DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE General Cleaning Recommendations for Sprayer Equipment RESEARCH & EXTENSION University of Arkansas System 1. Finish with an empty tank leaving all product in the field. 2. Clean the sprayer in an area that will not contaminate water supplies, streams, crops or other sensitive areas and in an area inaccessible to children, pets and livestock. Rinse equipment thoroughly inside and outside removing any visible product adhering to nozzles, tanks and boom. 3. Fill the tank 1/2 full with water and the herbicide-specific Rinse 1 solution from the tables included inside this publication. Agitate for 15 minutes. Further information can be found in Burn It Down, Clean It Up, Extension Fact Sheet FSA2170 found at www.uaex.edu 4. Flush Rinse 1 through hoses, boom and nozzles for 15 minutes, then drain. 5. Fill the tank with water and the Rinse 2 solution (if applicable) while agitating. Let it set prefer ably overnight before flushing again. 6. After flushing system, disassemble and clean all strainers, filters, nozzles, nozzle screens, diaphragms and boom ends where residue can accumulate. 7. Continue listed recommended rinses from the table (Rinses 3, 4, 5 and 6) for selected herbicide by filling, agitating and flushing the system with the listed solution each time. NOTE: Following the procedures specified on the herbicide or commercial cleaner label is critical to removing herbicide residue from the sprayer system. This publication provides general guide lines for cleaning application equipment, but it is important to remember that the best source of information is the pesticide label and application equipment manual. Consult labels of the prod ucts that were previously in the tank, and for the products that will be used for the next applica tion, for specific cleaning and mixing/loading instructions. The University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture recommends a minimum triple rinse for clean-out of all herbicides regardless of label recommendations. Tank Clean-Out Recommendations for Common Herbicides Authors Jason Davis Application Technologist Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Department University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Newport Research and Extension Center, Arkansas Dr. Tom Barber Associate Professor - Weed Science Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences Department University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Lonoke, Arkansas University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating Printed by University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas. The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. MP532-PD-1-2015N MP532 Tank Clean-Out Recommendations for Common Herbicides Herbicides Herbicide 2,4-D amine 2,4-D ester Accent Aim Anthem/ATZ/Flex Armezon Assure II Atrazine Authority MTZ/XL Axial XL Axiom Balance Flex Basagran Beyond Bicep II Magnum Bolero Boundary Broadhead Callisto Canopy/DF/EX/XL Caparol 4L Capreno Clarity Classic Clearpath Clethodim/Select Clincher SF Cobra Command Corvus Cotoran Dicamba Direx Distinct Dual/II/Magnum Duet Envive Envoke Express Facet L Fierce Finesse FirstRate FirstShot Flexstar/GT Fusilade DX/ Fusion Gangster Glyphosate Goal2XL Gramoxone SL Grandstand Grasp/Xtra Guardsman Max Halex GT No. of Recommended Rinses 1 2 3 W 1% P W W W W W D W W W W W W W 1% A W W W W W W W W W W W 1% A W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 0.25% S W W W W W 1% A 1% A 1% A 3% A 3% A TC 1% A W 1% A 3% A 1% A TC D W W 1% A W W W 1% A W W 1% A TC W 4 W W W W Solution A B Bleach Solution D Detergent Solution P Petroleum Product (diesel or kerosene) S Non-Ionic Surfactant TC W W D 3% A 4% A 1% A D W 4% A 1% A 4% B TC 1% W W 1% D TC W W TC W W Ammonia Solution (3%/gal household ammonia) Commercial Tank Cleaning Solution (Follow label instructions) Water W W W Highlighted Products Applicators should pay special attention to label recommendations when cleaning out W highlighted products. Wettable powders are 1% A W TC 1% A TC TC 1% B W TC 1% A 1% A W W TC TC 1% A D W TC TC TC TC 4% A W TC more prone to collect in filters, boom and nozzle bodies. Ensure proper clean-out by W W W W W W W 1% B W W 1% A W W W W W W W W W W 4% A disassembling, inspecting and cleaning trouble areas when using these products. Also, many growth-regulating herbicides can be particularly destructive to sensitive crops even in extremely small concentrations. Ensure proper clean-out by using proper W soaking procedures, and always refer to product labels for any clarifications. DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE RESEARCH & EXTENSION W University of Arkansas System Herbicide Harmony Extra Harmony GT Harness Huskie Laudis Layby Pro Leadoff League Lexar EZ Liberty Linex Londax Marksman Metolachlor MSMA Newpath Obey Osprey Outlook Paraquat Peak Permit/Plus/HaloMax Poast/Plus PowerFlex HL Prefix Prowl H2O Python Realm Q Rebel EX Reflex Regiment Resolve Q RiceBeaux RicePro Rice-Star HT Scepter Sencor Sequence Sharpen Solicam Sonic Spartan/Charge Stam M4/Riceshot Staple LX Storm Strada/Pro/XT Suprend Surpass Treflan Ultra Blazer Valor Verdict Warrant Zidua No. of Recommended Rinses 1 2 W W TC W W W W TC W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 1% A W W 1% A W W TC TC W TC TC W D D TC W W TC TC TC 1% A W W 2% A W D W W W TC W W 4% A W 1% A TC W W 1% A 4% A TC W TC TC 1% A 1% A W 1% A TC TC 1% A 1% A 1% A 1% A 1% A TC W 1% A TC W 1% A W 1% A 1% A W D W TC TC W W 1% A 1% A 1% A 1% A 2% A TC D 1% A 1% A 1% A W 1% A 3 4 4% A W 1% A 4% B W W W W 4% A W W 7% A W W W W 1% A W W W 1% A 1% A W 1% A W 5&6 W W W W W W W W 1% A W 1% A 1% A 1% A 1% A D W 1% A & W W W 1% A 1% A W W W W D W W W W 1% A 1% A W 1% A & W W
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