Knightly News Council No. 3615 Trenton, MI P.O. Box 134 Trenton, MI 48183 - Business Meetings Second Monday 7:30 PM Grand Knight’s Message January 2015 Brother Knights, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May we be blessed with health and peace in this New Year. I hope this year we will commit to bringing new members into our council, and that current members who have not been here in a while will make a commitment to attend at least on meeting this year. I feel a renewed excitement in the council and would like to see it continue and grow. Getting involved in organizing and attending our functions and events brings us closer together and helps us see the results of our efforts to help and aid those in need. We have a lot of events coming up that members can become involved in to help us grow as individuals and a fraternal of catholic men and families. In our charitable efforts, we have done well to help others not as fortunate as us. I am thankful for everyone who donated nonperishable food or money to the Trenton and Our Lady of the Woods Food Pantry’s. We are still bringing in food and money to help people in need have a better Christmas, with enough food to feed their families. We also donated 16 sweatshirts for the kids at Holy Cross Children Services. Brian and Debbie Cronan did a great and what looked like an effortless job with our council Spelling Bee. We filled the hall with contestants and their family and friends who attended to watch them compete. The next level of the Spelling Bee will be the Detroit Archdiocesan Spelling Bee to be held at St Clare of Montefalco Catholic Church,1401 Whittier, Grosse Pointe Park at 1:30 pm. KCNL01-15 Inside this issue: Grand Knight Bill Taurence We are going to conduct a major degree at our hall this January or February. If you have not yet become a 3rd degree Knight, this is your opportunity to do so. Please attend the ceremony and allow yourself to grow within our ranks. We will let you know the date when has been determined. We are looking forward to a couple more recruitment drives for new members in the next 3 months. Please think of people you interact with that are Catholic men and ask them to consider becoming a Knight, allowing them to be sponsored and tutored by you in growing their faith. We are having our Free Throw Contest at the St. Joseph Church Gym on Sunday, January 18th. All boys and girls form 9 thru 14 yrs. of age are eligible. Please come and support the kids and help us out. We could use a few Knights for about (3) hours that Sunday from 1 to 3 pm. We are also hosting a new event that is scheduled for Saturday, January 31st of 2015. It is a Comedy Club night being put together with the efforts of Bill Neubecker, Tom Shanaver, Ed Umin and Mike O’Neill. It will be a night of laughs after a nice spaghetti dinner. Do not forget our annual Mardi Gras, and this year’s combination Valentine’s Day DD Message 2 Birthdays 3 Prayer Requests 4 Calendar of Events 3 Field Agent Info 5 fund raiser for Holy Cross Children Services. In conjunction with Sacred Heart Council in Grosse Ile, we are a major contributor to HCCS. Let us not disappoint the kids who depend on us. Plan on attending and having an enjoyable evening as well as helping the kids. A date has not been set yet, but we will have a Desert Meal to support seminarians at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. This is one of the most worthwhile events we can have, to help bring in more priests into our parishes to help and serve our congregations. We as a council have donated over $10,000, in the few years we have done this. Plan on attending this event and help support our seminarians. If we Catholics will not support them, who will? The Lord will surely bless us for doing so. Happy New Year Bill Taurence GK 2 Michigan State Council Raffle Tickets I’m sure you have received your Michigan State Council Raffle Tickets by now. Each member received (12) tickets to sell at $5.00 each. The sale of the tickets is one way the State Council has to raise funds for all the charities we the Knights support in our state. It is also a good fund raiser for the council as one dollar from each ticket sold comes back to the council to be used in support of charities we select. If every council member sold or purchased two tickets, we would raise enough money to support one seminarian, as an example. So please make an effort to sell as many as possible. Vivat Jesus, RJL McGivney Guild Are you a member of the guild? If you’re not, as a Knight you should be? It costs nothing other than requesting you to pray for the cause of canonization of Fr. Michael J. McGivney. You can find a membership form in your Columbia magazine, you do read it, I hope. You may also sign up online by going to and finding the link to the McGivney Guild. Welcome Newest Members We want to welcome our newest members Mark Stockman and Julius D’Sa of OLOW, who took the Charitable Degree on Monday Dec. 8th. What a great day to take their 1st degree on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, as the Kof C holds Mary in very high regard and asks each Knight to pray the Rosary of Mary. RJL HCCS 2015 CALENDARS Still have time to get one! The council has the Holy Cross Children’s Services (HCCS) Calendars for 2015 available. The calendar cost is $25 and entitles the purchaser to over 365 drawings of $50, $500 or $5,000 dollar prizes. There is a drawing for each day of the month of $50 and $500 for the month with a Grand Prize of $5,000 at the end of the year. Consider purchasing one for yourself and others for family or friends as a gift. First drawing for Jan and Feb is in early Feb. Brother Francis Boylan has been the head of HCCS for over 40 years and is stepping down in the coming year. As a tribute to him why not purchase a calendar, if you have never done so before. You can ask the Grand Knight or the DGK to get you one or more. RJL WORD FROM THE DISTRICT DEPUTY Brother Knights, If you feel good about something, don’t you tell your friends and share it with them? Be it a good investment, a car or a song you like, a great restaurant or even a tremendous cigar! I feel the same way about the Knights of that old commercial used to say “we do good work!” Pope John Paul II said in effect that since people may not read or see a bible, they will learn about our faith through our works. We can’t all teach, or evangelize, or financially support someone, but we can do good works...and the Knights gives that opportunity to other Catholic gentlemen. If you share the Knights, you are sharing your faith… As James said “faith without works is dead.” You can’t have faith and not want to do good works for Christ. And that was a large part of the sermons given at the winter conference… all we do, all we accomplish, it’s all for the glory of God. How can you not share that opportunity with others? Ask your friends and family to join us. I spent a weekend at the winter state conference in Lansing, along with about 80 other district deputies and another 100 or so brother Knights in early December. It was a very good, educational time, and also a time to meet new friends and renew old acquaintances. I feel really good letting you know there were many sweatshirts and baskets of soaps, shampoos (hotel size) and other toiletries for the children of HCCS...all of which will go to good use by those in need. I thank all for their generosity that participated and ask that more of you get involved in the New Year. Happy New Year! DD Jeff Dombrowski KCNL01-15 3 Pictures from the Memorial Mass at SHMS in November J. Potestato, Seminarian Kevin Roelant, GK Bill, PGK R. Lambrix, Ed Umin - The SHMS Gymnasium ↓ Dear Friends of RTL, There will be a Sanctity of Life Rally at the Community Bible Church in Trenton (3700 Benson) at 2pm on Jan 18 to commemorate the Roe v Wade decision, which established abortion as the law of the land. Please come and invite friends and relatives. Please bring snacks to share if you can. Happy Birthdays 1/1 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 Amos Barron David Broughton Robert Lezotte Rev. Mr. Thomas Murphy Mark Gilstorf Edward Kish Arthur Kacewicz Mark Stockman Timothy Taylor Sean Calvin 1/10 1/11 1/15 1/18 1/20 1/22 1/24 1/25 1/27 1/31 William Clark John Biedenbach John Clinton James Davis Bill Walsh Scott Anastasia Stan Dyl Sr. PGK Richard Taurence Timothy Van Goethem Arek Kacorzyk SCHEDULE of EVENTS: Jan 12: Jan 17: Jan 18: Jan 18: Jan 31: Feb 09: Feb 14: KCNL01-15 Council Business Meeting 7:30pm Rosary at 7pm Major Degree time TBD Council’s KofC Free Throw Contest for Children 9 – 14 yrs. of age RTL Rally in Trenton at Community Bible Church 3700 Benson St. Comedy Club Night at the hall. [Contact GK for Tickets] Council Business Meeting 7:30pm Rosary at 7pm [1st Deg. if needed] Annual HCCS Holy Cross Children’s Svcs. Raffle and Dinner [Contact GK for Info] 4 Prayers for the Sick, Disabled, Military & Deceased Please contact Steve Reno to update these lists: 675-1749 Brother Knights Relatives and Friends Pamela Bono Dau. of Helen Bono Douglas Brown Sr. Grand Father of Chris Douglas Brown II Father of Chris Brown Mary Brown Friend of Tony Nappo Sue Caldwell Relative of PGK Bill Neubecker Sophie Chabane Widow of Deceased Brother Knight Ken Berlin, Dennis Borche, Sigmond Burtka, Bart Dwenger, John Clinton, PGK Stan Dyl, Art Kacewicz, Jerry Kehoe, John Kossik, James Kraft, Paul Mazur, DD Dale Miller, Fr. Noel O’Connor Chaplain 1802, PGK Ed Raczkowski, Jerry Skelly, Ray Slowik, FDD, PGK Bob Spencer, Bill Steed, Richard Truskowski, FDD PGK Bob Walters, John Yuhas, John Zelasko Marge Ciamatiamro Sister of Jack Potestato Josephinge Courtwright Mother-in-law of Leo Wagatha Wives Sally Couture Cousin of Steve Reno Dorothy Depriest Mother-in-law of DD Jeff Mike Denzel Son of Richard Nancy Benyo, Bonnie Dyl, Dorothy Gawenda, Beverly Hasselbach, Josephine Jakunskas, Nancy Raczkowski, Lorraine Reidy, Barbara Truskowski, Cathy Umin, Marlene Vaught Dawn Ferguson Niece of PGK Joe Olson (dec.) Pat Granett Friend of Jack Potestato Deceased: Mark Griswold Brother-in-law of Tom Kasper Stephen J. Muzyk – Father of Glenn Delores Jasman Mother of Bill Jasman Donald Jones Friend of Howard Hammes Ron Johnson Cousin of John Vieceli Ann Marie Kish Relative of Ken Laforet Aaron Kosmowski Relative of PGK Bill Neubecker Janine Larch Mother of Lorraine Reidy Tom Lowichik Brother-in-law of Herb Tarnowski Janis Means Friend of PGK Tony Herk (dec.) Don Mills Friend of Ken Laforet Andy Mehrhof Nephew of Larry Mehrhof Don Mehrhof Brother of Larry Gloria Mehrhof Mother of Larry Mehrhof Matthew Mehrhof Son of Larry Mehrhof Devyn Mulraney Friend of Richard Denzel Amelia Pack God Mother to PGK Tony Herk(dec.) Mike Pankow Friend of Mike O’Neill Claire Pekarscik Friend of several bro. knights Laura Pullen Sister of Bob Riley Maria Rajheb Friend of PGK Tony Herk Luisa Reno Daughter-in-law of Steve Reno Tim Reidy Son of John “Pat” Reidy Teresa Reidy Daughter of John ”Pat” Reidy Nicole Reidy Daughter of John ”Pat” Reidy Kathryn (Kay) Taylor Mother of PGK Tim and Robert Mary Taurence Sister of Herb Tarnowski James Vaught Brother of Larry Shirley Vaught Sister-in-law of Larry William Vollmerhausen Sr. Father of William Jr. Dorothy Witczak Sister of John Zelasko KCNL01-15 Military Personnel: Eric Keller- Friend of Howard Hammes Peter Curran- Brother Knight from Sacred Heart Council Roger Rhodes – Friend of Chris Hurley SSGT Matthew Watson- Grandson of Tom Curcio Benjamin Machcznski USM & Daniel Machcznski USN Sea Bee – Grandsons of Richard Machcznski REASON TO ATTEND A MEETING In an effort to increase meeting attendance and have brother knights get to know fellow Knights & Catholics and to aid us in doing our good works. We have instituted a drawing at every meeting and draw a number that’s been assigned to each member. If your number is drawn, and you are at that specific meeting, you win a cash prize. The prize started at $25 and increases $5 a month until there is a winner. The pot stood at $90 for December. This month’s winner could have been ??????????? But he wasn’t at the meeting. 5 LTC Is an Important Piece of the Puzzle There are many financial consultants and retirement authorities who emphasize the need for a long-term care (LTC) product for estate preservation and family protection. While many commercial life insurance companies have gotten out of the long-term care business, the Knights of Columbus considers LTC a very important piece of the family protection puzzle. The Order has been actively offering our members this product for nearly 15 years without a premium increase on current policyholders. Members who wisely purchased an LTC plan from the Knights in 2000 are still paying the same premiums today. Even better, our LTC coverage is backed by the full strength of the Order, which remains rooted in our strong Catholic values. Talk about stability when it counts. If we have not spoken about your need for LTC coverage in your family portfolio, please take some time out of your schedule to meet with me. Remember, long-term care policies are underwritten based on your health, and you most likely will never be any healthier than you are today. Tom Jackson PGK Call me – let’s talk. I’m at 734-778-9601 or Thomas.F.Jackson Call me! Happy New Year Tom Jackson PGK, FA 734-778-9601 Happy New Year Treasurer: Chaplain: Rev Bradley Forintos 734-676-9082 Grand Knight: Bill Taurence (Cindy) 734-671-1523 Deputy Grand Knight: Michael O’Neill (Sandy) 734-675-5099 Chancellor: Jack Potestato 734 - 671-1905 Financial Secretary: Steve Reno (Lorrie) 734-675-1749 Recorder: Chris Hurley (Michele) 734-362-0157 Richard Denzel (Janet) 734-379-2425 Warden: Ken Laforet (Sue) 734-281-0148 Advocate: Ed Umin (Cathy) 734-783-5131 Inside Guard: Larry Mehrhof 734-775-1775 Inside Guard: Tony Nappo (Annette) 734-676-9802 Outside Guard: Howard Hammes 734-676-6387 Trustee One Yr. Hall Caterer: Leo Wagatha (Jane) Tim’s catering c. 734-516-3061 734-675-3615 or 379-2300 Trustee Two Yr: Bldg. Assoc. Reps: Mark Hill (Sue) Tom Kasper (Nancy) 313-319-7686 734-775-8919 Trustee Three Yr.: Rich Lambrix (Barbara) Stan Rogers (Dena) 734-675-3732 734-6716797 John Zelasko (Chris) Bldg. Assoc. Pres.: 734-671-9366 Herb Tarnowski (Carole) John Michalski (Sheila) 734-675-1726 734-782-1116 District Deputy: Jeff Dombrowski (Debie) c. 734-692-0808 Field Agent: Tom Jackson PGK (Pam) 734-671-9412 From the Editor: The formatting of the MSWord Document you send me should be: Font - New Times Roman, Size 10, Bold/Italics what items you wish to stress. “If I don’t get it, I can’t edit.” For material to be published, please contact Brother Rich Lambrix by the 16th of the month, via phone (734) 675-3732 or E-Mail: KCNL01-15 Trenton Knights of Columbus Council #3615 5474 W. Jefferson P.O. Box 134 Trenton, MI, 48183 Phone: 734.671-6066 Fax: N/A Non Profit Org. Charity, Unity, Fraternity We’re on the Web! “Service is nothing but love in work clothes.” ~ E. C. Mc Kenzie Mission Statement Celebrate Faith Family Fraternity MISSION STATEMENT of Council No. 3615, Trenton Michigan Adopted April 10, 2006 The Msgr. John Eppenbrock Council of the Knights of Columbus is a local fraternal service organization of Catholic men dedicated: to nurture and protect our families and family life, to live and share our Catholic faith, to aid the needy in our council and in our community with deeds of Christian service and charity, and to provide educational, religious, civic, social and athletic programs, thereby promoting a spirit of unity, friendship and brotherhood. Through the intercession of our Blessed Mother and our founder Fr. Michael McGivney, we ask the Holy Spirit to empower, strengthen, and guide us in this mission, and to lead us to life everlasting. KCNL01-15
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