Pastoral Area of St Charles Borromeo Items for inclusion in newsletter (by noon Thursday) to : Fr Anthony Reynolds Bishop John Rawsthorne Fr Joseph Bibby Fr Malcolm Prince Fr Matthew Nunes Deacon Terry Fox Contact us:0151 424 6641 0151 424 3841 0151 422 1772 All Saints (CE): Revd Peter Dawkin T: 0151 420 4963 E: Mary said ‘yes’ when Gabriel announced she would be the mother of Jesus Christ. She announces to us too that we should welcome the Lord into our own lives and say yes to God. 21st December 2014 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA! I am the handmaid of the Lord: Let what you have said be done to me ALLELUIA! PASTORAL AREA PRAYER We pray that as we move forward together on our Pastoral Area journey we may have the courage to change, the wisdom to listen, the humility to learn, and gentleness to love. CONFESSIONS St Marie’s Saturday 10:30am – 11:15am St Bede’s Saturday 11:00am – 11:45am St John Fisher Saturday 12 noon – 12:30pm Please note There will be no Exposition at St Pius X on Tuesday 23rd December Morning Prayer St Basil & All Saints St John Fisher Monday - Thursday 9:05am & Friday 9:45am Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00am The Bible Group St Raphael’s Thursday morning after Mass St Bede’s Prayer Group St Bede’s Office Tea & Coffee Monday 8:00pm – 9:30pm St Pius X Hall each Tuesday after 9:15am Mass and last Sunday of each month after 9:30am & 10:00am Masses (in St Pius Hall & St Raphael’s Hall) St Bede’s and St Pius X churches are open every day from 9:00am to 3:00pm NEWS AND EVENTS Crib Appeal 2014 Please help Nugent Care continue the work of Fr James Nugent, by giving your support to our 2014 Crib Collection. All proceeds will be used to help children and adults in need across the Archdiocese. CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS EVE MASS Thank you to those who helped to plan the Children's Christmas Mass. We still need Car Park Marshalls for St Michael's for this celebration. If you can help, contact the parish offices on 422 1772, 424 6641 or 424 3841. Our children need YOU! ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Pastoral Area altar server training, for year 5 and above, will continue at St Bede’s church from 6.20pm to 7.30pm on Wednesday 7th January 2015. The annual Guild of St Stephen Altar Servers’ Mass will take place at St Bede’s on Saturday January 10th at 10.00am SVP Collection Please note: The SVP will be having a special collection next weekend of 27th and 28th December. Could all the collectors please be aware of this. Thank you. Can anybody help a needy family in Widnes? Clothes (suitable for a 9 year old boy), toys, furniture are needed. Any donations will help this family to have a good Christmas. Call Chris Noon on 07873209516. There is a SOCIAL EVENING Baptism Enquiries Please phone the Parish Offices Baptism Certificates Please ring 422 1774. The suggested donation is £5 All Saints CE Baptisms Please ring 420 4963 or come to the church any Tuesday evening between 6:45pm – 7:15pm during vestry time IN AID OF MARY’S MEALS Friday 16th January at 8pm St John Fisher hall With THE GERIATROCKS “A NEW GROUP OF OLD ROCKERS!” Plus Bingo and raffle When someone is ill If you or someone you know of becomes ill, goes into hospital, and is no longer able to get to Mass, please contact 422 1772 Bring your own food and drink The Children’s Nativity Pageant & Christingle Service is today at 4pm Sunday, 21st December at St Raphael’s . All children, their families and friends are invited to join us as we tell the familiar story in words, mime and song, and follow with a short, simple, but moving service. Children are asked to arrive from 3.30pm to have a chance to get into costumes etc. I had a birthday party I had a birthday party, almost everybody came. They danced and ate and had a ball, but no one spoke my name. They gave each other presents, as nice as they could be. People came from far and near, but no one mentioned me. The stores were filled with shoppers, the restaurants crowded out, but no one seemed to really know what the party was all about. They talked about a reindeer, I think Rudolph was his name. Then someone mentioned ‘Jesus’ and they hung their heads in shame. You see, it was my birthday; they didn't even know. That is why from Heaven my heart is grieving so. I came to Earth from Heaven on that first Christmas dayBorn in a lowly manger from sin to show the way. I died one day on Calvary, on a cruel Roman cross To save a world of sinners from a life of awful loss. When you next have a party, with presents, friends and tree, Remember Me, your Saviour, whose birth has set you free. -- Jesus PS: I am coming again soon. A parishioner from our Pastoral Area, Andy Hignett, has been trying to raise funds for Cancer Research UK by being sponsored to lose weight and give up alcohol from 7th OCTOBER to 8th NOVEMBER. During this period he lost 7lbs. Donations will be gratefully received, but he suggests 50p for each pound of weight lost. Donations can be handed in to any of our parish offices, in an envelope marked “Andy Hignett.” A new series of reflections based on the themes of this year‟s synod “MARRIAGE MATTERS” ( Fourth Sunday of Advent (2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-11, 16 Romans 16: 25-27 Luke 1:26-38) Listening is a way of loving David, Paul and Mary listened to God, changed their plans and way of life. Before marrying we listened intently and consequently felt loved and cherished. Today, with the pressures of everyday living, our listening can be impaired. We need constantly to overcome the temptation to just „hear‟ what‟s said, and work on listening with our hearts, eyes and full attention. Christmas Day Midnight Mass CLEANING AT ST RAPHAEL'S Volunteers are needed on Monday, 22nd December from 9.30am 11.30am to help beautify the church for Christmas. Anyone who can help in any way will be most welcome. PASTORAL AREA DEVELOPMENT FORMS Thank you for returning your PA Development Form last weekend – there has been a great response. Thanks also to the volunteers helping analyse the responses which have now been collated. We will share these results with you in the newsletter after Christmas. (Isaiah 9:1-7 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14) Presents or Presence The first Christmas Story is simple: it reveals the real presence of Jesus, Mary and Joseph to each other. Maybe the lesson for us is to focus more on being „present‟ to one another rather than on giving „presents‟, so that Jesus can be born again in our marriage and in all those we love and care for. THIS WEEK’S COMPETITION WINNER Congratulations to: St Michael’s: Pauline Finn, C Gulliver, D Fallon There is no tote draw next week. Teresa Cloherty wishes to say Thank You to everyone who came to her Beetle Drive at St Basil‟s. “We raised £350.00 for the children in Burundi. This will be used to fund the children‟s schooling. Q: What goes "oh oh oh"? A: Santa walking backwards Q: What goes ho-ho whoosh, ho-ho whoosh? A: Santa caught in a revolving door! This Weekend’s Masses th 4th WEEK OF ADVENT Saturday 20 December Sunday 21st December 5:30pm 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 9.45am 10:00am 10:00am 10:30am 10:45am 11:15am 5:30pm St Michael’s St Bede’s St Marie’s St Pius X All Saints CE Our Lady’s St Raphael’s St John Fisher St Bede’s St Basil’s St Bede’s Frank Pumford Jack Denton (LD) Thanksgiving Jack Maher (LD) Parish Eucharist Thomas Baker (A) Thomas & Constance Carolan (B) James O’Brien (A) Phil Tobin (A) Margaret Byrne The people of the Pastoral Area Monday 22nd December 9:15am 9.15am 9.15am 9.15am 9.15am 7.30pm 9.15am St Bede’s St John Fisher St Pius X St Michael’s St Marie’s All Saints CE St Raphael’s Eddie & Essie and Jimmy & Eddie Kelly Catherine & William Bamber (A) Patricia Stannard (LD) Arthur & Nora Lethbridge Joan Burns (A) Parish Eucharist Parishioners 6:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 11:30pm Midnight 8:30am 9:00am 9:30am 10:00am 10:00am 10.00am 10:30am 10:45am St Basil’s St John Fisher St Michael’s St Bede’s St Bede’s St Bede’s St Marie’s St Pius X St Raphael’s Our Lady’s All Saints CE St John Fisher St Bede’s Everyone in our Pastoral Area Everyone in our Pastoral Area PA Children’s Mass Readings and Carols Pastoral Area Mass Everyone in our Pastoral Area Everyone in our Pastoral Area Everyone in our Pastoral Area Everyone in our Pastoral Area Everyone in our Pastoral Area Parish Eucharist Everyone in our Pastoral Area Everyone in our Pastoral Area 10.00am 10.00am 12. noon 10:00am St Basil’s Our Lady’s St John Fisher St Marie’s Joan Lopez Julie Conlon Mary & Alfred Clark (A) Jim Oldham (RIP) Tuesday 23rd December Wed 24th December Christmas Masses Wednesday 24th December The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Thursday 25th December The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ Friday 26th December Feast: St Stephen Saturday 27th December Feast: St John the Evangelist Next Weekend’s Masses th Saturday 27 December Sunday 28th December FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY 5:30pm St Michael’s 8:30am St Bede’s 9:00am 9:30am 9.45am 10:00am 10:00am 10:30am 10:45am 11:15am 5:30pm St Marie’s St Pius X All Saints CE Our Lady’s St Raphael’s St John Fisher St Bede’s St Basil’s St Bede’s Thomas (A.) & Margaret McCann Elizabeth Thompson (100th Birthday remembrance) Garvie and Fay Families Keith Follon (A) Parish Eucharist Bill, Maureen & Paul Houghton Veronica Hardman Martin and Anne Maloney (RIP) James Smyth (40th A) Jack Loftus The people of the Pastoral Area Welcome to . . . Harvey Kirwan, Brogan Kirwan, Amelie Dignall, and Leighton Shields . . . who are being baptised at Our Lady’s this Sunday.
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