Similar opportunities are before us in Dallas! What we do and how we act and what’s next are questions for us once we get beyond the immediate drama of the graduation, the baptism, the funeral, the wedding, the move, and the life transition. C. S. Lewis’ wife, Joy Davidman, put it this way: “We don’t have heightened drama all of the time. Sooner or later we are called to start living day by day with simple focus and Christian joy, to exercise expectant and generous living, seizing every opportunity to make the most of the gifts of life.” The concept of sabbath in the Judeo-Christian teaching is not merely about keeping holy a time each week for worship. Sabbath time in the Bible means a rhythm of work and rest, vocation and play, public time and solitude. Sabbath literally means “stop, cease, cut out the unnecessary.” Stop worrying about your future, stop collecting more stuff, travel lighter, invest in people, let go of a cont. on page 19 New Vicar – The Rev. Bill Murray – Starts to Work The Rev. Bill Murray, the new Vicar, is starting his ministry at Saint Michael and All Angels this month. In announcing his call, the Rector, Bob Dannals, said, “Bill is a skilled preacher, teacher, and writer, and an experienced pastor and leader. As Vicar he will give vision and execution to the full range of formation ministries from birth to our senior adults. He will take a full role in the pastoral, preaching, liturgical, sacramental, and teaching life of the parish, and will provide special focus to the growth and vitality of our children, youth, and families. He will also assume leadership roles in shaping our future growth, including interfacing with engagement, welcoming, and new member ministries.” The Murrays – Bill, his wife, Jessie, and their two sons, Moses (Mose) and Abraham (Abe) – completed their move to Dallas during June. Bill, then, spend most of the month at Sewanee – The University of the South working on his Doctor of Ministry program. The Vicar will preach his first sermon at Saint Michael on Sunday, July 13, followed by a “Milk and Cookies” welcome reception in the Garden Cloister at 11:00. Your Giving Has Worldwide Impact Good Friday and Christmas Offerings Go to Syrian Refugee Children All of the offerings given at the Good Friday worship services, and one-third of the offerings made at Saint Michael’s Christmas services were given to the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem for its programs helping children in the Middle East. We donated a total of $27,443. Recently our Rector, Bob Dannals, received the following note from Anne Lynn, President of the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. Dear Bob: Sometimes we aren’t entirely aware of the impact of a gift or a gesture. I want to address that. Saint Michael and All Angels provided a wonderfully generous offering from Christmas and Good Friday to be used for Syrian refugees. We received the gifts in April, gratefully combined it with some other funding and forwarded it to the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf which operates in Jordan. They have been working in the Zaatari Refugee Camp in northern Jordan with Syrian refugees who have various physical and mental disabilities, a population which is unaddressed by any other relief agency. You can imagine the plight of families with members who are blind, deaf, unable to walk or communicate. The situation in the camps is stressful for the most able-bodied among them, and these most fragile refugees have access to appropriate resources as a result of your important gift. Eight healthcare workers, including an audiologist, an assistant, a mould specialist (to fit hearing aids), a speech pathologist, a vision specialist, and others visited the camp. They provided splints, glasses, hearing aids, boots and other assistive device, plus follow up visits to insure these devices are appropriate and improving lives. They also worked with the schools to insure the children were properly integrated. The team visited the camp 21 times in March and 18 times in April. A teacher who is deaf joined the team in April along with a sign language teacher. 2 Saint Michael and All Angels funded this team for almost a month. We’re working now to find additional funding for this critical program and want you to know how deeply grateful AFEDJ, the Holy Land Institute, and the children of Zaatari Camp are for your critical support. Attached are two pictures – certainly not a good sample of your impact – but what we can share today. This particular little boy was directly touched by the generosity of your parishioners. Thank you. Thank you. The love and generosity of our parish reaches around the world. Thanks be to God! Bob Dannals Pentecost Pentecost Celebrations and Goodbyes Pentecost Sunday, June 8, was a day of celebrations and a day of goodbyes. The church, the priests, and many parishioners were clothed in red as we commemorated the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and followers of Christ. Following the 10:00 services everyone gathered in the Parlor for a reception and to say goodbye to Sunday Associate Mike Dangelo, his wife, Faye, and their daughter, Susanna. Mike, who has been the Chaplain at St. Mark’s School of Dallas, accepted a call to be the Rector at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in the greater Boston area. 3 Farmers Market Saint Michael’s Farmers Market Makes the News Our Saint Michael’s Farmers Market is getting a lot of great publicity around town. It has been featured in a number of newspaper articles, community magazines and blog posts. In addition to the farm fresh foods, there are shaded areas to In its “Insiders Guide to North Texas Farmers Markets,” published in May The Dallas Morning News said, “In its third year, St. Michael’s Farmers Market in the St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church parking lot is emerging as one of the better artisanal markets. In addition to a solid selection of growers (fresh fruits and vegetables) and ranchers (pastured meats), it boasts a concentration of specialty food purveyors… enjoy a morning breakfast taco or sweetbread, and let the kids play on the new Preschool playground. Friends Group Supports the Growth of Saint Michael’s Farmers Market In April, D Magazine had an article on “The Best Farmers Markets in Dallas,” in which it said about our farmers market, “Even though St. Michael’s—located in the north parking lot of St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church—is one of Dallas’ newer markets, it has quickly become a favorite.” And the magazine in its June 6 issue, “Market to Market Report” highlighted many of our vendors and reminded its readers, “Most importantly, the June Market Drive will benefit Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center. Bring baby supplies to drop off at the market, if you’d like to participate.” In its June 2 blog, “Itty Bitty,” a blog written by Cheryl Collett, devoted its entire article to the Saint Michael Farmers Market. Open every Saturday from 8:00 to Noon, Saint Michael’s Farmers Market has become a neighborhood gathering place. 4 A new group, The Friends of Saint Michael’s Farmers Market,” is working to grow the farmers market into the future. The Saint Michael Foundation provided the seed money during its first three years to get the market on its feet, but by policy cannot continue to fund it. The Friends have raised a total of $35,000 with donations from more than 180 people. $16,000 of that amount goes to supplement this year’s operations. The group needs to raise an additional $20,000 to sustain the market in 2015. To join the Friends of the Market, visit the Welcome Booth on Saturday mornings, or join online at www. Faith and Literature Throughout the summer clergy members share their favorite books Sundays at 11:00 in the Coke Activities Room. July 6 August 3 The Works of René Girard Reviewed by The Good Lord Bird Reviewed by Kevin Huddleston This book was winner of the 2013 National Book Award for fiction and listed as a Top 10 Book of the Year by the Washington Post. It is an intriguing and tantalizing saga about one of America’s earliest abolitionists. Bill Murray René Girard, a French-born, American historian, literary critic, and philosopher of social science, theorizes that all of our desires are borrowed from others, that all conflict originates from rivalry, that the scapegoat mechanism is the origin of sacrifice, and religion was necessary to control the violence that can come from rivalry, and that the Bible reveals these ideas. August 10 Endless Life: The Poems of the Mystics Reviewed by Kevin Huddleston July 20 When God Winks at You Reviewed by Greg Pickens When God Winks at You is packed with true stories demonstrating that God does communicate with us, making incredible things happen in our lives every single day. July 27 East of Eden Reviewed by Bill Murray In this masterpiece John Steinbeck explored his most enduring themes: the mystery of identity, the inexplicability of love, and the murderous consequences of love’s absence. These selections of poetry have the common claim that Love is the most compelling name of God, and the most apt attribute of the Holy One in Whom we live and move and have our being. August 17 My Bright Abyss Reviewed by Lisa Flores Seven years ago, Christian Wiman, a well-known poet and the editor of Poetry magazine, wrote a nowfamous essay about having faith in the face of death. My Bright Abyss, composed in the difficult years since and completed in the wake of a bone marrow transplant, is a moving meditation on what a viable contemporary faith— responsive not only to modern thought and science but also to religious tradition—might look like. 5 For Your Information The Columbarium and Nave Courtyard Provides a Place of Serenity and Peace Take a walk through our new Columbarium and Nave Courtyard. You’ll immediately be struck by its beauty and tranquility. There elements of God’s creation are blended to create an environment appealing to families and comforting the bereaved. A bronze Cross, turning gently with the breeze connects our earth with the heavens. And, rain collected in a bronze vessel, provides water for the niches’ bud vases. Visit the Columbarium and to learn more contact Kimberly Hughes Robinson at Fond Memories and Amazing Revelations Layton Humphrey can remember when Saint Michael and All Angels sat on a treeless prairie way out in North Dallas. His wife, Claudia, a student at Hockaday, remembers coming to confirmation classes with her schoolmate Beverly Lide after a weekend slumber party. The Humphreys have been gone from Dallas for a number of years but recently were in town to visit Layton’s daughter, Samantha Hollinshead, whose daughter will be entering the Episcopal School of Dallas in the fall. A tour of today’s Saint Michael and All Angels produced some amazing “Wows” and some fond memories. Layton reminisced of growing up and being confirmed at Saint Michael, and especially enjoying his service as a youth acolyte under the church’s first rector, Fr. Albert Taliaferro. Claudia, whose family lived in Archer City, remembered having many Hockaday classmates who were members of Saint Michael and often coming to events at the church with them. Layton’s daughter, Samantha, is hoping to lure them back to Dallas…at least part of the time. 6 Jubilee Summer Camps Stress the Environment and Learning More than 300 students from the Jubilee Park Community are learning about protecting the environment through hands-on, fun activities at Jubilee’s summer camps. The first camp concludes July 3. A second camp begins July 7 and runs through August 1. The theme for this year’s camps is “Go Green.” Students study environmental science, chemistry, robotics and engineering. In the first week students learned how to repurpose everyday objects to reduce waste in creative ways. They used plastic water bottles to make lava lamps and plastic drinking cups to make planters. The Arboretum is onsite daily teaching science lessons about the life cycle of plants. In addition, the students are learning how they can take action to help make the world a better place. Middle school students at the camp are reading Generation Fix, stories of young people who have taken action to address issues such as hunger, homelessness, education and the environment. The Perot Museum comes to the camp to talk about careers in the sciences. Studies show that on average, low income students lose two months of reading and math skills over summer break. Jubilee’s summer camp is designed to prevent “summer slide” by keeping them engaged in learning. Each day the students have breakfast, enrichment activities, recreation time and lunch. Fridays are field trip day, with an outing that relates to the week’s lessons. During the first camp, the students had an exciting trip to the Rory Meyers Children’s Adventure Garden at the Arboretum. More than 40 high school students from Peak Preparatory Academy, St. Marks School of Texas, Hockaday, and the Episcopal School of Dallas are volunteering as camp assistants Youth Costa Rica Life in sunny Costa Rica sometimes really is a beach. But to a dedicated and spirit-led mission group of 16 teens and their chaperones from Saint Michael, travelling to the idyllic Central American country in June provided a chance to help the Episcopal Diocese of Costa Rica, have a lot of fun, and build not only a church but some lasting friendships. Plus, so many of the Costa Rican people expressed a desire to visit us in Texas.” The mission group’s work involved assisting full-time construction workA lot of time was spent with school ers with the beginning stages children of building the Church of Asencion, including lifting beams into place for the building’s ceiling. At the diocesan school, in addition to painting the mural the group built ping-pong tables and spent time interacting with the children and parishoners. Putting the roof in place at church of the Asencion The group spent nine days in the Costa Rican-city of San Jose and stayed at the Diocesan House where they were hosted by Paul Spellings, a Saint Michael parishioner working for the Diocese. He is also the son of Margaret Spellings, our church Clerk to the Vestry, and Jamie Spellings. “It was a great opportunity to help the Episcopal Diocese of Costa Rica and also have some amazing fun including spending a day at the most awesome beach,” said John Cowden, 16. “We did a lot of work including putting up a roof on the church and painting a very colorful mural of a river leading up to a picture of Jesus. I guess you could say it was a cool team effort.” “I went to the Costa Rica mission trip because I’ve been on the mission trips before and have just loved the experiences,” said Emma Fenton, “I’ve been taking Spanish lessons for six years and I thought this would be a great opportunity to try out my skills. What I really took away from this trip was learning to appreciate your surroundings and the people you are with. In Costa Rica they constantly say ‘pura vida’, which is like the Spanish version of hakuna matata. They take their time to savor the small things, whether it be hanging out for an hour after a meal or stopping to look at the flowers. I really enjoyed my time there, and I would do anything to go back.” What was Cowden’s take-away from the trip? “It was invaluable to me as a person to realize the work we did is going to help so many people for a long time to come, and it also enriched the spirits of all those on the mission trip. Mural painting brought out new talents 7 Congratulations Ronald McDonald House Of Dallas Unveils Its Own Butterfly Garden Honoring Jean And Dale Fuller With Love From The Fuller Kids just a touch of magic that would charm a child — a butterfly garden in the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas courtyard. Sounds easy. Just get a bunch of butterflies and let them loose. Wrong! Jill, with the help of the staff and Master Gardener Georgia Rayna, created a garden that looked like a butterfly smorgasbord with plants like Black-eyed Susans, Frog Fruits, Butterfly Blue Pincushions and Hummingbird Bushes. On Friday, May 16, as part of the “Share the Love” barbecue celebration, the official unveiling of the Jean and Dale Fuller Butterfly Garden took place under beautiful skies. As the plaque was unveiled and Jean and Dale surveyed the garden, Jill said that there were plans to add a hummingbird feeder in the days ahead. Back in the late 1950’s, Jean and Dale Fuller were students at the University of Iowa. She earned her BSN in 1958 and he completed his residency in radiology in 1968. They moved to Dallas, where he set up practice and together they raised a family. In his work and through associations, Dale recognized the plight of families who traveled great distances so that their children could be treated for “serious illness or injury at a Dallas area hospital.” Of course, Dale did nothing solo. If he was involved, so was Jean. Together they not only made the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas a lifelong project, they inspired others to pitch in. With their wisdom and gentle smiles of compassion, they made a difference for so many — the families receiving assistance and those who provided the support. On the front row of watching the Fullers’ involvement were the Fuller kiddos — Sue, Cathy and David. Now grown and with kids of their own, the Fuller trio wanted to do something special for their parents. Brainstorming with CEO Jill Cumnock and Chief Development Officer Diane Fullingim, they came up with a gift that would reflect Jean and Dale. It was to be something positive, full of life and with 8 Nell Anne Hunt Wins Election to Irving Independent School District Board Saint Michael parishioner Nell Anne Hunt has been elected to the Irving Independent School District’s Board of Trustees. Nell Anne, a longtime Irving resident, has served on many community boards and has taught in the district and at North Lake Community College, in addition to her career as a realtor. She is also an active parishioner at Saint Michael having participated in Mission and Outreach programs, New Orleans mission trips, and adult formation. Overview Want to reconnect with God? Try a Cursillo Weekend A Cursillo weekend retreat could help take your faith to the next level. Spend a few days away from life’s distractions. Through talks given by both lay and clergy, small group discussions, worship, and the sacraments, participants come away with the tools to help them lead a more Christ-centered life. The next Cursillo retreat is August 14-17 at Camp All Saints on Lake Texoma. For more information contact: Kristi Wilson at; or Britt McGannon at 2015 Calendars are in the Bookshop The popular 2015 Liturgical Desk Calendar and the 2015 Pocket secretary have arrived in the Bookshop. More calendars are arriving this month. Stop by the shop to pick yours up. Children and Family Ministries Add Staff Children and Family Ministries has added two new staff members as they prepare for a busy fall program. Erika Bower, whose history at Saint Michael goes back to her childhood, will be involved in organizing and coordinating whole family gatherings, the Nativity Pageant, and the Edge Ministry. Erika and her husband, Phil, first met in Saint Michael Sunday School as children. Today they have two of their own, Philip and Liliana. Erika has a Liberal Arts degree from Collin College, has served on the Vacation Bible School committee, and has volunteered with large group Sunday School. Ellen Talley has assumed the role of Early Childhood Ministry Coordinator. Ellen is a graduate of The University of Texas with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and a Master’s in Education from SMU. She taught elementary school in Carrollton and at Bradfield in Highland Park. She and her husband, Larry, are raising their four children and she now volunteers at her children’s schools and at Saint Michael and All Angels where they have been members for more than seven years. 9 Caring and Sharing: Mission Outreach Honduras Threads Mission Trip Makes Major Strides (This article was prepared by Bill Bancroft, one of the leaders of the mission trip) Please applaud the Honduras Threads Class of 2014. More than 50 members of six Threads sewing and embroidery coops won certificates of achievement in sewing and computers June 26. The awards ceremony was a first and represented a milestone in both the abilities and in the self-respect of the women in the co-ops. Melanie McGill gives computer instruction to co-op members. inexperienced in changing needles and bobbins and other production tasks. To earn recognition, course participants had to prove they could master the tasks. Susan Oglesbee, who joined the mission from Louisiana, taught the co-op members how to use sewing machines. With computers, many co-op members had been struggling to do everything from starting programs and attaching Word documents to navigating sites on the web and creating and sending email. Participants learned how to do these tasks in the Level 1 course. In the Level 2 course, they demonstrated they could add and delete rows in Excel and create cost Members of the 2014 Threads mission trip team served as teachers for three learning tracks. They sat side-by-side with co-op members as the women demonstrated competency in 12 areas of sewing, 37 areas for Level 1 and nine areas for Level 2 in computer skills. Ten teenage children of co-op members also received certificates in computer use. Judging from the production of pillows, placemats, and table runners before the courses, it appeared most members of the co-ops were versatile in every aspect of production. Not so. Some had never used a sewing machine before. Others were Tommy Thedford, Saint Michael IT manager, works with Josue on repairing computers. accounting records to send to Dallas so Threads could more intelligently price its products. One student learned to tear down and rebuild a computer without assistance. 10 Caring and Sharing: Mission Outreach Teachers on the Threads team had a variety of backgrounds which they pooled to achieve success during the trip. Melanie McGill was a university professor who specialized in teaching teachers how to teach, Susan Oglesbee taught sewing in public high schools in the U.S. for several years. Tommy Thedford is Saint Michael’s computer tech. Looking around the outpost where four days of classes were held, Thedford observed, “We couldn’t have done this 10 years ago. We didn’t have the technology then.” Oglesbee found co-op members’ skills exceptional, especially given the circumstances they work under. “I really was surprised to find how well they did their work and how carefully they took care of their sewing machines.” In another first, co-op members decided to set up a “lending library” where members could check out one of three new laptop computers for a week at a time to use to improve computer skills. The computers in the lending library are in addition to the one computer each of the six co-ops has to track its work. The idea for the lending system came from concern that co-op members would forget what they learned if they didn’t continue to practice. And none is in a position to purchase a computer on her own. Co-op members will create and manage the lending system. Bob Campbell and students make a computer “selfie” “With the computers, each co-op member or their children can use the tool to research whatever topics are important,” said McGill. “It could range from new embroidery stitches to agricultural production to whatever is important to them at the time. And it could increase their ability to communicate and share their learning among multiple coop members who live miles apart from each other.” More than 50 members of Honduras Threads co-ops received certificates of achievement at a ceremony in Santa Cruz Arriba. The ceremony came at the end of four days of instruction in sewing and computers. To earn certificates Threads’ members had to demonstrate competency in several areas. 11 Women of Saint Michael 12 Women of Saint Michael 13 Caring and Sharing - Pastoral Care A Loving Touch When a member of our parish dies, the family can greet their friends at a reception following the service. Being able to provide the loving touch of a reception, without cost to the family, is a way to honor the people who have been supportive members of the Saint Michael community. The Saint Michael Funeral Guild is the Congregational Care Ministry that organizes, prepares and serves these receptions and has been doing this for 18 years. Director of Congregational Care, Ann Mills, heads up this service with a small committee of volunteers which organizes and prepares the receptions, or contributes homebaked cookies. Here is an example of their teamwork: On the day of a 10:00 service, you might find a member of the Funeral Guild in the church kitchen at 7:00 polishing trays, arranging flowers, and receiving deliveries of cookies. About 8:00, a member the operations staff sets up a reception table in the ambulatory outside the church parlor, and another table for drinks. Two hours before the service, members of the Guild arrive to help arrange the refreshments and add floral touches. Then, just as humbly and lovingly as they have gone about the preparations, these ladies disappear. A church sexton remains available to handle any serving needs during the reception and clean up after all have left. When the service concludes, guests are invited to greet the family in the parlor and enjoy refreshments. The family is free to greet their friends without any of the pressures of making the arrangements, a valuable help at a time of stress. Many who attend these receptions have remarked about the loving touch that is provided by Saint Michael to honor the family. Seeing the loving work done by the Funeral Guild, 14 18 several people have offered to bake cookies or help in other ways and want to be a part of this ministry. It is something that anyone can do. Maybe you, too, would like to do something for a experiencing a loss. If you feel called to this ministry, please notify Gayle Kesinger, gkesinger@tx.rr. com, 214-559-4273, or Ann Mills, amills@saintmichael. org, 214-363-5422 , ext 538. They will gladly welcome you into a ministry that will give you a feeling of really doing something loving and caring for families who are bereaved. —Marillyn Burton Seeberger Funeral Guild Members Peggy Andrews Marianne Ballard Karolyn Bowles Beverly Bowman Lori Browne Lynne Burkhart Anita Caldwell Judy Cole Shannon Callewart Karen Chapel Jeane Clayton Harriet Cousins Kelly Doyle Stacy Elliston Karen Goodchild Dale Hankins Carol Hairston Joanne Hardaway Sally Hudnall Charlotte Huthnance Mary Elizabeth Johnson Claire Jones Gayle Kesinger Carol Kimberly Ashley Kellogg Cynthia Kostman Laura Kugler Beverly Lide Beverly Lightbourn Michelle Mann Joanne C. Martin Sarah Martin Mary Massengale Cora McClure Lisbeth McNabb Phoebe Moore Beverly Morrison Ellen Muth Sue Patton Cathy Philley Lorraine Pingree Sandra Porter Gay Rekerdres Marilyn Schmidt Jane Slover Vicki Sparks Joan L. Stansbury LaRee Stein Ginny Swann Byrd Teague Suzanne Thomas Sharon Tomnitz Betty Walker Brittany Warburton Rebecca Weaver Mary Ann Webster Liz Wheelan Nancy Wilbur Barb Wynn Susie Yeckel Caring and Sharing - Pastoral Care Women’s Cancer Support Group. This group meets on Mondays at 1:45 in the Parlor to support each other and share helpful information. Contact: Sue Patton,, or Charlie Stobaugh, charlie@stobaugh. net. .............. Centering Prayer Group. We invite you to join us on Tuesdays at 10:00 in the Clergy Conference Room as we continue through the summer months. Learn how to be still and pray and get your mind centered on those things most important to you and those you love. Contact: Mary Ann Webster, .............. The Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry. The knitting ministry meets on Tuesdays, 1:00 to 3:00 in the Coke Activities Room. All with an interest in knitting and a desire to contribute to those who would appreciate receiving one of our prayer shawls, consider joining one of the knitting ministries. Contact: Byrd Teague, Byrd.Teague@ .............. Alterknit: Consider doing or learning something new this summer. The Alterknit Knitting Ministry meets on Tuesday nights, 6:00-8:00, in the Drake Room. Men, women, people of all ages, are invited to participate. Consider this as an opportunity to serve. If you don’t know how to knit, we’ll teach you! Contact: Nancy Cantwell, 972-523-4911. A Stephen Minister Can Help You Over The Rough Spots Do you have a burden that you cannot handle alone? Saint Michael and All Angels offers a very dedicated group of men and women who have received specialized training to walk with you, confidentially, on this journey. If you know someone who might benefit from having a Stephen Minister or you could use one yourself, please contact The Rev. Lisa Flores, lflores@ .............. Alcoholics Anonymous: Meets in July, on the first and third Sunday evenings, at 7:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Open to both men and women. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, .............. Caregiver Support Group meets on the on the first and third Mondays of July in the Parlor, 11:00 to 12:30. Check our new Care Givers Corner in the Power Library or the Care Giver Support Group tab on the website under Pastoral Care and Caring and Sharing and to learn about resources available in the community. Contact: Sandra Klingeman, jsklingeman@ .............. Grief Ministry. The July Faith and Grief luncheon is scheduled for the second Thursday, July 10, Noon-1:00 in the Coke Activities Room. If you have suffered a loss, this is an excellent support community for you to join. It is one of listening hearts, strict confidentiality and warm human contact. Please make a reservation by visiting, or call 469-251-9612. There is no fee for the lunch but donations are greatly appreciated. Contact, lay leader, Meg Badgett, mmbadgett@gmail. com, or The Rev. Lisa Flores, lflores@ .............. Summer Hiatus Christian Yoga. The Yoga classes are taking a break this summer as Licensed Instructor, Annette Lentz, takes some time for additional training and a summer rest. Please keep watch in the Sunday News and Archangel for the announcement regarding the fall schedule. Parish Nurse Ministry: There will be no Parish Nurse Sunday in the month of July due to summer schedules. Prayer Ministry. There will be no Prayer Ministry meetings during July. Watch for information in the Archangel and Sunday News regarding our fall schedule. The Saint Michael Prayer Ministry invites you to join us when we meet again beginning in August. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Prayer Ministry, contact: Steve McKenney, 214-6915384 or 15 Children, Youth, and Family Ministry Vacation Bible School Rides the Waves – One of the best ever Saint Michael’s Vacation Bible School – SonSurf Beach Bash – was a big hit and one of the most successful ever. More than 400 kids, teens and tweens, parents and counselors produced a week of fun, learning, and worship 16 16 Children, Youth and Family Ministry Vacation Bible School Outreach raises $2,100 In addition to going on a Beach Bash with God and having a lot of fun, the kids raised more than $2,100 to for clean water initiatives for Episcopal Relief and Development. The money will buy as many as 60 personal water cleaning systems in Africa and India. In a note to Emily Given, director of Children and Family Ministries, Brian Sellers-Petersen of Episcopal Relief and Development, said, “Thank you for all that you do to help us with our mission of healing a hurting world. Please thank the children and their families for making clean water accessible to those who need it.” The outreach program was only one of the highlights of Saint Michael’s Vacation Bible School. Some 400 children, teachers, and parents and teen counselors spent a week singing, playing, storytelling, and doing crafts all focused on learning to be more like Jesus. The week concluded with a fabulous family celebra- Jr. VBS Getting Organized for Next Year The Jr. VBS, for 2 - 4 year olds, was an outstanding success with more than 75 of the little people singing, playing and learning about God. Now we’re ready to plan for next year. The Jr. VBS Committee is being formed. Whether you’re creative or business-minded, we need your skills and input to make it entertaining, educational and full-filling for the little ones. Contact Elise Davis at 17 Children, Youth and Family Ministry Saint Michael Preschool Sets Sights on Accreditation Bolstered by recent successes and growing demand, the Saint Michael Preschool has initiated a program to achieve accreditation. “During the past two years the preschool has undergone significant changes as we have enhanced the quality of our educational programs and staff,” said Katie Riley, preschool director. Last year the preschool joined the National Association of Episcopal Schools and a greater number of its students were Katie Riley accepted into high ranking schools. “With these achievements, we knew it was possible for the Saint Michael Preschool to compete with other highly regarded preschool programs in Dallas,” Riley said. “A major step in achieving that goal is becoming accredited.” Both the board of the preschool and the leadership of Saint Michael and All Angels have endorsed the objective. Achieving accreditation is a rigorous process with defined criteria covering virtually every aspect of the preschool’s operations ranging from curriculum, staffing, and facilities. This summer the preschool’s organization was restructured to facilitate the process. The Mothers’ Day Out program, while still reporting to the director, became independent from the preschool’s academic operations. Tricia Morris, who for the past two years has taught at the preschool, was appointed director of Mothers’ Day Out. She is a graduate of Vanderbilt University with a degree Tricia Morris in Human Development. Tricia has earned a Child Development Associates Credential, and has four years of classroom teaching experience. In another move, Elizabeth Keogh was named to coordinate activities between Saint Michael and All Angels Church and the Saint Michael Preschool. She will be responsible for planning events like the Barnyard Bash, the Chairish Fund Raiser, and other parent-children activities. She will also urge nonmember family church participation, and assist Stewardship in reaching parents. Elizabeth, a graduate of Southern Methodist University with Elizabeth Keogh a degree in Spanish, has taught at the preschool during the past school year. As a part of the reorganization, the position of Assistant Director, held by Barb Wynn, was eliminated. “Barb, our long-time friend and colleague, made enumerable contributions to Saint Michael Preschool and Mothers’ Day Out that has helped bring our program to this stage,” Ms. Riley said. “We will always be grateful for her dedicated service.” The changes will enable the Saint Michael Preschool and Mothers’ Day Out to have clearly delineated programs this fall which will help enhance the curriculums for all the children, meet the highest expectations of the parents, and better position the preschool to achieve its accreditation goal. Preschool class working on counting 18 FYI Grant Them Eternal Rest Eugene “Gene” Jericho, June 3, husband of Mitch Jericho Elizabeth “Betty” Conson McCarty Allen, June 3 Elizabeth “Betty” J. Frensley, June 4, sister of The Rev. Jim Frensley Charles Park, June 8, father of Charlie Smith, father-in-law of Jim Smith, grandfather of Elizabeth Gorman, Mary Ellen Kendall, grandfather-in-law of John Gorman and Billy Kendall, great grandfather of Will, Catie Grace, Gretchen and Gillian Gaye Dianne “Dede” Divine Cullum, June 15, wife of Tim Cullum, mother of Tim Cullum and Tiffany Doan, mother-in-law of Amanda Cullum and Donnie Doan Fred Wells, June 16, father of Dennis Wells, father-in-law of Janis Wells Ann G. Hitzman, June 18, mother of Margaret Horn John Philip Fischer, June 19, husband of Mary Jean Fischer, father of The Rev. Ariail Gores Dorothy Lois Harold, June 22, sister of Dolly Smith James “Jim” Arthur Keeling, June 23, husband of Katherine Keeling Phyllis Mary Purtell Johnson, June 29, wife of Dr. Warren Johnson .............. Cradle Role cont. from page 1 negotiated reputation, place your operative trust in the living God. In short, simplify! Summer is a good time to ponder this important gift from God. It helps during this season to look beyond your most immediate needs -- to get a glimpse of the Big Picture, and to have a longer view; to remember that the same God who engineered Creation, the Redemption in Jesus of Nazareth, and the sustaining presence of the Holy Spirit, is the same One who goes with our teens on mission trips, encounters us during Vacation Bible School, chimes in with us as we sing a robust hymn, and accompanies us as we do our daily work. And it’s the same God who bids us to rest, to play, to work hard, to take responsibility for our lives, to stop and read and pray. Summer, particularly summer out of doors in new surroundings, can help us move toward this focused simplifying, seeing God’s presence in unexpected places. Of God’s presence, Wordsworth wrote: “Whose dwelling in the light of setting suns, and the round ocean and living air, and the blue sky, and in the mind of a person: a motion and a spirit that impels and rolls through all things.” Have a simpler and edifying July, and join us often at Saint Michael and All Angels. Bob Dannals We welcome our newest members to our parish family: Mia Claire May 27, 2014 Ana and Val Burlacu Robert Jay June 3, 2014 Katy and Michael Cosby Matthew Grayson June 13, 2014 Gayla and Andy Sahl 19 Archangel PERIODICAL the POSTAGE PAID A monthly publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church DALLAS, TX Saint Michael and All Angels the 8011 Douglas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225-0385 Phone: 214-363-5471 Fax: 214-363-4388 The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published monthly by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Archangel, Saint Michael and All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas,TX 75225-0385 Worship Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – Eucharist – BMC Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – Healing Service – BMC Saturday 8:30 a.m. – Eucharist – BMC 5:30 p.m. – Candlelight Mass Sunday 7:30 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I – SMC 10:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite II - Church 10:00 a.m. – Combined Discovery Mass, Joy Mass, Celebration Mass - Theater Parish Clergy The Reverend Dr. Bob Dannals, Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Dr. Kevin Huddleston, Associate for Mission & Outreach The Reverend Lisa Flores, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Ariail Gores, Deacon The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate, Chaplain Episcopal School of Dallas – lower school The Reverend Pamela Theodore, Sunday Associate The Reverend Neal Hern, Sunday Associate Parish Vestry Stewart Thomas, Sr. Warden Nancy Skochdopole, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Robert Wilson, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Christine Ashmore, Peter Beck, John Gorman, Beth Hise, Kathy Jenevein, Rachel Morgan, Sallie Plummer, Randy Rekerdres, Tom Rhodus, Grady Schleier, Tom Stewart, Matt Waller, and Kay Whelan. 11:00 a.m. – Sunday School Classes (Children and Adult) 11:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I – SMC 5:30 p.m. – Evening Prayer and Eucharist Rite I – SMC click “Like” to follow us
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