WORSHIP Sunday, December 21, 2014 We bring our spiritual hungers to this place, O God, hoping to be fed. We bring our weariness, expecting to find rest for our souls. We bring our dullness, asking that we might be alerted to those things that you consider important. We come because we want the scattered fragments of our lives to come together in a meaningful wholeness. You have promised to be with us. Reveal yourself to us here, we pray in the name of One who came to share our common lot. Amen. Church of the Pa ms a community of faith . . . a way of life 3224 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota, FL 34239 • Ph (941) 924-1323 Fax (941) 923-9594 • www.churchofthepalms.org Prayer line (941) 924-9979 welcome to w rship Church of the Palms Our mission and deep commitment is: “Equipping Disciples for the Service of Christ.” We are a community of faith dedicated to a way of life contained in our name: P.A .L .M . S P raising God in Worship A ligning ourselves with Christ L oving one another in Community M inistering generously with our Time, Talent & Treasure S haring our story and The Story Our Pastors, staff and Session invite you to share not only in our worship, but also in the exciting opportunities that Church of the Palms offers to learn, serve and grow in your faith. So whether you are a first time visitor, member, affiliate member or frequently attend . . . . . . we are glad you are here! In Memoriam We extend our Christian sympathy to the family of Stanley R. Tolbert, who passed away on November 27; to the family of Denis Robert Evans, who passed away on December 17; and to the family of Esma Graham, who passed away on December 17. Sanctuary Flowers Designation You are invited to designate Sanctuary flowers in memory of a loved one, in honor of a special person or event, or just in thanksgiving to God. To place your reservation, contact Jackie Gomez, 924-1323, and send a separate check of $40.00 payable to “Church of the Palms” and marked “for flowers” to her attention in the church office. After worship, your gift continues as the Sanctuary flowers become part of the Deacons’ Flower Ministry. They are divided into small arrangements and delivered to our members who are hospitalized or shut in. Your gift of flower sponsorship is a blessing in our worship and reaches beyond to show God’s love. 8:00 a.m. Chapel Communion Service Please sign the red covered friendship pad at the end of the pew. Prelude Call to Worship & Lighting of the Fourth Advent Candle *Hymn #28 “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” Opening Prayer The Lesson Isaiah 11:1-10 (Pew Bible Pg. 640) Offering The Lessons Jonah 1: 1-3; Matthew 1:18-25 (Pew Bible Pg. 859; NT Pg. 1) Sermon The Silent Prophet Communion Prayer *Hymn #59 (vs. 1-4) “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks” *Benediction Postlude SANCTUARY WORSHIP LEADERSHIP TODAY Senior Pastor Congregational Care Pastor Visitation Pastor Family Ministry Director Equipping Ministry Director Director of Music Ministry Organist / Pianist Dr. Stephen D. McConnell Dr. Lal Hmingliani Browne Dr. Alan Rodda Laurie Haas Carolyn Wilson Genevieve Beauchamp Dr. Jonathan Spivey Church Copyright License for all Music #706640 • Church Copyright License for all Video #503843606 DECEMBER USHERS 9:00 a.m. - Barbara Branning, Linda Evans, Katy Goodwin, Dutch Johnson, Jerry Laurila, Jay Mitchell, Kyle Mitchell, Willie Mitchell, Jim Mills, John & Robin Sego, Bob & Lynn White. Captains: Bob & Sally Irwin. 11:00 a.m. - Joe Guyton, Bill Waggener, Eleanor Smith, Jackie Garn, Babe Hart, Joyce Hesson, Ben Morgan, Wayne Kindt, Sam Stipp, Sebastian Spivey, Sylvia & Duane Hefner, Sharon Van Epps and Bob Luedeka. Captain: John Mercier Hearing Loop System in the Sanctuary Switch Hearing Aids to T-Coil (telephone setting) Sanctuary Worship Aids: Large-print copies of the Order of Worship and hearing devices are available. Packets containing children’s worship activities are available in the Sanctuary and Campus Center. Please ask an usher for assistance. Sermon Text: Printed copies of previous sermons are available in the Narthex of the Sanctuary, Campus Center, the Administration Building and on the church website. Televised 9:00 a.m. Worship Service - Every Sunday, Comcast Cable Channel 189. Live streaming of the service is available on our website, www.churchofthepalms. org and may be replayed Sunday afternoon. All services are archived online. DVD copies may be purchased through the church office. The Garden @ CHURCH OF THE PALMS Join us at 9:00 a.m. in the Campus Center for our Modern Worship service. THE GARDEN WORSHIP LEADERSHIP TODAY Pastor: Bruce Hedgepeth (bhedgepeth@churchofthepalms.org) Technical Director: Mike Bassett (mbass66@verizon.net) Worship Leader: Megan Mooney (megmooney@hotmail.com) Why Don’t You Try This? When you are struggling through difficult times, the advice flies thick and fast. But often it is not the advice you need. Rather it is caring Stephen ministers who are trained to give this care by listening instead of pushing advice. What is more, confidentiality is the cornerstone of Stephen Ministry. To find out more or to receive a Stephen Minister’s care, you can use the request folder available in every pew rack, or contact our Congregational Care Pastor, Dr. Hmingi Browne, 924-1323, hbrowne@churchofthepalms.org. a celebration of w rship 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. • Sanctuary 4th Sunday of Advent • we gather • Prayer of invocation 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. PRELUDE Introit Brian Burman Cindy Lanoue-Foster “Sheep May Safely Graze” Greg Knudsen, trumpet J.S. Bach Chancel Choir Lighting of the FOURTH advent candle 9:00 a.m. Steve, Sarah, Sawyer and Sydney Soboleski 11:00 a.m. Paul and Jo Ross *Hymn #28 *Call to Confession “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” • we confess • *Prayer of Confession (together) Gracious God, in whom all things are possible, we confess that we have doubted what we cannot explain. We have sought strength and enjoyment apart from you. We have taken pride in ownership more than giving praise through stewardship. We have neglected to thank you, either in good times or when you have supported us during days of uncertainty. We have resisted the newness you offer. Forgive us, we pray, for installing ourselves as reigning deities. Lead us, rather, in paths of trust and obedience. In Jesus’ name, Amen. *Declaration of Pardon Leader: Friends, believe the good news of the Gospel. People: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. *Congregational response (together) Gloria in excelsis Deo (2x) *Affirmation of Faith - The Apostles’ Creed (together) I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. 4 Church of the Palms • we share • RESPONSE Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates, Behold, the King of glory waits; The King of kings is drawing near; The Savior of the world is here! Life at Church of the Palms Please sign and pass the red covered friendship pad at the end of the pew. Dorothy Schnabel Sharing our story - Stephen Ministry music MEDITATION “Go Tell It on the Mountain” arr. Robert Hobby Chancel Choir and Greg Knudsen, trumpet Recognition of new members and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. offertory “The Prayer” Angelena Klosner and Jeff McCauley, duet David Foster *DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER OF DEDICATION Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. • we PROCLAIM • Laurie Haas Children’s MomenT (9:00 a.m.) *Hymn #44 “O Little Town of Bethlehem” Scripture LESSON Leader: This is the Word of the Lord! People: Thanks be to God! SERMON Jonah 1: 1-3 (Pew Bible Pg. 859); Matthew 1:18-25 (Pew Bible NT Pg. 1) “The Silent Prophet” Dr. Stephen D. McConnell • we GO • *Hymn #59 (vs. 1-4) “While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks” *Benediction *Benediction Response Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel! postlude “Rondeau in C” Greg Knudsen, trumpet J.J. Mouret *Congregation, please stand if able www.churchofthepalms.org 5 s a m t s i r Ch Flowers Donor Andy & Becky Anderson Dee Ardito and family Ray & Tracy Bakich Babe Baptist George Baptist Betty Bartlett Judy & Jerry Beane Biancardi family Ariel Birkhoff Philip Bliss Wayne & Jane Blythe Bill & Betty Bridgman Charles Brooks Jr. Charlie Brooks Susan Brown Dr. William L. Carlton John & Ellen Cavanaugh Jeannie Chase Martha Church Maxine L. Colgate Marilyn Counen Don & Judy Colvin Sue Hermanson & Pat Curry Mr. & Mrs. Ron Dahms Hollice Derrick Ruth V.W. Dimlich Libby Early Margaret & T.H. Edelblute III Linda, Jeff & Carly Evans Rina Favat Susan & Don Featherman Teresa & Charles and Helen Shawkey Fridley In Memory of Our son, Steve Frank Ardito Tracy's parents, Doris & Wayne Platt Barbara Baptist Barbara Baptist John A. Bartlett Our son, Michael Monica, Noel & Lorenzo Her mother and father Margarette Bliss Chief & Mrs. Carl Fliegner and Mrs. Ogeal Blythe Loved ones Carolyn S. Brooks Carolyn Brooks Dora Harmeling, Elfriede & Bill Bollmeyer Alice V. Herringer, Casper F. Herringer, Virginia R. Carlton, Ewell Lee Carlton Vince & Lucile Cavanaugh, Rev. & Mrs. James Muckle Her mom, Wilma; dad, Ted; husband, Thompson John L. Church Harry R. Colgate Michael Counen Family, friends Eric Hermanson Loved ones Charles Edward New Parents: Ruth E. and Robert G. VanWagenen Dave Howe Thomas Edelblute Jr. Tremper Longman Loved ones Our parents Ned W. Shawkey Donor Pat Frazier John C. Frueh Furst family Ruben & Beverly Gerzeny Larry & Wendy Ghezzi Isabelle Gordon and family Dianna Grancagnolo Graper family Ginny Greenawalt Bob & Mary Ellen Hagen Kati Halloy Babe Hart Allene Hazeltine John & Kate Hawkins Dottye Heritage Higginbotham family Anne & Carl Hirsch Mary Rischmiller Holt Lois Hopson and family Eric Jason Ken & JoAnn Johns Jean Johnson Clyde & Shirley Johnson Doris Kahmar Blondell Kern Wallace Kooyman Gene & Carol Kraus Joan Lanberg & Howard Ramsay Nancy & Lou Landt Cherie Leetzow Mark, Cathy, Matt & Christian Leetzow Jim & Cindy Sunderlin Lock James & Brigitte Lontz Robert Luedeka Susan & John McKinnon Ann McLain Joan McQueen Mary McQueen Jenny Messina Mary Ellen Midkiff-Willis Bettye Miller Jay & Kyle Anne Mitchell Jane New and family Pat & Paul Nielsen In Memory of Loved ones Gretchen Frueh Bill & Joan Furst, Dee & Bernice Hall Our parents Hannah Ghezzi John Gordon Edward Grancagnolo, Sr. & John Wahl Bea & Bill Graper Family and friends Doris, David & George Wynne, Lewis Hagen Anthony & Rina Rogers, Rose Halloy Her husband, Sam Hart Don Hazeltine Grace Carter Jack Allen Higginbotham, Jr. Jeffrey T. Hirsch Bob Rischmiller Charles Hopson Helen Jason Barbara Dugan & Carolyn Mullins Dr. E. Joe & Margaret Vandervort Our parents George B. Kahmar & Alma C. Waters Ted Kern, Bill & Patricia Link Carol Kooyman Our parents Loved ones Our parents & loved ones Son, Alan Jeffrey Leetzow Bryan Dobbins-Leetzow Our loved ones Jeffrey K. Lontz Virginia Luedeka Ed, Virginia, Terry Davis, L.W. & Eleanor McKinnon Frances H. Moore J.W. McQueen Alice McQueen Her loved ones Florence, Carl, Randy & Harry Preston Her husband, William Miller Bud, Betty and Jase Mitchell Charles New, Les & Lill Emmke, Marilyn and Rachel Donald & Alice Nielsen Donor In Memory of Robert & Frances Patterson David & JoAnn Peck Maxine Perry and family Louise Pippenger Bob & Betsy Plott Betty & Bud Porter Kyle & Marsha Quattlebaum Rod Rebholz Rees, Savary & Taylor families Andrea & Jack Reynolds Betty & Rudy Reif Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Riedel Mac & Harriet Rouse Betty G. Rose and daughters Paul & Jo Ross Ruth family Carol Ryan Nancy Sauer Don & Julie Schalekamp Jean Schurman Dorothy Schnabel Richard & Ellen Schultz Joy Schroder John & Robin Sego Greg & Lisa Shumway Joyce Smith Rick & Carol Spathelf Doris & Lou Stanek Claire Steinforth Dee & Sam Stipp Clinton Terry Eilene Thompson Ron & Ginnie Troyer Sandy Garrett Ullman Dimitrios & Nancy Vafeas Sharyn Van Epps Sonja Veal-Volino Barbara, David & Pam Williams John A. Williams Jr. Brad & Patty Wilson Marion Ziebarth 8 The Auten, Leytham & Patterson families Margaret Peck, Helen Borowitz, Peter Bertone, Josepha Bertone, R.J. Iafolla Doug Perry Jim Pippenger Son, Bobby Our parents & sister Son, Jon Quattlebaum Seven saints Johnson S. "Buddy" Savary Paul Mercer, Dr. & Mrs. O.L. Reynolds, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Stassi Doris Hoeffel Loved ones Carol Groulx Earl R. Rose Art Willaredt, Sr; Bill & Esther Damon Umbert & Majorie Aliberti, Louise Ruth Richard Ryan and Robert Ryan Bob Sauer and Mr. & Mrs. William Kaup Our parents Albert Schurman Her husband, Frank Sparacio Our parents Ken Schroder Charles M. Sego Andrew Coblentz & Edward Coblentz Jennifer Stimson Our families Our parents Her family Jan Stipp and Marshall Browne Virginia Terry Mark Thompson Our parents Dr. & Mrs. S.M. Garrett and Dr. F.M. Garrett Her father, Thurman Napier Robert Van Epps Will & Louise Veal Bob Williams Dr. Lindasue L. Williams Mary Wilson William & Eric Ziebarth Church of the Palms Donor Fred & Ellen Ausnehmer Judy & Glynn Armitage Bob & Marcia Baarson Donald & Roxanna Browning Dr. William L. Carlton Sandy & Bob Castle Joe & Betty Ann Danna Robert & Margaret Eakin Linda, Jeff & Carly Evans Chuck & Judy Fulton Ruben & Beverly Gerzeny Pat & Wendell Gottman Susan & Marty Guice Ron & Kathy Haesele Kirsch family Bumper & Kathryn Lee John & Mildred Martin Jay & Kyle Anne Mitchell Mary-Lou & Don Moulton Pat & Paul Nielsen Jane Delgado-Semidei Nan & Duke Snyder Sandy Snyder Barbara & David Twible Roland & Jeanne VanderValk Lynn & Bob White Lelia & Bob Windom Jerry & Darlene Wiles Donations Paul & Jennifer Hudson Donna Reed Donald H. Snyder LeeAnn Stokley Frieda Thayer Charles Volkert In Honor of Our three children and grandchildren All tutors Our grandchildren - Jacob, Alexander, Caroline, Jack & Anna Esma Graham Meredith Lynne Carlton Our family Liam & Faith Danna The Chancel Choir Mernie Longman Loved ones Our family Our family Our parents Loved ones Our extended family Marlene Petro Our family Charles & Audrey Richardson Our grandchildren, Thomas, Emrey & Evan Harold & Margaret Braun Loved ones Laurie Haas, Dr. Lal Hmingliani Browne Her family Our loving parents, Harlan & Alice Twible Our children Our family Our family Our family THINGS TO CONSIDER IN YOUR YEAR-END GIVING •Supporting the ministry of Church of the Palms is like investing in a lifechanging diversified charitable portfolio. Think of all we do: educate children and youth, feed the hungry, counsel the discouraged, tutor young students, inspire worshippers through exceptional music, preach the message of good news, support missionaries across the globe and the list goes on. •If you have highly appreciated stocks, instead of selling the stocks and contributing the cash, contributing the stocks directly will usually provide for a larger tax deduction. Consult with your financial planner on tax advantages to your giving. •Your generosity in these remaining weeks of the year will allow us to address our severely underfunded capital reserve. We are blessed to have such fine facilities and we must be prepared to care for them in the years ahead with a hearty capital reserve. •Important Notice About Year End Giving: Please remember that all financial contributions for 2014 must be received in the church office no later than noon on Wednesday, December 31, which is when the office closes that day. Contributions that are mailed must be postmarked on or before December 31 to be considered as contributions for 2014. All contributions received within these parameters will be reflected on your 2014 financial contributions statement. Anything else will be posted as received in 2015. To avoid confusion at year end, please be sure that you note on your check and/ or envelope to which year’s pledge your contribution is intended. You can view your year-to-date contributions by visiting our website and clicking on the “Give Online” button. Then, log in and click on the Contribution History tab. new member class January 11 • Chapel Reception Room 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. New Members Part 1 - COP Orientation: If you are ready to make a deeper commitment to the Church of the Palms family of faith or would just like to explore what that means, then this is the class for you! Just here seasonally? Come learn about our affiliate membership. 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. New Members Part 2 - Join The Community: If you have made the decision to join our community of faith, this is your opportunity to be received into membership. The only prerequisite is to have attended a New Member Orientation. No need to sign up for either New Members Part 1 or 2...just come to the Chapel Reception Room! Call to Prayer Sundays, 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Chapel Reception Room Join us every Sunday before the services as we pray for our pastors and the morning services. Come and pray silently or out loud. Contact Susan Grundy, 355-2156. Remember In Prayer Missionaries & Mission Partners An updated list of our supported worldwide and local mission partners and missionaries is available on the literature racks at the doors in the Sanctuary, the Campus Center and the Church Office. We ask for your continued prayers for all of our Missionaries and Mission Partners. Military Individuals Chris Branning June LeBell Alley Dennie Bunch Bob Castle Mary Cobb Janet Eddy TH Edelblute III Ernie Ingham Mary Jaqua Bob Kramer Cherie Leetzow Ragnar Petri Sally Taylor Roland VanderValk Bob VanBergen Mary Wadsworth David Wachtel Bill Zurlo Non-Members Earl Bloom Patti Brainard Jodi Lynn Brown Nutei Khawlhring Jim Knecht Ralph Kom Frank, Karen & Phil Lagana Marjorie MacMaster Craigery Morgan Lloyd Odegaard Ann Prohoniak Linda Dallman-Repp Chuck Savoca Devon Simon Don Wilson Alex Brown Richard Carson Zack & Daniel Castle Rob Garner Peter Higginbotham Zachary Miller David Moffett Lauren Moffett Tracy Prohoniak Jared Sweetser Ben Young The Families of Esma Graham Stanley R. Tolbert Denis Robert Evans In Need of Prayer? www.churchofthepalms.org Please call the church office. We would love to pray for you and any prayer requests you may have, 924-1323. 11 Family ministry family MINISTRY Looking for a unique way to give back this Christmas season? The Family Ministry of Church of the Palms is partnering with Shaddai church in Pucallpa Peru to raise funds to clothe 102 children in need in Peru. For the price of two trips to Starbucks, you can clothe a child for the year. For more information visit us online at the102project. weebly.com or visit our table upstairs in the education building. Reminder: Projoect 102 bags are due TODAY. Christmas Eve Live Nativity - Casting Call! We will provide the live nativity as a gift to our great church family, the community, on Christmas Eve, during our 5:00 p.m, 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. services. We are need of “players” for the 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. services. There’s a place for everyone: Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds and wise “men.” You will need to be available 30 minutes before and after each service. Sign up for one, multiple or all services today by emailing Valerie Mathews at vmathews@churchofthepalms.org. SMALL Group ANNOUNCEMENT Please note: Due to the holiday schedule, there will be NO youth group on Wednesday, December 28 and Wednesday, January 4. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! STUDENT SUNDAY Student Sunday is coming soon! Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 11. Join students as they team up with our music ministry and pastoral staff to help lead and serve during worship. SUNDAY KIDS WORSHIP • 9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. All Pre-K through 5th grade kids should begin worship with their families at the 9:00 a.m. service. After the Children’s Moment, they will be escorted from the service to participate in Kids Worship in room 205-207 from 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. On the first Sunday of the month, children will have Chapel (in the Chapel) during Kids Worship time. Parents are welcome to join us for Chapel, which will include music, a short message, and Communion. After Kids Worship or Chapel, children will have Fellowship Time in room 205-207 from 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. SUNDAY CHILDCARE • 8:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Nursery: room 101 Toddlers & 2 Year Olds: room 103 3 Year Olds: room 103B sunday Elementary Small Groups • 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. This year, children are learning the same theme being preached in the Sanctuary and Garden each week. We are all finding our place in God’s Story, the Bible. Pre-K - Kindergarten: room 114 1st & 2nd grade: room 207 3rd grade: 211 Library 4th & 5th grade: room 205 SUNDAY Middle & High School Small Groups (Rooms 208, 209, 210) Each Sunday from 10:15 a.m. - 11:00 am, students will gather in Rooms 208, 209, and 210 to explore the deeper themes of God’s Story through the narrative lectionary being studied church wide. We will have creative conversations and share personal stories to find where we connect to God’s greater story. CONTACT FAMILY MINISTRY STAFF (924-1323): Family Ministry Director: Student Ministry Director: Family Ministry Coordinator: Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Nursery Coordinator: Laurie Haas (lhaas@churchofthepalms.org) Jeff McCauley (jmccauley@churchofthepalms.org) Valerie Mathews (vmathews@churchofthepalms.org) Carol Homeister (chomeister@churchofthepalms.org) Corrie Hoffman (corrie3hoffman@gmail.com) students serving Serve your church family and earn those trip bucks! Contact Valerie Mathews to sign up: 924-1323 ext. 208, vmathews@churchofthepalms.org. Remember: You must have 15 hours served before March 1 to keep your spot on a summer trip! Undonut & Undecorating Party Sunday, January 4 12:00 p.m. (lunch provided) Yellow Umbrella Greeting Want to brighten someone’s day with your smile? Sign up to be a yellow umbrella greeter. Wednesday Afternoon Kitchen Prep 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Help during dinner and clean-up afterwards. Contact Kathy Robinett, krobinett@churchofthepalms.org Volunteers Needed Family Ministry is looking for a team of volunteers to help in our creative outreach. If you have an eye for design or know how to use Pinterest, we want YOU! All ages are welcome. Contact Valerie Mathews (924-1323 ext. 208, vmathews@ churchofthepalms.org) to sign up. www.churchofthepalms.org 13 sunday The story: creation TO THE resurrection 10:15 a.m. • Chapel This class is designed as a companion to the Sunday sermon series. Each week we will have the opportunity to look deeper into the scriptures behind the sermon. We will learn how God has revealed His plan of salvation from Creation to the Cross. Augustine formulated the axiom, “in the Old Testament the New is concealed, in the New the Old is revealed”. Led by Dale Vollrath: dale.vollrath@trcstaffing.com. New Life Class 10:15 a.m. • Room 202 New Life Class is a wonderful group of parents who meet Sunday mornings to discuss topics related to parenting and marriage. Our purpose is to provide a time and place for couples to grow closer to God by studying scripture and gleaning wisdom from current books related to family life. Led by Derek Thompson, abolitionment@gmail.com. Christians Under Construction - Biblical Potpourri 10:15 a.m. • Room 206 Each week we will tackle a new subject. For example, we will bring Bible lessons to current issues; we’ll ponder Biblical mysteries; we will wrestle with the question of free will against Biblical truth and match what we know from science against traditional Biblical beliefs. We read the Bible, consider how the lessons apply to the real world, and practice informed discussion. Led by Adam Leonard (acleonard@ comcast.net) and Tom Webber. A Time out for parents 10:15 a.m. • Room 202 Our group will meet together with the New Life Class in room 202. Church of the Palms Book Group January 18, 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. • Chapel Reception Room Although we do not plan to meet in December, you are warmly invited to join us to discuss our highly-recommended January book choice, I Dared to Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh. Everyone is welcome to attend any of our monthly gatherings (whether or not you’ve read the book). Questions? Please contact Doris Kamphuis, 360-8474, rakamphuis@aol.com 14 Church of the Palms MONday PALMS’ SINGLES DINNER (50+) 5:30 p.m. • Off Campus Every Monday we have dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by events such as book talks, game night, special outings and more. Please call in your dinner reservations by the Thursday prior to this dinner, no later than noon. Contact Dottie Stoddard, 924-7430. TUESday MEN’S BIBLE STUDY & BREAKFAST 7:00 a.m. • Off Campus This group is open to any men who would like the opportunity to get to know other men from our church while deepening their faith through Bible study and prayer. Please bring a Bible. We are currently studying the book of John. Led by Dale Vollrath. Contact Dale Vollrath, dale.vollrath@trcstaffing.com. Women’s Prayer Group 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Chapel Narthex Our prayer time is a time for encouragement through God’s Word and prayer. We pray for our church, country, family relationships, adult children with addictions, grandchildren and friends. We will stroll with Paul through Romans. Join us to know Jesus Christ more clearly, to love Him more dearly and to follow Him more nearly. We welcome all prayer requests. Gaye O’Brien 377-3480. C.S. Lewis Reading Group January 6, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. • Room 206 Our reading group, led by Dr. McConnell, will begin our discussion on The Abolition of Man. north home bible study January 13, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.• Off Campus We are currently studying the book of I Peter. We meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Please join us for Bible study, prayer and food/fellowship. Please contact Reyn or Doris Kamphuis at 360-8474 or email us at rakamphuis@aol.com if you have any questions. Stephen ministry January 20, 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. • Room 206 Receive continuing education and meet in supervised groups every third Tuesday of the month. Contact Hmingi Browne, 924-1323. www.churchofthepalms.org 15 WEDNESday Men’s Bible Study 7:30 a.m. • Chapel Reception Room In the letter to the Romans Paul develops the argument that is the basis of Christianity: Nothing you can do will save you. It is through faith alone that we are saved. Led by Tom Webber, webber.thom@gmail.com and Rev. Fred Marsh. watercolor wednesday Janaury 7, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Chapel Reception Room Paint with watercolor and enjoy the company of other artsy folk! Please remember to bring your own supplies. Contact Pastor Hmingi Browne, 924-1323 or hbrowne@churchofthepalms.org. prayer shawl group Janaury 7, 3:30 p.m.• Chapel Narthex We are knitting prayer shawls. All are welcome to join us! Contact Hmingi Browne, 924-1323 or hbrowne@churchofthepalms.org. Palms Buffet & Grille 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. • Campus Center Enjoy food and fellowship for all on Wednesday evenings! Due to the holiday schedule, we will be closed this Wednesday (12/24) and next (12/31). Our Wednesday dinner will resume on January 7. Have a Merry Christmas!! oasis midweek worship January 7, 6:30 p.m. • Chapel In worship on Sunday it all seems so clear how we can live in a way that’s pleasing to God, but sometimes by the middle of the week the stresses and demands of life threaten to consume all our time and attention. Join us on Wednesdays beginning in January for a midweek time of refreshment to help us regain our faith focus. m i d w e e k OAS S worship REMEMBERING THE SABBATH (Women’s study) January 7, 14, 21 & 28 • 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Room 206 Is keeping the Sabbath a challenge for you and your family? Join us for this 4 week study as we explore what the Bible says about the Sabbath, listen to short videos from Matthew Sleeth, author of 24/6, and share in discussions about today’s challenges and what we can do to “Keep the Sabbath.”Please bring your Bible. Conact Jan Hunt, janh1151@gmail.com. 16 Adult Discipleship & Fellowship COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS January 7, 14, 21 & 28 • 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Chapel Reception Room In this class we will study and explore the four of the major religions in today’s world: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Each week is self-contained. Led by Dr. William Browne, assisted by Dr. Doris Nocera and Dr. Hmingi Browne. Contact Pastor Hmingi Browne, hbrowne@churchofthepalms.org. THURSday PALMS BRIDGE CLUB January 15, 7:00 p.m.• Chapel Reception Room We will NOT meet in December nor on the first Thursday in January due to the holidays. We will reconvene on January 15. Normally, we meet on the first and third Thursdays of the month for fun and fellowship. Contact Nancy Kanellos, 320-3478 to make your reservation or to be placed on the “fill-in” list. “Fill-in” players are greatly appreciated (and needed) as well as players who are able to play on a regular basis. Come and join us - you’ll love it! Beginning Creative Signing Class 5:30 p.m. • Music & Arts Building This class is an introduction to incorporating American Sign Language with music to interpret God’s message to us in visual form. No previous experience is necessary. Our Advanced Creative Signers will be leading this class. Anyone from Middle School through senior adults is welcome. If you are curious how this works, and you love to talk with your hands, come and sign up under the Fellowship Tree. Contact Susy Welsh 321-5703, musicalmoment@me.com. sisters in Christ January 22,2015 • 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. • Room 209 We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month but will not meet in December due to the holiday schedule. We will reconvene in January to study books and articles to help us on our spiritual journeys. Come share insights and fellowship with coffee, discussion and prayer. Contact Cindy Lanoue-Foster, 922-1826 (please leave a message); bettina5321@verizon.net. Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines January 8 - March 26 • 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Off Campus Using the book Spiritual Classics we will be introduced to twelve historical disciplines grouped by their inward, outward and corporate focus. This is modeled on Richard Foster’s book Celebration of Discipline. As we read we will explore ways to engage with these classic practices. Please let Bill Lewis know that you would like to participate so the books (about $15) can be ordered. Led by Bill Lewis: 355-2156, billatpalms@gmail. com and Susan Grundy. www.churchofthepalms.org 17 FRIday Friday Morning Bible Study January 9, 9:30 a.m. • Room 202 Please note: Due to the holiday schedule, we will not meet for the remainder of December. Classes will resume on January 9. Our new Bible study is titled, “Luke 24” will last approximately 10 weeks, give or take a week. If you need a study guide, please email Meriam. Led by Meriam Matthews, meriam112@mindspring. com and Peter Connor, peterconnor37@gmail.com. grief support group January 2, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. • Chapel Reception Room All those who have lost a loved one are invited to attend on Fridays. Licensed counselor Diane Brantley of Samaritan Counseling is leading. For more information, contact Pastor Hmingi Browne, 924-1323. Eat, Meet & Be Merry January 30, 11:30 a.m. • Off Campus Join Pastor Hmingi Browne for food and fellowship at Der Dutchman every last Friday of the month. Contact Hmingi Browne, 924-1323. south home bible study January 9, 6:30 p.m. • Off Campus We meet the second and fourth Friday of the month. Due to the holiday schedule, we will not meet on the fourth Friday of December. We will reconvene the second week of January, beginning our study on different books in the Old Testament. Join us for prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. Contact Reyn and Doris Kamphuis, 360-8474 or rakamphuis@aol.com. loving stitches January 30, 2015 • 9:45 a.m. • Chapel Reception Room We are a group of women who knit, crochet, sew and quilt for local charities. We create baby sweaters and blankets for Healthy Start and the Veterans Hospital; teddy bears for the Sheriff and Police Departments and hats for the Resurrection House and the Salvation Army. We meet on the fourth Friday of each month. We will not meet in December. We will reconvene in January. If you enjoy sewing, knitting, quilting or crocheting, please join us. Knitting and crochet instructions are available. Contact Alberta Adams, 924-8464. 18 Church of the Palms opportunities for generosity Christmas Eve Ushers Needed We need members of our usher teams to volunteer for the 3 Christmas Eve services (7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. & 11:00 p.m.). There are sign-up sheets in the usher’s closet for each service. Print your name and phone number on the corresponding sheet along with which service time that you will be able to usher. Also, pick up the sheet that explains the procedures for ushering at Christmas. If you have any questions, please contact Barry Buchanan, 371-7033. Christmas Eve Greeters Needed Give a special gift this Christmas – your gift of a smile and a warm welcome to all who come to worship with us on Christmas Eve. Greeters are needed for the 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m., and 11:00 p.m. services. All you need to do is come a half hour before the service begins and give a candle to each person as they come in. The gift that you will receive is a reserved seat for the service, and the joy of participating in this wonderful greeter ministry. If you can help, please contact Marcia Baarson: 9223547, mb4mb@comcast.net. Wednesday Grille Volunteers We need volunteers for prepping (2 hours), dining room setup (begins at 3:00 p.m.), dining room help during dinner and cleanup afterwards. To help, please contact Kathy Robinett, 924-1323, krobinett@ churchofthepalms.org. Food Pantry Help Wanted The Food Pantry is looking for substitutes and packers. We are in need of substitutes for distribution. To help, please contact Kathy Robinett, 924-1323, krobinett@ churchofthepalms.org. Two Cents A Meal Collection Dec. 28! Join the Fight Against Hunger Every donation we collect will go to hunger related projects, including 50% to our own Food Pantry. Red collection baskets will be located by the Sanctuary main entrances. To donate by check, include Two Cents A Meal in the memo line. back t bas cs tutoring program The Tutoring Program is on Christmas break this week. We begin again January 6 with many students without tutors. For information and/or to sign up, please call Judy Armitage at 924-1323. Merry Christmas to all of you! Family Ministry Volunteers Family Ministry is looking for a team of volunteers to help in our creative outreach. If you have an eye for design or know how to use Pinterest, we want YOU! All ages are welcome. Contact Valerie Mathews (924-1323 ext. 208, vmathews@churchofthepalms.org) to sign up. www.churchofthepalms.org 19 spotlight on missions Thanksgiving and Advent in Iraq Imagine what it would be like to suddenly lose everything – your house, car, gas, clothing, your jewelry, your wedding rings, your savings, in fact all of your belongings including your Identity Card--all taken from you by an angry mob that calls itself the Islamic State of Iraq. Where to go? What to do? How to exist? These are questions that have been present in the Iraqi refugees’ minds continuously since ISIS took over Iraq’s second largest city of Mosul and its environs last summer. It is cold now as winter settles over northern Iraq. What are these homeless refugees to do? Thanks to Pastor Haitham of the National Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Kirkuk, many families have found a place to live in this church. The members of this church have taken them in, providing shelter in the Sunday School classrooms, food, clothing, blankets, heaters, warmth, and Christina love. Although Thanksgiving is an American holiday where we follow our pilgrim forefathers’ example of giving thanks to God for the blessings He have given to us, these Iraqi refugees gather in the church’s Fellowship Hall to celebrate a joyous feast provided by the church members and give thanks to God for the blessings that they do have. 20 Church of the Palms The Kirkuk Presbyterian Church also works with local Christian churches in and around Kirkuk, and with churches in Iraqi Kurdistan north of Kirkuk, including Duhok, Akre, Kabat, Shaqlawa, and Zakoh, to provide blankets, heaters, and clothing. This is done with funds that have been donated to the Iraq Partnership Network, the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, and the Outreach Foundation (all Presbyterian sponsored organizations). Because of our efforts many more Christian refugees have been able to give thanks to God for the generous donations of concerned Christians in the USA. As we approach Advent, Americans become preoccupied with activities such as gift buying, decorating, Santa Claus, and Christmas get-togethers. We become so concerned with earthly things that we often forget that the reason for Christmas is to celebrate Christ’s birth. However, in Iraq the refugee Christians there are ever mindful that in spite of the loss of all of their personal belongings and attempts to steal their identity, ISIS can never steal their soul and their faith in God who has already given us the most wonderful and precious Christmas gift ever, His son Jesus Christ. For that gift every day is a thanksgiving. It is not the earthly gifts and belongings that are important at Christmas time, but it is the love of God. Our praise and glory is given to Him. The plight of the Christian refugees in Iraq is a continuing problem with no end in sight. The Church of the Palms has been very generous in its support of the Kirkuk Presbyterian Church through it Mission Committee, Presbyterian Women Christmas Fair, and through the many individual members who have contributed. Your gifts and prayers show your concern and generosity to the Christians in Iraq who face a long and arduous uphill struggle, not knowing if they will ever return to their homes, if they will ever find jobs, and what their future will be. This Spotlight has been prepared by COP members Charles and Carol Haeussner. Iraqi Displaced Christian Relief Contributions can be made online: http://www.presbyterianmissions.org/donate/ E052049, or you may make a check payable to PC/USA ECO Fund # 052049. Write “Iraqi Displaced Christian Relief” on the Memo Line and mail to: PC/USA Individual Remittance Processing P.O Box 643700 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700 Attn: ECO Fund #052049 - Displaced Christian Relief www.churchofthepalms.org 21 upcoming ministry events Longest Night Service TODAY • 6:00 p.m. • Chapel On the longest night of the year we provide a worship service particularly for those who find the Advent and Christmas season a difficult time. We will light candles in celebration of departed ones as well as read scriptures, share our stories and sing God’s praise. Christmas WORSHIP On The Beach Tuesday, December 23 • 5:00 p.m. In front of the pavilion on Siesta Beach Bring your own chair or blanket and join us on the sand for a new Christmas week worship experience as The Garden reaches out to the community in this modern celebration of Christ’s birth. In case of inclement weather, we will postpone until next year. Christmas Eve Services at Church of the Palms Sanctuary Family Service 5:00 p.m. 22 Lessons & Carols in the Sanctuary 7:00 p.m., 9:00 p.m. &11:00 p.m. Church of the Palms Christmas CD Benefit Makes a GREAT Christmas gift! Looking for a great Christmas gift this year - new music to listen to this Christmas season, all the while supporting a worthy mission.* Look no further! Our very own Jeff McCauley’s Christmas album is NOW AVAILABLE for purchase under the tree or from the front desk here at Church of the Palms for only $10 per copy. Visit Jeff under the tree or stop by the front desk to purchase your copies today. *A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit Church of the Palms’ ongoing partnership with Vida Joven Nicaragua by providing additional funding for student travel costs. Coffee Sales Supporting our Nicaragua Mission Team Stop by our table under the tree each Sunday to purchase our Dona Katy Nicaraguan Coffee for only $10 a bag! Each purchase of this coffee supports Church of the Palms’ continued partnership with Vida Joven (Young Life) Nicaraguan Ministry. Stop by and hear about how your purchase will impact the lives of our students and allow many to hear the gospel in Nicaragua. It’s a win for everyone. Legacy Giving Corner Five Common (but not very convincing) Excuses For Not Having A Will – Part IV: I’ve arranged with my children to handle the distribution of my property. Even the best intentioned children may forget exactly what you wanted done with a certain asset. Others may decide your wishes no longer “make sense” and may overrule your intent with a plan of their own. Contact your tax professional to learn more. For more information, about the Legacy Society, contact Dr. McConnell, smcconnell@ churchofthepalms.org, 924-1323 or John Mercier, Chair of the Legacy Giving Committee, 921-5726, jmaosf@gmail.com. 2015 Offering Envelopes Your offering envelopes for 2015 are on their way. They should arrive by mail no later than December 20, 2014. If you have not received them by then, please contact the church office. Although our 2015 Stewardship Campaign doesn’t kick-off until January, please consider increasing your giving now. 23 are you new here? Want to find out more about Church of the Palms? Check out our website at: http://www.churchofthepalms.org There you can: • • • • • • • • • • Learn more about our ministries Catch the Livestream worship service every Sunday Watch archived services Download our 2014 Winter Planner Connect via iTunes to our sermon & teaching podcasts Sign up to be on our email list Friend us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Make an online donation - it’s fast, easy & secure! And more . . . got the QR app? Use this QR code on your mobile phone to give online! Every 2nd Sunday at 10:15 a.m. in the Chapel Reception Room 24 Church of the Palms calendar of events Sunday, december 21 8:00 a.m. Chapel Worship Service 8:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting 8:45 a.m. Childcare 9:00 a.m. The Garden Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:30 a.m. Kid’s Worship 10:15 a.m. Pre-K - Elementary Small Groups 10:15 a.m. Middle - High School Small Groups 10:15 a.m. Christians Under Construction 10:15 a.m.New Life Class 10:15 a.m. The Story: Creation to Resurrection 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 12:00 p.m. Choir Luncheon 4:30 p.m. Praise & Glory Choir Rehearsal 6:00 p.m. Longest Night Service Monday, DECEMBER 22 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Palm Singles Dinner Sounds of Glory Orchestra Rehearsal Chapel Chapel Study See Page 9 Campus Center Sanctuary 205-207 See Page 9 See Page 9 206 202 Chapel Sanctuary Campus Center Music & Arts Building Sanctuary Off Campus Music & Arts Building Tuesday, DECEMBER 23 7:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast Off Campus Women’s Prayer Group Chapel Narthex SYV Prelude & Training Choir Rehearsal Music & Arts Building Christmas Beach Worship- Siesta Key Off Campus Creative SignersSanctuary SYV Concert Choir Rehearsal Music & Arts Building Wednesday, DECEMBER 24 - ECC closed 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study Chapel Reception Room Christmas Eve Family Candlelight Service Sanctuary Christmas Eve Candlelight Servic Sanctuary Christmas Eve Candlelight Servic Sanctuary Christmas Eve Candlelight Servic Sanctuary Thursday, DECEMBER 25 Office, Food Pantry and ECC closed - Christmas Day. Friday, DECEMBER 26 Office and Food Pantry closed for Christmas holidays. ECC open all day. Saturday, DECEMBER 27 No events scheduled. www.churchofthepalms.org 25 calendar of events Sunday, DECEMBER 28 8:00 a.m. Chapel Worship Service 8:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting 8:45 a.m. Childcare 9:00 a.m. The Garden Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 9:30 a.m. Kid’s Worship 10:15 a.m. Pre-K - Elementary Small Groups 10:15 a.m. Middle - High School Small Groups 10:15 a.m. Christians Under Construction 10:15 a.m.New Life Class 10:15 a.m. The Story: Creation to Resurrection 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship 4:30 p.m. Praise & Glory Choir Rehearsal Chapel Chapel Study See Page 9 Campus Center Sanctuary 205-207 See Page 9 See Page 9 206 202 Chapel Sanctuary Music & Arts Building Professional leadership opportunity at COP As we continue to pursue our mission of “equipping disciples for the service of Christ” in 2015, session has redefined the role of Dr. Bruce Hedgepeth to focus on discipleship and outreach. As a result, we are currently seeking a person to serve as Executive Director of Operations who will oversee the organizational/business facets of our ministry. A full job description is available on the church website. Thaonuk Y 26 Thank you so much for helping us with our socks & underwear drive! Including all of our locations we collected over 2100 pairs of socks/underwear and $915, which was far surpassing the goal I had set of 1000 items. Now so many kids will have access to the basics & have one less thing to worry about. We greatly appreciate your tremendous support! Sincerely, Hayes Leaver Church of the Palms God’s Story Your Story December 21, 2014 For the week of December 21, 2104 Devotion: Use this resource at home to guide your household’s daily devotions. You can do this alone, as a couple, as a family; in the morning, during the day, or at night. Find a routine that works best for you. Pray: Light a candle and open your devotion time with a prayer. God of trust, you placed your precious son, Jesus, into the hands of Joseph and Mary. Place your trust in us, too, that we will care for all your beloved children who walk upon the earth, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Reflect: Reflect on the key verse from Sunday’s reading. “Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” Matthew 1:23 Study: Study the reading and consider the background. The book of Matthew was written about 80 years after Jesus walked the earth. Early Christians were still working out how they were going to show up in the world; whether they would behave more like Jews or more like Gentiles. Matthew speaks to both perspectives, pointing out that what’s important is not so much how people behave, but how God acts in the world. God sent God’s son, Jesus, into the world to be God in the world. Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity so that nothing could separate us from the presence of God. - Continued on back - New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of theRevised Churches of ChrisVersion t in the Uni ted States of Ameri ca. Used with of permission. AllEducation rights reserved. New Standard Bible, copyright © 1989, Division Christian of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used with permission. All rights reserved. God’s Story Your Story - continued - Read: Read the following daily readings to deepen your understanding of Sunday’s text. After the reading, ask the follow-up questions. Read about God’s covenant with Abraham and David, and the promise of Immanuel to the people of Israel. Sunday, Matthew 1:18-25, Jesus as Immanuel Monday, Matthew 1:1-17, Genealogy of Jesus Tuesday, Genesis 15:1-21, God’s Covenant with Abram Wednesday, Luke 2:1-14, [15-20], Birth of Jesus Thursday, Luke 2:8-20, Shepherds Visit Friday, Isaiah 7:10-17, A Sign of Immanuel Saturday, Isaiah 7:18-25, A Sign of Immanuel What has God promised? How has God been faithful to God’s promises? Connect: Connect in conversation with others in your household. Discuss the following questions, or simply check in with “Highs” and “Lows.” What was a high point of your day? What was a low point? What difference might it make to realize God made a covenant with the community of humanity, rather than with individuals? How does Immanuel show up in your life? Do: By acting on what we learn, we make God’s word come alive. Do the following activity this week. Gather your entire household together for a low-stress meal (other than your planned holiday meal). If you live alone, invite a friend over. Set aside and inform the household of a period of time you will be together so that you are not rushed. Set the table. Use your best dishes. Light candles (unless you have very little ones). Say grace. No electronics at the table. Talk to each other. Linger over dessert. Slow down and enjoy the time together. Bless: Close your devotion with a blessing. Copyright © 2014 Clergy Stuff. Used with Permission. Find more at www.ClergyStuff.com. Blessing written by Pr. Chip Borgstadt.
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