OPTIMESS2009 Buytaert 1 Real-time digital holographic microscopy 2 3 4 Ventseslav Sainova and Elena Stoykovab 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Abstract A multi-camera implementation of the in-line phase-shifting digital holographic microscopy is a straightforward solution for real-time measurement. The work presents a portable phase-stepping holographic microscope for measurement in a real time operation mode. The interferometric system is based on a parallel arrangement of four Mach-Zehnder interferometers with equalized optical paths. A conventional microobjective-projective optical system is used to form the image in infinity. A set of beam splitters and adjustable polarization filters on the way of the object and reference wavefronts ensure the same contrast of fringe patterns in the plane of CCD targets. High precision of the phase shift in every interferometer is achieved by incorporation of highly accurate optical retarders. The registration module consists of four monochrome CCD cameras and a color camera for simultaneous recording of four phase shifted monochrome images together with a color image in white light. The laser source is CW or pulse generating DPSS laser at 532 nm wavelength which is suitable for investigation of leaving cells by 3D imaging and fluorescence analysis. Taking in view the pointwise nature of the phase-shifting technique, a modified algorithm for phase retrieval is derived. The algorithm requires preliminary calibration of the system by a phasestepping interferometric measurement in each channel. The calibration allows for compensation of errors induced by the misalignments between the object and reference wavefronts. The modeling of the system performance and error analysis confirm its reliable behavior without imposing drastic restrictions on system alignment. Some experimental verification is also provided. Contact information a vsainov@optics.bas.bg Central Laboratory of Optical Storage and Processing of Information, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Acad. G.Bonchev Str., Bl.101, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria b elena@optics.bas.bg Central Laboratory of Optical Storage and Processing of Information, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Acad. G.Bonchev Str., Bl.101, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria 1 OPTIMESS2009 Buytaert 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Introduction 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 A multi-camera implementation of the in-line digital holographic microscopy is another potential solution for the real-time operation mode. In [19] we proposed a system with four Mach Zhender interferometers which, combined with four 2D sensors, yield four phase-shifted at π/2 fringe patterns. To prove the reliability of the measurement and to evaluate tolerable variations of the erroneous factors which influence the accuracy of object reconstruction, we modeled its operation for the case of zero order interference patterns on the photo sensors apertures. We showed that by a proper calibration it is possible to compensate for the errors induced by the misalignments between the object and reference wave fronts. In the present work we continue the analysis of the system for the more realistic case when the recorded patterns in the separate channels contain a certain number of fringes and provide some experimental verification of the proposed calibration procedure. Digital holography which implements numerical reconstruction of the holographic image from digitally recorded interfering object and reference beams has witnessed a real progress as a result of recent advances in laser sources, two dimensional photo sensors (CCD or CMOS cameras) and digital signal processing techniques [1-3]. Digital holography exhibits some exceptional features which makes it especially suitable for microscopy [4] as quantitative phase-contrast imaging of transparent biological samples without need of multiple exposures or mechanical scanning [5,6], numerical focusing at different planes within the space occupied by a bulky object and, hence, its 3D reconstruction and localization along the optical axis [7], numerical manipulation of the propagating optical field for correction of aberrations [8] or multi-wavelength interferometry [9]. Digital holographic microscopy is especially promising for marker-free observation of moving objects like particles, plankton, living bacteria and cells due to its property to trace volumetrically movement directions, velocities and trajectories of these objects [10]. It can be used for invariant feature recognition in space and frequency domains [11]. Using of in-line set-ups in digital holography has become possible after introduction of phaseshifting in the reference beam [12,13]. For the purpose, at least three phase-shifted interference patterns should be recorded. This is a serious obstacle for realization of a real-time observation mode. Different solutions have been recently proposed to solve the problem with an instantaneous phase stepping measurement. A highly stable low-noise phase retrieval at rate up to 8 Hz is described in [14] by Fourier decomposition of a low-coherence optical image field into two spatial components and introduction of controllable phase-shifts in one of them. The approach is further developed by application of Hilbert transform in [15]. A parallel phaseshifting digital holography was proposed and realized in [16] by spatial segmentation of the reference wavefront using an array of cells consisting of 3 or 4 different phase retarders in front of the image sensor. A two-step simultaneous phase-shifting detection has been also introduced as a further improvement of this method by utilization of a 2x1 cell configuration array of polarizers [17] or retarders [18]. The high rate of recording in the proposed solutions is achieved at the expense of some restrictions which should be set on the intensities of the reference/object waves, introduction of a carrier frequency or utilization of a decreased number of pixels which contribute to image reconstruction etc. 2 OPTIMESS2009 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 Buytaert Multi-camera interferometric system for real time operation mode Experimental set-up To realize a real time operation mode through simultaneous recording of four phase-shifted interference patterns, we built the set-up, shown in Figure 1. The presented system is based on parallel image plane holographic recording by four CCD cameras using four identical Mach Zhender interferometers with phase-shifted at π/2 reference beams in one of their arms. The system in Figure 1 can be used both for digital holographic recording and image-plane interferometric phase determination. To minimize the influence of errors, precise selection and adjustment of optical elements and CCD cameras is required to equalize the optical path changes and to set correct phase-steps in the four Mach Zhender interferometers. The optical paths in the interferometers are controlled by the incorporated in them beam-splitters, optical compensators and reflectors. The required phase steps are introduced by phase retarders. The challenge in the technical realization of such a multicamera system is the requirement for all photo sensors to register images which correspond to the same spatial phase distribution caused by the object. Utilization of four separate optical channels for simultaneous pattern acquisition inevitably increases the number of error sources. One should take into account the non-linear response of the CCD cameras, distortions due to slight differences in the point spread functions of the optical channels, non equal background intensity and contrast of the recorded interference patterns, small misalignments between the fronts of the interfering waves etc. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Figure 1: Multi-camera system for parallel image plane holographic recording 3 OPTIMESS2009 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 Buytaert Phase retrieval The CCD cameras in Figure 1 record the interference patterns in the image plane: 2 I l (x, y; φ l ) = U O (x, y ) + U Rl (x, y ) = U Rl 2 + UO 2 + U Rl U O∗ + U Rl *U O , l = 1,2,3,4 (1.1) where U O ( x, y ) = AO ( x, y )exp[iϕ0 (x, y )] and U Rl (x, y ) = ARl (x, y ) exp[iφ l ] are the complex amplitudes of the object and reference beams in a channel “l” respectively, φ l is the constant phase-step introduced between both beams, and ∗ denotes complex conjugate. As it should be expected, registration of four phase-shifted at π / 2 interference patterns I l ( x, y ) = I [x, y; (l − 1)π 2] , l = 1,2,3,4 makes possible calculation of the object complex amplitude U 0 ( x, y ) 1 {I1 (x, y ) − I 2 (x, y ) + i[I1 (x, y ) − I 3 (x, y )]} U O ( x, y ) = 4U R∗ or the phase ⎡ I 4 (x, y ) − I 2 ( x, y ) ⎤ 2π ⎥= ⎣ I1 ( x, y ) − I 3 ( x, y ) ⎦ λ ϕ0 ( x, y ) = arctan ⎢ (1.2) h(x, y ) ∫ [n (x, y, z ) − n ]dz s m (1.3) 0 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 provided the complex amplitude of the reference beam is the same in all channels. In (1.3) λ is the wavelength of the illuminating beam, ns is the refraction index of the sample, nm - that of the medium, and h( x , y ) is the height of the object. The intensity and the phase distribution of the reconstructed real image are determined by Fresnel-Kirchoff integral from the recorded hologram multiplied by the reference wavefield in the hologram plane. In particular, calculation of (1.3) at assumption of equal background and contrast of the four recorded interference patterns permits to retrieve information about the optical thickness of microscopic phase objects. The fringe patterns which are registered by the four CCD cameras in Figure 1 are given by I l ( x, y ) = I l0 ( x, y ) + γ l ( x, y )cos Ψl ( x, y ) + N l ( x, y ) , l = 1,2 ,3,4 , (1.4) 153 where the slow varying functions I l0 ( x , y ) and γ l ( x , y ) give the background and the contrast of 154 155 156 the fringe pattern in a channel “l”, the phase Ψl ( x , y ) contains the relevant information and N l ( x, y ) is the additive noise term. The phase Ψl ( x , y ) can be written as: Ψl (x , y ) = ϕ0 ( x , y ) + ψ l ( x , y ) + π (l − 1) + δl , 2 (1.5) 157 158 159 160 161 162 The information about the phase object is encoded in the phase ϕ 0 (x, y ) = 2πλ−1 (n s − n m )h(x, y ) where, without the lack of generality, we assume that the refraction index is constant throughout the sample. The error terms, δl and ψ l ( x , y ) , describe the phase step error and the error induced by the misalignment of the wave fronts of the object and reference waves for the channel “l” respectively. These errors may be different in the four channels thus creating a serious obstacle for correct object reconstruction. 163 164 165 166 As we have shown in [19], the misalignment problem can be solved by preliminary calibration of the system. The phase errors ψ l ( x , y ) are systematic and can be measured in each of the channels by successive acquisition of four phased shifted at π/2 fringe patterns recorded without the object. Then, if we assume that the backgrounds and contrasts of fringes (1.4) are adjusted to be very 4 OPTIMESS2009 167 168 169 Buytaert close in the four channels and the phase terms ψ l ( x , y ) are known, we straightforwardly obtain the following corrected formula for the object phase: tgϕ0 = 170 (I 4 − I 2 )(a1 + a3 ) − (I1 − I3 )(b2 + b4 ) (I1 − I 3 )(a2 + a4 ) + (I 4 − I 2 )(b1 + b3 ) (1.6) 171 172 173 where we have 174 175 Simulation and experimental verification 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 The reliable behavior of the algorithm was proved in [19] by modeling the system performance when the cameras in Figure 1 register practically zero order fringe patterns at misalignments between the plane object and reference wavefronts up to half a minute. In the present work we evaluate applicability of (1.6) for the case when the phase error ψ l ( x , y ) represents some more complicated surface which leads to a large number of fringes across the aperture of each CCD. Let’s assume for the current analysis that ψ l ( x , y ) is formed as a result of interference of a plane reference wave U l0 (x, y ) = Al0 exp[− j (koxl x + koyl )], where (koxl , koyl ) is the wave-vector in the “l” channel, 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 al ( x , y ) = cos ψ l ( x , y ) , bl (x , y ) = sin ψ l ( x , y ) [ (1.7) ] and an object spherical wave U lR (r ) = A lR exp{− jk (x − x l )2 + ( y − y l )2 / 2 R} in paraxial approximation, r where R is the radius of the spherical wavefront and (x l , y l ) are the coordinates of the wavefront apex with respect to the coordinate system attached to each camera; k = 2π / λ . We could accept this simplification due to the fact that the specific forms of ψ l ( x , y ) , l = 1,2,3,4, are not important for further considerations; the fact that matters is that they i) do not coincide in the separate channels,r and ii) introduce a large phase variation in the recorded patterns. If the plane wave vectors k 0l subtend angles 90°- ηlx ,y ,z with X,Y and Z axes the phase term is given by ψ l ( x, y ) = ( ) [ ] 2π ⎧ 1 l l (x − x l )2 + ( y − y l )2 ⎫⎬ ⎨ x sin η x + y sin η y − 2R λ ⎩ ⎭ (1.8) 191 192 193 194 Figure 2 depicts the grey scale maps of four phase-shifted at π/2 fringe patterns recorded by the four cameras in Figure 1 at misalignment of 5' and 15' between the plane reference beams and the planes of the CCD apertures. The patterns are simulated as arrays of 8-bit encoded intensities for N x × N y = 512×512 pixels at equal pitch along X and Y axes Δ x = Δ y = Δ = 0.2 μm and λ = 195 196 0.532 μm with equal constant backgrounds and contrasts without phase step errors and noise. The object is a small flat top cylinder with height h = 10 μm and ns − nm = 0.2. As it can be seen, the 197 increase in the angles ηlx ,y ,z leads to different values of the distance between the apex of the 198 199 spherical front and the center of the cylinder. The algorithm (1.6) restores the object without error from the fringe patterns shown in Figure 2. 5 OPTIMESS2009 Buytaert 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 Figure 2: Grey scale 8-bit maps of four phase-shifted at π/2 fringe patterns recorded in the four optical channels of the system in Figure1 (simulation): top) the misalignment between the plane reference beam and the plane of the CCD aperture is about 5' in each channel; bottom) the misalignment is about 15' in each channel. Figure 3: Spatial distribution of the error in reconstruction of a cylindrical object with height of 10 μm when the 8bit values of background intensities in the four channels correspond to (128,127,126,125); left) without noise and phase step errors; middle) with a phase step error λ/80; right) with a phase step error λ/80 and noise with standard deviation 2. Figure 4: Left: reconstruction of a cylindrical object with height of 10 μm at misalignment between plane reference beams and the CCD planes of 2'; right: maximum and minimum values of the reconstruction error at increasing difference between the background intensities in neighbouring channels (hollow symbols – with a phase step error λ/80 , solid symbols – without a phase step error). 6 OPTIMESS2009 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 Buytaert However, phase step errors, noise, as well as different backgrounds and contrasts in the channels strongly affect the accuracy of restoration and set limitation on acceptible misalignments. To evaluate the influence of these errors we modeled the phase step error in each channel as a N (0,σ ph ) number and added a zero-mean normally distributed additive noise with standard deviation σ N . Figures 3 and 4 show the reconstruction error ε (x, y ) in micrometers that is calculated as a difference between the reconstructed surface, hˆ( x, y ) , and the real one, h( x, y ) , for a misalignment of the order of 2' at increasing difference n between the of 8-bit encoded uniformly distributed backgrounds, I 0l , in the neigbouring channels. We see that such a difference introduces a substantial regular error (Figure 3,left) in the reconstruction of flat surfaces even at n equal to 1 or 2. Presence of noise or a phase step error masks this regular structure with random fluctuations (Figure 3). The influence of error sources is more tolerable in the case of sloping surfaces, e.g. a part of a dome as is shown in Figure 5. We see that satisfactory 3D reconstruction is possible even at large misalignments and values of n. 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 Figure 5: Wrapped phase maps obtained from a simultaneous measurement of four phase-shifted at π/2 fringe patterns for a slope of a dome (a microlens) with radius 800 μm (simulation): left) misalignment - 2', background intensities – (120,128,124,132); middle) misalignment - 4', background intensities – (120,128,136,112); right) misalignment - 8', background intensities – (120,128,124,132). In all maps the standard deviations of the phase error and the additive noise are λ/80 and 2 respectively. For experimental verification we chose a similar object – a section of a polycarbonate positive spherical microlens – mainly to handle possible large misalignments. The object was observed through a microobjective (Plan Apochromat 25x/0/∞), followed by a projective (8x) and a collimating lens with a focal distance 79 mm and a diameter of the aperture 20 mm. Each channel was calibrated by a phase-shifting measurement without the object with a four step algorithm. To ensure that each camera captures the same object filed, we made additional calibration with a 1951 USAF resolution test chart. The result from the simultaneous phase-shifting measurement using the four cameras is compared to the results obtained in the single channels in Figure 6 and Figure 7. The recorded fringe patterns were filtered using a James-Stein filter for the multiplicative noise with size of window 5x5. As it could be seen, we achieved good qualitative agreement between the 3D reconstructions from the simultaneous phase-shifting measurement and traditional implementation of the four-stepping technique. Precision of the measurement can be improved by finer adjustment and additional preprocessing of the fringe patterns as applying of more suitable denoising and normalization of the recorded fringe patterns. 7 OPTIMESS2009 Buytaert 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 Figure 6: 3D reconstruction of a section of a positive spherical microlens obtained from a phase-shifting measurement in each of the four separate channels of the holographic microscope in Figure 1 (Camera 1-4) and from a simultaneous measurement of four phase-shifted at π/2 fringe patterns using all cameras. 291 292 293 294 Figure 7: 3D reconstruction of a section of a positive spherical microlens obtained from a phase-shifting measurement in each of the four separate channels of the holographic microscope in Figure 1 (Camera 1-4) and from a simultaneous measurement of four phase-shifted at π/2 fringe patterns using all cameras. 8 OPTIMESS2009 295 296 297 Acknowledgements 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 References Buytaert This work is supported by COST Action MP0604. 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