The Kanawha Reporter, Thursday, January 22, 2015 Page 4 Official Proceedings: City of Kanawha KANAWHA CITY COUNCIL Proceedings from January 13th, 2015 The Kanawha City Council met in regular open session Tuesday, January 13th, 2015. Councilpersons present: Sherrie Johnson, Judy VanderPloeg, Nancy Litch and Christa Hanson. Absent: Ray Bassett. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. A motion for approval of the agenda was made by Councilperson Johnson. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Councilperson Johnson moved approval of the minutes, clerk’s report and payment of the following bills: Swenson Hdwe-battery charger, other 101.45 JD Financial-various parts 920.43 Hach-accuvacs, other 530.85 Business Forms-water bill cards 157.93 T & S Sanitation-jetted main 260.00 Office Depot-bath tissue, copy paper, other 81.76 Advanced Systems-printer contract 44.41 Big Brad’s-garb bags, cleaning supplies, other 64.96 Carpenter Uniforms-police jacket 275.33 Iowa One Call-locates 21.60 Gall’s-taser holder 105.94 Mid America Publ-publications 78.19 Hawkins-chlorine 10.00 Ag Source-tests 62.00 N Central-fuel, filters 392.52 R & M-repair, supplies 141.75 Brown Supply-clamps, nozzle, other supply 1362.84 IMFOA-dues 40.00 IRWA-dues 200.00 GK Services-cleaning service Nov/Dec 28.06 N Ia Computer-computer repair 280.00 Office Elements-copier contract 99.05 The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. The following report was given to the Council: December 2014 Expenditures Bankers Trust-bond int/s.c. 8356.25 IPERS-ipers 1627.85 IMWCA-work comp 677.00 Mark Hennigar-snow removal 48.00 Postmaster-water bills postage 80.92 Comm1-phone Midwest Breathing-f.d. repairs Firemen wages-2014 wages Rachel Ray-lib subsc Clapper Tree-tree work Principal Life-insurance Petty Cash-lib postage Baker & Taylor-lib book order Our Iowa-lib subsc David Spangler-cafeteria benefit Postmaster-lib box rent K Fire Assoc-wreaths iWireless-phone Gale-lib books Book Look-lib book order Mark Hennigar-snow Brad’s-cleaning supply G & K-cleaning service Office Elements-copier contract Green Canopy-portables Hennigar Air-lib electrical repair Hancock Co Health-police physical Business Forms-W2 forms Advanced Systems-printer contract Hawkins-chemicals Carpenter Uniform-police clothing Electronic Specialties-battery packs Office Depot-tape,other N Central-fuel Swenson Hdwe-charger Ag Source-tests Family Eye Care-eye test police Wright Materials-sand Britt Lbr-snow fence materials Swenson Hdwe-tools Clapper Tree-tree work MidAmerica Publ-publications Pronto-fuel N Central-fuel Feld Fire-battery f.d. Swenson Hdwe-light bulbs Waste Mgmt-garbage service Kanawha Pool-donation Metal Doctor-dump truck repair JD Financial-supply Federal Signal-siren repair Certified Fire-extinguisher check Christine Guthmiller-mileage 494.22 494.30 4485.00 15.00 4754.00 88.53 79.04 376.38 18.98 281.00 50.00 30.00 166.31 20.63 264.83 100.00 19.63 25.84 91.26 160.16 134.78 302.00 75.00 44.41 1202.21 435.78 56.00 91.04 203.57 29.99 638.00 142.00 1005.88 30.28 59.63 300.00 91.77 400.27 613.35 330.00 13.16 244.33 2307.00 128.40 103.98 465.00 105.50 24.86 Card Center-lib-supplies 427.85 Alliant Energy-f.d. util 483.64 MCI-phone 111.94 Advanced Systems-lib copier 23.84 Mike Brooks-contract labor 48.00 Treat America-meals at Academy 1245.28 ILEA-taser cert/pursuit cert 285.00 Iowa Prison Ind -winter garments Academy 225.00 The Iowan-lib subsc 19.00 Paul Jackson-lib shelving 315.00 Baker & Taylor-lib book order 99.30 Book Look-lib book order 268.82 IMWCA-work comp 677.00 Delta Dental-insurance 260.82 Wellmark-insurance 1743.15 Pitney Bowes-meter lease 141.21 Treas of Iowa-sales tax 2047.00 Iowa Workforce-unempl 10.03 Postmaster-water bill postage 79.90 IPERS-ipers 2025.41 Treas of Iowa-state w.h. 1431.00 December 2014 Expenditure by Fund General 24,972.34 Road Use Tax 7,036.42 Employee Benefit 5,998.96 Local Option Tax 465.00 Debt Service 8,106.25 Library 3,480.90 Water 4,866.67 Sewer 292.76 December 2014 Revenue by Fund General 10,113.53 Road Use Tax 4,896.94 Employee Benefit 3,647.89 Local Option Tax 5,440.96 Debt Service 3,927.20 Library 437.76 Water 10,660.67 Sewer 6,043.81 Tony Morris spoke during citizen comments against dog licensing. Kent Morton from Mort’s Water Co. gave a presentation on their 10 point annual inspection service for pump and well equipment. A letter was received from Austin Stokka appealing the order to remove his dog from the City. A motion was made by Councilperson Hanson to deny the appeal. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. The Clerk was instructed to ask the City Attorney to write Stokka a letter informing him that his dog shall be removed immediately. It was reported that the Liberty School Board is not interested in allowing the City to take control of the property on which the school sits. No further action was taken. Councilperson Johnson made a motion to approve the appointment of Sandy Hartwig as a City Representative to the Kanawha EMT Board. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. The Council revisited the ordinances dealing with dogs and decided to make no changes at this time. However, it was the consensus of the Council that the Ordinances we now have need to be fully enforced. Councilperson Johnson moved approval of giving Hancock County Development $815 in response to their request for funds. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Councilperson Johnson moved the City shall support the construction of public restrooms for the west city park with funds for construction coming from the Centennial fund and other grants and donations. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. Motion carried. Councilperson Litch moved approval of wage increases for David Spangler and Sharon Grimm, each in the amount of an additional .40 cents an hour. The motion was seconded. All were in favor. The motion carried. The Council instructed Spangler to ask for sealed bids for the 1950s model road maintainer. Proceeds would be used to purchase gravel for alleys. The City reserves the right to refuse all bids. Discussion on Budget year 15-16 was had. With there being no further business, a motion was made, seconded and carried for adjournment. Sharon Grimm, City Clerk Terry Johnson, Mayor Published in the Kanawha Reporter on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015 10 The Leader • Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICES Proceedings: Hancock Co. HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 8, 2015 Garner, Iowa The Hancock County, Iowa, Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session on the above captioned date pursuant to adjournment with Supervisors Florence (Sis) Greiman and Ron Sweers present. Jerry J. Tlach via teleconference. Absent: none. The minutes of January 5, 2015 meeting were read and approved. On motion by Supervisor Sweers, seconded by Supervisor Greiman and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following Resolution: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION SETTING A HEARING ON THE TRANSFER OF A SEWER EASEMENT TO THE CITY OF FOREST CITY IOWA SAID PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE COUNTY LIMITS OF HANCOCK COUNTY, IOWA. BE IT RESOLVED BY HANCOCK COUNTY, IOWA, THAT: 1. The Board of Supervisors of Hancock County shall consider adoption of a Resolution transferring a sewer easement to the City of Forest City Iowa within Hancock County, Iowa, said properties described as follows: A 20’ wide permanent sanitary sewer easement across part of the East Half (E 1/2) of Section 11, Township 97 North, Range 24 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, Hancock County, Iowa with the Centerline of said easement more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the North Quarter (N 1/4) Corner of said Section (11); thence S 89º39’11” E along the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section (11), 196.59’ to the Point of Begin- ning of the Centerline of the said 20’ wide easement; thence S 50º39’24” E, 271.57’; thence S 45º02’35” E, 1157.65’; thence S 23º51’27” E, 226.33’; thence S 23º13’59” E, 147.06’ to a point on the South line of the parcel described in Survey Book 5 Page 283 on file at the Hancock County, Iowa Recorder’s Office and the point of termini. Containing 36,052 square feet more or less. The North line of the NE 1/4 of said Section 11 is assumed to have a bearing of S 89º39’11” E for purposes of this Easement Drawing. 2. The hearing of the Board of Supervisors at which the adoption of said Resolution is to be considered shall be on the 19th day of January, 2015, said hearing to be held at 9:30 AM in the Board Chambers, 855 State Street, Garner, Iowa. 3. Notice of said proposal be given by publication once not less than four (4) nor more than twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing, all as specified in Section 331.361 of the Iowa Code, 2013.2 4. The Notice above referred to shall be in the form heretofore attached. 5. The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice above referred to in Paragraph 4. No further business to come before the Board, motion made to adjourn at 1:15 p.m. by Supervisor Sweers and carried. All Supervisors present voting, “Aye,” session to adjourn and will meet again on January 12, 2015. ATTEST: Michelle K. Eisenman, Auditor Jerry J. Tlach, Chair Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 Proceedings: Corwith CITY OF CORWITH COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS UNAPPROVED MINUTES Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015 The Corwith City Council met in regular session in the council chambers at city hall on Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Mayor Wagner opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and the meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present were Hobscheidt, Spellins, Nall, and Poage. Petersen absent. Spellins moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Poage Vote: All in favor. Hobscheidt moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Nall. Vote: All in favor. Nall moved to approve the financial reports, seconded by Poage. Vote: All in favor. Hobscheidt offered Resolution No. 996. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DECEMBER, 2014CLAIMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $58,422.51(fifty-eight thousand, four hundred twenty-two dollars and fifty-one cents) seconded by Poage. Roll call vote: Ayes-Hobscheidt, Spellins, Nall, and Poage; Nays: None. DECEMBER, 2014 CLAIMS Payroll For December 7368.09 Alliant Energy-Utilities 11/12-12/12 652.98 City Of Corwith-Utilities 11/1-11/30 1914.38 Praire Energy-Current 31788.57 Pitney Bowes-Lease 159.00 Pitney Bowes-Postage 200.00 Avesis-Vision Ins 34.44 Wellmark-Dental Ins 193.53 Ag Source-Water/Sewer Tests 62.50 Baker & Taylor-Books 50.61 Baker & Taylor-Dvds 61.20 Britt News Tribune -Subscription For Library 38.00 Center Point Large Print-Library Books 25.87 Centurion-Antivirus 60.00 Cobbler Shoppe-St Banner Repair 10.00 Communications I-Ph 1/1-1/31 214.55 CWL Times/Garner Leader-Publications 125.43 Electronic Engineering-Pager Repair 150.00 EMT’s-Calls & Mtg’s 690.00 Fenchel-Legal 419.00 Fletcher Reinhardt -Surge Protector & Led 140.75 HC Econ Dev.-Dues 772.50 IAMU-Energizers 90.95 IMFOA-Dues 40.00 Iowa Call One-Locate 11.70 K & H-Fuel 128.85 Craig Larson-Nov/Dec Sw Testing 200.00 Leader-Subscription 46.00 Ludwig Service-Sand & Rock 2742.01 MMTG-Electric Dues 230.00 Kathy Olthoff-Supplies 17.98 R&M-Reznor Heater City Shed 1764.40 Stoney Kenworth-Envelopes 46.20 Terry’s Welding-Drain Intake Repair 1006.33 Waste Management-Monthly Garbage 43.81 Marla Wingert-Nov/Dec Water Testing 200.00 Fed/FICA Withholding 1880.89 IPERS 1031.62 State Treasurer-State Withholding 821.00 Iowa State Bank-Note Pyment 1308.10 Sales Tax 1656.00 Iowa Workforce Dev -Unemployment Insurance 25.27 Total December Claims $58,422.51 PWA spoke to the council on the electric heater plugged for the EMS vehicle. Clerk reported on the clerk’s office will be closed on Friday, January 16th and on January 19th for MLK holiday. No one spoke during the public forum. No report on nuisances. Mayor at this time appointed Mike Petersen to continue as Mayor Pro-tem. Council appointments: City attorney-Hobscheidt offered RESOLUTION 997 to appoint David Fenchel as the City’s attorney, seconded by Spellins. Roll call vote Ayes: Hobschiedt, Spellins, Nall and Poage. Spellins offered Resolution No. 998. A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE GARNER LEADER AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF CORWITH, seconded by Poage. Roll call vote: Ayes: Hobscheidt, Spellins, Nall, and Poage; Nays-None. Nall then offered Resolution No. 999. A RESOLUTION NAMING IOWA STATE BANK AS THE CITY’S DEPOSITORY WITH A MAXIMUM OF $500,000, seconded by Poage. Roll call vote: Ayes-Hobscheidt, Spellins, Nall, and Poage; Nays-None. Mayor Wagner updated the council on the on having FEH Engineering do a walk through at the school. The clerk has a phone conference with them on the 20th to establish date and time, and to coordinate with Tom Fey for the tour. Council reviewed an email from Kossuth County Waste Management, and at this time did not appoint a representative, council would like more information. Mayor Wagner updated the council on the meeting with Prairie Energy. More information will be needed on rate structures before council will be making any decisions. The city has been receiving the usage from the Gold Eagle meter for several months and Prairie Energy will be assessing a fee for the information, which will be passed onto Gold Eagle. We are looking at the rate structure Renwick has just established as well as looking at how other cities are calculating there utility. Each council packet included the minutes from the fire department’s last meeting. Council recognized the change the department made by appointing Rich Fish as Chief and Tim Glawe as assistant chief. Mayor and council appointments will be at next month’s meeting. Council discussed the property owned by Duane Carlson; council directed the clerk to send a registered letter and also included notification from the city attorney with at time line for the property to be cleaned up. Clerk is preparing the budget 15-16 year and asked the council for input on projected projects for that year and present them to the clerk prior to the next meeting for the budget workshop. Council would like water way and drainage project added and check into the possibility of having water and electric meters updated. Closing public forum - Sharon Hankins gave the council an overview of the CWL School Board meeting she had attended. They are looking at auction houses for the upcoming closing of the school, a compressor in a freezer unit has quit and undetermined if it will be replaced; any expenditures to the district will require approval from the Department of Education. If the city takes over the building on June 30th and when the old structure is demolished the school will not be putting new face onto the structure for the city. After June 30th the school cannot do anything to the building as far as improvements. No comments from the mayor or council. Poage moved to adjourn, seconded by Nall. Vote: All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Mayor City Clerk FINANCIALS Savings: $52,279.70 Water Sewer $76,744.62 Electric $85,693.05 Fire Station $61,891.33 Checking: $22,775.52 General Road Use Tax $17,616.85 Debt Service $7,002.10 TIF $13,966.72 Fire Station $2,794.20 Water $(27,954.16) $8,469.01 Sewer Electric $197,830.16 December 31,2014 $519,109.10 WAGES $30,209.37 Donna Hilbert Kathy Olthoff $12,240.25 Emily Hill $765.00 Gary DeGroote $42,244.52 Sharon Spellins $450.00 David Wagner $1,350.00 James Gourley $1,125.00 Wade Nall $475.00 Mike Petersen $475.00 Matt Hobscheidt $250.00 Wayne DeGroote $2,194.50 Tim Poage $150.00 $91,928.64 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 Proceedings: Hancock County Board of Supervisors HANCOCK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 12, 2015 Garner, Iowa The Hancock County, Iowa, Board of Supervisors met in adjourned session on the above captioned date pursuant to adjournment with Supervisors Florence (Sis) Greiman, Ron Sweers, and Jerry J. Tlach present. Absent: none. The minutes of January 8, 2015 meeting were read and approved. On motion by Supervisor Greiman, seconded by Supervisor Sweers and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Resurfacing project number FM-CO41(116)--55-41 on county road B14/330th Street from Kossuth County line to junction of R20/Deer Avenue (total of nearly 3 miles). On motion by Supervisor Sweers, seconded by Supervisor Greiman and carried unanimously, the Board gave approval to the following: Letter to the Department of Human Services verifying recipient of suspended taxes under the provision of Iowa Code 427.9. Hancock County Treasurer’s semi-annual report for the period of July 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Quarterly report of the Hancock County Recorder for the period ending December 31, 2014. Payroll increase for Bradley Smidt, Secondary Road Department, effective January 20, 2015 at $18.95 per hour. Resurfacing project number STP-S-CO41(115)--5E-41 on county road R20/ Deer Avenue from junction of US Highway 18 North to Winnebago County line (total of nearly 11 miles). As per compliance with Chapter 349.18 Code of Iowa, the following wages were paid for the calendar year 2014: Employee Name Wages Anderson, Steven 16,075.00 Avery, Dean 302.00 Babcock, Aaron 3,960.00 Barickman, Daniel 40,860.79 Barkema, Keith 90.00 Barkema, Kyle 41,527.15 Bell, Lisa 4,208.41 Bellinghausen, Jerry 90.00 Bertilson, Dean 102.00 Boman, Stephen 240.00 Brady, June 51,976.51 Bredlow, Alan Briggs, Vicki Bruggeman, Christine Brunsen, Sylvia Buffington, Andrew Buns, Denny Burgardt, Allan Burtness, Chase Carolus, Dean Carolus, Keith Crone, James Davis, Todd Dickerson, Ian Dietrich, Blake Dodd, Scott Doughan, Levi Edwards, Cale Eekhoff, John Eisenman, Mark Eisenman, Michelle Engstler, Deborah Evans, Jodi Faust, Troy Formanek, Thomas Frame, Marcia Francis, James Frank, Loren Frey, Ivan Gardner, Lance Gast, Eldon Gerdes, Robert Gorman, Patrick Greiman, Florence Hackman, Shaun Hall, Ted Halverson, Mike Hanna, Bernal Hanna, Steven Hansen, Daniel Harle, Ned Haugland, Barbara Hayes, Douglas Hayungs, Gary Hennigar, Mark Hinders, Ann Hoeft, Kevin Hollatz, Jonathan Jackson, John Jass, Lisa Jefson, Floyd Johnson, Gary 52,356.14 17,424.70 32,112.17 44,180.16 54,151.23 42,628.69 60.00 36,278.45 90.00 41,628.12 60.00 41,432.51 150.00 34,091.02 70,140.55 24,210.86 38,496.19 60.00 60.00 51,976.51 51,976.51 35,167.71 90.00 346.00 23,246.79 54,848.82 120.00 60.00 40,872.40 90.00 65,307.81 42,772.76 29,516.00 44,271.65 29,516.00 228.00 224.00 40,648.93 60.00 60.00 32,064.77 90.00 30.00 4,527.00 5,268.17 41,510.96 60.00 42,371.03 30,581.91 30.00 41,403.85 Johnson, Gordon Johnson, John Juenger-rudisill, Karla Kahlstorf, Vicki Keel, William Kelly, Steve Klein, Andrew Kohlmeyer, Lynell Krauss, Mervin Kropp, Austin Kropp, Jerry Lackore, Jason Landgraf, Timothy Lang, Allen Lang, Chad Larson, Kimm Leerar, Cory Leerar, Jolene Leerar, Larry Leerar, Roger Limberg, Stanley Lonneman, Derek Marchand, Lee Marshall, Tracy Matern, Joyce Mccabe, Ronald Melby, Ruth Merriam, Colleen Mireles, Sandra Missman, Joshua Morris, Waylon Muth, Mason Nedved, Andrea Nedved, Lewis Nielsen, Jeffery Nieman, James Olsen, Terry Ostendorf, Robert Paca, Lynn Pannkuk, Bernard Penning, Raymond Peterson, Larry Pischke, Jason Price, Connie Reese, Susan Ricke, Marvin Riherd, Timothy Ristau, Ryan Roberts, Jennifer Rockow, Sharon Rudisill, Ron 150.00 81.00 32,328.02 840.00 60.00 60.00 63,488.22 34,844.26 234.00 5,569.51 332.00 39,122.03 60.00 41,283.39 43,096.55 30.00 62,600.62 28,501.04 40,592.83 60.00 120.00 4,462.50 120.00 41,558.38 32,095.19 90.00 11,695.85 31,869.43 3,714.60 1,134.00 41,657.19 5,189.26 43,789.30 150.00 90.00 47,901.81 60.00 120.00 11,594.20 60.00 61,303.49 42,339.79 54,865.29 90.00 327.50 150.00 41,962.24 26,426.03 32,483.85 38,261.16 64,629.58 2,547.00 Sankey, Robert Schaefer, Paul 49,220.29 Schleusner, Lucindy 18,287.13 Schoenwetter, David 60.00 Schreur, Timothy 30.00 Schroader, Paul 41,489.58 Schulz, Glen 60.00 Schutjer, Phyllis 330.00 Schwab, Dennis 60.00 Schwickerath, Keith 3,114.00 Schwickerath, Michele 35,362.45 Sheehan, Jennifer 27,345.07 Sloan, Scott 150.00 Smidt, Bradley 36,892.94 Smidt, Bruce 120.00 Smith, Patrick 4,446.00 Snitzer, Melissa 32,155.11 Solheim, David 84,757.82 Sonius, Lois 188.00 Stein, Brook 3,096.00 Stille, Gene 42,535.43 Stille, Mark 42,286.81 Studer, Paul 30.00 Suby, Myron 42,571.34 Tjarks, Marlin 41,134.44 Tlach, Jerry 29,516.00 Tusha, Christa 20,824.19 Umbarger, Susan 22,708.79 Verbrugge, Douglas 150.00 Waddingham,Elizabeth 657.00 Waddingham, J 89,320.90 Weiskamp, Jerald 5,309.51 Wellik, Roger 90.00 Wellik, Thomas 150.00 Welsch, Marianne 57,181.34 Wilhelm, Greg 30.00 Winter, Stephen 50,258.27 Witte, Cody 41,963.82 Total Wages 3,258,453.57 No further business to come before the Board, motion made to adjourn at 4:08 p.m. by Supervisor Sweers and carried. All Supervisors present voting, “Aye,” session to adjourn and will meet again on January 13, 2015. ATTEST: Michelle K. Eisenman, Auditor Jerry J. Tlach, Chair Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 Proceedings: Garner-Hayfield Community Schools GARNER-HAYFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS January 8, 2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Garner-Hayfield Community School District was held on January 8, 2015, in the board room at the high school media center at approximately 5:33 p.m. Board members present: Tusha, Toppin, Thiele, Zrostlik and Roberts. Board members absent: None Motion by Roberts, second by Zrostlik, to approve the proposed agenda. All voted in favor. Motion by Zrostlik, second by Thiele, to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2014, regular meeting. All voted in favor. Motion by Toppin, second by Thiele, to approve the Secretary’s Financial Reports, as well as the bill lists to be paid from the General Fund, Activity Fund, Flex Benefits Fund, Management Fund, Insurance Fund, House Construction Fund, and Nutrition Fund. All voted in favor. HS Principal Haag, Curriculum Coordinator Hinders, Elementary Principal Meyering, and SPED Coordinator Denny gave brief reports to the board on activities in their respective areas. Supt. Williams reported to the board that he had received a request to donate sick leave to other staff members. Motion by Roberts, second by Zrostlik, to approve the resignation of Ben Burzacott – HS PE and coach, effective at the end of the 20142015 school year. All voted in favor. Motion by Thiele, second by Toppin, to approve The Leader as the official newspaper of the Garner-Hayfield Community School District. All voted in favor. There being no further business to come before the board at this time, upon motion by Roberts, seconded by Toppin, and unanimously carried, the regular meeting was adjourned by Pres. Tusha at approximately 6:08 p.m. Patricia A. Schmidt GENERAL FUND: Payroll Expenses-Payroll Deductions and Benefits $301,343.11 Payroll-Nov. Payroll (Net Pay) $307,176.90 David Halverson -Flex Deduction Refund $92.35 Iowa Central Comm. College -Travel Exp $51.75 NCIBA-Band Entry Fees $80.00 Reliance State Bank-Soc. Sec. on Flex Deduction Refund $15.30 VISA-SPEd Sup, Sup, Travel Exp $967.66 Total $609,727.07 FLEX BENEFITS PLAN FUND: Clear Lake Bank & Trust -Flex Reimbursements $3,481.06 Garner-Hayfield CSD -Refund Deduction $100.00 Total $3,581.06 ACTIVITY FUND: August Sankey-Athl PS $95.00 Clarion-Goldfield HS-Athl Sup $80.00 John Bartolo-Athl PS $75.00 Total $250.00 The above checks are included in December expenditures but were not approved at the December board meeting. $613,558.13 Sub-Total GENERAL FUND: AEA267-Equip Rep, Sup, SPED Sup, TAG Sup $3,167.54 Agnes Voss-Election Exp $8.00 Ahlers, Cooney, Dorweiler-Legal Exp $50.00 Alliant Energy-Electricity, Gas $20,207.34 Apple Care Service Parts -HS Tech Repair $1,006.95 Apple Computer-Equipment $379.00 Aramark-Maint Sup, IA Sup $169.65 Avery Theater-Mentoring Sup $137.00 Betty Christensen-Election Exp $94.90 Bill’s Family Foods -Voc Ag Sup, FCS Sup, GAP Sup $659.70 Cardmember Services-DFC Other Sup, Mentoring Sup, DFC Ment. Travel $1,722.94 CDW-G-SPED Sup, Equipment $742.36 Central Iowa Distributing-Maint Sup $1,791.05 CenturyLink-Telephone $526.04 CenturyLink-Telephone-Long Distance $164.92 Clabaugh Electric-Elec Rep $85.00 Cleveland Cotton Products-Maint Sup $625.94 Comm1-Internet $330.95 Continuum Retail Energy Services -Gas $2,672.47 Crafty Corner Quilt and Sewing-Equip Rep, Sup, SPED Sup, TAG Sup $81.00 Culligan-Sup, Plumb, Htg, Vent $574.70 Culver Hahn Electric -Maint Sup, Elec Rep $1,316.12 Debra Quintus-DFC Office Sup, DFC Travel Exp, Ment. Travel $386.32 DeLage Landen Financial Serv. -Purch Serv $948.81 Department of Education -Bus Inspections $640.00 Diana Deibler-Election Exp $124.24 Diane Deibler-Election Exp $97.84 Dianne Hinders-Curr Coor Travel $344.69 Electronic Specialties-Maint Sup $165.43 Employee Benefit Systems -Café Benefit $144.45 Epiphany Community Services-DFC Contract, DFC Ment. Contract $12,000.00 Farm & Home Publishers-Sup $185.00 Five Star Shop Service -Maint Sup, IA Sup $1,221.80 Garner Greenhouse-Sup $28.00 Garner-Hayfield Lunch Fund -GAP Other Sup $36.00 Garner Lumber Supply -Maint Sup, IA Resale $225.94 Garner Municipal Utilities-Water $1,213.31 Hancock County Auditor-Election Exp $376.25 Hancock County Extension Service -YD Contract $1,442.92 Hancock County Health Systems -YD Contract, Maint Sup $446.38 Hancock County Coop Oil Assn. -Diesel, Gas, Maint Sup $3,832.03 Helps Drain Cleaning -Plumb, Htg, Vent $200.00 Hillyard/Des Moines-Maint Sup $606.10 Holly Friederich-Nurse Sup $77.60 Huber Supply-IA Sup $22.50 ICTE-Travel Exp $160.00 Iowa Association of School Boards -Purch Serv $300.00 Iowa Communications Network -Internet $146.94 Iowa School Supply-Sup $59.52 Jackie Burk-Purch Serv $475.00 Jacquelyn Keyser-Election Exp $99.04 Jan Hana-Election Exp $96.00 Janitor’s Closet-Maint Sup $739.08 Johnson Controls-Plumb, Htg, Vent $4,994.45 Jo Neal-Election Exp $8.00 Judith Balte-Election Exp $99.04 JW Pepper-Vocal Sup $66.98 Karen Pedersen-Election Exp $96.00 KIOW FM-News Adv $175.00 Kramer Hardware-IA Sup, Maint Sup, Trans Rep Pts, Voc Ag Sup, Plumb $340.45 Larsen Plumbing-Plumb, Htg, Vent $6,931.25 Leland Woodworks-Maint Sup $105.00 Linda Ackarman-Election Exp $117.76 MARCO, Inc.-Purch Serv $608.98 Marketplace Media-DFC Other Sup $239.00 Mary Nesset-SPED Sup $25.03 Mason City CSD-Tuition $3,200.00 Meagen Wentz-DFC Ment. Travel $383.12 Megan Sears-Sup $7.45 Mid-America Publishing-DFC Other Sup $36.80 Midwest Automatic Fire-Fire Protection $183.00 NASP, Inc.-PE Sup $1,643.00 NC-ICDA-Vocal Entry Fees, Travel Exp $102.00 Next Generation Technology -Purch Serv, Equip Rep $3,010.00 NIACC-Bus Driver Training $755.00 North Central Mechanical Services -Plumb, Htg, Vent $92.83 North Iowa Printing-Sup $114.48 North Iowa Piano Service-Equip Rep $77.00 NSAN, Inc.-Purch Serv $770.00 Opportunity Village -SPED Cont. Services $1,538.13 Patricia Drabek-SPEd Sup $26.04 Phyllis Hanna-Election Exp $118.40 Postmaster-Bulk Mailing Fee $220.00 Prairie Ridge-DFc Ment. Contract $2,080.17 Pringnitz Custom-Grds Maint $1,000.00 Pritchard Auto Co.-Trans Rep Pts $38.25 Pro Parts-Trans Rep Pts $239.12 PS Construction-Bldg Rep $480.00 Redeemer Lutheran Preschool -Pre-School Purch Serv $21,142.27 Reliance State Bank-Postage -Petty Cash $342.05 Resources for Reading-Sup $776.00 Rieman Music-Band Resale, Band Sup, Equip Rep $354.75 River City Communications -Purch Serv, Elec Rep $1,142.00 Sandy Rayhons-DFC Travel, DFC Ment. Travel $304.72 School Specialty-Sup $73.47 Shirley Brown-Mentoring Sup $49.37 Smiths Hardware-Elec Rep $96.73 Stacy Schmidt-Pre-School Sup $17.10 Sue Roenfanz-Purch Serv $78.00 Tony Englin-IA Travel Exp $15.87 Unora Claude-Election Exp $96.00 US Telepunch-Purch Serv $39.80 Val Anderson-Election Exp $8.00 Ventura CSD-Board Travel, Shared $104,710.24 Teachers, Shared Nurse $645.73 VISA-Equip Rep, Maint Equip Waste Management-Garb Coll $1,017.38 WP Support HG-DFC Other Sup $120.00 Ziegler, Inc.-Trans Rep Pts $34.01 Total $224,339.98 MANAGEMENT FUND: Garner-Hayfield Insurance Fund $29,456.76 -Early Retirement Ins. Benefit Total $29,456.76 ACTIVITY FUND: $36.08 AEA267-Athl Sup Anderson Erickson Dairy-FFA Sup $1,087.32 Avery Theater-HS Conc Sup, $441.00 K8 Conc. Sup Bills Family Foods-FFA Sup, $79.13 K8 Conc. Sup Brenda Haag-Cheer PS $72.00 Casper Creations-Girls BB Sup $375.00 Culligan-K8 Conc. Sup $78.00 Decker Sporting Goods-Athl Sup, Wr. $1,286.00 Sup, VB Sup, Coaches Apparel Doubletree Hotels-Athl PS $294.84 FCCLA-FCCLA Sup $219.00 FFA Association-FFA Sup $1,565.00 Garner Greenhouse-Athl Sup $36.00 Garner-Hayfield Lunch Fund $1.50 -K-6 St. Council Garner Rotary-FFA Sup $2,208.00 Heather Baumgard-Speech Sup $174.00 Hewett Wholesale-FFA Sup $50.20 IFCA-Athl Sup $55.00 Jason Slater-Athl PS $65.00 Karl Woolridge-Athl PS $65.00 Marian Greiman-FCCLA Sup $262.50 Matt Bethke-Athl PS $65.00 Minntex Citrus-FFA Sup $25,080.02 North Iowa Printing-Athl Sup $10.30 Pizza Ranch-Athl Sup, Impulse Sup $119.89 Rusty Wintermote-Athl PS $65.00 Ted Montgomery-Athl PS $65.00 Trophies Plus-Athl Sup $1,127.85 Total $34,983.63 HOUSE CONSTRUCTION FUND: Garner Lumber-House Const Sup $9,819.12 Kramer Hardware-House Const Sup $74.52 Reliance State Bank-House Const Sup $17.00 -Recording Fee Smiths Hardware-House Const Sup $1,821.87 Waste Management-House Const Sup $105.18 Total $11,837.69 INSURANCE FUND: $947.95 AFLAC-Cancer Premium Garner-Hayfield Employees-Partial Self $2,329.39 -Funding Reimbursement Mercer H&B Admin $108,416.13 -Health & Dental Premium Total $111,693.47 NUTRITION FUND: $2,826.28 Anderson Erickson Dairy-Food Bill’s Family Foods-Food $18.90 Coca-Cola Refreshments $755.04 -Ala Carte Food Daniel Rud-Refund $174.45 Garner-Hayfield Clearing Fund-Refund $22.25 Garner-Hayfield General Fund $19,204.80 -Payroll Keck Inc.-Purch Food, $1,093.79 Ala Carte Food Martin Bros. Dist.-Food, $9,041.80 Ala Carte Food, Other Sup Pan-O-Gold Baking Co.-Food $739.50 Reinhart-Ala Carte Food, $1,170.13 Other Food Shirley Anderson-Other Sup, $41.80 Purch Food Total $35,088.74 GRAND TOTAL $1,060,958.40 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICES Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 • The Leader 11 Sheriff Sale Probate Public Notice PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT FOR KOSSUTH COUNTY JUVENILE COURT IN THE INTEREST OF N.A., J.M., and G.M., Children. Juvenile No. JVJV002016-2018 TO: KAREN MAGEE You are notified that petitions have been filed in the office of the clerk of court naming youasaparentinthisaction,whichpraysfora termination of your parent-child relationship to children born on 07/20/2002; 11/18/2008; and 05/26/2012. The name and address of the attorney for theplaintiffisToddM.Holmes,KossuthCountyAttorney, 114 West State Street,Algona, IA 50511. The attorney’s phone number is (515) 2959419;facsimilienumberis(515)295-3894. Youarefurthernotifiedthatahearingonthe petitions to terminate parental rights shall be heldbeforetheJuvenileCourtonthe23rdday of January, 2015, at 10:00 A.M. in the CourtroomoftheKossuthCountyCourthouseinAlgona,Iowa.Ifyoufailtoappearanddefendat said time and place, judgment by default may berenderedagainstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepetition. Ifyouneedassistancetoparticipateincourt duetoadisability,callthedisabilitycoordinator at 712-279-6035. Persons who are hearing or speech impared may call Relay Iowa TTY (1800-735-2942). Disability coordinators cannot privide legal advice. STATE OF IOWA JUDICIARY Case No. JVJV002016 County: Kossuth Case Title: Multi-Case THISCASEHASBEENFILEDINACOUNTYTHATUSESELECTRONICFILING.Therefore, unless the attached Petition and Original Noticecontainsahearingdateforyourappearance,orunlessyouobtainanexemptionfrom the court, you must file yourAppearance and Answerelectronically. You must register through the Iowa Judicial Branchwebsiteathttp://www.iowacourts.state. thepuposesoffilingandviewingdocumentson yourcaseandofreceivingserivceandnotices fromthecourt. FOR GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION ON ELECTRONIC FILING, REFER TO THE IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16 PERTAINING TO THE USE OF THE ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: FOR COURT RULES ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY IN COURT FILINGS, REFER TO DIVISION VI OF IOWA COURT RULES CHAPTER 16: http://www.iowacourts. ScheduledHearing: Ifyourequiretheassistanceofauxiliaryaids orservicestoparticipateincourtbecuaseofa disability,immediatelycallyourdistrictADAcoordinator at . (If you are hearing impared, call RelayIowaTTYat1-800-735-2942.) Dateissued:01/06/201504:12:35PM District Clerk of Kossuth County Jean Kramer Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 14, Jan. 21, and Jan. 28, 2015 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Marvin A. Kock, Deceased Probate No. ESPR011396 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Marvin A. Kock, Deceased, who died on or about December 17, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe13thday of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Marvin A. Kock, deceased, bearing date of the 30th day of June, 1995 was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Larry A.Kochwasappointedexecutoroftheestate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the secondpublicationofthisnoticeoronemonth from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Noticeisfurthergiventhatallpersonsindebted to the estate are required to make immediate paymenttotheundersigned,andcreditorshavingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof fourmonthsfromthesecondpublicationofthis notice or one month from the date of mailing of thisnotice(unlessotherwiseallowedorpaid)a claim is thereafter forever barred. Datedthis13thdayofJanuary,2015. Larry A. Koch ExecutoroftheEstate 980No.GraniteReefRd.,Apt.134 Scottsdale,AZ85257 MatthewF.Berry,ICISPINNo:AT0000802 AttorneyfortheExecutor Matthew F. Berry, Attorney at Law P.O.Box187,ClearLake,IA50428 Dateofsecondpublication:28thdayofJanuary, 2015. ProbateCodeSection304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, January 21 and January 28, 2015 THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES GRANT BECKER, Decesased Probate No. ESPRO11393 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of James Grant Becker, Deceased, who died on or about December 5, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe29thday of December, 2014, the last will and testament of James Grant Becker, deceased, bearing date of the 30th day of March, 2007, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Tamara Becker was appointed executor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 7th day of January, 2015. Tamara Becker Executor of the Estate 1820 Iowa Avenue Britt, Iowa 50423 Earl W. Hill, ICIS PIN No: AT0003537 Attorney for the Executor EarlW.HillLawOffice 35 Main Avenue S., P.O. Box 301 Britt, IA 50423 Date of second pulbication: 21st day of January, 2015. Probate Code Section 304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 14 and Jan. 21, 2015 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT HANCOCK COUNTY NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Richard Hanson, Deceased Probate No. ESPRO11390 To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Richard Hanson, Deceased, who died on or about December 9, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe16thday of December, 2014, the last will and testament of Richard Hanson, deceased, bearing date of the 7th day of October, 2011, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Tanya Droessler and Kevin Ganseveld were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from date of mailing of this noitce to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all persons indebted to the estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditors havingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfilethemwith the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, for allowance,andunlesssofiledbythelatertooccurof four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 5th day of January, 2015. Tanya Droessler, Kevin Ganseveld Executors of the Estate 17389A350thStreet,ForestCity,IA50436 167WilsonWay,ForestCity,IA50436 StevenL.Johanson,ICISPINNo:AT0003863 Attorney for the Executor JohansonLawOffice 141EastKStreet,ForestCity,IA50436 Date of second publication: 21st day of January, 2015. Probate Code Section 304 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, January 14 and January 21, 2015 Form A674 Iowa Department of Management 10-13-11 EXTENSION DISTRICT COUNTY NAME: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -- PROPOSED BUDGET Fiscal Year 2016 (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Hancock County Ag Extension The Extension Council of the above-named Extension District will conduct a public hearing on the proposed fiscal year budget as follows: Meeting Date: Time: Meeting Location: 02-02-2015 6:30 pm Garner Education Center, ISU Extension Office At the public hearing any resident or taxpayer may present objections to, or arguments in favor of, any part of the proposed budget. This notice represents a summary of the supporting detail of receipts and expenditures on file with the Extension Council Secretary. Copies of the Supplemental Budget Detail (Schedule 674-A) will be furnished upon request. Extension District Telephone Number: Extension Council Contact Name: 641-923-2856 Trece Lonneman PROPOSED BUDGET SUMMARY B C D Expenditures A FUND (Use Whole Dollars) 1. County Agricultural Extension Education 2. Unemployment Compensation 3. Tort Liability 4. TOTAL Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S LEVY AND SALE IN THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR HANCOCK COUNTY STATE OF IOWA HANCOCK COUNTY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO LASALLE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES I LLC, ASSET BACKED-CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2005-HE12 VS DAVID E. CLAY; ET AL Iowa Disrict Court Hancock County Case# EQCV019150 Civil# 15-000021 Special Execution As a result of the judgment rendered in the above referenced court case, an execution was issued by the court of the Sheriff of this county. The execution ordered the sale of defendant(s) Real Estate described below to satisfy judgment. The Property to be sold is THAT PART OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, SEYMOUR’S ADDITION TO CONCORD, NOW GARNER, HANCOCK COUNTY, IOWA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTH EAST (NE) CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK 1, THENCE SOUTH 80 FEET; THENCE WEST 172 FEET; THENCE NORTH 80 FEET; THENCE EAST 172 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING Property Address: 1020 FRONT STREET, GARNER, IA 50438 The described property will be offered for sale at public auction for cash only as follows: Sale Date 03/11/2015 Sale Time 10:00 Place of Sale HANCOCK COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 855 STATE ST, GARNER, IA 50438 This sale not subject to Redemption. Judgment Amount $65,360.80 Costs $10,701.41 Accuring Costs PLUS Interest $6,864.67 Sheriff’s Fees Pending Attorney: Megan Stumph 6363 College Blvd., Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66211 (913) 663-7600 Date: 01/14/2015 Scott E. Dodd Hancock County Sheriff Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21 and Jan. 28, 2015 FYE 6-30-2014 Actual 211,984 E Estimated Ending Fund Estimated FYE 6-30-2015 FYE 6-30-2016 Balance FY2016 Re-Estimated Budget FY2016 Beg. Balance 199,333 F Estimated Amount To Be Raised By Taxation 242,935 124,157 136,526 184,161 0 0 0 0 0 0 211,984 199,333 242,935 Proposed taxation rate per $1,000 valuation: $ 0 0 124,157 0.21 0 0 136,526 0 0 184,161 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 Published in The Leader on Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015
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