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Franklin County Auditor
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 2014.
Revocable Trust
CAL Community School
DECEMBER 8, 2014
The CAL Board of Education met for its regular
meeting on December 8, 2014 in the CAL District Office. President Steve Muhlenbruch called
the meeting to order at 6:53 p.m. Present were
Board members Steve Muhlenbruch, Mitch Vanness, Todd Mensing and Rob Peil. Absent was
Board member Austin Elling. Also present were
Superintendent Dwight Widen, Principal Scott
Striegel and Secretary Amanda Heiden.
Mr. Widen asked to move item 9b, Consider
Early Retirement Plan, to 11, items for January
meeting. A motion to approve the agenda with
the stated change was made by Vanness, seconded by Mensing. All ayes.
The Board recognized visitors Sarah DeBour,
Matthew Ellis and Heather Wilson. Matthew
and Mrs. DeBour presented to the Board the
plan to add a small wind turbine powered by
batteries as a backup to the aquaponics system
in the greenhouse, and also where the turbine
would be placed. Ms. Wilson presented to the
Board on the National Honor Society program
and the At Risk Program plans.
A bill to Anderson Erickson for milk in the
amount of $2,213.46 was added to the list of hot
lunch fund bills. A motion to approve the consent agenda and the paying of the bills with the
added bill was made by Vanness, seconded by
Mensing. All ayes.
The Board reviewed the facilities report, which
included purchasing new mats for the school.
Board member Austin Elling arrived at 8:01
A motion to approve purchasing new door mats
for the entire facility not to exceed $7,000.00
was made by Mensing, seconded by Vanness.
All ayes. The Board also reviewed the transportation report. Mr. Striegel and Mr. Widen gave
the administration reports and curriculum report.
A motion to approve the request for Modified
Allowable Growth for At Risk as presented in the
amount of $51,125.00 was made by Vanness,
seconded by Peil. All ayes.
A motion to approve the resignation of Angie
Nettifee from her position as paraeducator was
made by Elling, seconded by Mensing. All ayes.
The position is being posted and interviewed before the holiday break.
A motion to approve an open enrollment application of a student into the district because of
good cause was made by Vanness, seconded
by Mensing. All ayes.
The Board held discussion on sessions at the
IASB convention.
A motion to adjourn was made by Vanness,
seconded by Mensing. All ayes. The meeting
was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.
CAL Claims December 2014
Aea 267 Educational Services, Supplies ...........
All Star Pest Control, Pest Control ..........80.00, Supplies ..........................144.48
Apple Computer, Inc., Batteries .............364.70
Aramark, Laundry Services .....................78.14
Auto Parts, Inc, Parts...............................14.34
Barkers Lawn Care And Snow Removal, Lawn
Care .....................................................240.00
Bright Solutions For Dyslexia Inc, Special Ed
Supplies .................................................69.95
Cal Hot Lunch Fund, Supt Supplies ........76.33
Central Lock & Key Inc., Maint Supplies ...........
City Of Latimer, Water & Garbage .........224.90
Continuum Energy, Natural Gas ............992.32
Debour Electric, Inc., Repair Service.....223.60
Debour, Sarah , Mileage-Nov ................126.00
Des Moines Register #1150, The, 5th Grade
Subscription ...........................................20.00
Fareway Stores, Inc., Supplies ..............164.68
Follett School Solutions, Library Books .............
Franklin Rural Electric Coop., Electricity ...........
Guritz, Dawn , Mileage ............................67.90
Hampton Hardware, Ind Tech Supplies .............
Hampton Home Store, Repair Service ....65.00
Hampton-Dumont Comm. School, OE Tuition-1St Qtr......................................44,377.25
Iowa Division Of Labor Services, Boiler Inspections .....................................................160.00
ISFIS, Background Check .......................28.50
JMC Computer Service Inc., Web Hosting ........
Karr Llc, Supplies ....................................81.00
Mid-America Publishing Corp., Minutes &
Claims ..................................................154.22
Midamerican Energy Company, Bus Barn Electricity.....................................................248.24
Mort’s Water Company, Salt ..................162.50
Neff Company, Office Supplies ..............347.88
New Cooperative, Fuel .......................3,448.90
Patrick, Frank, Maint Supplies Reimb .....45.98
Peil, Cindy, TLC Planning ......................500.00
Postmaster, Postage ...............................51.28
Sadler Power Train, Inc, Parts ...............150.98
Sam’s Club, Membership Renewal .......100.00
School Bus Sales Company, Repair Parts ........
Striegel, Darla , Mileage ..........................25.20
Timberline Billing Service Llc, Medicaid Billing ..
Trans-Mississippi Biological, Science Supplies .
USA Today, 5Th Grade Subscription .......93.65
Visa, Supplies .....................................1,553.26
Wessels, Sarah , Special Ed Supplies ....13.58
Widen, Dwight, Supplies & Travel Exp ..340.15
Wilson, Heather, Mileage.......................138.95
Aflac, Lane’s Premium.............................45.50
ISEBA, Retiree Insurance...................3,483.22
SU Insurance Company, January Premium ......
Culver Hahn Electric Supply, Bulbs ....1,262.00
Mason City Glass Service, Door Replacement .
Xerox Corporation, Copier Lease .......1,190.68
Total .................................................80,296.76
Hot Lunch Fund
Anderson Erickson Dairy Co., Milk .....2,213.46
Earthgrains Baking Co’s Inc., Bread......236.19
Hampton-Dumont Comm. School, Supplies
Keck, Inc., Food Supplies ...................1,065.42
Martin Brothers Dist. Co., Inc, Supplies.............
Wiarda, Collette, Kitchen Supplies ..........57.25
Total ...................................................8,083.78
Activity Fund, Supplies ............................70.78
CAL PTO, Cheer Supplies .......................64.00
Coca-Cola Refreshments, Beverages ...295.20
Debour, Sarah , Ffa Supplies Reimb .......29.98
Don Bosco High School, Conference Honor
Choir ....................................................170.00
Drees, Allan, Official ................................85.00
Fareway Stores, Inc., Concessions Supplies ....
Gracieloo Photography, FFA Pictures....260.00
Hampton Hardware, FFA Supplies ..........25.30
Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation, Entry Fee ..........
Iowa Sports Supply Co, Supplies .......1,216.70
Johnson, Dewayne , Official ....................85.00
Luther College, Dorian Festival Registration .....
Mid-America Publishing Corp., FFA Posters .....
Nannenga, Elizabeth , Musical Supplies Reimb
NCIBA, Honor Band Registration ............20.00
New Cooperative, Greenhouse Propane451.00
Rieman Music East, Recorder ...................5.00
Smith, Tim, Official...................................85.00
Spencer Steel L.L.C., FFA Supplies ........88.32
Visa, FAa Supplies .............................1,036.82
Windsor Theatre, Elementary Christmas Movie
Total ...................................................4,929.19
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 2014.
Franklin County Auditor
Notice Is Hereby Given: That at 10:00 o’clock
a.m., at the Franklin County Courthouse, Hampton, Iowa, on January 5, 2014, there will be
conducted a public hearing on the question of
designating as the 2015 Coop Urban Renewal
Area, pursuant to Chapter 403, Code of Iowa,
the property situated in Franklin County, Iowa
generally described as follows:
The North 30 acres of the Northwest Quarter
(NW ¼) of the Northwest Quarter (NW ¼) of
Section Thirty- one (31), Township Ninety-Two
(92), Range Twenty-two (22), West of the 5th
P.M., Franklin County, Iowa (exclusive of road
right-of way).
The subject matter of the public hearing will
also include a proposed urban renewal plan
(the “Plan”) and project for the 2015 Coop Urban Renewal Area identified above, pursuant to
Chapter 403, Code of Iowa, a copy of which plan
is on file for public inspection in the office of the
County Auditor.
The general scope of the proposed urban
renewal plan, as more specifically described
therein, includes the following:
Increasing the tax base and promoting economic growth in Franklin County by encouraging
commercial, industrial and agri-business development. The initial project under the Plan will
facilitate the use of tax increment financing in
support of the development of new grain storage
and processing facilities in the Urban Renewal
At the hearing any interested person may file
written objections or comments and may be
heard orally with respect to the subject matter
of the hearing.
Michelle Giddings, County Auditor
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 2014.
KRUKOW, Deceased, who died on or about November 6, 2014.
Krukow is the Trustee of the Eugene J. Krukow
Revocable Trust Agreement dated the 21st day
of January, 2013.
Any aciton to contest the validity of the trust
must be brought in the District Court of Franklin
County, Iowa, within the later to occur of sixty
days from the date of second publication of this
notice, or thirty days from the date of mailing this
notice to all heirs of the decedent, and beneficiaries under the trust whose identities are reasonably ascertainable. Any claim not filed within this
period shall be forever barred.
Notice is further given that all persons indebted
to the decedent or to the trust are requested to
make immediate payment to the undersigned
trustee. Creditors having claims against the trust
must mail them to the trustee at the address
listed below via certifed mail, return receipt requested. Unless creditor claims are mailed by
the later to occur of sixty days from the second
publication of this notice, or thirty days from the
date of mailing this notice, a claim shall be forever barred unless otherwise allowed or paid.
Dated this 25th day of November, 2014.
Eugene J. Krukow Revocable Trust
Agreement dated January 21, 2013
Lenora M. Krukow
1325 Blue Spruce Drive
cordova, IL 61242
G.A. Cady III
Hobson, Cady & Cady, PLC
PO Box 456
Hampton, IA 50441
Attorneys for Trustee
Date of second publication 17th day of December, 2013.
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 10 and 17, 2014.
Franklin County Drainage
TO: Marabelle Ann Abbas Life Estate, Marabelle Ann Abbas Revocable Trust, Marabelle
Ann Abbas, Shanlyn Goodman, Teresa Ann
Feakes, Michelle Renae Abbas, Mathew Duane
Abbas, Harlan Duane Abbas Revocable Trust,
Harlan Duane Abbas, Matthew Abbas, Merrill
D. Ahrens, Linda K. Ahrens, Gary A. Bailey,
Penelope J. Worden, Lynne Summers, Lynne
K. Esk, George Delbert Barner, Wendy Faith
Barner, Delores J. Blackford Revocable Living
Trust, Delores J. Blackford, Robert D. Borcherding, Marlys G. Borcherding, Butler-Rankin
Farms LLC, Hertz Farm Management, C & N
Farms Inc., CLect Acres Corp., Larry K. Johnson, Lucretia
A. Caplan, Benjamin J. Caplan, David D. Christiansen, Beverly A. Christiansen, David Dean
Christiansen, Beverly Ann Christiansen, Jack
Christiansen Life Estate, Jack Christiansen, Kelly J. Hansen, Kelly Jean Christiansen-Hansen,
Jack A. Christiansen, Carolyn J. Christiansen,
2005 Coburn Family Trust, Maurice W. Coburn,
Hertz Farm Management Inc., Corn Belt Power
Coop, Judith T. Frederick Revocable Trust, Judith T. Frederick, Vincent A. Goodman, Shanlyn
R. Goodman, Dale & Irene Hackbarth Farms,
Sandra K. Harris, Dale & Irene Hackbarth Farms
Inc., Dale Hackbarth, Irene Hackbarth, Lois M.
Hackbarth, Stan Hackbarth, Neilan Hanson,
Patricia F. Hanson, David R. Hicks, Thomas R.
& Janis M. Hicks Revocable Trust, Thomas R.
Hicks, Janis M. Hicks, June V. Hofsommer, June
Hofsommer, Jay L. Howie, Robert S. Jacobsen
Life Estate, Robert S. Jacobsen, Robert Sigurd
Jacobsen, David Robert Jacobsen, Victoria Gail
Jacobsen, Delvern Earl Korth Revocable Trust,
Marillyn L. Korth Revocable Trust, Delvern Earl
Korth, Marillyn L. Korth, Jonathan Korth, Jonathan Delvern Korth, Eileen Krabbe, Eileen A.
Krabbe, James Dean Krabbe, Donald C. Larsen, Avon N. Lemke, Dennis L. Lemke, Virgil L.
& Ardis M. Lemke Revocable Trust, Dean W.
Lemke, Virgil L. Lemke, Ardis M. Lemke, Peggy G. Lemke, Harlan Lawrence Lemke Revocable Living Trust, Harlan Lemke Revocable
Living Trust, Francine Emily Lemke Revocable
Living Trust, Harlan Lemke, Harlan L. Lemke,
Harlan Lawrence Lemke, Francine Emily Lemke, Francine Lemke, Elizabeth Oleson, Rosalyn
E. Richmond, Beverly K. Frankwitz, Janell M.
Ryken, RCK Properties LLC, Greg Schoneman,
Schoneman Realtors, Frederick L. Schuster
Revocable Trust, Frederick L. Schuster, Lee
Schuster, Roy W. & Neva H. Stover Trust, Roy
W. Stover, Neva H. Stover, Erma R. Reid, Lynette Meyer, Lynette Le Meyer, Bruce D. Reid,
Brittney Tripp, Tonya McDaniel, Addie M. Tripp,
Michael A. Witte, Lynne K. Welch, Franklin
County Secondary Roads, and all lienholders
or incumbrancers and actual occupants of any
land within Drainage District # 48 and to all other
persons to whom it may concern.
You and each of you are hereby notified that
the Board of Supervisors, acting on behalf of
Drainage District # 48, did appoint an Engineer
to investigate and determine the need for improvements on the drainage tile of said Drainage District.
The Board of Supervisors did appoint McClure
Engineering to make an investigation on the
possible repairs or restoration needed for the
District facilities. The preliminary engineering
and cost estimates have been done. The Engineer is now seeking input from the landowners
before the report is finalized on January 12th,
2015. The report proposes four different options
to improve drainage on the main tile in Drainage
District No. 48. The cost estimate of the different
options range in price between $665,800 and
The Board of Supervisors has fixed a time and
place of the informational meeting on said report for January 5, 2015, at 10:30 A.M. in the
Law Enforcement Center in Hampton, Iowa. At
such time, the Board will hear objections to the
feasibility of such improvements as may be presented by or for any taxpayer in the Drainage
District, that the report may be amended before
final action is taken by the Board of Supervisors.
All comments on the Engineer’s report or to
any matter connected with this meeting may
be made in writing and filed with the County
Auditor. In addition, any interested party may
be heard in argument by himself/herself or by
council at the meeting.
This notice is published and mailed as provided
by law at the direction of the Board of Supervisors of Franklin County, Iowa, acting on behalf
of Drainage District # 48.
Michelle Giddings
Franklin County Auditor
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 2014.
Franklin County Drainage
TO: Marabelle Ann Abbas Life Estate, Marabelle Ann Abbas Revocable Trust, Marabelle
Ann Abbas, Shanlyn Goodman, Teresa Ann
Feakes, Michelle Renae Abbas, Mathew Duane
Abbas, Harlan Duane Abbas Revocable Trust,
Harlan Duane Abbas, Matthew Abbas, Merrill
D. Ahrens, Linda K. Ahrens, Gary A. Bailey,
Penelope J. Worden, Lynne Summers, Lynne
K. Esk, George Delbert Barner, Wendy Faith
Barner, Delores J. Blackford Revocable Living
Trust, Delores J. Blackford, Robert D. Borcherding, Marlys G. Borcherding, Butler-Rankin
Farms LLC, Hertz Farm Management, C & N
Farms Inc., CLect Acres Corp., Larry K. Johnson, Lucretia
A. Caplan, Benjamin J. Caplan, David D. Christiansen, Beverly A. Christiansen, David Dean
Christiansen, Beverly Ann Christiansen, Jack
Christiansen Life Estate, Jack Christiansen, Kelly J. Hansen, Kelly Jean Christiansen-Hansen,
Jack A. Christiansen, Carolyn J. Christiansen,
2005 Coburn Family Trust, Maurice W. Coburn,
Hertz Farm Management Inc., Corn Belt Power
Coop, Judith T. Frederick Revocable Trust, Judith T. Frederick, Vincent A. Goodman, Shanlyn
R. Goodman, Dale & Irene Hackbarth Farms,
Sandra K. Harris, Dale & Irene Hackbarth Farms
Inc., Dale Hackbarth, Irene Hackbarth, Lois M.
Hackbarth, Stan Hackbarth, Neilan Hanson,
Patricia F. Hanson, David R. Hicks, Thomas R.
& Janis M. Hicks Revocable Trust, Thomas R.
Hicks, Janis M. Hicks, June V. Hofsommer, June
Hofsommer, Jay L. Howie, Robert S. Jacobsen
Life Estate, Robert S. Jacobsen, Robert Sigurd
Jacobsen, David Robert Jacobsen, Victoria Gail
Jacobsen, Delvern Earl Korth Revocable Trust,
Marillyn L. Korth Revocable Trust, Delvern Earl
Korth, Marillyn L. Korth, Jonathan Korth, Jonathan Delvern Korth, Eileen Krabbe, Eileen A.
Krabbe, James Dean Krabbe, Donald C. Larsen, Avon N. Lemke, Dennis L. Lemke, Virgil L.
& Ardis M. Lemke Revocable Trust, Dean W.
Lemke, Virgil L. Lemke, Ardis M. Lemke, Peggy G. Lemke, Harlan Lawrence Lemke Revocable Living Trust, Harlan Lemke Revocable
Living Trust, Francine Emily Lemke Revocable
Living Trust, Harlan Lemke, Harlan L. Lemke,
Harlan Lawrence Lemke, Francine Emily Lemke, Francine Lemke, Elizabeth Oleson, Rosalyn
E. Richmond, Beverly K. Frankwitz, Janell M.
Ryken, RCK Properties LLC, Greg Schoneman,
Schoneman Realtors, Frederick L. Schuster
Revocable Trust, Frederick L. Schuster, Lee
Schuster, Roy W. & Neva H. Stover Trust, Roy
W. Stover, Neva H. Stover, Erma R. Reid, Lynette Meyer, Lynette Le Meyer, Bruce D. Reid,
Brittney Tripp, Tonya McDaniel, Addie M. Tripp,
Michael A. Witte, Lynne K. Welch, Franklin
County Secondary Roads, and all lienholders
or incumbrancers and actual occupants of any
land within Drainage District # 48 and to all other
persons to whom it may concern.
You and each of you are hereby notified that
the Board of Supervisors, acting on behalf of
Drainage District # 48, did appoint an Engineer
to investigate and determine the need for improvements on the drainage tile of said Drainage District.
The Board of Supervisors did appoint McClure
Engineering, to make an investigation on the
possible repairs or restoration needed for the
District facilities. The Engineer has reported
on the findings, and an informational meeting
has been scheduled to discuss these options.
The report proposes four different options to
improve drainage on the main tile in Drainage
District No. 48. The cost estimate of the different
options range in price between $665,800 and
The Board of Supervisors has fixed a time and
place of hearing on said report for January 12,
2015, at 10:00 A.M. in the Law Enforcement
Center in Hampton, Iowa. At such time, the
Board will hear objections to the feasibility of
such improvements as may be presented by
or for any taxpayer in the Drainage District, that
the report may be amended before final action
is taken by the Board of Supervisors.
All comments on the Engineer’s report or to
any matter connected with this hearing may be
made in writing and filed with the County Auditor. In addition, any interested party may be
heard in argument by himself or by council at
the hearing.
This notice is published and mailed as provided
by law at the direction of the Board of Supervisors of Franklin County, Iowa, acting on behalf
of Drainage District # 48.
Michelle Giddings
Franklin County Auditor
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 2014.
Board of Supervisors
DECEMBER 8, 2014
Be it duly noted these minutes of 12/8/14 are
The Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30AM with Board members Michael
Nolte-Chairman Pro-Tem and Corey Eberling
present, Jerry L. Plagge-Chairman-Absent.
Guests: Gary McVicker, Nick Pedley-Hampton
Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, approves the agenda as submitted. All ayes, motion carried.
Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves the minutes of 12/1/14. All ayes. Motion
Committee Updates: Emergency Management
Commission update
Public Comment: Tom Berry-Veteran’s Affairs
Director presented the Supervisors with a poster in support of the Tribute to Vietnam Veterans
Operation LZ.
Brent Symens-Assistant County Attorney was
asked for guidance in preparing an agreement
between Franklin County and Food Pantry for
policies and procedures on County property, per
insurance carrier recommendations. No action
Jay Waddingham-County Engineer updated
the Board on DD 3 Sub 1 of 3 investigation and
finding a supposed abandoned tile closed beside an open concrete tile. The Supervisors will
relay these findings to Charlie Wearda.
Meghan Freie-Case Manager and Russell
Wood-CPC via phone call, requested an increase for rent and utilities now offered to qualified residents in Franklin County through the
General Assistance program.
Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, moves
to increase the General Assistance rental policy
from $300 and on utilities $300; to a combined
(rent and utilities) maximum of $850. All ayes.
Motion carried.
Franklin County Library Association requested
a 5% increase in funding for the FY15/16 budget year. Present from local libraries was: Retha Starek-Ackley, Jill Peterson-Sheffield, Barb
Gardner-Coulter, and Dee Schrodt-Alexander.
No action taken.
David Cook, Drainage Engineer McClure Engineering, conducted an Informational Meeting
on an investigation he was requested to do in
DD #48 for possible improvements and reclassification.
Also present was: David Jacobsen-Dows,
Delores Blackford-Dows, Nick Pedley-Hampton Chronicle, David Hicks- Dows, Kim Jacobsen-Dows, Larry Johnson-Latimer, Ian
Plagge-Latimer, Peggy & Dean Lemke, Bob
Borcherding-Johnson, IA- Dennis Lemke-Dows, Douglas Lemke-Dows, Corey Jacobsen-Dows, Craig Johnson-Latimer, Dave Christensen-Hampton and Matt Abbas-Latimer
Engineer Cook presented four options for improvements to DD 48 with comments following.
The 5 options were: 1) Main Drain Replacement
in Sections 11 and 14 with ½” Drainage Coefficient; 2) Main Drain Replacement in Section
11 and 14 with ¾” Drainage Coefficient; 3)
Replacement of Main Tile, ½” Drainage Coefficient; 4) Replacement of Main Tile, ¾” Drainage
Coefficient and 5) Other Alternatives such as
improvements in upstream drainage would be
limited by capacity of the 34” tile. No alternatives
utilizing partial replacement provided significant
improvements and were not evaluated further.
Another Information Meeting has been set up
for January 5, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. with a Public
Hearing scheduled Monday, January 12, 2014
at 10:00 a.m.; both meetings being held at the
Law Enforcement Center meeting room. No action taken.
Sandy Eckhardt-Drainage Clerk met on two
drainage districts:
DD #83. Area where trees were removed in E
½ NE ¼ Section 5, Oakland Township, the land
below the tile on the McClanahan property; tile
was exposed and filled with tree roots so Mort’s
ran a new line of 200’ of 12” tile beside the existing tile along the fence line.
JDD #5-75 Main. A request for repair was
turned in by tenant wanting work done, but
Trustees of the District (Supervisors) stated the
landowner needed to sign Resolution 2010-23:
Investigation of Drainage Districts Per Requests
in order for any work to be done in Section 34,
Oakland Township. No action taken.
Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves an Extension for Closing and Possession
of property located at 302 5th Ave NE, Hampton,
between Plymouth Church and Franklin County from December 5, 2014 through February 5,
2015 at 5 PM. All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, approves claims for the period ending 12/7/14. All
ayes, motion carried.
Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves setting December 29, 2014 at 9:30 a.m.
as the date and time for a Public Hearing to
amend FY14/15 budgeted expenditures and
revenues. All ayes, motion carried.
Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves reinstatement of 2014 homestead credit
on parcel 09-30-301-012-00 due to owner still
occupying homestead on 7/1/2014. All ayes,
motion carried.
Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves a Fireworks Permit to Donald Ziesman,
to display fireworks on 12/26-27/2014 at 325
Finch Ave, Alden. All ayes, motion carried.
Request from Franklin County Sheriff to amend
the LEC building FY14/15 budget. The Board
agreed to figures submitted. No action taken.
The Board acknowledged ITC Midwest LLC
Notice of Eminent Domain Proceedings regarding Iowa Utilities Board Docket No. E-22152.
The Board acknowledged Manure Management Plan Renewals for: 1) F106, #59671, owner Christensen Farms Midwest LLC, site located
1931 135th Street, Ackley, Section 30, Osceola
Township; 2) F113, #65026, owner Christensen
Farms LLC, site located 2150 Violet Avenue,
Sheffield, Section 22, West Fork Township.
The Board acknowledged a Letter from DNR
accepting a Construction Permit CP-A2014-141
Sparboe Farms Inc. Coulter Pullet Farm Site,
Facility #58875.
Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, adjourns at 12:17 PM, until Wednesday, December
17, 2014. All ayes. Motion carried.
Michael Nolte, Chairman Pro-Tem
Michelle S. Giddings, Auditor & Clerk to Board
A & M Electric, Rep/Parts ....................1044.08
Agvantage FS, Fuel .............................1766.15
Ahlers & Cooney PC, Legal Srv ..........1284.12
City of Alexander, Frm to Mkt ................186.18
Alliant Energy, Util ...................................22.94
Aramark Uniform, Clng Srv......................60.27
JoEllen Arends, Mileage ..........................91.29
Auto Parts, Rep/Parts ............................196.27
Ronald Becker, Reimb ...........................130.77
Bibby Financial Srvs, Sup......................409.81
Brenda Boyington, Mileage ...................255.00
Bruening Rock, Rock/Sand ...................769.95
Butler Co Auditor, Cluster Exp .............2250.12
Calhoun Burns & Assoc, Prof Srv ........2464.80
Campbell Supply Co, Rep/Parts ..............74.76
Cenex Fleetcard, Fuel ...........................242.77
Central IA Detention, JV Detention/Meds ..........
Central Iowa Distributing, Cust Sup.........62.00
CenturyLink, Phone Srv.........................961.02
Class C Solutions Group, Sup ...............671.41
Ashley Claussen, Mileage .....................133.62
City of Coulter, Frm to Mkt .....................347.36
Counsel Office & Document, Maint .......424.19
Thomas Craighton, Srvs ........................200.00
Creative Solutions, Srvs ..........................50.00
D&L Sanitation, Garbage .......................385.50
Casey Ditch, Mileage.............................194.82
Don’s Truck Sales, Rep/Parts..................87.39
Dumont Telephone, Phone Srv..............234.93
Corey Eberling, Reimb ........................1056.95
Eichmeier Motor Co, Rep/Parts .............212.77
Electronic Engineering, GPS/Rep .......1225.00
Fareway, Cust Sup ....................................5.67
Farm & Home Publishers, Plat Books .....48.88
Fastenal Co, Rep/Parts ...........................47.82
First Bank Hampton, Box Rent ................60.00
Floyd & Leonard Auto, Rep/Parts ..........331.48
Franklin Co PHN, Flu Shots ....................95.00
Franklin Co Sheriff, Srv Fees ................195.72
Franklin General Hospital, Phones/Trng ...........
Franklin Grassland Seed Co, Sup .........577.53
Meghan Freie, Mileage ..........................615.82
G & K Services, Srvs ...............................93.62
City of Geneva, Frm to Mkt....................268.02
Gorder’s Service, Rep/Parts ....................15.00
Got You Covered, Wk Apprl ...................115.00
GovConnection, Data Proc ....................134.88
Green Canopy, Rental ...........................435.48
Linda Hamman, Mileage........................117.30
Hampton Hardware, Parts/Sup..............376.35
Hampton Heating, Rep/Parts.................151.83
City of Hampton, Water .........................362.34
Charlotte Hanig, Mileage .......................108.63
City of Hansell, Frm to Mkt ....................226.02
Pam Harkema, Mileage .........................128.01
Teresa Harms, Mileage..........................120.87
Hawkeye West Pest Cntrl, Pest Cntrl ....100.00
Henry M Adkins, Elect Sup ..................9885.00
Thomas L Hovland, Storage ....................50.00
Howie Equip, Rep/Parts ......................1843.77
IEHA, Dues ..............................................80.00
IMWCA, Work Comp ...........................8042.00
Interstate Motor Trucks, Rep/Parts ........660.79
Iowa Alliance in Home Care, Ed/Trng ....185.00
Iowa Co Recorder’s Assn, Equip ...........100.00
Iowa Dept of Public Safety, Tank Fees ..120.00
Iowa Workforce Development, Inspctn/Prmt .....
IOWWA, Dues .........................................45.00
ISAC, Ed/Trng .......................................260.00
J-T Machine & Tool, Rep/Parts ................79.90
JCL Solutions, Cust Sup ........................167.27
Johnson Sanitary Products, Cust Sup .....81.75
Earl Kalkwarf, Mlg/Comm ......................294.18
KDE Services, Srvs .................................79.99
Robin Koob, Mileage .............................254.49
City of Latimer, Util ..................................20.40
Mail Services, Renewals .......................503.62
Martin Marietta, Road Stone............291149.70
Matthew Bender & Co, Law Lbry .........2620.32
Robin McKee, Mileage ..........................282.03
Shirley Mejia, Mileage .............................46.41
Mercy Home Care-N IA, Care/Keep ........83.40
Mercy Medical Ctr-N IA, Care/Keep ......734.01
Mid-America Publishing, Pub/Notices/Ad ..........
Mid American Energy, Util .....................824.63
Midwest Wheel, Rep/Parts ....................470.57
Deb Miller, Mileage ..................................52.53
Pam Moore, Mileage .................................7.65
Chad Murray, Mileage .............................96.90
NAPA, Rep/Parts ...................................622.44
Northern IA Const, Sup..........................475.00
Barb Noss, Mileage ...............................144.84
Office Elements, Maint/Sup ...................382.39
Pannier, Signs .....................................3389.00
Peterson Contractors, Srvs .................5557.96
POC Network Tech, Fee ............................7.50
City of Popejoy, Frm to Mkt ...................122.34
Prairie Meadows, Trng...........................114.24
Julie Pralle, Mileage ................................70.38
Pralle’s Wash City, Veh Washes ..............94.03
Quill Corp, Off Sup ..................................16.06
Rainbow Feed & Garden, Sup.................87.98
Reliable, Off Sup ...................................143.70
Reminder Printing, Ads ............................71.40
River City Comm, Monitor Sys ................23.00
Jessica Rother, Mileage ..........................49.47
Marla Schipper, Mileage ........................194.31
Secondary Rds, Fuel .............................984.44
Secretary of State, Notary Rnwl ..............30.00
Paige Seidel, Mileage ..............................10.20
Sietsema Vogel, Srvs ............................650.00
Jill Silver, Mileage ....................................94.86
Staples Advantage, Off Sup ....................77.34
Stericycle Inc, Srvs ..................................21.82
Jennifer Swart, Mileage ...........................39.78
Thomson West, Law Lbry ....................1194.50
US Cellular, Cell Srv ............................1703.37
Verizon Wireless, Cell/WiFi ...................207.52
VISA, Trng/Sup ....................................1810.93
Layne Walvatne, Wk Apprl ......................63.23
Waste Mgmt, Garb/Recy .......................680.42
Christa L Wiarda, Mileage .......................54.57
Daniel F Wiechmann Jr, Phone/Rent ....734.45
Diana Wilkinson, Mileage ......................135.15
Jeanne Wogen, Mileage ..........................80.58
Russell Wood, Mlg/Trng ........................198.25
Renee Zimmerman, Mileage .................122.91
Grand Total.....................................367135.93
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 2014.
Karr Properties
The contents of Storage Unit #58
Located at: 1415 4th Street NE, Hampton, IA
And rented in the name of: Racheal Foust
Will be sold at public auction sale on: January
7, 2014 at 11:00 a.m.
Contents of said unit consist in part of: Household, personal, and misc. items
per unit
If the tenant of the above storage unit pays the
rent due before the auction, the sale will be canceled without notice.
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17 and 24, 2014.
City of Hampton
DECEMBER 11, 2014
The Hampton City Council Regular Session
was called to order at City Council Chambers
by Mayor Brook Boehmler at 6:00 p.m. Council members in attendance were Meghan Freie,
James Davies, Dyanne Pralle and Richard
Lukensmeyer. Jay Hickman and Steve Harms
were absent. Mayor Boehmler invited those
present to join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the
U.S. flag. Mayor Boehmler called for a motion to
approve the agenda. Motion by Lukensmeyer.
Second by Pralle. Motion approved unanimously.
Mayor Boehmler gave the report from the
Council Workshop of December 8, 2014.
Public Comment: Mayor Boehmler invited
those wishing to make public comment to address the Council and encouraged public input
on the traffic signal matters being considered.
Madonna Weiland, 412 3rd Street SW, inquired
status on action by the City at a neighbor’s property with public exposure issues and offensive
Old Business: None.
New Business: Mayor Boehmler called on City
Manager Dunt to review the proposed Engineering Services Agreement between the City
and CGA for the Airport Hangar Rehabilitation
Project. Dunt noted the match for this grant with
the FAA is like previous grants, with 90% funding through the FAA. Motion by Freie, seconded
by Pralle, to approve the Engineering Services
Agreement with CGA for Airport Hangar Rehabilitation project, with 90% funding by FAA; authorizing the Mayor to sign. Motion carried.
Mayor Boehmler referred comment to Tom
Madden, engineer with SEH for the WWTP
Project, to summarize the pay requests submitted by two contractors on the project. Motion
by Davies, seconded by Lukensmeyer, to approve Pay Request #4 to King Construction, in
the amount of $58,314.04, for work completed
on the WWTP Project. Motion approved unanimously. Motion by Pralle, seconded by Freie,
to approve Pay Request #2 to Wapasha Construction, in the amount of $252,985.01, for
work completed on the WWTP Project. Motion
approved unanimously.
Mayor Boehmler referred comment to Ron
Dunt on the matter of removing the old wooden playground structure at Harriman Park, in
anticipation of its replacement with new equipment proposed by Hampton Kiwanis. Motion by
Lukensmeyer, seconded by Freie to approve the
removal of old wooden structure upon approval
of the Council of the new playground structure;
existing structure to be left until final plans of
new structure are approved. Motion carried.
Mayor Boehmler invited Chief Bob Schaefer
to address the Council regarding a proposed
Memorandum of Understanding between the
Hampton Police Department and Franklin
County for the networking of law enforcement
communications software. Schaefer had reviewed the agreement with the Council at its
workshop, and pointed out various details of the
document drafted for this plan specifically noting
that Franklin County would provide a minimum
of 3 business day notice prior to software upgrades. Motion by Davies, seconded by Pralle,
to approve the Memorandum of Understanding
between City of Hampton Police Department
and Franklin County for sharing of law enforcement software communications network, authorizing the Mayor to sign. Motion approved
Mayor Boehmler invited Council & staff discussion regarding which intersection traffic signals
should be replaced, if IDOT funding is available
to replace just one intersection. Council members reported public opinions received for replacement; Hwy 3 & 1st Street versus Hwy 3
& Hwy 65. With opinions voiced to Council and
City Hall, the significant majority at this time
prefer the replacement of traffic signals at the
intersection of Hwy 3 & Hwy 65.
Mayor Boehmler called for a motion to approve
claims. Motion by Pralle to approve claims, as
recommended by Staff, totaling $183,157.71.
Seconded by Davies. Motion approved unanimously.
Mayor Boehmler introduced and offered the
first reading of Ordinance No. 355, “An Ordinance amending Chapter 41, Public Health
and Safety of the Hampton Municipal Code to
add a new Subsection 41.13, Public Exposure.”
City Manager Dunt read the Ordinance and reviewed the intent in making this addition. Motion
by Davies, seconded by Freie, to approve the
first reading of Ordinance No. 355. Roll call vote:
Ayes – Pralle, Lukensmeyer, Freie and Davies.
Nays – None. Hickman and Harms absent. Motion approved, and Ordinance No. 355 referred
to the next regular session for further consideration.
Motion by Lukensmeyer to approve the Consent Agenda, including previous minutes as
drafted from publication from the November
24, 2014, Regular Session, scheduling the next
Regular Session for Monday, December 22,
2014, at 6:00 p.m., at City Council Chambers,
and approval of renewal of liquor licensing for
Rustic Brew, LLC, 117 1st Street NW, and B&C
Kitchen, 7 1st Avenue NW, both of Hampton,
Iowa. Seconded by Pralle. Motion approved
Staff Reports given by Chief Bob Schaefer, Police Dept. and Ron Dunt, City Manager.
Council Reports given by Davies, Pralle and
Lukensmeyer. Mayor's Report given by Mayor
Boehmler, noting a public meeting will be held
in the Council Chambers on Wednesday, December 17th, at 5:30 p.m., with City and Hampton-Dumont School administrators, reviewing
future Homecoming events, activities, expectations and enforcement. Mayor Boehmler also
encouraged public input on the idea of imposing
a franchise fee as an alternative revenue source
for street construction and other infrastructure
Motion to adjourn by Lukensmeyer at 6:53 p.m.
Second by Freie. Motion approved unanimously.
Adjournment 6:53 p.m.
Ron Dunt, City Manager
Brook S. Boehmler, Mayor
Advanced Systems Inc, Operating Supply ........
Auto Parts Inc, Maint/Supply .................$86.41
Brent’s Ag & Auto Repair, Equip Repair ............
Central Iowa Distributing, Operating Supply......
Centurylink, Phone ...........................$1,109.86
D&L Sanitation Inc, Garbage Disposal ..............
Dunt, Ronald, Phone/Veh Allow...........$140.00
Electronic Engineering, Phone ..............$10.00
Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/10/14 11/23/14 ........................................$28,809.35
Fastenal Co, Operating Supply .............$15.75
Ferris, Jeffrey, Safety Glasses .............$150.00
Gaytan, Carolina, Interpreter .................$20.00
Green Canopy Inc, Waste Disposal ......$40.00
Hampton Hardware, Supply/Maint.......$262.23
Hampton Public Library, 2nd Quarter Funding ..
Hampton Vet Center, Misc Contract ......$70.00
IAMU, Training .....................................$298.42
Interstate All Battery Co, Equip Maint ....$53.88
Kum & Go, Fuel ................................$1,097.89
Lang, Esther, Shelter Refund ..............$100.00
MidAmerican Energy Co, Utilities .....$1,294.57
MPH Industries Inc, Captl Equip.......$1,600.00
Office Depot, Office Supply ...................$86.47
Rainbow Feed & Garden, Tree Replacement....
Ray O’Herron Co Inc, Uniform/Equip Supply ....
Reminder Printing Co, The, Adv ............$98.00
Rosenberg, Megan, Atty Fees .............$500.00
Sandry Fire Supply LLC, Equip Maint ...............
Schaefer, Robert, Phone .......................$40.00
Spurgeon, David, Shelter Refund ........$100.00
Storey Kenworthy, Operating Supply...$344.30
Tarr, Douglas, Phone .............................$40.00
US Cellular, Phone ..............................$121.39
Waste Management, Garbage Disposal ............
Woodley, Patty, Shelter Refund ...........$100.00
Total ...............................................$59,746.92
MidAmerican Energy Co, Utilties .........$142.22
US Cellular, Phone ................................$22.77
Total ....................................................$164.99
Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/10/14 11/23/14 ..........................................$4,756.56
Auto Parts Inc, Maint/Supply .................$77.04
Blackstrap Inc, Snow/Ice Removal ...$2,155.30
Centurylink, Phone ................................$41.03
Consolidated Energy, Fuel ..................$466.50
Countryside Turf & Timber, Tree Work ..$94.95
D&L Sanitation Inc, Garbage Disposal ..$94.00
Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/10/14 11/23/14 ..........................................$5,372.27
Franklin Co Lumber, Supply/Maint ........$22.47
Grefe, Randy, Phone .............................$25.00
Hampton Hardware, Supply/Maint.........$49.98
IAMU, Training .....................................$431.05
Kum & Go, Fuel .....................................$80.00
Martin Marietta Material, St Maint Supply..........
MidAmerican Energy co, Utilities ......$4,873.46
Total ...............................................$14,220.85
EMC Natl Life Co, Life Ins .....................$72.00
Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/10/14 11/23/14 ..........................................$8,411.02
Three Rivers Benefit Corp, Health Ins ...............
Three Rivers Benefit Corp, Health Ins ...............
Total ................................................. $9,237.32
First Bank Hampton, Debt Payments ................
First Bank Hampton, Debt Payments ................
First Bank Hampton, Debt Payments ................
Total ...............................................$71,776.25
Ahlers & Cooney PC, Prof Fees ..........$325.00
Angeles, Brandie, Meter Deposit Refund ..........
Carol’s Flower Box, Meter Deposit Refund .......
Hampton, City of , Meter Deposit Applied..........
Waddell, Dorothy, Meter Deposit Refund ..........
Wenzel, Brenda, Meter Deposit Refund $98.78
Total ....................................................$450.73
A&M Electric Inc, Equip Repair ........$1,461.52
Auto Parts Inc, Maint/Supply ...............$119.84
Brent’s Ag & Auto Repair, Equip Repair ............
Central Iowa Distributing, Bldg Maint ..$106.00
Centurylink, Phone ................................$61.03
D&L Sanitation Inc, Garbage Disposal ..$51.00
Dillon, Patrick, Phone ............................$25.00
EMC Natl Life Co, Life Ins .....................$28.80
Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/10/14 11/23/14 ..........................................$5,482.94
Franklin Co Lumber, Maint/Supply ......$150.00
Hach Co, Chemicals ............................$268.59
Hamm, Terry, Phone ..............................$25.00
Hampton Hardware, Maint/Supply.......$124.32
Hampton Post Office, Postage ............$298.44
Howie Equip Inc, Captl Equip ..................$7.50
IAMU, Training .....................................$298.44
IA Dept of Revenue, Sales Tax .........$3,201.00
Keystone Labs Inc, Lab Testing.............$52.60
Kum & Go , Fuel ..................................$264.60
Martin Marietta Materials, Misc Contract ...........
Menards, Equip Maint..........................$237.99
MidAmerican Energy Co, Utilities .....$1,414.23
Three Rivers Benefit Corp, Health Ins ...$67.50
Three Rivers Benefit Corp, Health Ins ...............
Ward’s Machine Shop Inc, Equip Repair ...........
Total ...............................................$14,618.22
Central Iowa Distributing , Operating Supply.....
Centurylink, Phone ................................$41.03
D&L Sanitation Inc, Garbage Disposal ..$51.00
EMC Natl Life Co, Life Ins .....................$14.40
Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/10/14 11/23/14 ..........................................$3,682.47
Fareway Stores Inc, Lab Testing ...........$53.99
Fastenal Co, Supply/Tools ...................$184.67
Hach Co, Lab Testing ..........................$161.52
Hampton Hardware, Maint/Supply.......$202.97
Hampton Post Office, Postage ..............$74.62
IAMU, Training .....................................$298.42
IA Dept of Revenue, Sales Tax ............$514.00
MidAmerican Energy Co, Utilities .....$1,176.51
Municipal Pipe Tool Co, Lift Station Repair .......
Three Rivers Benefit Corp, Health Ins ...$67.50
Three Rivers Benefit Corp, Health Ins .$497.10
Total .................................................$7,363.72
Employee Payroll Expense, Payroll 11/10/14 11/23/14 .............................................$417.15
Green Canopy, Waste Disposal.............$80.00
Total ....................................................$497.15
GRAND TOTAL ............................$183,157.71
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 2014.
Notice of Hearing
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Marilyn J. Miller, Deceased, who died on or about
October 17, 2014:
You are hereby notified that on the 26th day of
November, 2014, the last will and testament of
Marilyn J. Miller, deceased, bearing date of the
29th day of June, 1990 was admitted to probate
in the above named court and that Richard LeRoy Miller was appointed executor of the estate.
Any action to set aside the will must be brought
in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the
second publication of this notice or one month
from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs
of the decedent and devisees under the will
whose identities are reasonably ascertainable,
or thereafter be forever barred.
Notice is further given that all persons indebted
to the estate are requested to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with
the clerk of the above named district court, as
provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of
four months from the second publication of this
notice or one month from the date of mailing of
this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a
claim is therefore after forever barred.
Dated this 26th day of November, 2014.
Richard LeRoy Miller
1763 Quail Ave.
Hampton, IA 50441
Executor of Estate
TO: Jenny Lynn Dawson
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Administrator has filed his Final Report in the above
Estate with the Court. Unless you file an Objection to the Final Report and Accounting attached
thereto or before the date of Hearing scheduled
for December 22, 2014 at 9:00 a.m., the Court
will enter an Order Approving said Final Report.
review a copy of said Final Report and accounting attached thereto at the office of the Franklin
County Clerk of Court, at 12 1st Avenue NW,
Hampton, Iowa.
above case has been filed in a County which utilizes Electronic Filing. Unless you electronically
file an objection to said Final Report, or Motion
in the Iowa District Court for Franklin County,
Iowa at the Courthouse in Hampton, Iowa, on
or before 9:00 a.m. on December 22, 2014, the
Court will approve the Final Report, discharge
the Administrator and close this Estate.
Please see Iowa Court Rules Chapter 16 for
information on Electronic Filing and Iowa Court
Rules, Chapter 16, Division VI, regarding the
protection of personal information in Court filings.
If you need assistance to participate in Court
due to a disability, call the Disability Coordinator
at 641-424-6431. Persons who are hearing or
speech impaired may call Relay Iowa TTY (1800-735-2942).
/s/ Michael J. Cross
Michael J. Cross #AT0001855
117 First Avenue NW
PO Box 535
Hampton, IA 50441
Phone: (641) 456-4192
FAX: (641) 456-4309
Jason S. Hyland, ICIS PIN No. AT0003806
Brekken, Wynia & Hyland, P.C.
523 Broad Street
P.O. Box 160
Story City, IA 50248
Attorney for the Executor
To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Arthur
H. Meinders, Deceased, who died on or about
October 24, 2014.
You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day of
December, 2014, the last will and testament of
Arthur H. Meinders, deceased, bearing the date
of the 23rd day of October, 1991, was admitted
to probate in the above named court and that
Tracy Lea Meinders & Tamra Jo Meinders were
appointed executors of the estate. Any action to
set aside the will must be brought in the district
court of said county within the later to occur of
four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of
mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent
and devisees under the will whose identities are
reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred.
Notice is further given that all persons indebted
to the estate are requested to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with
the clerk of the above named district court, as
provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of
four months from the second publication of this
notice or one month from the date of mailing of
this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a
claim is therefore after forever barred.
Dated this 2nd day of December, 2014.
Tracy Lea Meinders
801½ Park Avenue
Ackley, IA 50601
Tamra Jo Meinders
415 Faulker Lane
Ackley, IA 50601
Executors of Estate
G.A. Cady III, ICIS PIN No: AT0001386
Hobson, Cady & Cady, PLC
Attorney for Executors
9 First Street, SW
PO Box 456
Hampton, IA 50441
Date of second publication 17th day of December, 2014.
Date of third publication 31st day of December,
Date of second publication 17th day of December, 2014.
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 10 and 17, 2014.
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17, 24, and 31, 2014.
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 10 and 17, 2014.
ITC Midwest, LLC
Notice is given that ITC Midwest LLC, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, pursuant to Iowa Code chapter
478 (2013), has filed a petition with the Iowa
Utilities Board (Board) for a franchise to erect,
maintain and operate an electric transmission
line in Franklin and Cerro Gordo counties and
that the petition sets forth the following maximum voltage, starting points, routes, and termini
of the proposed line:
Exhibit A
Legal Description
Petition for Franchise
Franklin County, Iowa
15.16 miles of 362,000V Maximum (345,000V
Nominal), Three Phase, Wye Connected,
grounded at substation electric transmission
The north beginning point of this multi-county
345kV transmission line will be a point of electrical connection with a proposed ITC Midwest
LLC (ITC) 345kV transmission line located approximately 0.22 mile east of the north quarter
corner of Section 2, Township 93 North, Range
21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Franklin
County, Iowa.
The north terminus of this multi-county 345kV
transmission line will be a point of electrical connection within ITC’s proposed Killdeer Transmission Substation to be located in the Southeast
Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 26,
Township 96 North, Range 21 West of the 5th
Principal Meridian, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa.
The south ending point of this multi-county
345kV transmission line will be a point of electrical connection with a proposed MidAmerican
Energy Company (MEC) 345kV transmission
line located approximately 0.15 mile north of the
south quarter corner of Section 14, Township 91
North, Range 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Franklin County, Iowa.
The south terminus of this multi-county 345kV
transmission line will be a point of electrical
connection within MEC’s existing Black Hawk
Transmission Substation located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 90 North, Range 13 West of
the 5th Principal Meridian, Black Hawk County,
This line will begin in public road right of way at
a point of electrical connection with a proposed
ITC transmission line approximately 0.22 mile
east of the north quarter corner of Section 2,
Township 93 North, Range 21 West of the 5th
Principal Meridian, Franklin County, Iowa, said
point also being a point on the Franklin/Cerro
Gordo County line near the center of Cerro Gordo Street; thence southwesterly crossing the
south margin of the public road right of way of
Cerro Gordo Street to a point on private right
of way and continuing southwesterly on private
right of way to a point located along the north/
south centerline approximately 0.08 mile south
of the center of said Section 2, a distance of approximately 0.68 mile; thence south on private
right of way along the north/south centerline
of said Section 2 and Sections 11, 14, 23, 26,
and 35, all in said township and range, crossing
250th Street (a.k.a. County Road C13), 240th
Street, 230th Street (a.k.a. County Road C20),
and 220th Street, to a point on private right of
way adjacent to the north public road right of
way of 210th Street (a.k.a. County Road C23),
a distance of approximately 4.73 miles; thence
east on private right of way parallel and adjacent
to the north public road right of way of said 210th
Street, to a point approximately 0.02 mile east
of the north/south centerline of said Section 35,
a distance of approximately 0.02 mile; thence
south on private right of way crossing said 210th
Street to a point on private right of way and continuing south on private right of way approximately 0.02 mile east of the north-south centerline of said Section 35 to a point on private right
of way adjacent to the north public road right of
way of 200th Street, a distance of approximately 0.75 mile; thence southwest to a point in the
public road right of way of said 200th Street,
near the south quarter corner of said Section 35,
said point also being on the south township line
near the center of said 200th Street, a distance
of approximately 0.01 mile.
This line will also continue from a point of
electrical connection with ITC’s last described
electric transmission line segment in public road
right of way approximately 0.01 mile east of the
north quarter corner of Section 2, Township 92
North, Range 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Franklin county, Iowa, said point also being on the north township line near the center of
200th Street; thence southwesterly crossing the
south margin of said public road right of way of
200th Street to a point on private right of way approximately 0.19 mile south of the north quarter
corner of said Section 2, a distance of approximately 0.20 mile; thence southerly on private
right of way along the north/south centerlines of
said Section 2 and Sections 11, 14, and 23, all in
said township and range, crossing 190th Street
(a.k.a. County Road C25), 180th Street, 170th
Street (a.k.a. County Road C31), to a point on
private right of way along the north/south centerline approximately 0.21 mile north of the south
quarter corner of said Section 23, a distance of
approximately 3.68 miles; thence southeasterly
on private right of way, crossing 160th Street,
to a point approximately 0.02 mile south and
0.04 mile east of the north quarter corner of
Section 26, said township and range, a distance
of approximately 0.24 mile; thence southerly
on private right of way to a point approximately
0.38 mile north and 0.04 mile east of the south
quarter corner of said Section 26, a distance of
approximately 0.62 mile; thence southwesterly
on private right of way to a point on the north/
south centerline approximately 0.18 mile north
of the south quarter corner of said Section 26,
a distance of approximately 0.21 mile; thence
southerly on private right of way along the north/
south centerlines of said Section 26 and Section
35, said township and range, crossing the public road right of way of 150th Street (a.k.a. Iowa
State Highway 3), the Rolling Prairie Trail, and
the north half of public road right of way of 140th
Street, to a point near the south quarter corner
of said Section 35, said point also being on the
south township line near the center of 140th
Street, a distance of approximately 1.17 miles.
This line will then continue from a point of
electrical connection with ITC’s last described
electric transmission line segment in public road
right of way near the north quarter corner of
Section 2, Township 91 North, Range 21 West
of the 5th Principal Meridian, Franklin County,
Iowa, said point also being a point on the north
township line near the center of 140th Street;
thence south crossing the south margin of said
public road right of way of 140th Street to a point
on private right of way and continuing south on
private right of way along the north/south centerlines of said Section 2 and Sections 11 and 14,
said Township and Range, crossing the public
road rights of way of 130th Street and 120th
Street, to a point of electrical connection with a
proposed MEC transmission line to be located
approximately 0.15 mile north of south quarter
corner of said Section 14, Township 91 North,
Range 21 West of the 5th Principal Meridian,
Franklin County, Iowa, a distance of approximately 2.85 miles.
The total distance of the line to be franchised
in Franklin County is approximately 15.16 miles.
A map showing the proposed route of the electric line may be obtained at no cost by writing to
ITC Midwest LLC, Attn: Jacob Shipp, 123 5th
Street Southeast, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52401,
or by calling (319) 297-6816.
The Board has established Tuesday, February
3, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. and continuing to Wednesday, February 4, 2015, if needed, in the District
Court Courtroom, Franklin County Courthouse,
12 1st Avenue NW, Hampton, Iowa 50441, as
the date, time, and place for hearing on the petition.
Orders issued and documents filed in this
docket may be viewed on the Board's Electronic Filing System (EFS) at http://efs.iowa.
gov. Objections to the granting of the franchise
may be filed using EFS or in writing, although
electronic filing is preferred, no later than 20
days after the date of second publication of this
notice. Instructions for submitting an electronic filing can be found on the EFS Web site at Written objections must be
filed with the Executive Secretary, Iowa Utilities
Board, 1375 East Court Avenue, Room 69, Des
Moines, Iowa 50319. Both electronic and written objections must clearly state the objector's
name and address and list the docket number
on the objection.
Persons with disabilities requiring assistive
services or devices to observe the hearing or
participate in it should contact the Board at (515)
725-7331 at least ten (10) business days in advance of the hearing date to request that appropriate arrangements be made.
The date of the first publication is December
17, 2014. The date of the second publication is
December 24, 2014.
Elizabeth S. Jacobs, Chair
Nick Wagner
Sheila K. Tipton
Docket No. E-22152
Joan Conrad Executive Secretary
Dated at Des Moines, Iowa, this 8th day of December 2014.
Published in the Hampton Chronicle on December 17 and 24, 2014.