Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald (R) Page 1 Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Chairman’s report Greetings, As 2015 goes quickly by, it is important to take time to plan the riding season and check our machines to address the problems that we found last year and promised to get fixed before this year's riding season. Our motorcycles and our career choice is the primary reason why we are members of the oldest and best law enforcement motorcycle club in the world. Most of us are now way past our prime and retired from the career that qualified us to join the Blue Knights. THE SRC HERALD Published periodically during the year. It is transmitted electronically to those members of the SRC who have requested to receive it and to other Blue Knight, ® LEMC Inc. members through the SRC website listed below. Any information contained herein has been or is subject to editing. No part of this document is available for public consumption and is intended solely for the entertainment of the membership of the Southern Regional Conference, Inc of the Blue Knights ® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. No part of this publication my be reprinted without the express permission of the editor and the payment in full of the required fees. This publication may also be downloaded from the SRC Website. Hopefully, everyone who reads this will have made their reservations for the spring conference in Shreveport, LA, May 7-10, 2015. I have never been to Shreveport and look forward to trying out the poker rooms in all the local casinos. Whatever your reason for www.bk-src. org attending the conference, make it an enjoyable time. For our new chapter presidents or chapter representatives attending their first Southern Regional Conference, I hope that you The editor solicits any and all have a great time in Shreveport, and find the information you receive, and the new friends news, information, anecdotes, photos, flyers and other you make give you the incentive you need to make your reservation at the Callaway Gardens, Mountain Creek Inn (855-421-3125), and complete the registration forms for the information from any member or reader which they feel may be of fall, 2015 conference, October 1 - 4, 2015, hosted by Georgia XVIII, in Pine Mountain, interest to the SRC membership Georgia. and other Blue Knights. Files I have always believed that attending the conferences hosted by SRC chapters was an opportunity to socialize with some of the nicest people you will ever meet and learn new information about the Southern Regional Conference and Blue Knights® International, from members who have been coming to conferences and conventions for many years. These members have so much knowledge to share that I always try my best to talk to as many senior members at every conference I attend. can be electronically transmitted to the secretary . SRC OFFICERS 2013 - 2015 Speaking of conferences, this year is an election year for International officers and the SRC Executive Board. The International ballots should arrive in your mailbox after May 19th. Please take a few minutes and read about the candidates. Most importantly, please vote for the candidates you believe will lead our Organization through the next two years. Also we have the SRC Executive Board positions that will be elected in October. There has been 8 Bulletins published by SRC Secretary Rory MacConnell in 2014. Bulletin 8 details the procedure and dates that members need to follow to become candidates for a Board position. As I have stated when I took office, I would only be the Conference Chairman for one term. I believe that I have fulfilled my promise to mentor a qualified individual to hopefully succeed me. As I write this article, there is one qualified candidate for Chairman, two qualified candidates for Vice Chairman, one qualified candidate for Secretary, one for Treasurer, and one candidate for Int'l Rep. CONTACT INFO Dennis Deppert- Chairman Steve Confino - Vice Chair. Brad Tollefson - Intl. Rep. Rory MacConnell Secretary Larry Meyer - Treasurer Terry Williamson -Web Master Please make sure your chapter president or chapter representative attend the fall conference in Pine Mountain, Georgia, and vote at the presidents meeting for the 2015-2017 SRC Executive Board. The SRC Executive Board conducts the business of the Conference. Putting qualified candidates in office assures the 2335 members in the SRC that the Conference business will be handled by qualified professionals whose main focus is the success of the Southern Regional Conference. Have you noticed the changes to the SRC Website? Sign in!! We are on facebook now join the trend try it out. Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 2 Chairman's report cont. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate and thank South Carolina Chapter VIII President Bob Newman for the great time and southern hospitality shown to me and my wife Cheryl, SRC Vice Chairman Steve Confino and his wife Lauren, SRC Secretary Rory MacConnell and his wife Jenn, Florida State Rep Al Hickey and his wife Christine, and the 20+/- members, spouses and guests from Florida X, XI, XVII & XVIII. Although the weather prognosticators said that there was a 50 - 90% chance of rain over the weekend, we had a great time and beautiful weather on Saturday for the oyster roast and Sunday for our ride home. Even the million plus gnats and no-see-ems couldn’t ruin the great time everyone had. I hope that SC VIII President Newman promotes the 3rd Annual SC VIII Oyster Roast next year, like he did for the 2nd Annual event this year. If that happens, my guess is that they will need many more bushels of oysters than the 7 that we all consumed. Great time and socializing was done by all. Many thanks to SC VIII for putting on the fun event and the Quality Inn Beaufort for tolerating the drinking and laughter that came from the hospitality room. Finally, kudos to Georgia North State Rep and Georgia XIX President Sonny Goodson and Georgia South State Rep Bill Griffis for working very hard to promote the Georgia State First Annual Regional Blue Knights® Conference on April 24, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia, followed on April 25, 2015 by the 24th Annual Georgia Police Memorial Ride, hosted by Blue Knights® GA VII. Having participated in the 23rd Annual Georgia Police Memorial Ride last year, I can honestly say that it was one of the best memorial rides that I ever been on. The fact that this ride is open to other motorcycle clubs, and non-affiliated riders, it was GA VII and the rest of the Blue Knights® that attended, that made the ride run as smoothly as it did. I know that the Georgia State First Annual Regional Blue Knight Conference is going to be a fun and educational event. If you are interested in attending the conference contact Sonny Goodson at , or Georgia South State Rep Bill Griffis at If you want information on the 24th Annual Georgia Police Memorial Ride, contact GA VII President Ed Christian at or 404-556-1911 I am trying my best to make the conference and police memorial ride. I hope that all those who are not attending the Blue Knights® Spring SRC in Shreveport, Louisiana on May 7-10, 2015, will consider coming to Atlanta for these wonderful events. Look forward to seeing you in Atlanta or Shreveport. Ride Safe, Dennis Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 3 Vice Chairman’s report The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 .Greetings My Brother and Sister Blue Knights®, With the warmer weather coming, our members will be riding more often. I would like to wish everyone a safe and healthy riding season. The Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club is known throughout the motorcycle community as a true LE club with most of its membership consisting of qualified active and retired Law Enforcement Officers. Although we have several types of memberships available to applicants at this time, I would like to touch on one of the main membership categories…The “REGULAR MEMBER”. As you all know, it is the responsibility of the chapter’s Vice-President to handle recruitment & retention for their chapter. It is the SRC Vice Chairman’s responsibility to handle recruitment & retention for the regional conference and assist the chapters as needed and when requested. This means it is the International Vice President that is responsible for recruitment and retention for the entire organization. Of course, this task is only one of many that a member holding any of these positions may have assigned to him or her. As members of the greatest Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club in the world, we must all assist our VP’s with recruitment efforts. I cannot express how important it is to recruit QUALIFIED members and to retain our current members. It is a task that each and every member shares responsibility. By participating in local events and charities and suggesting new ideas to the chapter, you will attract new members and keep your current members interested in remaining a Blue Knight®. There are also professional brochures and funds available to assist chapters in meeting their recruitment goals. Chapter Vice Presidents should contact International to see what is currently available. As Active and Former Law Enforcement Officers, we are all used to following the rules of the department you were employed at. Even if you may not have agreed with some of them, it was your job to follow them. This organization also has rules; you may or may not agree with all of them, but they are here and we must follow them or try to change them by making proposals through your chain of command (yes there is a organizational structure in the Blue Knight’s®). These ideas, suggestions, and proposals would be pushed up to the International level for consideration. One of the most important bylaws that we have is the membership qualification. These bylaws make this organization one of the toughest to join as a regular member, but it is also the bylaws that insure we maintain our status as the premiere Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club in the World. Please remember, AT THIS TIME, the following qualifications are in effect for REGULAR membership. As important as this task is, it must never be compromised by allowing unqualified members to gain membership in a membership category that they are not qualified to fill. All members have a responsibility to insure that only qualified applicants gain the membership in the proper category. These categories can be found in our bylaws and also on the back of our membership applications. In most cases, it is the chapter President that is accountable to oversee this matter. These requirements are located on the back of our membership application: 1: Full time employees of a governmental LEA. (32 hrs. /week min.) The applicant MUST have Powers of Arrest by Statute WHILE ON DUTY or; Persons receiving disability income or job re-assignment due to injuries while in law enforcement employment or; Persons who are receiving retirement income for full-time employment, by a GOVERNMENTAL LEA are eligible for regular membership. (This means Private Security Agencies DO NOT COUNT) In addition, Persons who have served 20 years or more and have been a Blue Knight for 1 YEAR OR MORE, who have taken a retirement option and have taken a separation from law enforcement employment, under HONORABLE cir cumstances and will at some time r eceive r etir ement income for full-time employment by a GOVERNMENT LEA are eligible for Regular Membership. Of course there are other levels of memberships available but the above are the ABSOLUTE requirement’s for regular membership. If you have any questions PLEASE ask you chapter President for assistance. PRESIDENTS / VICE PRESIDENTS if you are not sure contact your State Reps for assistance…. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK AND SEE IF YOUR CANDIDATE IS QUALIFIED TO BE AN ACTIVE MEMBER as per the current bylaws. Moving forward, I wish all of our chapters the best of luck in its recruitment and retention mission. I am available to assist you if needed…. Also remember elections for your SRC Executives are just around the corner. Although I have only been the Vice Chairman for a short time, I hope that the chapters in our conference have the confidence in me to continue in my current position. I look forward to serving all our members and continuing to make our organization second to none…. With Respect, Steven Confino President, Blue Knights® LE MC FL-X Vice Chairman, Southern Regional Conference Chairman, International Public Relations Committee “Working together, to respond as one” Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Page 4 Treasurer’s report From the Treasurers desk: Just a friendly reminder that all chapters need to file their IRS Form 990-N, be sure that you don't forget to file. For the chapters that are incorporated you must file in your state to stay currant. I hope to see everyone at the Spring Conference in Shreveport, La. Larry Meyer Treasurer Intl Rep’s report Well thus far 2015 has been really busy for Pam & me, but the remainder of the year looks even better. We have the upcoming 2015 Spring SRC being hosted by Louisiana XV in Shreveport, LA (May 7-10, 2015). If you haven’t already done so, download a registration form from the SRC website at The 2015 International Convention is being hosted by Nevada II in Reno, NV (July 12-17, 2015). Information can be found in the International website at Kevin Traylor (CA VII) is assisting NV II with the planning of this event and he visited one of our Chapter Meetings to tell us what’s planned and it sounds like one you do not want to miss. This year is an International Election Year and the tallying the Ballots will occur at the 2015 International Convention in Reno, Nevada. The International Verification Committee have released their report and the following candidates are running for International Office. PRESIDENT— D.J. Alvarez, TX XXXI—Wes Francis, NV II—Frank Gennari, NY I—Bill Haylett, NY V VICE PRESIDENT – Jerry Bryan, OK II—Pat Fox, NY XXIV—Russell Harper, NY XVIII—John Lopotosky, CA XXIV SECRETARY -Karen Borza, PA XXIV TREASURER—=James Borza, PA XXIV— John Gordon, OH XVIII Finally the Fall SRC will be held in Pine Mountain, Georgia, information for this event will be released at the Spring SRC. At this President’s Meeting we will be holding elections for the SRC Board. All in all, I think it’s going to be a great year, I hope to see everyone out to these events. Thank you and Ride With Pride Brad Tollefson Blue Knights® International L.E.M.C. International Representative, S.R.C. Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 5 SECRETARY’S REPORT The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 SRC Membership First I hope your chapter riding is going well, that we are doing our safety checks prior to getting on the road. CHECK those tires only a small patch, front and rear keep contact with the road surface, ALWAYS rubber side down, shiny side up…. Well as I said in the last newsletter they will be moving south, we have now taken 1st PLACE in attendance for the 11 conferences, surpassing the Tri State and Mason Dixon conferences this year. GREAT JOB LET”S KEEP IT MOVING IN 2015. Communication, lets keep the emails current with our SRC State Reps and the communication flowing. Facebook—I know we all are not great fans, but this is communication amongst the membership. The younger generations this is how it will be in the coming years, we must get the knowledge and build on it in this tech world. The Blue Knights LEMC and the SRC face book pages are there, log on the BK LEMC it is a closed group, you must be check in by the webmaster. He polices the site as well, it is strictly for Blue Knights items and discussions. No personal agendas or opinions. The SRC page is open to those that want to communicate with in the conference. It is not policed but we request no politics, and garbage, please keep it so that your mothers and daughters could link in and be comfortable reading what is posted. This is a great way to advertise those BK sales items without going into the sales catalog. The Spring SRC in Shreveport (info in newsletter) should as in the past have many of the International executives and candidates that are running attending this conference. For the members in the SRC this is a great time to meet the executives that run our organization and the candidates running for office, so that you may have some feel for those individuals when it is time to vote this spring. Fraternally Rory Mac Connell "Ride With Pride" Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Page 6 WEB MASTERS REPORT Greetings to all. It’s been a little while since I last posted information on the SRC Website. The overall usage is holding steady at around 270.000 page hits a month. This is with both visitors and search engines hitting the site. Here a little summary of what I have been doing to the site in the last several months. I have continued to add more mobile/smart phone pages to the site to allow traveling members to access information. As I have stated before the Comm Center/Forum have already been coded for mobile access for a couple of years now. Members that have registered can access the forum and will be able to view it in a simpler styling making it easier to read. (Updated). The board now has been upgraded to a complete new responsive code that is directed at Smartphone and tablets user. The board has been tested in both iPhone and Android tablets Also a new feature of the message board code is a new email system that allows me to add more information, and allowing me to integrate it to our current SRC Master mailing list. I also am requesting more event photo to be added to both the website forum and also added to our face book page .This is the link to our official page. Be advised that there a couple Facebook pages that are listed as Blue Knights® Southern Regional Conference, but they are Facebook generated link that link several related topics on these pages, I’m looking into Facebook policy to make sure they are not linking us to undesired elements. If chapters still have problems you can always email me at for help. Chapters that are having events can post the event in the Comm Center under the upcoming events forum and it will be automatically added to the website. Or you can email me the info, and I will add the event to the SRC calendar, which in turn is posted on Internationals calendar. As always stay safe and “Ride With Pride” Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 7 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 BLANK AGENDA PROPOSAL—To be used for any Spring Presidents meeting submissions Southern Regional Conference BLUE KNIGHTS® INTERNATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT MOTORCYCLE CLUB INC. SRC AGENDA PROPOSAL Proposal Number 2015 - Background: All pertinent background information. A brief summary concerning particulars, any dates specific details and citing any International or Conference By-Laws. Purpose: What the reasoning is for this item to be addressed for change or to introduce it to the organization and how it will advance the organization. Intent: A simple one sentence statement spelling out the specific intent of the proposal being voted on. Proposal: Simple statement in exact words for the proposal to be documented and voted on this will be the new By-Law or procedure that will be recorded. Advantages: A listing of any disadvantages Disadvantages: A listing of any disadvantages Suggested By: member and chapter Submitted By: _______________ NAME __________ DATE _______________________ TITLE/POSITION Executive board decision: Approved__________ Disapproved____________ Tabled_________________ NOTES: RIDE WITH PRIDE Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 8 Presidents meeting agenda The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Southern Regional Conference, Inc. Spring, 2015 - Shreveport, Louisiana President’s Meeting Agenda S15.1 Chairman: Dennis Deppert: Called to Order ______ pm Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence Welcoming Comments S15.2 Roll Call: Secretary Rory MacConnell (RM) a. Chapters Represented _______ b. Introduce Other Conference Officers, Dignitaries & Visitors Candidates for Int’l Office PRESIDENT D.J. Alvarez, TX XXXI Wes Francis, NV II Frank Gennari, NY I Bill Haylett, NY V VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Bryan, OK II Pat Fox, NY XXIV Russell Harper, NY XVIII John Lopotosky, CA XXIV SECRETARY Karen Borza, PA XXIV TREASURER John Gordon, OH XVIII James Borza, PA XXIV S15.3 Blue Knights® Pledge: Vice Chairman Steve Confino (SC) “As a Blue Knight, I pledge to act with honor and pride to promote motorcycling and safety by being an example of the safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles. I will work at all times to improve the relationship between the motorcycling law enforcement community and the general public. The fraternal spirit will always guide me in relating to other Blue Knights®”. S15.4 Host Chapter Welcoming Comments: Louisiana XV, President Duane Farquhar Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 9 Presidents meeting agenda The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Southern Regional Conference, Inc. Spring, 2015 - Shreveport, Louisiana S15.5 Chairman’s Report: Dennis Deppert (DD) Reintroduce International President D.J. Alvarez (speak) Introduce other International Officers, if appropriate (speak) Recognize Georgia & South Carolina State Events. Should SRC Bylaws reflect nomination process? The chairman had directed for the current system to be initiated for the upcoming SRC nomination procedure. The discussion confirmed the Chairman may set the guidelines for such, and did so in referring to International procedures for submitting and vetting the nominees prior to the Presidents meeting in May. We should extend the time frame by 1 month to April 1st,, 2015. This was agreed by the Board, SRC Secretary was instructed to send a Bulletin to amend the time frame. This will be the only nomination format for this election; no voice nominations from the floor, for any positions during the meeting will be heard. As for a bylaw for these procedures, this will be addressed by the Chairman at the spring, 2015 Presidents meeting. Introduce SRC Safety Officer Bob Awtrey (speak) Introduce second and new Louisiana State Rep Bobby Falcone, President, and LA XIV. S15.6 Vice Chairman’s Report: Steve Confino (SC) Reintroduce Int’l VP Jerry Bryan (speak) Recruitment & Retention International Public Relations Committee S15.7 Secretary’s Report: Rory MacConnell (RM) Approval of Fall, 2014 Presidents Meeting Minutes Motion to approve: ___________ 2nd: _________ Discuss with presidents the Int’l Bylaw Section 3.12 (c), the requirement for creating a new chapter. S15.8 Treasurer’s Report: Larry Meyers (LM) Report Financial Report(s) of SRC Motion to approve: ___________ 2nd: _________ Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 10 Presidents meeting agenda The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Southern Regional Conference, Inc. Spring, 2015 - Shreveport, Louisiana 5.9 International Rep Report: Brad Tollefson Blue Knights® International information . Motion to approve: ___________ 2nd: _________ S15.10 Webmaster’s Report: S15.11 Old Business: Terry Williamson, S.R.C. Webmaster - (RM) Dennis Deppert (DD) Proposal # 2015-1 “Extension of dates for Spring, SRC – (RM) State Rep activities (Reprinted from May, 2011 Newsletter and modified by current SRC Chairman) State Reps are asked to attend chapter meetings to identify whether the meetings are being run according to the bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order. If they are not, then the State Rep will discuss the proper process with the chapter president. If the chapter president is not receptive to the State Rep’s information, the State Rep will notify the International Rep of the chapter president’s actions. Chapter presidents will be held accountable if the chapter is found to be in violation of International or SRC bylaws. State Reps are Liaisons of the SRC Board and are there to support all of the chapter presidents. They will be networking with all the chapters in their states. S15.12 New Business: a. Dennis Deppert (DD) Chapter Bid for spring, 2016 SRC (DD) b. Proposal # 2015-2 “To create a 1 year restriction of new chapters from soliciting / recruiting current members of neighboring chapters. - (SG) c. Conduct nominations for 2015-2017 SRC Executive Board - (DD) S15.13 Good & Welfare a. Upcoming Chapter Rides, Functions & Events S15.14 Motion to: _______________2nd ___________________Adjourn Time ____________ The SRC Herald Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 9 SRC SPRING 2015 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 HOSTED BY LA XV The SRC Herald Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 13 SRC SPRING 2015 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 HOSTED BY LA XV Blue Knights® South Regional Conference Hosted by Louisiana XV, Shreveport-Bossier City, Louisiana May 7-10, 2015 Spring 2015 SRC Riding the Red Tour Member Name _______________________________________________ Age _______ Address: ______________________________________ State:________ Zip: ________ State and Chapter: ____________________________ Phone: ____________________ Spouse and/or Guest: _________________________________________ Age: _______ Email Address: ___________________________ Travel Distance (MC) to Conference: ________ Emergency Phone: _________________________ Emergency Contact: _____________________ T-Shirts (extra): S-XL $ 10.00 XXL $ 12.00 XXXL or larger $ 14.00 Size and Quantity: ______ Conference Registration $ 75.00 PER PERSON/ $ 150.00 PER COUPLE ( Includes 1 T-shirt per person/2 T-shirts per couple) $ 85.00 per person or $170.00 per couple after April 15, 2015. Number Attending _________ @ $ 75.00 ea ( $ 85.00 after April 1, 2015) T-shirt size (s) ______________ Total Including extra T-Shirt purchases ___________________ PLEASE MAKE ALL REGISTRATION CHECKS PAYABLE TO: BLUE KNIGHTS LA XV Mail to: P. O. Box 52491 in Shreveport, La. 71135 Host Hotel: Holiday Inn Shreveport – Airport West5555 Financial Plaza in Shreveport, La. 71129 Phone#: 318-688-3000 to receive group rate mention Blue Knights. Room Rate: $83.00/night with full Buffet style hot breakfast served in the Atrium every morning Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 14 SRC SPRING 2015 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 HOSTED BY LA XV Itinerary SRC Spring Shreveport LA Blue Knights® Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club Louisiana XV 2015 Spring SRC Itinerary (Agenda is subject to change) Thursday, May 7th: Day one – 1500 hrs. to 2300 hrs. – Registration in Hotel Lobby 1700 hrs. to 2300 hrs. – Hospitality Room (Located in rear Suites building) open Come and enjoy complimentary Sodas, Beer, Wine and Snacks! 1500 hrs. to 2200 hrs. – Chapter Sales booths will be open Dinner on your own…We have a large assortment of National Chain Eatery’s less than a mile from the Hotel. The Hotel also has a full service restaurant in the Lobby as well as a full Room Service menu. Friday, May 8th: Day two0700 hrs. to 0900 hrs. – Full Buffet hot breakfast served in the Atrium (included with room rate) 0800 hrs. to 1600 hrs. – Registration in Hotel Lobby 0900 hrs. to 1400 hrs. –Escorted ride to the Louisiana’s oldest city, the beautiful city of Natchitoches Meet at staging area at 0900 hrs., Kickstands up at 0930 hrs. for the ride to Natchitoches Ride is approximately 1 hour and we will be stopping for lunch in the Historic downtown riverfront area where the movie “Steel Magnolias” was filmed. Lunch will be on your own. There are formal restaurants as well as casual fare. We will start the riding tour of Plantation Homes from there and work our way back to Shreveport. 1500 hrs. to 2300 hrs. – Hospitality Room open 1700 hrs. to 1900 hrs. – Free Dinner (fried catfish, hush puppies, fries, coleslaw and chicken/sausage gumbo) served outside in the adjacent courtyard area of the HotelEntertainment will be provided. 1800 hrs. to Until – Presidents meeting in Board/Directors room adjacent to Hotel Dining Room 1500 hrs. to 2000 hrs. – Chapter Sales booths will be open The SRC Herald Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 15 SRC SPRING 2015 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 HOSTED BY LA XV Itinerary Continued th Saturday, May 9 : Day three0700 hrs. to 0900 hrs.- Full Buffet style hot breakfast served in the Atrium (included in room rate) 0900 hrs. to 1400 hrs. - Escorted ride to the beautiful and historic East Texas town of Jefferson, Tx. Meet at staging area at 0900 hrs. and Kickstands up at 0930 hrs. Approximately 1 hour ride to the town of Jefferson Lunch will be on your own and there are plenty of café style restaurants in the Historic District that we are traveling to. There are a lot of craft shops, jams and jelly stores, homemade fudge shops, antique stores, etc. to browse Meet back at bikes after lunch and shopping at 1230 hrs. KSU 1300 hrs. for the ride back to Shreveport 1500 hrs. to 1800 hrs. – Hospitality Room open 1300 hrs. to 1500 hrs. – Motorcycle Bike Games in East hotel property parking lot (Spouses encouraged to participate!) East parking lot will be taped off for the event. 1800 hrs. to Until - Banquet being held in the Corporate Corner Banquet room 2000 hr. to 2300 hrs. - Hospitality Room will Re-open Sunday, May 10th: Day four- 0700 hrs. to 0900 hrs. – Full Buffet style hot breakfast served in the Atrium (included in room rate) 0900 hrs. to 1100 hrs. – Departure (Hope everybody had FUN! Ride Safely! Ride with Pride!) The Host Hotel, Holiday Inn – Holidome, has agreed to provide free shuttle service to all area Riverboat Casino’s as well as our famous outdoor shopping Mall, The Louisiana Boardwalk (home of Bass Pro Shops), located across the Red River in Bossier City, La. Please remember that the driver’s do work for tips, if their service meets your satisfaction. Beer, Wine, Spirits and soft drinks, as well as snacks will be provided in the Hospitality Room during posted hours of operation. "Your brothers with Louisiana XV are busy making preparations and extremely excited to be hosting the Spring 2015 Southern Regional Conference this upcoming May. We hope to see each and every one of you there! Get your registrations in early! We are going to have blast and you definitely don't want to miss it!" Duane Farquhar The SRC Herald Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 16 SRC SPRING 2015 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 HOSTED BY LA XV Blue Knights® Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club Louisiana XV P.O. Box 52491 Shreveport, La. 71135 Chapter Contact Information: shops): Duane H. Farquhar – President Cell# 318-510-0122 Motorcycle Services Available (Local Alleman Cycle Plex (Closest repair facility) 6817 Greenwood Rd. Shreveport, La. 71119 Tom Oster – Vice President Ph# 318-636-4386 Cell# 318-210-9636 Kawasaki-Suzuki-Yamaha Tony “Chillidawg” Rodriguez – Secretary Bossier City Harley Davidson Cell# 318-286-6295 2225 Autoplex Drive Bossier City, La. 71111 Jim “Crusty” Cromer – Treasurer Ph# 318-549-1571 Cell# 318-834-6422 Bill Vincent – Road Captain G & C Honda 2415 E. 70th Street Cell# 318-773-4707 Shreveport, La. 71105 Norman March – Sgt. at Arms Ph# 318-797-1222 Cell# 903-926-2149 Our Chapter is pleased and excited to be hosting the Spring/2015 SRC! If you have any questions or need any assistance with your trip planning, please do not hesitate to contact one of us and we will be happy to help! Ride with Pride! Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 17 The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Letter from the Vice Chairman Greetings Blue Knights®, Unified Toy Drive – One of the many events that most chapters of the Blue Knights ® participate in each year is a “TOY DRIVE”. The many Toy Drives that are held throughout the country, all have proven to be a fantastic way to raise toys for families in our communities that are in need of assistance. As Active & Retired members of the Law Enforcement community, we all know the importance of providing assistance when needed. Last year, Ed Forte, FL-X along with several members of the Blue Knights® identified a way that our organization can assist the families of our fallen Brothers and Sisters, having a direct and immediate impact on the children of our fallen heroes. This toy drive operates under the direction of Barry Shepherd, the Executive Director of the American Police Hall of Fame (APHF) and responds to the needs of the families of our fallen throughout the United States. For the past few years, members of FL-X and FL-XII and FL –IV delivered toys and funds to this program, each working as its own chapter. Last year, it was suggested that the chapters of the Blue Knights® work as one to create ONE BIG TOY DRIVE under the banner of the Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club. So here we are, with Florida’s BK-X, BK-XII and BK-IV running with this idea to make ONE BIG TOY DRIVE, we are asking that the rest of the chapters join in. As stated above, this Toy Drive, although located in Florida provides services to the families of any fallen officer within the United States, affording the members of each chapter a central point to donate to the all the families of our fallen. We are not limiting this drive to only Florida Chapters, but merely starting with baby steps to help ensure consistency and continuity. We welcome any and all chapters of the Blue Knights®, whether they are domestic or European to assist in this event; after all we are a fraternity of Law Enforcement Officers, a Brotherhood and Sisterhood, second to none. We are in the process of identifying ways that this program can assist the families of our fallen Brothers and sisters internationally. If any of our International chapters knows of any organization within your country that assists fallen officers, please contact John Bommarito FL-X or Jim Paddock BK-XII e-mail: so that we can assist you in making that organization the target of a toy run with all the BK chapters in your area. In closing, I would like to say thank you for all the support, without you we have no club. This year, we are looking to deliver the donations to the SRC on November 23, 2014. It would be great if all the participating chapters can meet With Respect, Steven Confino Vice Chairman, Southern Regional Conference International Public Relations Committee The Blue Knights® International LE MC Inc. “Uniting together, to respond as one” Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 18 The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Letter from SRC Secretary Blue Knights® of the SRC We are coming in the first quarter of our year, if you have not dedicated your donations for this year and may be thinking about a charity. Then Please take a look at the C.O.P.S. organization. Florida XVIII every year makes a donation to the Blue Knights® International COPSRUN (fund address below), but they also have local chapters, it is that chapters responsibility to get the families to police week in Washington DC. Once there the national will take these survivors under their wings and provide them with the weeks activities. The International C.O.P.S. provide services that are available all year long for the survivors, this is just one on the video below. Please view the YouTube on this charity. Thank You Rory Mac Connell Blue Knights® ILEMC President FL XVIII Southern Regional Conference Secretary International Honorary Committee please send your donation to : BLUE KNIGHTS COPSRUN PO Box 732, Otisville, NY 10963 feature=player_embedded&v=OvCwQmX_8CA Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 19 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 20 Safety Officers report The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Southern Regional Conference, Inc. Spring, 2015 - Shreveport, Louisiana From the Safety Officer, "Remember, safety is no accident." With the riding season beginning, don't forget to check your tires and lights. If you have a bit of "bling" money or just want to upgrade a little, consider LED lights or bulbs. They are well worth the money in value, last longer, use less battery power and are so much more visible to that driver who is going to turn left in front of you at an intersection. RIDE WITH PRIDE and do so safely. See you in Shreveport. Bob Awtrey SRC safety officer Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 20 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Page 20 During my 39 years as a Blue Knight I have enjoyed the opportunity to travel North America, the United Kingdom and Europe. I have never been disappointed with the many Blue Knights events I have attended. I will always be grateful to the fellow Police Officer who invited me to come out and meet the local Blue Knights. That is why I insist that every eligible LEO in the world deserves to be introduced to the Blue Knights. My accomplishments during my 20 years as a member of the International Board of Directors are many. I authored both the Blue Knights Pledge and the Oath of the Board of Governors. I was instrumental in starting award programs for leadership in newsletters, donations to the Special Fund and adoption of a Model Recruiting Strategy. I have renewed our relationship with the Fraternal Order of Police and the International Police Association. I have served on the budget committee, internet committee, the Conference and Chapter bylaw review committee and Executive committee. The number of discounts offered to our members has doubled in the last two years. Most recently I have moderated a teleconference that allowed Conference Vice Chairmen an opportunity to share concerns about recruiting and retention and possible solutions. January finally saw us gain a few Members at Large in South Africa. I had been working on this expansion since the fall of 2013. It is looking quite good for the growth of chapters out of this beginning. By comparison, two of my challengers were voted out of their Executive offices in 2012. TriState Representative Russ Harper missed 2 of 7 International Board meetings in 2013 and 4 of 6 meetings in 2014. Russ is still on the job and does an excellent job as the President of COPSRUN. It appears that Russ is stretched very thin. The duties of the Vice President seem to take more time each year. Pat Fox did not demonstrate good leadership qualities or good judgment during his previous term as International Vice President. Challenger John Lopotosky has only served on the International Board of Directors for a short time. He may become a good candidate in the future. My years of service on the International Board of Directors have made me a resource to the club. For these reasons, I believe that I am the most qualified candidate for International Vice President in this election. I ask for your vote in the upcoming election. I pledge to work for you. Jerry Bryan International Vice President Blue Knights International LEMC, Inc. Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Page 22 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Page 23 JIM BORZA CANDIDATE FOR INTERNATIONAL TREASURER BLUE KNIGHT SINCE 1991, HELD EVERY OFFICE IN MY LOCAL CHAPTERS CURRENT BOG SECREATRY RETIRED PENNSYLVANIA STATE TROOPER OWNER OF MOE’S LOCK-N-KEY SINCE 1994, HANDLING THE COMPANYS BOOKS My name is Jim Borza, PA 24, Gettysburg, PA. I am running for International Treasurer. My wife and I are very active in this organization which we hold close to our heart. This is our extended family and all issues are taken seriously. To date, I have attended 16 International Conventions and innumerable Conferences over the years. I have managed our family business over 20+ years with profitable results. As your International Treasurer, I will maintain this same diligence and business practices of your money. Recently Blue Knights International changed over to the Quick Books accounting program. For the last 10 years, my business has been using this exact program. I am very well versed in every aspect of this accounting system. I know how to look up any information that may be requested by our membership. I will be working for you to ensure the interests of our financial matters are brought to you in a timely and accurate manner. I’m asking you for your support and confidence in moving the Blue Knights financial reporting matters in a positive direction. Please contact me if you wish to discuss any issues or have any questions of me: E-Mail: or call 814-787-7999 Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. The SRC Herald Vol VII, Iss 6 Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Page 24 PATRICK O. FOX CANDIDATE FOR INTERNATIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT As most of you know already, I am running once again for the office of International Vice-President. I have asked for your support in the past and received it, and I am once again asking for your support this year. For those of you who don’t know me I was a police officer for 36 yrs. and I have been a Blue Knight for 31 yrs. I have previously held the offices of International Vice President for 2 yrs., International Secretary for 4 yrs. and International Treasurer for 4 yrs. One of the most important functions of the International Vice- President is Recruitment and Retention and throughout my years as a Blue Knight, those ideals have been very important to me. I have received the Super Recruiter Award 11 times and 2 Helping Hands Awards. As you can see I have a proven record in this field and I will bring some fresh ideas back to the table to help increase our membership among the younger law enforcement officers of our profession. We need to remember why we formed this club 41 years ago, it was a social organization made up of people who shared the same interests, the love of motorcycling. It was also a FAMILY CLUB where you could bring your wife and your children to our events, and be able to afford them. We need to make these events more affordable today so our members can afford a good time among their friends. I worked hard for ALL of the membership during my 10 years on the International Board, and represented ALL of you to the best of my ability. During my years of service I established the Blue Knights MasterCard program, which brought in over $150,000 in royalties, the Blue Knights Meritorious Service award for acts of Heroism and Lifesaving, the Blue Knights Service Award for 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of service in our organization. I was also instrumental in getting the dark blue vest as another choice for our members. I feel this vest has helped to bring in some of our younger members. As your International Treasurer I established the first ever budget for this organization. During my 4 years as your International Secretary I promised to keep you up to date and informed of the workings of our organization, and I did just that. I also kept the lines of communications open between you and the Board of Directors, and I was the first to make the agenda for the International Board meetings available to all of our members by putting it on the website for your review. I have travelled extensively throughout the US, Canada, Europe and the UK&I and I have listened to your ideas and concerns and I brought all this back to the Board. In meeting all of you I know what is important to you and I have the knowledge and ability to help you in accomplishing our goals to continue in making this the Best Motorcycle Club in the World. It is time for all of us to continue to build this organization together, and together we can bring our membership back to the 20,000-member mark. A duty of the Vice-President is to represent the President in their absence. We need someone who has this experience, and who can help lead this organization, I have that experience, and I feel that I am the most qualified person for this job and if I am re-elected as your next International Vice-President, I will bring to you both my dedication to the Blue Knight’s ideals, my TEN years of experience on the International Board. I will be YOUR VOICE and will represent ALL of the members, ALL of the time to the best of my ability. When any of you were in need of help, I came to your aid and helped you, and now I am asking for your VOTE in the upcoming election, and that of the members of your chapter. Together we can make a difference in this organization. I thank you for your time and if anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me by E-mail – or by phone, my Cell # is (518) 469-9201. “Ride with Pride” & “Let’s Continue to Build Together” Pat Fox Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. Page 25 Vol VII, Iss 6 The SRC Herald Ap r i l , 2 0 1 5 Greetings All My Brother And Sister Blue Knights Of The Southern Regional Conference: I am running for the position of International Vice President of our great organization and am seeking your support and vote in the 2015 elections. I am honored to say that I have been an active member in this great organization for more than 20 years. Throughout these years I have served in a wide range of leadership roles, which has allowed me to learn about the many aspects of our amazing organization. I have the experience and knowledge necessary to successfully run our organization and represent you as your International Vice President. My goals have always been to promote the goodwill and camaraderie that our organization was founded on. As your International Vice President, it will be my duty to foster new membership worldwide and encourage participation from our current members here and abroad. I will take all members opinions into consideration when making decisions and representing you at the International Level. In my extensive travels both here and abroad, I have had the privilege to make many friends and contacts throughout our organization which will assist me in understanding the diversities needed to both retain and increase our membership. My previous experiences and education have provided me with the knowledge I will need to be successful as your International Vice President. Served 4 Years As Your International Treasurer (Twice Elected ) Current International Representative Of the Tri- State Conference ( Twice Elected) 4 Years As The Tri- State Conference Chairman (Twice Elected) 6 Years As President Of BK NY Chapter XVIII President Of Blue Knights COPSRUN (Founding Member) Twice Recipient Of Blue Knights Meritorious Service Award Served On Various International Committees 34 Years In Law Enforcement- Lieutenant/Patrol Div. Commander Business Degree Attended Last 20 International Conventions Attended Numerous Conferences Throughout Our Organization Worldwide Served 6 Years as Elected President PBA of Westchester County, NY. I NEED YOUR VOTE So I can help lead us into the future as a growing organization and the best Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club in the world second to none. Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel Free to contact me at Ride with Pride, Russ Harper
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