4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent We rejoice in the strength and support of Emmanuel, God-with-us, and with the choirs of angels may we sing joyful carols everywhere, so that the way of Christ may be prepared, and our world will be full of faith at the day of Christ’s coming. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 12171 Iona Road RRooRoaaoaddad d 1112212112177171171 1IIIoooInnonaana aR 1 2 117211 7I o1nIao nRao aRdo a d Fort Myers, FL 33908 239–489–3973 M FFFooForrortttr tM yyyeeyerrersssr,,s, FF,FLLFL L3333333993900908808 8 22233239939––9–44–488489989––9–33–3993977973373 3 MM FFoor rt t MMyyeer rss, , FFLL 3333990088 2 32 93 –9 4– 84 98 –9 3– 93 79 37 3 Page 2 The Joy of Liberation The focus of today’s liturgy is the Davidic covenant, the promise of a throne that will last forever. It appears in the First Reading, in the Responsorial Psalm, and in the Gospel, where the angel Gabriel announces to Mary that “the Lord God will give (her son) the throne of David his father.” and Pray for the Men and Women serving in the Military Jesus is to transform that covenant, revealing “the mystery hidden for many ages.” The throne in this new kingdom is to be occupied by “the Son of the Most High ... the Son of God.” Indeed, he is “Emmanuel,” God-with-us. We are very close now to the coming of Christ. What would the world be like if we were to allow Christ to really come as king? What would a world ruled by Jesus Christ be like? Would we have the poverty and homelessness that we have now? Would we have the death penalty? Would there be abortion and child abuse and negligence of the elderly? Would Jesus Christ allow the people of his kingdom to kill each other in wars? If only we could join in consenting to God’s rule as Mary did: “Let it be done to me as you say.” Who knows what joy the world would know! The Church ... receives the mission to proclaim and to establish among all peoples the kingdom of Christ and of God. She becomes on earth the initial budding forth of that kingdom. While she slowly grows, the Church strains toward the consummation of the kingdom and, with all her strength, hopes and desires to be united in glory with her King. Vatican II, Constitution on the Church (1964) 5 Gerald Darring Andrew Richter Louis Koconis Kory McManus Nicholas Dieter George Dombeck III Caitlin Shaw Garrett Ferrara David Woods Timothy Westberry Michael Klem Joe Harris Tom Jardas Blake Griebenow Joseph Prehm Todd Sabala Jeffrey Greenwald Mark Hernandez Cody Chambers John C. Jakubiak Pyx Return Request If you have a church pyx, please return it to the church (can be given to a sacristan) or bring ir to the Parish Office. They are needed for daily use at the hospital. Thank you! Please consider remembering St. Columbkille in your will. Help us to endow our ministry, services and outreach into the future. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Welcome to St. Columbkille We offer a warm welcome to the new members of our parish family: Deborah Blake William & Mary Ann Balog John & Connie Beh Pauline Borron Gary & Maureen Burrows Roseanna Cassie John & Kathy Grady James & Mary Ellen Graver Edward & Margery Greenan Janice Scanlon Robert & Gail Smalley Page 3 “Joy to the World” Nativity Sculpture Just in time for Christmas gift giving, we have available for purchase the sculpture “Joy to the World” by Timothy Schmaltz. This beautiful depiction of the Nativity can be purchased at our Religious Article Store located in the Church at the back of the Library or at theParish Office. The cost is $40 (the retail cost is $59.99). If you would prefer to have your statue shipped up north, leave your name and phone number on the sheet in the narthex or come to the Parish Office to place your order. There is a $5 charge for shipping. Waiting for God A Call to Silent Prayer Christmas Mass Schedule Christmas Eve 4:30pm Children’s Mass 9:00 pm St. Columbkille Choir Christmas Cantata 10:00pm Midnight Mass There is no Mass at midnight. 10:00pm Mass replaces the Midnight Mass. Christmas Day 7:00am, 9:00am and 11:00am There will be no 5:30pm Mass on Christmas Day. Each Tuesday morning during the weeks of Advent we will offer a time for quiet prayer beginning at 8:45am to 9:30am. The gathering will take place in Iona Hall. This opportunity is offered as a way to prepare our spirit for the celebration of Christmas. If you would like to recline or sit on the floor during the prayer time, you are welcome to bring a pillow. All are welcome. Come Deck the Halls All are invited to help decorate the Church in preparation for our Christmas celebration. We will need many hands to make the Church beautiful. If you would like to help please call Mary at 239-489-3973. m Page 4 Ages 3-6 Kids Corner December 21, 2014 • Luke 1:26-38 Lee County Homeless Coalition Annual Candlelight Vigil December 21, 2014 6:00pm - 7:00pm on the Old Courthouse Steps, 2120 Main Street, Fort Myers. This event brings attention to the tragedy of homelessness and memorialized those who have died this past year while living on the streets or in the shelters of Lee County. Please join in broadening awareness of the homeless situation in our community by attending the vigil. For information please call (239)322-6600. Parish Giving 2014 “Thank you! We are getting closer!” Checks, cash, stock transfers, online payments, IRA distributions and various inquiries continue to arrive daily at the parish office, and our 2014 income total has now surpassed $1.45M! Thank you for your thoughtful contributions & inquires over the last month. If you have not yet made a year-end gift, and are able to do so, please consider submitting it before year-end. Summary of Year-End Request: Our parish is doing very well financially this year, however, we could still use some help this December in order to reach our $1.7M goal by year-end. Reaching this amount will put us in an excellent position for the upcoming year of ministry and services, as well as allow us to continue to address our remaining building debt. Ways you can donate: * Cash or Check * Credit / Debit Card * IRA Distribution * Stock Transfer * Real Estate / Property * Financial Accounts / Life Insurance All gifts are 100% deductible for those who itemize their taxes. Please talk to your financial advisor to see what may be the best way for you to contribute, or contact us at the Parish Office for more information. Goal is $1.7M $1.45 received to date and growing… Questions? Please contact Curtis at the Parish Office: (239) 489-3973 or email: curtis@stcolumbkille.com Family Faith . . . Caroling at the Nursing Home FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT How Can This Be? O Most High, you who sent beautiful and fearsome Gabriel to Mary, we rejoice in that moment. Troubled, she pondered. How not to fear? Yet she met his eyes with her question. She listened: the Holy Spirit, the power of the Most High, the Son of God. All this you prepared and proposed to give us yourself. We ask for her courage, to receive you, to meet your eyes, to ask, to ponder, to be a faithful handmaid. We ask this through the same Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Sunday, December 21, 2014 Faithfulness and Kindness Today’s Readings: 2 Samuel 7:1– 5, 8b –12, 14a, 16; Psalm 89: 2 – 3, 4 – 5, 27, 29; Romans 16:25 – 27; Luke 1:26 – 38. The connection between the First Reading and the Gospel today is hard to miss. In the First Reading, David is told of the heir that will come from him, and in the Gospel, Mary hears that her son will receive “the throne of his ancestor David.” With that throne comes a kingdom. David is told that his kingdom will never end and Mary hears the same of her son’s kingdom. The attitude of the main characters in these stories, though, varies greatly. Mary, who is a model of discipleship, appears to rest in the Lord. She waits and listens for the Lord. When the angel Gabriel has delivered the message, her willingness to do God’s will is apparent. King David, sure that he needs to do something for God, plans to build a house for the Lord. Through Nathan, David hears that it is the Lord who has accomplished much for him and will continue to look after him. David need not establish a house for the Lord; the Lord will establish a house for David. Should you look up the Second Reading in the Bible, you will find that it is a doxology concluding St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Sometimes these doxologies are hard to understand out of context. It is best to read the doxology slowly. When read phrase by phrase, we see that St. Paul is telling the Church in Rome that God is their strength and should be glorified. The Church has come to understand this strength through the Good News that Paul has spread, Christ’s proclamation, and the prophetic writings. With Christmas only days away, these readings help us consider how we listen for God and how our words and deeds glorify him. Prayers Page 8 for Prayer before opening gifts... Christmas Let us just for a moment, Lord, hold this time in our hearts. It is about mysteries and gratitude, unknowing and wrong sizes, snippets of ribbon and screams of delight. Help us to remember the immense love you have for each of us in this room. With each gift that is opened, no matter how perfect or not, let us feel again the many ways you gift us each day, especially with your presence in our hearts and the presence of each other in our lives. Amen. Prayer before Christmas dinner... God of all gifts, we thank you for the many ways you have blessed us this day. We are grateful for each of those who are gathered around this table. We ask you to bless us and our food and to bless those we love who are not with us today. In our gratitude and love, we remember your humble birth into our lives and pray for those who are without enough to eat. We remember the stable in which you were born and pray for those who have no place to live. We remember your challenging message of caring and giving and we pray for peace in families and nations throughout the world. We bless you and give you thanks in your Spirit who brings our hearts to life this Christmas Day and forever. Amen. Prayer before the Nativity... It was St. Francis of Assisi who first popularized the Christmas manger. Wanting to see how Christ was born with his own eyes, he had a stable and some images made before Christmas and then invited his neighbors and friends to come and join him at his "Bethlehem." As we look on our manger, may the Christmas story unfold before our eyes, too. O God, whose mighty Son was born in Bethlehem those days long ago, lead us to that same poor place, where Mary laid her tiny Child. And as we look on in wonder and praise, make us welcome him in all new life, see him in the poor, and care for his handiwork the earth, the sky and the sea. O God, bless us again in your great love. We pray for this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Outreach Ministry Food Pantry Items Needed The Food Pantry needs peanut butter, jelly and kid’s snacks. We appreciate all your donations, but please no outdated or opened items as we are unable to use them. Thank you! Soldier Ministry Our parishioners and the Thrift Store have been so generous the last 10 years in supporting our troops. For the month of December we are collecting individual drink mixes. Please place items in the box in the narthex. If you have a soldier who would like to receive prayers and packages, please call Pat at 481-8333. Bus Drivers Needed Bus Drivers are needed for our After School Program. Hours are 1pm to 3pm Monday through Friday when school is in session. You don’t need to drive all 5 days. A valid drivers license is required, and a good sense of humor would be a plus! Please call 489-3973 if you would like to help. Merry Christmas from Cafe Kells! There will be no Cafe Kells on Wednesday morning December 24th and December 31st. The Cafe Kells volunteers wish everyone a happy and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you in January! Page 9 Give the Gift of Love this Christmas 2014 Alternative Gift Giving Project You can spread the love and compassion of Christmas through our Parish Alternative Gift Giving Project. This project connects your Christmas gift giving to those in our area who are in need of food and assistance for themselves and their families. So instead of buying that sweater that doesn’t fit or something for someone who has more than they need, give your friends and loved ones the gift of providing for those in need. When you make your donation of $25 you will receive a gift card explaining that you have made a donation to the St. Columbkille Food Pantry in the gift recipient’s name. Call the Parish Office 489-3973 to purchase your gift. Christmas Break Day Camp Would you like to help a child spend Christmas break at Day Camp rather than be left home alone while the parents work? $50.00 will give a child the week at camp. The camp is filled with programs which are educational as well as enjoyable. Donations can be placed in the collection basket and should be made out with “Christmas Day Camp” in the memo line. Thank you. Thrift Shop News The holiday season is upon us! Can you believe Christmas is almost here? The store has lots of great holiday merchandise for decorating your home, office, and more. Stop in soon! We are open from 10am 5pm Monday - Saturday. We are located next to K-Mart at the Iona/McGregor intersection. Please call 489-4001 for information and pick ups. Saturday 8:00AM 3:00PM 5:00pm Sunday, 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:30PM Monday, 8:00AM Tuesday, 8:00AM Wednesday, 4:30PM 10:00PM Thursday, 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00am Friday, 8:00AM Saturday 8:00AM 3:00PM 5:00pm Sunday, 7:00AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:30PM Mass Intentions December 20 †Rudy Horvath, by the St. Columbkille lectors †Mary & William Shea, by their children †Karen Kranz, by Babs & Paul Schnoes December 21 †Thomas Hitselber, Jr., by his mother †Donald Bonner, by Jo & Family †Rudy Horvath, by Shirley Hazel Geraldine & Joseph, by Geraldine December 22 †Norm Kozy, by his family December 23 †Amedeo & Louise Lungaro, by their family December 24 for peace on earth for peace on earth December 25 for peace on earth for peace on earth for peace on earth December 26 †Bonny Bradford, by her mother December 27 Sheehan family, by Ed & Terri McClure †Rudy Horvath, by Ben & Mary Homola †Sharon Bradley & Mary Jaeger, by Maria Elston December 28 †Josephine Pepe Downes, by her daughter Sandy †Salvatore Pellittire, by Lori Nicosia †Mary Ellen Pascullo, by her mother †Thomas McNeill, by his family Sanctuary Candle for the 59th Anniversary of Vito and Nancy Pace Administration Pastor: Rev. Joseph Clifford Assisting Priest: Rev. Pat Boyhan Receptionists Peggy O’Rourke JoAnne Bertuch office@stcolumbkille.com Business Manager Sergio Figueroa sfigueroa@stcolumbkille.com Director of Health Care Ministry Chris McBride cmcbride@stcolumbkille.com Coordinator of Outreach Ministry Miriam Ortiz mortiz@stcolumbkille.com Maintenance Coordinator Javier Ortiz Director of Music Lee Van Asten lvanasten@stcolumbkille.com Coordinator of Family Faith Anita Parmer aparmer@stcolumbkille.com Pastoral Associate Mary Homola mhomola@stcolumbkille.com Development, Communications Coordinator of Youth Ministry & Capital Campaign Manya Vartdal Curtis Neuschaefer mvartdal@stcolumbkille.com curtis@stcolumbkille.com For emergencies or more immediate contact with a staff member, please call the office directly. We welcome all new parishioners and are thankful God has sent you to us. Please fill out a registration card in the narthex and return to the Parish Office or place it in the collection basket. Mass Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday: 8am, 3pm & 5pm Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11am & 5:30pm Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:00am Communion Service: Thursday 8:00am Reconciliation: Saturday 9:00am Rosary: Monday - Saturday 7:15am Prayer List The Sick: Diane Accongio, Sherry Anderson,, Pat Barrows, Mary Behn, Laurie Bernardi, William Bertuch, Helen Bullyan, Yolanda Butler, Jim Canny, Aaron Charles, Kathy Ciell-Hays, Bob Cline, Marion Colameco, Shirlee Davis, Mary Jane DiGiacomo, Helgi Downes, Bette Dunnett, Violeta Espinoza, JoAnn Fabiszak, Pat Frye, Scott Germann, Ron Getz, Leona Haggerty, Sue Hunter, Richard Kolb, John Krieger, Linda, Raymond Lantz, Lou Little, Gisela Lock, Norma Marceau, Darwin McVay, Dori Melfi, Teri McClure, Kate O’Connor, Sara Olsson, Eileen PaetzPat O’Neill, Katherine Peters, Cheryl Porter, John Putnam, Eric Ritter, Mary Ryder, Fr. Vincent Salamoni, Nancy Slivka, Dave Smedile, Vince Spano, Regina Stancel, William Steed, Kevin Strnad, Keith Van Asten,, Judy Vurson, Paul Wack, Sandy Walker, Maria Walter, Nicole Ward, Shirley Werner, Carolyn Wicker, Bruce Williams, Sibhan Williams, Robert Wonski The Recently Deceased: Barbara Mahoney & Audrew Woodhouse Names cycle off the prayer list monthly. Please call if a continuation is needed. Do not ask to have people placed on the list without getting their permission first. Sacramental Ministries Infant Baptism: It is recommended that parents contact the Parish about requirements for baptism before the birth of a child. Infant baptism will be scheduled only after consultation with a member of the Pastoral Staff. Marriage: Couples should contact the Parish Office. Sacrament of the Sick: If you are not well, or when you know that you will be in the hospital, please ask the priest to confer the Sacrament of the Sick after the weekday Masses or Sunday Masses, or call the Parish Office 489-3973 to make an appointment. Homebound Parishioners: If you are confined to home, either temporarily or permanently, a member of the Ministry to the Sick will be happy to bring Holy Eucharist to your home weekly. Please contact the Parish Office. R.C.I.A.: If you are interested in the process of becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish Office. Thrift Store Our Thrift Store is located in the K-Mart Plaza at the Iona/ McGregor intersection. Open 10:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Saturday. For information call 489-4001.
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