O C TO B E R 2 01 4 Knights Line My Brother Knights, Vivat Jesus! First thing this month is a report about the Council picnic which was held on Sept. 7th. We had about 35 people attend. Thank yous need to go out to some great individuals - Deputy Grand Knight Gerald Wilczynski and his crew for all the good food they prepared; P.G.K. Vito Faraci for the donation of a keg of beer and charcoal; P.G.K. Peter Wilhelm for the donation of the ice cream. If you did not attend, you missed a great time. Try to attend the next year's picnic. I am told the music went on until 8 o'clock. Deputy Grand Knight Gerry is setting up a Blood Drive at the Council, watch for details. Thru the rest of the football season, why not watch the games in the Club Room: beer specials, wing dings and camaraderie. Hope to see all of you at the Motown Review at DeCarlo's on Oct 17th. The Council hopes it will be a good fund raiser. We are having our Memorial Mass at St, Margaret of Scotland on Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 8 o'clock Mass. Breakfast after Mass back at the Council. A sign-up sheet will be posted for a head count for breakfast. Till next month - May the Lord hold you in the warm palm of his hand. Fraternally, John W Kelleher MAY THEY REST IN PEACE & MAY GOD BLESS THEIR SOULS BROTHER KNIGHT RAYMOND E. RUSH AUGUST 19, 2014 SIR KNIGHT ERNEST S. HALLMAN AUGUST 28, 2014 Rosary Chain Sick List, Remember them in your prayers Marcella Weiss, Sheila Vandamme, Betty Michael, Glen Hardy, Harry Gorney, Bernadette Miele, Angelo Miele, Gary Zientak, Phillip Cracchiolo, Richard Edwards Sr., Charles Elert, Robert Gileghem, Joseph Hobart, Santino Lupo, Michael Petty When a brother Knight passes away, it is a comfort to the family when the Brother Knights honor him in praying the Rosary. Our Rosary Chain assures that every Knight is remembered. We need more members to join. Contact Lenny Bartold 586-773-1527 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS RONALD W ADAM WILLIAM C ALBRECHT DAVID R ANDERER PETER P ARBOUR TONY BADALAMENTE DAVID M BARC KENNETH D BUSH THOMAS J DEMBECK KENNETH P DOWD RICHARD I EDWARDS SR WILLIAM F FERRIS MICHAEL J GARDNER RAYMOND GLOWNIAK KRISTOPHER W JONES ARNOLD J KOZIKOWSKI RUSS C KREINBRING PGK THOMAS J LACONIS STEVEN P LANE HARVEY J LE DUC TIMOTHY A LEGATO JOHN J MAC DONALD PAUL P MARTINEZ NICHOLAS D MASSA MARK A MC DERMOTT BUDDY D MILLER JAMES R MORAN Wed, Oct 1 Mon, Oct 6 Wed, Oct 8 Tue, Oct 14 Fri, Oct 17 Wed, Oct 22 Thu, Oct 23 Mon, Oct 27 Sun, Nov 2 OCTOBER CALENDAR Officers Mtg, 7:30 pm D of I Mtg, 7:30 pm Bldg Board, 7:00 pm Membership Mtg, 8:00 pm News Articles due NLT 7:00 pm Motown Review at Decarlos 4th Degree Mtg, 8:00 pm Blood Drive, 1-7 pm, Council Hall First Degree, 7:30 pm K of C Memorial Mass, 8:00 am St. Margaret’s of Scotland COUNCIL FIRST DEGREE DATES First Degree Exemplification will be held on the following dates: MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 MONDAY, DECEMBER 15 Reg-7:30 PM, 8:00 PM Start Blood Drive October 23rd 2014 1:00pm- 7:00pm Solanus Casey Hall Early Appointment sign up call 586 294-8173 Walk-ins Welcome Brother Knights: The council is putting together an e-mail list in order to better communicate meetings, events and other important information. If you would like to be included in this, please forward your contact information to: frsolanuskofc@gmail.com. Thank You for your Help. HARRY W MORGAN JOSEPH PERRI DAVID A ROBB THADDEUS SANKIEWICZ TODD J SANKIEWICZ DENNIS E SITEK GREGORY A SPASIA DANIEL D SURMONT JOHN E WUJEK Brother Knights; As you well know by now we are bringing to you a fun night out, with dinner open Bar and great entertainment. This is a fundraiser to benefit the council. Please attend, and try to sell a ticket. A flyer was in the newsletter last month. We also need items to raffle off in the form of something new that you might have around the house and is not in use. Please bring them to the club room. Support your Council. Questions? Call Gerry 586 294 8173 THIS IS MY BODY (31st in a series) Around the year 1433 a non-christian reportedly abused a Host causing a stream of blood to issue forth from it. While the specifics of the miracle are not recorded, the Host was sent to Rome on the request of Pope Eugene IV. It was later transferred to Dijon, where it was credited with healing King Louis XII. This Host was destroyed during the French Revolution in 1794. HOLY FAMILY CIRCLE #981 DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA At the end of September, we had a Corporate Communion at St Ronald’s Church. Thank you to everyone who donated books for our book sale. We are always looking for more women to join the Daughters of Isabella. Besides being a friendly group, we do charitable activities. In the past we have collected baby items for Amigo Dei Pregnancy Center, collected school supplies for Michigan Intermediate School District, Ronald McDonald House which is our State charity. We have helped the Xavier Sisters for many, many years. Please give me a call, (586 771 3602) if you would like to be a participant in this group. Sandra Mihalic, Regent Congressman Gary Peters co-sponsors federal legislation to allow abortion without limits up until birth The U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee recently held a hearing on a bill (S. 1696) which would overturn numerous prolife laws on the state level including a number of laws in Michigan, including our informed consent law and our law which regulates and requires inspections of abortion clinics. As National Right to Life Committee President Carol Tobias testified at the hearing, “This bill is really about just one thing: it seeks to strip away from elected lawmakers the ability to provide even the most minimal protections for unborn children, at any stage of their pre-natal development,” Tobias told the committee. “Calling the bill the ‘Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act’ would be more in line with truth-in-advertising standards.” The House version of the bill is H.R. 3471 and is currently co-sponsored by three Michigan representatives, including Congressman Gary Peters. H.R. 3471 and S. 1696 attempt to outlaw states from regulating abortion. It’s designed to prevent duly-elected state lawmakers from enacting laws to regulate abortionists and abortion clinics. This means Congressman Peters wants to allow abortionists to operate with impunity. J.Smith, Pro-Life Council Chairman. - ( Vote Pro-Life Candidates.) HAVE MERCY Lord, Bless all those who hate and persecute my brothers and sisters in the Faith. Send them your spirit so that they will find what they are really seeking – your mercy. Amen Lenny Bartold, Church Director Page 3 October 2014 Assembly 0521 Fourth Degree FR. SOLANUS CASEY ASSEMBLY #0521 Vivat Jesus! Sir Knights, Assembly 0521 Friar Rev. Ronald De Hondt Navigator Thomas Podeszwik PGK Admiral John Kelleher PFN Captain Alarie Jefferson, Sr. Comptroller Russell Kreinbring, PFN, PGK Purser Matthew Cebulski, PGK Pilot Aldo Cardosi Scribe Gerald Wilczynski, PFN PGK Inner Sentinel Michael S. Weiss, Sr. Outer Sentinel Roy Anzell Trustee-3 yr Thomas Neil Trustee-2 yr Ronald Surma Trustee-1 yr Fred Payne It's with a heavy heart that I start this month’s Knight's Line. We have lost another SK in September. Ernie Hallman past away just a month after celebrating his 88th birthday in August. TEMPUS FUGIT - MEMENTO MORI. SK's let’s remember Ernie by going out and recruiting a new 4th Degree member to fill his vacancy. Just returned from a Color Corps assignment at the Divine Mercy Center in Clinton Twp. It was in honor of the September 15th Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows. Another impressive ceremony with the procession on the grounds. The Icon being carried by SK's while reciting the rosary. Over 200 people in the procession along with 16 SK's in their Regalia. This month’s Birthday Wishes go out to the following SK's - W Ferris, D Granowicz, K Jones, R Kreinbring PFN, L Krzesowski, T Laconis, J MacDonald, F Payne PFN, D Robb, A Toth, Arch Bishop Allen Vigneron, K Warzybok. God willing may you enjoy many more. Anniversary Wishes go out to Sir Knights and their Ladies this month. SK Gary and Lady Patricia De Carlo - SK John and Lady Linda Kelleher - SK Russell and Lady Paula Kreinbring and SK Michael and Lady Marcella Weiss. We all know that the response to VIVAT JESUS is VIVAT JESUS. But did you know that the original response was SEMPER - meaning "always". I happened to be shopping the other day and greeted another of my senior citizens with VIVAT JESUS and he responded SEMPER. I might be older then I want to admit. Just a heads up - Our Council's Grand Knight John Kelleher will be announcing a Memorial Mass in this month’s Knight's Line. All are invited. Fraternally, TOM - your Faithful Navigator - PGK F r . S o l a n u s C a se y C o u n c i l 1 6 8 3 1 E 1 2 Mi l e , RosevilleMichigan 48066 586-771-9670 Officers Council 3797 Chaplain District Deputy Grand Knight Immediate Past Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Financial Secretary Recording Secretary Lecturer Warden Treasure Trustee 3rd Year Trustee 2nd Year Trustee 1st Year Advocate Inside Guard Outside Guard Rev Ronald De Hondt Larry Pitruzzello John Kelleher PFN Kenneth Warzybok Gerald Wilczynski PGK PFN Michael Weiss, Jr Robert Tasiemski Open Open Thomas Mudry Kristopher Jones Paul Desjardins George Wingert PFN Donald Vandamme Sr PGK PFN Peter Wilhelm PGK PFN Dominic Aquisto Jim Wietecha Building Corp President Sam Locaino Hall and Canteen Manger Scott Solak Insurance Agent Insurance General Agent, Don Wesley, 888-393-7539 Email: don.wesley@kofc.org Membership Director Russell Kreinbring PGK, PFN Program Director Vito Faraci PGK PFN Sick Call Chairman Michael Weiss 586-443-3476 Rosary Chairmen Michael Weiss Jr 586-443-3476 Bob Tasiemski 586-777-7343 Pro-life Chairman John F Smith Catholic Activities Chairman Lenny Bartold Vocations Chairman Joseph Gomez PGK, PFN Editor Paula Kreinbring See and Support all our Newsletter Sponsors www.frsolanuscasey.com/
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