Official Publication of the Ocean City Council # 9053 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Volume 18, Issue 12 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 7 pm, Council Home Chaplain’s Message Reverend John Lunness December, 2014 Grand Knight’s Message GK Bruce Coons Brother Knights, The Knights of Columbus sponsored a Prayer service at St. Lukes on Nov.3, 2014 dedicated to the unborn and Our Lady of Guadalupe. A silver rose was presented for those that wanted to pray and honor our Lady and reaffirm our commitment to the sanctity of human life. It will be traveling through Maryland until Nov.23.2014. Our Council Sponsored a Mass for our Members that Died over the past year thanks to the help of Brother John McDermott and Ladies Aux. President Ann McDermott. Afterward Brother Joe Kostelac presented a seminar to the members on Advanced Directives and introduced Ms. Maureen McNeill with the particulars. Job well done Joe. Then there was a lite fair served with Our Kitchen Managers special chicken wings, cheese and fruit platters and cake for dessert served by Evelyn Coons. Thanks to all that participated and made it a memorable celebration....... Vivat Jesus IN GOD WE TRUST Bruce Coons PFN GK IN THIS ISSUE Chaplain’s Message ............................................................ Page 1 Faithful Friar’s Message .................................................... Page 2 Faithful Navigator’s Message ............................................ Page 2 Council Programs ............................................................... Page 3 Family & Knight of the Month .......................................... Page 6 Anniversaries & Birthdays ................................................. Page 7 Sick List ............................................................................... Page 8 Ladies Auxiliary .................................................................. Page 8 V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 All articles for the January 2015 issue of the KNIGHT TIMES MUST be submitted by December 18, 2014. Dennis Zirpoli, - Knight Times Editor Email - If possible submit articles in MS “Word” or plain text via e-mail. Page 1 FAITHFUL FRIAR’S MESSAGE By: Reverend John Lunness Merry Christmas to all FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR’S MESSAGE By: Allan Stephens, Faithful Navigator Sir Knights; We were saddened by the sudden passing of our Friar, Father Richard Smith. At the recommendation of Bishop Malooly, Fr. John Lunness has been appointed as our Friar at least temporally. We will miss Father Smith greatly. We also want thank Fr. John for accepting the position with all its duties and responsibilities. We are looking forward to working with Fr. John. Our annual placing of the wreaths, on the graves of our veterans, will take place on Dec. 13, 2004 at the Millsboro, De. Veterans Cemetery. The time will be at 10:00 am. We will be meeting at the Harris Teeter parking lot 9:00 am for car pooling if anyone is interested. If you drive yourself, please try to arrive at 9:45 am. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved one and remembered all the things we have to be thankful for. Wishing all a very Merry Christmas. Please remember to keep Christ in Christmas. Al Stephens Faithful Navigator V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Page 2 CHURCH ACTIVITIES DISTRICT DEPUTY NEWS John McDermott, Director District #22 The purpose of the Memorial Mass celebrated on Nov. 19 th, was to give respect and remembrance to our deceased Brother Knights and deceased Ladies Auxiliary members. We fulfilled this goal and much more! We had approximately 85 participants that included the spouses and friends of the deceased Knights and Ladies Auxiliary, 1 Priest, and 3 Deacons . Thanks to all who participated in a Christian endeavor that was spiritual and uplifting to all. * Please refer to your church bulletin for all the December events. * An Advent Goal We must make the world a place, Where love dominates our hearts, Nature sets the standard of beauty, Simplicity and honesty Is the base of our relationships, Kindness guides our actions, And everyone respects each other! (Excerpts from "One Heart, One World") COUNCIL ACTIVITIES John Postanowicz, PGK, PFN, Director CASH IT IN DAY REPORT Brothers, congratulations we have as of Dec 1st reached 50.2% of our goal of selling 500 tickets. For our Feb 21st "cash it in day raffle", (251 tickets sold) we need to sell (249 more tickets) to reach our goal. Please return your sold tickets we can get a better picture as to where we are on this project. Your brother Knight Joe Zanetti, 302 988 8012 will be asking for your help on "cash it in day", Feb 21 Michael J. Carozza, PGK, District Deputy Brother Knights, At this time, I hope that all have enjoyed a Thanksgiving Holiday with family and friends. It is amazing how fast this year is going. I wish to congratulate all of you for the great job you are doing in our district on the Eastern Shore. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, as I have received verbal comments and kudos from the State Officers at how well we are performing. These accolades are sincere as well as heartwarming, especially since we on the Eastern Shore have often felt like the lost children. Along those lines, the State has asked that we look into an event in the area that would bring members of all Maryland Councils here for something other than the annual Convention. It was suggested that an outing to a Shore Birds game on a Saturday would be a perfect venue. Our District could work on planning the event and possibly a barbecue afterwards, (or before), depending on the time of the game. There is time to put on our planning hats and discuss at upcoming meetings. By now, we all should have turned in our Tootsie Roll money, and sold many Christmas Cards and “Keep Christ in Christmas” magnets. If your Council is participating in the poster contests, I wish you all well. After the turn of the year, there will be additional Special Olympic events and I urge all Brother Knights who are able to volunteer, consider doing so, as it is a very rewarding way to spend some of your free time. The experience is memorable and you will want to sign up for the next sessions. Have a joyful and Merry Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Best wishes from your State Officers to all of you and your families. Vivat Jesus, Michael J. Carozza District Deputy #22 Will have 2 shifts 11 am to 3 pm and 3pm to 7 pm. Bartenders, kitchen help, hall help, cashiers, posters, coffee & cake will be needed. Many hands make light work for all! Can we count on you? Charlie O'Brien V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Page 3 YOUTH ACTIVITIES Joseph Hook, PGK, Director KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NATIONAL HOOP SHOOT/ FREE THROW CONTEST Folders containing directions and materials for conducting the Hoop Shoot / Free Throw Contest were delivered to the seven schools in the Ocean City Elks/Knights of Columbus jurisdiction. They are: Berlin Intermediate, Buckingham Elementary, Most Blessed Sacrament, Ocean City Elementary, Showell Elementary, Stephen Decatur Middle and Worcester Preparatory. School Champions from each school will compete in the Local Finals at 9 am on Saturday, January 10, 2015 (snow date— January 17) at Worcester Preparatory School. Contestants and workers are requested to report by 9:30 am. The Committee will need volunteers to assist at the finals. Please list your name on the Sign-up Sheet posted in the K of C Council Home and join the reliable and faithful members who volunteer every year. You will certainly enjoy being there and the kids and parents will appreciate it! Free Throw Committee RIGHT TO LIFE ACTIVITIES Bill McGarrity & Mary Lynch Co-Chairs "Every human life who has ever lived began life as a single cell. This is not a matter of opinion or religious dogma. It's simple scientific fact. Life ends when a person's heartbeat stops permanently and irreversibly. Life does not end when a person begins to require special care. Every Human being ----- regardless of age, size, level of development, or condition of dependency---has an inalienable right to life." (from the Maryland Right to Life). It will be "A Night to remember in December" on Saturday night December 6, 2014 at 6:00 PM when Friends of Shirley Grace hold a benefit for the Shirley Grace Pregnancy Center in Berlin, MD. The event will include a hot buffet dinner prepared by some our finest local chefs, a live DJ, a unique "UN" Raffle with a $1,000 grand prize, as well as numerous other cash or merchandise prizes. In addition there will be live and silent auctions. All of this will occur at Most Blessed sacrament School at 11242 Racetrack Road in Ocean Pines, MD on December 6th. Tickets are $35 per person until December 5 or $40 at the door on December 6. For tickets call 443-513-4124. Help stop doctor prescribed suicide from coming to Maryland. Go to the Maryland Right to Life web site and sign the petition. Friday Night Bingo Every Friday Doors Open – 5 PM Games Start—6:30 PM Council Christmas Party Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 5:00 PM Thursday, January 22, 2015 -- the annual March for Life in Washington D.C. - Please mark your calendar. Once again, we will attempt to take a bus load of local people to Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life. We still have the funds from the previous two years, when we had to cancel the bus trip due to bad weather. In order to do this, however, I need one or more volunteers to lead our small bus group at the rally and at the March once we get to Washington D.C. Due to my health issues, I am not able to do the walking and standing, but I will make all of the arrangements and be on the bus with the group. If you are able to help with this, please contact Bill Mc Garrity at 410-641-7592. By the time 2014 ends in just a few weeks, close to a million babies in the U.S. will have been killed through abortion in just this one year. Worldwide, since 1980, about 1.3 billion babies have been aborted. Please remember all those children denied a chance at life as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on December 25. Join us on January 22, 2015 in Washington D.C. to try to stop this slaughter of innocent children. Encourage your children or grandchildren to March for Life in Washington on that date. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Page 4 INSURANCE PROGRAM Joe Kostelac Council Benefits Advisor 410-726-2126 V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Page 5 FAMILY ACTIVITIES Mike Mall, Director November 2014 November 2014 Anthony and Mary Pat Carozza Jr. Joseph R. Gangi Tony and Mary Pat have four children Mary Beth, Anne Marie, Kimberly Ann and Tony (deceased). They are both long time members of St. Mary Star of the Sea and Holy Savior Parish. Joe is the Head usher at St Andrew’s at the 8:30 a.m. Mass in the summer. He also helps usher at the 8:30 a.m. Mass at St Luke’s in the winter. He is a member of the St. Luke/St Andrew money counting team. Tony is a Past Grand Knight of the council. He has served on the breakfast team for six years. He was on the Friday bingo team and helped with Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon bingo for six years. Tony volunteers many hours of his time to the council’s Motorcycle raffle. He also volunteers every year with the council’s Basketball Free Throw Contest, Tootsie Roll Driver and the council’s annual membership drive. He shucked oysters at the council’s Special Olympics Bull and Oyster Roast held in September. Tony is an Eucharistic Minister and Acolyte Minister for his parish. He also on the parish council. Tony has worked the parish Bazaar for over 25 years, he help with the parish maintenance when needed. Mary Pat is a Past President of the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary. She is a member of Ladies bingo team 6 serving food at the Friday night bingo and she helps with the Ladies Luncheon bingo. Joe is the Past Warden of the council and the current council Advocate. He the Financial Secretary of the First Degree team. He is the team leader for bingo team one and often volunteers 1 to 2 Friday nights to fill in other bingo teams. Joe serves on both breakfast teams in whatever capacity needed. He also serves on Crab teams and Simple Supper teams. He helped with Keep Christ in Christmas card sales and works every year on the wreaths at the cemetery. Joe is the treasurer of the Columbus Club and the current Pilot of the Fourth Degree. Joe is a member of St. Vincent de Paul. He is an interviewer/ evaluator for St. Vincent de Paul arranging financial assistance and brings food to the needy. Mary Pat is the lady behind the Council and Assembly Motorcycle raffle. She schedules team members for each shift and then call with a reminder. This takes a lot of Mary Pat time. Mary Pat has worked the parish Bazaar for 35 years. She is Co -Chairs Vision to life for St. Mary’s new parish center. She started God’s Helping Hands over 20 years ago and proud to see it still going strong with new leaders. Mary Pat is part of the parish’s Atlantic General Hospital (AGH) faith base minister and is a AGH Hospital Eucharistic Minister. She takes part in the parishes Right to Life day of prayer. Tony and Mary Pat say they are honored to have been able to serve with so many great friends and workers in these ministries. V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Page 6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all Brother Knights who are celebrating their birthdays in the month of December: Dec 1 Dec 4 Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 6 Dec 9 Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 12 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 17 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 18 Dec 19 Dec 20 Dec 20 Dec 22 Dec 23 Dec 23 Dec 26 Dec 27 Dec 28 Dec 28 Dec 31 Dec 31 Albert J. Pilarski, Jr. Donald L. O’Grince William L. Taylor James P. Mullen Robert S. Hartman Joseph H. Zanetti Brandon V. Hook Frank W. Mack James P. Craig George J. Banashak Richard D. Phillips Fred T. Bachman Richard G. Rutherford Don S. Kersey Edward A. Malone, Jr. James H. Stone, PGK, PFN John E. Burke Gerald E. Kananen John R. Hazard Kenneth E. Sassaman Robert A. O’Neill Vernon F. Becker John J. Cain, Sr. Gerry C. Furst Philip A. Guarino Michael A. Hook James P. Shugart Rev. John P. Klevence Gordon E. Clark James J. Gaffney Rev. William P. Mathesius V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to all Brother Knights and their wives who are celebrating their anniversary in the month of December: Dec 3 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 10 Dec 21 Dec 25 Dec 28 Dec 28 Dec 28 Dec 28 Dec 29 Dec 30 Dennis & Gina March Edward & Vienna Wiedemer James & Bernadine Salembene Charles & Cecile Ciekawy Deacon Wilbur & Marie Pinder Sidney & Rita Tindall James & Martha Ann Stone Christopher & Michelle Peeples Edward & Margaret Gardner David & Valarie Gaskill John & M. Ann McDermott Martin & Carol Baer Edward & Margaret Colbert Edigio & Guiditta Durastanti Richard & Gerrie Jansen 10 Years 61 Years 55 Years 13 Years 52 Years 29 Years 54 Years 21 Years 59 Years 23 Years 57 Years 46 Years 19 Years 58 Years 47 Years HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all members of the Ladies Auxiliary who are celebrating their birthdays in the month of December: Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 14 Dec 18 Dec 18 Dec 28 Dec 28 Dec 28 Dec 31 Marlene Blanchard Kandy Bartholomew Rita Salerno Louise Malanoski Mary Ellen Arena Carolyn Dore Annlee Goetter Rosemarie Corless Anne Humes Martha Stone Cindy Clatchey Page 7 SICK/DISTRESSED/DECEASED Wayne Straight, Chancellor SICK/DISTRESSED/DECEASED (Continued from Previous Column) Phone: 302-988-1683 Please remember the following Brother Knights and their families in your prayers: The Sick: Brother Knight Ed Baron Brother Knight Joe Bavett Brother Knight Chuck Burnett Brother Knight Mike Carozza Brother Knight Frank Celeste, Sr. Brother Knight Carroll Cooper Brother Knight Gene Dore & wife Caroline Brother Knight George Fanning, Sr. Brother Knight Thomas J. Galifaro Brother Knight Tom Hannon Brother Knight David Hill Brother Knight Richard Huettner Brother Knight Mike Jacobs Brother Knight Tom Kratz Brother Knight Ray Kress Brother Knight Joseph Latchford Brother Knight Bob Mersereau & wife Barbara Brother Knight Bill Morison Brother Knight James Rogers Brother Knight John Roub Jr. Brother Knight Jim Salzman Brother Knight Joseph Sangermano Brother Knight John J. Sauer Sr. Brother Knight Tom Singman Brother Knight William Stetter Brother Knight Matthew Taylor Brother Knight Sidney Tindall Brother Knight Frank Tumminello Brother Knight Charlie Walraven Brother Knight George Ward Brother Knight Joe Werres Brother Knight Edward Winiecki Brother Knight Dennis Zirpoli Father Joseph Kennedy Sue Ewing wife of Brother Knight Milton Ewing Pat Fairbend wife of Brother Knight Rick Fairbend John Lundergan friend of Brother Knight Thomas Brown William Nine, Jr., brother-in-law of Brother Knight Rick Fairbend Gerri Fazio wife of Brother Knight Charlie Fazio Fran Maier, wife of Brother Knight Bernie Maier Chris Mooney, son of Brother Knight Jim Mooney Margaret Nehmsmann widow of Brother Knight John Nehmsmann Anna Rubino wife of Brother Knight John Rubino Diana Needles daughter of Brother Knight Al Stephens Jamie Malsam friend of Brother Knight Dennis Zirpoli The Deceased: Brother Knight George Koerner Brother Knight John Nehmsmann Brother Knight VY Rev. Richard Smith VF Charlene D’Albora wife of Brother Knight John D’Albora Christine Mastbrook wife of Brother Knight Steve Mastbrook Frances Nickels widow of Brother Knight John Nickels and Past President of the Ladies Auxiliary Carol Taras, widow of Brother Knight Robert Taras Annette Vollmer wife of Brother Knight Bill Vollmer Jane Mulholland wife of Brother Knight Joe Mulholland LADIES’ CORNER President’s Message Ladies Auxiliary By: Ann McDermott President Dear Ladies, It is on a sad note that I begin this letter. We lost our chaplain, Father Smith at the end of October (29th) and one of our past presidents, Fran Nickels who died towards the end of November (20th). We grieve the loss of both of them. Fran was a very active member of our auxiliary. She set a good example to all of us to get involved in our activities. God bless her and Father Smith, may they rest in peace. On a positive note, the Christmas luncheon will be held on Monday, Dec. 8th, at the Golden Sands at 11:30. We thank Bertha Huettner for again planning an excellent and reasonably priced luncheon for us. Our next regular meeting at the hall will be January 19th, 2015 at 2:00, refreshments at 1:30. There will be a day of prayer for the unborn at Holy Savior church on Thursday, January 22, 2015. For those of us who can't make the trip to Washington, D.C. for the march for "The Right to Life"---- this is an opportunity to pray for those who are marching and for the unborn. The day will start with the rosary, shortly after 8:00—a mass at 8:30—a continental breakfast follows. There will be a speaker and the day will end with the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. We encourage all of you to attend. Call Mary Pat Carozza @ 410-208-4986 if you are coming. They need a count to plan for the food for the breakfast. Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to you and yours, Ann (Continued in Next Column) V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Page 8 Ocean City Council #9053 Officers 2008-2009 2013-2014 2014-2015 Chaplain, Vy. Rev.Rev. JohnRichard LunnessSmith, ............................................ VF.............................410-250-0300 Grand Knight, Bruce Mike Carozza, Coons.............................................. Coons, PFN PGK.................................... ..................................302-436-0245 302-537-6046 Deputy Grand Knight, Wayne Bruce Coons Straight .................................302-436-0245 .............................302-988-1683 Chancellor, Mike WayneMall Straight ............................................................................ ..............................................302-988-1683 Warden, Jim Joseph Matthews Gangi ......................................................973-600-0775 .....................................................443-664-5635 Recorder, Richard Cooke, PGK ........................................ ........................................410-641-5739 410-641-5739 Financial Secretary, Tom Herwig .....................................410-250-0464 Treasurer, Joseph Carraro .................................................302-537-6623 Lecturer, Raymond Kress .................................................302-436-5797 Advocate, Joe JohnGangi McDermott ......................................................... ..............................................410-250-1163 973-600-0775 Inside Guard, Ed Nichols ..................................................410-208-4075 Inside Guard, Vic Chuck Bartell Burnett ..................................................302-436-9930 ............................................410-524-4763 Inside Guard, Outside Guard,Vic Dave Bartell Hill..................................................302-436-9930 .................................................410-641-5114 Outside Guard, Joe Dave Bartholomew Hill .................................................410-641-5114 .....................................410-213-2181 Outside Guard, Joe Bartholomew .....................................410-213-2181 Trustees: 3Trustees: Yr—Mike Carozza, PGK, DD .......................................302-537-6046 23 Yr—Jim Salzman, PGK .................................................410-352-9858 12 Yr—Frank Yr—Anthony Gatley Carozza, .......................................................... PGK .........................................410-213-0327 410-208-4986 1 Yr—Francis Gatley, Jr. ..................................................410-213-0327 Convention Delegates: Bruce Coons,PFN, Coons, GK, PFN GK ..................................................... ....................................................302-436-0245 Convention Delegates: Jim Salzman, Mike Carozza,PGK PGK, ............................................................ DD ..................................................302-537-6046 410-352-9858 Mike Carozza, GK ............................................................302-537-6046 1st Degree Team Captain: 1st Degree Jim Crabill,Team FDD, Captain: PGK, PFN ...........................................410-641-3779 Jim Crabill, FDD, PGK, PFN ...........................................410-641-3779 Pope John Paul II Assembly #2454 4th Degree Officers 2014-2015 2013-2014 Smith, VF ...................410-250-0300 Faithful Friar, Vy. Rev.Rev. JohnRichard Lunness ...............................410-250-0300 Faithful Navigator, Bruce Allan Stephens Coons ................................... ............................... 302-436-0245 302-436-5844 Allan Stephens ................................... 973-600-0775 302-436-5844 Faithful Captain, Joe Gangi ........................................... Faithful Pilot, David Hill ............................................... 410-641-5115 Faithful Admiral, Jim Bruce Stone, Coons PGK, ..................................... PFN ....................... 302-436-7866 302-436-0245 Coons, PFN ............................ Faithful Scribe, George Koerner ................................... 410-208-1439 Faithful Purser, Carl Windmiller .................................... ................................... 410-641-8959 Faithful Comptroller, Charles Burnett ........................... 410-524-4763 Inner Sentinel, Lou David ............................................. 443-944-3582 Inner Sentinel, George Koerner ..................................... 410-208-6727 410-208-1439 Outer Sentinel Bill Rosenbaum Outer Sentinel Bill Rosenbaum ..................................... 410-208-6727 Trustees: Trustees: 3 Yr—James Stone, PGK, PFN...................................... 302-436-7866 Yr—James Stone, PGK, 302-436-7866 23 Yr—Bill McElroy, PGK,PFN PFN...................................... ....................................443-664-2375 Yr—Bill McElroy, PGK,PGK, PFN ....................................443-664-2375 12 Yr—Frank Tumminello, PFN............................ 410-250-3400 1 Yr—Jim Yr—Frank Rebel, Tumminello, FDD, PGK, PGK, PFN PFN............................ ...............................410-208-1883 410-250-3400 Color Color Corps Corps Commander: Commander: Neil Foote, PFN ........................................................... 302-436-0128 302-436-0128 ColorFoote, Corps Commander: Neil PFN ........................................................... Deputy Color Corp Commander: Neil Foote, PFN ........................................................... 302-436-0128 Deputy Color Corp Commander: Deputy Corp Commander: Richard Color Thomas ...............................................................302-539-3225 Chalice Chairman: Chairman: Chalice Roland ............................................................... ChaliceMurray Chairman: Roland Murray ............................................................... 410-723-3798 410-723-3798 Roland Murray ............................................................... 410-723-3798 MASTER: MASTER: R. MASTER: R. Steven Steven Thomas, Thomas, FDD, FDD, PGK, PGK, PFN PFN R. Steven Thomas, FDD, PGK, PFN District Officers 2014-2015 2012-2013 District Deputy, Deputy, Jim Crabill, Michael FDD,Carozza, PGK, PFN PGK ............................. .......................... 302-537-6046 410-641-3779 Warden,Warden, District Jim Stone, PGK, FN .......................................... 302-436-7866 V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Chairmen/Directors/Managers Directors/Chairmen/Managers Directors/Chairmen/Managers 2013-2014 2014-2015 2008-2009 Bar Manager, Dan Mihalisin ............................................ 302-436-1514 Bingo, John Postanowicz, PGK, PFN .............................. 302-436-5784 Charity Committee Chairman, Carroll Wagner................ 443-880-2711 Church Director, John McDermott .................................. 410-250-1163 Community Director, Jim Richardson ............................. 301-367-7526 Computer Specialist, John Joseph Rubino Cain .................................... ................................... 301-938-9239 302-436-1572 Council Director, John Postanowicz, PGK, PFN ............ 302-436-5784 Family Director, Michael Mall ........................................ 443-807-9221 Hall Rental Manager, Richard Thomas ............................ 302-539-3225 Kitchen Manager Bill McElroy, PGK, PFN..................... 443-664-2375 Knight Times Editor, Dennis Zirpoli ................................ 443-235-1178 Membership Director, Francis Celeste ............................. 410-562-6979 Pro - Life Director, Bill McGarrity .................................. 410-641-7592 Program Director, Chuck Al Stephens Carnabucci ........................................ .............................. 410-746-3532 302-436-5844 Public Relations, Ron Munley ......................................... 410-208-1364 Purchasing Agent, Joseph Werres .................................... 302-537-1957 Retention Director, Roland Murray ................................. 410-723-3798 Right to Life, Bill McGarrity, Mrs. M. Lynch Scholarship, Jack Roub .................................................... 410-289-1535 Sick and Distressed, Wayne Straight ............................... 302-988-1683 Ways & Means Chair, Bruce Mike Carozza, Coons, GK, GK PFN ....................... ............... 302-537-6046 302-436-0245 Youth Director, Joseph Hook, PGK ................................ 410-641-6744 Columbus Club Corporation Officers 2014-2015 2013-2014 President—Sal Castorina ................................................. 302-436-2146 President—Sal ................................................. 302-436-2146 Vice President—Castorina President—Frank Tumminello, PGK, PFN ............. 410-250-3400 Vice President—Bruce Coons, FN ..................................973-600-0775 302-436-0245 Treasurer—Joe Gangi ...................................................... Treasurer—JoeZanetti Gangi ..................................................... ......................................................302-988-8012 973-600-0775 Secretary— Secretary—Joe Secretary—Al Stephens ................................................... 302-436-5844 Directors: Directors: Vic Bartell........................................................................ 302-436-9930 VicMatthews Bartell........................................................................ 302-436-9930 Jim ................................................................... 443-664-5635 DanMihalisin Mihalisin ..................................................................302-539-3254 302-436-1514 Dan Don Kyle .......................................................................... .................................................................. 302-436-1514 JimStone, Stone,PGK, PGK,PFN PFN...................................................... ......................................................302-436-7866 302-436-7866 Jim WayneStraight Straight................................................................ ................................................................302-988-1683 302-988-1683 Wayne Richard Thomas ............................................................... 302-539-3225 Frank Tumminello ........................................................... 410-250-3400 Ex Officio Members: House Manager, RickCoons, Fairbend, .........................302-988-8012 302-258-3615 Joe Zanetti ........................................................................ Grand Knight, Bruce PFNPGK ................................ 302-436-0245 House Manager, Richard Thomas ................................ 302-539-3225 Kitchen Manager, Bill McElroy, PGK, PFN ............... 443-664-2375 Ladies Auxiliary Officers 2014-2015 President, Ann McDermott .............................................. 410-250-1163 Vice President, Mary Castorina ....................................... 410-250-1163 302-436-2146 President, Ann McDermott .............................................. Correspondence Sec., Castorina Betty Jane Nadine Efird Ertel............................. ...................................302-436-2146 410-208-3847 302-4367298 Vice President, Mary ....................................... Recording Sec., Patricia Rita Graninger ........................................... 302988-1153 Correspondence Sec.,Salerno Nadine Efird................................... ...................................410-250-0894 302-4367298 Treasurer, Ronnie GatleyGraninger ................................................. Recording Sec., Patricia ...................................410-213-0327 302988-1153 Treasurer, Ronnie Gatley ................................................. 410-213-0327 Insurance Insurance Representative Representative Joseph JeromeKostelac................................................................ Denk III. ..............................................................410-726-2126 410-213-7880 State State Officers Officers Chaplain ............................................................. ............................................................ Rev. Rev.Donald Milton Grzymski E. Jordan Associate Deputy ................................................................. Chaplain .................................. Vy. Rev. Stephen Richard J. Adamczyk Smith, VF Deputy ........................................................... Secretary ................................................................. ................................................................... William Stephen Stephen C. Kuchmas, J. Adamczyk M. Cohen III Secretary ............................................................................... Treasurer ................................................................... .............................................................. Stephen Stephen J. Adamczyk Dale M. Cohen Trott Treasurer ........................................................................... Advocate ............................................................................... .................................................................. Stephen Vince Dale M.Grauso Cohen Trott Advocate Warden ................................................................ ........................................................................... ............................................................................... Christopher Vince Dale E. Powers Grauso Trott Warden.............................................................................. Immediate ................................................................ PSD ............................................... William Christopher C.Vince Kuchmas, E. Powers Grauso III Immediate PSD .................................................................... ............................................... William C. Kuchmas, Peter Davio III Page 9 Non –Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Ocean City, MD 21842 Permit No. 52 Knights of Columbus Ocean City Council #9053 9901 Coastal Hwy. Ocean City, Maryland 21842-2604 410-524-7994 Email Address: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Sunday Monday 1 7 8 Tuesday 21 28 15 22 29 Thursday 5 Saturday 3 Ways & Means Meeting—10 am Council Officers Meeting—6 pm Council Meeting 7 pm 9 10 11 12 13 Council Christmas Party— 5 pm Assembly Officers Meeting—6:30 pm Assembly Meeting 7 pm Bingo Team # 2 Ladies Team # 6 AOH Meeting 10 am 16 17 18 19 20 Ladies AOH Meeting—10 am Council Meeting 7 pm Knight Times Articles Due Bingo Team # 3 Ladies Team # 7 23 24 25 26 Christmas Eve Christmas Day No Bingo 30 4 Friday 2 Columbus Corp. Meeting—6 pm 14 Wednesday 6 Bingo Team # 1 Ladies Team # 5 27 31 New Years Eve V O L U ME 18 , IS S U E 1 2 Page 10
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