Pastoral Area of St Charles Borromeo Items for inclusion in newsletter (by noon on Thursday please) to : Fr Anthony Reynolds Bishop John Rawsthorne Fr Joseph Bibby Fr Malcolm Prince Fr Matthew Nunes Deacon Terry Fox All Saints (CE): Contact us:0151 424 6641 0151 424 3841 0151 422 1772 Revd Peter Dawkin T: 0151 420 4963 12th October 2014 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time Gospel Acclamation ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. ALLELUIA! E: What a privilege to be invited to the wedding of the Lamb! And what an insult to decline with petty excuses. In today’s parable, God’s chosen people even killed servants (prophets) inviting them. To ensure the hall was full, pagans and sorry sinners were invited next – all who heard the call, believed and showed willing went in. A man tried to sneak in without being clothed in Christ. The fraud was spotted and thrown out. Many are called, but sadly few accept the invitation of Christ. BAPTISMS We welcome: Imogen Ashton, Summer Morris, Toby Morlidge, Noah Hollins, and Freddy Joseph Tague who will be baptised this weekend WEDDINGS Pastoral Area Prayer We pray that as we move forward together on our Pastoral Area journey we may have the courage to change, the wisdom to listen, the humility to learn and the gentleness to love. There are no weddings in the Pastoral Area this week REST IN PEACE Please pray for the repose of the souls of those who have recently died Funerals – Please pray for those whose funerals take place this week and for their families Friday 17th October 12 Noon St Bede’s Funeral Service Gordon Fraser NEWS AND EVENTS Cafod Collection This weekend, on October 12th we will be collecting in the CAFOD envelopes from Fast Day on Friday October 3rd. Please fill out your Gift Aid declaration on the envelope if you pay tax. Mass for the Dead & Blessing of Graves at 11am on Saturday 8th November 2014 in St Pius X Church All are invited to bring photos of their loved ones to the Mass where they will be blessed. At the end of Mass, Holy Water will be available for those who wish to go over to the cemetery and bless the grave of a loved one. Refreshments will be served in the Hall at St Pius X after the Mass. When someone is ill If you, or someone you know of, becomes ill, goes into hospital for any length of time, and is no longer able to get to Mass please contact 0151 422 1772. Sick, anniversaries and recently deceased Copies of the sick list, which is updated monthly, are available at the back of each church for anybody who would like to take one. Support our wonderful Sisters working in Peru Our Peruvian Christmas party night at St Basil's Club on 28 November St John Fisher Third World Group Invite you to a SOCIAL EVENING With John B and The Prospectors On Friday, 24th October in St John Fisher Hall Tickets are £2.50 each and are available from any member of the Third World Group, from John Fisher Repository or by ringing 424 6149. Bring your own food and drink! Proceeds to direct to Missionary and Charitable Organisations working to help people in all deprived countries of the world. Saints Peter and Paul Catholic College Tea Dance Friday 17th October from 2p.m until 4p.m. Everyone is welcome. Admission is free and refreshments will be provided. Transport arrangements can also be made. Please contact Nick Buckton at the college telephone number 0151-424- 2139. 29.Concert Tour: Paco Peña “Requiem for the Earth” 14th October: Manchester Bridgewater Hall World Voices Choir and Halle Youth Choir. Requiem for the Earth is a powerful reminder that our existence on earth is transitory. the expressive choral music will be a thrilling and moving evening and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Tickets: WWW.BANDONTHEWALL.ORG There will be food and a quiz and some Peruvian fun. Here's hoping that you will be able to join us get your Christmas celebrations underway. Thank you always for your support and do please come! ‘Gracias’ Mim Hodgeson Baptism Enquiries: Please phone the Parish Offices. Financial Matters Baptism Certificates: Please phone 0151 422 1774. Congratulations to this week’s winners: St Michael’s: J Kinsella, C McCarthy, Jean Finn St Pauls Sunday Missal 2015 is now on sale in the Repository at St. Bede’s for £6.50 Hope University Catalogue of Talks These were originally recorded at Up-Holland Seminary as responses to Vatican II and have now been released for a wider audience. Information and downloads are available at . Also keep your eyes open for a new, ecumenical and 'free' course being delivered in Widnes which includes aspects of pastoral care, reflecting on ways to contribute to the spirituality and daily running of our parish communities. The suggested donation is £5. All Saints CE Baptisms Please ring 0151 420 4963 or come to the church on any Tuesday evening 6:45pm – 7:15pm during vestry time. St Basil’s and All Saints Book Box New donations have been added e.g. ‘What's so Amazing about Grace’ and are available for you to enjoy. The black note book in the basket should be used to record the loan with your contact details. Many Thanks Message from Fr. Joe When Mass Cards are required outside Mass Times for Our Lady’s & St. Michael’s, the Parishioners are advised to call at St. Basil’s Office (Tues, Wed, Fri, 9.00-4.00) PASTORAL AREA PROPOSAL In July the Coordinating Group presented the Pastoral Area Proposal to the Archbishop’s Council. Subsequently the Archbishop announced that, in the light of the proposal and the discussions he had with the Archbishop's Council, he wanted to move Holy Family Parish, Cronton into the Prescot Pastoral Area. (This happened at the beginning of September and a new parish priest has been appointed.) The Archbishop will now consult the Council of Priests about the Proposal, which he will do on 30th October. After that the Archbishop will communicate his decision to the Pastoral Area. Annual Collection for the Homeless By the Sisters of Charity at Seal Street Please donate toiletries, hats, gloves, scarves and socks to be distributed to the homeless by the Sisters of Charity at Christmas. A collection box will be at the back of each church from this weekend and for the next few weeks. St John Fisher UCM Next meeting of will be on Tuesday 14 October, at 7 pm in Sacristy Meeting Room. Everyone is welcome The Archdeacon Year Book The B5 desk diary contains all the necessary information for the new liturgical year along with an easy to use planner and calendar. The cost is £5. Please ring 0151-422-1772 to place your order. Andy Hignett ‘Sponsored Dry October’ 7 October to 8 November 2014 I have been approached by Cancer Research UK to raise funds as part of their October 2014. I have chosen to have a ‘dry’ 5 weeks in order to lose weight during this period. Donations of any amount will be gratefully received, but I suggest maybe 50 pence for each pound of weight I lose. All amounts raised will go to Cancer Research UK Charity Number: 1089464. Sponsorship forms will be left at back of church and I would greatly appreciate your generosity in helping me achieve my goals.. My 'Weigh In' results will be published each week. Many thanks in anticipation of your help. God Bless, Andy Hignett.- Tel: 07545 628648 Bereavement Team Training Course Taking place on Wednesday the 15th of October 2014 between 1.30pm & 4.30pm at Holy Rosary Parish Centre, Old Roan, Liverpool 10 2LG. Cost - £10.00 per person. For more information please contact: Maureen Knight on 0151.522.1046 or Email: – or – Jonathan Mercer on 0151.522.1040 – or – Email: Pastoral Area Co-ordinating Group Weekly Update Our PA Co-ordinating Group (Fr Malcolm Prince, Pauline Rolt, Fr Joe Bibby, Fr Matthew Nunes, Fr Nicholas Postlethwaite, Val Cordy, Sr Catherine Darby and Bishop John Rawsthorne) meets each week to try to co-ordinate the overall development of the PA. Summary of last week’s discussions: Review of the gatherings with the teachers and staff of our Catholic Schools and College to fill out the picture of our Pastoral Area journey with them and reaffirm their vital role in the work they do. Ongoing reflections in preparation for receiving the Archbishop’s decision on the proposal. Deepening our appreciation of the challenges that our refounding vision presents to all of us as a community of faith. Looked ahead to Tuesday’s meeting with our ‘Opening New Doors’ group leaders. Received feedback from those who gathered last Saturday to focus on ideas that might help us in praying for our Pastoral Area during the intercessions at Mass on Sunday. EMBRACE Liverpool Youth Event is taking place on Sat 1st Nov in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. It is aimed at young people 16-25. Details may be obtained from John Griffin 07944-287690 Website Can you help with Marriage preparation? Did you know – couples who marry in the Catholic Church require marriage preparation? Did you know – that we are looking to train single and married couples as part of a team to deliver our marriage preparation (1 day) course? Think you could help? If so, please contact St Bede’s Office on 0151.422.1772 St Bede, St Pius, St Raphael Pious List Book Entries The Pastoral Area Liturgy Group and the Bereavement Care Group have met and discussed the traditional Parish model of Pious List Book entries and it was decided to continue with this in 2014. If you would like to have your Family name entered into the Pious List Books to be placed in each Sanctuary during November, please collect the Form and envelope at the back of Church. To allow sufficient time for the Books to be prepared and placed into each Church by 1st November, please return your envelope to any of the above Presbyteries by the latest 25th October. Songs To The Cenotaph- FREE Poetry and Song writing Workshops at The Studio - Funded By Community First (Appleton Ward) For Ages 14 Plus The aim is to write songs reflecting on the impact of those we lost and who are named on the Cenotaph in Victoria Park Widnes. Thinking about how we would feel today leaving our homes and families - especially knowing how devastating the First World War was- but we may also feel pride and honour to walk in the footsteps of those who may have been our great, great grandparents. With images from Halton's Collections and other items including the book 'I don't Want To Be A Sunbeam' that lists and gives further information on each name to inspire us- the final product will be a compilation album/download and live performances in November. You may find a link to a family member and be able to write a song for them what ever your musical taste/genre. Workshops: A t The Studio, Lacey Street, Widnes WA8 7SQ To Book- contact The Studio on 0151 420 8997 or Louise on 07930388844 or 14 October – Ukulele 'Uff, Lonesome Dave &Brother Bill Chris 'Ukulele' Uff on ukulele, 'Lonesome' Dave Searson on guitar and 'Brother' Bill Leach on Hawaiian guitar. They specialise in obscure and wonderful 1920s/30s jazz, Tin Pan Alley songs and traditional Hawaiian music, performed with a skill and authenticity that is rare today. They hail from Liverpool, a city with a rich musical heritage and it's very own mythical bird. Liverpool Harmonic Gospel Choir World Mission Sunday 19th October Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday. The Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. World Mission Sunday is a special day that unites Catholics all over the world in prayer, celebration and care for the mission of the Church. Thanks to the sacrifice and witness of missionaries, the Catholic Church is growing and many Churches can now take care of themselves. However, four out of every ten parishes worldwide still need your help to survive. By supporting World Mission Sunday you are directly helping over 1,000 dioceses bring hope and new life to people yearning to hear of God’s love for them. You will be able to Gift Aid all donations by using envelopes provided by Missio. Thank you. Widnes Food Bank I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your congregations for your continued support of Widnes Food bank. The response so far to our ongoing breakfast-themed Harvest Festival 2014 appeal has been astonishing. This will ensure we are able to deliver a lifeline to local people in crisis. ACTA : National Conference There will be a series of talks and open forum on October 25th 2014, at Liverpool Hope University. We are thrilled to welcome The Liverpool Harmonic Gospel Choir to St. Basil and All Saints Shared Church on Friday, 21st November at 7.30pm. The theme of the day is “A Church in crisis: the way forward.” Tickets are £6 to include a glass of wine. They will be on sale after Mass or by ringing 424 8668 or 424 8194. There will be three speakers addressing issues such as remarriage and the Eucharist, justice for women, and evangelising from the “joy of the Gospel.” The Choir will deliver an exciting and inspirational performance through a mix of traditional and contemporary Gospel Music – a powerful start to the Christmas Season. The Choir will be led by Tyndale Thomas MBE who performed at our Church several years ago with children from both schools and The Philharmonic Gospel Choir. A wonderful evening was had by all so please join us now in “Singing for Joy!” All profits to Gift of Life for Zambia. The forum question to be answered is: “What changes are needed for the shape of the Church to come?” For more information, visit Please see the poster at the back of church for more information about who are ACTA are. Sacramental Preparation 2014-2015 All parents of children, Baptised Catholic, who are in Year 4 in any of the Pastoral Area Catholic Primary Schools, should have received a personal letter of invitation to enquire about this year’s Sacramental Preparation process in October. If your child is in Year 4 at any other school and you would like to enquire about this year’s Sacramental Preparation process, please phone 0151 422 1772. Christmas Poster Competition Widnes Food bank is inviting Widnes schoolchildren between the ages of 5 and 11 to enter our Christmas poster competition which closes on 16th November 2014. . More information, and a template poster can be downloaded and printed from . Pictures for the competition can also be submitted on a blank piece of white A4 or A5 piece of paper, no later than 16th November. Please submit entries to Widnes Foodbank, c/o Trinity Methodist URC Church, Peel House Lane, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 6TJ. Entrants are asked to also include their name, age and contact details. Do you ever wonder how your faith fits with the rest of your life? If so, you might be interested in ‘Faith for Life’ a new course that is being offered in Widnes, by members of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Formation Department, to explore the call received in Baptism. The course is made up of four weekends of facilitated conversations, teaching, personal and group reflection and a liturgy (9.00am-5.00pm on Saturday and a half day on Sunday, venue to be confirmed). The dates are as follows; 15th-16th November 2014 31st January-1st February 2015 St Basil and All Saints' Gardening /Maintenance Day The last gardening day for this year will be on Saturday 8th November 2014, from 10am onwards. There will be plenty of jobs that will need to be done to put the garden to bed for the winter. There will also be some jobs that will need to be done around the church. These task days are special because we can all catch-up with each other as we share time together in our unique community. As always, refreshments and lunch will be provided, so hope to see you there. Many thanks and God bless REAL ADVENT CALENDAR: “Christmas Starts with Christ” campaign It might be difficult to believe, but recent surveys show that knowledge of the Christmas story is fading. Among 5-7 year olds, 36% didn’t know whose birthday it was we celebrate at Christmas, and 72% didn’t know Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Among adults, less than 12% knew the full Nativity story and 51% said the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to Christmas. This is a tipping point. The ‘Christmas Starts with Christ’ campaign hopes to reverse the trend by telling the Christmas story in new ways. To support the campaign, the Meaningful Chocolate Company, who brought you the Real Easter Egg, have produced a 2014 Real Advent Calendar. If you would like to order one of these, hurry and sign the list at the back of St John Fisher and St Marie’s. Orders need to be placed by 1st November, and demand is great. To find out more, see the accompanying posters, or visit Thank you. Pause for Hope An ecumenical service for all people affected by cancer To ease through prayer the burden of cancer on individuals, their loved ones, the community and for the day when all cancers can be prevented or cured. “ 14th-15th March 2015 25th-26th April 2015 If you would like to know more about, or sign up for, the course leaflets are available from any of our parish offices, or phone 422 1772 with any queries. St. Michael’s church Christmas table is now open. Cards and all items Christmas are available. Lots of items, especially for children. St Basil’s and All Saints Basket Ball It's a year since our 'joint' basketball match and to celebrate, we thought we might have another. The weekend of the 26/27th of October might be favourable. The venue Victoria Park, with refreshments at the New Spaces Gallery in Widnes afterwards. Please get in touch if you are interested in playing or supporting. Everyone welcome! / 07817140558 “Animate” Youth Pilgrimages Animate youth ministries in St Helens are organising several pilgrimages next year and for 2016. These will include destinations such as Lourdes, Krakow (for World Youth Day), and the Holy Land. For details, please see the posters at the back of church, call 01744 740460, or visit 4th Widnes Scout Group Many thanks to all who supported our Macmillan Coffee Morning. We managed to raise £134-00 for this very worthy cause. Thanks also to Cheryl Evans for organising the event PLUS £415.00 raised by Jean Hargreaves This Weekend’s Masses Saturday 11th October Sunday 12th October 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A 5:30pm St Michael’s Joe Higgins 8:30am St Bede’s Johanna Cosgrove 9:00am St Marie’s The work of CAFOD 9:30am St Pius X Benny Lynch (A) 9.45am All Saints CE Parish Eucharist 10:00am Our Lady’s Frank O’Brien 10:00am St Raphael’s Patricia Leach (LD) 10:30am St John Fisher John Dowling (1st A) 10:45am St Bede’s Margaret Twist (LD) 11:15am St Basil’s Eileen Owens (LD) 5:30pm St Bede’s The people of the Pastoral Area Weekday Masses Monday 13th October 9:15am 9:15am 9.15am 9.15am 9.15am 7.30pm St Edward the Confessor, king Tuesday 14th October St Calistus, Pope St Bede’s St John Fisher St Marie’s St Pius X St Michael’s All Saints CE Keith Follon (B) Thanksgiving (K) James Roberts (LD) Tom Cook (LD) Robert & Marie Lawson Parish Eucharist Wednesday 15th October St Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the Church, Virgin 7:00pm 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 10:00am th Thursday 16 October St Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin, Religious Friday 17th October St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop, Martyr Saturday 18th October FEAST: ST LUKE, Evangelist Next Weekend’s Masses Saturday 18th October Sunday 19th October World Mission Day St Bede’s Fr Andrew Robinson St Raphael’s Rita & Frank Jones (A) St Marie’s Jeannie Simmonds (A) St Michael’s Joe Walker St Basil’s Harry & Annie Plant St John Fisher Winfred Marsh (A) Our Lady’s Viv Dundon (A) St Marie’s Jim Barrow (LD) Pastoral Area Mass 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A 5:30pm St Michael’s Joseph Higgins (1st A) 8:30am St Bede’s In thanksgiving (CR) 9:00am St Marie’s William Mitchell (LD) 9:30am St Pius X Alan Hunt 9.45am All Saints CE Parish Eucharist 10:00am Our Lady’s Joseph Pickering (A) 10:00am St Raphael’s Joyce Roby (LD) 10:30am St John Fisher Angela Milloy (LD) 10:45am St Bede’s Lawrence & Edith Hanrahan 11:15am St Basil’s Barbara & Mick Murphy / Julia & Mick Murphy 5:30pm St Bede’s The people of the Pastoral Area St Marie’s Saturday 10:30am – 11:15am St Bede’s Saturday 11:00am – 11:45am St John Fisher Saturday 12 noon – 12:30pm Confessions Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament St Pius X Tuesday 2:00pm – 3:00pm Morning Prayer St Basil & All Saints St John Fisher Monday - Thursday 9:05am & Friday 9:45am Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00am The Bible Group St Raphael’s Thursday morning after Mass Tea & Coffee St Pius X Hall each Tuesday after 9:15am Mass and last Sunday of each month after 9:30am & 10:00am Masses (in St Pius Hall & St Raphael’s Hall) St Bede’s and St Pius X churches are open every day from 9:00am to 3:00pm
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