Important Dates to Remember Meeting Dates to Remember Joint Installation of Officers Saturday, June 13, 2015 Council Meeting – June 3, 2015 – Meal at 6:30pm NO FAMILY SOCIAL IN JUNE Auxiliary & 2nd Council Meetings–June 17, 2015 Knightly News The Newsletter of Archbishop Blenk Council 1905 June 2015 Knights of Columbus Archbishop Blenk Council 1905 Charity Unity Fraternity Patriotism Council Phone: 368-1905/Web Site: Grand Knight Burnie Danjean 504-452-0297 It is time to make your choice for officers for the next Columbian year. It is not too late if you are interested in running for any office. At the June meeting we will vote for the officers for next year. June 13, 2015 is the installation. Please try to attend. The installation of officers will take place June13, 2015. Mass will be at St. Joseph Church at 4:00 pm followed by the installation at the KC Hall. A meal will follow. The cost is five dollars. RSVP is required. Contact Cheryl at 504-255-7514 or 504408-5307. Last day for reservations is June 8, 2015. Council Director – PGK Joseph Tranchina, Sr. email: 340-9609 Our June meeting is an important one. It is where we have election of officers to lead the Council for the next Columbian year. Please try to make the meeting. Our installation of officers will be on Saturday, June 13, 2015 starting with 4 o'clock mass at St Joseph. If you have any suggestions for activities for the council to do, or if you want to chair an event, let me or the Grand Knight know. Joe Tranchina, Sr. PGK Bulletin Articles: or 432-6557 cell Joint Installation of Officers When: Saturday, June 13, 2015 Where: St. Joseph Church 4:00pm Mass Installation to take place at Council Home following mass Cost: $5.00 per person Reservations required Call Cheryl 504-255-7514 or 504-408-5307 Deadline: June 8, 2015 Membership – Kenneth M LeBlanc 391-2233 home Cell 504-432-1583 Well this will be my last report as membership chairman. I told Burnie I feel I let myself and the council down. If I can't give 100% then I feel I'm not doing my job. I didn't do that this year. I ask ya'll please help the next membership chairmen out so we can get #1 in the state. If anyone helped me this year I just want to say THANKS. Membership Chairman, Kenneth M LeBlanc home 504-391-2233 cell 504-432-1583 ARCHBISHOP BLENK COUNCIL 1905 JUNE 2015 Financial Secretary-Michael Arnold, Jr. 367-3892 Church Director - PGK Roy LeBlanc Brothers: This is the time we elect our Officers for the 2015-20165 Columbian Year. Remember Brothers your dues must be keep current. Upon hearing of the death of a brother member please contact me so proper arrangements can be made. Change of Address: Walter & Cherly d’Hemecourt, 2205 Coriana Street, Chalmette, LA 70047 No Longer Members of the Knights of Columbus: Charles Boudreaux Gustave Cramond III John Maddox Robert Smith June Birthdays I hope you will continue to do your very best to attend Holy Mass as often as possible into the month of June. Also pray for world peace and especially pray the ROSARY so maybe if enough rosaries are said, we may have world peace. May God look down on everyone and bless each one with his Special Blessings. Roy 1 – Bernard Bush 2 – Roger Burrows, Jr. 4 – R. E. Thomas, Jr. 6 – Lloyd LaGrange 7 – S. Joseph Roppolo 14 – Dr. Larry Hallaron, PGK 20 – Mark Cambre 27 – Wayne Ory 30 – Mark Kalcynski 1 – Arthur Lawson, Jr. 3 – Frank Musso 5 – Philip Sutherland 6 – Charles Paine, Jr. 10 – William Dauenhauer 16 – Rory Cadres 23 – Frank Panepinto 28 – Christopher Nolen June Anniversaries: 1 – John and Cynthia Patterson, Jr. 12 – Bernard and Margaret LeBlanc 12 – J. Ken and Cyn Leithman 20 – Steven and Nimel Weisler 22 – Lemm and Dolores Bauer 25 – Michael and Gail McAuliffe Chancellor – Frank Falgoust 283-7807 Congratulations to our seminarian Francis Offia on being ordained in to the Diaconate. We want to pray and wish him good luck in the next phase of his journey to priesthood. Say a special prayer for our Brothers Knights of our sick list for them to return to good health. Also, pray for a lost soul to return to the fold. Call me at the above phone number (leave message if no answer) if you know of any brother who is sick and needs to be added to our prayer lists. Burnie Danjean, GK Henry Holt, PGK Red Bartholomew, PGK George Wedge, PGK Dr. Larry Hallaron, PGK Glenn Esteve, PGK Bob Mayville, PGK 2 David Uzee, Jr. Louis Liljeberg Chester Jones Terry Ryder Michael Arnold Jerry Broome, Sr. Wally d’Hemecourt Ferd Webber III Russell Templet Lloyd LeGrange Albert Chauvin Buddy Bush Perry Lobrano Family Life – Wally & Cheryl d’Hemecourt 255-7514 or Due to the installation of officers, there will be no Family Social in June. Hope to see you at the July Family Social. Deacon Francis Offia Because of your Prayers and Support In April 13, 2015 the CNA/EWTN News posted a survey from the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, based at Georgetown University, which its finding shows that “the 595 men to be ordained in 2015 is an increase of about 25 percent from 2014, when 477 men were ordained to the priesthood.” Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Raleigh, N.C. who heads the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations sees this increase in ordination numbers as encouraging. In his words, “It is encouraging to see the slight increase in the number of ordinations this year in the United States.” I attribute this good news to the collective effort of everybody in the Church including you. I am grateful to all of you who spent time and energy praying for me and for all those who are in the vocation to the priesthood. Many of you have offered Masses for me and many too have encouraged me in different ways. I tell you that God hears your prayers and He answers them as well. God answers your prayers with my Ordination to the Diaconate. He answers your prayers with the increasing number of men who will be ordained to the Priesthood throughout the United States and across the world this year. I beg you, DO NOT STOP PRAYING FOR VOCATIONS! The Church is on the winning side – Deacon Francis ARCHBISHOP BLENK COUNCIL 1905 JUNE 2015 Ladies Auxiliary – Vicki Fogarty President 400-2783 Email: Hello everyone, At our May meeting we elected the following Officers for the coming year. President - Vicki Fogarty Vice President - Barbara Newby Treasurer - Cheryl d’Hemecourt Recording Secretary - Pam Falgoust Corresponding Secretary - Pat Holt We will have a joint installation of Officers with Council 1905 on June 13, 2015. We will attend the 4pm mass at St. Joseph Church and come back to the Council Hall for the installation. Cost is $5.00 per person and you need to make your reservations with Cheryl d’Hemecourt at 504-255-7514 or 504-4085307 before June 8, 2015 deadline. Our next monthly meeting will be on June 17th at 7:30pm. Hope to see you there and at the installation of Officers. Pro Life Corner - Don & Dee Caskey H 341-4512 or C 884-0101 Brothers, on July 9, 10 and 11. The National Right to life Convention will be here in New Orleans at the Marriott Canal St. More information to follow. C.B.I.B. (Compassionate Burials for Indigent Babies)is having a FUND Raising Evening at Rock N Bowl, 3330 South Carrolton Ave. on Sunday October 18 6-9 PM. There will be Food, Live Music, Beer, Soft Drinks and Fun. There will also be a Silent Auction, Parade of Prizes, 50 / 50. Admission is $40 for adults and $10 for children. Gentlemen and Ladies, we have been instrumental in providing coffins for this beautiful witness for the value of life. Just by your attendance you will assist in supporting this great cause and perhaps learn more about this ministry and even have a enjoyable evening doing so. For additional information 504-202-3111 Yours in Christ Don and Dee Caskey Pray to the Blessed Mother for Peace, Vicki Knights of Columbus Insurance Agent Chris Dufrene 504-689-8032 T. J. Larkin Fourth Degree Assembly # 322 Faithful Navigator Arthur Newby Call me, Chris Dufrene at 504-689-8032 for all your insurance needs. Sir Knights, I would like to thank all Sir Knights for letting me serve as the Faithful Navigator over the Past Columbian year. Also I would like to thank Sir Knights Glenn Esteve and Frank Falgoust for all the help they gave me over the year. Thanks to all the Sir Knights that dressed out and made T.J. Larkin Assembly the patriotic order for which we stand. The assembly was well represented those Sir Knights who Participated when needed. Fr. Michael J. McGivney Arthur Arthur Newby, District Deputy 368-5007 As we close out this Columbian Year, We must keep in mind that recruiting is a important part of every council. In the incoming year the council needs to attract new members. Remember one new member per month per council. 3 Father McGivney was the eldest of 13 children born to poor Irish immigrants. Only six of his siblings lived to adulthood. At the end of the Civil War, he left school and went to work in a spoon factory to help support his family. When he was 16 he felt called to the priesthood and headed for the College of St. Hyacinthe in Quebec, Canada. He went on to study at seminaries in Niagara Falls and Montreal, before heading back home after his father died in 1875. He reentered the seminary at St. Mary’s Baltimore in 1877 and was ordained four years later. His first assignment was as pastor of St. Mary’s Church, New Haven, Conn, in a working class Irish neighborhood. He established CCD classes and an alcohol abstinence society at the parish. His dream was to create a fraternal Catholic organization to help the needy and strengthen the faith of its members. Let’s keep Fr. McGivney’s dream alive and promote the Knight of Columbus whenever possible.
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