ST. MARTIN OF TOURS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 14162 NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 FUTURE EVENTS: Grand Knight’s Korner December 2014 As we come to the end of the year I have a number of people I want to thank for a successful 2014. The largest group are the Knights, family and youth of our Parish that worked on all the events during our Fraternal year. Our most recent, was an example of how we can all come together and put on an event where we serve our Parish and all the Parishioners with a meal and a festive atmosphere to enjoy with other friends in our church family. We had 21 Knights, many youth and family plus some from Social action working on the Santa Breakfast handling setup, shopping, cooking and serving. We even received compliments on the clean up after the event. To all thank you. I want to say to all have a Merry Christmas! As you enjoy your family and friends at this time of year, let us remember we are celebrating the birth of Christ. Please be safe if you travel for the holiday. Vivat Jesus Tom Marino, GK a. Coffee Hour January 4th after 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall. Help is needed, If you can help call Brother Fred French 253-447-8984. Also, If you know of anyone who is looking into becoming a Knight bring them with you. b. Monthly Planning Meeting Janury 8, 2015: The monthly planning meeting will be held at the Poodle Dog Restaurant staring at 9:00 a.m. All officer are asked to be present. Other members of the Council are invited. If you have any ideas that would benefit the Council or it’s members bring them with you to this meeting. c. Christmas Lights and Nativity Take Down Saturday January 10. will be at 9:00 a.m. Help is needed to accomplish this task. Come join us.. Bring warm clothing and gloves as it will be cold outside. d. January 15, 2015 Knights of Columbus Meeting 7:00 p.m. Our meeting is Thursday, in the Parish Hall starting at 7:00 p.m. There will be a Rosary from 6:30 p.m. to 6:50 p.m. if you would like to participate prior to the meeting. e. 4th Degree Breakfast at the Inn at Gig Harbor January 17: 4th Degree members are invited. Those in the 3rd Degree who desire to attend are also welcome. There will be a car pool from St. Martin of Tours Parking lot leaving at 8:00 a.m. and returning by 10:30 a.m. Come meet members of the 4th Degree and have a good breakfast. f. Coffee Hour January 21st after 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Mass in the Parish Hall. Help is needed, If you can help call Brother Fred French 253-447-8984. Also, If you know of anyone who is looking into becoming a Knight bring them with you. ST. MARTIN OF TOURS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 14162 NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 g. Annual Chili CookOff January 24th, after the 5:30 p.m. Mass. If you would like to bring your outstanding Chili to this cook off contact OG Conrad Thiede 253-9277721 or e-Mail him at by Jan 20th. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: For Vocations, especially Christopher Boitano, Father Gary, his mother, Richard Casey, Todd Larson's wife Sandy, Terry Faherty's mother Bonnie and wife Colleen, John Berry's wife Rosemarie, Tom Marino's cousins Robert, Richard & Carly Immitt, Diane Ciancarelli and Richard Marino, Frank & Barbara Hansen, Dave Preston Sr., Pearl Zajac, Gary White, Willie Vilasich, Dale Reese, Victoria Renner, Jennie Hall, Bob Thornhill, McHan Family, Mike Dearborn, Ella Cook, Thelma. Victims of weather related disasters, our service men and women who are in “Harms Way” and those we are not aware of. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: November/December Birthdays: Conrad Thiede 11/26 Harry Fitzgerald 12/1 Jim Allen 12/3 Tom Marino 12/3 Norman Minarsich 12/15 Terry Faherty 12/23 Rick Demere 12/29 St.Vincent de Paul Valintines Day Breakfast February 15, 2015: The Knights of Columbus are again helping the St. Martin of Tours Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in their annual “Valentine’s Day Breakfast. They are asking for volunteers to help with the set-up, cooking, and clean-up. If you can support this activity contact John McGrath at 253-8450643 or send an email to “myhouse60@comcast. net” A roster of positions to be filled will be at monthly meeting on January 15, 2015. Come out and support this ministry with your time and talent.
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