SACRED HEART, WALTHAM, FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 21,2014 Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb \ and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father." - Lk 1:30-32 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, 4:00PM December 20 Norbert "Pete" LeBlanc, Anniversary Memorial, requested by his wife & family Sunday, December 21 7:30AM For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church 10:00AM Anthony F. Vanaria, Jr., Anniversary Memorial, requested by his wife & families Monday, December 22 7:30AM Marguerite Connor Anniversary Memorial, requested by her family Tuesday, December 23 Stanley & Marie Chiasson, requested by family 7:00PM Wednesday, December 24 7:30AM Thomas Wheatley, Anniversary Memorial, requested by his family 4:00PM Children's Christmas Pageant 12Midnight: Flower Memorial Intention Thursday, December 25 7:30AM Pastor's Intention 10:00AM Pastor' s Intention Friday, December 26 7:30AM NO MORNING MASS Saturday, December 27 4:00PM Connie & Henry Bousquet, Anniversary Memorial, requested by their family Sunday, December 28 7:30AM For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church 10:00AM Vincenzo Aniello, Anniversary Memorial, requested by his wife & family MEMORIALS The Altar Bread for the week is an Anniversary Memorial for Anthony F. Vanaria, requested by his wife & families The Altar Candles for the week will be lit as an Anniversary Memorial for Anthony F. Vanaria, requested by his wife & families The Stained Glass Window will be lit for the week as an Anniversary Memorial for Anthony F. Vanaria, requested by his wife & families The Sacred Heart Light for the week will be lit in Loving Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Lombardo, requested by family The Blessed Mother Flowers for the week in Loving Memory of Salvatore Cottone, requested by his wife & daughter The Church Bells for the week will be rung as a Birthday Memo rial for Warren W. Cooke, requested by his daughters, Noreen & Patricia MA PRAYER CORNER Our prayer comer gives an opportunity to place those in need of prayer at the center of our hearts, minds and prayers. It is also an opportunity for those in need of spiritual uplifting, healing and comfort to seek prayers of the community. If you would like to submit a name for the prayer comer, e-mail us at sa Before placing the name of others on the list, please seek the approval of the person, or the family of the person whose name you are submitting. Please Pray For... Richard McDonald, Marie Sonier, Robert Byrd, John & Margaret, Marie Woodside, Peter Donovan, Joanne Evans, Taylor C, Joe Downs, Margaret, Nicole MacDonald, Josephine Forte, Richard Murphy, Jr., Victor Palazzo, James Gray, Lillian Sagan, Regina Sagan, Eileen Palumbo, Jean McLane, Linda Roy, Jim M, Christo pher Whalen, Lara Reynolds, Madeline Albanese, Rose Scafidi, Roseann Trolan, Dennis Harnedy, Gloria Van Buskirk, Nick Pa lumbo, Cora Jean Williams, Ruth Varley, William J. Cleary, Lydia Melong, Charles Linehan, Fintan Stanley, Karin Conti, Evelyn Guelli, Connie Sammartano, Todd Lawrence, Andy O'Brien, Silas Huffman, Michael Weekley, Kevin McNamara, M.L. O'Brien, Nicole Corrigan, Tom R., Carole Knox, Sally Mae, Jessica, Alice B., Joseph Lee, Douglas Lee, Donna Casey, Robert Rizzo, Nancy Malone, Paul Perry, Rose Ballo, Ruth Mulligan, Mark Elliott and all men and women deployed around the world in military service, and all people confined to their homes because of illness or age and all who are ill or undergoing medical treatment. Please keep in you 're prayers all the families grieving the loss of a loved one. Readings for the Week of December 21, 2014 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 161R0m 16:25 27/Lk 1:26-38 1 Sm 1:24-28ILk 1:46-56 Monday: Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/ Lk 1:67-79 Vigil: Is 62 :1-5/Acts 13:16-17,22-25/ Thursday: Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Is 9: 1-6/Ti 2: 11-141Lk 2: 1-14 Midnight: Is 62:11-12ITi 3:4-7ILk 2:15-20 Dawn: Is 52:7-1OIHeb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1: Day: 1-5,9-14 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22 Friday: Saturday: 1 In 1:1-4/Jn20:1a, 2-8 Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-141Heb Next Sunday: 11:8,11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/ Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22,39-40 Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure The Collection last week was: $ The Second Collection this weekend is for Heat, Light & Power. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT PARISH NEWS, Continued STEWARDSHIP, SHARING TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE Week Ending December 6 1h _701 Weekly Offertory $ 5, 876.00 Additional Parish Income $ 1, 030.00 Total Income $ 6,906.00 Weekly Expenses $ 7,105.76 Snow Removal $ 1,500.00 Deficit (-$1,699.76) WHAT IS CONSIDERED PARISH INCOME Some parishioners have asked what the "parish income" listed under our offertory consists of The parish income listed each week is the amount received that is not part of the offertory. In cluded in the weekly parish income are; wedding, funeral and ~aptism offerings, memorials, facility /parish hall rentals, dona tions and/or bequests not designated for a specific need. The weekly parish income changes slightly on a week to week basis depending on the time of year. STEWARDSHIP: SHARING YOUR TIME-TALENT We hope you will read and reflect how you can share yom time and talent in the folder entitled " You Are Called" . With many opportunities available to serve in ministry, be pmt of a ministry or participate in activities, there is surely something for everyone. Please look over the flyer and consider getting more involved in one of the many opportunities open to all the faithful. STEWARDSHIP AND THE SUNDAY GOSPEL "May it be done to me according to your word " (Lk 1:38) With that simple statement, our Blessed Mother Mary represents evelything. that a good steward must be-someone who has put total trust III God regardless the consequences. On this Fourth and ~lllal.Sunday o~ Advent, it is imperative for all of us to keep that m mmd. Mary s response IS what each of us needs to strive for. We, too, need to be prepared to place our lives in God's hands, and to react to whatever happens with a sense of thanksgiving and resolve. Holy Scripture reminds us these few days before we cele brate the birth of Christ that we have been on a jomney, an Ad vent journey. This jow'ney should have prepared us for the joy of !his week, ~ut it also should have been marked by our own ongo mg conversIOn and effort to be better Catholics and Christians. St. Paul tells us in the second reading " . .. according to the revelation of the mystery .. . manifested." Jesus is the manifestation of this mystery. At Christmas, we must acknowledge this because it rep resents our salvation, and it is the reason why we must celebrate with great happiness. "For unto us a child is born; unto us a child is .given." (Is 9:6) For more reflections on scripture and steward shIp log on to: PARISH NEWS, Continued Welcome friends and neighbors! This week as we enter into the celebrations of the Feast ofChrist mas we welcome all those who come to join us in prayer and wor ship. We welcome our parishioners who are here throughout the y ear, those who have moved away but have returned to celebrate withfamity andfriends. We welcome our college students' home for Christmas break and our little ones who eagerly anticipate the arrival ofBaby Jesus and Saint Nicholas! We welcome those of you who have recently settled in our wonderful city and the visi tors passing through for the Christmas holiday. We are blessed to be able to celebrate with each ofyou and we wish you all a Men y Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the bleSSings ofthe Christ Child be with you todav and in the year ahead " The Francis can Friars BLESSING OF THE CRECHE W~ invite everyone to bring your creche, specifically, the Christ Child and Holy Family figurines for the Blessing of the creche at the 4:00PM Christmas Vigil Mass. The blessing of the creche is a wonderful opportunity for you to bring the blessing of the church ~to y?ur home at ~J:rristmas when you place your blessed figu nnes Illto your natIvIty. CHRISTMAS FLOWER OFFERINGS There is no better way to remember your deceased loved ones than by offering flowers and memorials at Christmas. Christmas Flowers which will adorn the altar for the liturgies of Christmas and throughout the Christmas Season may be offered in memory of a loved one with a $10 offering per name. Please use Flower offe~ing envelopes ONLY for Flower Offerings. If you did not receive your flower envelope in the mail you may find them on the tables at the church entrances. Parishioners might also consid er any of the following memorials which are offered during the Christmas Season including; Pew Torches, Altar Candles/ Candelabra's for Christmas Eve/Day as well as our lLsual memori als including ringing of Church Bells, bread and wine offerinos and lighting of the sanctuary lamp or Sacred Heart Windo~: Flower offering envelopes may be dropped into the offertory bas ket. All additional memorials may be booked by calling the Parish Office at (781) 899-0469 Monday-Thursday from 9AM-3PM. REMINDER! MONDAY NIGHT-CHRISTMAS CLEAN-UP AND DECORATING PARTY! Join us on Monday evening December 22nd, for this annual event and bring along some cleaning tools to help us make the church sparkle for the Christmas Celebrations! Only have a half-hour? Then come and take on a task or two. Among the tasks are win ?OW washin~, ~acuuming and sweeping beneath the pews, clean mg and pohshmg the pews, hanging wreaths and setting up the sanctuary tree. If you own a cordless vac or dust buster, bring them along as they are helpful for getting dirt from beneath the pews. We have a limited number of spray bottles, buckets and rags so please feel free to help by bringing some from home. DECEMBER 21,2014 PARISH NEWS, Continued WE NEED YOU TO GREET PEOPLE AT OUR CmuSTMAS LITURGIES We are looking for individuals and families to help us in our Min istry of Greeters for the Christmas Masses at 4:00PM and 12:00 Midnight on Christmas Eve and at 7:30AM and 10:00AM on Christmas Day. We hope to have a Greeter at each door of the church to welcome everyone and to hand out worship aides. This is a wonderful way to get involved and spread some Christmas joy! If you would like to help out at one of the Masses on Christ mas Eve or Christmas Day please contact Bernadette Scalese at (781) 893-8461 or sign-up on the Greeter Ministry Sheet located on the bulletin board at the Parking Lot Enh'ance of the Church. CHRISTMAS OFFERTORY Every Christmas, our Archdiocese invites family and friends to honor and celebrate the clergy by supporting the Clergy Health and Retirement Fund. As a parish administered by a Religious Community we are grateful that each year the Sacred Heart Church Christmas Offertory is designated to support the retired Franciscan Friars of the Province of the Immaculate Conception, the religious community to which Fr. Dennis, Fr. Octavio and Brother Damian are members. As priests and brothers grow older it is assuring to know that the gifts we give through the offertory collections on Christmas and Easter are designated to the Friars Health and Retirement Fund providing care and quality of life for the men who have dedicated their lives in service to Lord in par ishes, schools and in missions arolmd the world. Remember the priests and religious who ministered to us and our loved ones over the years and honor them with a generous offertory gift. Thank you in advance for helping ensure the continuing care for all of our priests and brothers who give so much to our Church. PARISH NEWS, Continued "SAVE TIME IN 2015 WITH ONLINE GIVING!" It's a new year and a great opportunity to simplify your life. Take the fu'st step in doing so by signing on to WeShare online offertory giving. WeShare is easy and convenient way to save time, go green and support your church. Donating is simple, safe, and completely secure with WeShare. If you would like to enroll in Online Giving, please visit https://sacredheart3 11. If you have any questions or concerns about the program or would like help setting up your account, please call our parish office at (781) 899-0469. "Like good stewards ofthe manifold grace ofGod, serve one another with whatever gift each ofyou has received" I Peter 4: 10 FOOD PANTRY NEEDS Please remember that many in our local communities continue to struggle with hunger. \Vhen doing your weekly grocery shopping please consider adding an item or two each week to help keep our pantry shelves stocked. Most needed items; Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jam, canned tuna or chicken, canned meats such as ham or spam, tomato sauce, pasta, rice mixes, instant potatoes, Macaroni and Cheese, Fruit Juices, non-perishable milk products. Thank you for your consideration. CATHOLIC APPEAL COORDINATOR VOLUNTEER(S) NEEDED We are seeking one or several volunteers for a rela tively simple task, to "adopt a pump". Our religious education building contains 6 large pumps which keep our rooms dry . They are relatively easy to main tain but they do require an occasional check to keep a balanced water level in the battery. We are seeking one or more volunteer who could take on the task of overseeing the pumps every other month or so and refilling the battery with water when necessary. John Carter, a parish volunteer who manages the systems in the church will be more than pleased to have a vol unteer or two for the RE room pumps and will walk the volunteer through the process of checking and filling the battery. This is the perfect volunteer oppor tunity for busy parishioners or Religious Education parents who can 't commit much time but would like to help their church. For additional information contact Bernadette at 781-893-8461. The pastor seeking a volunteer from the parish to assist him in next year's (2015) Catholic Appeal. The role of Appeal Coordinator would consist of attending one training session with the pastor and parish staff members, assisting with presentations at Masses on Appeal weekend, and helping to communicate ways in which the Catholic Appeal supports parish ministries, outreach to the poor and support for Catholic parishes and agencies throughout the Archdiocese. SOCIETY OF ST. CLARE ST. CLARE MEETINGS The Society of Saint Clare, the women's group of Sacred Heart Parish meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM, Drawing on the virtues of Saint Clare of Assisi the mission of the group is to share faith and prayer among the community, offer service and charity to those in need, and to share in the mission of the church. The members of the Society of St. Clare are a fun lov ing and sociable group of woman with a common love of Christ and desire to serve their church. Meetings are generally held on the fu'st Wednesday of each month, from September through June. The Saint Clare meetings are informal gatherings that include friendly conversation and light refreshments while planning up coming events and enjoying opportunities to pray and grow in faith. All women are welcome to attend and bring a friend. For more info, you are welcome to contact Patrice McGregor at 781 373-1371 or DECEMBER 21, 2014 KNIGHTLY NEWS ADULT FAITH FORMATION! Continued ADULT CONFIRMATION CLASS THE K OF C: WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DO! The Knights of Columbus are a group of Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are helping others to overcome the strug gles of life and the problems of the world through the love of Christ. A Knight is a man committed to his community, his fami ly and his Church. We believe that when such a man lives a life of faith and generosity and defines his actions as a follower of God , and a leader in his community, he is more than simply a man. He is a "Knight." The Knights of Columbus is an organiza tion rooted in the principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. If you would like to learn more about the Knights of Columbus and the many benefits offered to members and their families please contact us at KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COAT DRIVE Our Knights of Columbus Council recently purchased and donat ed several cases of new winter jackets for children in the greater Waltham Community. This past week they were distributed to the local Middle and Elementary Schools where they will be distrib uted to local cltildren in need of wann winter clothing. The Knights wish to thank their worthy fellow Knights who assisted with this project as well as the parish volunteers who helped dis tribute the jackets where needed . THANK YOU FROM THE WREATH DRIVE COORDINATORS The Coordinators of the recent Christmas Wreath Sale wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to all those who purchased wreaths from the Knights of Columbus Council. In addition to supportin a the pari~h through this fund rai~er the proceeds also will help su~port charItable efforts of our Klllghts of Columbus Council. On behalf of all the members of our council, we wish you a Blessed and Happy Christmas Season. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Are you or someone you know hungering for a sense of belonging to God and to a Faith community? Are you or someone you know . thirsting for a deeper experience of the heart when it comes to God and the Faith community? Are you intrigued by the possibil ity of exploring the Catholic Faith through the RCIA or knowing more about the Catholic Church? Do you have a child over the age of 8 who has not yet been baptized and would like to bring them into the sacramental life of the Catholic Church? The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Rite of Christian Initia tion for Children), continues throughout the year. Those who w.o,uld like t~ ~onsider exploring the Catholic Faith or the possi bIlIty of receIvIng or completing the sacraments, please give us a call and we'll be happy to explain the process and work out a time schedule that most fits your own . For additional information con tact Mrs. Bernadette Scalese at 781-893-8461 or E-Mail us at . "J have baptized you with water; he will baptize y ou with the Ho ly Spirit" Mark 13:11. These words from Mark's gospel remind us of God ' s invitation to share in the grace-filled journey of life. A~ult C~tholics (ages 18 and older) who have been baptized, re ceIved FIrst Holy Communion but did not have an opportunity for . further religious education instruction, and did not receive the sacrament of Confirmation are invited to come join us in Faith Formation. Through participation in the adult confirmation pro gram you will have the opportunity to be confirmed this spring at the celebration of confirmation in the parish. For more infor mation or to register for the adult sacramental preparation pro gram please contact Bernadette Scalese at 781-893-8461 . BAPTISM PREPARATION There will be no Baptism Preparation Class during the month of December. Parents who will baptize their children in January may attend the class on Thursday January 8th at 7:00 PM in the Rel i gious Education Office. Parents planning to baptize their child at Sacred Heart Church are required to attend the baptism class prior to their child's baptism. We welcome expectant parents and en courage them to attend preparation before choosing their child's g~dparent. Knowing the responsibilities of a godparent (sponsor) wIll better prepare you for making this important choice for your child and hislher faith life. To arrange for the baptism of your child, please contact the Parish Office 781-899-0469 Monday Thursday from 9:00AM-3:00PM. Baptism Classes are held in the Religious Education Center adjacent to the Parish Office building. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS WINTER STORM CANCELLATIONS For storm cancellation broadcasts and to sign up for text or email alerts on closings stay tuned to the local networks and/or their websites listed below. WCVB Channel 5 closingssignup/index.html WHDH Channel 7 www.whdh .com click on "Snow Day Alert" WBZ Channel 4 - sign up for weather alerts Also, daily Mass attendees are reminded that when there are school cancellations due to snow or ice storms there will be no Mass that day as well. YOUTH GROUP SCHEDULE T~e Sacr~d Heart Chw'ch Youth Group schedule throughout the wIllter WIll be Wednesday evenings from 7:00PM-8:15PM. All high school aged teens are invited to attend this lively hour of faith sharing with friends that includes games or activities, snacks and inspirational music/videos. Find Sacred Heart Youth Group on Facebook and send a friend request. Parents of teens are wel comed to join the Sacred Heart Parents Facebook page where they can find information on upcoming parish events. For additional information contact Laura Peterson, Director of Youth Ministry at or call 781-893-8461. DECEMBER 21,2014 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS, Continued RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS YOUTH MINISTRY SCHEDULE FIRST RECONCILIATION Please note that there will be NO YOUTH GROUP on Christmas Eve Wednesday December 24th or New Year's Eve, Wednesday December 3 J st However, students who signed on to assist with the Pageant or at the liturgical celebrations are expected to arrive at the designated time. Children preparing for First Holy Communion this spring will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Sat urday, January 10til at 10:00AM. Parents are reminded that the children and their families will gather for the Reconciliation Ser vice at 10:00AM sharp. Following the Service, the children and their families will enjoy a luncheon hosted by the women of the Society of St. Clare. This annual luncheon is a wonderful way to celebrate the children's first penance and we look forward to shar ing it with our first communion candidates and their families. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CHRISTMASINEW YEAR SCHEDULE Faith Formation classes for students in Grades 'P re-K through High School and for all RCIA will be on hiatus for Christmas and New Years and will resume after the holidays beginning the week of January 4'h. COMMUNITY NEWS NEW YEAR'S EVE VIGIL, ST. CLEMENT SHRINE MONTHLY STUDENT MASS The next monthly student hosted Mass will take place on Sunday, January 11th at 10:00AM. The liturgy will mark the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord and will be hosted by our 5 th Grade Reli gious Education students. Join us for this special liturgy as our 5th grade students participate in this Feast day which marks the offi cial end of the Cw-istmas Season. PARENTS OF CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES If you did not attend the Parent Retreat there is information that you will need to have prior to your son/daughter attending their weekend retreat. Please contact Bernadette Scalese at the Reli gious Education Office, 781-893-8461. CONFIRMATION RETREAT Our lOU, Grade students wi II paJticipate in their confirmation re treat on January 17'h and 18 th . The bus will depart Sacred Hem Church on Saturday morning January 17 ill at 8:00AM Sharp and will return on Sunday, January 18 th for the 6:00PM Mass which will be followed by a dinner for the students and their families . HELP NEEDED, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AT THE 4:30 SESSION We are in urgent need of volunteer substitutes willing to cover for catechists at the 4:30 afternoon session. This is the only session in which we have little to no coverage to back up the catechists when and if they will be absent from class. In addition to substi tute teachers for this session we also need volunteer(s) to serve as monitors in the gathering room and outside for the 5:45PM dis missal time since it is dark as the children leave their classes. Sub stitutes would only be called on once or twice a year ifthere is an occasion when a RE teacher will be absent. Responsibilities of a monitor is simply to be available to watch a classroom if a cate chist needs to make copies or is running late getting to class. Monitors also observe the building to insure children are safe coming or going from the building. If your children attend this session, consider bringing your tablet or some reading while you enjoy a cup of coffee and free WIFI while you oversee the safety of the children and needs of the catechist during class time. Jf you think you can help please call Bernadette Scalese, Director of Faith Formation at 781-893-8461. Join Cardinal Sean in ringing in the New Year with a candle light prayer vigil featuring reflections on the luminous mysteries of the rosary from Peter Grover, holy Mass celebrated by Cardinal Sean and a New Year's Party after! The evenings events will take place on December 31 sl St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine in Boston. The prayer vigil will begin at 10:00PM, the Mass will begin at II :30PM, the party will follow the conclusion of Mass. For more information please contact Mike Drahos at BC HIGH EVENTS BC High Community Receptions Please visit our website for a list of dates and locations for these 28 receptions which are held at the homes of current parents and their BC High students. So that we will expect you, please register through your Eagle Account. "Eagle-for-a-Day" Shadow Day (For Current 6 01 and 8th Graders) What better way to experience BC High than spend a half day (7'h grade entry) or a full day (9'h grade entry) shadowing a cur rent BC High student? The EFAD Program is offered now through mid February. Please let us know what day you would like to visit and sign up through your Eagle Admissions Account. Lunch will be provided . SACRED HEART PARISH CALENDAR DECEMBER 26'h 27th th 28 st 31 1st Parish Christmas Clean-Up 6:30PM-8:00PM Christmas Vigil Mass and Pageant 4:00PM Christmas Midnight Mass with Music Prelude at 11 :45PM Christmas Morning Mass 7:30AM Christmas Morning Mass IO:OOAM NO MASS FRIDAY 12/26 Mass 4:30PM Sunday Mass 7:30AM and IO:OOAM and 6:00PM *New Year's Eve 4:00PM (*Holy Day of Obi igation) JANUARY *New Year's Day, Masses 7:30AM and 10:00AM (*Holy Day of Obligation)
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