Grosse Ile Yacht Club Newsletter DECEMBER 2014 View From the Helm It’s hard to believe that this is my last article for the Spray for our 3 years progressing through the Flags. Lynne and I have had a fantastic time representing GIYC around DRYA and AYC, and I’m pretty sure there are a lot of Clubs who will be remembering that they are always welcome to visit our Club. We definitely have a lot of great memories (and pictures, some not to be widely shared), and friends who will be with us for years to come. Our Class of 2014 is going to be “winding down” for a week in Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) next March – at last count there were more than 80 people going. Thank you to all of our Flag Officers, Committee Chairs and members, Delegates, and Board of Directors for your support and friendship over this year as Commodore and Lady. And thank you to all of the GIYC members who make this Club like a family – we enjoy coming down to spend time with all of you. November was another busy month for Lynne and I, with the Windsor Yacht Club Ball (Nov 1), Ford Yacht Club Sailing Awards (Nov 8), “Murder Mystery” Fundraiser for the 2015 AYC Commodore at Detroit Beach Boat Club (Nov 14), Nugent’s Canal Yacht Club Ball (Nov 15), Sun Parlour Boat Club Commodore’s Party (Nov 22), and West River Yacht & Cruising Club Reception (Nov 29). It’s going to be a breeze in December with only the Grosse Point Yacht Club Ball (Dec 6), and we’re done until next February with a couple of Balls for 2014 Commodores. Speaking of 2015, the AYC Commodore’s Ball weekend is February 20th-22nd at the Holiday Inn French Quarter (Perrysburg, OH), with the theme of Put-in-Bay. We will be co-hosting one of the hospitality rooms with SunSeeker’s Boating Club and Point Place Boat Club, and will be serving wine currently being made in the Peek-a-Boo Crew Wine Club. See the flyers later in the Spray to order your weekend tickets and make your room reservations. I was told at the AYC meeting on November 24th that the rooms at the Holiday Inn are almost completely booked, so don’t wait to make your reservations. It’s going to be a fun weekend! GIYC Commodore Dick Savage In this Issue From the Bridge Thanks to all who came to the Club on Sunday, November 23rd for the Christmas Decorating. If you were at the Club for Thanksgiving you saw all of the creative decorations that were created for the holidays. I’ve been saying “it’s not your grandmother’s Christmas” as we’ve carried some of our Ball theme colors through the holidays. Committee Reports Upcoming Events We have a lot of events left in December for you to participate in before we close out the year (and the Club)… GIYC Contacts December 5th – Holiday Bazaar (also Island Glow on Macomb Street) December 7th – Santa Brunch (Santa has a great way with the kids!) December 12th – Change of Watch / Wassail Toast (including Ed Lyden Award and “Not-So-Jolly Roger” Award) and Christmas Carols December 19th – Ugly Sweater Night and Gift Exchange (see flyer) with John Persico December 31st – New Year’s Eve (see flyer) – celebrate with us!! Please continue to support your Club, and best wishes and success to incoming Commodore Mark and Lady Heathor Balazy, Vice Commodore Dr. Matt and Lady Susan Dubois, and Rear Commodore Dr. Rob and Lady Lynda Carrier. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! See you at the Club!! Dick Savage, Commodore and Lady Lynne View From the Vice I cannot believe how fast the year has gone by. As I write this, Heathor and I are getting ready to start our year with the Commodore’s Ball at TYC the day after Thanksgiving and then going to our last Commodore’s Reception as VC for WRYCC the following day. I would like to thank all of the people who have helped us through the journey so far and those who have offered or already started helping us with our Commodore year. I am sure that you have seen how well the club has been maintained and the improvements that have been made. Please make sure that you thank the Board of Directors for all the hard work that goes in to making that happen. It could not happen without them and all of the members that volunteer their time. GIYC Vice Commodore Mark Balazy I would also like to thank Sandy and the staff for all that they do. If you have visited any of the other clubs on the lakes, I am sure that you will agree with me that we have one of the best staffs at GIYC. They cook our food, serve us, and make sure that your glasses don’t go empty. Some events that you should plan on attending are: 8th Annual Holiday Bazaar – Friday, December 5th Change of Watch / Wassail Toast – Friday, December 12th Ugly Sweater and Regifting Party – Friday, December 19th New Year’s Eve Party – Wednesday, December 31st Heathor and I would like to wish all the members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you, Mark Balazy "Just Sayin......" Railing from the Rear Wow! I cannot believe it is already December! Where has the year gone? It seems like we were just enjoying the Super Bowl party, and now Christmas is just around the corner! The year has just flown by, but it is still a busy month at GIYC, with Santa Brunch coming, the annual Christmas Bazaar, Change of Watch, and the New Year's Eve Party, this is one of the busiest months of the year. I encourage everyone to join your fellow members for at least some of the festivities this month, and if not, just come down and enjoy a cocktail and revel in the festive atmosphere. Thanks to Lady Lynn, Commodore Dick Savage and their decorating committee, the club has been dressed up in its holiday finest - sure to put you in the mood to celebrate the season. So come on down for one last celebration before we close down for a month of rest and maintenance. We look forward to seeing you all. ------------------------------------------------------ Congratulations to Commodore Dick Savage and Lady Lynne on a job well done in 2014, guiding our club through a fun and successful sailing and boating season. You have mentored Lady Susan and I with patience and wisdom, and have been an excellent role model for us as we progress through the flags. Your class, dignity and level headed leadership will be missed, and we will have big shoes to fill in the years ahead. Congratulations from all of us at GIYC on a job well done. Congratulations are also in order to GIYC Manager Sandy Cullen and her excellent staff for the wonderful job they have done taking care of our needs this year at GIYC. Whether remembering our favorite libation, and having it ready for us, staying late with us when we decide to have “just one more”, even when they’d like to leave, or just for the friendly smiles and gracious “hellos” they give us when we come into the club, your professional manner and attitude is noticed and appreciated by the us. So thank you for another job well done. GIYC Rear Commodore Matt DuBois "Just Sayin......" Railing from the Rear Finally, Congratulations, to Kristin Lewis on her last edition as editor of the Spray. She has been a fantastic editor, has done a professional job, and has been a joy to work with. She will be missed, and Simons – you have some big shoes to fill! Thanks Kristin, for a job well done! -----------------------------------------------------------Random thoughts as I watch the snow flying outside my window: - I’ve already noticed ice floating down the river and forming in the harbor - in mid- November! Ugh! It looks like we're in for another long winter. I'm glad the snowblower is tuned up and ready to go. - I think Tom Brady is the most gifted quarterback playing in the NFL right now. And my guess is history will prove him to be one of the best of all time by the time he is done. He doesn’t seem to get any older, and has gotten even better with age. If I had to pick one player to start a team with, he would be the guy. He is a winner, on the field and off. And if I was going to make a movie about a quarterback, he could play the lead – he even looks like a quarterback! When he's done playing, he certainly has a future on the silver screen if he wants it. - As this holiday season approaches, take some time amidst all the hustle and bustle to remember what the real reason is that we celebrate Christmas, and take some time to express the joy in “the reason for the season”. - The song says it all - it really is “The most wonderful time of the year”. - Finally, look for some exciting things to come in 2015 for the Spray – I have some new ideas in the works that I am excited to share with you. I hope you will not be disappointed! -----------------------------------------------Dr D's Movie Quiz I cannot believe it has been a whole year since I started this little part of my column on a whim - it's been a blast for me, to do most of the quotes are quotes I use in my everyday life - just ask my family and the Racer X crew - it has been fun having people comment and guess, and I hope you've enjoyed reading, even if you’ve never taken a crack at guessing. So here goes again for the final edition of 2014. Congratulations to the November winners, Cathy Gable and Lady Susan (and yes, she can be a winner, since she never sees these ahead of time!), who correctly identified the quote: ""I never said thank you"......."and you'll never have to" " as the final lines of Part One of the most current Batman trilogy – “Batman Begins" with Gary Oldman as Police Detective Gordon, speaking to Christian Bale, who I think is the best Batman of them all. A pack of thank you note cards to both those ladies! Congrats! And now in the spirit of the season, identify this last line of this famous movie, of which I cannot pass by a TV with it playing without stopping to watch, and which brings a smile to my face every time I see it – it has so many classic lines, that it was hard to choose. But here it is: ……….."Next to me in the darkness lay my oiled blue steel beauty. The greatest Christmas gift I had ever received, or would ever receive. Gradually, I drifted off to sleep, pringing ducks on the wing, and getting off spectacular hip shots." This is my version of a Christmas Gift for you all – I threw you a softball this month, for you movie buffs! Email me with the name of the movie, the actor speaking, and the character he played. Good luck, see you around the club, and an early Merry Christmas from Lady Susan and I. MANAGER AND COMMITTEE REPORT From the Manager Dear Members, The staff and I would like to wish all of you a very happy holiday season and we hope to see everyone for our New Years Eve party!!! Thank you for another great year. Many Thanks, Sandy Cullen Membership Committee Dear Members, A short note to advise you that my three year tenure as Membership Chairman will come to a close on December 31st.. With that in mind, I would like to say that it has truly been a pleasure serving you on the Board. I am happy to report that we have had 96 new members join the Club in the past three years. This couldn't have been possible without your Member referrals, Sandy Cullen's leadership and our current "Membership Action Committee" (MAC) consisting of; Katie Hartwell, Brian Rooks, Carol Ladomer, Mary Jo Bagans, Roy Baker, Kelly Bohl and John Serafano. A heartfelt "Thank You" to all of you for the many hours dedicated to our membership initiatives. With the advent of the New Year, I will be "passing the torch" to our new Membership Chairman, Larry Curran. Larry will be bringing a wealth of business experience and new ideas to the Membership Chair. Congratulations and welcome Larry C.! In closing, Thank You to The Bridge, Board and the entire GIYC family for your support and a very productive three years! Sincerely, Larry Bagans Membership Chairman GIYC “Great People, Great Lakes, Great Times” JOHN PERSICO A One Man Show John Persico is a guitarist, keyboardist & singer using a variety of synth modules, drum machines and harmonizers to create the sound of a full live band, he is what they refer to today as a “MIDI Musician” formally a “One Man Band”, and for the first 20+ years performed in bands ranging from duos to seven piece show bands. John will be performing here at the Grosse Ile Yacht Club Friday August 15th 2014 7:00pm Friday September 19th 2014 7:00pm Friday October 17th 2014 7:00pm Friday November 14th 2014 7:00pm Friday December 19th 2014 7:00pm 2836 West Jefferson Trenton ADVERTISE HERE (One business card size) Have any new photos of “Great People, Great Lakes, Great Times” at GIYC? Email them to SPRAY@GIYC.COM COMMITTEES FLAG BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRIDGE Grosse Ile Yacht Club Contact List COMMODORE Dick Savage VICE COMMODORE Mark Balazy REAR COMMODORE Dr. Matt Dubois GROUP EMAIL TO COMMODORE, VC & RC ALL PAST COMMODORES CHAIRMAN Roger Pollack (2016) HOUSE Paul Pettinga (2014) DOCKS Art MacNee (2015) & Gary Dust (2014) GROUNDS Dr. Brian Hartwell (2015) BUILDING P/C Terry McCarthy (2016) & P/C John Clark (2016) FINANCE Peter Uhse (2015) MEMBERSHIP Larry Bagans (2014) GROUP EMAIL TO ALL BOARD MEMBERS FLEET CAPTAIN P/C Bill Malvesto FLEET MEASURER John Dardzinski FLEET SURGEON Dr. Bob Angelotti FLEET TREASURER Larry Simon SECRETARY Janet Joyce CHAPLAIN Dena Dardzinski COMMODORE’S BALL John & Dena Dardzinski ENTERTAINMENT Deb Green FLAGS & PROTOCOL Audrey Lyden & P/C Terry McCarthy STRATEGIC PLANING Larry Ladomer HISTORIAN P/C John Clark JUNIOR SAILING Roy Baker, Johanne Wilson & Kristin Lewis PHOTOGRAPHY Neil Johnson RACE CHAIRMAN Brian Rooks RENDEZVOUS Mike & Lisa O'Donnell PEEK-A-BOO CREW PRESIDENT Mark Balazy SPRAY Kristin Lewis DELEGATES GROUP EMAIL TO ALL APOINTEES AYC P/C Ken Goffinett & P/C Russ Kissell DRYA Brian Rooks ILYA Todd Duffett GROUP EMAIL TO ALL DELEGATES General Manager: Sandy Cullen Club Phone: (734) 676-0211 29677 East River Road Grosse Ile, MI 48138-1999 December 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Club Closed Monday thru Thursday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Santa Brunch 11-3pm Private Party PM-FP 8 9 10 11 12 Change of Watch / Wassail 5-8pm Buffet Dinner $21.99++ Children 13 14 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 Wine Class Bottling 1pm Private Party PM-FP 15 BOD Meeting 7pm 16 17 18 19 Open 20 21 Open Noon-8pm All You Can Eat Fish & Chips $10.00 LAST DAY OF SERVICE 22 23 24 25 26 Christmas Eve Merry Christmas 27 28 29 30 31 New Year’s Eve Party! 6:30 COCKTAILS 7:30 DINNER 8th Annual Holiday Bazaar 5-10pm Buffet Dinner $15.99++ 5-10pm Fresh Catch of the Day $15.00 Entertainment John Persico 7pm Ugly Sweater Night Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 Open Noon-9pm Grilled Cheese & Tomato Basil Soup $5.00 January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 2 3 Happy New Year 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 BOD Meeting 7pm 25 26 Private Party MDR CLUB CLOSED A Look Through the Port Hole DECEMBER 5 - 8TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR 7 - SANTA BRUNCH 12 - CHANGE OF WATCH 21 - LAST DAY CLUB OPENED 22 - CLUB CLOSED 24 - CHRISTMAS EVE 25 - CHRISTMAS DAY 31 - NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Please Note: Dates, Times and Events are Subject to Change Without Notice Grosse Ile Yacht Club Founded in 1934, the Grosse Ile Yacht Club (GIYC) is located on Lower Hickory Island, part of the magnificent chain of islands making up Grosse Ile, Michigan. The GIYC also boasts the sharing of international waters and coastlines between the United States and Canada on Lake Erie and four Contact GIYC 29677 East River Road Grosse Ile, MI 48138 Phone: (734) 676-0211 Website: Email:
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