HAMPTON CHRONICLE • SECTION B PUBLIC NOTICE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2014 5 PUBLIC NOTICE Probate NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROBATE NO. ESPR500878 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FRANKLIN COUNTY IN THE ESTATE OF RANDAL E. NELSON, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Randal E. Nelson, Deceased, who died on or about September 1, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 24th day of October, 2014, the last will and testament of Randal E. Nelson, deceased, bearing date of the 30th day of December, 2005, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Gary R. Nelson was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors having claims against the estate shall file them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance, and unless so filed by the later to occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is therefore after forever barred. Dated this 24th day of October, 2014. Gary R. Nelson 405 Johnston Street Sheffield, IA 50475 Executor of Estate Randy D. Johansen Attorney for Executor 1562 200th St. Sheffield, Iowa 50475 Date of second publication 12th day of November, 2014. Published in the Hampton Chronicle on November 5 and 12, 2014. PUBLIC NOTICE Board of Supervisors OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS FRANKLIN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS UNAPPROVED MINUTES OCTOBER 27, 2014 The Board of Supervisors met in regular session at 8:30AM with Board members Jerry L. Plagge-Chairman, Michael Nolte and Corey Eberling present. Guests: Ty Eberling, Nick Pedley-Hampton Chronicle Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, approves the agenda as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves the minutes of 10/20/14. All ayes. Motion carried. Committee Updates: 1) Report of LEC front entrance sidewalk rust due to recent roofing project; 2) Mason City Glass will reduce a billing by $60 for the glass tinting at the LEC. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, adopts Resolution 2014-29: Increasing the Treasurer’s appropriation in FY14/15 Budget from 90% to 100%. Present was: Chad Murray-Treasurer. The Board stated, when implemented, this was not a budget cut just a reduction in appropriation. Said Resolution reads as follows: RESOLUTION 2014-29: Authorizing Appropriations to County Treasurer’s Office from 90% to 100% for FY2014/2015 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Franklin County Board of Supervisors agree to appropriate 100% of the budgeted amounts for expenditures deemed necessary to the County Treasurer’s Funds/Departments, FY2014/2015 based on the Notice of Public Hearing-Budget Estimate published on February 24, 2014. RESOLUTION ADOPTED this 27th day of October, 2014, with the vote thereon being as follows: Eberling-Aye, Nolte-Aye, Plagge-Aye. Resolution duly adopted. Christa Wiarda-Public Health Director met to update the Board on the Public Health Nurse’s department and request for a transfer of budgeted funds. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, approves transferring $90,000 of FY14/15 budgeted funds from General Basic Fund to Public Health Fund. All ayes, motion carried. Kathy Stanbrough, Abbott Realty, met to present a counter offer of $30,000 to the Board for the purchase of property located at 302 5th Ave NE, fka The Gospel Hall. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, accepts the $30,000 counter offer from the owners of The Gospel Hall, located at 302 5th Ave NE. If accepted the property will serve County programs and the Food Pantry. All ayes, motion carried. Don Reffer, B&W Control Specialists, Algona, Iowa met with the Board and turned in a quote for Drainage District spraying in Franklin County. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, accepts the quote from Don Reffer, B&W Control Specialists, Algona, Iowa for the inspection of the ditches and maximum costs to complete each District for tree and brush control. Said brush control will take place the spring of 2015. District #.................................................... Cost JDD #86-31-1 ....................................$1000.00 DD #10 ..............................................$5500.00 DD #55 ..............................................$1000.00 DD #3 ................................................$5500.00 DD #48 ..............................................$2500.00 (Includes Willows over tile on N end (foliar spring 2015 on N end) DD #57 ..............................................$4500.00 DD #83 ..............................................$3500.00 (foliar spring 2015 on W end) DD #79 .......................................... $NO NEED DD #2 ................................................$3500.00 DD #78 ..............................................$1500.00 DD #66 ..............................................$1500.00 DD #6 ................................................$3000.00 DD #6/L-1 ..........................................$1000.00 DD #6/L-2 ............................................$250.00 DD #6/L-3 ............................................$250.00 DD #30 ..............................................$3500.00 DD #4 ............................................ $NO NEED DD #18 .......................................... $NO NEED DD #4-118 .........................................$1000.00 All ayes. Motion carried. Tom Birdsell-Castle Dick & Kelch met to explain the County’s Renewal Premium Breakdown for liability insurance for FY 14/15 with ICAP Insurance. No action taken. Tom Porter-Head Custodian met with snow removal bids for County buildings and Courthouse duct work cleaning. He requested the Board to move on one or more of the bids. Three bids were received for snow removal for the winter of 14/15: Butson Snow Removal, Marshall Construction and Spring Creek. Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, awards snow removal for the winter of 14/15 to the following companies: Spring Creek Company-Dick Lukensmeyer –Gospel Hall property on Tuesday and Thursdays and other days at the discretion of the Head Custodian and Courthouse when needed; Marshall Construction - LEC and CRC parking lots when needed. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, tables the duct work cleaning project and agrees to try another alternative running boiler two to three nights a week throughout the summer months to dry out the vents and see if this will solve the problems of dampness throughout the Courthouse. All ayes, motion carried. At 10:30 AM Becky Sexton, Twin Lakes Environmental Services, and Ryan Tripp, Tri-B Farms, were present to request the Board waive the 14 day waiting period for the Issuance of Notice of Intent to Issue a Construction Permit to Tri B Farms Site #1. Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, adopts Resolution 2014-28: Waiver to appeal the 14 day waiting period for the Issuance of Notice of Intent to Issue a Construction Permit to Tri B Farms Site #1 Facility ID #63210, Site #2 Facility ID 63974 and Site #3 Facility ID 66701 Franklin County. No objections were received on any plans. Said Resolution reads as follows: APPROVAL OF WAIVER OF FRANKLIN COUNTY’S RIGHT TO APPEAL ISSUANCE OF THE FINAL CONSTRUCTIONPERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONFINED ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATION BY THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. BE IT RESOLVED by the Franklin County Board of Supervisors as follows: Section 1. The Franklin County Board of Supervisors has received notice from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that Tri B Site #1; Facility ID # 63210, Site #2 Facility ID 63974 and Site #3 Facility ID 66701 has been issued a draft permit for the construction of a confined animal feeding operation building in the NE ¼ SW ¼, Section 30, Hamilton Township, in unincorporated Franklin County. Section 2. The Franklin County Board of Supervisors reviewed the construction permit application and the manure management plan and determined that both appeared to be in compliance with the requirements of the Master Matrix, Iowa Code Section 459 and Iowa DNR rules and recommended approval of said application on October 27, 2014. Section 3. The Franklin County Board of Supervisors hereby waives its right to appeal the issuance of the final permit within the fourteen (14) day limit from the time of receipt of the Notice of Intent to Issue a Permit. Section 4. The Franklin County Board of Supervisors encourages the Iowa DNR to issue the final permit immediately upon notification of this waiver. Section 5. The Franklin County Board of Supervisors authorizes the Board Chairman to notify the Iowa DNR of this waiver. Section 6. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of October, 2014. Eberling-Aye, Nolte-Aye, Plagge-Aye. Resolution duly adopted. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Eberling, approves an Application to Work in County Highway Right of Way for Ed Dannen to clean the west road ditch along Lark Avenue in the NE ¼, Section 14, Richland Township between 230th and 240th Streets. All ayes, motion carried. At 10:45 AM Jay Waddingham, County Engineer presented the Board with the William Stuck gravel and drainage matters. Present was: William Stuck and Brent Symens, County Attorney. The County Attorney stated the liability issue should be addressed to the County’s liability insurance carrier, ICAP, regarding the drainage matters. Upon their observation, both problems may take care of themselves. Bring the insurance company adjuster on board and let them proceed with an investigation. The Board directed the County Engineer to contact the County’s insurance carrier of the situation and the insurance company needs to begin their strategy. An adjuster will contact Mr. Stuck and County Engineer and will determine how the Board should proceed with the situation. No action taken. Jason Gooder-Conservation Director met to get direction from the Board on the Robinson PUBLIC NOTICE Sheriff’s Levy and Sale Property – Tax Abatement matter. The Board stated that Conservation pay the delinquent taxes due, based on the Robinson Estate Attorney, Art Cady that the estate is short of funds. Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, denies Conservation’s request for abatement on Robinson Property taxes due; advising Conservation to pay them. The Board is trying to be consistent with all requests in matters like this. All ayes. Motion carried. At 11:15 AM Larry Richtsmeier-Sheriff met to update the Board on the Sheriff’s department. No action taken. At 11:30 AM Gabe Johanns-IT Director met to update the Board on the IT department. No action taken. Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, approves claims for the period ending 10/26/14. All ayes, motion carried. The Board acknowledged Manure Management Plan Renewals for: 1) SOG Enterprises LLC, #64419, owner SOG Enterprises LLC, site located County Rd D15, Ackley, Sec 16, Etna Township, Hardin County Motion by Eberling, seconded by Nolte, adjourns at 11:45 AM, until 11/3/14. All ayes. Motion carried. ATTEST: Jerry L. Plagge, Chairman Michelle S. Giddings, Auditor & Clerk to Board A & M Electric, Rep/Parts ......................852.30 Alliant Energy, Util .................................239.40 Aramark Uniform, Clng Srv......................12.86 JoEllen K Arends, Mileage.....................128.52 Wayne E Arthur, Srvs ..............................65.00 Bell’s Fire Stop, Ext Srv .........................334.00 Bibby Financial Srvs, Sup......................876.51 Boone Co Sheriff, Srv Fees .....................69.10 Brenda L Boyington, Mileage ................177.48 CDW Government, Data Proc Exp ........509.78 Central IA Detention, JV Detention ..........30.00 CenturyLink, Phone Srv.............................4.57 Class C Solutions Group, Sup ...............544.32 Ashley Claussen, Mileage ..................... 111.18 Comm Resource Ctr, Sep Exp ..............162.16 Counsel Office & Document, Maint .........96.59 Thomas A Craighton, Reimb......................9.00 Casey D Ditch, Mileage .........................116.28 The Dog House, Srvs ..............................50.00 Dollar General, Sup .................................55.60 Don’s Truck Sales, Rep/Parts..............1157.96 Duncan Heights, Care/Keep ................5348.26 Sandy Eckhardt, Trng ............................503.86 Fastenal Co, Rep/Parts .........................113.50 Franklin Co Sheriff, Srv Fees ..................15.00 Franklin General Hospital, Rent ..........1500.00 Franklin REC, Util ................................1245.48 G & K Services, Shop Sup ......................49.46 GATR Truck Center, Rep/Parts ...............31.26 Michelle S Giddings, Comm Reimb .......125.00 GovConnection, Data Proc ....................254.64 Jodi Hamilton, Mileage ............................70.89 Linda S Hamman, Mileage ....................100.47 Hampton Hardware, Parts/Sup................10.74 Hampton Heating, Rep/Parts.................232.25 Hardin Co Auditor, Shared GIS..........19368.69 Pamela F Harkema, Mileage .................126.48 Teresa A Harms, Mileage.......................109.14 Hawkeye West Pest Cntrl, Pest Cntrl ....100.00 Heartland Asphalt, Const Srvs...........10520.23 Henry M Adkins & Son, Elect Sup .........120.53 Thomas L Hovland, Storage ....................50.00 Howie Equip, Rep/Parts ..........................52.49 Iowa Division of Labor Srv, Inspection.....80.00 Iowa Workforce Dvlp, Unemplymnt .......282.63 ISAC, Ed/Trng .......................................170.00 John Deere Financial, Rep/Parts...............5.95 Johnson Sanitary Products, Cust Sup .....80.08 Deborah Jones, Mileage..........................81.60 Robin J Koob, Mileage ..........................210.63 Liberty Tire Recycling, Recycling...........885.93 Mail Services, Renewals .......................290.42 Mason City Clinic, Care/Keep..................65.00 Mason City Glass, Rep/Parts ..............2065.50 MD Products, Rep/Parts ......................2635.00 Shirley A Mejia, Mileage ..........................90.78 Menards, Sup ........................................249.80 Mid American Energy, Util ...................1421.47 Mid Tech Services Inc, Eng Sup ..............59.20 Midland Power, Util ..................................15.79 Midwest Pipe, Pipe ..................................41.75 Cyndi Miller, Mileage .............................132.60 Debra A Miller, Mileage ............................71.40 Mort’s Inc, Services .............................1488.85 Murphy’s Htg & Plmbg, Rep/Parts .........324.15 NIACC, Ed/Trng .......................................20.00 Barb Noss, Mileage ...............................183.09 Office Elements, Maint ..........................208.62 Overhead Door, Rep/Parts ....................471.30 Pakor Inc, Photo Sup.............................232.04 Pitney Bowes, Pstg Sup ........................104.53 Thomas L Porter, Sup ..............................28.25 Julie M Pralle, Mileage ............................70.38 Quill Corp, Off Sup ................................869.72 Radar Road Tec, Radar Cert .................280.00 Reliable, Off Sup ...................................130.31 Reminder Printing, Ads ..........................424.80 Rick’s Pharmacy, Med Sup ......................50.42 Vicky Riebkes, Mileage .............................6.12 Rognes Bros Excavating, Srvs ..........99782.49 Candila Schickel, Legal Rep..................108.00 Marla L Schipper, Mileage .....................200.94 Scott Printing & Design, Sup .................231.65 Secondary Rds, Fuel ...............................63.00 Paige D Seidel, Off Sup...........................78.70 Shell Fleet Plus, Fuel.............................963.64 Jill Silver, Mileage ....................................50.49 Staples Advantage, Off Sup ................1307.31 Staples Credit, Off Sup ..........................333.22 Jennifer A Swart, Mileage ........................74.46 Brent J Symens, Rent..............................75.00 Warner Plastics & Liners, Rep/Parts ...1915.00 Christa L Wiarda, Mileage .......................12.24 Daniel F Wiechmann Jr, Rent ................716.00 Diana L Wilkinson, Mileage .....................60.18 Jeanne Wogen, Mileage ..........................75.99 Woodbury County Sheriff, Srv Fees ..........4.60 Ziegler Inc, Rep/Parts ......................177221.86 Renee Zimmerman, Mileage ...................35.70 GRAND TOTAL ...............................342789.56 Published in the Hampton Chronicle on November 5, 2014. SHEPUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE STATE OF IOWA IOWA DISTRICT COURT COURT CASE EQCV501133 FRANKLIN COUNTY SPECIAL EXECUTION Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Plaintiff vs. Estate of Tom Fryett; Betty Lou Lohrbach Fryett; Becky J. Lohrbach, as Executor; Paul Fryett; Spouse of Paul Fryett; Beatrice Helen Fryett; Spouse of Beatrice Helen Fryett; Jack Thomson and Valerie Thomson; State of Iowa; Estate Recovery Program and all Known and Unknown Claimants and all Persons Known or Unknown Claiming any Right, Title or Interest and all of Their Heirs, Spouses, Assigns, Grantees, Legatees, Devisees and all Beneficiaries of Each and all of the above-named Defendants – IN REM, Defendants As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court to the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendants Real Estate to satisfy the judgment. The property to be sold is described below: A tract of land in the Southwest quarter (SW 1/4) of Section 36, Township 93 North, Range 19, West of the 5th P.M., commencing at the Southwest Corner of said Section 36, thence North along the West line of said Southwest Quarter 636.5 feet to the point of beginning, thence continuing North 510.5 feet, thence East 256.0 feet, thence South 510.5 feet, thence West 256.0 feet to the point of beginning, Franklin County, Iowa Local Address: 1935 Yarrow Avenue, Aredale, Iowa The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Date of Sale: 12-3-14 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Front door of Sheriff’s office in Hampton, Iowa Redemption: Two Months Damages Amount: $18,112.00 Costs: $2,640.00 Accruing Costs: PLUS Interest: 1.6% from 4-14-14 = $185.78 + $2,547.37 = $2,733.15 Attorney: David M. Erickson 215 10th Street, Suite 1300 Des Moines, IA 50309 515-288-2500 Date: October 27, 2014 Sheriff Larry Richtsmeier Franklin County, Iowa Deputy: /s/Cheryl Crandall Published in the Hampton Chronicle on November 5 and 12, 2014.
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