> The company
3D ltd.
> Services
Design and graphics
Holographic origination
uV recombination – The new technology
> products
The application and transfer of holograms
unique-marking - A new technology
large format shims with drop-ins or microtext
> Holography
A diversity of holographic effects
Special security features and effects
Optical effects
Swissgram ® - unique holographic security solution
Highspe3d holography ™
identification levels
> High security
Holograms for high security applications
> product & brand protection
Options and arguments
> Smart solutions
label Design
injection molding - nanostructured plastic surfaces
kryptolens ™ - A unique covert feature
kaleidocode ® - Holographic barcodes
nanothentic ® - protect your Customers
> nano- & microtechnology
Origination of 3D microstructures
Thin film patterning/ high resolution marking
unique 3D microstructuring
> Decorative packaging
eye-catching effects
eye-catching effects combined with security features
The Company
✴3D ltd.
Founded 1989, 3D AG is one of the world’s leading companies in the production of holographic security features for:
high security: bank notes, passports, driving licenses, ✴Certifications
documents, tickets, coupons, vouchers
3D AG is a certified security hologram manufacturer and
product and brand protection: etiquettes, labels, hangmember of:
tags, hot embossing foil
functional surfaces: injection molding, solar cells, lCD
intergraf CwA 14641 : 2009
screens, light guiding, antireflection layers
iHMA – int. Hologram Manufacturers Association
decorative patterns: refined packaging for sales promo•
iCC-CiB – int. Chamber of Commerce- Counterfeiting
tion and security
intelligence Bureau
3D AG produces classical handcrafted holograms in house;
from the graphic creation, to the exposure of the hologram,
the electroforming and recombination of the shim, and the
finished label. in addition, 3D has a collection of over 600
diffractive patterns, many of which have been licensed by
important foil converters.
SVi - Schweizerisches Verpackungsinstitut
Swiss label
iSO 9001 : 2008
As one of the only independent and privately held companies in this industry, 3D AG realizes important projects.
The need to protect documents, products and packaging will
continue to increase, especially classical holography creates a
variety of difficult to copy designs as unbeatable
visible elements.
Design and graphics
Holographic origination
Holography is a world of opportunities for everyone: the marketing manager looking to promote his product to remain one
step ahead of the competition, the pharmaceutical manufacturer interested in securing his product against counterfeiting
and tampering, or the foil company looking for the most innovative promotional and packaging solution.
To find the perfect hologram and the right combination of security elements for a specific need is a core competence of 3D
AG. A team of experienced holographic specialists will create the solution that meets the customer’s needs and exceeds the
✴Design and graphics
The process of producing a custom-made hologram begins with the design in the graphics department.
3D AG’s graphic specialists will work closely with the customer to transform
a creative idea, graphic representation, or a model into the perfect hologram.
✴Holographic origination
A hologram is in essence a recording of the interference of
coherent light waves created using laser light and precision
optical techniques. This is the actual stage where the
hologram is made.
The custom artwork designed by the graphics department is
transformed into a hologram with the classical handcrafted
method in the laser equipped processing laboratory. The
expert holographers create and combine the necessary
holographic elements for the final hologram.
The holographic image is transferred onto a nickel shim in a
galvanic bath. Thus, a durable metal replica of the
holographic image is created as a tool for mass production.
3D AG has state-of-the-art electroforming capabilities;
enabling high precision replications into nickel shims of
almost any nano- or microstructures. These electroformed
plates are widely used for over 20 years in the holographic
industry for foil embossing, uV-embossing and casting, metal
stamping and injection molding.
in addition, 3D AG provides electroforming services to an
increasing number of universities and independent research
institutes for the generation and evaluation of nano- and
microstructures for many applications.
SiZe Shims usually are up to 1200 mm x 1200 mm but can be made
up to 2000 mm x 1200 mm on request. The thickness ranges from
25 micrometers up to 10 millimeters.
MeTAl prOperTieS pure nickel, hardness approximately
200-300 HV, weldable, no internal stress.
BASe MATeriAlS nickel can be electroformed from various flat
substrates, such as nickel, brass, copper, steel, stainless steel, glass,
pMMA, pC, epoxy-resins, titanium etc.
r&D for electroforming is another of 3D AG’s core
competences, new technical processes are continuously
explored. Almost all development work is being done
in-house and a network of specialized companies and
research institutes is available.
Holographic images as well as nano- and microstructures are
recombined to produce large format master shims up to 1200
mm x 1000 mm. recombined images can be either joined
together to produce endless holographic images, such as
diffractive patterns, or separated to accommodate
hot stamping or die cutting needs. 3D AG has special
know-how and owns exclusive equipment for the
step-and-repeat replication of various types of surface reliefs.
Between each recombined single cell area, it is possible to
create a small overlap or a gap, depending on the
requirements of the application.
recombination layout types
During this process, registration marks can be added for
subsequent foil finishing operations.
✴uV recombination – The new technology
3D AG masters the mechanical recombination as well as the uV recombination in house.
Mechanical recombination
uV recombination
recombination layout Types
wallpaper or as “patches/stripes”
wallpaper or as “patches/stripes”
Suitable Surface reliefs
From submicron gratings up to
approximately 50 Micrometers depth
From submicron gratings up to
and bigger than 50 Micrometers depth
Active Area
Maximum active area to be recombined Maximum active area to be recombined
is 914,4 mm x 762,0 mm
is 1200 mm x 1000 mm
Single Cell Size
From 5 mm x 5 mm up to
152,4 mm x 152,4 mm
From 5 mm x 5 mm up to
152,4 mm x 152,4 mm
Single Cell Shape
Various shapes possible, e.g. square ,
rounded, triangular etc.
Various shapes possible, e.g. square,
rounded, triangular and free forms etc.
(perfect stitching down to 50 micrometers)
production of nano- or microstructured foils
in this final stage of hologram production, the nickel master
shim is mounted on the embossing machine to produce the
final product. 3D AG is a competent partner in mechanically
transferring nano- and microstructures onto many different
kinds of foils. whether you require the hologram as
self-adhesive labels or as hot-stamping foil, we provide a
large selection of foils for specific promotional and security
needs with very efficient lead times.
The hot embossing of foils is an efficient and cost effective
way to replicate nano- and microstructures in
large quantities.
Technical indications for the embossing process
Starting with a master-structure (for example a silicon wafer)
that 3D AG replicates and if needed also recombines
(multiplies) a nickel shim is produced. To emboss the foils
with such a shim a hard embossing machine is available.
OpTiCAl AppliCATiOnS
nanostructured surfaces are used for diffractive patterns,
anti-reflective surfaces as well as to boost the efficiency of
optical systems.
FluiD TeCHnOlOGy
nanostructured surfaces can be used for the control of the
absorption of moisture on surfaces.
pArTner neTwOrk
3D AG has an intelligent network of partner teams in research
facilities that can be used for consulting in the development
of nano- and microstructures from the design up to the mass
production process.
“Our line OF prODuCTS iS DeSiGneD
TO SATiSFy CuSTOMer neeDS in eVery
MArkeT SeGMenT: FrOM FOil MAnuFACTurer
THrOuGH reTAiler TO enD-uSer.”
DeSCripTiOn: A durable nickel replica of the holographic
image produced using our unique galvanic technology used
to produce the image in mass quantities. The original replica,
or master shim, is kept in-house at 3D AG. From the master
shim, both sub masters and production shims will be
produced. production shims are used for the actual
embossing of the holographic images into foil.
we can meet your exact requirements by providing shims ✴Foils
of the desired size and thickness.
DeSCripTiOn: Foil embossed with holographic images, as
well as with diffractive patterns. we can meet your exact
TArGeT uSer: nickel shims of 3D AG holographic images
requirements by providing foils in various sizes, colors, and
and diffractive patterns are sold to large foil manufacturers
and label producers, as well as to security printers. These
users require nickel shims for the production of holographic
TArGeT uSer: Most end-users do not have the capabilities to
foil and embossed labels in large quantities.
apply hot stamping foil directly to their own products. label
converters, printers, and packaging manufacturers are
therefore significant users of hot-stamping label stock.
DeSCripTiOn: Self-adhesive (peT) foil, which is embossed
with holographic images and die cut in various sizes and
shapes, to the customer’s specifications.
TArGeT uSer: The end-user interested in holographic labels
for securing and/or promoting his or her product.
✴The application and transfer of holograms
A vital consideration is how to fix the hologram to the product.
paper-based documents such as banknotes, checks, vouchers, and tickets lend themselves
well to diffractive security features which are applied using hot-stamping foil technology.
labels can be attached manually or with an automated machine process.
✴unique-marking - A new technology
unique-marking is a new technology jointly developed by Variszit and 3D AG.
it is now possible to apply holographic and non-holographic markers directly to the product now not only on flat surfaces but
also on round or curved surfaces. This is possible inline, easily added to an existing manufacturing process in high frequency
(over 60 strokes per second) for mass production.
This non-conventional unique-marking application does not require any tooling and is therefore very cost effective.
✴large format shims with drop-ins or microtext
Shim with rainbow and drop-ins
Shim with rainbow and microtext
800 mm x 1000 mm
800 mm x 1000 mm
0.3 mm
0.3 mm
rainbow, cracked ice or other pattern originated
by 3D or delivered to 3D
rainbow, cracked ice or other pattern originated
by 3D or delivered to 3D
of custom designed elements over the whole
shim per customer requirements
0.015 mm - 0.050 mm
SiZe OF DrOp-in
3 mm x 3 mm up to 150 mm x 150 mm
pOSiTiOninG ACCurAnCy
+/- 0,1 mm
MiCrOTeXT FOnT line THiCkneSS
0.003 mm - 0.005 mm
20 mm over the whole shim
✴A diversity of holographic effects
2D: This hologram type is based on a graphic image, in which all elements
are recorded on one optical level (substrate layer).
Gratings and microstructures produce high diffraction efficiency, brilliant colors and dynamic effects.
2D/3D: in comparison to the 2D hologram, where all optical information is stored on one level,
the graphical elements of a 2D/3D hologram are separated from each other and placed on several different,
superimposed layers, providing a sense of optical depth (parallax effect). Combinations with
three-dimensional objects in the background are also possible.
3D: This hologram is created by holographic exposures of one or more real physical three-dimensional
objects or starting from computer generated images (stereogram). in case of object recordings, a 3D
hologram portrays the object in a 1:1 scale. The strong sense of depth distinguishes this hologram from
others; however, for optimal viewing conditions, a direct and pointed source of light is recommended.
3D/2D: This hologram combines a 3D hologram with a 2D hologram, the 2D component being in the
background. The 3D component shows the original object on the foreground either as in true scale or as a
stereogram, the 2D component is always taken from a graphic image.
✴Special security features and effects
Hidden features:
Covert information which is integrated into the hologram during the origination process and which can
only be revealed with a special reading device, under specific wavelengths.
Black and white Switch:
A novel optical effect consisting of an achromatic 3D hologram switching in distinct areas between white
and black when turning the hologram at 90 degrees. This used increasingly as a special
security feature - hard to imitate and easy to check.
Key and lock system:
Special digital watermarking, based on lines or other graphical elements, containing a hidden information
which can be revealed with special screens.
KryptolensTM :
A new high security covert feature is the result of a development between 3D AG and Jura JSp. To verify the
hidden kryptolens elements, a special decoding lens is needed (for detailed description continue to “smart
solutions” section).
Liquid Crystal “Zedgram”:
A novel security solution, where special types of invisible liquid crystals are incorporated into the
holographic foil, in order to create hidden information. The information can be read out with the aid of a
Nano- and microtext:
Microtexts are text elements with a height between 40 and 100 micrometers. with “nanotext” one
understands text elements, which have a font size in height smaller than 25,4 micrometers. Both types of
text are too small to be read by the naked eye.
Security guilloche:
Static or dynamic guilloche designs, which are also used in security printing. They are added to the design,
and especially can be used for shares and certificates.
✴Optical effects
Asymmetrical gratings:
with asymmetrical gratings, as a line shape or as surface areas, the protection against forgery is increased
additionally. Special optical effects can be achieved.
3D dynagram:
A kinematic sequence of fine-lined guilloche patterns superimposed on specific regions of an image.
The patterns are optically designed in such a way to appear to rotate or to blossom as the hologram is tilted.
The dynamic movements are well visible also under poor lighting conditions.
Diffractive patterns:
3D AG is known in the holographic industry as having the largest and most popular selections of diffractive
patterns in the world. we are eager to consult with you on designing new diffractive patterns to meet your
specific needs.
Dot matrix:
The continuous rainbow effect of this 2D hologram results from microscopic holographic dots, which
diffract light through a range of angles. Holograms made using this technique perform excellently under a
variety of lighting conditions.
Dot Matrix can be combined with classical 3D holograms, providing a wide range of possibilities for new
and interesting holographic effects.
Dynamic effects:
Motion effects, are realized with lines, dots and other micro geometric forms.
E-beam nanostructures:
produced with electron beam lithography. High-resolution diffractive and non diffractive nanostructures,
lens structures, prismatic and other structures are used to achieve special optical effects. A resolution of up
to 500’000 dpi can be reached.
Flip effect:
Two superimposed images that provide an effective “image flip”, where a tilt of the hologram reveals either
one or the other image.
Holographic lens structure:
new and unique, holographically originated gratings evoke a lens effect,
available in line shape or as areas.
Lenticular effects:
lens arrays or cylindrical lenses are being used to produce dynamic images, similar to a holographic
stereogram, but without holographic recordings. lenticular effects are becoming more and more popular
both for brand protection and decorative applications, due to the fact that the resulted optical effects can
be checked easily and give a sensation of depth and movement at the same time.
This is a special type of a 3D hologram –also called “Multiplex hologram”- consisting of several images; the
result is a moving effect or image sequence. Stereograms can be produced in black and white or in color.
True color 2D-Holograms:
A graphical image (e.g. based on a photograph of any object), through the right combination between
grayscale and color mix turns the image holographically to appear real.
✴Swissgram ® - unique holographic security solution
we have developed the unique Swissgram ® for you to protect your products.
Swissgram ® allows you to increase the protection against forgery.
This inimitable customizable combination of security features lets you decide the depth of security
you need to protect your products and documents.
what makes the Swissgram ® unique!
it protects your products or documents in the most secure and versatile way. Additionally, visual effects enable the possibility
for your clients to differentiate an original from a fake at the «point of Sale». Thus, the different possible levels of security offer
an effective protection against forgery. To underline the uniqueness and to elevate the standard of security features, we offer
everything from the layout design to the finished label in house. you define your requirements – we realize the solution!
lens structure
3D hologram
with one level
3D hologram
with three levels
hidden feature
(laser pointer)
dynagram (dynamic effects)
key and lock system
3D hologram
with one level and two colors
2D/ 3D hologram
matt- and special structures
e-beam structures
asymmetric grid
security guilloche
hidden feature
(laser pointer)
3D hologram
with one level
2D real color
✴Highspe3d Holography ™
3D AG has developed an origination system to efficiently
produce low cost holograms with short lead times, which
opens an entirely new dimension and many applications for
holography. Compared to standard classical holographic
origination, the initial costs are low due to a
straightforward production process. yet it is possible to
incorporate the advantages of classical holography, with its
successful microstructures providing high security protection
against counterfeiting. The integration of security features
allows high resolution including any kind of microtext or
images. in combination with 3D AG’s wide range of
background designs, from diffractive patterns, rainbow
structures or even 3D effects, 3D AG has endless possibilities
in creating HighSpe3d holograms. Furthermore any artworks
or fonts from a digital source can be used conveniently and
trouble-free. positive or negative versions of the originated
images may be generated, similar to photography.
From a single image of a 2D hologram
up to 350 mm x 500 mm
VAriOuS AppliCATiOnS
Hot stamping foil, labels (up to 120 mm x 120 mm),
paper, board and adhesive materials
Matt-white structures:
Holographic microstructures break white light into its spectral colors (rainbow colors). The matt white
structures are optical structures, that don’t reflect the spectral colors. These structures can be placed on a
rainbow. For example a logo placed on a rainbow background can result in a beautiful optical contrast.
✴identification levels
The holographic images can incorporate up to 4 diffrent identification levels, which are superimposed.
1. leVel AuTHenTiFiCATiOn:
Visually detectable features by the “naked eye”
2. leVel AuTHenTiFiCATiOn:
Visible with small optical magnification or lens structures
3. & 4. leVel AuTHenTiFiCATiOn:
Microscope detectable third level features or special customized fourth level security features
High Security
✴Holograms for high security applications
3D AG is holding a world leading position in the origination of holographic images for high-security applications, such as
banknotes, passports, visas and driving licenses. Holography is an optimal solution for high security applications, given the
complexity of its composition and production process, allowing both overt and covert features. Multiple holographic effects
can be added and combined to a unique security featured hologram, which no one can reconstruct or imitate.
3D AG has produced high-security holograms for more than 70 banknote denominations used in over 31 countries, thus are
present worldwide on billions of banknotes.
in order to meet the heightened security standards for the production of banknote holography, 3D AG provides the entire
production process – from the first graphic proposal to the embossing tooling in a high security environment.
Holograms or DOViDs (Diffractive Optically Variable image Devices) are optical microstructures created by laser
interferometry, resulting in animated images or patterns. These cannot be effectively copied or reproduced by scanning and
color copies and have also proved to be beneficial as an effective recognition feature for the general public.
Graphic design
in intense cooperation with its customers, 3D AG designed
price winning images, matching the overall banknote design.
3D AG is considering that the right combination between
graphic design and origination, from the initiation of a new
banknote project until its realization, is of paramount
importance for the security of the banknote.
3D AG offers the latest optical anti-counterfeiting techniques,
a combination of multilevel security elements with a strong
aesthetic appearance. 3D AG’s banknote holograms have an
excellent reputation for their functionality, exhibiting exceptional clear colors, high brilliancy, clear three-dimensional
depth and strong dynamical effects against counterfeiting.
3D AG’s independent services enable you to freely choose
your appropriate suppliers of hot stamping foils, security inks,
currency paper and the banknotes themselves, to meet your
needs. 3D AG, with its extensive experience in the
high-security field, can also direct you to the appropriate
technological partners.
product & Brand
✴Options and Arguments
Counterfeiting became an unethical but massive “global industry” affecting the profit of manufacturers, brand owners and
creating losses to governments; it became the most serious plague and challenge for the future of our economy. Counterfeiting causes the loss of trust from the consumer, affects the quality of the brand and worse, endangers lives. Moreover, counterfeiting does not only concern luxury goods anymore, but almost every product, clothes, medicines, food, electric appliances,
spare parts, all are affected. The internet, now a major sales channel, makes it easy to distribute counterfeits uncontrollably.
Counterfeiting attacks the heart of our cultural values, the fight against this plague is the challenge for our future.
Is “laisser-faire” an alternative?
Counterfeiting is a criminal act, an intrusion in physical and intellectual property and must be prosecuted by the police
excuses for doing nothing:
“Anti counterfeiting measures are too expensive”
“The decision making process in our company is much to complicated and takes forever”
“we do not know which is the indicated solution to our problem against counterfeiting”
Something must be done as the risks are simply to big!
Financial loss to the company (loss of sales and product liability claims)
losses and damages to the clients (financially and physically)
Violation of laws and regulatory requirements (loss of taxes and neglecting the consumer protection)
neglecting the social responsibility of the corporation
loss of image of the company
Be prepared, it can get worse and prevention is better than cure
What happens if you fight counterfeiting?
increase in customer confidence that boosts sales and turnover
Competitive advantage increases the market share
The selection of the right technology is a key success factor!
The consumer must be enabled to differentiate the real product from the counterfeited one
The consumer wants to be enabled to easily authenticate the bought product
The manufacturer must be able to communicate his measures simply to the market
The cost of the anti counterfeiting measures should not be higher then its benefit
(cost of 0.1%-1% of the product’s salesprice)
The criminal activity of the counterfeiting must be easily identified to increase the risk for the counterfeiters
The right solution must be simple, effective and easy to implement
The right solution may represent a real added value and can contribute to sales and marketing
Currently available technologies:
Passive technologies – visible overt features (visible with the naked eye)
Optically variable inks
paper quality (for example banknotes)
rapid change and modification of the packaging
lenticular images (lenses producing 3D-effects)
Special surface textures with a particular haptic effect
Active Technologies – hidden, covert features (only readable with a special reader or tool)
rFiD (radio Frequency identification Devices) – electromagnetic identification
Optical identification particles (taggants), for example ink with uV-taggants
Chemical identification particles (taggants) are added to the product as trace elements
Micro-identification particles (nano-taggants)
Mass-coding systems – visually recognizable or machine readable as 1D or 2D barcode
Digital mass serialization (DMS), each product receives a unique quasi-random number from a database
Digital mass encryption (DMe) each product receives a unique quasi-random number that is not stored in a databse
The right technology depends on the product and its market. Mostly a combination of the technologies
above is applied. Holograms are the most used of the overt visible optically variable elements:
Holograms are used for more than 20 years for brand and document protection
The consumer can easily detect the real product and identify a counterfeited product
The manufacturer communicates his measures easily to the market
The costs usually are low and rarely are higher than 0.1% - 1% of the product value
Counterfeits can be easily detected so that the risk for forgers increases
Holographic elements can easily be implemented and applied by the manufacturer
Holograms usually add value to the product and bring advantages for marketing and sales and also help the positioning of the product.
Holograms, depending on the applied security features are difficult to copy or to imitate.
Holograms can be easily combined with other technologies. Mass serialisation can be combined for the track and trace
function with the hologram for the authentication of the product.
Holograms can be registered with the iHMA (international Hologram Manufactures Association)
Doing nothing is not a solution. with the right measures counterfeiting cannot be completely
prevented but it can be taken care that the products are not easily sellable as counterfeits and are
easily identified by the trade and consumers.
The motivation to produce counterfeits is therefore reduced.
if the manufacturer communicates to the consumer about his measures for the prevention of
counterfeiting, the consumer confidence increases with resulting competitive advantages against
suppliers that do not do anything to protect their customers. prevention is better than cure.
3D AG consults you to
find the right solution!
Smart Solutions
✴label Design
3D AG has been helping many companies designing labels. A modern label has many functions beyond simple identification
of a product.
labels can be functional for anti-counterfeiting, brand protection, tamper-evident seals, anti-pilferage seals, etc. Security
labels can combine several overt and covert features to avoid reproduction. Adding security printing, holography, embossing,
barcodes, rFiD chips, custom printing, weak (or weakened) backings, etc. are elements used for authentication, theft
reduction, and protection against counterfeit and are used on iD cards, credit cards, packaging, and products from clothing to
CDs and electronics to fight illegal imitations.
The newly available software applications for the available mobile phones allow consumers to identify labels easily and read
automated 1D and 2D barcodes that direct them to secure websites with their mobile phones. This allows the manufacturer
additional customer interaction as well as to identify the location of customers or of the increased appearance of counterfeits.
✴injection Molding - nanostructured plastic Surfaces
Given 3D AG’s vast experience in the origination and manufacturing of holograms and holographic labels,
3D AG is the ideal partner in the development and production of nanostructured holographic plastic surfaces that can be
transferred directly in the injection moulding process.
plastic objects are commonly produced with plastic resins in standard injection moulding machines. 3D AG can complement
the injection mold with a nanostructured insert. it is impressive how a holographic color effect
can be added to plastic products without any addition of chemistry and solvents
which can be dangerous for pharmaceutical and food products.
Holographic surfaces on plastic parts are mainly used for:
Counterfeit proofing: An additional production process
is usually required for elements preventing
counterfeiting. 3DAG’s solution with holographic effects
is not only impossible to fake but also integrated in the
injection moulding process.
Product enhancement: Holographic colors and effects
have a very noble and magical effect on plastic parts.
This process has not been widely used and therefore
still surprises consumers and the visual impressions
induce amazement. This technology can be used to enhance design parts as well as for packaging of watches,
perfumes, cosmetics and jewelry.
✴kryptolens ™ - A unique covert feature
Jura JSp offers the experience gained in many years of high-security printing and the design of high-security documentation
(e.g. passports), also in the area of integrated brand protection, and has come to specialise in highly efficient in-line solutions.
Combining the unique technologies and skills, resulted in a new high-security covert feature for holographic images
(e.g. labels, hot stamping foils).
kryptolens™ is the result of the innovative patent-registered technological development at Jura JSp,
the pioneering, distinctive holographic capabilities at 3D AG and can be integrated in any 3D AG holographic design.
To verify the hidden kryptolens™ elements, a decoding lens with a special developed frequency is used. This lens, with a filter
of a certain frequency, is needed to access the information at different angles of the decoder and making them visible to the
human eye.
Thanks to the deployment of the most up-to-date
techniques, the hidden kryptolens™ elements are invisible
and therefore suitable for high-security applications where a
covert anti-counterfeit feature is required. potential forgers
do not have any indication for the kryptolens™ usage.
Via controlled lens distribution, only authorised people can
verify the image. kryptolens™ is easy to communicate with
operators along the whole distribution chain. it is an
extremely sophisticated anti-counterfeit tool, combining the
advantage of 3D AG’s holographic diffractive structures
(i.e. clear colours,high brilliancy, 3D depth, dynamics) with a
distinguished second level covert security feature for
additional information or product authentication.
✴ kaleidocode ® - Holographic Barcodes
The problem and the risk!
Any conventional printer can print fake barcodes as labels. in shops these can be stuck over the existing barcodes. Then at the
cash point, the wrong price will be scanned, registered and paid.
it represents a dangerous threat and unnecessary risk to only rely on the conventional barcodes.
The bottle for 19.95 now reads 9.95
with two
can be
read very
The solution of 3D AG – kaleidocode ®
3D AG has developed special holographic, secure barcodes that make it impossible to counterfeit for fakers. The
kaleidocode ® protects your price, your product, your brand and your income – for a reasonable price.
Applied to the product or it’s packaging, the tamper evident kaleidocode ® can not be removed without seriously damaging
the barcode information.The kaleidocode ® can easily be recognized by the cashier and the buyer as a special safety feature.
This delivers the security that the product and the barcode are an original and not a fake.
The desired information is stored in either 1D- or 2D-Barcodes, therefore is machine-readable and can be read by
commercially obtainable scanners. Combined with holographic security features the eye catching
kaleidocode ® therefore not only makes your product more
attractive but also secures it.
Track and Trace
The kaleidocode ® is available as self-adhesive labels from 15
mm x 15 mm until approximately 120 mm x 120 mm, as well
as hot embossing foil and a combination of hot
embossing foil on paper self-adhesive etiquettes. Depending
on the product price segment, the kaleidocode ® is suitable
for orders from approximately 1000 labels with the same
Code-Content. in addition, the kaleidocode ® labels can be
numbered with a laser or a simple thermotransfer print.
Tamper evident
kaleidocode ® enables an accurate tracking of physical
objects and is a secure and reliable trait for the manufacturer,
the distribution and the end user.
Data protection
with kaleidocode ® it is possible to reliably protect
alphanumeric data with holography, and this on multiple
levels of security: hidden, obvious and machine-readable
attributes. This unique combination makes kaleidocode ®
a versatile multifunctional security feature to secure and
protect important information on your products, documents
or dangerous goods and more.
The right price
VeriFy eASily AnD SAFely wiTH yOur pHOne
✴ nanothentic ® - protect your Customers!
The code that protects you and your clients
from counterfeits!
3D’s nanothentic ® is an intelligent combination of
holography with a serialization of the product. every product
is marked with a unique and singular random serial number
without logical sequence. These codes are generated just for
these products and are not used by anyone else and are also
not stored in a database that could be hacked.
Checking of these unique serial codes is easy for the trade
and the customer, it can be done reading the code with a
mobile phone or typing in the code to be sent by SMS or
directly on the manufacturer’s website to create further costumer interaction.
This allows not only to a track and trace the product but can
also deliver to the manufacturer a large variety of information that can be used by the marketing division to evaluate
consumer behavior. The location of the checking customer
can also be detected to allow the geographical identification
of counterfeiting problems.
The combination with a hologram yields additional security.
The hologram can be customized according to your specific
wish and additional security features can be added. The
label can be made tamper evident and also be hidden with a
scratch off rubber layer. For some applications it even makes
sense to add a second number, one for the trade and one for
the enduser.
Below we introduce a possible label, which can be stuck outside on the packaging. it enables the client to track and trace
and in combination with holographic security features also to
check the authenticity of the product.
nanothentic ® - there is no better customer retention,
the clients will be grateful!
12 mm x 12 mm
22 mm
14 mm
84 mm
32 mm
60 mm
22 mm
nano- & Microtechnology
OriGinATinG AnD upSCAlinG MiCrO- AnD nAnOSTruCTureD SurFACeS
FrOM THe lAB SiZe TO inDuSTriAl DiMenSiOnS THrOuGH MiCrO- AnD
nAnOTOOl enGineerinG, DeVelOpMenT AnD prODuCTiOn.
3D AG covers the whole value chain beginning with the Origination of 3D microstructures, the electroforming process of small
area functional structures, the duplication of these structures up to the ready-made precision micro- and nanotools to be used
in roll-to-roll or injection moulding processes.
Our continous efforts in research open new possibilities for the industrial use of nano- and microstructured
functional surfaces.
These technologies have been used mainly by the lighting industry, mobile phone manufacturers, lCD- screenmanufacturers,
pharmaceutical companies, packaging foil companies, solar cell manufacturers, research institutes, printing companies, injection molding companies, etc.
✴ Origination of 3D microstructures
High degree of freedom in micro structure engineering
repeating arrays, density variation matrix, gradually changing features
individual Geometry size x/y: 5 µm – 1000 µm
Feature height or depth z: 0 – 150 µm
wall angles and slopes α: 0° – 85°
High aspect ratio features (2:1)
Optical surface finish (rMS < 20 nm)
100% fill factor (any packaging, e.g. hexagonal, square)
large area processing (proven up to 1900 mm x 1400 mm)
prism array
Variable feature distribution
lens array
Free form
✴ Thin film patterning/ high resolution marking
Demetallisation with 3 µm resolution
Micro marking with 2 µm line width
Demetallisation of Aluminium on peT
Aluminium on peT
✴ unique 3D microstructuring
ultra high depth
definition (<100 nm)
Highly defined
surface topography
(1 km = 1 µm)
Decorative packaging
✴ eye-catching effects
A core use for holography has always been decorative packaging. The eye catching effects can make products look more
attractive with holographic patterns. This has been used for all products that are sold in a competitive environment mainly to
increase the shelf attention and for customer displays.
3D AG is known in the holographic industry for having one of the largest and most popular selections of diffractive patterns
in the world. These patterns are ideal for the packaging of many different types of products, as well as for a multitude of other
uses such as: in the lettering on a birthday card, on the cover of a book or compact disk, in jewelry, and in magazine
advertisements. The perfect way to keep one step ahead of your competition.
The new technology of uV-casting made it possible to transfer holographic layers of uV on the packaging, no more film is
needed and the cost became very accessible. 3D AG excels in designing and making large format tools to uV-cast such
✴ eye-catching effects combined with security features
The present trends also show the combination of holographic patterns with security features like secure 3D holograms or
micro text making the packaging also vital to defend against the increasing pressure from counterfeiting.
As an example, the cigarette industry is a large customer for security enhanced decorative packaging. The combined need
to increase the shelf attention as well as the demand to make the counterfeiting of cigarette packages more difficult can be
fulfilled at once with the right combination of decorative elements (rainbow, pillars of light and cracked ice) and security
elements (holograms, microtext, lenticular structures).
Lättichstrasse 4a
P.O.Box 2155
CH-6342 Baar
Phone +41 41 768 25 25
Fax +41 41 768 25 55