201503 SHIP`S LOG MARCH, 2015.indd

The Ship’s Log
The Newsletter of Orange Park Council, No. 7399
Knights of Columbus
March, 2015
Serving St. Catherine’s Parish
Council Meetings: second and fourth Thursday of each month in Haut Hall
This month’s meetings will be on the 12th and 26th
See Our Website at: www.kofc7399.org
The second annual Parish Bowling Party was a great success, and provided an opportunity for fun and fellowship.
*** Save the Date - Seminarian Dinner Dance April 11th ***
Council 7399 Officers and
Directors 2014-2015
Fr. Rafael Lavilla 264-0577 ext 313
paengosj@gmail.com cell: 887-8727
Dave Counts
Jay Heather
Grand Knight Tom Scherch
Greg Donaldson
Secretary Tom O’Brien
Treasurer Jesse Palmer
Wolfgang Kraus
Jim Skulsky
Phil Robbins
George Robertson
1 Year
Dennis Hall
2 Year
Charles (Mac) McDonald 264-6788
3 Year
Joe Pinnell
Ed Fleck
Bill Abell
Tom Scherch
Wylie Hartwell
Larry Hart
Carlos Carbajal
Carlos.Carbajal@comcast.net Community Jim Pilliod
Dennis Abbott
Joe Crawford
jccii@comcast.net Health
Dr. Gene Harris
Tim Cook
Membership Dan Wehby
Alex Olis
Recruitment Committee
Mac McDonald
Dan Costello
Dan Wehby
Faithful Navigator Assembly 3154
George Robertson
Food Collection Chairman
Mac McDonald
Field Agent Dan Costello
Web Master Alex Olis
Joey Caso
269-0760 joeycaso@gmail.com
The Ship’s Log is the official newsletter of the Knights
of Columbus Council 7399 in Orange Park, Florida. It
is published monthly. Articles and pictures should be
E-Mailed to the Editor, Joey Caso at joeycaso@gmail.
com Articles of any reasonable nature should be sent
as an Attachments in WORD format. Any member,
or person connected with a member, is encouraged to
submit articles and/or pictures, usually not later than
the twenty fifth of the preceding month for inclusion.
The Ship’s Log is available, usually on the first day of
each month, in the Council’s website at www.kofc7399.
org. It is mailed to religious with past or present
connections with St. Catherine’s, widows of Council
members, and Council members who do not have or use
E-Mail. Copies are also available in the Narthex of
the Church
From the Grand Knight
The council has had a great first two months
with the success of both the Annunciation School
Spaghetti Dinner and Parish Bowling Party. Both
were attended by many individuals and there was
some great fun had by all in attendance.
March For Life - (March 6 & 7) – Contact the Pro
Life Director, Joe Crawford to assist.
BBQ Sunday - (Sunday, March 15) Chairperson
Needed – The council will be making BBQ
Chicken, Cole Slaw, Baked Beans and a roll for
$6.00. Meals will be served after the 10 AM and
Noon Masses.
Ok, so we have had some great fun and now it is
time to get some serious work done. Please go to
the Council Website and sign-up for a two hour
shift in support of the Citizens with Disabilities
Citizens with Disabilities - Last year we did great
with this program and helped many individuals
with disabilities have a little joy in their lives.
Please go to the council Website to register for these
Faith In Action from this past month. Thank you
all who helped in these areas:
Monthly Parish Breakfast – Team B had a great
breakfast and we had really good support which
meant that all aspects were covered from setup
through cleanup. We also had a discussion on how
to better these events. For the next few months,
we are going to offer Coffee and Donuts, which we
hope will encourage others to come together for
fellowship after mass.
Publix - Pine Tree (Blanding / Kingsley)
- POC - Tom Scherch 614-4009
- March 6 - 8 2015 (Friday - Sunday)
Lenten Souper Supper – The Lady Knights and
Dan Costello did a wonderful job with this meal.
It was attended by many families before they
attended the Living Stations of the Cross presented
by the youth department. Great start to the Souper
Family Bowling Event – Bob Culp and Mike
Miller did a great job with this event. We had
more individuals, all our Priests and many laughs
had by all. I really hope this event continues for
many years. The plans are to hold this event going
forward in February each year. I for one really
had a great time which I needed.
Monthly Social – We had great chili with rice, if
I do say so myself. Bill Conroy came and talked
about donating blood and saving lives. Thanks for
everyone who attended.
March’s Calendar –
Monthly Breakfast – Canceled this month due to
Men’s CRHP
WalMart - Blanding Blvd
- POC - Tom Scherch 614-4009
- March 10 - 12 2015 (Tuesday - Thursday)
Publix - The Village Shopping Center (Blanding /
- POC - Sal Magaddino 278-1154
- March 20 - 22 2015 (Friday - Sunday)
Winn-Dixie - Blanding Blvd
- POC - Greg Donaldson
- Dates to be announced soon.
Monthly Social - (March 26) – Phil Robbins,
Bob Culp, and Mike Miller are hosting a Trivia
Night event during this month’s social. Time for
some more fun! Test your Catholic and Knight
Side Dish Request – Main Dish is pending. Once
decided, it will be communicated.
R to Z
A to H
I to Q
In His Service,
Jay Heather
Grand Knight
Council 7399
March Birthdays
Jim Duffin
Eric Lewis
Charles Cagnina
Arturo Serrano
Richard Bilyk
Paul Mayette
Rafael Garcia
Ron Guzman
Father George Kochery
Crescenci Caragan
Donald Gettings
Frank Delagado
Paulo Olis
Kenneth Maulsby
David Wiltsey
Those in Need of Our Prayers
Military Personnel and their Families.
All Priests and Religious.
For George Robertson who is suffering from a
recurring common bile duct restriction.
For Tom O’Brien who recently broke his hip requiring
surgery at OPMC. He is now home but still undergoing
rehab therapy.
For Ray Wittenauer who while recovering at home from
evasive lung/cancer surgery has now relapsed and is in
very perilous condition
For Dave Miller’s Brother Doug who is hospitalized
with undiagnosed heart condition.
For John Griffin who is undergoing radiation treatment
for bladder cancer.
Editor’s Note: In the past, The Supreme Council
used to send our Financial Secretary a roster
of members including the member’s name, the
member’s spouse’s name and their anniversary
date. Unfortunately, this is no longer done and the
only way we can keep current on the following list
is to have you, the member, give us the data. If you
are missing from the following list or want to check
your presence or absence from another month,
please E-Mail or call me, Joey Caso Jr., the new
editor. I’ll get the anniversaries updated with the
data I have.
March Anniversaries
Alex & Lynette Elliott
For Richard Uhrie’s wife Maureen who endures daily
IVs to sustain her quality of life.
For Richard Uhrie’s Family Friend who is afflicted with
Parkinson’s disease.
For Richard Uhrie’s Father-in-Law who has been
moved to a nursing home and had feeding tubes
installed to sustain life.
For Greg Donaldson’s Daughter who suffers from
various chronic diseases including incurable hives.
For Pete Sikora’s Mother who suffers from terminal
lung cancer.
For Renato Sciumbata’s Mother-in-Law who is
suffering from terminal cancer.
Jack Davitt’s son, Jr who is suffering from arteriole
For Mac McDonald’s Daughter-In-Law, Kelli who is
suffering complications after battling cancer for several
For Carlos Carbahal’s Daughter who suffered a dog
bite in her face.
For Cheryl McClellan who after recovering from a
broken leg is now fighting cancer.
Knights’ Calendar
Upcoming Right to Life Events
March 6 & 7, 2015 40 Days for Life
06 Fri
40 Days for Life – 7:00AM
07 Sat
40 Days for Life – 7:00AM 08 Sun
Monthly Breakfast – Canceled
09 Mon
Officers’ & Directors’ Meeting -
7:00PM – Upper Room
12 Thu
Council Business Meeting – 7:00PM – Haut Hall
14 Sat
Eucharistic Congress –
8:00AM – Prime Osborn Convention Center
15 Sun
BBQ Sunday –
8:00AM – Haut Hall
24 Tue
Assembly 3154 Meeting – 7:00PM – Siena Room
26 Thu
Council Social – 6:30PM – Haut Hall
29 Sun
Pack Easter Food Baskets – 11:00AM – Haut Hall
These are St. Catherines commitment days for 40
Days for Life. 40 Days for Life is a world-wide
movement to pray at abortion clinics during Lent.
Commitment Hours are 7:00am to 7:00pm, Friday
and Saturday. Abortions are performed both on
Friday and Saturday. Will be signing up people
after all masses Feb 21-22 and Feb 28-March 1.
April 16, 2015 Women's Health Center
Annual Gala
Speakers: Rick Santorum & Bishop Felipe Estevez
No Cost but donations will be requested at the table
07 Tue
Officers’ & Directors’ Meeting -
7:00PM – Upper Room 09 Thu
Council Business Meeting – 7:00PM – Haut Hall
11 Sat
Jacksonville Special Olympics – 7:30AM – Atlantic Coast High School
11 Sat
Seminarian Dinner Dance 12 Sun
16 Thu
28 Tue
St. Catherines has filled 3 tables in the pass. Would
like to go for a 4th table
Time: 5:30-6:30pm Cocktails (Cash Bar) 6:30-9:00
Dinner and Speakers
Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel
Jacksonville, Riverfront
225 E. Coastline Dr.
Monthly Breakfast – After 8:00AM and Jacksonville, FL 3220
10:00AM Masses – Haut Hall – Team B
Women's Health Center Annual Gala – Contact Joe Crawford to make a reservation
Phone Number: 904-607-6152
5:30PM – Hyatt Regency Hotel
Email: jccrawfordii@icloud.com
Assembly 3154 Meeting – 7:00PM – Siena Room
31 January Spaghetti Dinner in
Support of Annunciation School
Souper Supper
Upcoming Men’s CRHP Weekend
On the first Friday of Lent, February 20th, the
Knights and the Lady Knights served the Souper
Supper. The Ladies prepared Tortilla soup
while the Knights made Potato soup. In all, 75
adults and 25 children were fed with more than
$430 being raised. After the Souper Supper,
Live Stations of the Cross were performed in the
Church. More Souper Suppers are scheduled for
February 27 and March 6, 20 & 27.
This coming March 7th and 8th will see St.
Catherine’s 17th Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
Weekend for Men. Brother knights Joey Caso,
Travis Logerwell, George Hawkins, Bernie
Graleski, Sam Seise, Juan Toole, Chris Yoerges,
Ignacio Garcia, Father Rafael and Joe Caso will all
be presenting to the new team (#17). There is still
time for those knights who have never experienced
a CRHP weekend to sign up and see what a
renewal weekend can do for you. Just contact
the parish office and the folks there will pass your
information on to the presenting team. Please keep
your presenting brother knights in your prayers so
that this will be an outstanding weekend.
Annual Parish Bowling Party
On Saturday, February 21th the Knights of Columbus
sponsored the second annual Parish Bowling Party
at the Bowl America Center. Over 100 parishioners
enjoyed an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Special
thanks to Bob Culp and Mike Miller for chairing the
event. Here are three stories from the bowling party.
First, there were 2 little girls who were bowling and
they were using the metal track gadget to roll the
bowling ball down the lane. They’re helping each
other in the photos and Tom Scherch is helping them
in another. But as the afternoon wore on, one of the
little girls was getting visually more and more disgusted
with the number of “Gutterballs”!! After one such
turn, the little brunette girl, turned away from the
lane and the 10-still-standing-pins, with a look of utter
disappointment on her face. Jay Heather was in the
next lane, and observed all this, and when he saw her
expression he started singing... “Let it Go-o-o-o-o-o, Let
it GO-o-o-o-o-o-o-o, Let it GO-O-O-O-O-O-O-! You
can see her face when she hears him sing this now
popular song.......... AND SHE’S NOT IMPRESSED!!!!!
Then towards the end of the afternoon, when Richelle
Carey got up to bowl, she discovered that the “head
pin” was yellow. That meant that if she got a strike,
she could win a free game. Suddenly that whole area
of the bowling alley erupted in screams and hollers
and the biggest raucous that you’ve ever heard! RICHELLE GOT A STRIKE!!!! SHE WON A FREE
GAME! The photos aren’t all clear, but you can see
her expression! SHE IS IN SHOCK!! SHE IS IN
DISBELIEF! Unfortunately, her Dad, just at that
moment, had just gone to the restroom, and he missed
it, but she found him soon after.
Jay H is singing LET IT GO! She's NOT impressed!
Richelle Carey is in shock afer getting a STRIKE!
The third thing that happened was that Fr. Jose
Maniyangat was bowling for the first time. Not long
into his first game he got his first SPARE and he came
back from throwing the bowling ball with a huge smile
on his face and everyone in that area was clapping and
hollering and praising him for his accomplishment! It
was super! Then not too long after that, he rolled the
ball again and THIS TIME, he got a STRIKE! His
first STRIKE! The whole place erupted in happy
celebration. AND...his final score was 124 for his FIRST
GAME OF BOWLING! That is a good score for the
first time!
There are also a few shots of Fr. Rafael and Tom
Scherch and some “Tomfoolery” antics that went on
during the afternoon that kept everyone smiling.
Father Jose Maniyangat's very first STRIKE!
21 February Bowling Party
Doris H and her Family chat with Travis Logerwell.
One hundred parishioners came out to bowl.
It looks like Father Ignatius had a good time.
Luis Nancy Rodriquez and his Family had a lot of Fun.
Some fun antics between Tom and Father Rafael.
Yacoub & Jamal Rafidi take a break to pose for a picture.
From the Lady Knights
Our meeting was held on February 12th in the
Siena Room with good attendance. As a special
way of saying “Thank You” to all the Lady Knights
who helped with the many events in January,
a “Valentine Card Making” craft project was
scheduled at the end of our meeting. Pat Fiedler
put together three different craft projects for us
to do. We held our regular meeting, and then as
quickly as possible, started the craft project under
Pat’s tutelage. The gals loved it and asked if we
could do it again real soon! Thank You, Pat for a
really fun evening!
Lynn Hall and Vicki Counts hard at work making cards.
Thank You to all the Ladies who helped with the
preparation of the Pulled Pork BBQ, on Jan.
24th, and then baked cookies and bars and helped
man the bake sale during the K of C. BBQ on
Sunday, Jan. 25th. for the Orion Project. On Jan.
31st the ladies brought several different kinds of
desserts for the Spaghetti dinner fund-raiser for
Annunciation Catholic School.
As we began Lent with Ash Wednesday, plans were
formulated for our first Friday ‘Souper Supper’.
It was held on Feb 20th with a hundred people
in attendance. The Lady Knights made Tortilla
Soup and the Knights of Columbus made Potato
Soup. This is a nice event, with the donations given
to Sulzbacher Center and Labor Ready. Several
Ladies worked along side our Knights at this event
and it was a nice way to start lent with serving
others and helping the needy.
Celebrating Valentines Day by making Valentine cards.
The Lady Knights are opening a new board
position which will be a Membership Chairperson.
If anyone is interested, it involves sending
invitations to the spouses of new Knights and
keeping the board abreast of all new members. Let
me know if it sounds like something you would
like to do. Our next meeting is March 12th, see you
Mardelle Wehby
Lady Knights President
The finished product. Nice work, they came out great!
Knight of the Month
Family of the Month
I am very pleased to announce that our Knight of
the Month provides assistance in many areas for
our community throughout the year. He can be
counted upon to assist in many events, including
the monthly breakfast. He is also known for
talking to many men in our parish to see if they
may be a proper fit to join us in our ranks as
servants of the Lord.
Over the past year, this couple has “Bloomed
Where They Were Planted” in their faith and
their Parish Family. He joined our faith recently
and has really been on fire. Last year, they went
through Christ Renews His Parish and RCIA.
After that he spent a week with me on Plunge II
last year.
During this past month, he prepared some
wonderful homemade Potato Soup for the Souper
Supper that the parish offers each Friday night
before the Stations of the Cross during Lent. Each
year, the Knights team up with the Lady Knights
and prepare separate soups to offer to those who
attend this modest meal. They receive a bowl of
soup, piece of bread and something to drink. Then
the individuals are asked to make a donation to
help those in our community who are hungry. For
the past two years, this Knight used his culinary
skills from days gone by and prepared from what I
hear was a fabulous meal.
Recently, they have been leading the parish with
taking pictures of parish members and setting
up a parish directory. They also took pictures at
Christmas. He joined the council in November
2014 and has already achieved third degree within
two months.
This Knight is an active example of a wonderful
serving Catholic Gentleman and has been selected
Orange Park Council’s Knight of the Month for
February 2015, Sir Knight, Dan Costello.
In His Service,
Jay Heather
Grand Knight
Council # 7399
They are an example of what being a Catholic
family and proactive servant is all about. It is with
great pleasure and honor that I announce Knight
“Bernard and Debbie Graleski” as our Family of
the Month for February 2015.
Jay Heather
Grand Knight
Council # 7399
Knights of Columbus Council #7399
1649 Kingsley Avenue
Orange Park, FL 32073