University of Arkansas Eleanor Mann School of Nursing (EMSON) Health and Immunization Requirements Students will not be permitted in clinical practicum courses until compliance requirements are met. Students are responsible for maintaining their compliance throughout the program. Students who are unable to achieve compliance by the designated due date will be withdrawn from the program. Students unable to meet compliance requirements may petition to be re-enrolled in the program in the subsequent semester only after compliance is confirmed by the EMSON; however, students will not be guaranteed placement and will be placed according to space available and our priority ranking policy (Academic Progression Policy). Failure to meet compliance requirements for clinical courses may delay graduation. Note: It is the student’s responsibility to complete clinical compliance. These records must always be current. Return forms to Sentry MD by emailing your forms to OR to OR fax to 1-214-619-1830 OR 1-817-251-9593. The deadline to submit these forms is November 15, 2014. Part I-Student Profile: Name: (Please Print) University of Arkansas Email Address Last, First MI Date of Birth: ____/_____/_____ Secondary Email Address phone: (____) ______-_______ Street Address City, State, Zip Additional Certification and Licensure to submit to Sentry MD: 1. CPR Certification: Basic Life Support and Automated Emergency Defibrillation CPR for Healthcare Providers (American Heart Association). Please submit a copy of your CPR card. Due December 15, 2014. 2. Licensure: LPN’s must maintain a current, unencumbered licensed practical nurse license in order to participate in clinical practicum experiences. Student is expected to provide to EMSON proof of a current license upon renewal. 3. Health Insurance: Copy of your current health insurance cards, update annually. Health Insurance cards must have student name listed and a current date. The University of Arkansas (EMSON) works with Sentry MD, a confidential health information service. Sentry MD maintains and processes all student immunization records and monitors compliance with state and program law requirements. Students must email required immunization forms, certifications and licensure documents directly to OR OR Fax to 1-817-251-9593 OR 1-214-619-1830 Page 1 University of Arkansas Eleanor Mann School of Nursing (EMSON) Health and Immunization Requirements Print student name:_______________________________ Date of Birth:_________________ Part II- Immunizations: to be completed by your health care provider. In order to promote and maintain a safe environment while in the University of Arkansas EMSON Program and clinical affiliate sites, the following information is required prior to enrollment. Please have the information in Part II completed by your health care provider. Submit the forms by email to OR OR fax to 1-214-619-1830 OR 1-817-251-9593. KEEP A COPY FOR YOUR OWN RECORDS. Forms Due by November 15, 2014. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR): A two injection series; Serologic evidence of immunity, or vaccination dates. Date of Serologic Evidence of Immunity (Titers): Vaccination Dates: MMR 1: ___/____/____ Measles(Rubeola) ___/____/___ MMR 2:___/____/___ Mumps:____/_____/_____ Rubella:_____/_____/____ Tetanus Diphtheria (Td) Within last ten years. If a Tdap has never been received, it must be administered. If a Tdap has been received, a Td booster every 10 years is required. Varicella: A two Injection series; Reliable history of varicella disease, a positive titer, evidence of immunity, or vaccination dates. Hepatitis B: with dates of each injection or declination completed. Three (3) HBV injections are needed. At least the first two of three injections must be completed and received before the student may practice in the practicum setting. The third HBV vaccine must be received and documented by the end of the first clinical semester or a positive Hep B surface antibody titer Results of MMR Titers: Measles Titer Result: Pos_____ Neg_____ Mumps Titer Result: Pos_____ Neg_____ Rubella Titer Result: Pos_____ Neg_____ Tdap Vaccine Date: ____/____/_____ TD Date: ____/____/_____ Date of Disease: Month and Year are Required. Date of Titer: Vaccine 1: ______/______/_____ _____/_____/_____ Pos_____ Dose 1: _____/_____/____ Dose 2: ____/_____/_____ Dose 3: ____/_____/_____ Hep B Surface Antibody Date: ____/____/______ ______/______/_______ Pos_____ Booster: ____/_____/_____ Page 2 Neg_____ Neg_____ Varicella 2: _____/______/_____ University of Arkansas Eleanor Mann School of Nursing (EMSON) Health and Immunization Requirements Last TB skin test (PPD/Mantoux): with date and results. Or TSpot TB test results. (May never be more than one year old during matriculation). TB Skin Test Date: T-Spot Skin Test Date: X-Ray Date: _____/_____/_____ _____/_____/________ _____/______/______ TB Skin Read Date: Pos_____ Pos_____ If a TB skin test is positive it may be verified with a T-Spot. Result:________mm Neg_____ Neg_____ _____/______/_____ If T-spot is positive or if only a positive skin test is submitted, a chest xray must be completed and updated yearly. If a skin test is positive and the T-spot is negative, a T-Spot must be updated yearly. If PPD is positive, chest x-ray is required. After submitting a normal chest x-ray at entry, an annual note from your health care provider that you are symptom free or a repeated normal chest x-ray will satisfy the yearly test required. 2014 Influenza Vaccine *If you require a declination form, please contact Sentry MD to obtain the form Due 11/15/14 Date of vaccine: _____/_____/_____ *Any other immunization that may be required by clinical agencies. Print student name:_______________________________ Date of Birth:_________________ Primary Care Provider Signature AND Provider’s stamp is required for immunizations on this form to be accepted. ____________________________________________ PLACE PROVIDER’S STAMP HERE Provider’s Signature Provider Name (printed): _______________________ Phone Number: (____) _______________________ Page 3 University of Arkansas Eleanor Mann School of Nursing (EMSON) Health and Immunization Requirements Students: Be sure to sign the immunization release statement below I have reviewed this immunization history for completeness and agree to release the information provided on the University of Arkansas EMSON Documents to authorized members of University of Arkansas EMSON staff and authorizes staff of cooperating agencies, as may be required. Print student name:_______________________________ Date of Birth:_________________ Student Signature:________________________________ Date:________________________ University of Arkansas works with Sentry MD, a confidential health information service. Student Sentry MD maintains and processes all student immunization records and monitors compliance with state law requirements. The information may be provided to authorize members of University of Arkansas and authorized staff of cooperating agencies as may be required. Page 4 University of Arkansas Eleanor Mann School of Nursing (EMSON) Health and Immunization Requirements Student Checklist 1. Student information is complete in Part I. 2. Submit a copy of the following documentation: CPR Certification, and Licensure, only applicable to LPNs Copy of current Health Insurance, update annually. 3. Immunizations in Part II are complete with dates of titers/vaccines and results are signed by your Health Care Provider. You have the option to submit additional documentation of your vaccines. The above requirements are to be submitted to Sentry MD by November 15, 2014. Submit documents to Sentry MD by email to OR OR Fax to1-817-251-9593 OR 1-214-619-1830 Any questions please email Sentry MD at or call 1-800-633-4345 or visit our website at Page 5
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