Village of Dorchester Newsletter Volume 17 Issue 1 December 18, 2014 Dorchester Lions Annual Polar Dip Palmer’s Pond on Route 106 Thursday, January 1st at 1:00pm SHARP The Dorchester Lions Club wants to let fans know that The Dorchester Lions Polar Dip will take place at Palmer's Pond. Those not brave enough are welcome to come cheer those heartier souls who will be taking the plunge. Dippers are asked to obtain a sponsor sheet and present it to the registrar before jumping. Registration begins at 12:20pm at Palmer’s Pond. Obtain the sponsor sheet by e-mail [use PolarDip in subject] or phone 506-379-1196. To take part without a sponsor sheet, each participant must make a $25.00 donation. Dippers without sponsors are subject to a $25.00 Dipping fee. Bring flip flops or old sneakers and a BIG towel. There is no guarantee of warm weather! Observers are advised to stay in the observing area - OFF THE ICE - Should a spectator fall through the ice and get wet; they are subject to the $25.00 dipping fee. All participants are invited to the New Year’s Levee at the Keillor House following the Dip. So be sure to get there on time, because this is one of the fastest events you’ll ever see!! 2015 New Year’s Levee The Westmorland Historical Society and the Village of Dorchester extend a warm welcome at the Keillor House Museum (4974 Main Street) on New Year’s Day from 1:00 to 3:00pm. Warm up at the crackling hearth fire with homemade soup, chili, sweets and hot drinks. Come enjoy community hospitality following the Lion’s Polar Dip. Page 1 Although the 12 Days of Christmas traditionally starts a little earlier, starting your 12 Days of Safety now will carry you through the Holidays to the New Year. Dorchester Fire Rescue wishes you and your family a Happy, Safe Holidays! DAY 1: Water fresh trees daily It's time to trim that Christmas tree, and if you’re using a real tree, buy a fresh tree and keep the base of the trunk in water at all times. Keep your tree away from any ignition source such as the fireplace, heaters or candles. DAY 2: Check all sets of lights before decorating and periodically while in use. Before you put those lights on the tree or around the front window, check the cords closely. Discard any sets that are frayed or damaged. Don’t overload plugs or extension cords. DAY 3: Make sure you have working smoke alarms With family and friends spending extra time at your home over the holidays, it’s a great time to check your smoke alarms. Replace smoke alarms if they are over 10 years old. Remember that you need working smoke alarms on every storey of your home and outside all sleeping areas. Test your alarms to make sure they will alert you and your family if a fire occurs, giving you the precious seconds you need to safely escape. DAY 4: Make sure you have working carbon monoxide alarms Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless gas that can quickly kill you. Replace any carbon monoxide alarms over seven years old. Installing carbon monoxide alarms in your home will alert you to the presence of this deadly gas. DAY 5: Make sure everyone knows how to get out safely if a fire occurs Develop and practise a home fire escape plan with all members of the household and make sure someone helps young children, older adults or anyone else that may need assistance to evacuate. Once outside, stay outside and call 911 from a cell phone or neighbours house. DAY 6: Use extension cords wisely People often use extension cords for that extra set of lights or the dancing Santa in the corner. Extension cords should be used only as a temporary connection. Make sure cords never go under rugs as this can cause damage to the cord and cause a fire. DAY 7: Give space heaters space If you are using space heaters to help take the chill off, remember to keep them at least one metre (3 feet) away from anything that can burn such as curtains, upholstery, or holiday decorations. DAY 8: When you go out, blow out! Candles can set the perfect mood for a holiday celebration, but remember to always blow out candles before leaving the room or going to bed. Keep lit candles safely away from children and pets and anything that can burn, such as curtains, upholstery, or holiday decorations. Be candle safe! Page 2 DAY 9: Keep matches and lighters out of the sight and reach of children People often keep matches and lighters handy to light holiday candles. But matches and lighters can be deadly in the hands of children. If you smoke, have only one lighter or book of matches and keep them with you at all times. DAY 10: Watch what you heat! The holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year, which means it's easy to get distracted from what we are doing. Cooking fires most commonly occur when cooking is left unattended. Always stay in the kitchen when cooking; especially if using oil or high temperatures. If a pot catches fire, carefully slide a tight-fitting lid over the pot to smother the flames and then turn off the heat. DAY 11: Encourage smokers to smoke outside Careless smoking is the leading cause of fatal fires. If you do allow smoking indoors use large, deep ashtrays that can't be knocked over and make sure cigarette butts are properly extinguished. DAY 12: There’s more to responsible drinking than taking a cab home With all the festive cheer this time of year, keep a close eye on anyone attempting to cook or smoke while under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol is all too often a common factor in many fatal fires. Be Smart, Be Safe! BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Tis the season of giving and what better gift to give than the gift of life-saving blood. There will be a blood donor clinic at the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre, 182 Main Street, Sackville, on Tuesday, December 23, 2014 from 2-4 pm and 5:30-7:30 pm. Walk-ins and new donors are welcome. For more information or to book an appointment, please call 1-8882Donate (1-888-236-6283) On-line Save someone’s life; be a blood donor. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION #26 (Sackville) This is the list of Legion events for December 2014: Sackville Legion Bingo, every Tuesday evening 6:00pm. No person under 16 years of age. 6:45pm. Doors open at DECEMBER 19, 2014 ~ 11:00AM—1:00PM R O A ST T UR KEY MA SH ED PO T AT O ES, D R E SSI N G , C AR R O T S, T UR N IP & G R A VY A SSO R T ED T AR T S FO R D ES SER T , T E A & C O FF EE C o st $ 1 0 .0 0 Take-outs available, call 364-9900 All are welcome!! Location: 15 Lorne St., Sackville NB. For more events at the Legion, please watch the sign in front of our building. To be added to the email list, please email For hall rentals or more information please call 364-9900. Page 3 The Parishes of Dorchester and Sackville SCHEDULE OF SERVICES—December 21, 2014 to February 1, 2015 Trinity Anglican Church Services - 5005 Main Street Services beginning January 4, 2015 will be in the Church Hall. Please join us for our candlelight Christmas Eve service to celebrate the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ on Wednesday, December 24th at 7:30 pm. We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year December 21st: Fourth Sunday in Advent 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, St. Ann’s, Westcock 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Trinity, Dorchester 11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, St. Paul’s, Sackville December 24th (Wednesday): CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00 p.m. – HE (Family Service), St. Paul’s, Sackville 6:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist, St. Ann’s, Westcock 7:30 p.m. – Holy Eucharist, Trinity, Dorchester 11:00 p.m. – Holy Eucharist, St. Paul’s, Sackville December 25th (Thursday): CHRISTMAS DAY—THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD 10:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, St. Ann’s, Westcock December 26th (Friday): St. Stephen the Martyr 10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, St. Paul’s, Sackville December 27th (Saturday): St. John the Evangelist 10:00 am - Holy Eucharist, St. Paul’s, Sackville December 28th: The Holy Innocents / Sunday after Christmas 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, St. Ann’s, Westcock 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Trinity, Dorchester 11:00 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, St. Paul’s, Sackville January 1st (Thursday): The Octave Day of Christmas / New Year’s Day 7:00 p.m. - Holy Eucharist, St. Paul’s, Sackville January 4, 2015: Second Sunday after Christmas 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Trinity, Dorchester (at the Church Hall) January 11, 2015: First Sunday after the Epiphany 9:30 a.m. – Morning Prayer, Trinity, Dorchester (at the Church Hall) January 18, 2015: Second Sunday after the Epiphany 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Trinity, Dorchester (at the Church Hall) January 25, 2015: Third Sunday after the Epiphany 9:30 a.m. – Morning Prayer, Trinity, Dorchester (at the Church Hall) February 1, 2015: Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany 9:30 a.m. – Holy Eucharist, Trinity, Dorchester (at the Church Hall) Page 4 The Municipal Office will be closed from Monday, December 22, 2014 and will reopen for business on Monday, January 5, 2015. The Mayor, Council, and Staff wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Prosperous New Year. Please note: Should you have a municipal emergency situation, please contact a member of council. They alone are authorized to call out the staff. Mayor JJ Bear 379-9098 Deputy-Mayor Grant MacDonald 379-6272 Councillor Robert Corkerton 379-6731 Councillor Susan MacDonald 379-2586 Councillor Kim MacLeod 232-7088 The Bakery at Cranewood Now OPEN (939-3133) Located at 113 Main Street, Sackville, NB Business Hours: OPEN Tuesday thru Fridays 11AM till 5PM OPEN SATURDAYS 9AM TILL 2PM Come on in and relax in our historic manor house bakery/café. Check out our Facebook page ~ Bakeryatcranewood - featuring updated photos of all our yummy treats. Or email us: CRANEWOODONMAIN@YAHOO.CA Europe, One Step at a Time Many of you have heard about my hike of 6,000 kilometres across Europe. I have now written a book about that experience. “Europe One Step at a Time” is available from Tidewater Books in Sackville, and you might want to include it in your wish list to Santa! After all my walking and writing, I can now go back to a quiet retirement in Dorchester Cape. Thank you for your interest in my book. Joseph Koot GARBAGE DAY IN DORCHESTER Due to the fact that garbage collection day for the Village of Dorchester residents lands on Christmas Day and New Years Day, we have changed the pickup day for those two weeks to the following: Previously Dec 25th - now Saturday, December 27th. Previously January 1st - now Saturday, January 3rd. This applies to those two weeks only. Please have your garbage out at the regular time. For Village of Dorchester residents ONLY. Page 5 Gitpu Tobacco & Gas Bar Stop in at 6 Cherry Burton Road, 7 days/week from 7:00am— 10:00pm. Gift Certificates NOW available Starting December 1st we will be having a $25 weekly draw with a minimum purchase of 25 litres of fuels. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year CLOSED Christmas Day and CLOSING at 6:00PM on New Year’s Eve The Dorchester Lion’s Club welcomes guests, visitors, and potential new members to our meetings on the second and fourth Monday of each month. The next meetings are on Monday, December 22nd, January 12th and 26th held at the Lion’s Den (over the Library on Cape Road) at 7:00pm. The Dorchester Lion’s Club will be holding their Monthly Breakfast Fundraiser on Saturday, December 27th at Dorchester Veterans Community Center (previously St. Ed’s Hall) 4955 Main St, Dorchester, NB 7:30am to 10:30am Cost: $7.00 and children ages 12 and under $3.00 Children’s breakfast includes: 1 egg, 1 sausage, 1 slice of bacon, 1 piece of toast and 1 serving of beans Come on out, enjoy a wonderful breakfast, & help support the Lion’ s Club! Proceeds to help support: Dorchester Food Bank 2015 Breakfast Schedule January 31st / February 28th / March 28th / April 25th Page 6 THE SQUARE CUT SPA Celebrate the New Year; Relax and Warm Up Regular Mani & Pedi ~ $30 Shellac Manicure ~ $25 Mini Manicure ~ $10 Paraffin Pedicure ~ Men $20 ~ Women $25 Men’s Pedicure $15 Mini Pedicure $15 Jamberry Nails ~ $15 Free Nail Art Gift Certificates Available Referral Incentive: Refer somebody to me and when they come for their service, you will get 25% off your next service. Call now or anytime for an appointment Debbie, Tammy and Rhonda will be pleased to help you. HOURS Now open on Mondays – 8:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday & Thursday – 7:00am to 7:00pm Wednesday & Friday – 7:00am to 5:00pm Saturday – 7:00am to 12:00pm Christmas Week Hours CLOSED Dec 22 – Dec 26 OPEN Dec 27 ~ 7:00am – Noon (Sat) Dec 29 ~ 8:30am – 4:30pm (Mon) Dec 30 ~ 8:30am – 4:30pm (Tue) Dec 31 ~ 7:00am – 3:00pm (Wed) Coffee is always on at (1 Woodlawn Road) Looking forward to serving you 379-6680 The VON BLOOD PRESSURE CLINICS will be held every two weeks with the next sessions on December 23rd, January 13 and 27 at 10:00am. The stairs still need to be built at the Recreation centre, so it will be held at the Veteran's Hall (4955 Main St) until further notice. For more information please call VON Sackville 536-0750 or VON Moncton 857-9115. FOR SALE - Seasoned dry hardwood—Cut, split and delivered. 100% hardwood. Call James 379-2743. Page 7 Masonic Lodge Sussex # 4, Dorchester, NB Grand Lodge of New Brunswick- — To Be One - Ask One About Canadian Freemasonry The next Communication with the Sussex Lodge # 4 will be held on Saturday, January 10th at 1:00pm. The following date for the next communication will be held on February 18, 2015 at 7:30pm. The banquet hall and kitchen facilities are available for rent for small events up to 60 persons, call 379-2211 or 379-0678. There is a large inventory of cheese for those doing Christmas preparations. The Sussex Lodge has blocks of 2 KG weight ADL Cheese for $28 each in the following varieties: Extra old white cheddar; extra old, old, medium, mild orange cheddar as well as marble, mozzarella, 2 kg blocks of cream cheese and Swiss cheese. Items may be ordered from: Gaius at 379-2439, Peter at 379-6695, or Macx at 379-2211. Blocks of cheese are also sold at the Farmer’s Market in Sackville on Saturday Mornings from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Sussex Lodge #4 would like to extend its appreciation for the support from the residents within the Tantramar Region in 2014 and wish them all the best in 2015. HOUSE FOR SALE Offers and/or proposals are being received for the uninhabitable but repairable house at 82 Woodlawn Road. Phone 379-0311 or write Gary Payne at 82 Woodlawn Road, Dorchester, NB E4K 3A8. All information can be made available. All reasonable offers will be considered. BARBARA’S SEWING ~ Repairs & Alterations, Custom Sewing, Free Estimates, Quick Quality Service, Pickup & Delivery available. 4895 Main St (please use ramp at front door) Dorchester NB. SAME GREAT SERVICE—NEW PHONE NUMBER—334-1152. PIANO LESSONS Classical and contemporary Beginners welcome / Family rates available Bilingual Teacher - Over 30 years' experience McGill University (Montreal) educated and affiliated Call Mrs. Irene Mallin at 379-9197 (4942 Main Street, Dorchester) or Page 8 e-mail Tantramar Seniors College Winter 2014 Registration Sackville – Monday, January 12th 4:00 to 5:15pm, Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre Amherst – Tuesday, January 13th 4:00 to 5:15 pm, TrinitySt. Stephen United Church Hall Codiac Region – Wednesday, January 14th 12:00 to 1:15pm, Rose Hall, People’s Park Tower, 960 St. George Blvd, Moncton Shediac – Thursday, January 15th 12:00 to 1:30 pm, Shediac Multi-purpose Centre For more information, please, see our webpage: or call 364-2780. VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING ~ The regular council meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 19, 2015 at 6:30pm at the Municipal Office, 4984 Main St, Dorchester. The public is always welcome to attend. Village Square Take-Out is closed for the season. Re-opening in the spring. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL. Gary Colwell, Debbie Wiggins, and staff RADIO COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ I continue to make announcements on Wednesdays for non-profit organizations that have items of importance for the residents of Dorchester and surrounding areas on the local community radio station between 8:30 and 9:00am. For those who wish to have an announcement made, please have it submitted by 8:00am on Tuesday mornings at 379-2211 or at email ARE YOU LOOKING FOR CHILDCARE? I am an experienced babysitter living in Dorchester. Children of all ages welcome (yes even infant & after school) First Aid & CPR. Flexible hours and reasonable rates. References available upon request. If interested please contact for more info or to come visit…..213-3333. Fun, Fun, Fun Page 9 DORCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY Books Worth Another Look Krista Johansen Talking Books and Audiobooks in the Library Did you know that your library has many titles in alternative formats for those with a print disability? Patrons unable to read regular or large print materials may be registered as “Talking Books” patrons, which enables them to borrow from a collection of works in other formats provided by CELA, the Centre for Equitable Library Access, formerly the loan department of the CNIB. Every library in the province now has a collection of books on DAISY CD for the use of Talking Books patrons, thanks to CELA, as well as some magazines in both English and French. Here in Dorchester we have one hundred titles in DAISY format, which, just like nearly all the rest of our books, can be shared among libraries. These are the bright yellow discs you may have noticed on our shelf. Soon we will also have a DAISY player, so that those who wish to try out the machine before deciding whether to invest in one of their own may do so. The DAISY discs will play on a regular CD player or computer; however, the DAISY player contains many more features to make navigating the book much easier. The DAISY collection and CELA electronic resources are available only to those with a print disability who are registered Talking Books patrons, since neither authors nor publishers are paid for material produced in this way. However, we have many other audiobooks which anyone can take out, and the regular audiobook collection is growing all the time. Of course, Talking Books patrons can also access the regular audiobook collection of books on CD and Playaways (MP3 players pre-loaded with a single title) available in your local library or through holds from other branches, or downloadable audiobooks available through our Electronic Library catalogue. We can also help those unable to read print materials to obtain books directly from CELA. If you or someone you know might benefit from our Talking Books service, why not come in to the library and find out more? PLEASE NOTE: the Dorchester Memorial Public Library will be closed for Christmas Day and Boxing Day, December 25th and 26th, and for New Year’s Day, January 1st. Explore your past – imagine your future...@ your library. If you don’t have a library card, come in and get one. Library membership is free. If you’re under 13, bring your parent or guardian and identification. Our phone number is 379-3032, email is and our after-hours book drop can be found next door behind the counter of the Dorchester RiteStop Convenience store, during their regular hours. FALL/ WINTER HOURS: Thursday 1:00pm - 5:00pm and 6:00pm - 8:00pm Friday 10:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 3:00pm Page 10 The Dorchester Volunteer Association is in need of volunteers to assist at the local food bank. If you have a few free hours a couple of days a month and are interested, please contact Linda LeBlanc at 379-2566. We also need people to serve on the Volunteer Committee. If you are interested, please let me know. Thank you, Food Bank Committee Anyone with a vehicle capable of picking up small packages, in the Tantramar Region, basic computer skills in Microsoft, Excel and emails, a storage area for short periods of time and interested being their own boss while making a basic income with the possibility of increasing it through effort. Call Diabetes Clothesline Trust at (506) 693-4232 for further information. DORCHESTER WALKING CLUB This walking club meets in the Dorchester Consolidated School gym every morning Monday to Friday from 7:00am to 9:30am at 18 Harrop Avenue. Clean gym sneakers are required in order to protect the gym floor. For more information please call 379-3000. “Where every Moment has an Image” Anyone interested in collecting books for either a hobby or as an investment send your name to the email address below and indicate your main interest with collecting books. There may be an opportunity to become better informed on what it takes to know what to look for and how to build a better collection. Freelance writer/Photography, Basic Photographic Instruction, presentation preparation, New/Used collectible books, Co-sponsor of the Annual People's Choice Photo Exhibit. WG Macx MacNichol at 379-2211 or 379-0678 or by email at The Shiretown Image Maker, 64 Woodlawn Road, Dorchester, NB E4K 3A8 We thank all those who did business with us in 2014 and look forward to continuing the interest in book collecting and donation of surplus books in 2015. Page 11 NEWS YOU CAN USE NEWS YOU CAN USE Ongoing: It is ESSENTIAL everyone is aware that you must ask for us when you call 911 in order to potentially cut down on your wait time for critical aid. Your Local Fire Department trains regularly to respond to every emergency, including medical emergencies. In the event you need to call 911 for an emergency, ask for that tradition of good hearted silly fun! First Responders will be onsite to assist your local Fire Department to be and ensure that proper safety precautions dispatched as well. are followed. Our little village has been changing over Current: We are very pleased to report the past few years. We see less tire fires, that the gym being built inside the less kids with nothing to engage in and station’s old water tower is nearing less destruction. We are seeing more of completion. With incredible donations our youth excelling in sports, music and from our community, we have been able to build a gym area, lay flooring and paint other programs such as Cadets. More walls. We also have generous donations of people willing to stand up and be counted equipment and windows as well. Our goal upon when needed and more pride in our is to structure a better overall eating and community. More businesses are also growing and changing and adding to our fitness program that will only serve to village. We are so thankful for these better equip our team to serve the changes and are glad to be a part of this community. wonderful community. st Merry Christmas from all of us here at Upcoming: January 1 @ 1pm is the Dorchester Fire Rescue. We appreciate all Annual Lions Club Polar Dip! Come out and join in the fun with people from all your support and look forward to the over the Maritimes. Last year CBC coming year. Be safe, be joyful and be reported that Dorchester has the longest kind to one another. running Polar Dip in Canada, let’s keep up Page 12 Fuzzy Paw Mittens Colourful, original, one of a kind, handmade mittens. Every single pair of mittens is different. The mittens are fuzzy, warm, and soft. You will LOVE them. Call to see a pair of Fuzzy Paw Mittens, ask for Teena 334-2210. Summer Fun Basket The Shiretown Days Festival committee will be selling tickets on a basket to help fund festival events. Approximate value $200. Tickets $2 each or 3 for $5. The committee members will have tickets for anyone wanting to purchase some. Linda LeBlanc, Wendy Hunter, Susan MacDonald, Daphne Tester Thank you for your support. SNOW REMOVAL ~ For snow removal and many other services such as tilling, bushwhacking & mott mowing. Please contact All Season Tractor Services at 856-0006. LAWNS R US We make your job easier. (But we don’t work on holidays). Give us a call if you need any yard work done. Call us ahead of time to make arrangements. We use our own lawnmower, wheelbarrow, rakes, shovels and gloves. We only work in Dorchester. The things we do: Mow lawns Rake leaves Pile wood Shovel snow Call us at: (506) 878-9974 Jacob (506) 379-2236 Devin FALL IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, TIME TO THINK ABOUT NEW FLOORING! CARPET, CUSHIONFLOR, FIBREFLOR, CERAMIC TILE, HARDWOOD, LAMINATES, CORK, PVC WELDING AND VINYL TILE IN HOME SAMPLE SERVICE, SALES AND INSTALLATION GIVE US A CALL RICHARD KEEHN 379-6630 OR 869-0516 Page 13 The Bell Inn Restaurant Take-out Menu Thursday & Friday 11:30am – 7pm and Saturday and Sunday 12 noon – 7pm CALL 379-2580 to place your order! Lobster and Leek Clam Chowder Traditional clam chowder, with Atlantic lobster, and fresh leeks. Cup $8.50 Bowl $12.50 Garden Salad Mixed greens, cucumber, carrot curls, pickled red onions, cherry tomatoeswith your choice of dressings. Starter $7.50 Regular $9.00 Caesar Salad Crisp romaine hearts, house-made creamy roasted garlic dressing, bacon, croutons & parmesan cheese. Starter $8.00 Regular $11.00 Roasted Turkey Dinner- with all the fixings Slow roasted turkey, Sara’s apple and cranberry bread stuffing, potatoes, our own turkey gravy and seasonal vegetables. $17.00 Baked Mac and Cheese Fresh elbow macaroni in creamy house-made 3 cheese sauce, oven baked and topped with shredded cheese, served with garlic toast. $14.00 Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Seasonal veggies oven roasted and layered with noodles, 3 cheeses and our own tomato sauce. Served with garlic toast. $13.00 The Bell Inn Lobster Roll Platter Atlantic lobster, fresh dill, green onion & mayo on a butter toasted bun. Served with potato salad, coleslaw and Garnish $16.00 Chicken Ranch wrap (choice of soup or garden salad) Sliced chicken breast, lettuce, tomatoes, smoky bacon & cheese, with ranch dressing and wrapped in a flour tortilla. $11.00 Veggie Sandwich or Wrap (choice of soup or garden salad) Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, carrot curls, pickled onion, Humus and shredded cheese between your favorite bread or on a wrap. $10.00 Hot Turkey Sandwich Roasted white and dark turkey meat with turkey gravy, coleslaw, and mashed potatoes. $11.00 Personal 8’’ PIZZA’S ARE HERE Dorchester! Served every Friday and Saturday. Fresh hand-made dough and Choice of Meat lovers (bacon, pepperoni, and donair meat, or Hawaiian (pineapple and bacon) and of course lots of cheese! Only $10 for a limited time! Donairs are Coming Soon! Also ask about our house-made desserts and ice cream! Page 14 ATTENTION CRAFTERS Hi my name is Michelle Folkins and I am an independent demonstrator for Stampin' Up! I offer a variety of classes for all skill levels. So whether you are just learning or are a seasoned stamper, I have a class for you! Classes include all supplies needed for the class. My upcoming classes are: Jan 17th---Open House from 9:30-11:30 am. Come on over and find out what stamping is all about. We will be making cards using products from the new occasions catalog. I will have tons of projects on display. Jan 21st---Stamp Club*---5:30 pm. We will be making two birthday cards using a couple of new stamp sets. Cost is $8. Jan28th--- Scrapbook Class---5:30pm. We will be making a total of 4, 12x12 pages. The layouts will be fall and winter themed. Cost is $25. *Stamp clubs are free for members, if you would like to find out how to become a member please contact me. I also offer the following: *Children's parties ages 4 & up, where kids make their own scrapbook albums. **Home/book parties where you, the hostess could earn free products from Stampin' Up. ***Private classes in your home or mine for scrapbooking, card making or 3-D projects. These classes can be done one on one or for a group of you and your friends. Always a laugh or two to be had at these events. If you don't see a time that works for you, or you have any questions, or you are interested in any of the above, please contact me at 379-0072 or You can also check out my website at for some pictures of the upcoming classes. KEILLOR HOUSE We would like to alert all students interested in summer employment to register for the SEED program that can be picked up at the Service New Brunswick office in locations such as Sackville. The other option for registering for senior students (college or University level) is the Young Canada Works site It is important to register so that we can hire. Since most of us at Heritage no longer have students in the school system we may not always know who in the area is available so it would be nice to have them contact us if they are interested in working at the Keillor House or the St. James Textile museums this summer. They can do so by E-mail ( or calling 3796620, leave a message and we will return your call or E-mail. Thank you, Alice Folkins PLEASE NOTE: The above E-mail or phone number can also be used for information or assistance for Heritage Week projects for our local school students. Page 15 ECO-CONTAINER CO. Should you be looking for ways to save money in unique and environmentally conscious manner, it can be done by using re-cycled plastic containers that are now available in ample supply in the village of Dorchester at 64 Woodlawn Road. There are both Food Grade and Non-food Grade class 2 plastic barrels and containers of various sizes from 4 litres to 1000 litres, round or square and in colours of white, blue, dark blue and black. A number of these plastic containers can be modified and installed to meet your needs either for a business or private residence. Some of the uses for these durable long lasting plastic Food Grade containers are great for: rain collection for irrigation systems, fresh water transportation and storage, reservoirs for plumbing systems at camps and cottage based on elevation and gravity and wine making or other consumable goods and we have plastic food grade containers from 2 gal. to 275 gal. in various formats. Non-food grade containers can be used for waste collection and disposal, flooding docks, planters/patio pots, composters, garbage cans, spraying systems, portable watering systems, firefighting reservoirs, animals field feeders and water troughs just to name a few ways of recycling. New barrels with lids are very suitable for garbage cans. A new shipment of recycled plastic 4' x 4" pallets (depending on model). These pallets are long lasting, moist resistant, very light and stack-able when not in use. Other re-recyclable items available include plastic pallets, very lightweight metal hay holders to field feed animals of various sizes and 55 gallon barrels with removal lids and lock rings great for feed barrels and for secure storage and shipping valuable items. There is now available an energy free Water Collection and Irrigation system which is very environmental friendly and great for conserving water. To view such a system call 379-0678 or 379-2211 or email Plan your projects and get your order in for items you may need It is our hope that our past customers and future ones will have a great 2015 and they should take note of upcoming environmental activities and events during the coming months. Page 16 Living off the Grid A talk by off-grid pioneers Wendy Keats & Jim Brown Saturday, February 7, 2015 1-4 pm Dorchester Veteran’s Community Centre (formerly St Ed’s Hall) 4955 Main Street, Dorchester, NB Hear about the experiences of people living off the grid in southeast New Brunswick. Learn about solar electric and solar hot water systems, how to calculate your energy requirements and much more! Free to attend. Everyone welcome! For more info, contact EOS at or call 536-4487 The 175th Anniversary For Sussex Lodge #4 1840-2015 The members of the Sussex Lodge #4 will be celebrating the 175th anniversary of the establishment of the Fraternity Free and Accepted Masons in the Village of Dorchester in 1840. Sussex Lodge #4 has a long, interesting history which was originally known as Sussex Lodge # 705 by being given a warrant by the Duke of Sussex. The local Masonic Lodge has been a benefit to many residents in the village and to the community at large during the 17.5 decades it has existed. Residents of the Tantramar region can take note of the number of events and activities that will be held over the next twelve months. More to be included in the newsletter at a later date. Congratulations to the Sussex Lodge #4 Page 17 DORCHESTER CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL NEWS Tues., Jan. 6, 2015 ~ First day back SNOW LINE—If you are unsure about road and weather conditions for school closures, please call 856-7669(SNOW) for a recording. As well, the local radio stations start broadcasting at 6:00am. Scouts Canada ~ The Scouting Program is available in Sackville on Monday nights 6:30 - 7:30pm for Beavers age 5-7 and Scouts age 11-14. Meetings held at St. Paul's Anglican Church hall on East Main Street. We are always looking for adult volunteers who may be able to help bring quality programming to the youth of the area. Stop by to see for yourself and talk with leaders. SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER sponsored by the Trinity Anglican Church Women on Tuesday, February 17th, 2015 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Dorchester Veterans Community Hall (St. Ed’s) 4955 Main St., Dorchester Cost: Adults $6.00 / Children under 12 $4.00 Join us for pancakes, sausage, baked beans and various sweets 2015 DOG TAGS—DOG CONTROL—Village of Dorchester The Village of Dorchester’s 2015 dog tags are available for purchase. Proof of rabies vaccination should be presented. Rabid wild animals have been found in both New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, so the rabies shots are very important. Spayed and neutered dog tags are $10.00 each and unsprayed and non-neutered dogs are $15.00 each. For more information contact the Village Office at 379-3030. The public is also reminded that dogs must be under the owner’s control at all times. Dogs are wonderful pets and great companions; however, when not under the owner’s control, they can sometimes create problems and put other dogs and individuals in danger. Dogs depend on the owner to ensure they are safe and away from danger. Please do your part to protect your pet and others. Page 18 HEY! Did you know shopping LOCAL helps you and our economy stay strong? Look at what is available every Saturday morning at your local Farmers Market: CHEESES: ADL - a fine selection by the kilo and VALLEY CREEK- An excellent variety of handcrafted GOAT cheeses. VEGETABLES/FRUIT: NATURE'S ROUTE FARMS; HARDIES PRODUCE; WYSMYKAL FARMS MEATS: PORTAGE FARMS PORK; DIXONS BEEF Also available: handcrafted chocolates; local handspun wool and wool products, soap and skin care products; handcrafted jewelry international foods; handcrafted cards; pet care products. Year round shopping inside and outside the Bridge Street Cafe Saturdays, 9:00am till Noon. Good Move! Sackville, N.B. Residential and commercial moving service We offer: √ LIGHT TRUCKING!! √ PACKING SERVICE!! √ AFTER MOVE CLEANUP √ LIGHT MAINTENANCE SERVICE!! √ ATTIC, AND BARN CLEANUP!! √ FREE ESTIMATES!! Please call Rae @ 536-0702 or 540-1431 Page 19 TANTRAMAR ADULT LEARNING CENTER Tantramar Adult Learning Center ADULT UPGRADING PROGRAM in ENGLISH, MATHEMATICS, SOCIAL STUDIES and GED PREPARATION at NO COST CLASSES ARE HELD YEAR-ROUND ON WEEKDAY MORNINGS, AFTERNOONS, EVENINGS AS WELL AS ON SATURDAYS WHEN THERE IS A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF STUDENTS. • • • • Each student receives an academic assessment by a qualified, licensed teacher Each student receives an individualized program geared to his/her needs in both the pre-GED and GED program areas Each student receives one-on-one teaching When needed, the GED online program is combined with individual tutoring. A BASIC COMPUTER COURSE IS OFFERED TO THOSE STUDENTS WHO ARE UPGRADING OUR HOURS ARE FLEXIBLE IN ORDER TO MEET THE NEEDS OF OUR STUDENTS FOR PLACEMENT, CALL: CYNTHIA ADAMS at 536-0245 Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre—182 Main Street, Sackville DEADLINE FOR NEXT NEWSLETTER: Monday, January 26, 2015 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER INFORMATION Any items to be published in the Village Newsletter can be sent to the email addresses below or a message can be left at the Village Office. Should you wish a confirmation please indicate and include a phone number. Contact: Dorchester Village Office or and Or call 379-3030 & Leave a Message Email Reminders are sent one week prior to Newsletter Deadline CHECK OUT THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER AT March Issue deadline—Monday, February 23, 2015 Page 20 Dorchester Community Calendar DECEMBER 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 19 Sackville Legion Luncheon 11am-1pm 21 22 *Lions Club meeting @ 7pm @ Lions Den *Village Office Closed 28 29 *Village Office Closed 23 *VON Clinics @ Veterans Hall @ 10am **Blood Donar Clinic *Village Office Closed 24 30 31 *Village Office Closed *Candlelight service @ Trinity Anglican Church @ 7:30pm 26 Boxing Day 01 02 *Village Office Closed *Village Office Closed Happy New Year!!! *Farmer’s Market every Saturday on Bridge Street 9am-12pm 25 Christmas Day *Polar Dip @ Palmer’s Pond *New Year’s Levee @ Keillor House @ 1pm LIBRARY HOURS: THURSDAY 1-5; 6-8 FRIDAY 10-12; 1-4 SATURDAY 10-12; 1-3 3516 Cape Road 379-3032 Page 21 *Village Office Closed 27 *Lions Breakfast @ Veterans Center 7:30-10:30am **Village of Dorchester only Garbage Day 03 **Village of Dorchester only Garbage Day *Knitting/Crocheting Club @ Library Thursdays @ 6:30pm (please note the club does not meet when other programs are scheduled) Dorchester Community Calendar JANUARY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 *Polar Dip @ Palmer’s Pond @1pm *New Year’s Levee @ Keillor House @ 1pm 4 11 18 5 Sat 3 *Village Office Closed 7 8 9 10 *Masonic Lodge Meeting @ 1pm in Shediac 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 6 *Village Office Open for Business *Students return from Holidays 12 *Seniors College Registration in Sackville 4-5:15pm @ Civic Centre *Lions Club meeting @ 7pm @ Lions Den 13 *VON Clinics @ Veterans Hall @ 10am 19 *Dorchester Food Bank 11-3pm *Regular Council Meeting @ 6:30pm 25 26 *NEWSLETTER DEADLINE *Lions Club meeting @ 7pm @ Lions Den *Farmer’s Market every Saturday on Bridge Street 9am-12pm *Lions Breakfast @ Veterans Center 7:30-10:30am *VON Clinics @ Veterans Hall @ 10am LIBRARY HOURS: THURSDAY 1-5; 6-8 FRIDAY 10-12; 1-4 SATURDAY 10-12; 1-3 3516 Cape Road 379-3032 Page 22 *Knitting/Crocheting Club @ Library Thursdays @ 6:30pm (please note the club does not meet when other programs are scheduled)
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