The Mariner Vol. 15 Issue 02 A Newsletter for Our Lady of the Rosary Council 9039 Shallotte, NC Council Officers for 2014-2015 Grand Knight Chaplain Financial Secretary Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Warden Recorder Treasurer Advocate Inside Guard Outside Guard Lecturer 1 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 3 Year Trustee Richard Rismiller Fr. Bruno Swiatocha Richard Connolly Paul Murnane Jack Pegoni Joe Bonanno John Hall Paul Lombardi Bill Anstock Ron Dubas Robert Curts OPEN John Grant Tony Imondi PGK Edwin Manz February 2015 Grand Knights Message Worthy Brothers: As promised I would like to share with you the results of the Fraternal Hours Survey. First, a great big Thank You to the 42 Brothers who responded. The really good news is that the members of this Council are actively participating in the community, supporting church activities and ministries, visiting the sick and consoling the dying and their families (370 visits). Over 2,000 hours have been given in community activities in addition to 4 Habitat for Humanity projects with over 300 service hours, and 939 hours working with Meals on Wheels and local food pantries. We may be a mature community but 258 hours were dedicated to youth activities and 75 hours helping Special Olympics. Over 1,900 hours were given to church activities like ushering, SMC, etc. An additional 1,200 hours were spent in other volunteering activities. Fraternal service hours (337) were spent in helping the sick/disabled members of this council and their families. These are tremendous Program Directors results from a group of Knights who lead busy lives even in retireMembership George Manglesdorf ment. Church John Yencik PGK Just think what the numbers would be like if more Brothers had Community Fran Radley responded. Next year we will try for even greater results. Council William Anstock First Friday for February is on the 6th. As usual we will say a rosary Culture of Life Edwin Manz PGK for the unborn at 8:10 in the parish Library; Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow. Family Charles “Tex” Irek The Monday Night Football Program for this year will be over by the Youth Charles Van Buren time you read this. As I am sure you know by now it was a sell-out. Publicity/Mariner Ray Gromadski PGK Again, we are very grateful to all of you who sold/bought books this Webmaster Chuck Fitzgerald year. But it also is time to start the new season. We will order 800 LAMB Tom Gaven books again this year as soon as the new schedule is published. We Insurance Agent Marty Yakimovich intend to get the books into your hands a lot earlier than last year. It (910)686-1627 office will take a concerted effort by all of us to continue our successful fund raiser that helps so many people. Yes, it seems that Christmas was just a short time ago, but in a couple of weeks we will begin the Lenten season with Ash Wednesday on the 18th. The hope and prayer is that during this time each of us by reflecting on His life and passion will come closer to that babe who was crucified for all of us. The joy will be in celebrating the Resurrection of the Messiah who overcame death and won for us the hope in faith of attaining an eternal reward in the presence of God. (See John 3:16). Vivat Jesus! Richard Rismkiller Grand Knight The Mariner February 2015 Page 1 Council 9039 Programs Our Lady of the Rosary Council is a very active council. Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of all we have going on. Each month we publish information on what occurred the previous month as well as the events coming up during the current month. More information about each Program can be accessed on the website by clicking on the title of each Program at the top of the home page. Generally we follow the NC State Council and the Supreme Council in our structure. We have six Programs for grouping our various activities: Church – John Yencik, (910) 575-8175 Community – Fran Radley, (910) 575-2427, Council – SK Bill Anstock, 575-7680, Family – Chuck “Tex” Irek,(910) 754-2239, Youth – Chuck Van Buren, 287-1785, Culture of Life – SK Ed Manz PGK, 579-1233, If you have an interest in any activity or Program, please contact the Program Director for additional information. 2015 Raleigh Rally & March for Life On Saturday January17/2015, St Brendan the Navigator Church was represented by Our Lady of LaSalette Assembly 3115 4th degree color guards SK Joe Troiano and SK Richard Rismiller, members of Our Lady of the Rosary Council 3039: Fran Radley and SK Bill Anstock plus our Columbiettes: Mary Troiano and Nancy Anstock. For us the most moving moment was when the story was told of a pregnant woman had decided to have an abortion but then she saw the ultrasound of her ba by and changed her mind to not have the abortion. The baby was adopted by parents, unable to have children, just 2 days after the birth. That little girl is now 11 years old and was present and she sang “Jesus lovesme”....not a dry eye in the audience. The march followed. Bill Anstock Council Director The Mariner February 2015 Page 2 Youth Program Our Lady of the Rosary Knights of Columbus Council #9039 in Shallotte should have 11 of our Free Throw Winners moving onto the District Free Throw at St. Mary’s Church in Wilmington on Sat. Feb. 21, 2015. Contestants should arrive about 11:30 AM. The Free Throw will start at 12:00 Noon. Those winners will move onto the State Free Throw in Burlington, NC on Sat. Mar. 21, 2015. Any Brother Knights who wish to help in Wilmington please contact me at (910) 287-1785. Chuck Van Buren Council Youth Director 2015-2016 Scholarship Our Council will be awarding two (2) tuition assistance School or Business School. Awards will be made on scholarships for the academic year 2015-2016. Scholar- the basis of academic excellence and personal qualifications. ships will be awarded to students who are parishioners of St. Brendan the Navigator and/or resiApplicants must submit the required dents of Brunswick County, NC and will documentation by April 1, 2015. An be for one (1) year only. Recipients may application and list of requirements can re-apply annually. There are academic be obtained thru Brunswick County and service requirements for awarding High School Guidance Counselors, the the scholarships. The individual scholarOffice of Student Financial Resources ships of $1,000 each will be awarded for Brunswick County Community to applicants attending or accepted for College (910 755 7322) or by downattendance at an accredited University, loading the forms from the council web College, Junior College, Technical site Proceeds from booking cruises If you were not aware of it the Council gets a portion of the amount of sales from the cruises advertised in the Mariner. Here are totals that the Council has received from Cruises in 2013($400.00) and Cruise and Bus Trip in 2014($1030.00). The total amount of money contributed to the KofC Council 9039 treasury since 2008 is $2,630.00. $880.00(total commission) was from the 2013 Bus Trip to Miami and Key West. The cruise amount ($1,750.00) comes from 10% of our commission for Knights bookings. Thank You for all who traveled with us Paul Lombardi Council Treasurer L.A.M.B. PROGRAM The Council finished out the year with $8,146 income. In upcoming year, Andy Biro is getting us 3 Saturdays at Lowes Food in OIB. Tentatively scheduled for 7/11, 7/18 and 9/5. I’ll be finalizing the Wall-Mart dates for 2015 in a few weeks. Thanks! Tom Gaven Council L.A.M.B. Director The Mariner February 2015 Page 3 District Deputy Message Brothers, This past weekend, the NC –East Midyear meeting was held in Greenville, NC. I would like to thank those GK’s and council officers who attended. I am sure you found it informative if not controversial. For the L.A.M.B. directors and Financial Secretaries and Membership Directors there were break-out sessions. As to a brief synopsis of the state of the North Carolina Knights of Columbus Mid-Year Meeting: We are now half way through the fraternal year it is time to take a look back on what we have done so far and to set goals and mile markers for the rest of the year so that we can finish the year better than we did last year. Membership Goal: The State goal for 2015 is 950 to date we have 400 new brother Knights. We can far exceed this goal if each council can bring in one new member each month. How do you grow your council? Plan!!! If you don’t know how to plan for membership growth there is a great resource for you on the state website ( GKs pass this along to your Membership Director it has a great deal of information on how to run a membership drive and follow up so that you don’t just collect names but turn the names into brother Knights. L.A.M.B. dollars are down 10.6% from 2013. Stores are becomes harder to get or more restrictive in the number of days/hours we can collect. We need to find new sources of revenue. Contact LAMB Chairman (East) Jim Laraia for ideas on how to develop new streams. Youth Protection (Protecting God’s Children) ALL Youth Directors, Boy Scout Leaders and Squires Leaders must submit certificates from the diocese that they have passed the diocesan test and background checks as well as Supreme Form 4348. These leaders/directors as well as the Grand Knights will be invited (they will receive an e-mail with a password) to take the online Praesidium Armatus course in youth protection from Supreme and must pass the tests within 30 days or they will no longer be able to hold their office position. Tickets for the annual State Raffle have been given out. Remember by selling your tickets early your council will benefit as much as the State Council does. ALL TICKETS SOLD BY APRIL 25 WILL BRING IN $2.50 TO YOUR COUNCIL. After April 25 the full $5.00 has to be submitted to the State. This year’s 1st prize is a 7-Day Alaskan Cruise and $700 cash. 2nd prize is a 7-Day Caribbean Cruise and $500 cash. There are 5 (five) $200 cash prizes. Reports Due February 1 LAMB Form 3 Disbursement Report Form February 15 Semiannual Audit Report # 1295 Supreme Form February 15 Family of the Month Due February 15 Membership Plan to DD Due February 15 State per capita mailed Upcoming Exemplifications February 7 3rd Degree Raleigh 2546 February 14 3rd Degree Clemmons 9499 Feb 22 1st and 2nd Degree (Spanish) Whiteville Contact John Plasky February 28 4th Degree St. Patrick’s Fayetteville March 24 1st Degree Wilmington Bob Macaluso Vivat Jesus, Raymond P. Gromadski PGK, PFN The Mariner February 2015 Page 4 Field Agent Report Ourguarantees set us apart Knights of Columbus life insurance offers something precious few other financial products can – guarantees. As long as you pay your premiums, the policy proceeds will be there for your beneficiaries should something happen to you. We call that peace of mind, and that’s what we offer with our every product in our portfolio. We guarantee the cash value in your whole life policies will be there. We guarantee the rates on your term insurance. We guarantee our retirement products will provide a stream of income when you need it. On top of those product guarantees, I guarantee that I will offer professional, high-quality service that you would expect from our organization. Our Order is among the highest rated life insurers in North America. AM Best has rated the Knights of Columbus “A++, Superior” for 39 consecutive years. This shows our track record for excellence and security. I would suggest that a principal reason that we were able to achieve those accolades is because we remain steadfastly committed to the vision of Father Michael J. McGivney by providing life insurance by brother Knights for brother Knights. That commitment is an essential core value of the Knights of Columbus, and our core values permeate all levels of our organization. These principles for marketing are summed up by our Golden Rule: “In all my professional relationships, I pledge myself to the following rule of conduct: I shall, in light of all conditions surrounding those I serve, render that service which, under the same circumstances, I would apply to myself.” Let’s talk soon to discuss how our products can bring that peace of mind to you and your family. Marty Yakimovich Field Agent (910)686-1627 office Pray for our Men and Women in Uniform Major Christopher Gromadski USMC Lance Corporal Devin Head USMC Lieutenant Col John l Rafferty U.S. Army Lieutenant Col Robert Bass U.S. Army Major Benjamin Tipton, U.S. Army PFC Shawn Ornberg U.S. Army, Deployed Private Robert Manz, U.S. Army Ryan Chapman, USMC The Mariner February 2015 Page 5 Good and Welfare Pray for the following members, families and friends Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen Mary Angula Bob Borstock Cindi Burton Joe Cejka Linda Clarkin LaVerda Dambaugh Jason Delpezzo Carole Dinnhaupt Mike Dobosh Tom Dorsa Kate Doyle Thomas Duffy Scott Ebreo Tom Faloute Jen Galla Bob Hack Ed Hahn Chuck “Tex” Irek Jim Jasman Renato Johnson John Konen Ralph Kuhnel Christine Laputka Benedict Lee Joseph Leslie Carole Letts Sara Lovell Richard Lombardo Will Marmura Nancy Massaro Ed Manz Eugene Mayhall Tanya Medlin Betsy Melanson Thomas Merino Jo Murray (SD wife) Ken Olson Flo O’Shea Ginny Pearson Bev Pegoni Knights Birthdays Robert Borstock Alfred Ciardi Norvell De Atkine Kenneth Elis Chris Frey John Garrigan Thomas Humenay Chuck Irek Paul Lombardi Tim McGee Harold Nelson Robert Pearson Bob Smith Anthony Sneska Jr John Yencik Chad Peters Ruth Peters Russ Polizzotti Elwin Reed Jerry Schrub Joseph Schebel Marie Shea Jerry Siegmund Bob Simms Stan Slawinski Ann Sullivan Michael Sullivan Fr. Bruno Swiatocha Helen Taylor Daniel Victoria Elizabeth Walsh John Walsh Christopher Young Cui Wen Zeng Wives Birthdays Deborah Cronin Lucille Di Giavanna Kathleen Hoyle Colleen Plebanek Mary Rogers (Kiggins) Catherine Shanley Judy Thomas Linda Van Buren Ruth Woodward Lynn Yencik Keep ALL of our departed brothers and their loved ones in your prayers. Dennis Shea Robert Leonard George Witthohn Henry Fulwood Richard Goings Harry Andres Edward Oliver May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Wedding Anniversaries Joseph & Patricia Cejka Peter & Sharon Clarkin Dellis& Myrna Griser Jude & Sandy Herges John & Joan Konen Paul & Sharon Lombardi Robert & Florence Smith Louis & Patricia Stolt Ifthereareanyadditionsordeletionstothenamesonthispagepleasesendthe The Mariner February 2015 Page 6 Calendar February 2015 6 First Friday 8:10 AM after 9:00 Mass 10:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 9 Council Meeting 16 Assembly Meeting 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 23 Officers’ Meeting 7:0 0 PM March 2015 6 First Friday 9 16 24 Council Meeting Assembly Meeting Blood Drive First Degree 8:10 AM after 9:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 AM 10AM - 2:30PM 7:00 PM Rosary for the Unborn Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Benediction Nominating Committee Appointment Church McGivney Room McGivney Room Mariner articles due Brendan Hall Rosary for the Unborn Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Benediction Brendan Hall Church McGivney Room McGivney Room Council 1074 Wilmington Important Links Council Website: Carolina State Website: Tar Heel Knight State Newsletter July 2014: Golden Plume the Newsletter of the North Carolina Fourth Degree District current and past issues: You can find the latest issue of the Tar Heel Knight as well as back issues on the state website: COMMUNICATIONS/THK/THKCenter.html Knights of Columbus Supreme Website: New Cruises Broadway and Beaches, 15 Nights, Nov. 1, 2015, Celebrity Eclipse, Deposit $900.00. Itinerary-Southampton, England, 6 days at sea, Boston, MA., N. Y., N.Y.(overnight), 1 day at sea, Kings Wharf, Bermuda (overnight), 1 day at sea, Port Canaveral, FL, and Miami, FL. Price-$1895.83(Balcony). Thanksgiving Cruise-Nov. 22, 2015, RCCL Freedom of the Sea, 7 Night Western Caribbean. Itinerary-Port Canaveral,1 day at sea, Labadee, Haiti, Falmouth, Jamaica, George Town, Grand Caymen, Cozumel, Mexico, 1 day at sea, Port Canaveral, FL. Prices Start at 901.65 a person. Promo limited time offer. Panama Canal-Celebrity Infinity-April 26,2016 15 nights-Ports include Cartegena, Columbia; Colon, Panama, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala, Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and San Diego, CA. Prices start at $1765.97 pp. Alaska 11 day land and cruise package.- Celebrity Millennium. August 22, 2016-Land includes Fairbanks with overnight, domed train to Denali with overnight, and transport of Seward to board ship for 8 PM sailing. Hubbard glacier, Juneau, Skagway, Icy Strait Point, Ketchican, Inside Passage, and Vancouver for disembarkation. Prices start at $2098.20 pp. Sharon and Paul Lombardi (910-754-3825) The Mariner February 2015 Page 7
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